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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] 「auウェルネス」でオンライン服薬指導を開始 健康管理から医療体験までが可能に https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2106/30/news180.html ITmediaMobile「auウェルネス」でオンライン服薬指導を開始健康管理から医療体験までが可能にKDDIが、トータルヘルスケアアプリ「auウェルネス」の機能を拡張し、月からオンライン服薬指導サービスを提供する。 2021-06-30 22:09:00
AWS AWS Startups Blog Syntegra: Bridging the Healthcare Data Gap https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/startups/syntegra-bridging-the-healthcare-data-gap/ Syntegra Bridging the Healthcare Data GapDespite the emergence of big data in healthcare it remains nearly impossible to share useful comprehensive patient level data sets externally due to strict privacy concerns Even internally it can be cumbersome to share data with other teams for analytic and educational purposes These long standing challenges led to the creation of Syntegra in We sat down with their CTO and Co founder Ofer Mendelevitch to learn more 2021-06-30 13:42:10
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS IoT】カメラ画像をIoT CoreへMQTT送信してS3に保存してみた https://qiita.com/tsumida/items/1ca7520fab445309bdf3 前提送信元デバイスはNVIDIAJetsonNano開発者キットBを利用AWSIoTCoreのコンパネで「モノ」を作成して、「モノ」用の証明書も作成してデバイスに保存デバイスにはAWSIoTDeviceSDKをインストール送信用のpythonのコードと、lambdaプログラムコードはAWSIoTRaspberryPiからMQTTで画像をSにアップロードしてみましたを参考にさせていただきました。 2021-06-30 22:53:53
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python】 binary data を読み書き https://qiita.com/XPT60/items/887af044521bec3e3ca3 bytes型の変数は、リストで参照するようにでインデックスを指定して参照することができます。 2021-06-30 22:38:04
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScriptでタイピングエフェクト https://qiita.com/Coco__syu/items/4b3b638ed21797cac3cc JavaScriptでタイピングエフェクト実装の流れ・HTMLで要素の設置。 2021-06-30 22:47:53
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CKEditor エラー「Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'unselectable' of null」の解消 https://qiita.com/taaachezi/items/9f730853105bf5010afe CKEditorエラー「UncaughtTypeErrorCannotreadpropertyxunselectablexofnull」の解消EveryQiitaのんびり独学初学者の毎日投稿チャレンジ日目今回は・・・社内のコミュニケーションアプリ開発でリッチテキストエディタを実装した時の備忘録です。 2021-06-30 22:27:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) discord.pyのbotのレベル機能について https://teratail.com/questions/347016?rss=all discordpyのbotのレベル機能について前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 2021-06-30 22:50:33
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) MJPG-streamer のストリーミング画像を canvasStream を使って video タグに描画できない。 https://teratail.com/questions/347015?rss=all MJPGstreamerのストリーミング画像をcanvasStreamを使ってvideoタグに描画できない。 2021-06-30 22:41:09
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) unity ボタンを押すとカメラの現在値を取得し加算するには https://teratail.com/questions/347014?rss=all unityボタンを押すとカメラの現在値を取得し加算するには前提・実現したいことスクリプト初心者ですUnityでDOTweenを使用し、ボタンを押すたびにカメラの現在値を取得しそこから秒で度カメラが回転するスプリクトを作成したいのですが下記のスプリクトでは動きはするもののボタンを押しても回転はリセットされ同じ動きが繰り返されるだけですボタン押すたびにカメラの現在値を取得し加算させるにはどうしたらいいのでしょうよろしくお願い致します。 2021-06-30 22:35:03
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) SVG画像の色が変わらない https://teratail.com/questions/347013?rss=all 2021-06-30 22:28:09
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Herokuでの500エラー(PHP) https://teratail.com/questions/347012?rss=all HerokuでのエラーPHPこのページは動作していませんancientridgeherokuappcomでは現在このリクエストを処理できません。 2021-06-30 22:21:04
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) スクレイピング ブラウザ起動方法について https://teratail.com/questions/347011?rss=all スクレイピングブラウザ起動方法について【相談内容】スクレイピング技術の習得の為、「python」を使用してブラウザを起動しようとしています。 2021-06-30 22:17:31
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) mysqlでidカラムをユニークな値に更新したい https://teratail.com/questions/347010?rss=all mysqlでidカラムをユニークな値に更新したいmysqlで本番をステージングに同期する際にidカラムをマスキングする必要があるため、ユニークな値に更新したいです。 2021-06-30 22:14:25
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 多態性(ポリモーフィズム)についての対応箇所を教えてください。 https://teratail.com/questions/347009?rss=all 多態性ポリモーフィズムについての対応箇所を教えてください。 2021-06-30 22:09:39
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) WordPressのカスタムフィールドとタクソノミーの絞り込み検索で、タクソノミーのみの検索の際記事が表示されません。 https://teratail.com/questions/347008?rss=all WordPressのカスタムフィールドとタクソノミーの絞り込み検索で、タクソノミーのみの検索の際記事が表示されません。 2021-06-30 22:07:29
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) atcoder AGC014 A "Cookie Exchanges" で自分のコードの何が間違っているのかわからない(python) https://teratail.com/questions/347007?rss=all atcoderAGCAquotCookieExchangesquotで自分のコードの何が間違っているのかわからないpython前提・実現したいことatcodernbspgrandnbspcontestnbspのA問題quotCookienbspExchangesquotを解いています。 2021-06-30 22:04:24
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 非同期通信での表示ができない https://teratail.com/questions/347006?rss=all 非同期通信での表示ができない実現したいことプログラミング初学者です。 2021-06-30 22:02:36
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) node.jsの時間取得+保存 https://teratail.com/questions/347005?rss=all nodejs 2021-06-30 22:01:00
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS小ネタ5選 https://qiita.com/hdmn54321/items/cca1242321249f78203f 日本語版は過疎っているので英語で質問する必要がありますが、英語が苦手な人は質問をできるだけ短い文章をつなげて書くようにしてDeepLに投げればほとんどのケースで意味の通る英語になると思います。 2021-06-30 22:44:36
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Docker Compose for Amazon ECSを試してみた https://qiita.com/hidetarou2013@github/items/6fda7f7d9f1dfe7cad93 composeapplicationエラーがない事リソースが正常であることを確認一時停止しているCodePipelineを承認して続行させるうまくいけば、これで完了です。 2021-06-30 22:42:36
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Google Cloud アップデート (6/24-6/30 2021) https://qiita.com/kenzkenz/items/e661a6bad8be6e6c672a PARSEBIGNUMERIC、PARSENUMERIC、CASTのフォーマット、NumerictypeINTaliases、STGEOGFROMがGAになったよカラムのオプション変更するALTERCOLUMNSETOPTIONSがGAになったよTablevaluedfunctionsのTablefunctionsがプレビューになったよビューと似てるけどパラメータが使えるGoogleTrendsがマーケットプレイスでプレビューになったよCloudFunctionsJunasiaeastで使えるようになったよAnthosclustersonVMwareJungkeリリースkubernetesgkegcloud使わずにgkectl使ってユーザクラスタのアンレジスタ実施してねオートスケーリング、オートサイジング、windowsサーバコンテナ、バックアップ等のプレビューとかセキュリティやネットワーク、ストレージ、運用の改善とかその他変更、修正とbreakingchnagesとかCloudSpeechtoTextJunマルチリージョンエンドポイントがGAにGKEJungke以降のの度でcontainerdがWindowsServerLTSCとSACに対応したよCloudSQLJunSQLServerAD統合がGAになったよOperationsSuiteJunCloudMonitoringincidentsでアラーティング期間内に新しいデータがなければクローズしてくれる機能ができたよBigQueryDataTransferServiceJunAuditloggingCloudLoggingCloudMonitoring対応がGAになったよDataprocMetastoreJunvインポートする際にHiveメタデータスキーマのバリデーションをするようになったよヒストリが件に制限されているよComputeEngineJunregionalとzonalのmanagedinstancegroupsをCloudMonitoringの値を元に自動でスケーリングしてくれる機能がプレビューになったよFilestoreJunVPCServiceControlsで守れるようになったよfilestoreJuneuropecentralで使えるようになったよasiasouthデリ追加JunBigQueryBIEngineBQMLDataTransferServiceGCSSpannerComputeEngineCloudSQLBigtableGKEVPNMemorystoreforRedisMemorystoreDataprocCloudRunVPCのオートモードではを利用AnthosServiceMeshJunxインバウンドの転送でlocalhostだけにバインドされているアプリケーションに影響が出るよ要ノート確認BigQueryJun複数のテーブルにミューテーションしてコミットロールバックをアトミックにできるmultistatementtransactionsがプレビューになったよMigrateforAnthosandGKEJunMigrateforAnthosandGKEをリリース機能追加とか不具合もあるのでドキュメント要確認DataprocJunMetastoreのリージョン対応、ステートの新規追加とか、不具合修正とかKfJunGoogleのマネージドサービスのKfCloudServiceBrokerができたよその他改善と修正CloudBillingJunコストテーブルでサマリバーが使えるようになったよディスクレーマアップデートの内容はあくまでも個人の理解していることを書いています。 2021-06-30 22:32:49
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【git-hooks】pushされたファイルをFTPでレンタルサーバーにアップロードする https://qiita.com/ssint1120/items/846937ee38ac8af296e4 cdローカルリポジトリのルートchmodxgithooksprepushpush時にFTPでアップロードするリモートリポジトリはファイルの実態を持たないので、リモートリポジトリがあるファイルサーバーに、デプロイ用のローカルリポジトリを作って一旦そこにpullするようにしました。 2021-06-30 22:10:30
海外TECH Ars Technica Relativity to open a huge factory that measures up to its grand ambitions https://arstechnica.com/?p=1777209 coliseum 2021-06-30 13:00:24
海外TECH DEV Community Las 30 mejores herramientas digitales para la educación en línea https://dev.to/feygele/las-30-mejores-herramientas-digitales-para-la-educacion-en-linea-45p3 Las mejores herramientas digitales para la educación en líneaDebido a la pandemia de COVID muchas empresas e instituciones educativas han recurrido al aprendizaje a distancia En estos tiempos difíciles esta es la manera más segura y efectiva de que las personas continúen aprendiendo Por esto es esencial contar con las herramientas adecuadas para que los empleados y los formadores asícomo los estudiantes y los profesores estén siempre conectados y tengan a mano el material de aprendizaje necesario En este artículo hablaremos sobre cinco tipos de herramientas digitales para la educación en línea que puedes usar para ofrecer la mejor experiencia de aprendizaje posible a tus estudiantes Compártelas en las redes sociales o añade esta página a tus favoritos para volver a consultar el artículo más tarde Para leer más sigue este artículo 2021-06-30 13:24:08
海外TECH DEV Community Bootstrap 5 Lightbox https://dev.to/mdbootstrap/bootstrap-5-lightbox-3agb Bootstrap Lightbox What is Bootstrap Lightbox Lightbox is a responsive gallery with the option to enlarge selected photos Installation Manual installation zip package To take advantage of our Bootstrap images component and use them in your project you first need to install the MDB Free package MDB CLIWatch our Quick Start Tutorial to discover and use the full potential of MDB and MDB CLI NPM PrerequisitesBefore starting the project make sure to install Node LTS x x recommended InstallationTo install MDB UI KIT in your project easily type the following command in the terminal npm i mdb ui kit Importing JS modulesYou can import the entire library or just individual modules import as mdb from mdb ui kit libimport Input from mdb ui kit module Importing CSS fileTo import MDB stylesheet please use the following syntax import mdb ui kit css mdb min css Importing SCSS modulesYou can also import individual SCSS modules To do it properly we recommend to copy them from the node modules mdb ui kit src scss location directly to your project and import in the same way as CSS files Webpack integrationYou can significantly speed up the process of creating a new project based on Webpack using our Starter CDNInstallation via CDN is one of the easiest methods of integrating MDB UI KIT with your project Just copy the latest compiled JS script tag and CSS link tag from cdnjs to the application Don t forget to add also Font Awesome and Roboto font if you need Here s an example code CSS lt Font Awesome gt lt link href rel stylesheet gt lt Google Fonts gt lt link href amp display swap rel stylesheet gt lt MDB gt lt link href rel stylesheet gt JS lt MDB gt lt script type text javascript src gt lt script gt Customization Basic exampleA basic example of a lightbox with the most common use case with the bootstrap grid HTML lt div class lightbox gt lt div class row gt lt div class col lg gt lt img src data mdb img alt Lightbox image class w gt lt div gt lt div class col lg gt lt img src data mdb img alt Lightbox image class w gt lt div gt lt div class col lg gt lt img src data mdb img alt Lightbox image class w gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt Image optimizationTo ensure the proper performance of the page it is recommended to include thumbnails of images in the src attribute Then in the data mdb img attribute add the path to the image with higher resolution If the data mdb img attribute is omitted the lightbox will display the same image as in the reduced size HTML lt img src data mdb img alt Lightbox image class w gt You can see more customization examples on the Lightbox documentation page Crucial ResourcesHere are the resources that we have prepared to help you work with this component Read Lightbox documentation page lt start hereIn to get the most out of your project you should also get acquainted with other Components options related to Lightbox See the section below to find the list of them You can use predesigned Components elements in Starter Bootstrap templatesTemplates are a part of Free UI Kit for Bootstrap After finishing the project you can publish it with CLI in order to receive Free hosting beta Related Content and Styles options amp featuresAccordionAlerts ButtonsBadgesCardsButton GroupCarouselChipsCollapseDropdownsList GroupModalPopconfirmPopoversProgressRatingSpinnersStepperToastsTooltips Learn Bootstrap in H Additional resourcesLearn web development with our learning roadmap Start LearningJoin our mailing list amp receive exclusive resources for developersGet giftsJoin our private FB group for inspiration amp community experience‍‍‍Ask to joinSupport creation of open source packages with a STAR on GitHub 2021-06-30 13:21:08
海外TECH DEV Community Firebase: Start up your base or fire up your own servers? https://dev.to/anuragjwrites/firebase-start-up-your-base-or-fire-up-your-own-servers-i2n Firebase Start up your base or fire up your own servers This article was originally published on Applozic Blog If you clicked this article because of the word Firebase you have probably been a part of a mobile application development lifecycle at some point in your life Some of the services offered by Firebase like Firebase Cloud Messaging FCM Firebase Dynamic Links Firebase Remote Config have become synonymous with the features they implement in your applications At my current organization Applozic FCM is used for push notifications for Android applications built on our platform At a global level Firebase is currently among one of the top app development platforms relied upon by developers across the globe That said Firebase s offerings in the Backend as a Service BaaS space are not the be all end all in terms of application development In this article I would like to explore some of the features as well as shortcomings application developers have encountered with Firebase and whether your application might be better suited with your own backend solution What is Firebase Firebase helps you develop high quality apps grow your user base and earn more money Each feature works independently and they work even better together Firebase is a mobile application development platform from Google with powerful features for developing handling and enhancing highly functional and versatile web Android and iOS platform applications Firebase categorizes its services and by creating solutions of these three main problems for developers Build Accelerate and scale app development without managing infrastructureRelease amp Monitor Release applications with confidence and monitor their performance and stability in realtime Engage Boost engagement with rich analytics A B testing and messaging campaignsFirebase s ideal customerFirebase Use Cases page has some interesting application use cases which cover some of their more popular offerings and how these services solved a business problem or boosted the customer retention after onboarding Of course these are the high visibility success stories where businesses were profitable and Firebase helped them take the next step in their development journey You can find their showcase use cases here To understand what type of customer would benefit the most from Firebase services let s take a look at their current pricing plan and see how George a fictional character created an application using Firebase Building the basics for your appGeorge woke up from bed with a great idea for an app and wanted to implement the minimum viable product to make sure the idea gets implemented Firebase offered George unique services with dedicated APIs that helped with the initial setup of creating a database managing authentication storage messaging testing etc without ever having to understand what is going on in the backend The phrase pace over perfection is best suited for use cases like this where the priority is to get a feature implemented over worrying about the nitty gritty of implementation and since George used only the Free plan he was able to get an application shipped in minimum possible time Firebase pricing plans comparisonA month has passed since George released his app and he is happy with its success The app has over downloads on mobile and people are using and re using the app at a moderate level Everything is great on the public side of the picture Storage ConstraintsBehind the scenes though the application is reaching its quotas on most of the services George s app has a lot of inbuilt messaging capabilities and users are sending rich messages GIFs emoticons and animated features and attaching files in one to one conversations and that is fulfilling his Cloud Storage quota rapidly Free plan vs Paid plan for Firebase Cloud StorageGeorge considers moving his storage solution to a more cost efficient service like AWS S but finds out that due to a Vendor lock in he cannot simply migrate from Google Cloud Storage without having to completely rebuild how the app functions Security ConstraintsAs the number of users increase George wants to implement phone authentication as a security measure but finds that the quota for Firebase authentication has already reached its limit and he needs to either scale up to the paid plan or not implement this feature Free plan vs Paid plan for Firebase AuthenticationCustomization ConstraintsSeeing the increasing challenges in maintaining his app in a free to download version George wants to implement a few exclusive features which then he can ship as a paid app for regular users He wants to implement customized API calls that will utilize the Realtime Database RTDB to provide the users with accurate data However Firebase APIs are non customizable and the quotas for the RTDBs are constraining the ability to onboard new users or implement new features Free plan vs Paid plan for Firebase RTDBPoint of no returnThe time has arrived for George to make a decision regarding the app s future To ensure his app keeps functioning he has to take one of the following decisions Move to the paid plan by sourcing investment and giving up partial full control over his app Move to the paid plan by monetizing his app and asking users to pay to use the service Move away from Firebase services and create a robust backend and storage solution that can withstand scalability without causing disastrous financial repercussions Solution and might be good for the short term if the practicality of cost can be solved by George However unless George is able to scale up his development efforts and gain a lot more users for his app these solutions are not going to help in the long term Solution while being the most suitable for the long term is not viable from the perspective of development or immediate implementation So who exactly is the ideal customer for Firebase If you are just starting your app development journey Firebase and its services are a great place to start implementing a minimum viable product If you are an Enterprise with oodles of funding and already use the Google Cloud platform Firebase complements your application with robust APIs and services If you are somewhere in between Firebase might not be the correct solution for you What developers say Multiple articles on blogs and users across social media sites like Reddit Twitter have opined their views on Firebase and I have tried my best to summarize them here Costs increase exponentially based on data usageAs we saw in George s case Firebase s current pricing plans are suitable for the initial development of an app free plan using less data or enterprise level customers high cost high value While Firebase does offer a free plan but that comes with hard quotas and restrictions that might hinder your application s usage Works only with NoSQL DatabasesFirebase offers two database options Firestore and Firebase Realtime Database Both of these have a NoSQL structure and there is no option to use a relational database This becomes a big problem when a developer wants to migrate some or all of their services to other providers and since Firebase uses JSON to store data there is almost no easy way to be able to migrate from the existing database Comparison between SQL and NoSQLFirebase can be geo restrictedFirebase is a subdomain of Google and their official website is the services can be blocked in any country by a domain ban This means that if George wanted to publish his app in a country where Google cannot be accessed he will have to rebuild his core infrastructure to something that is available in that country You can find the list of active disruptions to Google on this page Vendor Lock InDeveloping an application using a non open source tool set can be frustrating when you want to add a certain feature or migrate to another service but due to incompatibility you are forced to stay with the same service sometimes at a higher price or lower quality of service This is called Vendor Lock In and it is a prominent detriment in complex applications which use multiple services ConclusionIf you are in the beginning stages of your app development journey and your app can be considered small it doesn t require complex data queries and relies on real time updates Firebase is one of the most robust and cost efficient BaaS that you can utilize However as the complexity of your app grows and there is an acute need for customization high volume data transfers better data structuring for analysis and querying Firebase loses its sheen As a developer it would be more efficient to create your own backend or build upon existing IaaS platforms Have you used Firebase services and what prompted you to use leave Firebase in search of a solution If you have ever developed using Firebase do share your experience as a comment below Learn how to set up your Android application with Firebase in easy steps Applozic Android SDK Tutorial Push Notifications using Firebase Anurag Jayaraman for Applozic Inc・Jun ・ min read android tutorial firebase applozic 2021-06-30 13:17:54
海外TECH DEV Community Show dev: glassmorphism CSS generator https://dev.to/themesberg/show-dev-glassmorphism-css-generator-39hb Show dev glassmorphism CSS generatorHello devs Me and my friend decided to built a glassmorphism css generator based on an upcoming CSS library called Glass UI What you can do with this tool is that you can generate the CSS that you need to get the glassmorphism effect Some of the features include multiple background types gradient amp solid change the background colorglassmorphism properties blur transparency component border radiusdark light modecard colorget the HTML code for the component coming soon Here s a preview of the tool in both dark and light mode The tool is free to use and to play with Let us know in the comments section what you think about it what would you do differently or how we can improve it Thank you ️Check it out 2021-06-30 13:06:48
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to back up your Automator creations before macOS Monterey ships https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/30/how-to-back-up-your-automator-creations-before-macos-monterey-ships?utm_medium=rss How to back up your Automator creations before macOS Monterey shipsSince Apple is introducing Shortcuts to macOS Monterey in the fall it may be worth backing up all of your Automator workflows before it lands Here s how to make a copy of your automations The Automator icon will stick around for a while longer As part of its WWDC presentation Apple introduced its upcoming changes to its operating systems Among the major announcements was that Shortcuts is making its way from iOS and iPadOS over to macOS Monterey Read more 2021-06-30 13:43:29
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Satechi's new Mac mini hub gives you more storage options with an SSD enclosure https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/30/satechis-new-mac-mini-hub-gives-you-more-storage-options-with-an-ssd-enclosure?utm_medium=rss Satechi x s new Mac mini hub gives you more storage options with an SSD enclosureGive your Mac mini more storage and easy port access with Satechi s new Type C Stand Hub featuring an SSD enclosure The Type C Stand Hub for Mac mini with SSD enclosure is designed to expand the capabilities of your Mac mini Its compact design fits neatly under your Mac mini and provides front access to your most used ports It also features an SSD enclosure giving you a convenient place to add a little extra storage when needed The SSD enclosure supports M SATA solid state drives only and does not support NVMe Read more 2021-06-30 13:10:23
Cisco Cisco Blog Cutting Edge Technology to Shape our Future https://blogs.cisco.com/innovation/cutting-edge-technology-to-shape-our-future areas 2021-06-30 13:27:50
Cisco Cisco Blog Don’t Wait for the Going to Get Tough to Modernize Operations https://blogs.cisco.com/perspectives/dont-wait-for-the-going-to-get-tough-to-modernize-operations Don t Wait for the Going to Get Tough to Modernize OperationsIn the first installment of a study by Forrester Consulting Modernize Operations To Digitally Transform And Weather Any Storm the research focuses on how enterprises are trying to modernize their operations to boost agility ーwhich is key to their ability to weather adversity 2021-06-30 13:03:59
Cisco Cisco Blog Attention Service Providers: Cisco SD-WAN and Cisco Catalyst 8000 are now MEF 3.0 SD-WAN Certified https://blogs.cisco.com/networking/attention-service-providers-cisco-sd-wan-and-cisco-catalyst-8000-are-now-mef-3-0-sd-wan-certified Attention Service Providers Cisco SD WAN and Cisco Catalyst are now MEF SD WAN CertifiedCisco SD WAN and our Catalyst Edge Platforms Family are now MEF SD WAN certified to empower enterprise digital transformation Through its members including Cisco MEF enables dynamic trusted and certified services that empower enterprises to embrace their own digital transformation and grow their business 2021-06-30 13:00:49
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Introduction to Azure Synapse Analytics Part 2: Data Preparation and Management https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5306714/Introduction-to-Azure-Synapse-Analytics-Part-2-Dat Introduction to Azure Synapse Analytics Part Data Preparation and ManagementIn this article we explore how Azure Synapse Analytics helps with data preparation and management eliminating the need for custom extract transform and load ETL code 2021-06-30 13:45:00
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