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AWS AWS Big Data Blog Auto scaling Amazon Kinesis Data Streams using Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Lambda https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/auto-scaling-amazon-kinesis-data-streams-using-amazon-cloudwatch-and-aws-lambda/ Auto scaling Amazon Kinesis Data Streams using Amazon CloudWatch and AWS LambdaThis post is co written with Noah Mundahl Director of Public Cloud Engineering at United Health Group In this post we cover a solution to add auto scaling to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Whether you have one stream or many streams you often need to scale them up when traffic increases and scale them down when … 2021-07-14 17:34:31
AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog Deploy variational autoencoders for anomaly detection with TensorFlow Serving on Amazon SageMaker https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/deploying-variational-autoencoders-for-anomaly-detection-with-tensorflow-serving-on-amazon-sagemaker/ Deploy variational autoencoders for anomaly detection with TensorFlow Serving on Amazon SageMakerAnomaly detection is the process of identifying items events or occurrences that have different characteristics from the majority of the data It has many applications in various fields like fraud detection for credit cards insurance or healthcare network intrusion detection for cybersecurity KPI metrics monitoring for critical systems and predictive maintenance for in service equipment There … 2021-07-14 17:28:56
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 半分にするテク https://qiita.com/Kiri8128/items/bceeb78f390c21cb1ff0 iの下からkbit目が立っているとき、かつそのときに限り、kinSという関係があるよ 集合と集合を表す変数を混同している書き方なので分かりにくい nmathrmDPの問題だとほとんどがそうだと思います 逆にaを含まないもののみを選ぶとしても同じです 高速化というよりは、定数倍が重くて損しないように注意しましょうという話です。 2021-07-15 02:16:35
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita herokuでrails + nodejsでnodeのバージョン指定する方法 https://qiita.com/ki-sato/items/d7a41b09ca969d0a7372 herokuでrailsnodejsでnodeのバージョン指定する方法前置きrailsアプリを構築し、webpacker用にnodejsを入れたアプリを作った際、nodeのバージョンが系なのが気になった。 2021-07-15 02:30:04
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita これから学習する言語についてまとめた https://qiita.com/sha-a-ku/items/169c5b1253b75ee4258d ランゲージ言語開発された経緯WEBページを作成するために開発された言語である主にどのように利用されているのかほとんどのWEBページにおける基本的な骨組みはHTMLで構成されているメモSEO「検索エンジン最適化SearchEngineOptimization」を意識しタグを使うことで、検索エンジンが、より正確に文書の中身を理解できるようになる。 2021-07-15 02:18:06
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 予測結果をMAPE(平均絶対誤差率)に変更したい https://teratail.com/questions/349527?rss=all 予測結果をMAPE平均絶対誤差率に変更したい前提・実現したい事北海道の電力需要の機械学習の勉強をしています。 2021-07-15 02:38:59
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 技術書での学習方法についておすすめがあれば教えていただきたいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/349526?rss=all その上で、エンジニアとしての先輩の方々の技術書を用いた勉強方法を知りたいと思います。 2021-07-15 02:36:35
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 更新される値の移動平均をとりたい https://teratail.com/questions/349525?rss=all 更新される値の移動平均をとりたい前提・実現したいこと更新し続ける「rssi」を古い値から最新の値を含めてつの値を配列に格納して移動平均を行い、移動平均より大きいと平均にをとる値に含めないようにしたい発生している問題・エラーメッセージ現在移動平均を行うプログラムの制作したが、エラーは出てはいないが、Unityがプログラムが実行されない。 2021-07-15 02:19:53
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita これから学習する言語についてまとめた https://qiita.com/sha-a-ku/items/169c5b1253b75ee4258d ランゲージ言語開発された経緯WEBページを作成するために開発された言語である主にどのように利用されているのかほとんどのWEBページにおける基本的な骨組みはHTMLで構成されているメモSEO「検索エンジン最適化SearchEngineOptimization」を意識しタグを使うことで、検索エンジンが、より正確に文書の中身を理解できるようになる。 2021-07-15 02:18:06
海外TECH Ars Technica SpaceX will soon fire up its massive Super Heavy booster for the first time https://arstechnica.com/?p=1780171 spacex 2021-07-14 17:42:52
海外TECH Ars Technica Texan city to deploy intelligent traffic system from Velodyne Lidar https://arstechnica.com/?p=1780205 dangerous 2021-07-14 17:16:16
海外TECH Ars Technica Sweeping “Green Deal” promises to revamp EU economy, slash carbon pollution https://arstechnica.com/?p=1780181 future 2021-07-14 17:08:41
海外TECH DEV Community Does Dev Methodology Matter? w/ Chris Downard https://dev.to/linearb/does-dev-methodology-matter-w-chris-downard-593g Does Dev Methodology Matter w Chris DownardEvery software development method has its own rules your team is supposed to adhere to but how flexible are these rules and what s best for your team Chris Downard VP of Engineering at GigSmart doesn t let Agile or any other methodology define what s right for his team In this episode of Dev Interrupted we discuss how dev processes are changing in a remote world why Chris got rid of dev teams altogether and how to create your very own dev methodology Listen to the full episode Episode Highlights include How dev methodology has changed in the past yearWhy Chris made the decision to get rid of his dev teamsAdvice for other leaders following strict methodologiesCreating your own methodology for continuous improvement Join the Dev Interrupted Discord ServerWith over members the Dev Interrupted Discord Community is the best place for Engineering Leaders to engage in daily conversation No sales people allowed Join the community gt gt 2021-07-14 17:53:43
海外TECH DEV Community How to use SecretStorage in your VSCode extensions https://dev.to/kompotkot/how-to-use-secretstorage-in-your-vscode-extensions-2hco How to use SecretStorage in your VSCode extensionsThere are several ways to save user data in VSCode Until version all private information used to be kept in Memento objects using workspaceState and globalState or keystone for example Keeping passwords with tokens in a standard configuration file or using environment variables wasn t a good idea either because all that data could be read and cached by other extensions In this post we will cover the ways of reading data from settings json and environment variables After that we will create a class with minimum functionality that is going to be responsible for keeping and giving away the keys with values from VSCode SecretStorage Let s call our project fancycolor for example The whole initialization process is described in detail in VSCode Extensions documentation so let s go straight to the point here settings jsonAll settings from all VSCode extensions are kept in a public file settings json and they all can be accessed using any other extension For instance from our fancycolor app we can easily read the list of all hosts and platforms corresponding them from the configuration file of another popular app SSH Remote const configurationWorkspace workspace getConfiguration const sshRemotePlatform string undefined configurationWorkspace get remote SSH remotePlatform console log sshRemotePlatform The following code will display your configuration list for SSH Remote extension Proxy ubuntu linux home linux raspberry linux environment variablesVSCode variables have access to all user s environment variables by default All the data which we saved in bashrc on Linux or User Environment on Windows can be received using global object process env For example let s make a file home ubuntu env with a variable ACCESS TOKEN ENV and add it in bashrc echo export ACCESS TOKEN ENV dabab fda a b bbb gt gt home ubuntu envecho source home ubuntu env gt gt home ubuntu bashrcOn Windows we can do the same using Powershell System Environment SetEnvironmentVariable ACCESS TOKEN ENV dabab fda a b bbb System EnvironmentVariableTarget User Now let s read it in our VSCode fancycolor extensionimport as process from process export const accessTokenEnv process env ACCESS TOKEN ENV console log accessTokenEnv We can see our token in the output dabab fda a b bbb SecretStorageNowadays SecretStorage is the best way to keep passwords logins tokens and any other private information in VSCode To demonstrate that let s create a simple class AuthSettings where we will save fancycolor token using only necessary methods such as init to initialize our SecretStoragegetter instancestoreAuthData to write in SecretStoragegetAuthData to get data from SecretStorageimport ExtensionContext SecretStorage from vscode export default class AuthSettings private static instance AuthSettings constructor private secretStorage SecretStorage static init context ExtensionContext void Create instance of new AuthSettings AuthSettings instance new AuthSettings context secrets static get instance AuthSettings Getter of our AuthSettings existing instance return AuthSettings instance async storeAuthData token string Promise lt void gt Update values in bugout auth secret storage if token this secretStorage store fancycolor token token async getAuthData Promise lt string undefined gt Retrieve data from secret storage return await this secretStorage get fancycolor token In extensions ts let s write an option which will allow us to add and extract token using commands in Command Palette import as vscode from vscode import AuthSettings from settings export function activate context vscode ExtensionContext Initialize and get current instance of our Secret Storage AuthSettings init context const settings AuthSettings instance Register commands to save and retrieve token vscode commands registerCommand fancycolor setToken async gt const tokenInput await vscode window showInputBox await settings storeAuthData tokenInput vscode commands registerCommand fancycolor getToken async gt const tokenOutput await settings getAuthData console log tokenOutput export function deactivate The only thing left is to register commands fancycolor setToken and fancycolor getToken in package json Subsequently working with VSCode SecretStorage we can apply directly to a specific SecretStorage that was made for our app and will have its own id undefined publisher fancycolor If you want a real world example see how we use SecretStorage in the Bugout VSCode extension 2021-07-14 17:41:38
海外TECH DEV Community The Secret to Getting More Done https://dev.to/koan/the-secret-to-getting-more-done-5hjh The Secret to Getting More DoneIt was a cold and rainy day as I sat alone in my home office debugging Webpack config errors No matter what I tried the errors would not go away My natural inclination was to just get through most of them before eating lunch But as I fixed errors more emerged Do you know what eventually got me through these hang ups Taking a break As my hunger grew stronger I decided to give in and went to lunch Being able to step away and temporarily detach my mind from the task at hand was just what I needed to approach this problem with a fresh approach full of new things to try Time and time again the act of taking a break has helped immensely both for getting meaningful work done and for my overall mental state Photo by Sander Dalhuisen on UnsplashMy top three activities while taking a break throughout the workday are Take a walk outside if weather isn t too bad Change my surroundings This could mean working at nearby coffee shop or moving from a desk to a couch The context switching required to get up and move also helps to refocus Read a book Bonus points if it is a physical copy or on an e reader It s important to not stare at the same screen all day Some companies are planning to take this idea a step further and are piloting a four day work week Personally I m really interested to see how the rise of remote hybrid workplaces as a result of the COVID pandemic affects workers break frequency Curious to see if it goes up or down In the meantime I m happy I get to work on a team that facilitates working with purpose built on a culture that supports transparency autonomy and inclusivity Four day weeks and hybrid workplaces don t mean less workーjust a more honest accounting of what already goes on The standard work week in the USA is currently hours but no one is actually productive that entire time I set up a poll on Twitter to get some data points on this and here s the results Remembering to take breaks has helped me to get more done while working fewer hours and I can support my teammates better by bringing my best self to my work Maybe it can help you too What are some of your favorite activities to do when taking a break during the work day 2021-07-14 17:23:45
海外TECH DEV Community Reviewing big pull requests. What, why, how. https://dev.to/viezly/reviewing-big-pull-requests-what-why-how-4pm7 Reviewing big pull requests What why how In this article I will try to figure out what leads to big pull requests what benefits they might provide what can help you to review them First of all why on earth developers should care about the size of pull requests In short ーit has an enormous number of benefits and all of them are well described in Google s article To mention some of them Reviewed more quicklyReviewed more thoroughlyLess blocking on reviewsEasier to design welland more Talking about the size when pull requests are considered big it s hard to give a precise number Often it depends on the type of changes the project personal experience In some cases k changed lines can mean a huge pull request in others ーan acceptable one Usually it starts to get harder to review changes when the number of changed files is increasing rather than the number of changed lines in a couple of files Further in the article a big pull request will mean a relatively large amount of changed files the number of changed lines doesn t matter Is it always possible to make a pull request small enough In Google s article they say it s extremely rare when there is no way to split a pull request into smaller parts Personally I d agree with that but from my experience there are some situations when it s almost impossible to split changes or even it s better to keep them in a single pull request to name a few A change in a common component of the application It might be a front end component or backend helper class or whatever else Such changes usually stretch across dozens of files and it easily turns into a big pull request It might be possible to split these changes but reviewing that at once can provide its own benefits often you can notice a missing set of changes which you won t find reviewing it in parts Small and frequent pull requests are sacrificed for the sake of productivity While small pull requests provide a lot of benefits there is at least one drawback as well they require more time to create all of them maintain the stability of the build and they more often distract colleagues from watching youtube whatever they usually do at work If you re a small team you want to deliver features faster you trust each other and have a common vision on how things should be developed ーthen probably you can skip review at all or review only the final pull request to double check important things such as architecture decisions API design etc from a different perspective Poorly established development process It s either a lack of management experience a team lead has a lot of newcomers in the team or simply you just setting up a team In such situations you cannot be sure you won t receive a big pull request on review In all cases described above you as a reviewer end up with a big pull request which you have to review Usually it s an endless list of changed files which you have to go through scroll up and down and make a whole picture of it in your head why this file has been changed how the files are interconnected with each other who s calling this function It usually hard takes time and let s admit that it leads to a shallow review being done if at all Just to remind you how it looks like here is an example It s a pull request of just files Where is the best place to start the review from Always start from the top isn t the best way isn t it How to understand what s been done here Why some file s been changed Where is a new function invoked These are important things to know to perform a high quality code review but you don t know them until you read all the changed files and built a full picture in your head But what if that picture is built for you automatically It could be literally a picture where all relations between files are shown and you can understand the scope of changes just after a look and decide where to start Sounds cool right That s what Viezly does  Viezly is a review tool that splits the changes into smaller independent parts and provides diagrams where the relations between files are shown With all this a reviewer can faster get the understanding of what s been changed and start to review by navigating from one file to another in an optimal way instead of scrolling a list of changes up and down to find out what s going on Just compare the example above to this one After just a single look at the diagrams you see what packages have been changed how the changes are related to each other You can start reviewing from the root file or the most nested files as you prefer Furthermore the changes are divided into standalone groups to make them more comprehensible Is that what you trying to keep in mind when reviewing the changes isn t it If you find this useful as I do check out more details at viezly com and stay tuned 2021-07-14 17:17:39
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple issues third developer beta for macOS Monterey https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/14/apple-issues-third-developer-beta-for-macos-monterey?utm_medium=rss Apple issues third developer beta for macOS MontereyApple has handed the third beta for macOS Monterey to developers with the new build available to download and install onto tester s Macs and MacBooks The latest betas and configuration profiles can be downloaded from the Apple Developer Center with subsequent changes available as over the air updates on enrolled devices After a delay Apple released a public counterpart on July which is available as a download from the Apple Beta Software Program It is likely that public beta versions will be released in a timely manner from now on Read more 2021-07-14 17:18:45
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple issues third developer betas for iOS 15, iPadOS 15, watchOS 8, tvOS 15 https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/14/apple-issues-third-developer-betas-for-ios-15-ipados-15-watchos-8-tvos-15?utm_medium=rss Apple issues third developer betas for iOS iPadOS watchOS tvOS Apple is now on the third generation of betas for its milestone operating systems providing developers with new builds of iOS iPadOS watchOS and tvOS The betas are downloadable via the Apple Developer Center with updates usually provided as over the air updates on enrolled devices While a public beta release is normally offered via the Apple Beta Software Program website end users will have to wait until July before Apple releases the first public version The second round of betas landed on June while the first became available on June shortly after the WWDC keynote Read more 2021-07-14 17:09:27
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News 'Today at Apple' classes launch on Wednesday with Peanuts-themed session https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/14/today-at-apple-classes-launch-on-wednesday-with-peanuts-themed-session?utm_medium=rss x Today at Apple x classes launch on Wednesday with Peanuts themed sessionYou can draw yourself as a Peanuts character in Apple s first Today at Apple session on YouTube premiering Wednesday Draw yourself as a Peanuts characterThe Today at Apple sessions were a new initiative to draw people into Apple Stores for lessons on how to get the most out of their Apple products The sessions were shifted online as a part of the pandemic response and have slowly resumed in store with online sessions still going Read more 2021-07-14 17:18:50
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple has contributed over $1 billion to California affordable housing https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/14/apple-has-contributed-over-1-billion-to-california-affordable-housing?utm_medium=rss Apple has contributed over billion to California affordable housingApple has announced that its contribution to the efforts to combat California s housing shortage spending over billion during the last months Render of one of the affordable housing projects backed by AppleFollowing its pledge of billion and its million spend Apple says it has now contributed more than billion to the effort Read more 2021-07-14 17:00:44
海外TECH Engadget ‘Battlefield 2042’ will spilt cross-play between console generations https://www.engadget.com/battlefield-2042-cross-play-ps4-ps5-xbox-one-series-x-pc-174805910.html?src=rss Battlefield will spilt cross play between console generationsEA and DICE have shed some light on their plans for cross play in Battlefield While the feature is still in development there likely won t be a way for all players to join the same lobbies During an upcoming invite only technical playtest PlayStation Xbox Series X S and PC players will be able to hop into games together DICE is planning to split the player pool between gamers on those platforms and those on PlayStation and Xbox One PC and console players can opt out from playing against each other which might soothe concerns about the disparity between controllers and mouse and keyboard Dividing players between console generations might come as a disappointment to some especially for those with friends who don t have a decent gaming rig or haven t been able to snag a PS or Xbox Series X S However it makes sense The PS and Xbox One versions will have smaller lobbies than on PC and current consoles with players instead of as well as slightly condensed maps Gameplay will otherwise be the same on all platforms including weather events like tornados Cross progression is in the works too Your progress and items including ones you buy will carry over from one platform to another so if you hop between PC and PlayStation or Xbox you ll have access to all of your gear Elsewhere DICE plans to use bots to fill out lobbies when needed to improve matchmaking and perhaps get you into matches faster You can t opt out from using the bots though players will always have priority over AI soldiers If a player leaves mid game a bot will take over until someone else joins nbsp The bots should act in a similar way to human players though they won t be able to use wingsuits or class based abilities The AI soldiers can carry out other tasks like reviving teammates calling in vehicles and capturing objectives You ll be able to battle bots in solo and co op modes too In a blog post covering these tidbits DICE and EA spilled the beans about some other features including vehicles fully customizable loadouts and how different modes focus on certain areas of maps Meanwhile DICE said you won t be able to fight on every floor of a skyscraper only the lobby and rooftop More details about Battlefield will be revealed at the EA Play Live event on July nd 2021-07-14 17:48:05
海外TECH Engadget Clubhouse unveils its new 'Backchannel' DM feature https://www.engadget.com/clubhouse-unveils-its-new-backchannel-dm-feature-173105811.html?src=rss Clubhouse unveils its new x Backchannel x DM featureClubhouse the oftcloned invite only audio chat platform that recently expanded to Android has since its inception lacked a seemingly fundamental feature present on virtually every other social media app the ability to directly message other users But no longer On Wednesday the company announced that the Clubhouse app will now support DMs in the form of the new Backchannel messaging feature Backchannel will function as both a private messaging system for both interactions and group chats With it Clubhouse envisions users employing it to coordinate privately among a channel s co hosts take sensitive questions or privately thank participants outside of the general group discussion or just audibly shoot the breeze with your buddies nbsp 2021-07-14 17:31:05
海外TECH Engadget Twitter is killing Fleets https://www.engadget.com/twitter-kills-fleets-200051318.html?src=rss Twitter is killing FleetsTwitter is killing Fleets less than a year after launching the Stories like feature to all its users All Fleets will disappear for the final time on August rd The short lived feature was at times controversial Soon after it rolled out to all Twitter users last November many raised questions about how the feature could be used to target others for harassment Others questioned whether Twitter really needed a “Stories feature of its own In a blog post Twitter VP of Product Ilya Brown said the company hadn t “seen an increase in the number of new people joining the conversation with Fleets like we hoped Brown added that Spaces will continue to get placement at the top of users timelines and that the company is still analyzing the full screen ads it started testing in Fleets last month Twitter hinted at the time that the new ad format could eventually make its way to other places in the service too Both Brown and Twitter Product Lead Kayvon Beykpour pointed out that “winding down features every once in awhile is something the company fully anticipates as it tries to reinvent itself Twitter has been working on a number of new features that could dramatically change its service including subscriptions and paid features for creators ーand has publicly previewed several newideas it s considering in recent months nbsp 2021-07-14 17:30:02
海外TECH Engadget Facebook is luring creators with $1 billion in payouts https://www.engadget.com/facebook-billion-dollars-creators-instagram-live-streams-gaming-172537889.html?src=rss Facebook is luring creators with billion in payoutsFacebook plans to dish out over billion to creators across its platforms through the end of CEO Mark Zuckerberg said quot We want to build the best platforms for millions of creators to make a living quot he wrote in a Facebook post quot Investing in creators isn t new for us but I m excited to expand this work over time quot The aim is to quot reward creators for great content they create on Facebook and Instagram quot The company will pay all kinds of creators including those who are just starting to share their own content and build an audience Facebook will offer creators more ways to earn payouts when they hit certain milestones and provide quot seed funding quot for some of them to make content Facebook will add Bonus sections to the Instagram app later this summer and the Facebook app in the fall where creators can learn about various programs including details on eligibility and how to apply Some of those programs are already available to invited creators such as bonuses for running ads on Facebook live streams and for video and gaming creators who reach certain earnings milestones with Stars Facebook s Twitch Bits style tipping currency over the next few months FacebookAs for Instagram invited creators can receive bonuses when they sign up to run IGTV ads they ll also get a cut of ad revenue sell a certain number of badges on live streams and make great Reels that perform well Facebook will roll out more incentive programs in the coming months The payouts build on Facebook s other monetization options including fan subscriptions paid online events and creator shops A billion dollars is a significant war chest for Facebook as it looks to lure creators away from rival platforms like YouTube Substack with Bulletin newsletters Twitch and TikTok In June Zuckerberg said Facebook won t take a cut of creators earnings through perhaps providing them with more of an incentive to switch to Facebook s products The company has signed exclusive deals with Facebook Gaming creators over the last few years too Facebook has been rolling out more ways for creators to make and share content It s clearer than ever that attracting and rewarding influencers is an important part of Facebook s strategy If there were any doubt that the creator economy is thriving that billion dollar figure might be enough to change some skeptics minds 2021-07-14 17:25:37
海外TECH Engadget LG's rollable OLED R TV costs $100,000 in the US https://www.engadget.com/lg-oled-r-us-price-availability-171501296.html?src=rss LG x s rollable OLED R TV costs in the USLG is done skirting around the price of its rollable OLED R TV As noted by The Verge the company s US website now says you can buy the set for Previously not only did LG not list the price of the OLED R in the US you had to call a sales representative to buy one Now all that s in between you and the company s futuristic TV is an “Add to Cart button and about the cost of a down payment on a house in the Bay Area For that amount of money you get a inch K TV that can take on different viewing positions In its signature “Line View mode only part of the OLED R is visible to display the time weather and other bits of information It s also possible to lower the display to do away with letterboxing when watching a movie Other features include support for Dolby Vision AirPlay and HomeKit And while the panel doesn t get as bright as LG s latest G sets it can still output gaming content at K and Hz If you re looking for a more affordable entry into LG s OLED TV ecosystem the company s lineup starts at a much more approachable Even its mid tier C family won t set you back as much as the OLED R with the most expensive variant in that lineup coming in at But then who are we to tell you how to spend your money nbsp 2021-07-14 17:15:01
海外TECH Engadget Chrome 94 will make sure you're connected to sites with HTTPS https://www.engadget.com/google-chrome-https-first-mode-170051682.html?src=rss Chrome will make sure you x re connected to sites with HTTPSIn April Google made HTTPS the default in Chrome but that doesn t mean the company s long standing push to make the protocol as widely used as possible is over On Wednesday Google detailed new features it will introduce in Chrome to further push HTTPS adoption With Chrome Google will introduce a feature called HTTPS First Mode Much like its Firefox counterpart the tool will attempt to ensure you always connect to a website over HTTPS When that s not possible Chrome will display a warning that you re putting your privacy and security at risk At first users will need to turn on the feature though Google says it may make it the default for everyone down the road Ahead of Chrome the company has a separate HTTPS related experiment planned Starting with Chrome Google will replace the lock icon in the address bar which indicates you re securely connected to a website with a more “neutral downward arrow The company says it s doing this to see if to “improve the discoverability of critical privacy and security information According to Google only percent of participants in a recent study knew what the icon meant Most people assumed it was Chrome s way of saying the website they were visiting was trustworthy which is a potentially risky leap to make The experiment won t change the icon you ll see when you connect to a website over HTTP It will continue to say “Not Secure in the address bar Despite all that it s doing to make HTTPS as ubiquitous as possible Google says it will continue to support HTTP for the time being At the same time the company notes it will explore whether it should limit or completely restrict certain Chrome features when you don t have a secure connection to a website 2021-07-14 17:00:51
海外TECH Engadget Android 12 beta 3 arrives with camera-based auto-rotation https://www.engadget.com/android-12-beta-3-update-available-today-scrolling-screenshot-170040876.html?src=rss Android beta arrives with camera based auto rotationGoogle is ready to add more features to the public preview of its upcoming platform as it gets closer to being ready for its proper launch The company announced that it s pushing out the third beta of Android today and it brings features like scrolling screenshots enhanced auto rotate and more For developers Google said this is the quot last beta release before the Platform Stability milestone quot which means they can begin to test their apps for the next platform Beta will also include the final Android APIs and official SDK nbsp Those may not seem obviously impactful for the average user What will feel more immediately useful are scrolling screenshots which Google said will work quot out of the box for most apps quot With Beta when you snap an image of your screen you ll see a new quot Capture more quot button Tap that and you ll extend the boundaries of your screenshot to get all the content available after which you can adjust the crop Google said it s quot continuing to iterate on scrolling screenshots quot and quot also working to provide support for a wider variety of content such as web content quot so it s possible this version isn t what you ll see when Android officially launches GoogleBeta also brings enhanced auto rotate which will use your phone s front camera to detect your face and tell when you ve flipped the device As opposed to relying only on accelerometers gyroscopes to detect the orientation of your phone this can make auto rotate more responsive It s quot especially helpful for people who are using their devices while lying down on a couch or in bed for example quot Google said If you don t like the idea of your camera being used to see how you re holding up your phone it may help to know that the company said the feature lives in its Private Compute Core and the quot images are never stored or sent off the device quot Enhanced auto rotate will be available on the Pixel and newer Pixel devices If you re on an older or non Pixel phone you ll also see some improvements Google said it quot optimized the animation and redrawing and added an ML driven gesture detection algorithm quot that s reduced the base auto rotate feature s latency by percent nbsp Another new feature on Beta is platform support for Google s on device search engine called AppSearch It ll allow developers to offer better search tools in their apps and also offer them the option of participating in a central index quot that s maintained for the entire system in Android and later releases quot Those who opt in to the central index will enable Google to show data from their apps in overall system searches Developers can also choose to quot securely share data with other apps allowing them to search your app s data as well as their own quot That means one day if they decide to enable it apps like Tinder and Spotify could search data within your Facebook Twitter or Instagram apps for example nbsp GoogleThat function is not here yet since it requires developer participation Many other features on Beta are also behind the scenes like the new ability for enterprises to set camera and mic restrictions on devices they manage Android s Game Mode APIs will let developers respond appropriately to different profiles selected by the player quot like better battery life for a long commute or performance mode to get peak frame rates quot for example These will be part of an quot upcoming game dashboard which provides an overlay experience with quick access to key utilities during gameplay quot that will be available on select devices later this year We re still eagerly awaiting the addition of the Material You design scheme that Google unveiled at I O earlier this year but as Android approaches platform stability and a final release it looks like most of the features we were expecting are here If you re eager to test out this preview and can t wait for the official launch you can enroll in Google s beta program As always we must caution that preview software is not guaranteed to be stable and you should back up your data before installing the beta Whether you check out this early build or wait for a little longer it does seem like a meaty update is coming for Android users that could be worth the anticipation 2021-07-14 17:00:40
海外科学 NYT > Science The Delta Variant Widens the Gulf Between ‘Two Americas’ https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/14/health/delta-variant-uk-usa.html The Delta Variant Widens the Gulf Between Two Americas Data from overseas particularly Britain suggest the spread of the virus will set vaccinated and unvaccinated communities on very different paths 2021-07-14 17:51:47
海外科学 NYT > Science Parts of the Amazon Go From Absorbing Carbon Dioxide to Emitting It https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/14/climate/amazon-rainforest-carbon.html Parts of the Amazon Go From Absorbing Carbon Dioxide to Emitting ItA new study analyzing hundreds of aerial readings of emissions above the forest canopy found that forest regions in the southeast were most affected 2021-07-14 17:29:32
海外TECH WIRED Loki’s Season 2 Renewal Is a Clue to Marvel’s Multiverse https://www.wired.com/story/loki-marvel-multiverse disney 2021-07-14 17:51:20
ニュース BBC News - Home Ibiza, Majorca and Menorca moved to amber list https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57839184 amber 2021-07-14 17:39:51
ニュース BBC News - Home Hate will never win, says Jadon Sancho https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/57840951 italy 2021-07-14 17:10:20
ニュース BBC News - Home PMQs: What did Boris Johnson say about the booing of England players? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/57837572 england 2021-07-14 17:16:50
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid-19 in the UK: How many coronavirus cases are there in my area? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274 cases 2021-07-14 17:28:38
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 相手が不誠実な人だったら、こうしてみ! - 精神科医Tomyが教える 1秒で不安が吹き飛ぶ言葉 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/275944 相手が不誠実な人だったら、こうしてみ精神科医Tomyが教える秒で不安が吹き飛ぶ言葉人気シリーズ万部突破『精神科医Tomyが教える秒で不安が吹き飛ぶ言葉』から、きょうのひと言私たちは自分の態度を相手の態度に合わせてしまいがち。 2021-07-15 02:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 病院任せのがん治療から逃げ出し、手術を回避。だから、生き延びた - だから、この本。 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/276814 東大病院 2021-07-15 02:45:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【木曜日は想像力アップ】瞬読トレーニングvol.12 - 瞬読式勉強法 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/276800 言葉 2021-07-15 02:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 肉食の歴史…ヨーロッパで肉食文化が栄えた理由 - 経済は統計から学べ! https://diamond.jp/articles/-/276821 農業 2021-07-15 02:35:00



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