IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Adobe、「Illustrator」のiPad版に透明グリッド表示などの新機能を追加 |
adobe |
2021-06-08 13:58:11 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「Adobe Photoshop」のiPad版がカスタムブラシに対応 |
adobe |
2021-06-08 13:46:48 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Adobeの「Lightroom Classic」がApple シリコンにネイティブ対応 |
adobe |
2021-06-08 13:38:23 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Microsoft、「Surface Duo」向けの「Android 11」アップデートをテスト中 − 8月にリリース予定か |
android |
2021-06-08 13:29:29 |
AWS Open Source Blog |
Using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry collector for cross-account metrics collection on Amazon ECS |
Using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry collector for cross account metrics collection on Amazon ECSIn November we announced OpenTelemetry support on AWS with AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry ADOT a secure production ready AWS supported distribution of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation CNCF OpenTelemetry project With ADOT you can instrument applications to send correlated metrics and traces to multiple AWS solutions such as our Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus AMP and … |
2021-06-08 13:47:14 |
AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog |
How the cloud is helping us better understand and manage the oceans |
How the cloud is helping us better understand and manage the oceansThe world s waters are largely unknown with vast areas still unmapped To protect and preserve the oceans we need to extensively understand its systems and data is at the core of that process The Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative ASDI is committed to enabling better access to the foundational data that can help researchers businesses and policy makers better monitor and manage the ocean s valuable resources |
2021-06-08 13:27:28 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
WSLを使ってPythonの環境構築する方法を簡単に解説 |
pythonを導入すると一緒についてくるので、今回はわざわざ何かする必要はありません。 |
2021-06-08 22:11:05 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
エクセルファイルから基準となる文字のセルを見つけてデータを読み込む |
2021-06-08 22:01:01 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptにおけるデザインパターン(作成系) |
letpersonnewPerson太郎山田letpersonnewPerson次郎鈴木persongreetpersongreetファクトリーパターンLearningJavaScriptDesignPatternsよりファクトリパターンは、オブジェクトを作成するという概念に関係するもうつの作成パターンです。 |
2021-06-08 22:40:22 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
InDesign スクリプト 位置と大きさを指定(構造の選択された要素の) |
InDesignスクリプト位置と大きさを指定構造の選択された要素の構造の選択された要素の位置と大きさを指定するスクリプトは、これで良いのかな・・・構造の選択された要素の位置と大きさを指定更新アプリ指定targetindesignスクリプト名varscriptName位置と大きさを指定構造の選択された要素のスクリプト動作指定一つのアンドゥ履歴にする及びアンドゥ名の指定appdoScriptfunctionダイアログvardialogueFlgconfirm構造の選択された要素の位置と大きさをページの左上を原点に最後に選択された要素を元に指定しますテキストフレームにのみ対応。 |
2021-06-08 22:20:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Unity】Unity Learn Unit 2 - Basic Gameplayでオブジェクトが破壊された後呼び出せない |
【Unity】UnityLearnUnitBasicGameplayでオブジェクトが破壊された後呼び出せない前提・実現したいことpositionrotationにある動物オブジェクトが破壊された後Sボタンを押して動物プレハブを出そうとしてもエラーが出る。 |
2021-06-08 22:58:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pythonでdictについてfor分を回している最中に、残りの要素を取得する方法 |
2021-06-08 22:50:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ターミナルとJupyter notebookの違いについて |
jupyternbspnotebook |
2021-06-08 22:49:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Laravelのバリデーションで予期せぬ通過が発生する |
Laravelのバリデーションで予期せぬ通過が発生するLaravelのバリデーションチェック機能でコントローラー内の初期アクセスメソッドに直接書いた時と、そのメソッドから外出しした時とで挙動が違います。 |
2021-06-08 22:41:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JUMANN++を、requirement.txtで、インストールしたい |
JUMANNを、requirementtxtで、インストールしたい形態素解析で活用することができる、JUMANNをインストールしたいのですが、Herokuにデプロイすることを考えて、requirementtxtで指定して、インストールしたいです。 |
2021-06-08 22:38:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
大相撲の勝敗計算をし,成績の良い順にソートした結果のファイルを吐き出すプログラムを作成したい |
発生している問題・エラーメッセージ今大相撲の勝敗が書かれたファイルを読み込み勝敗を計算して成績の良い順にソートした結果のファイルを吐き出すプログラムを作成しているのですが選択ソートが上手くいっていないからかコンパイルできるのにも関わらず結果を出力しようとしたらエラーが出てしまいました。 |
2021-06-08 22:27:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
EC2 wordpress xmlrpc.phpファイルについて |
ECwordpressxmlrpcphpファイルについて確認したいことxmlrpcphpの無効化の方法を教えてください現在はxmlrpcphpを削除して対応していますが、wordpressがアップデートのたびに復活するとのことなのでできれば別の対応を考えたいですやったこと調べてみると以下の対応をすれば無効化できるとあるサイトが多かったのですが、私のほうでは無効化ができませんでした。 |
2021-06-08 22:24:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CSSのスライドで画像が透明になってしまう |
CSSのスライドで画像が透明になってしまうCSSのみで自動で切り替わるスライドショーの作成方法についてです。 |
2021-06-08 22:21:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VScodeの統合ターミナルでRSpecを実行するとエラー(終了コード1)で統合ターミナルが強制終了 |
VScodeの統合ターミナルでRSpecを実行するとエラー終了コードで統合ターミナルが強制終了VScode上のターミナルで下記コマンドを実行してテストに失敗した際、execrspecspecmodelsarticlespecrb以下の様にパネルごと消失し、「ターミナルnbspプロセスnbspquotbinzshnbspaposlaposquotnbspが終了コードnbspnbspで終了しました。 |
2021-06-08 22:17:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
dict内の要素の削除 |
dict内の要素の削除indictから要素を削除する際にエラーが出るがどうしたらよいですか辞書indict各要素のkeyは文字列valueは整数整数thresholdを引数とし、辞書内の要素の各keyについて昇順に以下の繰り返し処理を行う関数showを作成した。 |
2021-06-08 22:17:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Excelファイルについて |
excel |
2021-06-08 22:08:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Excelファイルについて |
csvexcel |
2021-06-08 22:06:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C#でハンドルされていない例外が発生し、画像の読み込みができない |
発生している問題・エラーメッセージテストをすると、ハンドルされていない例外が生じ、画像を表示することができなくなります。 |
2021-06-08 22:04:20 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Sequel ProでインポートしたらMysql2::Error: Incorrect string value |
発生したエラーはMysqlErrorIncorrectstringvalue今回の場合はarchivesというテーブルでarchivetitleでエラーが発生確認したところ、文字化けしているようでしたが、原因は絵文字。 |
2021-06-08 22:52:03 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby on Rails] summernoteを活用してテキストをリッチにする |
エスケープ処理って何だって部分は以下のような感じです。 |
2021-06-08 22:14:01 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Deviseで複数モデル使用時ログイン後の遷移先指定 |
Deviseで複数モデル使用時ログイン後の遷移先指定deviseで管理者用とエンドユーザーの複数を使用している場合、ログイン後の遷移先も異なりますよね。 |
2021-06-08 22:08:52 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【sql】case式の使い方を実際に動かして理解する |
【sql】case式の使い方を実際に動かして理解するはじめに今回はsql文のcase式についてpostgresのコンテナ環境を利用して理解する前準備postgresテスト環境の構築postgresコンテナ環境を起動dockerrunirmdnamepsqltestpvpostgrestmpvarlibpostgresqldataePOSTGRESHOSTAUTHMETHODtrustpostgresalpinepostgresコンテナにログインdockerexecitpsqltestshテストデータの投入CREATEDATABASEtestlocalctestlocalCREATETABLEPERSONnamevarcharageintegerINSERTINTOPERSONVALUESaINSERTINTOPERSONVALUESbINSERTINTOPERSONVALUEScINSERTINTOPERSONVALUESdINSERTINTOPERSONVALUESeデータ確認selectfrompersontestlocalselectfromperson結果abcde実験case式はプログラミングで言うif文ようなもの。 |
2021-06-08 22:49:06 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
docker build時に複数のタグを付け、複数のタグを一度にpushする |
2021-06-08 22:14:08 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
初心者向けGitの用語やコマンドをまとめてみた |
Gitが用意したサーバーでファイルを共有する複数人で共同開発する場合、このサーバーに対してファイルをアップロードやダウンロードすることでファイルの共有を行う。 |
2021-06-08 22:07:12 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Sequel ProでインポートしたらMysql2::Error: Incorrect string value |
発生したエラーはMysqlErrorIncorrectstringvalue今回の場合はarchivesというテーブルでarchivetitleでエラーが発生確認したところ、文字化けしているようでしたが、原因は絵文字。 |
2021-06-08 22:52:03 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Herokuにデプロイするお作法 |
herokuアプリの名前gtgitfetchherokuアプリの名前gtgitpushorigingitgithubcomshoultアプリの名前gtgitfetchorigingitgithubcomshoultアプリの名前gtgitpushリモートリポジトリherokuが作成されてることを確認gitremoteherokuoriginheroku、またはherokuoriginが出ていたらOKDBをMySQLに変更する・cleardbのigniteプランにする変更コマンドherokuaddonscreatecleardbigniteエラー注意以下のようなエラーはHerokuアカウントでクレジットカード情報の登録が必要です。 |
2021-06-08 22:28:32 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[祝]TerraformがついにGAになりました |
terraformv |
2021-06-08 13:39:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Setting up application monitoring for your Nodejs app in 20 mins with open source solution |
Setting up application monitoring for your Nodejs app in mins with open source solutionNode js tops the list of most widely used frameworks by developers Powered by Google s V javascript engine its performance is incredible Ryan Dahl the creator of Node js wanted to create real time websites with push capability On Nov Node js was first demonstrated by Dahl at the inaugural European JSconf Node js has now become a critical component in the technology stack of large scale enterprises But like any technology it has its own set of limitations Node js is a dynamically typed single threaded programming language There is a lot of freedom for the interpreter and runtime to make decisions that can easily lead to memory leaks and high CPU loads This can lead to performance issues loss of resources and potential downtime Hence it is crucial to monitor your Node js apps for app performance metrics SigNoz is an open source application monitoring and observability platform which can be installed within your infra There s no need to go through any sales team or complex onboarding process to start monitoring your application with SigNoz In this article let s take a look at how it can be deployed with Docker in a sample Node js application Let s divide this tutorial into parts Installing SigNozInstalling amp setting up a sample Node js app for monitoring Part Installing SigNozInstall DockerYou can install Docker by following the steps listed on their website here For this tutorial you can choose the Docker Desktop option based on the system you have Clone SigNoz GitHub repositoryFrom your terminal use the following command to clone SigNoz s GitHub repository git clone Update path to signoz deploy and install SigNozThe deploy folder contains the files necessary for deploying SigNoz through Docker cd signoz deploy install shYou will be asked to select one of the ways to proceed Clickhouse as database default Kafka Druid setup to handle scale recommended for production use Trying out SigNoz with clickhouse database takes less than GB of memory and for this tutorial we will use that option You will get the following message once the installation is complete Once the installation runs successfully the UI should be accessible at port Wait for mins for the data to be available to frontend The applications shown in the dashboard are from a sample app called Hot R O D that comes with the installation bundle It has microservices being monitored Frontend Customer Driver and Route You can access the Hot R O D application UI at http localhost Now comes the part where you can instrument your own sample app and get the metrics reported through SigNoz Part Installing amp setting up a sample Node js app for monitoringTo start monitoring your application you need to set up its instrumentation Instrumentation is the process of implementing code instructions to monitor your application s performance SigNoz supports OpenTelemetry as the primary way for users to instrument their application OpenTelemetry is a single vendor agnostic instrumentation library per language with support for both automatic and manual instrumentation You don t need to worry about instrumentation in this tutorial OpenTelemetry comes with all currently available instrumentation But to see how SigNoz helps you in monitoring an app s performance we need an app first You need to ensure that you have Node js version or newer You can download the latest version of Node js here For the sample application let s create a basic hello world express js application Make a directory and install expressMake a directory for your sample app on your machine Then open up the terminal navigate to the directory path and install express with the following command npm i expressSetup server jsCreate a file called server js in your directory and with any text editor setup your Hello World file with the code below const express require express const app express app get hello req res gt res status send Hello World app listen Boot up the server with the following command on the terminal node server jsYou can check if your app is working by visiting http localhost helloOnce you are finished checking exit the localhost on your terminal Setting up OpenTelemetryIn the same directory path at the terminal install the OpenTelemetry launcher package with this command npm install lightstep opentelemetry launcher nodeGo to your directory and create a new file named server init js This will act as the new entry point for your app Paste the following code in the file const lightstep opentelemetry require lightstep opentelemetry launcher node const sdk lightstep configureOpenTelemetry sdk start then gt require server function shutdown sdk shutdown then gt console log SDK shut down successfully err gt console log Error shutting down SDK err finally gt process exit process on exit shutdown process on SIGINT shutdown process on SIGTERM shutdown Once the file is created you only need to run one last command at your terminal OTEL EXPORTER OTLP SPAN ENDPOINT http lt IP of SigNoz Backend gt v trace LS SERVICE NAME lt service name gt node server init jsReplacing the placeholders in the above command for local host IP of SigNoz Backend localhost since we are running SigNoz on our local host service name sample app you can give whatever name that suits you So the final command is OTEL EXPORTER OTLP SPAN ENDPOINT http localhost v trace LS SERVICE NAME sample app node server init jsThe app should be accessible at http localhost hello Congratulations You have instrumented your sample Node js app You can now access the SigNoz dashboard at http localhost to monitor your app for performance metrics If you don t find Sample app in your list of applications hit the endpoint at port and wait for mins Identifying events causing high latency in your appNow that you have installed SigNoz let s see how you can identify specific events causing high latency in your deployed applications In just easy steps SigNoz dashboard lets you drill down to events causing a delay in your deployed apps Choose your microserviceChoose the timestamp where latency is highClick on view tracesChoose the trace ID with the highest latencyZero in on the highest latency event and take actionHere s a glimpse of how you can drill down and identify specific issues If you need any help with trying out SigNoz feel free to mail me at ankit anand signoz io They say If it s not monitored then it s not in production And with SigNoz you can start monitoring your Node js application now Enabling your team to resolve issues quickly in production is critical to maintaining complex distributed systems in fine health At SigNoz we are committed to making the best open source self hosted tool for application performance monitoring Feel free to check out our GitHub repo here SigNoz signoz SigNoz helps developers monitor their applications amp troubleshoot problems an open source alternative to DataDog NewRelic etc Monitor your applications and troubleshoot problems in your deployed applications an open source alternative to DataDog New Relic etc SigNoz helps developers monitor applications and troubleshoot problems in their deployed applications SigNoz uses distributed tracing to gain visibility into your software stack You can see metrics like p latency error rates for your services external API calls and individual end points You can find the root cause of the problem by going to the exact traces which are causing the problem and see detailed flamegraphs of individual request traces Features Application overview metrics like RPS th th th Percentile latencies and Error RateSlowest endpoints in your applicationSee exact request trace to figure out issues in downstream services slow DB queries call to rd party services like payment gateways etcFilter traces by service name operation latency error tags annotations Aggregate metrics on filtered traces Eg you can get error… View on GitHub |
2021-06-08 13:37:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Take a journey with your own map service by AWS Amplify and Amazon Location Service |
Take a journey with your own map service by AWS Amplify and Amazon Location ServiceAmazon Location Service is Generally Available on June st So we can make our own map service which used Amazon Location Service This post shows how to make your own map service by AWS Amplify and Amazon Location Service We can search the location and display it on the map SetupVue CLI Vuetify Amplify CLI Vue CLIInstall Vue CLI Vue CLI vue V vue cli Amplify CLIInstall Amplify CLI AWS Amplify amplify vScanning for plugins Plugin scan successful Create Vue projectCreate a Vue project by Vue CLI vue create amplify amazon location vue create amplify amazon locationVue CLI v Please pick a preset Manually select features Check the features needed for your project Choose Vue version Babel Linter Choose a version of Vue js that you want to start the project with x Pick a linter formatter config Prettier Pick additional lint features Lint on save Where do you prefer placing config for Babel ESLint etc In dedicated config files Save this as a preset for future projects No snip cd amplify amazon location vue add vuetify Setup Amplify projectSetup Amplify project amplify init amplify initNote It is recommended to run this command from the root of your app directory Enter a name for the project amplifyamazonlocatioThe following configuration will be applied Project information Name amplifyamazonlocatio Environment dev Default editor Visual Studio Code App type javascript Javascript framework vue Source Directory Path src Distribution Directory Path dist Build Command npm run script build Start Command npm run script serve Initialize the project with the above configuration No Enter a name for the environment dev Choose your default editor Visual Studio Code Choose the type of app that you re building javascriptPlease tell us about your project What javascript framework are you using vue Source Directory Path src Distribution Directory Path dist Build Command yarn build Start Command yarn serveUsing default provider awscloudformation Select the authentication method you want to use AWS profileFor more information on AWS Profiles see Please choose the profile you want to use amplify devAdding backend environment dev to AWS Amplify Console app dqfsvhqbazus⠦Initializing project in the cloud snip And don t forget to add UI Components yarn add aws amplify aws amplify ui vue Add other packagesThis time we use MapLibre GL JS so we need to add these packages aws sdk benchmark urbanism vue mapbox mapmaplibre glSee the official document for the detail yarn add aws sdk benchmark urbanism vue mapbox map maplibre gl Edit main jsThen we edit src main js like below import Vue from vue import App from App vue import vuetify from plugins vuetify import aws amplify ui vue import Amplify from aws amplify import awsconfig from aws exports Amplify configure awsconfig import maplibre gl dist maplibre gl css Vue config productionTip falsenew Vue vuetify render h gt h App mount app Add AuthAdd Authentication amplify add auth amplify add authUsing service Cognito provided by awscloudformation The current configured provider is Amazon Cognito Do you want to use the default authentication and security configuration Default configuration Warning you will not be able to edit these selections How do you want users to be able to sign in Username Do you want to configure advanced settings No I am done Successfully added auth resource amplifyamazonlocatioeeea locallySome next steps amplify push will build all your local backend resources and provision it in the cloud amplify publish will build all your local backend and frontend resources if you have hosting category added and provision it in the cloud Then Push project amplify push amplify pushSuccessfully pulled backend environment dev from the cloud Current Environment dev Category Resource name Operation Provider plugin Auth amplifyamazonlocatioeeea Create awscloudformation Are you sure you want to continue Yes⠧Updating resources in the cloud This may take a few minutes snip Create a Map and a Search index Create a MapNext we open the AWS console by the browser and move to Amazon Location Service Click the Maps menu on the left panel And click Create map in the My maps area Input the map name SampleMap in the Name field Select the map in the Maps area In this case we select Esri Light Select Pricing plan use case In this case we select Yes to the first question Push Create map at the bottom of the page Create a Search indexContinuously we create a Place index Click the Search indexes menu on the left panel And click Create place index in the My maps area Input the map name SamplePlaceIndex in the Name field Select the data provider in the Data provider area In this case we select Esri Select the data storage option in the Data storage options area In this case we select No single use only Select Pricing plan use case In this case we select Yes to the first question Push Create place index at the bottom of the page Set IAM RoleWe have already added the authentication function by Amplify However the IAM role is incomplete Unable to access previously created location services resources Let s add it Go to IAM Services and click the Roles menu on the left panel Input amplify amplifyamazonlocatio in the search field Click the role that name ends with authRole Click Add inline policy Select the JSON tab and input below JSON data Set your ARN in MAP ARN and PLACE INDEX ARN Version Statement Sid VisualEditor Effect Allow Action geo GetMapGlyphs geo GetMapSprites geo GetMapStyleDescriptor geo GetMapTile Resource MAP ARN Sid VisualEditor Effect Allow Action geo SearchPlaceIndexForText Resource PLACE INDEX ARN ImplementOK we can implement a search place and show it on the map Please see the repository for code details tacck amplify amazon location Search the location Search the location implementation is like below Only use searchPlaceIndexForText we can get the place information src components SearchMap vue search function if this place this place length return const params IndexName SamplePlaceIndex Text this place this client searchPlaceIndexForText params err data gt if err console error err return if data console log data if data Results amp amp data Results length gt this lng data Results Place Geometry Point this lat data Results Place Geometry Point Display the location on the map Display the location on the map implementation is like below mapInstance is the object rendering the map transformRequest make a Signed URL for access to the Map resource previously created src components Map vue mounted async function this credentials await Auth currentCredentials this mapInstance new maplibregl Map container map style this mapName center this scene lng this scene lat zoom this scene zoom transformRequest this transformRequest this mapInstance addControl new maplibregl NavigationControl top left this mapInstance on load function this resize snip transformRequest function url resourceType if resourceType Style amp amp url includes url awsconfig aws project region amazonaws com maps v maps url style descriptor if url includes amazonaws com return url Signer signUrl url access key this credentials accessKeyId secret key this credentials secretAccessKey session token this credentials sessionToken return url Take a journeyWe arrive at the final section Let s get to the journey |
2021-06-08 13:19:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Setting up Google Authentication With Firebase🚀 |
Setting up Google Authentication With Firebase A Bit About MeHey folks I am Karan Choudhary A frontend developer passionate about web technologies and building things with code In this article we will learn the easiest and the fastest way to setup Google Authentication with Firebase So without wasting any time let s get straight into it Why Firebase Authentication Most apps need to know the identity of a user Knowing a user s identity allows an app to securely save user data in the cloud and provide the same personalized experience across all of the user s devices Firebase Authentication provides backend services easy to use SDKs and ready made UI libraries to authenticate users to your app It supports authentication using passwords phone numbers popular federated identity providers like Google Facebook and Twitter and more Firebase Authentication integrates tightly with other Firebase services and it leverages industry standards like OAuth and OpenID Connect so it can be easily integrated with your custom backend Getting StartedSince we ll be needing some starter files for that I ve published a NPM package for easy build setup Or else you can just clone the GitHub Repository Installation️You ll need to have Node or later version on your local development machine I recommend using the latest LTS version To create a new app you may choose one of the following methods npmInstall the packagenpm i firebase auth appCreate a project using Firebase Auth App CLIfirebase auth appInstall dependenciesnpm install gitClone the repositorygit clone git github com itskaranchoudhary firebase auth app gitChange the working directorycd firebase auth appInstall dependenciesnpm installIt will create a directory called firebase auth app inside the current folder Inside that directory it will generate the following project structure and install the required dependencies File Structure├ーsrc │└ーassets│└ーscripts│└ーstyles│└ーfavicon ico├ー gitignore├ーfirebase json├ーindex html├ーpackage lock json└ーpackage json├ーREADME md├ーLICENSE Creating a Firebase ProjectFirst of all go to you firebase console and Create a new project After creating a project click on Web button to register your web app Enter the name of your web app and that s it Enabling Google AuthenticationSince you have added the web app enable the Google Sign Up Method under the Authentication Sign In Method Sign In Providers Adding the Authorized DomainSince Firebase Auth doesn t work with live server You ll have to manually add the domain you would be deploying your app to Go to Authentication Sign In Method Authorized Domainsadd your domain Firebase ConfigNow go to Project Settings gt SDK Setup and Configuration to get your firebaseConfig It should look something like thisvar firebaseConfig apiKey API KEY authDomain PROJECT ID firebaseapp com databaseURL projectId PROJECT ID storageBucket PROJECT ID appspot com messagingSenderId SENDER ID appId APP ID measurementId G MEASUREMENT ID Copy the config and paste it into index html gt script tag You are all set Testing the AppTo test the app we need to deploy it to the domain we have added in the firebase console Since I have already deployed my app I can visit to check if the authentication is working properly or not And it seems like everything is working fine Now go to firebase console and open up your firebase project and go to Authentication gt Users We can see a that a new user is added Let s do another check by logging the user details in the console using console log Copy and paste the following code in the console var user firebase auth currentUser var name email photoUrl uid emailVerified if user null name user displayName email user email photoUrl user photoURL emailVerified user emailVerified uid user uid The user s ID unique to the Firebase project console log name email uid If everything is right it should log my details in the console That s pretty much it Congratulations You ve just setup Google Authentication using Firebase Wrap UpSo that s it Hope you enjoyed the article Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below Any feedback is greatly appreciated Feel free to the check out my GitHub Star the repo Find the NPM Package here |
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