投稿時間:2021-07-11 22:26:27 RSSフィード2021-07-11 22:00 分まとめ(28件)

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js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita firestoreからget()したtimestampがnullになる件 https://qiita.com/kisakutakashi0226/items/29a468e99a8a55f98b55 firestoreからgetしたtimestampがnullになる件firestoreにcreatedAtやupdatedAtを追加した後にdocidgetdateでデータを取ろうとしたらnametestcreatedAtnullupdatedAtnullとデータを吐き出してきた原因を探っていくとどうやらこいつが関係あるらしいリンク先を参考にdocidgetdataserverTimestampsestimateとうつとうまく行った。 2021-07-11 21:54:10
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VBA初学者です。シートがアクティブになりません。 https://teratail.com/questions/348946?rss=all VBA初学者です。 2021-07-11 21:59:24
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) RailsにVue.jsのコンポーネントを部分的に導入したが、ページ遷移した際にjavasript_pack_tagの読み込み直しをして欲しい。 https://teratail.com/questions/348945?rss=all RailsにVuejsのコンポーネントを部分的に導入したが、ページ遷移した際にjavasriptpacktagの読み込み直しをして欲しい。 2021-07-11 21:54:42
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) vscordで書いたJavaのコードのデバックが出来ない。 https://teratail.com/questions/348944?rss=all vscordを使ってJavaを書いてみたのですが、このようなエラーが出てしまい、デバック出来ません。 2021-07-11 21:48:31
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) python pip installエラーについて https://teratail.com/questions/348943?rss=all pythonpipinstallエラーについて現在Macbookでlibrosaというモジュールをインストールしようと思い、pipnbspinstallnbsplibrosaで入力したところ以下のようなエラーが出てインストールできません。 2021-07-11 21:33:14
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Jqueryで<label>のタグのみ書き換えたい https://teratail.com/questions/348942?rss=all Jqueryでltlabelgtのタグのみ書き換えたい以下のlabelタグが複数あるのですが、上から番目のlabelタグ内のforquotacdcheckquotのみ、forquotacdcheckquotに変更したいのですが、なかなかうまく書き換えができません。 2021-07-11 21:32:48
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ec2でのdocker-compose upでpumaのエラーが発生する https://teratail.com/questions/348941?rss=all ecでのdockercomposeupでpumaのエラーが発生するrailsのアプリをecにデプロイしようとしています。 2021-07-11 21:30:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) JSONのインストール https://teratail.com/questions/348940?rss=all JSONのインストール前提・実現したいことvsnbspcodeを使用していますgemコマンドを使ってjsonをインストールしようとしています。 2021-07-11 21:14:19
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita LandoでDrupal 9のマルチサイトを起動する https://qiita.com/hmaruyama/items/a01b0b18ec99df33aedf マルチサイトで異なるデータベースが使用されるようにしたいので、データベースの構成をsiteと同じ設定にしないように気をつける。 2021-07-11 21:58:52
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Docker上で起動しているWebアプリのSupervisorをDatadogで監視する https://qiita.com/ProjectEuropa/items/a5f5e3fe5669710b79e0 Docker上で起動しているWebアプリのSupervisorをDatadogで監視する結論varrunsupervisorsockをVolumeマウントして、WebアプリコンテナとDatadogAgentコンテナ間でvarrunsupervisorsockを使用できるようにする。 2021-07-11 21:50:44
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Gitのアップデートがうまくいかない時に見る記事 https://qiita.com/katsu8275/items/3fbc642ee678989e065a CentOSに最新版のGitをインストールする方法上の記事を参考にしたが、バージョンがまた前のバージョン今回だと系に戻ってしまった場合は、以下の記事を参考にする。 2021-07-11 21:25:56
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Git基本まとめ https://qiita.com/sora8han/items/a16dbdbedd198cb8d7d9 origin 2021-07-11 21:23:41
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】viの使い方 https://qiita.com/nao0725/items/73f844241d476a7ed8c2 【Rails】viの使い方MyProfileプログラミング学習歴②ヶ月目のアカウントですプログラミングスクールで学んだ内容や自分が躓いた箇所等のアウトプットの為に発信しています。 2021-07-11 21:12:14
海外TECH DEV Community What is the difference between SQL and SQL Server (and similar tools)? 😇🎉 https://dev.to/aashish/what-is-the-difference-between-sql-and-sql-server-and-similar-tools-3n3o What is the difference between SQL and SQL Server and similar tools Hey people I am a programmer and have been one since last years I completed my B Tech degree back in and I must admit I was not particularly a big fan of DBMS somehow I managed to complete the course and secure passing grades I know it is an important subject but it never appealed me as much and therefore I never took as much interest I always felt guilty of it As established it is not an epiphany for me that it is an important subject and I must get my hand dirty with it so I decided to pursue it and complete at least projects in the next couple of weeks This way sans Big Data I am slowly working on that too I will have all my grounds covered as a full stack data scientist Thats enough about me now lets literally get to the title of this blog post I know many beginning with SQL will have this question in mind So here I am explaining the basics as I learn Please feel free to point out anything you feel should be corrected I ll appreciate the feedback Lets first get to know what SQL is in brief Definition SQLBy definition SQL Structured Query Language is a query language It is generally used with Structured Databases or for processing data streams in real time in relational data stream management system to query manipulate the relational database data GotchaSo basically SQL is a language As this is a language and a quite popular one there are various dialects of this language And anyone familiar with computers or even remotely acquainted with how computer works will know a language needs some kind of environment to be executed in It is environment that interprets the commands of the language identifies different dialect and executes the command particular to the dialect Let s park this environment concept for now and we will come back to it later in this post Let s talk about SQL a little more SQL comprises of major sub languages Data Definition Language DDL to create and modify the structure of the databaseData Manipulation Language DML to perform read insert update and delete operations on the data of the databaseData Control Language DCL to control the access of the data stored in the databaseDefinition SQL ServerSQL Server is proprietary software or an RDBMS tool that executes the SQL statements It also provides some additional features and functionalities so that the user can properly interact with the database and can perform all the database operations efficiently GotchaSo basically it is a database software It uses SQL as a language to query the database The popular ones include MySQL SQL Server Oracle Informix Postgres etc They are mix of open source and proprietary software available to use I hope that clarifies your doubt and you are good to go ahead and understand which to use where It should also make you clear with what you are using and what are different softwares you can compare I know I haven t been quite comprehensive with the list but then which softwares we use actually depends on the requirement which concerns security control features compatibility with the server or the source of distribution People who know more about it please share your opinion through the comments Thanks until next time 2021-07-11 12:39:30
海外TECH DEV Community useLocal: the useState hook for a properly-synced state https://dev.to/theluk/uselocal-the-usestate-hook-for-a-properly-synced-state-32kp useLocal the useState hook for a properly synced stateAs you might know the React hook useState takes one argument which will initialize its internal state to that given value When React with Hooks got released I found it a little bit confusing but it perfectly makes sense No matter what there are still situations where you need to update the state based on the incoming props Usually that is done using a useEffect hook where you listen on the incoming prop to change and then update your local state This is a great way of handling it because you as the owner of the component can perfectly control if the parent prop change is actually what you want It could even break your component if the parent decides to update a prop during a critical state of your component But there are also situations where not much can happen There are simple scenarios where you basically want to hold a local version and not propagate it up the tree until a certain condition happen During that time you still want to allow the parent controlling component to update the local value if that is what it wants Here is an example how to allow the parent controlling component set and update if necessary the from and to values It can happen that for example for whatever reason there is another component that can set a date range for that we would want that from and to can be updated const RangeDatepicker value from to onChange gt const from setFrom useLocal from const to setTo useLocal to const update gt if from amp amp to onChange from to useEffect update from to return lt MyCalendarRangePicker from from to to onChangeFrom setFrom onChangeTo setTo gt the easiest implementation of such a hook in Typscript looks like this One further improvement would be to pass in some conditional function that checks if it is allowed to update the local state You can visit the gist here 2021-07-11 12:28:56
海外TECH DEV Community The Four Stages Of Full Software Testing https://dev.to/jarjanazy/the-four-stages-of-full-software-testing-2fgp The Four Stages Of Full Software TestingTesting software is crucial to assure that it does what we expect it to do and to catch problems as early as possible to speed up the development process The process of testing can be divided into stages starting from writing code and ending with deploying to production ️⃣Commit StageThis includes tests that fail fastA total run time of minutes or less is preferred What kind of tests Unit testsTesting isolated units of behavior Controller testsFor example Given that we send a POST request to this endpoint it should fail because the parameters are invalid Database testsFor example Given those records in the DB this method should get them Coding standards testsThis test fails because at file X you have empty lines ️⃣Acceptance Stage What kind of tests Acceptance testsFor example When user X logs in and orders a new book we should create a new order request and send an email Performance tests Configuration tests Any other tests that we want to run prior to release ️⃣Release StageThis stage comes after building the software and attaching all its components together What kind of tests Smoke testTest the system s most important features Sign in book purchase etc Canary release testingReleasing the new version of the system to places of low impact For example Netflix uses Canary releasing by releasing new updates to geographic locations in the world where it s AM so if any failure happens only few people experience it Exception tracking ️⃣Product StageThis stage is executed after the system is deployed to production and is under use What kind of tests Can it scale up down Is it using a lot of memory disk CPU What is the request response time Do performance metrics match predications Security For example Netflix has teams to test those aspects and try to break the system Chaos monkeys Latency monkeys Security monkeys This material in this post is mainly derived from Dave Farley amazing video on testing 2021-07-11 12:21:27
海外TECH DEV Community 📦 How is C++ Compiled? https://dev.to/godcrampy/how-is-c-compiled-4668 How is C Compiled I ve been using C for quite a while now This got me into thinking how does C work under the hood So I came up with this short video in which I explain the whole C compilation process And that is it folks Let me know your takeaways from the video If you have any other video or article ideas comment on them too Oh BTW do you want to learn Bash Here s my crash course post on Shell Scripting The Missing Shell Scripting Crash Course Sahil Bondre・Apr ・ min read bash linux beginners I made some Cheat SheetsStalk me on Youtube Github Twitter WebsiteHave a wonderful day 2021-07-11 12:16:25
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Monoprice headphones and true wireless earphones review: good sound and comfort for the price https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/11/monoprice-headphones-and-true-wireless-earphones-review-good-sound-and-comfort-for-the-price?utm_medium=rss Monoprice headphones and true wireless earphones review good sound and comfort for the priceBudget friendly options don t always have to be overly compromising and that s the case with Monoprice s BT ANC headphones and truly wireless earphones The BT ANC Headphones and TWE ANC earphones from MonopriceMonoprice is known for making quality electronics at low prices and these headphones and earphones are no exception As a result customers looking for good sound and comfortable listening don t need to pay to times as much to get a decent experience Read more 2021-07-11 12:57:28
海外科学 NYT > Science Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic Space Plane Flight: How to Watch https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/10/science/virgin-galactic-launch-richard-branson.html spaceflight 2021-07-11 12:59:56
ニュース BBC News - Home Euro 2020: England fans start gathering ahead of final https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57796459 builds 2021-07-11 12:19:41
ニュース BBC News - Home One man dies amid 12 drug overdoses in Swansea https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-57790900 anxiety 2021-07-11 12:20:04
ニュース BBC News - Home Offa's Dyke: Monument damaged by 'centuries of benign neglect' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-57748159 stonehenge 2021-07-11 12:46:36
ニュース BBC News - Home In pictures: England's excitement ahead of Euro 2020 final https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-57796519 england 2021-07-11 12:20:56
サブカルネタ ラーブロ 万人家 女池上山店 花びらチャーシューメンとデカ盛り系「G麺」 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/rablo/~3/ivTetRt1ILQ/single_feed.php 2021-07-11 13:09:54
北海道 北海道新聞 給食パン詰まらせた小5男児死亡 新潟・佐渡 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/565890/ 新潟県佐渡市 2021-07-11 21:07:00
北海道 北海道新聞 国内2032人感染、6人死亡 5日連続2千人超 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/565889/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-07-11 21:07:00
北海道 北海道新聞 神0―1巨(11日) 巨人・高橋、単独最多9勝目 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/565888/ 高橋 2021-07-11 21:07:00
北海道 北海道新聞 函館野外劇が開幕、2年ぶりの熱演 規模縮小し感染対策徹底 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/565887/ 函館市民 2021-07-11 21:04:00



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