投稿時間:2021-07-11 07:13:08 RSSフィード2021-07-11 07:00 分まとめ(11件)

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TECH Engadget Japanese ファインダー越しの終末世界『ウムランギ ジェネレーション』でカメラマン生活を始めよう:発掘!インディゲーム+ https://japanese.engadget.com/umurangi-generation-211050103.html steam 2021-07-10 21:10:50
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AtCoder Beginner Contest 209 参戦記 https://qiita.com/c-yan/items/6e9f2e741771494175f7 2021-07-11 06:43:08
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) インデックスについてわかりません https://teratail.com/questions/348815?rss=all インデックスについてわかりませんDNAaposACAGAACATTTGCGCCGTCAGCTTGAGAATTCACGGTAATAGTTGGGTGGCaposDNAの中にaposTTGaposの文字列が含まれている場合に、先頭のTの場所を出力するプログラムを記述せよ答えnbspDNAaposACAGAACATTTGCGCCGTCAGCTTGAGAATTCACGGTAATAGTTGGGTGGCaposlistnbspnbspnbspfornbspxnbspnbspvalnbspinnbspenumeratenbspnbspDNAnbspifnbspvalnbspnbspaposTTGaposlistappendnbspnbspxnbspprintnbsplistとやったのですが、何も表示されません。 2021-07-11 06:14:44
海外TECH DEV Community Finding Time For Security When Scaling w/ Liran Tal https://dev.to/linearb/finding-time-for-security-when-scaling-w-liran-tal-48hp Finding Time For Security When Scaling w Liran TalImagine a world where we gave developers the ability to find and fix security vulnerabilities before their code is merged This week on Dev Interrupted we bring in Liran Tal a security expert from Snyk io to talk about how our community can begin evolving traditional security workflows We also discuss what good security culture looks like and how to best track and prioritize our efforts Listen to the full episode Episode Highlights include The right metrics to track when looking at securityHow to enable developers to find and fix security vulnerabilitiesWhich security issues you need to prioritize for ROI and whyHow to start the transition to a more modern security model Join the Dev Interrupted Discord ServerWith over members the Dev Interrupted Discord Community is the best place for Engineering Leaders to engage in daily conversation No sales people allowed Join the community gt gt 2021-07-10 21:33:55
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to add lines and grids to your Notes on iOS and iPadOS https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/10/how-to-add-lines-and-grids-to-your-notes-on-ios-and-ipados?utm_medium=rss How to add lines and grids to your Notes on iOS and iPadOSMake it easier to write information down on your iPad by adding lines and grids to the background when you re using Notes on iPadOS or iOS The iPad and the Apple Pencil are a great combination for drawing or writing notes while on the move There are a plethora of apps made to take advantage of the pairing but it s hard to beat Apple s built in Notes app However using the app as is has its drawbacks compared to your standard pencil and paper for taking stylus based notes The chief one being the difficulty of keeping things straight while drawing or writing Read more 2021-07-10 21:21:47
海外TECH Engadget Autonomous drones learn to find 'hidden' meteorite impact sites https://www.engadget.com/drones-find-meteorite-impact-sites-215545994.html?src=rss Autonomous drones learn to find x hidden x meteorite impact sitesIt s easy to find large meteorites or their craters once they ve reached Earth but the smaller ones often go neglected ーscientists recover fewer than percent of them Soon however it might just be a question of sending a robot to do the job Universe Todayreports that researchers have developed a system that has autonomous drones use machine learning to find the smaller meteorites in impact sites that are either hidden even if observers traced the fall or simply inaccessible The technology uses a mix of convolutional neural networks to recognize meteorites based on training images both from online images as well as staged shots from the team s collection This helps the AI distinguish between space rocks and ordinary stones even with a variety of shapes and terrain conditions The results aren t flawless While a test drone did correctly spot planted meteorites there were also some false positives It could be a while before robotic aircraft are trustworthy enough to provide accurate results all on their own The implications for space science are significant if the technology proves accurate though It would help scientists spot and potentially recover meteorites that are either too small to find or too remote That in turn could help pinpoint meteorite sources and identify the rocks compositions Simply put drones could fill gaps in humanity s understanding of the cosmic debris that lands at our doorstep 2021-07-10 21:55:45
海外TECH Engadget Kaseya was warned about security flaws years ahead of ransomware attack https://www.engadget.com/kaseya-warned-of-security-flaws-before-ransomware-210226358.html?src=rss Kaseya was warned about security flaws years ahead of ransomware attackThe giant ransomware attack against Kaseya might have been entirely avoidable Former staff talking to Bloomberg claim they warned executives of quot critical quot security flaws in Kaseya s products several times between and but that the company didn t truly address them Multiple staff either quit or said they were fired over inaction Employees reportedly complained that Kaseya was using old code implemented poor encryption and even failed to routinely patch software The company s Virtual System Administrator VSA the remote maintenance tool that fell prey to ransomware was supposedly rife with enough problems that workers wanted the software replaced One employee claimed he was fired two weeks after sending executives a page briefing on security problems Others simply left in frustration with a seeming focus on new features and releases instead of fixing basic issues Kaseya also laid off some employees in in favor of outsourcing work to Belarus which some staff considered a security risk given local leaders partnerships with the Russian government Kaseya has declined to comment The company has showed signs of wanting to mend issues It fixed some problems after Dutch researchers pointed out vulnerabilities It didn t fix everything however and it didn t take long before analyst firms like Truesec found glaring flaws in Kaseya s platform This wasn t the first time Kaseya faced security issues either The company s software was reportedly used to launch ransomware at least twice between and and it didn t significantly rethink its security strategy However accurate the reports may be Kaseya s situation wouldn t be unique Staff at SolarWinds Twitter and others have described security lapses that weren t fixed in time That just makes the situation worse mind you It suggests that key parts of American online infrastructure have been vulnerable due to neglect and that these basic missteps are all too common 2021-07-10 21:02:26
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles VRCalc++ Object Oriented Scripting Language :: Vincent Radio {Adrix.NT} https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1272020/VRCalcplusplus-Object-Oriented-Scripting-Language dynamic 2021-07-10 21:04:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Euro 2020: Queen and Boris Johnson wish England well as final looms https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57789451 italy 2021-07-10 21:30:09
ニュース BBC News - Home Russell's Lions tour may be over - Gatland https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/57792507 Russell x s Lions tour may be over GatlandScotland fly half Finn Russell may be forced home from the British and Irish Lions tour of South Africa with an Achilles tear admits head coach Warren Gatland 2021-07-10 21:24:35
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン NEC森田新社長がもくろむ「5G世界戦略」の全貌 野心的な5年計画のカギを握るのは「5G」と「DX」 | 通信 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/440152?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 東洋経済オンライン 2021-07-11 06:30:00



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