投稿時間:2021-07-11 21:22:31 RSSフィード2021-07-11 21:00 分まとめ(21件)

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IT MOONGIFT CSV+ - マルチプラットフォームで動作するCSVエディタ http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/moongift/~3/TH9Y8eLyww0/ excel 2021-07-11 21:00:00
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JS(ES6)の文字列操作をプチ復習 https://qiita.com/siino_webdev/items/2d3b9c84ec3b34aa2bad まずはsplitから見ていきます。 2021-07-11 20:57:22
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) CakePHPとデータベースを接続したい https://teratail.com/questions/348939?rss=all 2021-07-11 20:56:41
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) widthを指定した物体が画面を小さくしたら左から消えるようにしたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/348938?rss=all widthを指定した物体が画面を小さくしたら左から消えるようにしたい。 2021-07-11 20:47:41
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Cのソースコード中の数値変更を、手入力ではなく自動で行いたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/348937?rss=all 2021-07-11 20:41:27
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 行の高さ+上下paddingの和が、検証ツールの示す要素の高さと一致しない理由 https://teratail.com/questions/348936?rss=all 行の高さ上下paddingの和が、検証ツールの示す要素の高さと一致しない理由内容フォントサイズnbspxnbsplineheightの値で求めた行の高さと上下paddingの和が、デベロッパーツールの示す要素の高さと一致しない理由を知りたい。 2021-07-11 20:38:35
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pythonでインポートができない https://teratail.com/questions/348935?rss=all pythonでインポートができない前提・実現したいことPythonでI音源分離をするために、ICAのライブラリを用いたい。 2021-07-11 20:29:03
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) JavaのDate型変数の受け渡しについて https://teratail.com/questions/348934?rss=all 今回、問題があったのはDate型の取扱についてです。 2021-07-11 20:08:12
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 事例に学ぶ!MLOps on AWS https://qiita.com/mariohcat/items/b7dce44dc3d386bcb5a7 ワークフロー自動化処理実行環境の最適化データの前処理、モデルの学習、後処理などにAmazonSageMakerを採用しています。 2021-07-11 20:20:44
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Azure Cognitive Services の Text Analytics を日本語でやってみた https://qiita.com/mnrst/items/bb18c6d4161ed6399094 sentimentpositiveconfidenceScorespositiveneutralnegativeoffsetlengthtextあなたが私と一緒にいたらいいのにと思います。 2021-07-11 20:51:44
技術ブログ Developers.IO JaSST’21 北海道に参加してきました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/jasst21hokkaido/ jasst 2021-07-11 11:47:21
技術ブログ Developers.IO Azure Maps Weather Services で天気情報を取得する https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/hello-azure-maps-weather-services/ azuremaps 2021-07-11 11:09:04
海外TECH DEV Community Programmer VS. Developer https://dev.to/dotonion/programmer-vs-developer-24m3 Programmer VS DeveloperSoftware developers need a strong programming background but they also need to find solutions to design and functionality problems You need to understand that the software development cycle is not just about implementation and that not every event requires both programming and programming Software developers must be creative and develop differently from programmers in order to produce the software systems they design Resource Software developer needs to understand all the cycles of software development not just implementation which sometimes will not event need any programming or coding Software developers must be creative developing different ways that programmers can manufacture the software or system that they have designed However software developers still need to have a strong background in coding since they will need to find solutions to problems in design and functionality If a computer programmer is working on writing a piece of code he or she may need the help of other programmers or work with a software developer if problems arise Resource Even when a computer programmer is working independently on writing a piece of code they need to seek out the help of other programmers or work with the software developer when problems arise Most software developers must have at least a bachelor s degree in which they learn not only how to program a computer but also the basics of computer architecture and data structures Software engineers need programming experience to become software engineers as programming is one of the many skills needed to develop software Resource Most software developers need to complete at least a bachelors degree during which time they learn not only programming code but also computer fundamentals computer architecture and data structure They need coding experience to become software engineers and programming is one of the many skills required to develop software A person in a software development job must have excellent programming skills as he or she is responsible for determining the function of the application or program and is responsible for front end and backend design With knowledge of advanced mathematics and scientific methods a software engineer is responsible for the overall picture when together with the user he evaluates what the customer or the company needs and designs a systematic solution Compared to a developer a programmer or software developer must be able to program since his main task is to find a way to solve problems Resource A person in a software development job must have excellent coding skills because they are in charge of determining the functions of an application or program as well as being responsible for the front end and back end designs With knowledge of advanced mathematics and the scientific method software engineers are responsible for the big picture they evaluate client or company needs in conjunction with those of the user and methodically conceptualize a systematic solution When comparing a developer vs programmer a software developer should be able to code as well as a programmer does but their main job is finding ways to solve problems Programmers are more competent but have a more limited ability to work compared to developers Programmers are involved in deeper work that requires more technical specialization than developers while developers must handle a broader range of work including monitoring the whole project and leading a development team Resource Programmers while being competent at what they do have a more limited capacity of work in comparison to a developer While programmers are involved with more in depth work and require more technical specialization than developers developers need to handle a broader range of work that includes overseeing the whole project or even managing a team of developers As the two careers overlap you will find that a computer programer is expected to know how to design products while a software developer knows how to program Although most tasks for programmers and developers are closely linked their job profiles and career choices vary considerably Although there are differences in salary between the two career paths the work of a programmer is more specialized than that of a developer and requires a wider range of skills Resource Even though most of the tasks of a programmer and a developer are closely related their job profiles and career choices are different This difference exists because the work of a programmer is more specialized while developers require a broader range of skills These two careers have some overlap and you may find that a computer programmer is expected to know how to design products and that a software developer must know how to code As you can imagine both computer programmers and software developers need to be proficient in several programming languages As demand for software engineers has grown they have been mixed with programming and developer positions Resource As you might imagine both computer programmers and software developers need to be well versed in several coding languages The demand for software engineers is on the rise but the role is often conflated with programmer and developer positions When you look at the lineup of the software team you may come across a job title and wonder whether the developer on your team is good enough for your business development or whether the software engineer is the key to the success of your project even if it contains a lot of technical data that only an engineer can handle Now that you know which role each of them plays in the development process let s take a look at six key differences between software engineers and programmers we will highlight below Resource Now that you know what each role serves within the development process let us take a look at six of the key differences between software engineers and programmers which we have highlighted below If you have ever looked through a software team line up you have come across these job titles and perhaps wondered if a developer on your team is indeed good for your business development or a software engineer is a key to success of your project as it contains a bunch of technical data that only an Engineer can handle Because people in the computer industry have their own expertise these positions are often interchangeable and there are confusing job descriptions for both computer developers and computer programmers If one compares the role of a computer programmer with that of a software developer one discovers that there are many overlaps between the two Both deal with computer software but unlike computer developers or computer programmers neither is expected to write test or debug code Resource When comparing the roles of computer programmers versus the roles of software developers you will find there is a lot of overlap between the two The people in the computer industry have their own expertise and positions but the most interchangeable and most confusing job position and description exists between the computer developer and the computer programmer Both people engage in computer software and both people in these two positions are expected to write test and debug codes Most of the people mentioned above use the words programmer and developer interchangeably However programmers do not have the same algorithmic knowledge as programmers and developers and they are usually beginners in the field and less competent than those who program in a different language Programmers and software engineers have a background in the scientific method and understanding of technical principles and play a critical role in good communication skills to pass on information to teams and customers Resource However unlike programmers these professionals also bring a background in scientific method and have an understanding of engineering principles crucial to the role along with good communication skills to relay information between teams and clients These individuals do not have the same algorithmic knowledge as a programmer or developer as they are often a beginner in the field skilled in just one coding language Most people mention and use the words programmer and developer interchangeably If you are still unclear here are some key differences between programmers and developers programmers and developers have a range of work Programmers focus during the development cycle on one part of a project while software engineers look at a project at a larger scale while programmers look at the overall picture and break it into parts A programmer focuses on a single phase of a development cycle while a software engineer monitors the development process from start to finish Resource If you are still unclear the key difference between a programmer vs developer is their scope of work Programmers typically focus on one part of a projects development cycle while software engineers look at the project on a wider scale than programmers considering the whole picture and dividing it into parts Whereas a programmer would focus on a single stage in the development cycle a software engineer oversees the development process from start to finish As it stands the job title is programmer but you should understand how flexible a programmer s title can be A programmer is responsible for interpreting and encoding policies and frameworks of a software engineer Resource Ultimately a programmer is responsible for interpreting a software engineers guidelines for a framework and coding it into existence As it stands now this job title is still poorly understood and often just as flexible as the title programmer Computer experts responsible for the development and creation of fantasy sports systems and other computer programs and systems include both software developers and programmers A software developer or programmer is someone who is familiar with programming and understands how software and programming languages work They usually develop a background in computer science and a pronounced understanding of programming languages during their bachelor studies and refine their work at master level Resource The computer professionals responsible for designing and creating fantasy sports systems as well as every other computer program and system out there include software developers and programmers They are proficient in programming and understand how software and programming languages function They often first develop these skills during undergraduate study and then hone them through work at the masters level They modularize the end product develop a clean interface and work with programmers and developers to implement the most detailed aspects of design Programmers receive instructions from software engineers and developers and the developers are the designers who turn programmers into code Their designs are passed on to programmers and software developers translate the instructions of software engineers into instructions that computers can read and understand Resource They usually receive instructions from a software engineer developer or designer which they turn into code Their designs are then passed on to programmers and software developers who translate the engineers directions into instructions the computer can read and understand i e They modularize the final product to develop a clean interface and then work with the programmers and developers to implement the more detailed aspects of the design If you put the same tasks to a programmer engineer or developer you will want to see how he tackles the problem and what steps he takes to achieve the solution You will find subtle differences between programmers developers and engineers in their approach to solving technical tasks For the casual speaker web development or software development is just an imaginative way of saying programmer or programmer but since it seems to refer to the web as a term it doesn t really work Resource You can provide them with the same set of tasks but what you actually want to see is how they approach the problem and the steps they take to reach the solution However you can find very subtle differences in their approaches to solving technical tasks To them both terms are basically just fancy ways of saying coding or programmer and even if one of the terms seems to refer specifically to the web it is not really something to get worked up about Cited SourcesTHIS ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN ME USING MY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2021-07-11 11:44:29
海外TECH DEV Community Taking FizzBuzz to the next level 💪 - 8 challenges from beginner to pro to test your JavaScript skills! https://dev.to/inhuofficial/taking-fizzbuzz-to-the-next-level-8-challenges-from-beginner-to-pro-to-test-your-javascript-skills-2dih Taking FizzBuzz to the next level challenges from beginner to pro to test your JavaScript skills FizzBuzz is a mental arithmetic game that got turned into a popular interview question But what if we took the principle and created different coding challenges from it that people may not have encountered before to really test someone s problem solving and development skills Well that is what I have done I think the below should be easy enough for beginners but also challenging with the extra stipulations for pros and having to combine solutions Final thing I hope the below instructions are clear However if any of the instructions are not clear please let me know in the comments so I can improve the questions Skip to the instructions if you know what FizzBuzz is What is FizzBuzz It is a simple game You start counting etc Every time you reach a multiple of etc you replace the number with the word Fizz Every time you reach a multiple of etc you replace the number with the word Buzz Oh and if you reach a multiple of AND etc you replace the word with FizzBuzz Those are the rules In an interview question you are normally asked to output the numbers to and the relevant fizz buzz and FizzBuzz replacements A simple example of this that should make sense even if you are a beginner isIf you check the console it outputs the numbers and words as expected You can use this as an example to work from learn from if you like InstructionsYou will be completing the same tasks whether you are a beginner or a pro However the pro version of this challenge has extra stipulations requirements For beginnersTry and tackle each problem individually You can develop different code for each solution if you want For ProsEach requirement continues onto the next question So by the end your one answer should work for all requirements if any conflicts in instructions occur you should always use the latest requirement i e logging to console should be replaced with returning an array etc Oh and you also have a few extra requirements to deal with to make it even more interesting FizzBuzz without using Nearly every FizzBuzz answer you see uses the remainder operator For this challenge we have removed the remainder operator so you have to find an alternative way to check if a number should have Fizz Buzz and or FizzBuzz logged to the console instead BeginnersLog each number Fizz Buzz FizzBuzz to the console without using ProsThis one is a nice easy one to ease you in just do the same as the beginners here It gets tougher I promise FizzBuzz but it requires a button press In this challenge you have to attach your function to a button press somehow This button should say increase Each time the button is pressed the next number word should be logged to the console BeginnersJust add an increase button and log the next number to the console each time it is pressed It should start at and increase each time the button is pressed following FizzBuzz rules of course It can keep going past if you want or you can disable the button once is reached for a bonus point ProsYou must include two extra buttons The first button should complete the rest of the numbers from the current state so if your last number word was you should be able to press this button and it prints This button should have the text complete the run You should also include a reset button with the text reset that returns the state to the beginning so the next button press logs to the console etc FizzBuzz but it stores state Using your answer to the previous question you should now use Window localStorage to store the current number It must not store anything to localStorage until the increase button is pressed for the first time You should be able to reload the page press the button and the next number should be logged to the console BeginnersYou just have to be able to reload the page and the next value be returned on pressing the increase button ProsDon t forget that you need to be able to reset the state still and complete the run One stipulation here is that if you press the reset button you must remove your localStorage entry entirely FizzBuzz without loopsIn this exercise your FizzBuzz generator should use recursion No loops of any kind BeginnersYou can just log the numbers words for the numbers to to the console but your function must use recursion instead of loops ProsAs an extra stipulation when the numbers words have been logged to the console this should also log done after the th entry Oh and don t forget your other buttons still need to work Stop logging to the console Now your FizzBuzz generator should return the values it creates rather than logging to the console BeginnersJust return the next value and use a lt div gt to display the number using a different function that calls your fizz buzz function You can overwrite the number or keep a record and display each new number on a new line For clarity you should create a function outputResult or similar and this should call your FizzBuzzGenerator function receive the value back from it and then output this to a lt div gt on the page ProsTo make this more interesting it should return the current value after pressing the increase button the previous value and the next value in that order It is up to you to account for errors caused by being at the start or the end of the list of numbers you should return null when this happens Don t forget that once you have reached the next entry should state done and it should not increment any more so effectively is done Also you should output each entry as a lt table gt with the following format numberdirectionprevious valuecurrent valuenext value forward or false BuzzFizzforward or false Fizzforward or false Fizzforward or false FizzBuzzbackwards or true Fizzetc etc FizzBuzz where you can pass in the start and end numbersA nice easy upgrade your function should now accept any start number and any final number as integers To make your answer complete you should add two lt input gt s to your example that take the minimum value and the maximum value BeginnersThe numbers will always be positive integers and the start number will always be smaller than the start number The numbers can be between and You need to add a button that calls your function next to or below your two inputs to be able to test this You can output to the console or put all the numbers in a lt div gt ProsIf the start number is bigger than or the same as the end number then you must log this exact phrase error the start number must be smaller than the end number It should be logged as an error You also need to account for negative integers so you can receive any numbers between and Zero should output not FizzBuzz If any other errors occur such as non numerical or null values being passed you should log a generic error input values are incorrect Now do it in reverse Yes this is a mean one Now your function should also accept a rd parameter This time if that parameter is set to true the numbers should start at the maximum and count backwards to the minimum if set to false they should return in ascending order the same as before BeginnersYou can just use the numbers to and work out how to reverse the numbers if this parameter is passed So you could have myFizzBuzzFunction false which will still write However myFizzBuzzFunction true will return reversed ProsBear in mind that done now needs to appear after the lowest number if the order is reversed You also need to make the third parameter optional so that we can call your function with myFizzBuzzGenerator smallNo largeNo or with myFizzBuzzGenerator smallNo largeNo false myFizzBuzzGenerator smallNo largeNo true etc myFizzBuzzGenerator smallNo largeNo true should be the one that reverse the order You also have the fun task of working out how to account for all of the previous stipulations what if the number is currently and we change the order etc Finally you should add a checkbox next to your inputs you added previously that when checked reverses the order FizzBuzz where you can pass in any words and numbers you want This time the function must accept an unlimited number of divisor word pairs So for example let wordsAndDivisors word Fizz divisor word Buzz divisor word Fluff divisor your function should log Fizz Buzz Fizz Fluff Fizz Buzz Fizz Fluff FizzBuzz Fizz Buzz Fizz Fluff Fizz Buzz BeginnersYou will receive between and different word amp divisor pairs A couple of examples to test against are let wordsAndDivisors word Fizz divisor word Buzz divisor word Fluff divisor myFunction wordsAndDivisors Fizz Buzz Fluff FizzFluff BuzzFluff let wordsAndDivisorsTwo word Fizz divisor word Buzz divisor word Fluff divisor word Biff divisor word Buffer divisor word Tink divisor myFunction wordsAndDivisorsTwo Buffer Tink FluffBiff BuzzBuffer ProsYou have to account for n entries in the format described This is also an optional parameter If no entries are passed just return the relevant numbers between min and max in the relevant direction Your function should now be myGeneratorFunction min max directionOptional wordsAndDivisorsOptional For clarity if you stop here then myGeneratorFunction would just return the numbers to myGeneratorFunction true would return the numbers to myGeneratorFunction false wordsAndDivisors would return to with fizz buzz and fluff replacements Now go tidy your code up and submit it in the comments Or if you want one last minor challenge to make it even more useful Go for Extra creditCreate a way of accepting the parameters as an object settings config to allow for different scenarios You can dictate the settings object structure to make this easier If you decide to pass an object in then you can also have bonus points for making min and max numbers have defaults optional parameters of for min for maxdefault direction should be forward default word divisor pair should now be normal FizzBuzz instead of nothing For clarity we should be able to call your function as myFizzBuzzGenerator and it do normal FizzBuzz in a forward direction for the numbers to Note that this is different behaviour to the non extra credit version But we could also call it with myFizzBuzzGenerator myGeneratorSettings and the min number the max number direction etc all override the defaults if they are passed in Oh and everything previous still counts The end what should you be looking for So depending on whether you went for the beginner or the pro version you should either have different FizzBuzz variations or one mega variation For beginnersYou just have to ensure that each one functions as expected and outputs the information as requested One thing I would suggest is that you comment any particularly confusing parts for the next person who has to work on your code If you have managed to create all versions why not move up to the semi pro tier and see if you can combine two three or even four examples together but using the beginner instructions ProsHigh standards here You should ensure your code is Easy to understand and uses logical variable names etc Is efficient nested loops are a no no but if you have nested loops for this I am not sure what you are doing anyway Bonus points if you have made it easily extensible and split parts off into different functions where applicable And to recap to see if you complete the challenge at this point you should have a function that does not use the remainder operator a function that accepts a small number a large number a flag to reverse and the word divisor pairs two inputs and a checkbox for small large and whether to reverse three buttons increase to add or remove complete the run which continues to the max or min number and then outputs done and a reset button which returns to the max or minimum number depending on direction reset button should clear all local storage Error checking for every passed variable etc Recursion rather than a loop should output not FizzBuzz or any other word combination Should work with an unlimited or zero word divisor pairs Oh and I shouldn t have to say it but you inputs should be properly labelledYou should have a settings object that you can pass in with defaults for extra credit Submit your entries All answers submitted should be in JavaScript however you can obviously complete these challenges in any language you want There are no prizes but an opportunity for others to critique your work and offer tips and or learn from your code Leave a comment with your example s jsFiddleYou can include a jsFiddle in your comment with liquid tags in the following format jsfiddle lt url of fiddle gt result js html CodePenYou can include a CodePen in your comment with the following liquid tag codepen lt url of pen gt default tab result js html Any other way you want If you don t want to use jsfiddle or CodePen then any other code sandbox will do Just provide a link to it or see if there is a liquid tag for your chosen sandbox Answers next week Make sure you follow me as I will release my solution and or the best solution for the beginner versions as well as my kitchen sink solution for the pro version Special instructions for afifYou can try and complete the beginner challenges without JavaScript just because I know how much JS hurts you Oh and it can just work in one browser too You can use css vars as inputs etc Output the information however you want It doesn t have to be accessible either and for anyone confused by this Temani and I have a running joke where he is hurt by anything not using CSS as he is a CSS ninja Anyone else who fancies the challenge can do this also as I can imagine there are some really interesting solutions that are beyond my meagre brain 2021-07-11 11:30:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid-19: Masks still expected to be worn indoors after 19 July - Zahawi https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57795409 minister 2021-07-11 11:55:19
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LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 紙とペンだけでつくる【最強ToDoリスト作成術】4つのポイント https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/07/238350todolist-matome.html 最強 2021-07-11 21:00:00
サブカルネタ ラーブロ アンタイNOODLES@中神 「つけ麺、ほか」 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/rablo/~3/meDx2kBXNL8/single_feed.php antithesisfromlocal 2021-07-11 12:31:41



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