投稿時間:2021-07-15 07:19:46 RSSフィード2021-07-15 07:00 分まとめ(25件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… Twitter、24時間で投稿が消える「フリート」を8月3日に廃止へ https://taisy0.com/2021/07/15/143037.html fleet 2021-07-14 21:45:52
IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、開発者に対し「macOS Monterey beta 3」をリリース https://taisy0.com/2021/07/15/143035.html apple 2021-07-14 21:30:31
IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、開発者に対し「iOS 15 beta 3」や「watchOS 8 beta 3」などをリリース https://taisy0.com/2021/07/15/143033.html apple 2021-07-14 21:30:07
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] Twitter、24時間で投稿が消える「Fleet」を8月3日に終了へ https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2107/15/news062.html fleet 2021-07-15 06:41:00
Google カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 音声配信者はTwitterスペースの通知をオンにしてもらおう https://www.kagua.biz/social/twitter/20210715a.html twitter 2021-07-14 21:00:25
AWS AWS Japan Blog Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) – 15 年が経過した今もキューを実行中! https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/amazon-sqs-15-years-and-still-queueing/ そのベータ版以降、当社は多くの機能を追加しましたが、元の説明「分散アプリケーションコンポーネント間でメッセージをバッファリングするための信頼性が高くスケーラブルなホストされたキュー」は今でも当てはまります。 2021-07-14 21:56:46
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) +のような記号をインクリメントしたいです https://teratail.com/questions/349530?rss=all のような記号をインクリメントしたいですstatic変数を関数内で定義して、のような文字列を出力するたびにひとつずつ増やすようなコードを作りたいのですがインクリメントを使ってもうまくいきません。 2021-07-15 06:30:40
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Go】入門(メソッドとレシーバ) https://qiita.com/Kazuhiro_Mimaki/items/8a4536385167f25e8b9a typePersonstructNamestring値レシーバfuncpPersonGreetstringreturnHipNameポインタレシーバfuncpPersonRenamenewNamestringstringpNamenewNamereturnpNameポインタレシーバを使う場面使う場面は点ありそうその構造体型のデータの値を変えたい時メモリを効率的に利用したい時値レシーバがコピーした引数を用いるのに対して、ポインタレシーバでは構造体そのもののデータを操作できる。 2021-07-15 06:45:58
技術ブログ Developers.IO 実践!AWS CDK #19 Secrets Manager https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/cdk-practice-19-secrets-manager/ awscdksecretsmanager 2021-07-14 21:00:58
海外TECH Ars Technica With Apple Pay Later, Apple may take another stab at the PayPal model https://arstechnica.com/?p=1780202 borrow 2021-07-14 21:17:11
海外TECH Ars Technica Amazon bought Facebook’s satellite team to help build its Starlink competitor https://arstechnica.com/?p=1780364 project 2021-07-14 21:09:25
海外TECH DEV Community 🎬Vertical Slider | JavaScript✨ https://dev.to/robsonmuniz16/vertical-slider-javascript-kjl Vertical Slider JavaScriptHey DEVs in today s episode we are going to build a Vertical Slider using JavaScript basically we have content on both sides and buttons in the middle once you click it one side goes up and another one goes down but it brings into place the correct text and correct image its a really cool look slide you can use any type of content Live Version Source Code Resources Pictures used in the project Font Awesome 2021-07-14 21:22:03
海外TECH DEV Community Error 404 : Page not Found https://dev.to/iamrahul/error-404-page-not-found-5033 Error Page not FoundWhen you click on a link but instead of arriving to the site you want an error message appears stating that the page you requested is unavailable It should be something along the lines of Not Found A error is an HTTP status code that indicates that the website s server does not have the page you were searching for When website content is deleted or relocated to another URL an error message is commonly shown The status code is the most common HTTP status code What are HTTP status codes A server answer to a browser s request is an HTTP status code When you visit a website your browser makes a request to the server which the server responds to with a three digit code called the HTTP status code These status codes represent a communication between your browser and the server over the Internet They convey if things are fine touch and go or if something is wrongbetween them Common HTTP status code classes Each three digit status code starts with one of five integers ranging from to and is written as xx or xx to signify status codes in that range For example and so on Informational responses The server is thinking through the request Successful responses The request was successfully completed and the server gave the browser the expected response Redirection You got redirected somewhere else Client errors Page not found The site or page couldn t be reached Server errors A valid request was made by the client but the server failed to complete the request HTTP Status Code OKThe OK status code indicates that the request has succeeded This is your ideal status code for your normal everyday properly functioning page HTTP Status Code Permanent RedirectA redirect should be utilized any time one URL needs to be redirected to another permanently Visitors and bots who come on that page will be sent to the new URL through a redirect HTTP Status Code Internal Server ErrorThis status code indicates a server fault rather than a problem with pages missing or not found A error is a common server issue that will prevent visitors from accessing your website HTTP errors can decreases a website s ranking and reputation Once the crawlers have determined that codes are being returned for a large number of queries they will proceed to the next step This might result in a significant drop in the number of visitors to the website Read more here RFC Getting boredTry this once status code For example 2021-07-14 21:16:57
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Here are all the changes and tweaks in iOS 15 beta 3 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/14/here-are-all-the-changes-and-tweaks-in-ios-15-beta-3?utm_medium=rss Here are all the changes and tweaks in iOS beta Apple continues the march towards its release of iOS In the third developer beta we saw a number of tweaks and refinements to new and existing features Here is everything we ve found thus far iOS Beta Safari Read more 2021-07-14 21:26:37
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News AT&T shows new applications of 5G, from gaming to 'Space Jam' https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/14/att-shows-new-applications-of-5g-from-gaming-to-space-jam?utm_medium=rss AT amp T shows new applications of G from gaming to x Space Jam x Following a panel with company executives and Ashton Kutcher the telecom giant unveiled a series of partnerships featuring the likes of Harry Potter and the Looney Tunes characters AT amp T s The Future of Today event on July in New York About a year after it first announced that it had deployed its G network to nationwide coverage in the U S AT amp T on Wednesday held an event at the WarnerMedia Innovation Lab to conduct an industry panel and announce and demo a series of new partnerships meant to showcase the maturation of its G network The event one of the first in person press events held by the tech industry in the pandemic era was titled The Future of G Starts Today Read more 2021-07-14 21:57:12
海外TECH Engadget Teenage Engineering's OP-1 synth update brings USB audio streaming 10 years after release https://www.engadget.com/teenage-engineering-op-1-usb-audio-streaming-update-215302843.html?src=rss Teenage Engineering x s OP synth update brings USB audio streaming years after releaseTen years after its initial release Teenage Engineering still finds ways to surprise and delight with the OP On Wednesday the company released a software update for the much loved synth that adds support for USB audio streaming In short that means it much easier to connect the OP to your favorite digital audio workstation and start making music there s no need anymore to first connect it to an external sound card Similarly if you want to sample and record to the OP that s easier too According to Teenage Engineering USB audio streaming works with both PCs and Macs as well as iOS and Android devices So many years after release the company says it was able to bring such a transformational feature to the OP by adapting what it learned while working on the OP Z You can download the update by visiting the Teenage Engineering website and following the instructions listed there 2021-07-14 21:53:02
海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment Nasa zeroes in on cause of Hubble's trouble https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-57844454 telescope 2021-07-14 21:42:03
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid-19: Ibiza, Majorca and Menorca moved to amber travel list https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57839184 amber 2021-07-14 21:19:09
ニュース BBC News - Home Wyatt stars as England beat India to complete series win https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/57842923 Wyatt stars as England beat India to complete series winEngland seal an emphatic eight wicket win in the third and final Twenty against India to earn a victory on points in the multi format series 2021-07-14 21:00:44
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 インフレ、当面は高止まりの可能性 パウエル議長 - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/276892 議長 2021-07-15 06:11:00
北海道 北海道新聞 米に協力アフガン人退避へ 7月最終週 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/567255/ 駐留 2021-07-15 06:03:00
北海道 北海道新聞 NY株反発、44ドル高 金融緩和長期化の観測で https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/567254/ 金融緩和 2021-07-15 06:03:50
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン “赤字"の地方銀行が30社「本業利益」ランキング 金融庁が地銀に対して重要視する辛口の利益指標 | 金融業界 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/440179?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 地方銀行 2021-07-15 07:00:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 日本には高すぎる「一つの中国」を崩すハードル 日本政府高官の台湾傾斜発言はかなり危うい | 中国・台湾 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/440902?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 一つの中国 2021-07-15 06:30:00
ニュース THE BRIDGE インドのフードデリバリユニコーンZomatoがIPO、直前にTiger Globalらから5億6,230万米ドルを調達 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SdJapan/~3/5mcAIzYzt_M/landmark-deal-600m-buyout-temasekbacked-indian-epharmacy-unicorn インドのフードデリバリユニコーンZomatoがIPO、直前にTigerGlobalらから億万米ドルを調達TechinAsiaでは、有料購読サービスを提供。 2021-07-14 21:30:08



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