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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita "ワンピースのキャラクター"を判別するアプリを作ってみた https://qiita.com/scuds1932/items/4db2bd24be335c912d3e 作成したアプリ↓ONEPICEキャラ判別興味があれば、見てみてください考察・感想画像としてはカラーアニメ画像を含むとモノクロ画像を混合した学習データだったため、キャラクターごとのわかりやすい髪の色も精度がよくなった要因かと思ったのですが、漫画のモノクロ画像でもしっかり判別してくれていたため、うまくキャラクターの特徴をとらえてくれていたのだと思います。 2021-07-14 23:51:32
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GAN一族のまとめ https://qiita.com/thmd9726/items/1e75729f94b96f4cc023 ネットワーク構造通常のGANと変わりません結果PGGANProgressiveGAN概要GANの学習において段階的に高解像度の学習がするように学習の過程を工夫することで×の高解像度な画像を生成できるようになりました。 2021-07-14 23:46:24
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 残プロ 第-42回 ~カメラで撮ったレジュメをいい感じに~ https://qiita.com/R1nY1x1/items/e94320c310c43bbc3872 2021-07-14 23:34:24
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita eval関数を使わずに四則演算式を解く https://qiita.com/kyo3/items/59105da7454ae39fcf97 defcalformulaformulaformulachgsubtosumdivtomulformulareturncalsumandmulformula括弧から優先的に計算for文で回している部分は、式の中にある括弧の中身を計算して、最終的に括弧がない状態の式を取り出します。 2021-07-14 23:06:03
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScriptの基礎 Part1 https://qiita.com/Yuto-8867/items/7ac2fabbeab2ff08583e 変数は後々変わるかもしれない値を代入する時に使います。 2021-07-14 23:24:02
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Express ミドルウェアと関数の通常使用の使い分け https://teratail.com/questions/349508?rss=all Expressミドルウェアと関数の通常使用の使い分けExpressnbspミドルウェアと関数の通常使用の使い分けnbspExpressにおいてミドルウェアを使用するメリットがわかりません。 2021-07-14 23:55:01
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Android Studioの依存関係の追加について https://teratail.com/questions/349507?rss=all AndroidStudioの依存関係の追加について前提・実現したいことAndroidnbspStudioでAndroid開発をするにあたり依存関係の設定をすると思います。 2021-07-14 23:53:28
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) rails+docker+ec2で作成したアプリの運用方法について https://teratail.com/questions/349506?rss=all railsdockerecで作成したアプリの運用方法についてrailsdockerecで作成したポートフォリオの運用方法について疑問があります。 2021-07-14 23:51:40
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) laravel フォロー、フォロー解除機能 https://teratail.com/questions/349505?rss=all laravelフォロー、フォロー解除機能Laravelnbsp現在画像のようにユーザーのリストをuserstableから表示しています。 2021-07-14 23:48:17
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Google スプレッドシート フィルタで指定文字のみカウントしたいです https://teratail.com/questions/349504?rss=all フィルタには月が入っています。 2021-07-14 23:48:03
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Excelで改行を含むセルの文字列を結合すると値にダブルクォーテーションが入ってしまう https://teratail.com/questions/349503?rss=all Excelで改行を含むセルの文字列を結合すると値にダブルクォーテーションが入ってしまう前提・実現したいことExcelを使ってSQLのInsert文を作成しようと思っています。 2021-07-14 23:45:51
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) postfixで独自ドメインのメールアドレスに送信したメールが届きません。 https://teratail.com/questions/349502?rss=all ドメイン「examplecom」仮を所有しているのですが、ZOHOメールで「hogeexamplecom」という独自ドメインのメールアドレスを作成し、Gmailから「hogeexamplecom」に送信すると、受信できる状態となっております。 2021-07-14 23:42:49
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 電光掲示板の表示による日本語入力の文字化け https://teratail.com/questions/349501?rss=all 発生している問題・エラーメッセージ東雲フォントをダウンロードさせ、日本語の文字を入力したところ、電光掲示板には全く異なった文字が出力されました。 2021-07-14 23:33:04
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) PYMC3を用いて区画の差をモデリングしたい https://teratail.com/questions/349500?rss=all 2021-07-14 23:30:45
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pythonのtkinterでafterを使ったときにエラーが出ます https://teratail.com/questions/349499?rss=all pythonのtkinterでafterを使ったときにエラーが出ます前提・実現したいことtkinterで、秒で消えるGUIを作ろうとしたところ、機能はしていますがコマンドプロンプトにinvalidnbspcommandnbspnameというエラーメッセージが出ます。 2021-07-14 23:29:59
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【Unity】当たり判定がうまく機能しない https://teratail.com/questions/349498?rss=all 2021-07-14 23:22:14
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) C言語でMYSQLをコンパイルする方法 https://teratail.com/questions/349497?rss=all C言語でMYSQLをコンパイルする方法最近SQLを学習し始めたのですが、コンパイルエラーを解決できないので皆様のお知恵をお貸しください。 2021-07-14 23:06:17
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) railsチュートリアルを行うときのgemインストールでのエラーについて(spring〜) https://teratail.com/questions/349496?rss=all railsチュートリアルを行うときのgemインストールでのエラーについてspring前提・実現したいことお世話になります。 2021-07-14 23:05:46
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rubyから始めるGo ~ 文法 ~ https://qiita.com/pure-adachi/items/3732d7d488c6dce8c060 Rubyから始めるGo文法はじめにRubyを知っている状態で、Goを勉強してみました。 2021-07-14 23:00:25
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 04.開発環境構築 - 画像変換サービス開発2 - 実践大規模Webアプリ - https://qiita.com/glaciermelt00/items/9f4fb844c519731e133a まとめDockerを使うと、コンテナ技術を利用して仮想OS上の隔離空間に高速にアプリケーションを導入して起動できるMySQLは太陽のアクセスに強く、レプリケーションやパーティショニングなどの大規模Webアプリケーション向けの機能が充実したRDBMSであるRedisはインメモリのkeyvalueストアで、キャッシュやメッセージングに利用できる。 2021-07-14 23:02:28
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rubyから始めるGo ~ 文法 ~ https://qiita.com/pure-adachi/items/3732d7d488c6dce8c060 Rubyから始めるGo文法はじめにRubyを知っている状態で、Goを勉強してみました。 2021-07-14 23:00:25
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Google Cloud アップデート (7/8-7/14 2021) https://qiita.com/kenzkenz/items/a083d969205ed7a2917b リリース内容できるだけ拾うようにしているのですが、抜けていそうなリリースノートは追加するのでぜひ教えて下さい一覧ここで更新してます。 2021-07-14 23:20:22
海外TECH DEV Community Docker Selenium Grid Setup https://dev.to/automationbro/docker-selenium-grid-setup-1lg4 Docker Selenium Grid SetupIn this tutorial we will cover how to set up Selenium Grid with Docker and also go over why we should use Selenium Grid We will also increase max instances and max sessions for the Selenium Grid in Docker to run tests in parallel Why do we need Selenium Grid So before we set up Selenium Grid with Docker let s first understand why we even need Selenium Grid in the first place  Multiple browsers devices Grid makes it much easier for us to run tests on multiple browsers devices Test execution time You can reduce overall test execution time by running tests in parallel in GridInfrastructure Setting up the infrastructure to run tests on multiple browsers devices on different OS is also possible to do with the help of Grid Setting up Selenium Grid with DockerWe need to run through the following steps to get Selenium Grid setup with Docker   Setup a network grid to communicate between imagesdocker network create gridRun selenium hub docker image for running a Selenium Hubdocker run d p net grid name selenium hub selenium hub Note the network name grid should be the same as what you provided when creating the networkRun Chrome amp Firefox images connecting with grid network amp selenium hub hostdocker run d net grid e HUB HOST selenium hub v dev shm dev shm selenium node chrome debug docker run d net grid e HUB HOST selenium hub v dev shm dev shm selenium node firefox debug Note the network name grid should be the same as what you provided when creating the network and the HUB HOST name selenium hub should be the same as what you provided when running the selenium hub docker imageNow head over to port and you should see Grid setup with Chrome and Firefox    Increasing the MAX INSTANCES amp MAX SESSIONS for the GridSo far we just have instance of Chrome amp Firefox however if you need to run multiple tests together you ll need more instances spun up You can do that quite easily by adding the parameters when running the docker container for Chrome and Firefox docker run d net grid e HUB HOST selenium hub e NODE MAX INSTANCES e NODE MAX SESSION v dev shm dev shm selenium node chrome debug You can pass NODE MAX INSTANCES and NODE MAX SESSION environment variables to add multiple instances of the browsers  NODE MAX INSTANCES number of instances of the same version of the browserNODE MAX SESSION number of browsers any versions that can run in parallelOnce you do that you will see something like this below    Check out the video below to learn more about how to setup Selenium Grid with Docker Subscribe to my mailing list to get access to more content like this as well as free access to a Private Facebook communityYou can follow my content here as well TwitterLinkedIn I love coffees And if this post helped you out and you would like to support my work you can do that by clicking on the button below and buying me a cup of coffee You can also support me by liking and sharing this content Thanks for reading 2021-07-14 14:52:46
海外TECH DEV Community Building JavaScript Frameworks to Conquer eCommerce https://dev.to/this-is-learning/building-javascript-frameworks-to-conquer-ecommerce-3glc Building JavaScript Frameworks to Conquer eCommerceThere was a time that I would have never imagined the need to write an article like this If you were to ask someone how a website worked even years ago the answer would have been pretty simple A site consists of a collection of HTML documents that reside at locations URLs that each describe how a page is displayed and provide links to navigate to additional pages A web browser is used to request and display these pages But in the past years how we build for web has evolved significantly The paradigm has flipped so much that it is the traditional Multi Page Application MPA that requires explanation now that Single Page Apps SPA are becoming the ubiquitous product When I talk about this I find many JavaScript developers don t understand the difference and how profound an impact it has How Frameworks like Marko Astro Elder or Qwik are a completely different architecture than Next js Nuxt js or SvelteKit While SPA s bring a lot to the table I m going to talk today about where they are the less optimizable solution and how that has been the motivation for a whole different sort of JavaScript framework The State of Frontend JavaScript in The vast majority of JavaScript Frameworks are designed to help you make what we call Single Page Apps SPA React Vue Ember Preact Svelte Solid you name it A SPA is simple an app where the whole experience is served from a single page sent from the the server or CDN This characteristic carries on in Metaframeworks built on top of these like Next Nuxt Gatsby SvelteKit Remix Blitz etc The defining trait is that these are built around client side routing That is that the browser handles navigation after initial page load without sending the request to the server The JavaScript then re renders portions page They can opt into using server side routing but the application runs through a single entry These frameworks are really amazing to use and their use case has grown from their origins in admin dashboards and highly interactive apps to branching into things like blogs content sites and eCommerce However for these sites where SEO is important as well as initial page load we face a problem We need to have the pages rendered on the Server so that content is present when the page first appears Server Side Rendering to the Rescue Yes and no Server Rendering is not free No one wants to maintain multiple applications all of sudden because things are on the server now Projects have been working at creating a universal JavaScript environment where your single application code base seamlessly works on both server and browser It can also be complicated to configure and host for different deployment environments One easy solution is Static Site Generation We can use the frameworks server rendering to render static HTML pages ahead of time Now when the user requests the page it can be send the already pre generated page to the browser Since it is static it can be hosted in a CDN and this loads really quickly A lot of solutions in this space even advertise how they have this quick initial render and then afterwards the client navigation takes over But there are still a couple problems First Static Generation doesn t lend to dynamic content Sure nothing beats a pre rendered page but if the page is customizable per person and involves testing different products etc the combinatorics get prohibitively expensive quickly There are situations where this is fine and solutions are looking at pre rendering s of thousands of pages in parallel but for dynamic content it just can t keep up to date without great cost Even if that doesn t apply to your site the bigger issue is Frameworks and libraries require a lot of JavaScript and that is expensive to load and parse even when the application is server rendered Additionally in order to make the application interactive in the browser JavaScript Frameworks need to hydrate or walk over their component tree in the browser to create the initial framework scaffolding and wire up event listeners This all takes time and directly impacts end user experience Now we ve seen these frameworks let you turn off JavaScript for certain pages but it s basically all or nothing This is serviceable but we can do much better if we know that we are optimizing for First Paint and Time to Interactivity Return of Multi Page ApplicationsSo what does viewing apps as a collection of separate pages have going for it Most of the content on the page never needs to be rendered in the browser How much of your page actually needs to be re rendered The answer is probably very little How many points on the page can the user interact with Probably not as many as you think when you remove all navigation from from the picture How about if you can remove all the async loading too This isn t necessarily no JavaScript although it can be just way less of it You can see this is difficult for an application written as if it were all one big application Code splitting doesn t really save you here If the page shares a single root that renders top down how can we view this thing independently We can prune unused branches but not the trunk Very few frameworks optimize for this since they aren t setup to build this way When you have chains of props running down through a component tree it s hard to break this apart You really only have options Don t Manually break your page into a bunch of micro apps or Islands Astro Do all data passing through dependency injection Every part of your page is independent and ship as needed Qwik Have a compiler smart enough to understand the statefulness of your application and output optimized bundles Marko These all require special consideration The first requires you to identify the islands and only scales as well as you are diligent The second forces you to push state outside of your components which puts a lot of pressure on DX like can you pass props children Are there limits to what can be serialized The rd is immensely complicated and requires specialized language and years of R amp D to pull off But the results are obvious Here s a simple example of the impact the Marko team saw when toggling this optimization off some eBay pages That s savings Why so much Having components only on the server also means certain API wrappers and formatters like Moment and Lodash just never need to reach the browser Marko no bundle Streaming also helps in this case since it can serve the page immediately without waiting for async calls It can stream content into server rendered placeholders in real time all without pulling the library in To the PointIf you need the cutthroat performance for that initial load like you do in eCommerce where milliseconds mean potential lost sales Where you can t be guaranteed the network or the device power of your customers You aren t reaching for a framework like Next It just isn t optimized for that Even if you are using it with a smaller library like Preact here you still are doing way too much in the browser You might be thinking what about things coming in React like Server Components and Streaming SSR These can help but they don t change the physics alone Streaming SSR is incredibly powerful as seen already in Marko and Solid as it removes the initial delay on async data You can remove most of the overhead over static site generation this way but it alone doesn t reduce the amount of JavaScript sent Server Components make it much easier to write customized APIs This saves sending the Lodash and Moment to the browser but you are still running client side diffs the template is getting sent via API You can view this as lazy loading hydration of sorts but it actually increases the core library size to handle it If you think about it a different way given Server Component rules these would just be the static parts an MPA would never be sending to the browser anyway ConclusionRight tool for the job Yada yada In all seriousness though while I dream of a point in the future where this is all the same thing today MPA frameworks can optimize in ways that are just not available to those building with SPA architecture in mind It doesn t take a different language or platform I m not saying pull out Rails or Django You can still get that modern single application JavaScript execution and feel already with the tools available But if you care about the greatest performance on your initial page loads you aren t going to find that with the likely candidates Next time you come across a new solution for eCommerce that promotes its speed Ask if it is optimized for MPAs because most likely if not it is more of the same This isn t new but revisiting web foundations But it s been a decade so maybe it s time Don t get me wrong I m an author of one of those SPA frameworks One that prides itself on being the fastest of them all on client and server But architecture trumps raw speed almost every time when comes to delivering the best user experience So depending on your use case Maybe you don t need that SPA 2021-07-14 14:42:07
海外TECH DEV Community Cut down your Webpack build times by half with esbuild-loader https://dev.to/burhanuday/cut-down-your-webpack-build-times-by-half-2bh6 Cut down your Webpack build times by half with esbuild loaderIt s been a common practice in the web dev world to transpile Javascript code with tools built with well Javascript Webpack is a code bundler that takes in all your code along with dependencies from node modules and spits out chunks of code depending on your configuration The problem with Javascript is that it s slow and that is visible in tools like Webpack and Rollup But there are new kids on the block namely esbuild Vite and Snowpack Snowpack and Vite internally use esbuild esbuild is written in Golang which offers significant performance boosts There is one problem though these tools are new and might not have all the plugins you need for your next project Or you just don t want to leave the Webpack world yet As your project grows larger your build times get longer There is a need to reduce build times When I say reduce build times I also mean the time it takes to start your local dev server and the time taken for Hot Module Replacement esbuild loader offers significant improvements in all these areas In comes esbuild loaderWhat if you could harness the power of esbuild within webpack Let s get started with a code example I will be using a React boilerplate that uses Webpack and Babel Feel free to use this on any project of your choiceClone the repo on your machine withgit clone cd react webpack babelInstall dependencies with NPM npm installNow let s run npm run build before adding esbuild loader to compare build timeswebpack compiled successfully in msAdd esbuild loader npm i D esbuild loaderChange your webpack config json file to replace babel loader with esbuild loader You can find this file in the root of your project For the boilerplate it s in the config folder If you are using create react app you will have to eject module exports module rules test js use babel loader test js loader esbuild loader options loader jsx target es Webpack uses Terser to minify JS and CSS You can replace that with the ESBuildMinifyPlugin for a much faster minification process const ESBuildMinifyPlugin require esbuild loader module exports optimization minimizer new ESBuildMinifyPlugin target es css true Now run npm run build to test it againwebpack compiled successfully in ms That s a pretty significant boost For an empty project we reduced the build times to a third of the original build time For larger and more realistic projects you can expect build times closer to half of that with babel loader The time taken to start the dev server was less than a second We can expect bundlers like Vite and Snowpack to grow in popularity with time Till they become mainstream esbuild loader offers a great way to speed up builds Don t forget to star privatenumber esbuild loader on Github 2021-07-14 14:35:36
海外TECH DEV Community How To Use Axios in an Optimized and Scalable Way With React https://dev.to/nilanth/how-to-use-axios-in-an-optimized-and-scalable-way-with-react-518n How To Use Axios in an Optimized and Scalable Way With ReactWe can see how to use Axios in an optimized and scalable way in a React app When you are building an API based React app an HTTP client is the core service that needs to be added to the architecture There are many HTTP client libraries for React When deciding which to choose Axios might be the first choice of most developers Axios is an HTTP client library with many advantage features It can be used in browsers and Node js In this article we will see how to utilize all the advanced Axios features in a scalable and optimized way Axios InstanceCreating an Axios instance is more important for a large scale app as all the base configuration lies in a single file A change in the base config can be done easily in a single file and will be reflected anywhere the Axios instance is used Check out the below code snippet Based on the above code we have configured all the base setup using default config which will be applied to every request which uses the axiosClient instance as shown in the below request Axios VerbsWe can group the Axios HTTP verbs like GET POST DELETE and PATCH in the base config file as below Now we can import the custom functions directly wherever we need to make an API request as in the below code TimeoutThe Axios timeout option allows setting the request timeout in milliseconds It is easy to configure timeout in Axios It can be defined in the base config itself as we saw before timeout Request will be timeout after seconds Intercept RequestUsing a request intercept you can write or execute before it is sent Check out the below code snippet Here we have added the contentType header before the request is made Request interceptors are asynchronous by default which might cause some delay in Axios request execution To avoid this we have used synchronous true Intercept ResponseUsing Request intercept you can write or execute before the response reaches then Response interceptors can be used to log out the user on token expiry status or you can refresh the token and make the failed request again to make the user stay on the same page for good UX Upload ProgressYou can track upload progress in Axios very easily using the onUploadProgress option onUploadProgress allows handling of progress events for uploads This can be used to show the upload percentage live to the user to acknowledge to them the upload is in progress Check out the below code ResourcesAxios GitHub repository ConclusionAxios is a great HTTP client package for React and its community I hope you have found this useful Thank you for reading Need to learn more Feel free to connect on Twitter 2021-07-14 14:22:46
海外TECH DEV Community Published my first npm package! https://dev.to/rathpc/published-my-first-npm-package-4f1f Published my first npm package As the title suggests I published my very first npm package earlier this week This is something that has definitely been long overdue and I should have been doing for years I have so many random code things I have done to simplify or abstract processes or components but have just never committed the time to actually sharing it out to the world Well now I have I hope to continue this trend and publish more packages in the future but in the meantime here is some info about the package rathpc zendesk reactA minimal component based implementation to include Zendesk in your React application If you are using the Zendesk integration in your React application you might find this useful It essentially gives you a way to include the integration without explicitly needing to add the script yourself in an HTML file or template being passed into your bundler of choice This makes it a bit easier to consume and tweak usage based on environment Feel free to try it out and let me know if there is anything you want to see added to it or changed I plan to add some more thorough typing of the zendeskApi function usage based on the Zendesk docs so it will be even easier to use and have auto completion Sidenote This effort was definitely inspired by another package react zendesk that is also available but it hasn t been maintained in quite some time My intention was to build on that idea update the logic to leverage newer React syntax and capabilities as well as write it purely in Typescript 2021-07-14 14:03:20
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Court rules 'Memoji' trademark holder created app just to sue Apple https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/14/court-rules-memoji-trademark-holder-created-app-just-to-sue-apple?utm_medium=rss Court rules x Memoji x trademark holder created app just to sue AppleThe th U S Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that Social Tech creator of the Memoji app had created it solely to bolster its ongoing case against Apple Social Tech began suing Apple in alleging that the company had infringed on its Android app of the same name However the th U S Circuit Court of Appeals has found that Social Tech has no protectable rights regarding the use of the word Memoji as the company failed to use it legitimately in commerce While the company had held the trademark on the word Memoji since the Memoji app was not made publicly available until ーafter Apple had announced its Memoji feature Read more 2021-07-14 14:15:54
海外TECH Engadget Xbox family app now lets parents set spending limits https://www.engadget.com/xbox-family-settings-app-kids-spending-142645365.html?src=rss Xbox family app now lets parents set spending limitsYou won t have to worry about your kids going on a game shopping spree at least if you re part of a Windows or Xbox household Microsoft has updated the Xbox Family Settings app with controls to manage your kids spending You can set spending limits and require that children ask permission to buy content when they don t have the funds in their account And if you re wondering what your young ones bought you can check their spending history Microsoft pitches this as a way not just to prevent out of control spending but to reward good behavior You can top up an account when your child finishes their chores or reward them with money for Minecraft extras when they ace a test The refreshed Family Settings app is available now for Android and iOS The spending tools aren t exactly novel concepts but they could make all the difference if you want to teach your kids better spending habits ーor at least save yourself from unpleasant credit card bills 2021-07-14 14:26:45
海外TECH Engadget Paco Rabanne's latest fragrance has NFC, for some reason https://www.engadget.com/paco-rabanne-nfc-fragrance-robot-bottle-140040817.html?src=rss Paco Rabanne x s latest fragrance has NFC for some reasonWhat does the future smell like That depends on who you ask PUIG s perfumiers who produce scents for Paco Rabanne believe that the future smells sexy confident and energetic That s how they re choosing to market Phantom the fashion house s latest fragrance cum piece of retro futurist art Phantom comes in a robot shaped bottle that when you tap your phone on the NFC tag embedded into its head welcomes you into its own digital world Digital trinkets on offer will include interactive filters personalized playlists augmented reality filters and more Paco Rabanne is the nom de guerre of Spanish designer Francisco Rabaneda Cuervo who in the s was a pioneering figure in the fashion world Both he and the house that bears his name has had an appreciation for the absurdity of science fiction Rabanne began producing dresses with metal and plastic glued or stitched together with wire rather than sewing His couture work graces pretty much every retrospective of s fashion and far more than his contemporaries embodies the “space age fashion of the era Phantom is intended as a love letter to that history with retro futurist design that wouldn t have looked out of place in Barbarella The bottle is heavy with the traditional lower case “pr logo in its torso with the outline of the “p made out of glass That lets you watch the water line fall as you spritz yourself every morning with the scent It comes in two sizes ml which I ve seen and used and ml only the latter of which is refillable Of course Phantom isn t just a fancy bottle but the key to a whole online world of digital goodies The top of its bottle houses an NFC chip that when tapped welcomes the owner s smartphone to a list of digital trinkets as a reward for buying the bottle At the time of writing only two items are available but the company says that the list of items will grow over time as outlined above Daniel CooperFirst up Boombot lets you pick a date to get a Spotify “playlist of bangers that were number one on that day Upon closer analysis it looks like it s limited to the US charts but you ll be able to open the playlist in Spotify and groove to half a century of tunes It s a feature that you ll be familiar with if you ve ever used a website like MyBirthdayHits which looks a little less beautiful but does a very similar job Second and for now last is an exclusive Instagram filter called Paco Rabanne s Phantom Philter This sees a tiny AR version of the bottle sit on your shoulder fly around your head or tell someone that it loves them its eyes and head motion are synched to yours too And it s fun fun enough for at least one selfie with the little cartoon But the sci fi isn t just in the clothes that Phantom is wearing but in how the fragrance was created in the first place Perfumiers worked in collaboration with an AI that helped them explore new possibilities in crafting the scent According to the company the team conceived of a new smell and then programmed the formula into an AI which ran through a series of as yet untried combinations to make reactions to the smell more intense In Phantom s case perfumier Loc Dong wanted to try and “over dose a molecule called styrallyl acetate When he suggested this to the computer it recommended that Dong use “ten times the usual amount compared to a modern perfume Similarly the lavender used in the fragrance was sourced through “molecular distillation which produces a “very modern lavender note In a statement Paco Rabane added that the fragrance was tested on men aged to determine how it made them feel They said that Phantom made them feel “sexiness “alertness and “energy although the specifics on that testing is a little loose Now I m no perfume reviewer a job that I ll leave to the vastly more qualified people over at Fragrantica Who knew that people could sniff a scent and wish that the designers had added more Bergamot I would describe Phantom as a sweet musk one that even hours after applying felt strong and persistent It s certainly a more energetic smell than the one I m used to ーmy aftershave of choice is Chanel Allure Homme Sport ーand felt more productive as a consequence In fact Phantom is a strong scent but not an unpleasant or overpowering one and everyone who in these COVID sensitive times I ve invited to sniff me seemed to agree All in all it smells pretty good I don t know if the digital goodies on offer will be a compelling draw here at least not on current evidence Maybe this is for those menswear influencers I see all the damn time on Instagram even if they re more commonly repping YSL and Celine Perhaps a little AR robot sitting on their shoulder while they smoke and drink coffee reclining on a Paris park bench is what they need to bolster their effortful laid back cool But fundamentally you re going to buy this thing because it smells nice not because you get a free Instagram filter…right Phantom by Paco Rabanne is launching on August st and will be available in the US at Macy s Nordstrom s Dillard s and Sephora No word yet on how much the ml bottle will cost but the ml edition will set you back while the ml refill is priced at 2021-07-14 14:00:40
ラズパイ Raspberry Pi Learn the Internet of Things with “IoT for Beginners” and Raspberry Pi https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/learn-the-internet-of-things-with-iot-for-beginners-and-raspberry-pi/ Learn the Internet of Things with “IoT for Beginners and Raspberry PiWant to dabble in the Internet of Things but don t know where to start Well our friends at Microsoft have developed something fun and free just for you Here s Senior Cloud Advocate Jim Bennett to tell you all about their brand new online curriculum for IoT beginners IoT ーthe Internet of Things ーis one of The post Learn the Internet of Things with IoT for Beginners and Raspberry Pi appeared first on Raspberry Pi 2021-07-14 14:59:37
海外科学 NYT > Science Europe Plans Aggressive New Laws to Phase Out Fossil Fuels https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/13/climate/eu-border-carbon-tax.html Europe Plans Aggressive New Laws to Phase Out Fossil FuelsThe proposals expected Wednesday are likely to be more ambitious and specific than other countries efforts to fight climate change and may include a border tax on imports deemed to be polluting 2021-07-14 14:50:04
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北海道 北海道新聞 五輪エジプト代表、感染疑い 神奈川・藤沢で事前合宿 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/567193/ 東京五輪 2021-07-14 23:13:00



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