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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… 有機ELディスプレイを搭載した「iPad Air」が2022年、「iPad Pro」が2023年に登場か https://taisy0.com/2021/06/30/142541.html apple 2021-06-30 12:49:26
TECH Engadget Japanese 9種14ポート搭載したUSB-C拡張ハブ、ワイヤレス充電にも対応 https://japanese.engadget.com/greengadget-hund-123022878.html 種ポート搭載したUSBC拡張ハブ、ワイヤレス充電にも対応複数のUSB機器を充電するために、拡張ハブを重宝しているという人は多いでしょう。 2021-06-30 12:30:22
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] ドコモが「Xperia 1 III SO-51B」を7月9日に発売 15万4400円 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2106/30/news176.html itmediamobile 2021-06-30 21:02:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita PyMC3を使ってベイズ推定、テストデータ(out-of-sample)に対する検証を実施する https://qiita.com/shincomcom/items/d31309d8d593ea4e702a これは、aとbの事前分布に設定した標準偏差の値が適切ではないからです。 2021-06-30 21:20:14
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita rdMolDraw2Dモジュールを使って構造式描画をカスタマイズ https://qiita.com/ottantachinque/items/dbf4a0f9db3f129e3748 より詳しい内容は、そちらに載っています描画の流れ描画を色々カスタマイズする場合には、rdMolDrawDモジュールを使用する。 2021-06-30 21:12:25
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita フィンガープリントによる化合物の予測根拠可視化 | 三井化学 https://qiita.com/ottantachinque/items/d118f8f86958e781f9c3 予稿中では、水溶解度のデータを検証用として、予測根拠の可視化手法としての有用性を化学的な知見で評価している。 2021-06-30 21:05:14
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Vue.js】router-linkのactive-class・exactの使い方 https://qiita.com/yuta-katayama-23/items/0a559c738f6c9d26b177 実際に、以下の動画のようにリンクがアクティブな時URLパスに合致する時にclass属性が付与されている事が分かる。 2021-06-30 21:57:33
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Next.js】localStorageの期限設定とリダイレクト処理の実装 https://qiita.com/katsudnc_03/items/24002bbbce47e302ce4b 動作確認ログイン情報の状態をChromeのデベロッパーツールで確認しながら動作確認をしていきます。 2021-06-30 21:56:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) javascriptで、「最短営業日+1日後」を表示したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/347004?rss=all javascriptで、「最短営業日日後」を表示したい。 2021-06-30 21:53:05
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 再帰呼び出しを用いて最大公約数を求める方法 https://teratail.com/questions/347003?rss=all 再帰呼び出しを用いて最大公約数を求める方法再帰呼び出しを使って二つの正の整数abの最大公約数を求めるコードを作成したいです。 2021-06-30 21:50:48
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) javascriptの引数について https://teratail.com/questions/347002?rss=all javascriptの引数について前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 2021-06-30 21:50:06
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'to' にはまった https://teratail.com/questions/347001?rss=all AttributeErrorxtuplexobjecthasnoattributextoxにはまった前提・実現したいこと学習済みモデルでの未知データに対しての推論を行い、データを格納する処理を行いたい。 2021-06-30 21:42:54
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 配列の宣言と初期化のコードの質問 https://teratail.com/questions/347000?rss=all tanewnbspintnbspnbspnbsp 2021-06-30 21:38:39
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Django ManytoManyFieldのformの保存の仕方がわからない https://teratail.com/questions/346999?rss=all DjangoManytoManyFieldのformの保存の仕方がわからないDjangoでスケジュール管理アプリを構築しようとしているのですが、manytomanyFieldをhtml上にformという形で表示してそこで入力された値をDBに保存したいのですが、TypeErrornbspDirectnbspassignmentnbsptonbspthenbspforwardnbspsidenbspofnbspanbspmanytomanynbspsetnbspisnbspprohibitednbspUsenbspgoalssetnbspinsteadというエラーがでてしまいます。 2021-06-30 21:33:22
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) シェーダーファイルの読み込みで関係ないchar型文字が一つ代入される理由が知りたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/346998?rss=all シェーダーファイルの読み込みで関係ないchar型文字が一つ代入される理由が知りたい。 2021-06-30 21:33:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) python IDLEでsend2trashモジュールが使えない https://teratail.com/questions/346997?rss=all pythonIDLEでsendtrashモジュールが使えないpythonnbspIDLEでsendtrashモジュールが使えません。 2021-06-30 21:21:17
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) C++のregexでアルファベット以外が選択されてしまう https://teratail.com/questions/346996?rss=all Cのregexでアルファベット以外が選択されてしまうCのregexでアルファベットのみを選択したいです。 2021-06-30 21:18:21
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Controller間でredirectするときに値をやり取りしたい https://teratail.com/questions/346995?rss=all Controller間でredirectするときに値をやり取りしたい前提・実現したいこと①nbspつ目のPOSTメソッドでhtmlから値を受け取る。 2021-06-30 21:16:36
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) string indices must be integers, not strを解決したいです https://teratail.com/questions/346994?rss=all 2021-06-30 21:12:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) GitHubとSSHで通信する方法を教えてください。 https://teratail.com/questions/346993?rss=all GitHubとSSHで通信する方法を教えてください。 2021-06-30 21:07:55
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) KiCadの標準ライブラリが表示されない https://teratail.com/questions/346992?rss=all KiCadの標準ライブラリが表示されない問題KiCadの標準ライブラリが表示されずにシンボルを配置できない。 2021-06-30 21:00:30
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails 基本①  設計哲学〜ディレクトリ構成 https://qiita.com/Islanders-Treasure0969/items/2ed8db43c8ee26fe452c Rails基本①設計哲学ディレクトリ構成概要railsのディレクトリ構成や基本的なところから知りたかったrailsのディレクトリ構成、railsコマンド、コントローラーやモデルについて調べたことをまとめた参考資料Railsの基礎知識設計哲学設定より規約【ConversionoverConfigurationCoC】慣例に従わない時にのみそれに沿ったコードを書く必要があるということテーブルのマイグレーションファイルを作成するときなども命名規則が決まっており、これの通りに作成することでRailsがうまく処理してくれるので、基本的には規約に沿えばいい同じ作業を繰り返さない【DontRepeatYourselfDRY】ディレクトリ構成デフォルトのディレクトリからAPIモードに必要ないディレクトリ等は端折っている参考ディレクトリ構成├appアプリケーション用のファイルを置く│├assetsアプリケーション自身が保有するソースファイルを置く││├configアセットのマニフェストを置く││└images画像を置く│├controllersコントローラー│├jobsジョブを置く│├libヘルパー以外で自動読み込みするアプリケーション用のモジュールを置く│├mailersメーラーを置く│└modelsモデルを置く├binRailsが生成するプロジェクト用のコマンドを置く├bundlebinBundlerのスタブを置く├scriptsプロジェクトで使用するシェルスクリプトを置く├buildタスクの生成物を置く├config設定ファイルを置く├dbデータベース関連のファイルを置く├lib自動読込しないアプリケーション用のモジュールを置く├shareライブラリのモジュールを置く├testテスト用のファイルを置くRSpecを使用するなら使用しないディレクトリ├logログファイルを置く├tmp一時ファイルを置く├vendorサードパーティーのファイルを置く│├assetsサードパーティーのアセット│├bundleBundlerがgemをインストールする場所│└patchesgem用のパッチ├pluginsプロジェクト内で使用するRailsプラグイン├nodemodulesnpmパッケージをインストールする場所└patchespatchpachage用のパッチを置く以下ディレクトリの説明の追加appアプリケーション用のファイルを置くサブディレクトリもあるappassetsアプリケーション自身が保有するソースファイルを置くここ以外にもassetsファイルがあるが、それとの違いはlibassetsつのアプリケーションの範疇に収まらないライブラリのコードや、複数のアプリケーションで共有されるライブラリのコードを置く場所vendorassetsJavaScriptプラグインやCSSフレームワークなど、外部の団体などによって所有されているアセットの置き場所参考Railsappassets、libasses、vendorassetsの使い分けまた、assetsのサブディレクトリもあるappassetsconfigプリコンパイルするアセットを指定するためのmanifestjsを置くappassetsimages画像を置くディレクトリkeepという空のファイルがあるGitが空のディレクトリをバージョン管理の管理下に置かない特性からこのファイルが存在するappcontrollersコントローラーを置くディレクトリサブディレクトリもあるappcontrollersconcerns複数のコントローラーで使用する共通のメソッドを記述するファイルを置く複数のコントローラーで使用されるメソッドをそれぞれで書いていると冗長なので、ここにまとめることがあるappmodelsモデルを置くディレクトリサブディレクトリもあるconcerns複数のモデルで使用する共通のメソッドを記述するファイルを置く複数のモデルで使用されるメソッドをそれぞれで書いていると冗長なので、ここにまとめることがあるbinRailsプロジェクト毎に用意されているスクリプトを実行するためのファイルが置かれるrailscommandに定義されているバイナリを実行するためのエイリアスもこのファイルに登録されていたりする参考Railsファイル辞典binディレクトリ編scriptsRailsrunnerとかを使ってゴニョニョするために使うっぽい今のところ使わなそうなのでその時になって調べるこの辺を後で読んでみるconfig様々な設定ファイルを置く詳細は以下db開発環境とテスト環境のデータベースファイルが作成されるディレクトリまた、シードデータ投入用のファイルもここに作成される別記事で以下で調べた内容をまとめる予定railsコマンドについてコントローラーモデル開発者の決定すべきことを減少させ、単純にするが柔軟性は失わせないソフトウェア設計パラダイムのこと参考Wikipedia設定より規約 重複を防ぐ考え方。 2021-06-30 21:05:48
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita vmに入れたUbuntuとsshできるようになるまで https://qiita.com/yumetodo/items/b598b9ccf29aac1ade1b 手順パスワード認証でVMに接続できるようになるまずVMを起動し、ホスト名を調べる。 2021-06-30 21:11:04
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【備忘録】Greengrassのストリームマネージャーでできること https://qiita.com/kt-yt/items/51c1e247ed9bbc760546 【備忘録】Greengrassのストリームマネージャーでできることはじめにエッジ側でのデータストリームの管理機能として、Greengrassではストリームマネージャーが用意されています。 2021-06-30 21:17:33
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AZ-900 Microsoft Learningセクション3の内容をまとめてみた https://qiita.com/azaleaInMt/items/552f249c876039978d34 AI目標最適なAzureAIサービスを選択するそもそもAIとは人間の脳をモデル化したディープラーニング経験から発見、学習、成長できるデータを使ってトレーニングをして、動作、結果、傾向を予測するスタイル。 2021-06-30 21:35:35
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Next.js11にhuskyを導入する https://qiita.com/dtakkiy/items/8d6025c052784ab8eef4 packagejsonscriptspreparehuskyinstallhuskyの設定そのgtコミット前の実行コマンドを登録下記のコマンドを実行するとhuskyprecommitファイルが作成されます。 2021-06-30 21:03:43
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】axiosでResponceHeaderに任意の値を取得できるように設定する【devise-token-auth】 https://qiita.com/GalaxyNeko/items/e03886feaf420325de82 【Rails】axiosでResponceHeaderに任意の値を取得できるように設定する【devisetokenauth】概要ReactとRailsAPIを使ったアプリで、devisetokenauthをaxiosでアクセスしたときに取得できるheader情報を取得する方法について書きます。 2021-06-30 21:37:55
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails 基本①  設計哲学〜ディレクトリ構成 https://qiita.com/Islanders-Treasure0969/items/2ed8db43c8ee26fe452c Rails基本①設計哲学ディレクトリ構成概要railsのディレクトリ構成や基本的なところから知りたかったrailsのディレクトリ構成、railsコマンド、コントローラーやモデルについて調べたことをまとめた参考資料Railsの基礎知識設計哲学設定より規約【ConversionoverConfigurationCoC】慣例に従わない時にのみそれに沿ったコードを書く必要があるということテーブルのマイグレーションファイルを作成するときなども命名規則が決まっており、これの通りに作成することでRailsがうまく処理してくれるので、基本的には規約に沿えばいい同じ作業を繰り返さない【DontRepeatYourselfDRY】ディレクトリ構成デフォルトのディレクトリからAPIモードに必要ないディレクトリ等は端折っている参考ディレクトリ構成├appアプリケーション用のファイルを置く│├assetsアプリケーション自身が保有するソースファイルを置く││├configアセットのマニフェストを置く││└images画像を置く│├controllersコントローラー│├jobsジョブを置く│├libヘルパー以外で自動読み込みするアプリケーション用のモジュールを置く│├mailersメーラーを置く│└modelsモデルを置く├binRailsが生成するプロジェクト用のコマンドを置く├bundlebinBundlerのスタブを置く├scriptsプロジェクトで使用するシェルスクリプトを置く├buildタスクの生成物を置く├config設定ファイルを置く├dbデータベース関連のファイルを置く├lib自動読込しないアプリケーション用のモジュールを置く├shareライブラリのモジュールを置く├testテスト用のファイルを置くRSpecを使用するなら使用しないディレクトリ├logログファイルを置く├tmp一時ファイルを置く├vendorサードパーティーのファイルを置く│├assetsサードパーティーのアセット│├bundleBundlerがgemをインストールする場所│└patchesgem用のパッチ├pluginsプロジェクト内で使用するRailsプラグイン├nodemodulesnpmパッケージをインストールする場所└patchespatchpachage用のパッチを置く以下ディレクトリの説明の追加appアプリケーション用のファイルを置くサブディレクトリもあるappassetsアプリケーション自身が保有するソースファイルを置くここ以外にもassetsファイルがあるが、それとの違いはlibassetsつのアプリケーションの範疇に収まらないライブラリのコードや、複数のアプリケーションで共有されるライブラリのコードを置く場所vendorassetsJavaScriptプラグインやCSSフレームワークなど、外部の団体などによって所有されているアセットの置き場所参考Railsappassets、libasses、vendorassetsの使い分けまた、assetsのサブディレクトリもあるappassetsconfigプリコンパイルするアセットを指定するためのmanifestjsを置くappassetsimages画像を置くディレクトリkeepという空のファイルがあるGitが空のディレクトリをバージョン管理の管理下に置かない特性からこのファイルが存在するappcontrollersコントローラーを置くディレクトリサブディレクトリもあるappcontrollersconcerns複数のコントローラーで使用する共通のメソッドを記述するファイルを置く複数のコントローラーで使用されるメソッドをそれぞれで書いていると冗長なので、ここにまとめることがあるappmodelsモデルを置くディレクトリサブディレクトリもあるconcerns複数のモデルで使用する共通のメソッドを記述するファイルを置く複数のモデルで使用されるメソッドをそれぞれで書いていると冗長なので、ここにまとめることがあるbinRailsプロジェクト毎に用意されているスクリプトを実行するためのファイルが置かれるrailscommandに定義されているバイナリを実行するためのエイリアスもこのファイルに登録されていたりする参考Railsファイル辞典binディレクトリ編scriptsRailsrunnerとかを使ってゴニョニョするために使うっぽい今のところ使わなそうなのでその時になって調べるこの辺を後で読んでみるconfig様々な設定ファイルを置く詳細は以下db開発環境とテスト環境のデータベースファイルが作成されるディレクトリまた、シードデータ投入用のファイルもここに作成される別記事で以下で調べた内容をまとめる予定railsコマンドについてコントローラーモデル開発者の決定すべきことを減少させ、単純にするが柔軟性は失わせないソフトウェア設計パラダイムのこと参考Wikipedia設定より規約 重複を防ぐ考え方。 2021-06-30 21:05:48
技術ブログ Developers.IO MacでFull HDの外部ディスプレイにWQHDまたは4Kの解像度で表示する設定 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/mac-external-display-fullhd-de-wqhd/ fullhd 2021-06-30 12:53:38
海外TECH DEV Community How to Help Developers Work in The Flow https://dev.to/coffeestasia/how-to-help-developers-work-in-the-flow-2f1b How to Help Developers Work in The FlowDeveloper s job is one of the most mentally demanding jobs Developers work with complex algorithms juggle multiple things in their short term memory and do many other mental operations to write code and any interruption can cause these details to come crashing down To operate effectively they need to be focused and concentrated every second or if lucky enough work in the state of flow Also known as “the zone flow is a mental state in which a person is fully immersed into the activity at hand while experiencing a feeling of energized focus and enjoyment It s a magical feeling when your knowledge motivation and concentration align to produce maximum performance If your developer team hardly if ever works in the state of flow it means that you need to review your workplace policies and management approaches In this article we ll dwell on the flow state phenomenon review workplace trends that prevent your team members from working in the flow and provide a list of advice on how to help developers deliver maximum results Table Of ContentsThe Psychology of Flow State Depressing State of Workplace Interruptions Flow State Killers How to Help Developers Work in The Flow How to Improve Clarity How to Enhance Focus How to Increase Energy How to Manage Teams Without Interrupting Their Flow The Psychology of Flow State The flow state was introduced and popularized by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi a positive psychologist and author of the landmark Flow The Psychology of Optimal Experience He defines flow as an “optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best It is characterized by the state of deep focus where you lose track of time and make the best of your skills with little to no effort People who have experienced flow describe the following feelings Focused and concentrated involvement in the activityEcstatic feeling of being outside everyday realityClarity about what to do and how to do itConfidence in your skillsA sense of serenityTime flies by very quicklyInner motivation to deliver results Thanks to modern neuroscience we know that during the flow state the human brain produces pleasure inducing and performance enhancing chemicals that enable us to better process information and enjoy the activity According to Steven Kotler executive director of Flow Research Collective a study done by the Flow Genome Project revealed that flow state increases creativity by Benefits of the flow state can be summarized as follows Improved learning and skill development The flow state is attainable only if activity requires better skills posing positive challenges and providing opportunities for growth Enhanced performance A year study showed that people in the flow state were more productive More creativity According to a study conducted at the University of Sydney the state of flow increases creative problem solving Increased engagement because people in the flow state are more immersed into their activities Greater enjoyment and fulfillment Working in the flow state feels effortless and rewarding which increases satisfaction Enhanced intrinsic motivation Enjoyment brings intrinsic motivation to do things for internal rewards Now imagine if you could achieve all these benefits with your team it would improve employee satisfaction and increase productivity several times But in reality modern workplaces and management approaches pose multiple obstacles preventing teams from working in the flow Depressing State of Workplace Interruptions Workplace is the biggest flow killer Studies show that an average employee experiences about interruptions per day or spends only minutes on a task before being interrupted Another study conducted at the Georgia Institute of Technology revealed that it takes an average of about minutes to return to the original task after an interruption If we put this data together we ll get the following graph illustrating concentration trends of an average worker If you ask developers one of the most annoying things for them is getting interrupted in the middle of a difficult task A famous cartoon strip by Jason Heeris illustrates what happens inside the mind of a developer who has been distracted Joel Spolsky a co founder of Stack Overflow once said “Productivity depends on being able to juggle a lot of little details in short term memory all at once Any interruption can cause these details to come crashing down When you resume work you can t remember any of the details like local variable names you were using or where you were up to in implementing that search algorithm and you have to keep looking these things up which slows you down a lot until you get back up to speed The number two reason why developers don t achieve the flow state is that they interrupt themselves Some studies suggest that self interruptions like task switching are more disruptive than external interruptions Some sources along with Joel Spolsky claim that programmers get just one uninterrupted hour session in a day I feel a little bit guilty when I see how hard everybody else seems to be working and I get about two or three quality hours in a day and still I ve always been one of the most productive members of the team Joel Spolsky co founder of Stack OverflowAnd number three reason that gets in the developers way of achieving the flow state are managers and their management approaches But before we dwell on practical advice for managers let s see what things prevent people from getting into the flow state Flow State Killers Flow is a state of consciousness on the verge of mental arousal and control It takes about minutes of undivided attention to reach it but it doesn t happen every time and if it does distractions break it in seconds Many developers hardly ever reach the state of flow if they are distracted by the following anti flow emotions anxiety worry anger apathy boredom relaxation Let s see some examples of events and circumstances that cause these emotions Worry and anxiety caused by unrealistic task estimates and deadlines Being upset by personal or professional issues For example working in a company that doesn t provide fair rewards and doesn t understand the needs of the employee Not being interested in a task or a project because it s not challenging enough These unbalanced circumstances can take away energy This work is so repetitive I don t feel like learning anything new at all I don t know how to do it focus I can t concentrate with that chit chat in the background I can t stop thinking about that nasty comment of my colleague s or clarity What do I want this to look like It s more complicated than it looks can I actually get it done So they can be summarized as follows Clarity killers fuzzy goals unclear expectations sketchy plans feeble time planning Focus killers overwhelm inner and environmental distractions interruptions Energy killers boredom anxiety impatience exhaustion To identify issues preventing your team from working in the flow you can refer to the following flow model According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi if the challenge of a task is roughly equal to the skill level of the person executing it it creates the best circumstance to achieve maximum productivity and get the most enjoyment and satisfaction from the job Ask your team of developers to identify the point on the graph that most resonates with how they feel about their work If they put their point in the top left corner it means that they are anxious or stressed so they need to improve their skills to get back to the Flow Channel If their point is in the bottom right corner you need to assign them more difficult and responsible tasks so that they could work to their potential and grow “Usually people will fall into boredom because their skillset has increased They ve taken a leap forward they ve learned a lot Maybe they just shipped something or conquered an obstacle and now they don t feel like they re being challenged Dr Cynthia Maxwell Engineer at Netflix Hold one on one meetings with each team member to discuss their flow chart results and work out individual and major improvements in workload distribution workplace policies time and project management of your team Hold these interviews regularly let s say every three months to review the trends and review the performance of introduced improvements Let s see what you can do as a manager to help developers work in the flow state more often How to Help Developers Work in The Flow Many managers make the same mistake they push their team to perform better instead of creating conditions and environments necessary for employees to perform at their best Instead of putting figures and performance metrics first you need to prioritize employees needs and quality performance will follow High productivity is not a goal but a consequence of a wise management strategy that meets the interests of both parties “The question is how to get your team more into their work not get more work out of them Dr Cynthia Maxwell Engineer at NetflixSince we put all the flow killers into three groups it means that we ve identified the three essential components of the flow state Let s see what managers can do to prevent flow state killers and provide developer teams with maximum energy focus and clarity How to Improve Clarity Clarify priorities Update your team on the project progress and priorities regularly Emphasize how individual developers contribute to the project development and what their priorities are inside their work scopes Set realistic goals Managers are not business speakers your task is not to give inspiring speeches but to set realistic expectations for your team Use previous performance data to plan their workload more accurately “People want to work for a cause not for a living Cal NewportEnsure visibility and transparency Foster close collaboration and boundless knowledge sharing to avoid silos roadblocks and project delays Implement time and project management systems where each member of your team can review project progress and collaborate Match challenges with adequate personal skills According to the Flow theory if the gap between the challenge and ability is too broad people get anxious and stressed If stressed for an extended period of time employees tend to burn out So assign challenging tasks to those developers whose skills match the complexity of the challenge or a little bit lower than required Create knowledge sharing repositories Start a community based repository where developers can share their knowledge and answer FAQs This will reduce the number of workplace distractions and provide a means to get information without interrupting the flow Break work into smaller chunks Too big tasks that last week after week may feel overwhelming to your team members as they don t feel like they make any progress Instead break them into manageable sub tasks How to Enhance Focus Consider Scrum methodology Scrum has several advantages over Agile development in terms of achieving the flow state It fosters self organizing teams and immediate feedback through daily stand up meetings Hold daily stand up meetings Stand up meetings provide transparency and involve social risk which is a positive stressor pushing the performance limits of individual developers Build collaboration Allow developers to share problems that are upsetting or causing anxiety Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing to eliminate knowledge gaps and foster communication Introduce positive stress situations that feel stressful in a positive manner developers feel like they can handle it despite feeling challenged These stressors should be short term energizing and lie within our coping ability For example social stress at daily stand up meetings providing no task updates a few meetings in a row feels bad but motivates to achieve results The Yerkes Dodson law graph illustrating the relationship between the optimal state of arousal and optimal performanceDon t use KPIs KPIs are one of the most annoying things for developers And it s not surprising because KPIs cause long term stress that causes negative stress and negatively affects performance Have no meeting days Set a day a week without meetings to guarantee developers uninterrupted time to focus Support group diversity Different minded teams pose positive challenges generating a wider variety of approaches to problem solving and fostering innovative thinking Design a better working environment Establish guidelines that regulate distractions and distraction proof time in the office Encourage developers to record their trains of thought or document their code after they get interrupted Take care of developers who feel unsafe or judged Members of minority groups who feel unwelcome or unappreciated will struggle to concentrate and won t be able to reach a state of flow Offer flexibility but set boundaries Respect the individual rhythms of your employees by encouraging them to control their time and manage their energy Offer flexible working hours personalized working spaces and more but set boundaries How to Increase Energy Reduce micromanagement Micromanagement breaks the morale introduces unnecessary interruptions and kills proactive attitude Instead give developers space to manage their resources and show their skills Encourage self leadership Create an environment where everyone is allowed to contribute their expertise at any given time to encourage group flow The greater the decision making power of an employee is the greater his commitment to his role will be This will translate into increased levels of performance and job satisfactionIncorporate immediate feedback Constant feedback assures that developers are on the right track and gives them specific ways to stretch their limits ーjust the kind of balance that can produce a flow state Provide meaningful and personalized recognition Write personal notes express verbal recognition motivate developers with financial incentives Allow employees to innovate and to explore without fear of making mistakes Mistakes are not failures but opportunities to learn and innovate Allow this kind of risk where possible Encourage equal participation Group flow is more likely to occur when team members play an equal role and have comparable skill levels If one of the team members shows dominance or arrogance group flow is blocked How to Manage Teams Without Interrupting Their Flow To summarize effective project management that encourages individual and team flow involves trust and encourages developers to be proactive take the initiative and offer solutions It includes knowledge sharing feedback collaboration and rules out ego dominance arrogance micromanagement and KPI Effective project manager creates an environment where goals and needs of developers and stakeholders are met in a balanced manner and uses tools to keep track of what s going on in their team If you are looking for a flow friendly time management solution consider actiTIME software that makes productivity tracking effortless and stress free actiTIME won t bother you with pop ups or annoying notifications and provide you with three different modes of recording working hours web interface browser extension and mobile app In actiTIME managers can build custom workflows and complex projects calculate payrolls and project costs manage remote worker and employee absences Explore the whole set of features with a free day trial or request a product demo to get a product tour and find out if it s a good fit for your needs 2021-06-30 12:39:36
海外TECH DEV Community Package.json File explained!!! https://dev.to/naveenchandar/package-json-file-explained-b94 Package json File explained If you ve been working on javascript or related framework projects then definitely you came across the file named package json and we might be curious why this file is included in our projects and why its needed The main purpose of this file is to hold various metadata releted to the project and it is used to give information to npm that allows to identify the project and its dependencies To create a package json file manually you need to run a command npm init which will ask you a bunch of questions that is not compulsory Just hit enter to complete those You can change it later If you do want to answer these questions then you can run a command npm init y which will create a file named package json with the defaults Let s see the list of available options which npm has given us to make in this file nameIf you ve been working on some projects in local and if planning to publish it Two important things are name and versions Both are required and it should be unique Name represents the name of your project There are some rules for defining names Must be less than or equal to charactersshould not begin with dot or underscore should not have an uppercase letter in the name package name must not contain any non url safe characters since name ends up being part of a URL Please go through this link to find unsafe characters If needed you can check the npm registry whether the name is available or not versionThis property defines the version of your project and it should follow semantic versioning guidelines Example version descriptionThis property is used to provide more information about the project and it helps people to discover your package as its listed in npm s search Example description A package to work with strings keywordsIt s an array of strings Keywords related to your project This helps people discover your package based on the keyword search Example keywords react Javascript homepageThis property is used to provide landing page url of your project Example homepage readme licenseThis property denotes the type of license in your project whether this package can be used by others without any restrictions To know more about licensebugsThis property is used to specify the project issue tracker and or the email address to which issues should be reported These will be helpful for people who encounter issues while using your package Example bugs url email project hostname com people fields author contributorsThis property specifies the number of contributors involved in developing this project Author is for single person and contributors is array of people Example author abc example com contributors name example email example example com url team email and url are optional scriptsThis property contains commands that run at various times in the lifecycle of your package It takes object with key being scripts we can with npm run with the various command we give in the values The key is the lifecycle event and the value is the command to run at that point Example scripts start react scripts start build react scripts build test react scripts test eject react scripts eject lint eslint These are mostly terminal commands which helps us to execute specific task used during development Learn more about npm scriptsdependenciesThis is one of the most important key in your file and the entire reason to use this file All your dependencies used in this project various npm libraries installed via CLI are listed here when package is installed as npm install after installation it will automatically added under the dependencies key Example dependencies react react router dom compression Note and you see in the dependency versions are notations for version ranges defined in semver as it follows semantic versioning devDependenciessome packages are needed only for development and doesn t need for production Those packages can be listed in this An example would be eslint or nodemon These are the packages we will be using while development To install a package as devDependency runnpm install save dev lt packagename gt privateThis property is either true or false If you set it to true then npm will refuse to publish it Example private trueenginesThis property sets which versions of Node and other commands this project should work on Example engines node gt npm gt yarn browserslistThis property specifies which browser along with versions you want to support your project If you are using latest ES features we need make sure all browsers supports it or if not then fallback polyfills is needed It s referenced by Babel Autoprefixer and other tools To add the polyfills and fallbacks needed to the browsers you target You can check here whether the latest features has been supported by browser or not Example browserslist production gt not dead not op mini all development last chrome version last firefox version last safari version Note specifies that you want to support the browsers with at least of global usage not dead means exclude browsers without official support in the last months You can learn more about browserslist here mainThis property specifies the entry point in your project If someone installs your project and then uses import something from something the file you named in this key will be the one gets imported If nothing is specified it will be set to index js by default Example main src main js This package json file will be the heart of any javascript node project Not all properties will be applicable to your project but we can make use of these properties to achieve some powerful benefits Understanding the role of package json file is important part of javascript ecosystem and it will make you more insightful Thanks for reading this and have a great day Lets meet in the next post 2021-06-30 12:32:06
海外TECH DEV Community Introduction to AWS Cloudformation https://dev.to/aws-builders/introduction-to-aws-cloudformation-2a8g Introduction to AWS CloudformationWhat if I told you that a text file could help you tackle the normally tedious and time consuming task of setting up and managing your AWS infrastructure Good news It s actually easy to do with an AWS CloudFormation template A typical AWS infrastructure can consist of numerous resources that might need to be managed across different accounts and regions Setup is often a manual process that can be overwhelming to maintain This is especially true if your AWS infrastructure continues to grow and you have to start from scratch each time you need to add new resources or services The one off ad hoc nature of provisioning resources via the CLI or management console also leaves too much room for error Luckily AWS CloudFormation was built to solve these issues It simplifies the management of your AWS infrastructure by allowing you to create text file templates that provision and update resources in an organized and predictable way CloudFormation is well established with more than years since launch and has the support of a large community In this article we ll cover the benefits and potential drawbacks of CloudFormation and how to setup and modify your architecture with templates We ll also share CloudFormation template examples that can make things even easier By adopting AWS CloudFormation you and your team will spend far less time building and managing your infrastructure so you can stay focused on development My Background Cloud Engineer AWS Community Builder AWS Educate Cloud Ambassador x AWS Certified x OCI Certified x Azure Certified The Introduction to AWS Services is a mini Series containing different articles that provide a basic introduction to different aws services Each article covers the detailed guide on how to Use the AWS Service This series aims at providing A Getting Started Guide on Different AWS Services AWS CloudFormation performs the crazy party trick of enabling you to manage your complete AWS infrastructure and resources from a text file The formatted YAML or JSON code you write in the AWS CloudFormation template describes your AWS infrastructure and the resources you need CloudFormation does the rest provisioning configuring and deploying everything for you It also handles dependencies between resources removing another piece of complexity from the puzzle Without a template you would have to set everything up manually using the AWS management console or CLI You would also have to make note of all the resources involved especially if you wanted to replicate your work for another environment On the other hand templates can be used on an ongoing basis moving you away from the tedium of manually executing multiple steps every time you need to make a change For example extending your environment by adding a few more functions is easy with a template Understanding CloudFormation StacksThe collection of AWS resources created when CloudFormation runs a template is called a stack The resources that make up a stack are provisioned to work together to build your application or solution You can create modify delete or replicate resources at the stack level making management easier and more organized Here are a few of the many advantages that come with defining your resources with AWS CloudFormation templates and managing them as stacks Use existing CloudFormation templates so you don t have to start from scratchChances are you ll need similar sets of resources for several different environments With AWS CloudFormation templates the days of having to start from scratch each time are over Instead lean on an existing template to replicate the infrastructure you need You can then customize your setup using CloudFormation template parameters and conditions more on that later In this way you can quickly set up resources in multiple environments and in different regions around the world The portable nature of templates also allows you to share them say with other teams in your organization when it makes sense Stacks are easier to QAWith your infrastructure declared by the code in your templates you can now add reviews to your process to ensure no mistakes are made during deployment You can also use a change management process to verify any changes to your infrastructure instead of risking mistakes by making changes directly in the console or via CLI CloudFormation is the largest resource providerCloudFormation has many more features you can explore including built in identity and access management IAM automated rollback and error checking And after lagging in resource coverage in the past CloudFormation now covers more AWS resources than any other Infrastructure as Code framework including Terraform and almost all new AWS releases now have CloudFormation coverage at launch Of course nothing is perfect and AWS CloudFormation does have some drawbacks Here are a couple to keep in mind Steep learning curve While working with templates creates more predictable results than working directly with the console CloudFormation has many concepts to learn and until you get a firm handle on them things can easily go wrong For example if you change the logical ID of a resource CloudFormation will delete it and create a new one And when it deletes that resource it also trashes its data Similarly a resource and all its content are often automatically deleted when the stack is deleted unless you specify otherwise using the DeletionPolicy attribute in your template Beware of drift CloudFormation keeps a snapshot of the current state of your AWS infrastructure If you then make a change directly through your AWS console or your AWS CLI your resources will be out of sync with the snapshot This discrepancy is called drift and it can cause your deployments to fail So once you start using CloudFormation you should stop making manual updates to your account through the console or CLI to avoid this issue What Are the Basic CloudFormation Template Sections As mentioned earlier an AWS CloudFormation template is simply a formatted YAML or JSON text file Next we ll cover the main sections used in a template to define and modify the resources you need Format versionThis is where you specify the template format version The capabilities of the template can vary depending on which one you choose If you don t pick one CloudFormation defaults to the latest version As an aside CloudFormation has yet to make a backwards incompatible change so don t worry too much about versions DescriptionUse the description area to add comments about your template such as its purpose MetadataUse JSON or YAML objects in this section to provide further details about the resources in your template ParametersIn this section you declare parameters that are passed to the template when a stack is created or updated In this way you can specify unique values for use in the properties of your stack s resources and effectively customize a template each time it s used It also allows you to use a single template across multiple accounts and regions or to specify information unique to the application or configuration being deployed A best practice is to store parameters in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store for each environment and then reference the parameters instead of passing in literal values to CloudFormation directly MappingsThere may be cases where you ll want to add logic to your template With Mappings you can use an input value as a condition that determines another value ConditionsConditions are statements that determine whether or not a resource is created or a property is assigned to a value when a stack is created or updated For example a condition could check to see if one value is greater or less than another value and based on the result conditionally create a resource This gives the same template the flexibility to be used across different environments TransformYou can specify one or more macros that enable the reuse of template components They are often used to condense or simplify your code This is where you enable AWS SAM which is used to simplify the development of serverless stacks ResourcesThis is where you list the resources that will be created by the template It s also where you specify the necessary properties to create each resource OutputIn this section you can specify the values you want to have returned to you and available after the stack is created For example there could be output values you might need to have handy to import into other stacks or you might want easy access to a particular output like a URL created in the template To see examples of these template sections in actual code take a look at the CloudFormation Sample Templates part of the article Best Practices when Creating CloudFormation TemplatesLeave credentials out of your templates It s not a smart move to store credentials or other sensitive information in your AWS CloudFormation templates Instead use dynamic references to specify and retrieve information managed in other services like AWS Secrets Manager without CloudFormation ever storing the actual reference value Reference non confidential parameters It s a good idea to store non confidential parameters like the memory size of a Lambda Function in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store and reference them instead of passing literal values to CloudFormation directly Make your code more readable If you re writing your AWS CloudFormation template in YAML use CFN specific tags e g GetAtt instead of the full Fn GetAtt syntax to make your code more readable You ll thank yourself later when you revisit your code Add comments and background information With a top level Metadata section and the ability to add Metadata sections to every resource you have plenty of opportunities to provide details that could be helpful later And don t worry these comments won t be lost when you use tools to edit your templates Check your code Validate your template with AWS CloudFormation before creating or updating a stack to ensure it consists of valid JSON or YAML without syntax or semantic errors Also make sure to use tools like AWS CloudFormation Guard cfn guard and cfn nag to check your template for policy compliance issues or security vulnerabilities respectively CloudFormation Sample TemplatesTake a look at these AWS CloudFormation template examples to get a feel for what they re like Services templates Auto Scaling templateAmazon EC templateElastic Load Balancing templateExplore more AWS services templates Application framework templates Basic LAMP stack templateBasic Ruby on Rails templateCheck out more application framework templates Template snippets These template snippets can help you learn More AWS templates and resources Take a look at the AWS CloudFormation templates page for more samples and resources ConclusionAWS CloudFormation gives you an easy way to model a collection of related AWS and third party resources provision them quickly and consistently and manage them throughout their lifecycles by treating infrastructure as code Hope this guide helps you understand on How to Get Started With AWS Cloudformation feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn Twitter If you are interested in learning more about AWS Services then follow me on github If you liked this content then do clap and share it Thank You 2021-06-30 12:24:53
海外TECH DEV Community 🚀 The React Router Module Is Now Available! https://dev.to/alterclass/the-react-router-module-is-now-available-olm The React Router Module Is Now Available I m excited to announce that the React Router module of my React JS program is now available in your classroom For those who have not enrolled yet you can still benefit from the limited time discount It is expiring soon though So in this module you ll learn to use the popular React Router library to route users to different views in your single page application build navigation links use URL parameters to build dynamic pages code split your app using React lazy and more If you don t have time to read this post here s a quick summary of what this module has to offer in a few numbers topics from basic routing to route based code splitting quizzes to test your knowledge projects to build your portfolio cheatsheetNow let s dive into the details So what s included This module has one large section to teach you everything you should know to enable client side routing in your React application and organize it into different views using the very famous React Router library It is composed of the following concepts Introduction What is Routing and Server side vs Client side RoutingIn this lesson you ll learn about the concept of routing in a web application understand server side routing its pros and cons and learn about the differences between server side and client side routing Create Basic Routes With BrowserRouterNext you ll learn how to enable routing in your app using the lt BrowserRouter gt component from React Router and create the routes and render the different views of your app using the lt Route gt component Use The Link Component To Navigate Between RoutesThen you ll learn how to use the lt Link gt component from React Router to allow your users to navigate around your application in a declarative and accessible way Style A Link That Is Active With NavLinkIn this lesson you ll learn to build navigation links using lt NavLink gt which is a special version of the lt Link gt component that gets an active state when the current URL matches its location Use URL Parameters With React RouterURL parameters are a fundamental concept of building web applications In this lesson you ll learn how to effectively leverage URL parameters in your React app using the useParams hook to create dynamic pages Use Regular Expressions With RoutesThe path property of the lt Route gt component can accept a string an array of strings or even regular expressions So in this lesson you ll break down this prop and see how to create powerful rules to define the paths of your routes using regex Parse Query Strings In React RouterNext you ll learn how to retrieve and parse the query strings from the current URL using the useLocation hook from React Router and the browser s built in URLSearchParams API to use them in your React components Handle Pages Catch All Routes With React RouterIn this lesson you ll learn how to implement a catch all route for handling pages in a React app with React Router Redirect To Another Page With React RouterIn this lesson you ll learn how to use the lt Redirect gt component from React Router to create a redirect rule from one route to another Protected Routes And Authentication With React RouterYou ll often need to protect some pages of your application and display them only if the user is authenticated So in this lesson you ll learn how to create a custom and reusable lt ProtectedRoute gt component to protect your routes using React Router Programmatically Navigate Using React RouterSometimes you need to navigate the user to a new location without clicking on an actual link but when he has performed a specific action in your app That s when programmatic navigation is necessary S in this lesson you ll learn how to navigate programmatically using React Router Code Splitting With React React Lazy And React RouterFinally we ll look at what code splitting is and how to do it and how to implement it with React Router to split your app into separate bundles your users can progressively load when needed What will you build In this module you ll not build only one but two projects As usual I tried to design very nice projects you will proudly add to your portfolio and showcase to your friends and future employers So for each project you will use everything you ve learned in the React Router module to build the corresponding application see the screenshots below using the provided components and pages enable routing create all the different routes and links with React Router and set up route based code splitting using React lazy Routing is an important piece of any client side application and therefore it is a necessary skill to have in your tool belt as a React developer So I hope you ll enjoy working on those projects as much as we d enjoyed building them for you Once again thank you for being part of the AlterClass community and I hope you ll enjoy learning about React Router with me Feel free to ask any questions or send any feedback you have by email or from our Discord server And for those of you who haven t enrolled yet hurry up and take advantage of the discount Happy coding and see you in the classroom 2021-06-30 12:22:27
海外TECH DEV Community Best Crypto Payment Gateways to Accept Bitcoin https://dev.to/manbir/best-crypto-payment-gateways-to-accept-bitcoin-24np Best Crypto Payment Gateways to Accept Bitcoin What is a payment gateway and why do businesses need them A crypto payment gateway is used to accept payments in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum Litecoin Ripple etc The rapid growth in the e commerce space is also pushing the businesses to scale up their payment options and look into new alternatives such as accepting payments in cryptocurrencies Since most of the cryptocurrencies are highly volatile enterprise businesses need to make sure that the transactions are settled seamlessly between the business and buyers Payment gateways make this possible enabling the merchant to also keep a track of transaction history and reports The efficiency also helps businesses increase their growth and turnover Why are we seeing a rapid growth in the crypto adoption among businesses There are endless reasons for why this is happening but some of the major ones are A direct and secure way of paymentFaster settlement than conventional systems such as bank transfers credit and debit cardsEach transaction is registered on blockchain making them irreversible and immutable Free from any third party such as banking institutions and intermediariesIncreased protection from identity thefts while keeping the transaction information accessible Comparison of various payment gatewaysThere are multiple payment gateways available in the market Let s discuss some of them in this blog HashbonHashbon is a Czech Republic based BB and BC focused crypto solutions platform for paying in cryptocurrencies seamlessly Hashbon has provided a multilingual platform and an avenue for new users to test its APIs and features Hashbon takes care of the KYC and AML requirements In under minutes buyers consumers can scale the identity verification process and become eligible to buy products or pay for services with cryptocurrencies The commission applies to all received transactions and all withdrawals processed via cryptocurrencies Currently Hashbon supports cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin Ethereum and Litecoin and offers fast and convenient integration within a day BitpayBitPay is a bitcoin payment service provider headquartered in Atlanta Georgia United States It was founded in May by Tony Gallippi and Stephen Pair BitPay provides Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash payment processing services for merchantsBitPay was founded to provide mobile checkout services to companies that wanted to accept bitcoins By October BitPay had grown to having active merchants including being WordPress s bitcoin merchant In BitPay launched another round B funding campaign Later that year they raised the minimum payment on the platform to USD from its previous USD the change was reversed only a few days later CoinpaymentsCoinPayments is a payment processor that allows merchants to accept Bitcoin and hundreds of altcoins in their store through easy to use plugins APIs and POS interfaces With over million users across countries around the world CoinPayments net is one of the most comprehensive multi cryptocurrency platform available online CoinPayments got its start back in when it became the first payment processor to support altcoins At that time no one else in the industry was offering support for cryptocurrencies outside of Bitcoin so CoinPayments seized the opportunity to create a multi currency wallet and crypto processing solution HashbonBitpayCoinpaymentsTransaction Commission Conversion Commission Coin TX fee third party s conversion feesDirect Bank SettlementTo bank account SEPA To bank account SEPA ACH FPS NoVolatility RiskNoNoYesSupported Coins Auto Conversion Massive Payouts Some important points to note BitPay charges a processing fee to its merchants Merchants may choose to pass this fee on to the buyer Hashbon charges a conversion and fiat settlement fees and the merchants may choose to pass this fees on to the buyer Coinpayments can provide settlements in fiat only through the third parties for an extra fee Additionally Hashbon offers to its merchants the possibility to set up the fee amount and or discount amount which is included in all the invoices Here s a research by Entrepreneur sharing their views on crypto payment gateways ConclusionHashbon and Bitpay offer more profitable financial conditions for the Merchants But an easy verification and integration process that has Hashbon can be more suitable attractive for the representatives of small and medium businesses based in Europe 2021-06-30 12:20:48
海外TECH DEV Community Screen readers: hearing the unseen https://dev.to/livechat/screen-readers-hearing-the-unseen-55nb Screen readers hearing the unseenA screen reader is software which forms part of a group of Assistive Technologies and renders graphical user interface content in the form of speech or braille output This kind of software is essential for people that are blind or have any visual impairments as it allows them to interact with a computer or mobile devices in much the same way as the screen allows it for sighted people In order to properly describe the particular parts of the user interface the software needs the context and or additional metadata provided by the application developer in order to properly present the content using a text description There is a variety of screen reader software to choose from and there are multiple ways of feeding them with data used for content descriptions In this article we will dive into this topic and show how this remarkable software makes it possible to use a computer or mobile devices without the need for visual references Examples of available screen readersThere are quite a lot of different screen reader applications to choose from They can be implemented in the form of native operating system support like VoiceOver by Apple Inc They can also be implemented as downloadable third party software like JAWS which requires a paid license or NVDA which is built as an open source solution and is free to use Screen readers can even be found in the form of add ons to software already being used by the user For example ChromeVox which is available as a web browser add on for Google Chrome Despite their abundance they all share the same purpose and basic functionality but there are many differences in the way they handle their features Some of them are more obvious like ones in the customization interface or available options There are also differences in the keyboard shortcuts which adds a barrier for the user if he she ever wants to change their screen reader of choice It is also good to keep in mind that screen readers can differ in the way they recognize application content so it is also good to verify your application on more than one of them just as you would when testing on different devices or web browsers Analyzing all available solutions on the market would definitely require a separate article but we can briefly check the most commonly used options which according to the screen reader survey are NVDA JAWS and VoiceOver NVDA which stands for NonVisual Desktop Access is free open source screen reader software which works on the Microsoft Windows operating system It was released in and is available in languages It also supports braille displays JAWS which stands for Job Access With Speech is paid screen reader software which works on the Microsoft Windows operating system It was released in and was originally created for the MS DOS operating system and a fun fact is that this version is still available as JDOS and is free to use It supports languages Its unique feature is the JAWS Scripting Language which allows the user to add an accessibility layer for programs that were not designed with accessibility in mind VoiceOver is free to use screen reader software built into the operating systems created by Apple Inc As it is available both on the desktop and mobile operating systems it supports touch and keyboard navigation It was released in together with Mac OS X Its main strong point is its native support for the operating systems as they were both built by the same company A unique feature is its support for multitouch gestures not only on mobile devices but also on desktop trackpads utilizing the rich trackpad support in Mac OS Screen reader customizationMost screen readers allow the user to customize their experience of using this software The precise set of available options differs among the various types of screen readers but there are a couple of features that are most commonly used and supported First of all the user can specify the language in which the content should be read Most screen readers support more than one language depending on the support of a particular program Another common setting is the level of verbosity This allows the user to specify how much speech feedback is needed It depends mainly on the level of visual impairment and so for example users who have partial vision can use less verbose speech and focus mainly on the content itself and not the metadata On the other hand blind users could need the full verbosity level including all additional descriptions of content and placement of for example current interactive elements in the scope of the application This is one of the reasons why the developer must provide all available content metadata as it is the user who should decide which of them is needed for uninterrupted usage of the application One more popular setting for screen readers is the reading speed This is pretty self explanatory ーit specifies how fast the lector should read the text It is usually specified in a words per minute unit In English the typical read speed ranges between to words per minute where advanced and fast screen reader users can understand content being read at a speed of even words per minute Even if most screen reader users don t require such high speed it is still common for them to use higher rates than that of typical spoken language It is important to keep in mind that the first impression that long to read content slows down the user can be deceptive as when set at high reading speed rates it is being read blazingly fast Remember don t worry too much about long descriptions Screen reader usage and the WebEach HTML document begins with an lt html gt tag and this is the first place for an appropriate accessibility setting Using the lang attribute it is possible to specify the language for the whole document which the screen reader will use in order to determine which language to use for speech The second element close to the beginning of the HTML document is the lt title gt tag which contains the title of the current document It is read by the screen reader when first loading the webpage Web document content is always presented in a linear way when using a screen reader This is a totally different approach for content layout than typical graphical user interfaces which are commonly multidimensional One of the best representations of these differences in perception of the layout is the automated telephone menu system The webpage content is being unveiled to the screen reader user one step at a time This implies that the structure of user interfaces needs to take into account the complexity and also the order of the interactive elements and main page content One common issue associated with this perception difference is the top navigation menu In most cases it is the first set of interactive elements in the navigation order The screen reader needs to go through all of them in order to access the main page content which is not the case for graphical interface users As a solution to this problem there is the common technique of implementing a “skip to main content button being the first interactive element on the page and it allows for quick access to the main page content Navigation through webpages using screen readers is possible in various ways Some of them provide users with an option to navigate content quickly despite the linear nature of audio interfaces The most basic navigation consists of moving one step forward by pressing the Tab key or one step backward by pressing the Shift Tab key combination Each step made like this will focus on the next or previous interactive element like links buttons form controls etc The screen reader will then announce the currently focused element using its node type and additional metadata The second type of navigation available in screen readers is heading navigation The screen reader via a dedicated shortcut allows the user to present a webpage map of available headings in the form of a list which he she can then use to navigate directly between This is a very commonly used technique as it allows quick access to the interesting parts of the document and makes it easy to skip those parts that are not of interest to the user Because of this technique it is very important to maintain a logical order in heading structure For example nesting an H element inside an H element should be avoided The third common type of navigation using screen readers is ARIA landmark navigation It is similar to headings navigation but instead of presenting a map of the heading elements it allows navigation through the meta structure of the webpage using HTML semantic elements like lt main gt lt nav gt lt header gt And also as with heading navigation this technique allows quicker access to the desired parts of the page while also allowing quick skipping of unwanted content With this type of navigation it is important to utilize the available native HTML elements with their semantic meaning while structuring the document instead of using lt div gt elements everywhere Regarding the chosen navigation technique the screen reader user will rely on the information being provided by the content of the webpage to understand and use this content Apart from the previously mentioned possibilities to provide understandable document structure there are other smaller things that can be done to increase the accessibility of the content For example because screen reader users will go through each paragraph one after another and can skip one it is good to place distinguished information of a paragraph in the first sentence Additionally screen reader users can also navigate by tables lists forms etc Last but not least the webpage developer can and should use ARIA attributes to attach additional metadata for various elements on the page There are quite a lot of them and they serve different purposes The most common is aria label which directly attaches the text content to the element that should be used for this element description For example when you have an icon button hamburger menu it will not have natural text content available The second most often used attributes are combinations of id and aria describedby which together creates a relation where one element s content describes the other element Another commonly used attribute role makes it possible to specify for the screen reader the functional purpose of that element There is also one common but yet special attribute aria hidden which instead of adding information to the screen reader removes it and all its children in the HTML tree This serves the purpose of hiding elements that do not provide valuable information Testing accessibility support using a screen readerThere is a lot of knowledge to be learned when it comes to building accessible applications and webpages There is also a ton of experience to be gained just trying to do everything right To help yourself with making sure that your webpage or application is properly accessible it is really useful to utilize the screen reader in the workflow The same way as we test our code locally on different devices and web browsers in order to verify if the content is laid out properly and if it works functionally we could and should verify if it is accessible Of course screen readers are not automated tools for detecting accessibility issues but by learning how to use them especially with the application you re working on it is an insightful experience This experience allows us to interact with created applications or documents in different but very important ways by listening to the content being read And because we re listening to the content it is easier to catch potential issues with navigation order meaningful descriptions of images verbosity level of the interface and more Thanks to free to use solutions like open sourced NVDA for Microsoft Windows and the natively supported VoiceOver for macOS it is possible to just start using it without the need for any investments An interesting outcome of testing applications with screen readers is that they can provide feedback as to the overall application design which can improve the accessibility of the page for all kinds of visual disabilities or even increase the ease of use for sighted users Wrap upOne part of making applications accessible is allowing the users to interact with them easily through screen reader software This software is a fundamental player when it comes to possible user inputs and should be treated on a par with pointer or touch interactions We as responsible developers need to treat the accessibility of our applications the same way we treat the visual attractiveness and usefulness of the graphical user interfaces we build The amount of possibilities in terms of different navigation techniques in screen readers can be intimidating but it is only a matter of practice to feel more comfortable using it If you ever feel lost you can easily check the guidelines like the ones for NVDA or VoiceOver 2021-06-30 12:20:14
海外TECH DEV Community Setup travis CI builds directly from the API https://dev.to/kartik0709/lets-23jp Setup travis CI builds directly from the APIExecuting a CI Build using an API built with no code backend platform These truly are craziest of times The need for APIs triggering Builds actually eliminates a lot of hassle that often come with using tools like jenkins or travis They offer a lot more CI features but are often difficult to setup amp maintain for smaller projects If you have a SPA website hosted that depends on the content of your backend well you re in luck because you can attach a webhook to your API endpoint which will trigger a build everytime the API is called Creating project on low code toolWe head over to Canonic and sign in using our social accounts Next we click on Create New to create a project for our application Click on next then click on create to complete the process Create new project screenA popup asking your first table name will appear If not you can click on the icon in the header to create a new table Let s name our first amp only table for this project RepoBuilds We create a text field named Repo Branch as we need the branch name against which we want to trigger the build We hit deploy on the top right and we ll be provided with a hosted backend a database amp basic CRUD endpoints per table Click on the API tab on the left to start adding the Travis CI webhook We select button that s attached to the createRepoBuilds block in mutations It ll open up a new webhook settings on the right hand side Select Build type →Choose Travis CI from the list of providers amp you ll be provided with fields for settings API Key →This is the API key of Travis account Repo Url →Git URL for the Repo we want to trigger the buildRepo Branch →Branch to be selected for buildingFor Repo Branch → We want to trigger the build against the text found in the repo branch field of the API payload So we can make use of Handlebars templates amp simply write repoBranch in that field This will extract the repoBranch field from the API payload and forward it to Travis And we re ready with our API to start triggering builds Managing an API access is easier than managing CI access so you can directly start consuming this API both by yourself amp teammates Integrating our existing app with this API This will require a combination of things that we need for securely connecting our application with this API Access token for our APIDocumentation for the APIAccess TokensClick on Settings using left side menu Go to Access tokens tab Click on Create a new token and provide it a suitable name and permissions Click on Create You ve successfully generated an access token for your API Copy it amp save it some place safe as you won t be able to see it again DocumentationHead over to the docs tab using the left hand side and you ll find documentation for createRepoBuilds API the API block where we added our Travis webhook TestingAfter completing all the necessary steps we re finally ready to deliver our first SMS using our Travis connected API Let s copy the CURL command that was mentioned in the documentation Fill in your access token and paste it into the terminal Our curl command will look something like this ➜curl request POST header Content type application json header Authorization xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx data input repoBranch newFixes A successful response will look like this data repoBranch newFixes id bfeefdaa createdAt T Z updatedAt T Z v id bfeefdaa error null success true You should check on Travis and you ll find the latest build in progress Having an API saves a lot of trouble of maintenance and boilerplate setup while leaving plenty of room for rapid innovation Find more information about this feature here You also add other integrations depending on your business needs like sending a message on slack etc Check out the slack guide here 2021-06-30 12:14:14
海外TECH DEV Community Every Python Dictionary Method Explained Simply https://dev.to/dottedsquirrel/every-python-dictionary-method-explained-simply-4ah4 Every Python Dictionary Method Explained SimplyHere is a quick recap of how dictionaries work written with changeable unordered indexedcomes with key pair values amp no duplicateslooks something like this pythondictionary python data science third JavaScript Here is every Python Dictionary method available Combining dictionariesTo combine two dictionaries use a leading and then add them to a dictionary Here is an example a a b b c a b print c this will return a b dict clear To remove all items inside a Python dictionary use clear pythondictionary a b c print pythondictionary clear this will return None dict copy copy will create a shallow copy of the original dictionary pythondictionary a b c c pythondictionary copy print c this will return a b c dict fromkeys fromkeys lets you create a dictionary from a set of keys stored in a list or tuple For example keys a b c value d dict fromkeys keys value print d this will return a b c dict get You can access dictionary attributes with like this d a b c print d a this will return However the safest way to access attributes in a Python dictionary is through using the get function This makes the action explicit If the attribute doesn t exist it will return None If you used instead of get and the value doesn t exist you will get a KeyError instead d a b c print d get a this will return If you want to get an attribute but not sure if it exists or not you can also assign your own error value to something like undefined with get Here is an example d a b c print d get f undefined this will return undefined dict items item will return a dictionary s key and value pairs as a list of tuples Here is an example car make Mitsubishi model Lancer year color silver result car items print result this will return dict items make Mitsubishi model Lancer year color silver Now you can iterate over the results with a loop like this for item in result print item this will return make Mitsubishi model Lancer year color silver dict keys Use keys if you only need the keys inside a dictionary For example car make Mitsubishi model Lancer year color silver for key in car keys print key this will return make model year color dict values To only access the values inside a dictionary use values For example car make Mitsubishi model Lancer year color silver for value in car values print value this will return Mitsubishi Lancer silver dict pop If you want to remove a specific item from a dictionary based on key name you can use pop For example car make Mitsubishi model Lancer year color silver car pop year print car this will return make Mitsubishi model Lancer color silver dict popitem To remove the last item in the dictionary use popitem For example car make Mitsubishi model Lancer year color silver car popitem this will return color silver print car this will return make Mitsubishi model Lancer year dict setdefault If a key doesn t exist it returns None by default However you can set the return value through setdefault For example car make Mitsubishi model Lancer year color silver print car setdefault origin undefined print car setdefault model undefined this will return undefined followed by because the key exists Lancer dict update To insert an item into a dictionary use update For example car make Mitsubishi model Lancer year color silver car update origin Japan print car this will return make Mitsubishi model Lancer year origin Japan And that s basically it 2021-06-30 12:03:12
海外TECH DEV Community Learning Python-Basic course: Day 7, Exercises and coding challenges⚔️ https://dev.to/aatmaj/learning-python-basic-course-day-7-exercises-and-coding-challenges-2l2b Learning Python Basic course Day Exercises and coding challenges️ Welcome ️Today s agenda is solving more interesting questions ️intricate patterns and mind blowing sequences Let us now today solve some more questions on while loops and for loops We will look at sample questions followed by exercises and a coding challenge ️ Sample questions Write a program to print Fibonacci numbers a b print end for i in range a b b b a print b end Simultaneous assignment of valuesNote the second last line This is the Python syntax for simultaneous assignment This is equivalent to using a temp variable like temp aa bb b tempThis python shortcut comes very very handy while swapping two numbers to Write a program to display times table from for i in range for j in range print i j j i print OUTPUT for numbers upto What such a small amount of code can do in seconds took us years to learn Exercises Modify the factorial program we did in day to error check for zero and negative numbers using if else Answer Write a program to give the following output Write a program to display perfect numbers from a range entered by a user include Coding challenges ️ Write a program to display terms of this infinite pattern until Comment your answers below Let s see who can solve tis one ️️Beware it is harder than it seems Answer to this question will be given in tomorrow s session So stay tuned by following me for updates Please like and comment below 2021-06-30 12:02:33
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Google, Microsoft cease six-year truce on legal disputes https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/30/google-microsoft-cease-six-year-truce-on-legal-disputes?utm_medium=rss Google Microsoft cease six year truce on legal disputesThe deal that saw Microsoft and Google agree not to sue each other has not been renewed potentially because Microsoft appears to have escaped the US government s Big Tech legislation plans The truce began shortly after Sundar Pichai pictured took over at Google and Satya Nadella became Microsoft CEOIn late around different international lawsuits between Microsoft and Google were abruptly ended when the two firms negotiated a settlement That settlement was believed to include some financial arrangements but it chiefly saw the two form a pact which has only now ended Read more 2021-06-30 12:19:13
海外TECH Engadget WhatsApp is rolling out 'view once' messages to Android beta testers https://www.engadget.com/whatsapp-android-view-once-messages-124030396.html?src=rss WhatsApp is rolling out x view once x messages to Android beta testersFacebook is diving into ephemeral messaging After debuting self erasing media and texts on Messenger and Instagram the social giant is rolling out a similar feature on WhatsApp Starting today the app s beta testers on Android have begun to receive a quot View Once quot mode that wipes photos and videos as soon as you view and dismiss them You ll know if you have access to the new feature if you see a dedicated button that looks like a timer in the caption input field according to the experts at WABetaInfo nbsp Not to be confused with WhatsApp s disappearing messages ーwhich delete within seven days ーphotos and video sent using view once mode are single use only and vanish after you close them You ll get a notification once your media has been viewed nbsp Despite the added sheen of privacy there are some quirks you should be aware of before jumping in As noted by WABetaInfo disabling read receipts won t stop others from being notified if a view once message has been opened ーthough you won t see when a recipient open yours In groups you ll be able to see when members have opened disappearing media even if you have read receipts disabled nbsp Also there s nothing stopping people from screenshotting your message without you finding out View once apparently still works if you send a message to someone who doesn t have access to the feature Those on iOS will reportedly get the new mode at a later date Facebook announced the feature in June on the heels of its divisive WhatsApp privacy policy update The tech giant was forced to delay the new rules to mid May from early February following an outcry over its access to additional user data Facebook also later backtracked on its decision to limit WhatsApp features for those who didn t accept the changes The company has previously painted ephemeral messaging as a way to encourage more authentic and intimate conversations 2021-06-30 12:40:30
海外TECH Engadget Watch the first livestreamed Virgin Orbit rocket launch starting at 9:50AM ET https://www.engadget.com/virgin-orbit-live-launch-stream-123903068.html?src=rss Watch the first livestreamed Virgin Orbit rocket launch starting at AM ETNow that Virgin Orbit is comfortable carrying satellites into space it s ready for you to tune in The orbital delivery company is livestreaming a rocket launch for the first time with an expected takeoff time around AM Eastern The quot Tubular Bells Part One quot mission will see the Cosmic Girl host aircraft deploy the LauncherOne rocket roughly an hour after lifting into the sky LauncherOne will have plenty to do during the flight as Space comnoted It s carrying seven satellites for three countries including the US four cubesats for the Department of Defense Space Test Program Poland two vehicles for SatRevolution and the Netherlands a cubesat for the Royal Netherlands Air Force As before Virgin Orbit s appeal is its flexibility and cost ーorganizations can put payloads into space more on their own terms and potentially for less money than needed for a conventional launch The company has had just two launches before now though In that light a lot is riding on this mission ーit should help prove that Virgin is ready to pick up the pace and compete against private spaceflight rivals like Rocket Lab and SpaceX 2021-06-30 12:39:03
海外TECH Engadget Sony's excellent WH-1000XM3 wireless headphones hit new low of $190 https://www.engadget.com/sony-wh-1000-xm-3-wireless-headphones-deal-best-buy-122526939.html?src=rss Sony x s excellent WH XM wireless headphones hit new low of There s a lot to like about Sony s WH XM wireless headphones and many of them come from their predecessor the WH XM Sony added to the exceptional foundation of the XM to make the XM stand out even further from the competition but as the company s latest ANC cans the XMs are expensive at If you can bare with a slightly older model you can get the WH XM for a great price right now ーjust if you go to Best Buy That s less than their previous all time low that we saw back in March Buy WH XM at Best Buy Just because the XM are not the newest cans anymore that doesn t mean they have been made obsolete In fact they still have god sound quality and excellent active noise cancellation the latter of which is strong enough to block out most background noise from the street when you re walking to work or from an airplane when you re traveling They also have a comfortable and relatively attractive design plus a killer battery life The XM will last about hours before they need a recharge and quick charging capabilities will give you five hours of use after only minutes of power up If you re on the market for a new pair of ANC headphones you re probably wondering what Sony added to the XM to make them fresh It s really two key features the XM will automatically pause when they detect that you re speaking and multi device connectivity With the later you can switch between listening on two devices ーlike your smartphone and your computer ーpretty seamlessly Those new features in addition to other small improvements helped the XM top our list of best headphones But if you can skip them the XM remain a solid pick that are made even better at this sale price Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice 2021-06-30 12:25:26
海外TECH Engadget LG's 'QNED' Mini LED TVs are coming to the US in July https://www.engadget.com/lg-qned-mini-led-tvs-us-july-122053697.html?src=rss LG x s x QNED x Mini LED TVs are coming to the US in JulyLG s lineup of QNED K and K TVs unveiled late last year will arrive in the US in July the company has announced They ll sit just below LG s flagship OLED and consist of two K models the QNED and QNED along with the K QNED in sizes from to inches The TVs will launch first in North America and arrive to other regions in the coming weeks nbsp The new sets will use Mini LED tech that blends characteristics from both OLED and LED Unlike regular LED models Mini LED uses thousands of tiny LEDs up to for the inch K QNED With so many more so called dimming zones the QNED sets will be able to display deeper blacks and offer more contrast than regular LED TVs nbsp LGAt the same time they offer more brightness than OLED TVs though contrast and black levels aren t as good Also unlike with OLED you ll occasionally see quot blooming quot or blockiness around bright areas when the dimming zone is larger than the light source on the screen Mini LED is not to be mistaken with MicroLED either as the latter is a completely different currently very expensive technology that works more like OLED with individual LEDs for each pixel nbsp The models have all the specs you d expect in a high end TV including brightness levels up to nits HDR HLG and Dolby Vision HDR support along with Dolby Atmos for sound All models offer Hz native refresh rates with AMD FreeSync support and LG revealed yesterday that the QNED models would have Hz Dolby Vision gaming support when they arrive in July You ll also get LG s Magic Remote ThinQ AI webOS smart TV features and Apple AirPlay amp HomeKit support nbsp LG didn t reveal the pricing in its press release but B amp H Photo Video already has most of the lineup up on preorder Prices start at for the QNED inch K model with the and inch K QNED sets at and respectively The QNED K sets jump jump considerably as you d imagine with the inch model priced at the inch model at and the flagship inch model at There s no sign yet of pricing for the QNED K models nbsp 2021-06-30 12:20:53
ラズパイ Raspberry Pi Machine Learning made easy with Raspberry Pi, Adafruit and Microsoft https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/machine-learning-made-easy-with-raspberry-pi-adafruit-and-microsoft/ Machine Learning made easy with Raspberry Pi Adafruit and MicrosoftMachine learning can sound daunting even for experienced Raspberry Pi hobbyists but Microsoft and Adafruit Industries are determined to make it easier for everyone to have a go Microsoft s Lobe tool takes the stress out of training machine learning models and Adafruit have developed an entire kit around their BrainCraft HAT featuring Raspberry Pi The post Machine Learning made easy with Raspberry Pi Adafruit and Microsoft appeared first on Raspberry Pi 2021-06-30 12:24:59
海外科学 NYT > Science Delta Variant’s Spread Prompts Reconsideration of Mask Guidance https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/29/health/coronavirus-delta-variant-masks.html Delta Variant s Spread Prompts Reconsideration of Mask GuidanceLos Angeles County and the W H O warned that even immunized people should wear masks indoors Some scientists agreed but urged a localized approach 2021-06-30 12:41:16
海外科学 NYT > Science Collapsed Building Near Miami Had Serious Concrete Damage https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/26/us/miami-building-collapse-investigation.html Collapsed Building Near Miami Had Serious Concrete DamageA consultant in urged the managers to repair cracked columns and crumbling concrete The work was finally about to get underway when the building collapsed 2021-06-30 12:31:18
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 急性期入院料1の施設、2割超が治療室なし-中医協・入院分科会 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20210630205203 中央社会保険医療協議会 2021-06-30 21:15:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Checkatrade boss warns of shortage of skilled trade workers https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-57663112 bathroom 2021-06-30 12:31:35
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid-19: Huge crowds seek vaccine as Indonesia cases soar https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-57665092 outbreak 2021-06-30 12:19:17
ニュース BBC News - Home Fifth seed Andreescu out in Wimbledon first round https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/57666185 wimbledon 2021-06-30 12:08:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Tottenham close to appointing Nuno as manager https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/57667403 manager 2021-06-30 12:12:47
ニュース BBC News - Home Ireland's Reid nominated for Olympic selection despite drugs & firearms charges https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/athletics/57667487 Ireland x s Reid nominated for Olympic selection despite drugs amp firearms chargesIrish Olympic bosses now must decide whether to ratify Leon Reid s nomination for Tokyo after he is among Athletics Ireland s nominees 2021-06-30 12:12:31
GCP Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ Google Cloud INSIDE Retail を開催 - 小売・流通業界向けソリューションとお客様事例をご紹介 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/events/inside-retail-20210708/ さらに、Glassの活用例を株式会社パルコ様、株式会社パルコスペースシステムズ様にお話いただきます。 2021-06-30 13:00:00
北海道 北海道新聞 道南初の職場接種 湯の川温泉旅館組合 重い副反応なし https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/561813/ 協同組合 2021-06-30 21:16:00
北海道 北海道新聞 巨0―1広(30日) 広島が競り勝つ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/561814/ 野間 2021-06-30 21:16:00
北海道 北海道新聞 HAP営業損失198億円 21年3月期 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/561806/ 道内 2021-06-30 21:13:00
北海道 北海道新聞 リンゴ日報の親会社も事業停止 社員に通知、資産凍結続く https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/561804/ 事業停止 2021-06-30 21:11:00
北海道 北海道新聞 道内「第4波」沈静化 6月の感染者 前月比4分の1 人出増加で警戒必要 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/561802/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-06-30 21:09:00
ニュース Newsweek 混迷深まるミャンマー スー・チー裁判は長期化、反軍政の武力抵抗は激しさ増す https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2021/06/post-96616.php 混迷深まるミャンマースー・チー裁判は長期化、反軍政の武力抵抗は激しさ増す月日にクーデターで軍政に身柄を拘束され、複数の容疑で訴追、公判が続いているアウン・サン・スー・チー氏の裁判が長期化する可能性が高くなったことが明らかになった。 2021-06-30 21:31:44
GCP Cloud Blog JA Google Cloud INSIDE Retail を開催 - 小売・流通業界向けソリューションとお客様事例をご紹介 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/events/inside-retail-20210708/ さらに、Glassの活用例を株式会社パルコ様、株式会社パルコスペースシステムズ様にお話いただきます。 2021-06-30 13:00:00



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