投稿時間:2021-06-08 04:43:42 RSSフィード2021-06-08 04:00 分まとめ(53件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
TECH Engadget Japanese 死後のiCloudアカウントを信頼できる相手に託せる「Digital Legacy Program」発表 https://japanese.engadget.com/icloud-digital-legacy-program-183458208.html digitallegacyprogram 2021-06-07 18:34:58
TECH Engadget Japanese Apple Music、3D空間オーディオ楽曲配信開始。追加料金なし https://japanese.engadget.com/apple-music-3d-sparial-audio-launching-today-183037426.html applemusic 2021-06-07 18:30:37
TECH Engadget Japanese iPadOS 15はマルチタスク強化にフォーカス。ホーム画面やショートカットキーの改善も https://japanese.engadget.com/wwdc21-ipados15-multitask-183011069.html ipados 2021-06-07 18:30:11
TECH Engadget Japanese iPhoneが「デジタル運転免許証」に、iOS 15でウォレットアプリが進化 https://japanese.engadget.com/ios15-walletapp-181326706.html iphone 2021-06-07 18:13:26
AWS AWS Big Data Blog Hydrate your data lake with SaaS application data using Amazon AppFlow https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/hydrate-your-data-lake-with-saas-application-data-using-amazon-appflow/ Hydrate your data lake with SaaS application data using Amazon AppFlowOrganizations today want to make data driven decisions The data could lie in multiple source systems such as line of business applications log files connected devices social media and many more As organizations adopt software as a service SaaS applications data becomes increasingly fragmented and trapped in different “data islands To make decision making easier organizations are … 2021-06-07 18:46:20
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Scrapy 2.5.0 文書 適当訳 https://qiita.com/kuma35/items/df2a5ae70c16198045d5 Scrapy文書適当訳文書はこちらgithubリポジトリ翻訳はdocsjaブランチで行っています。 2021-06-08 03:35:47
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 競プロでのエラー 初心者 配列 https://teratail.com/questions/342772?rss=all 競プロでのエラー初心者配列N個の整数からなる空ではない配列Aが与えられる。 2021-06-08 03:52:10
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Windowsで、ユーザー名を取得しようとすると、怒られる。 https://teratail.com/questions/342771?rss=all Windowsで、ユーザー名を取得しようとすると、怒られる。 2021-06-08 03:09:26
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) GPSとUnity内のオブジェクトの動きを連動させたい https://teratail.com/questions/342770?rss=all GPSとUnity内のオブジェクトの動きを連動させたい前提・実現したいことAndorid端末で現在地と移動先の緯度経度を取得し、それを直交座標XYZ座標になおし、その差を計算し、それを基にして、Unity内のオブジェクトを動かしたいと考えています。 2021-06-08 03:02:30
海外TECH Ars Technica watchOS 8 brings new health and messaging features to the Apple Watch this year https://arstechnica.com/?p=1770191 major 2021-06-07 18:24:33
海外TECH Ars Technica Apple announces macOS Monterey, the next Mac desktop operating system https://arstechnica.com/?p=1770188 announces 2021-06-07 18:23:46
海外TECH DEV Community Collecting Data to Map Housing Prices https://dev.to/anderrv/collecting-data-to-map-housing-prices-1omh Collecting Data to Map Housing Prices The MapWe bring this post to share what high quality data can do for you This time we show you a sample dataset of real estate in Bilbao Spain All data comes directly from a ZenRows Task The content was collected from a well known real estate website and plugged here with minimum effort The original dataset contained some irrelevant fields for the demo so we removed them for the sake of simplicity Anyway the map will ignore the additional fields So you can use your dataset and make it work for you You can find the working example and everything you need to play with it in this GitHub repository We cannot embed the map with functionality here visit the original post to check it out What the map representsWe took houses on sale from Bilbao and plotted them on this map by geolocation Without adding further info that would be just a geographical representation We could do that with map markers to show where houses are on sale But we decided to add some extra weight by adding data related to the pricing Taking a look at several representations and real estate information we chose heatmap by price per area square meter in this case That means that each listing will be a point on the map Therefore the higher the price per square meter the redder it will be shown A small confession we love experimenting If you are interested in getting dataset samples for research or fun contact us Heatmap meaningThis mapping tool allows drawing attention to the areas with the highest price per square meter Take into account this is an approximation so don t blindly trust results Consider it a representation and therefore may not represent the whole picture Heatmaps are just one among many graph types So it s convenient first to analyze your use case and the information available and then think about representing it best How we obtained the dataThe essential part is data the map is just a way to express graphically what that info represents It can help experts point in the right direction or investigate further in some areas But high quality data is mandatory to take actions supported by facts In our case the data proceeds directly from a well known real estate website and we obtained it using ZenRows Tasks We identified the source got the idea for this demo and then easily created a Task to extract all the information It collected almost data points in under a minute Here are two snippets of the data the first one comes directly from the task and the second one is treated manually by us to reduce its size The original one is incomplete for the same reason we will publish an example dataset in the demo repository price formattedPrice € dateTimestamp latitude longitude country España neighborhood Casco Viejo city Bilbao bathrooms rooms surface latitude longitude pricePerArea ZenRows tasksThe process is straightforward Choose a Name for the task fill a set of URLs and hit Run That s all you need Well an idea or a hypothesis to validate would help but that s on you We provide a simple process to obtain datasets either one time or recurring In this case we set a one time task to collect a few thousand URLs since it didn t seem necessary to get the data over time But if we for instance wanted to analyze how price evolves a recurring task would be the ideal choice How can you effortlessly obtain the data you needOne of the most challenging parts is obtaining data and then turning it in a structured way with some automation And later extract the insights So the process is not easy after all The good news is we can help you there We encourage you to do some research beforehand to identify trustworthy data sources that fill your needs Only then start the automation process What use cases does this haveSome other cases for real estateFollowing the example with real estate we could change the data to highlight the largest houses or the most expensive ones And for agencies or investors plotting some of the data and looking for outliers or opportunities can help extract some good insights Population densityLately there has been a lot of talk about internal migrations and if population density will change due to remote work That is a great use case for heatmaps primarily if you use a map with state shapes or equivalent in your area Here is an example of population density people per km by country credit to Wikipedia Mean salariesNot much to add here this is an ongoing discussion forever and we will not settle it down But we can at least shed some light As with the previous point maps with shapes can help to understand the data thoroughly In this case municipalities even better than states Common flight origin and destinationsWe all know the big known airports in our area but maybe there are many outliers that we ignore We can plot all that info in a heatmap or a flow chart If you are for some reason planning on opening a new airport you could include the population density on the map to find the best match Not a typical case I d say Stores and potential marketsMaybe this is a better use case for the previous example Think of any chain store that is looking for a new place You could set markers for the existing one and a heatmap with the population Or even better add weight to your customer type mid aged females for example Drought controlWith a direct application in farming early detection of droughts is paramount We are not meteorologists but we can turn temperature and raining data points into maps and then help the experts interpret the raw data Restaurant density or pricingWe could draw something very similar effortlessly by replacing the price per square meter with the restaurant price You can try it out using a small repository that we created for this demo and get the data from Yelp or Tripadvisor ConclusionA geographical heatmap is just one of the multiple ways of representing data We need an accurate source of information an automated way of extracting structured data from there and a process for shedding some light into insights Our hassle free process will help you quickly get the data you need So check our content for inspiration in data sources and representations And of course contact us and try ZenRows for free to start automatizing in a minute 2021-06-07 18:25:26
海外TECH DEV Community Unconventional Warfare and the Anatomy of a Weapon System AI https://dev.to/yugely/unconventional-warfare-and-the-anatomy-of-a-weapon-system-ai-58en Unconventional Warfare and the Anatomy of a Weapon System AII was able to find something I though I had lost Since October I have been at odds with various organization due to getting hacked that month This project on whole is now defunct gone and left me high and dry But I believe it a good opportunity to provide a glimpse into something most people do have any familiarity with on a daily basis and even entire lifetimes which is undoubtedly a good thing I was building out a Real Risk Risk Analysis system for MOUT Operations Urban Ops using a semi decentralized hivemind in a near autonomous near gps denied territory The MAV s working as a hivemind would asses areas of risk utilizing different reported theoretical not teaching kids to do this attack vectors to consume data This would feed back into an Agent Based system with a hierarchical structured modeled after infantry division and the conceptualization of Actions lt gt Reactions with UpChain and DownChain commands more on that This will be a multi part paper as its too much for one post and and each system has a individual ecosystem that may spread some knowledged Without further wait NAO Nerve Agent OWire DiagramIn this post we ll be going over the general idea behind the system starting and the ingress system the incision if you will How are the MAVs Collecting InformationTo understand the basic mechanisms behind the system we must first understand the basic of the Electro Magnetic Spectrum and how we and everything around us interact and emit IR to that wave spectrum How do our digital devices interact with the world around us It s a very cool thing that people way smarter than me figured out We can thank Nikola Tesla but we need more to that who Mathematician Joseph Fourier Why Fourier Transforms Without Fourier Transforms none of the smart phones the bluetooth speakers would exist There d be no radio no TV no phones Nothing you enjoy today would be possible without Fourier Transforms and A nalogue to D igital C onversion ADC is the process in which we convert analogue natural flowy waves into digital power Take a look at this graph on the top you see top is an analogue wave and the dots are quantized values signal processing There is a lot of information there but for our purpose I just want you to think of those points as rounded real numbers Quantization induces a tick or a disturbance error to indicate sampling length By doing this is allows for sampling as the receiver would otherwise just never stop collecting because waves can be eternally continuous Lets look at an example of these a digital output and an analogue input There is how they match up and the quantized points The quantized points allow us use discrete time to establish periods of flux Note there is more but I don t want to get in the weeds yetThen those move through digital transform to become consumable information because if you look to the last graph the digital output is either up or down So its a or a binary Because conceptually at the end of the day you re really feeding in a looooooong line of dimensional arrays that have a binary value And those values essentially map to electrical discharges going through logical gates So now we understand a little bit about the mechanism of datatransfer how are we getting the information in the first place Well if you are not aware your conversations can be recorded through lightbulbs Yes yes indeed I do mean Lightbulbs This essentially works by reading the EM output of how our vocal harmonic vibrations interact with the electromagnetic emissions of a lightbulb and this is a fascinating thing Vocal harmonic resonance is a special thing because it almost spherical unidirectional Human resonance cavities allow also for a naturally occuring signal of state change That point may or may not be contested by some individuals However if you want to read about a cool anomaly look no further thanSchumann Resonance There is a lot to unpack there but if you have the itch there are great resources surrounding the duality of particles and waves around that may give some keen insights Well thats a single methodology what about phones In comes the Harris Stingray The methodologies here listed are different than the most current ones in the field today as these modules at genesis relied heavily on the G protocol and the G Protocol In fact these machines would do downgrade service attacks on targeted individuals from G to G They use them with G but the methodologies are far more complex because of how eNodeB stations think cell towers have aperiodic device checks that do latency tests So building rogue stations are harder as the decibel strength alone would be a flag in any array So to do this you have to well I guess you d have to read about it and figure it out on your own hahaaa okay There is more to it but I think that should be consumable enough for the EM interactions So what do we do with all this data What we do with all data Sanitize gt Realize gt ReifyEssentially the SDRs would be able to send live feed data to a gateway model using a LoRa and or OAI eNodeB station Both technologies are designed to use existing infrastructure to catch a ride to the destination Now the question now to ask is how and why is it weaponized and what does it do No sugar coating this is an unapproached topic in many circles for good reasons Discussing the design patterns behind advanced warfare systems isn t kosher and I wouldn t bring up the topic unsolicited to my grandma and not your grandma either But let s take a look at your average urban environment You have enclosed spacesHigh risk theatre operations rely on extremely quick and potentially life ending consequences Internals can house any manner of person and weapon Clearing a house has a high cost as successful MOUT Operations at the time of the building had a Casualty rate as a definition of success Thats out of every grunts tagged And tagged in all manner of ways because coordinated live fire in confined areas in a fast paced life threatening situation cause a good amount of accidental friendly fire accidental discharges and mistakes in identity will get made By knowing who is inside the structure you are about to clear you minimize the potential danger as you can vet occupants by knowing the intimate characteristics contained on devices around them Everything and anything can be an IED One of the lesser talked about ground patrols is the fact that anything around you I mean empty cans trash any pile of junk could hide an environmental threat that can be used to mame or kill The method of deliver in Urban Ops can be as imaginative as the guy building it But cheap cell phones being used as a detonation mechanism is a typical choice as it allows for the exiting of the hostile party to detonate away from danger Now we already are able to pick up any manner of phone traffic including that of potential IED detonation devices With current technologies there are methodologies to essentially storm and entire radius at a low weight and efficacy By essentially DDOSing the cell tower we can deny the ability to detonate by denying the transfer of signal Less innocent people get hurt the better a squad or team can assess the area for threats prior to entry With vocal recognition techniques we can consume everything from a baby crying to water running Being able to know that a situation may cost more to the lives of the people around the target area These mechanisms were also being developed to be used in GPS Denied rescue mission not only Unconventional and Urban warfare This is part one of what will be a multi part look at how mission critical systems operate in different high risk theatres and the tacit knowledge of what if it s fubar d This was just an intro to ingress and data collection method using radio and low band EM interactions 2021-06-07 18:19:43
海外TECH DEV Community Using WebSockets with React Query https://dev.to/tkdodo/using-websockets-with-react-query-36nf Using WebSockets with React QueryHow to handle live data using WebSockets together with React Query has been one of the most asked questions lately so I thought I d give it a try play around with it a bit and report my findings That s what this post is about What are WebSocketsSimply put WebSockets allow push messages or live data to be sent from the server to the client browser Usually with HTTP the client makes a request to the server specifying that they would like some data please the server responds with that data or an error and then the connection closes Since the client is the one opening the connections and initiating the requests that leaves no room for the server to push data to the client when the server knows that an update is available That s where WebSockets kick in Like with any other HTTP request the browser initiates the connection but indicates that they would like to upgrade the connection to a WebSocket If the server accepts this they will then switch the protocol This connection will not terminate but will stay open until either side decides to close it Now we have a fully functioning by directional connection open where both sides can transmit data This has the main advantage that the server can now push selective updates to the client This can come in very handy if you have multiple users viewing the same data and one user makes an update Usually the other clients will not see that update until they actively refetch WebSockets allow to instantly push those updates in real time React Query integrationSince React Query is primarily a client side async state management library I will not talk about how to set up WebSockets on the server I ve honestly never done it and it also depends on which technology you are using in the backend React Query doesn t have anything built in specifically for WebSockets That doesn t mean that WebSockets are not supported or that they don t work well with the library It s just that React Query is very agnostic when it comes to how you fetch your data All it needs is a resolved or rejected Promise to work the rest is up to you Step by StepThe general idea is to setup your queries as usual as if you wouldn t be working with WebSockets Most of the time you will have your usual HTTP endpoints to query and mutate entities const usePosts gt useQuery posts list fetchPosts const usePost id gt useQuery posts detail id gt fetchPost id Additionally you can setup an app wide useEffect that connects you to your WebSocket endpoint How that works totally depends on which technology you are using I ve seen people subscribe to live data from Hasura There s a great article about connecting to Firebase In my example I will simply use the browser s native WebSocket API const useReactQuerySubscription gt React useEffect gt const websocket new WebSocket wss echo websocket org websocket onopen gt console log connected return gt websocket close Consuming dataAfter we ve setup the connection we will likely have some sort of callback that will be called when data comes in over the WebSocket Again what that data is depends entirely on how you d like to set it up Inspired by this message from Tanner Linsley I like to send events from the backend instead of complete data objects const useReactQuerySubscription gt const queryClient useQueryClient React useEffect gt const websocket new WebSocket wss echo websocket org websocket onopen gt console log connected websocket onmessage event gt const data JSON parse event data const queryKey data entity data id filter Boolean queryClient invalidateQueries queryKey return gt websocket close queryClient That s really all you need to make list and detail views update when you receive an event entity posts list will invalidate the posts list entity posts detail id will invalidate a single post entity posts will invalidate everything post relatedQuery Invalidation plays really nice together with WebSockets This approach avoids the problem of over pushing because if we receive an event for an entity that we are not interested in at the moment nothing will happen For example if we are currently on the Profile page and we receive an update for Posts invalidateQueries will make sure that the next time we get to our Posts page it will be refetched However it will not refetch it right away because we have no active observers If we never go to that page again the pushed update would be completely unnecessary Partial data updatesOf course if you have big data sets that receive small but frequent updates you might still want to push partial data down the WebSocket Title of the post has changed Just push the title Number of likes have changed push it down For these partial updates you can use queryClient setQueryData to directly update the query cache instead of just invalidating it This will be a bit more cumbersome if you have multiple query keys for the same data e g if you have multiple filter criteria as part of the query key or if you want to update list and detail view with the same message queryClient setQueriesData is a relatively new addition to the library that will allow you to tackle this use case as well const useReactQuerySubscription gt const queryClient useQueryClient React useEffect gt const websocket new WebSocket wss echo websocket org websocket onopen gt console log connected websocket onmessage event gt const data JSON parse event data queryClient setQueriesData data entity oldData gt const update entity gt entity id data id entity data payload entity return Array isArray oldData oldData map update update oldData return gt websocket close queryClient It s a bit too dynamic for my taste doesn t handle addition or deletion and TypeScript won t like it very much so I d personally rather stick to query invalidation Nevertheless here is a codesandbox example where I m handling both type of events invalidation and partial updates Note The custom hook is a bit more convoluted because in the example I use the same WebSocket to simulate the server round trip Don t worry about it if you have a real server Increasing StaleTimeRect Query comes with a default staleTime of zero This means that every query will be immediately considered as stale which means it will refetch when a new subscriber mounts or when the user refocuses the window It is aimed to keep your data as up to date as necessary This goal overlaps a lot with WebSockets which update your data in real time Why would I need to refetch at all if I just manually invalidated because the server just told me to do so via a dedicated message So if you update all your data via WebSockets anyways consider setting a high staleTime In my example I just used Infinity This means the data will be fetched initially via useQuery and then always come from the cache Refetching only happens via the explicit query invalidation You can best achieve this by setting global query defaults when creating the QueryClientconst queryClient new QueryClient defaultOptions queries staleTime Infinity That s it for today Feel free to reach out to me on twitterif you have any questions or just leave a comment below ️ 2021-06-07 18:14:20
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Safari to get new Tab Groups, extension support on iPhone and iPad https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/07/safari-to-get-new-tab-groups-extension-support-on-iphone-and-ipad?utm_medium=rss Safari to get new Tab Groups extension support on iPhone and iPadApple is introducing a number of new Safari features that will debut across macOS iPadOS and iOS ーincluding new tab groups and support for extensions on mobileCredit AppleLater in Apple is adding a new way to reduce tab clutter on macOS Monterey Not only are tabs more lightweight and compact than before but Apple is also introducing new tab groups that will cut down on cluttered browsers and allow users to store specific tabs together Read more 2021-06-07 18:56:40
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Xcode Cloud will let developers remotely build apps, improving collaboration and efficiency https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/07/xcode-cloud-will-let-developers-remotely-build-apps-improving-collaboration-and-efficiency?utm_medium=rss Xcode Cloud will let developers remotely build apps improving collaboration and efficiencyApple s new Xcode Cloud allows development teams to more easily collaborate even when working remotely and it automatically builds apps for all Apple devices and platforms freeing up a developer s Mac to accomplish other tasks Xcode Cloud will be available to developers in a limited beta starting today Apple said it will expand access to its free beta throughout the summer and fall with a full launch in Pricing and availability details were not given at Monday s WWDC keynote but Apple promised that more information will be shared with developers this fall Read more 2021-06-07 18:55:29
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News HomeKit enhancements include home keys, SharePlay, and new Matter interoperability standard https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/07/homekit-enhancements-include-home-keys-shareplay-and-new-matter-interoperability-standard?utm_medium=rss HomeKit enhancements include home keys SharePlay and new Matter interoperability standardA multitude of improvements are coming to Apple s HomeKit platform later this year led by a new industry interoperability standard called Matter that will see support from Apple and others helping to unify the smart home market Support for Matter will be built in to iOS and will be a part of the Home app allowing users to control both HomeKit and Matter devices in one place HomeKit is also gaining a new feature called home keys which will allow users to tap their watch or phone to unlock their door Read more 2021-06-07 18:30:59
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple bringing Siri to third-party HomeKit accessories for the first time https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/07/apple-bringing-siri-to-third-party-homekit-accessories-for-the-first-time?utm_medium=rss Apple bringing Siri to third party HomeKit accessories for the first timeApple is bringing Siri to third party devices and platforms for the first time allowing HomeKit supporting companies to integrate the assistant into their devices Credit AppleThe Apple digital assistant will arrive on third party devices later in With the support HomeKit accessory makers will be able to integrate Siri into their own devices Read more 2021-06-07 18:30:38
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News HomePod mini can be set as default speaker for Apple TV 4K in tvOS 15 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/07/homepod-mini-can-be-set-as-default-speaker-for-apple-tv-4k-in-tvos-14?utm_medium=rss HomePod mini can be set as default speaker for Apple TV K in tvOS Starting in the fall of HomePod mini will be able to be set as the default speakers for your Apple TV K A feature previously relegated to the full sized HomePod Apple is now bringing default output support to HomePod mini As it stands HomePod mini acts like any AirPlay speaker with your Apple TV and would not always stay connected leaving users to constantly have to reconnect HomePod could be set as the default but now that Apple has discontinued it it left new users without an option Apple will be fixing that with multiple software updates rolling out this fall for both Apple TV K as well as HomePod mini Apple will be relying on computation audio to set a sole HomePod mini or a stereo pair as the default audio output for any Apple TV content Read more 2021-06-07 18:33:55
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple unveils macOS Monterey at WWDC 2021 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/07/apple-unveils-macos-monterey-at-wwdc-2021?utm_medium=rss Apple unveils macOS Monterey at WWDC The next edition of the Mac operating system is to be called macOS Monterey Apple has unveiled the next release of macOSApple has introduced the successor to macOS Big Sur in its annual WWDC keynote event Due in beta form for developers shortly it will become the pre installed version of macOS later in the year Read more 2021-06-07 18:47:06
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple radically expands privacy features on Mail, Safari, apps, and Siri https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/07/apple-radically-expands-privacy-features-on-mail-safari-apps-and-siri?utm_medium=rss Apple radically expands privacy features on Mail Safari apps and SiriAt WWDC Apple s Katie Skinner and Erik Neuenschwander looked at new privacy features across the Apple ecosystem Craig Federighi on privacy at WWDC Read more 2021-06-07 18:37:21
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Health in watchOS 8, iOS 15 getting Trends, secure sharing, and more https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/07/apple-health-in-watchos-8-ios-15-getting-trends-secure-sharing-and-more?utm_medium=rss Apple Health in watchOS iOS getting Trends secure sharing and moreIn the fall of Apple is adding a suite of new features to Health that will make it easier for users to understand health trends communicate with doctors and monitor loved ones Credit AppleAt its WWDC keynote on Monday Apple introduced a number of new updates to its Health platform across various devices ーincluding iPhone Read more 2021-06-07 18:19:17
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple unveils watchOS 8, coming to the Apple Watch in the fall https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/07/apple-unveils-watchos-8-coming-to-the-apple-watch-in-the-fall?utm_medium=rss Apple unveils watchOS coming to the Apple Watch in the fallApple has announced the upcoming operating system update to the Apple Watch called watchOS watchOS coming to Apple WatchApple held its WWDC keynote address on Monday and revealed its latest operating system updates to all of its platforms Many features focus on social experiences including those added to watchOS Read more 2021-06-07 18:29:31
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News iOS 15 Siri processes voice recognition on-device for device controls, other queries https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/07/ios-15-siri-processes-voice-recognition-on-device-for-device-controls-other-queries?utm_medium=rss iOS Siri processes voice recognition on device for device controls other queriesThanks to advancements in machine learning starting in iOS Siri will now be able to respond to users requests even without internet access Control your iPhone via Siri without internetUsually Siri captures a voice request and passes data to a server in order to respond With an update to iOS Siri will now work without internet connection Users will be able to make specific requests via voice to control the device or execute Shortcuts Read more 2021-06-07 18:09:03
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Privacy-focused iCloud+ includes Private Relay browsing, Hide My Email, secure HomeKit cameras https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/07/privacy-focused-icloud-includes-private-relay-browsing-hide-my-email-secure-homekit-cameras?utm_medium=rss Privacy focused iCloud includes Private Relay browsing Hide My Email secure HomeKit camerasPaid iCloud subscriptions will soon have access to an enhanced iCloud feature including a Private Relay VPN a new Hide My Email capability and support for unlimited secure HomeKit video cameras Apple said iCloud paid subscriptions will include iCloud when it launches later this year and at no extra cost with the same iCloud pricing as today The new Private Relay feature essentially acts as a VPN allowing users to browse with Safari in a more secure and private way Apple noted that network providers and websites combine users identity and browsing history to develop a profile which Private Relay will help prevent Read more 2021-06-07 18:14:03
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple unveils iPadOS 15 with home screen widget support, system-wide notes https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/07/apple-unveils-ipados-15-with-home-screen-widget-support-system-wide-notes?utm_medium=rss Apple unveils iPadOS with home screen widget support system wide notesFollowing its introduction of iOS Apple has used its WWDC keynote to show off iPadOS complete with the new ability to apply widgets to the home screen and more As to be expected from a WWDC keynote Apple has outlined changes coming to its iPadOS operating system While it includes many of the feature changes of iOS it also has some changes aimed just at tablet users After debuting first on iPhone with iOS Apple is now allowing widgets to be freely placed anywhere on your iPad s Home Screen That includes a new extra large widget size that takes advantage of the iPad s larger display Apple is also including several new widgets including some for Find My Contacts and GameCenter Read more 2021-06-07 18:32:25
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple introduces SharePlay, with access to Disney+, Hulu, and other streamers https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/07/apple-introduces-shareplay-with-access-to-disney-hulu-and-other-streamers?utm_medium=rss Apple introduces SharePlay with access to Disney Hulu and other streamersAt WWDC Craig Federighi announced SharePlay a new feature that will allow sharing streaming content on FaceTime calls across the entire ecosystem SharePlay We love enjoying shared experiences and so we built SharePlay Federighi said during the iOS portion of the WWDC keynote SharePlay is a powerful new set of features for shared experiences that you can enjoy when you re on a FaceTime call Read more 2021-06-07 18:59:18
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple reveals iOS 15 with FaceTime Spatial Audio and connectedness focus https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/07/apple-reveals-ios-15-with-facetime-spatial-audio-and-connectedness-focus?utm_medium=rss Apple reveals iOS with FaceTime Spatial Audio and connectedness focusApple has introduced iOS at WWDC an update that will be arriving on iPhones when released to the public this fall and very soon as a developer beta As is tradition for Apple s developer conference the company has used its WWDC keynote to reveal its next milestone operating system releases Set to arrive this fall to coincide with new hardware like the iPhone iOS will introduce a variety of new features and other improvements As you can expect for a milestone release the changes are wide ranging covering everything from the home screen to apps included within the mobile operating systems Apple is also continuing its push to maintain user privacy and security in the latest release Read more 2021-06-07 18:57:28
海外TECH Engadget Apple brings Safari web extensions to iPhone and iPad https://www.engadget.com/apple-wwdc-safari-redesign-extensions-mac-ios-ipados-tab-groups-184210596.html?src=rss_b2c extensions 2021-06-07 18:42:10
海外TECH Engadget Universal Control lets you use Macs and iPads like they're one machine https://www.engadget.com/mac-os-monterey-universal-control-ipad-macbook-imac-184045949.html?src=rss_b2c Universal Control lets you use Macs and iPads like they x re one machineIn macOS Monterey you ll be able to bring an iPad next to your MacBook and simply drag your cursor over from your laptop to the tablet 2021-06-07 18:40:45
海外TECH Engadget Apple Home Keys will let you unlock your front door with your iPhone https://www.engadget.com/apple-home-keys-wwdc-2021-183759604.html?src=rss_b2c apple 2021-06-07 18:37:59
海外TECH Engadget Apple Health adds the ability to share data with doctors and family members https://www.engadget.com/apple-health-sharing-doctors-family-notifications-183346159.html?src=rss_b2c health 2021-06-07 18:33:46
海外TECH Engadget Siri is coming to third-party devices https://www.engadget.com/apple-siri-third-party-devices-183222553.html?src=rss_b2c Siri is coming to third party devicesUnlike Alexa and Google Assistant Siri has been limited to only Apple devices since it was introduced nearly a decade ago That s changing this year though ーApple just announced that third party devices would be able to take advantage of Siri as part of an update to the company s HomeKid system 2021-06-07 18:32:22
海外TECH Engadget Apple's watchOS 8 adds new mindfulness exercises and workout types https://www.engadget.com/wwdc-2021-apple-watchos-8-announcement-new-features-availability-182525376.html?src=rss_b2c apple 2021-06-07 18:25:25
海外TECH Engadget Monterey is the next version of Apple's macOS https://www.engadget.com/apple-macos-monterey-182454905.html?src=rss_b2c apple 2021-06-07 18:24:54
海外TECH Engadget Apple moves Siri's speech recognition offline with new privacy updates https://www.engadget.com/ios-15-siri-on-device-app-privacy-181525551.html?src=rss_b2c capabilities 2021-06-07 18:15:25
海外TECH Engadget Apple's new features for AirPods include help for 'mild' hearing loss https://www.engadget.com/apple-airpods-features-ios-15-180549807.html?src=rss_b2c hearing 2021-06-07 18:05:49
海外TECH Engadget tvOS is getting spatial audio support for AirPods Pro and Max https://www.engadget.com/apple-airpods-pro-airpods-max-spatial-audio-tvos-macos-180128777.html?src=rss_b2c audio 2021-06-07 18:01:28
海外科学 NYT > Science FEMA Disaster Aid Often Widens Racial Disparities https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/07/climate/FEMA-race-climate.html FEMA Disaster Aid Often Widens Racial DisparitiesThe federal government often gives less help to Black disaster survivors than their white neighbors That s a challenge for President Biden who has vowed to fight both inequality and climate change 2021-06-07 18:07:59
ニュース BBC News - Home Mona Lisa replica set to fetch up to £250,000 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-57390392 paris 2021-06-07 18:35:52
ニュース BBC News - Home Djokovic survives huge scare in French Open but Nadal through in straight sets https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/57384825 Djokovic survives huge scare in French Open but Nadal through in straight setsNovak Djokovic avoids a shock fourth round exit at the French Open after fighting back from two sets down against teenager Lorenzo Musetti 2021-06-07 18:33:24
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 企業ツイッターで宣伝ツイートはどの程度までならOKか? - 共感で広がる公式ツイッターの世界 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/272495 2021-06-08 03:55:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 超音速旅客機の復活、甘くない現実 - WSJ PickUp https://diamond.jp/articles/-/273293 wsjpickup 2021-06-08 03:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 宣言再延長で回復遅れの日本経済、変異株の下振れリスクを検証 - 政策・マーケットラボ https://diamond.jp/articles/-/273307 下振れリスク 2021-06-08 03:45:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 香港にいる必要あるのか?国際企業 撤退相次ぐ - WSJ PickUp https://diamond.jp/articles/-/273294 wsjpickup 2021-06-08 03:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 アップルの大型イベント、株価支援には力不足か - WSJ PickUp https://diamond.jp/articles/-/273295 wsjpickup 2021-06-08 03:35:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「オンライン就活第二章」で何が変わる?学生がこれだけは心得るべきこと - 採用のプロが明かす最新就活事情 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/273310 就職活動 2021-06-08 03:30:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 原油100ドル回復なるか、オプション市場の賭け - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/273385 賭け 2021-06-08 03:27:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 4月模試から見る首都圏「中学受験2022」激化の予感 - 中学受験への道 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/273330 中学受験 2021-06-08 03:25:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 ひろゆきが「女性からフラれたとき」に乗り越えた方法 - 1%の努力 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/273290 youtube 2021-06-08 03:20:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「“結局、何者にもなれない”のに学ぶ意味はあるのか」への超納得の回答 - 独学大全 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/266146 読書 2021-06-08 03:15:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「いつも嫌な気分にさせる人」から自分を守る1つのコツ - 習慣超大全 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/271884 自由自在 2021-06-08 03:10:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 オバマ絶賛!!「経済の本質はロック音楽が教えてくれる」プリンストン大教授のスピーチ - ROCKONOMICS 経済はロックに学べ! https://diamond.jp/articles/-/273277 オバマ絶賛「経済の本質はロック音楽が教えてくれる」プリンストン大教授のスピーチROCKONOMICS経済はロックに学べオバマ政権で経済ブレーンを務めた経済学者による『ROCKONOMICS経済はロックに学べ』アラン・B・クルーガー著、望月衛訳がついに刊行となった。 2021-06-08 03:05:00



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