Engadget Japanese |
撃殺虫電と風力捕獲の2Wayで蚊を退治。コードレスでどこでも使用できる小型蚊取りランプ「Biooca」 |
撃殺虫電と風力捕獲のWayで蚊を退治。 |
2021-08-09 10:15:49 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] Zen 3世代のAPU「Ryzen 5000G」が登場! |
itmediapcuserzen |
2021-08-09 19:10:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
50代でデータサイエンティストを目指す |
AI・データ分析プロジェクトのすべてビジネス力×技術力価値創出大城信晃監修・著者amazonJPより統計検定級取得へ向けての勉強英語の勉強以下のアウトプットを実施。 |
2021-08-09 19:06:57 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Internet Explorerなんてサポートしたくないので、Internet Explorerでアクセスしてきた人に対応していませんとお知らせを表示する。 |
ltahrefmicrosoftedgegtltspangtEdgeで開くltspangtltagtまとめwindownavigatoruserAgenttoLocaleLowerCaseでユーザーエージェントが取得できるmsieまたはtridentが含まれていたらIEだと判定できる以上です。 |
2021-08-09 19:58:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
final RecordListMap RecordListMap = new RecordListMap(getRecordListMap());がどんな処理をしているのか解読できません。 |
finalRecordListMapRecordListMapnewRecordListMapgetRecordListMapがどんな処理をしているのか解読できません。 |
2021-08-09 19:56:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ALTER TABLE ですでにあるカラムのdefault valueがおかしいというエラーがでる |
ALTERTABLEですでにあるカラムのdefaultvalueがおかしいというエラーがでるこんにちはもともとあるテーブルにカラムを追加しようと、ALTERnbspTABLEを実行したところ追加するカラムに対してではなく、すでにあって運用しているカラムでdefaultnbspvalueがおかしいというエラーになってしまいます。 |
2021-08-09 19:48:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
if関数の働きにについて教えてください |
if関数の働きにについて教えてください現在プロゲイトにてPythonの学習をしている初心者です。 |
2021-08-09 19:48:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
GASメール添付(名前で指定) |
GASメール添付名前で指定前提・実現したいことGASnbspスプレッドシートで、メールアドレス・添付書類名種類の一覧表を作成しその一覧表にあるアドレス宛に添付書類種類を添付して自動でメールを送りたい。 |
2021-08-09 19:46:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Comparatorインターフェースを実装した時にequals()をオーバーライドする必要がないのはなぜ |
comparator |
2021-08-09 19:45:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MySQL trigger文で1064エラー |
MySQLtrigger文でエラー前提・実現したいことmemberテーブルlatestテーブルがあります。 |
2021-08-09 19:41:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Warning: Undefined variable $db_hashed_pwというエラーで困っています。 |
WarningUndefinedvariabledbhashedpwというエラーで困っています。 |
2021-08-09 19:31:50 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Streamlitのselectboxで項目を選択した際の挙動について |
Streamlitのselectboxで項目を選択した際の挙動について概要Streamlitの練習を兼ねて簡単な機械学習アプリを作成しようとしておりますが、作成したコードをローカルマシン上で実行すると、ページ途中に設置したselectboxにて項目を選択した際にページがリロードされ、「ファイル読み込み」のボタンのところからやり直しになります。 |
2021-08-09 19:18:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
「プログラミング言語、完全に理解した」と言える上級者になるには |
2021-08-09 19:10:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pandas 英語月の年月日列を変換したい。 |
Pandas英語月の年月日列を変換したい。 |
2021-08-09 19:02:58 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
パイロットライトは『種火』 |
低コストの災害対策を選択する場合すべての災害対策に当てはまりますが、実際に災害が発生した場合の復旧手順や訓練計画まで実施する必要があります。 |
2021-08-09 19:26:17 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
TerraformでVPCエンドポイントを一気に作る |
2021-08-09 19:26:55 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Terraformで複数azに跨るサブネットを一気に作る |
2021-08-09 19:06:15 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CloudFront Functionsの始め方 |
制約に違反した実装になっている場合は、エラーでテストが通らないようになっているので不適切な処理をデプロイすることを防ぐことができます。 |
2021-08-09 19:04:57 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
任意のgit commitへ一時的に巻き戻す。 |
任意のgitcommitへ一時的に巻き戻す。 |
2021-08-09 19:06:43 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
RSpecでauthenticate_userを突破する |
2021-08-09 19:59:15 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails 6 Herokuデプロイ時のエラー(Precompiling assets failed.) |
RailsHerokuデプロイ時のエラーPrecompilingassetsfailedHerokuデプロイ中に起きたエラーmethodssincetheloosemodeoptionwassettotrueforbabelpluginproposalclasspropertiesThelooseoptionmustbethesameforbabelpluginproposalclasspropertiesbabelpluginproposalprivatemethodsandbabelpluginproposalprivatepropertyinobjectwhentheyareenabledyoucansilencethiswarningbyexplicitlyaddingbabelpluginproposalprivatemethodsloosetruetothepluginssectionofyourBabelconfigThoughthelooseoptionwassettofalseinyourbabelpresetenvconfigitwillnotbeusedforbabelpluginproposalprivatemethodssincetheloosemodeoptionwassettotrueforbabelpluginproposalclasspropertiesThelooseoptionmustbethesameforbabelpluginproposalclasspropertiesbabelpluginproposalprivatemethodsandbabelpluginproposalprivatepropertyinobjectwhentheyareenabledyoucansilencethiswarningbyexplicitlyaddingbabelpluginproposalprivatemethodsloosetruetothepluginssectionofyourBabelconfigThoughthelooseoptionwassettofalseinyourbabelpresetenvconfigitwillnotbeusedforbabelpluginproposalprivatemethodssincetheloosemodeoptionwassettotrueforbabelpluginproposalclasspropertiesThelooseoptionmustbethesameforbabelpluginproposalclasspropertiesbabelpluginproposalprivatemethodsandbabelpluginproposalprivatepropertyinobjectwhentheyareenabledyoucansilencethiswarningbyexplicitlyaddingbabelpluginproposalprivatemethodsloosetruetothepluginssectionofyourBabelconfigPrecompilingassetsfailedPushrejectedfailedtocompileRubyappPushfailedPrecompilingassetsfailed参考記事Rails系を使用している時に、herokuへのアプリケーションデプロイでPrecompileassetsfailedになることがあるっぽいよくみてみると使用しているBootstrapのバージョンが系の時はyarnaddpopperjscoreを実行してから再度デプロイをすることで、問題なくcompileができるようになるっぽい。 |
2021-08-09 19:36:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How I passed the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional 2021 Exam - SAP-C01 |
How I passed the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Exam SAP C IntroductionI recently passed my AWS Solutions Architect Professional Certification on the first try I wanted to share my experience of preparing for the exam as well as the actual exam day tips and tricks I learnt from the veterans I ll also talk about what to expect and ways to navigate the challenges Getting an AWS certification is important for your cloud ecosystem career Any role including DevOps Engineer Data Architect would immensely benefit from this certification The certificateCredly Page BackgroundI ve been a full stack developer for over years Worked in small and large organizations across domains I started my journey on cloud with AWS working on the very basic offerings such as EC VPC ELB R S etc around years ago My primary focus has always been on AWS with about time spent on other cloud vendors like Google Cloud Platform GCP I ve built large scale distributed real time systems in various domains and seen them through scale and chaos I have also passed my AWS DevOps certification a couple of years ago Currently I am an AWS Community Builder which is an awesome platform for AWS enthusiasts and you should definitely signup to learn from the experts at AWS Community Builders With Jason Dunn steering the effort it has become even more engaging and vibrant What does the exam test you on The AWS SA Pro is one of the toughest and sought after certifications in the cloud ecosystem The primary reason is the certification not only tests your knowledge but most importantly your experience AWS tries very hard to ensure that candidates DO NOT clear this certification by sheer hard work or grit unless they can demonstrate experience and the ability to evaluate situations Does that I mean I cannot pass without experience Of course you can but according to me cramming for a professional certification and passing it might just be a waste of time You re better off studying the associate certification and then get real world experience before moving ahead Understanding the examsIt is important to understand the mechanics of the exam They will help you be aware of what AWS expects out of each question AWS goes into painstaking details to make the exam unambigous Their focus is to test your knowledge and experience at every step My notes on the research QuestionsThere are no trick questionsSeveral questions are distractors Distractors are answers which may be wrong but seem perfectly plausibleVery rarely will previous questions answers aid your next onesYou get about minutes per question and they are long Learn to read them quickly more on this later Many answers are right you have to pick the most appropriate one given the requirementAt the Professional level the questions require you to Analyze and Evaluate This means you need to understand the scenario and pick one based on several factorsQuestions will only test you on one area at a time even with multiple systemsQuestions will not test you on UI numbers math etc You do however need to know the limits of services to select the right answer For e g API Gateway has a timeout of secs and will impact long running choices Scores are scaled Each question does not have the same weight This will impact your total score There is no penalty for wrong answers My PreparationI spent over two weeks of rigorous study prior to the exam I continously work on projects that require me to interact with AWS most common services this helped a lot Some of the questions are recall level which means they test your ability to remember services and their characteristics and continously working with AWS will help you answer them Give yourself at least month to prepare even if you are an AWS expert FocusLike any certification exam passing the SA Pro requires a bit of everything Knowledge You absolutely must be well versed with AWSExperience You must know how to solve problems using a combination of AWS services and have solved at least a few in the pastScope Understand what the certification will test you on before you start studying Go to at least more than one source to get latest informationSkill The questions are long designed to confuse and needs time to evaluate Picking the right approach is key to solving all questionsTime Management Devise an approach to reading the questions and skimming through them more on this later There are many courses and prep tools out there for the professional exam I did a cursory search on the internet and asked experts around for the recommended ones The only two I ended up using was AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Practice Exams by Tutorials DojoThese exams are the holy grail of practice They are continously updated and John B a fellow AWS CB is looped into the AWS ecosystem The team keeps the questions updated and very relevant to the exam If there is one service you pay for to pass the exam this is it John and his team are great and will help you every step of the way How to use Tutorials Dojo Do these exams last but do them allGo thru your study material and leave them for lastPrepare yourself for hours and take one exam at a time in its entiretyDo this as close to the exam date as your schedule allowsClick here to visit Tutorials DojoUltimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional by Stephane Maarek Udemy Stephane Maarek is one of the best fast paced trainers out there for AWS certifications If you have significant experience with AWS then his courses will walk you through the exam oriented aspects of the services How to use Stephane s courseThis is a slides only course No UI or demosFollow up with self guided practical sessions to understand the nuancesReview the slides before the examsThis is a long course playback at x or x to save timeClick here to visit Stephane Maarek s course on Udemy Study notesGo through all the services whether you have used them or notWrite down characteristics and limitations of every service e g EBS is about IOPS GB Lambda has a max of mins Lambda vCPU increases with RAM Map services to keywords e g NLB expensive fast millions of connections SQS decouple servicesTake notes lots and lots of notes I filled an entire book with simple one liner notes It helps to recall laterThere are many services with similar names and functions Clearly write their attributes to distinguish e g Storage gateway options How to read the questionsAlmost all questions are scenario based and require you to read them quickly I devised a strategy that worked for me After the first minutes I had gone through the entire set of questions skipped not even read and had marked about of them for review This gave me a full hour to review the ones I wasn t sure of The strategy is as follows You get about minutes per question Do not time while reading the questionIf the question is long and has each answer that involves multiple services Skip itGet through all the small ones firstWith each question Read the scenario and requirement two times Pick up keywords and pivot your answer around themEliminate the wrong ones immediately Wrong ones have clear issues e g Archive data to ephemeral storageQuestions can have single word differences read each word carefully e g instance data vs user dataOnce an answer is chosen read it and map each requirement to the scenario and requirement Exam day Game time I woke up early on exam day after a small run I took the final timed exam from Tutorials Dojo Notes Have a good breakfast You ll be in for hours you need the energyHave a small walk runTry and reach at least minutes beforeThere is no set exam time batch Once you arrive they log you in and off you goYou cannot carry anything in the exam center no watches wallets keys etc There is a bathroom break but the exam timer does not pause or stop Best to take care of things before the exam startsExam centers generally have smaller monitors and uncomfortable chairs keyboards Be mentally prepared to not be physically comfortableAsk for a pen paper to write notes You can only mark the question for review not the choices I avoided using the comments feature of the exam Instead I wrote down the choices I am confused between on paperRemain calm The first few questions and minutes can be overwhelming Once you start answering your pace picks up TD exams will also help There is no penalty for wrong answers so make sure you attempt all of themIf you finish early review only the most ambigous questions I tried reviewing most of them and wasted a lot of timeMark questions for review liberally If you practice you can get through the questions quicklyAnd that s it if you ve practiced and read enough this should be a breeze You ll see a PASS grade immediately Best of luck |
2021-08-09 10:39:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to choose a database on AWS |
How to choose a database on AWSHow do I choose a database on AWS How do I choose between NoSQL Amazon DynamoDB vs SQL Amazon RDS When building a serverless microservice on AWS I will walk you through how I narrow down what the best database on AWS is for my microservice Database options on AWSWhen it comes to storing data in AWS at the time of writing there are over different options The options for our microservice s persistent store are the following Amazon AuroraAmazon RDSAuroraPostgreSQLMySQLMariaDBOracleSQLServerAmazon RedshiftAmazon DynamoDBDocumentDBAmazon KeyspacesNot included here are the services for graph data and memory caching as it is not applicable for our use case Why choosing the right database is importantWhen choosing a database it is important to make an informed decision to avoid issues down the road caused by cost performance or even worse having to migrating to another database to support our business model There are a few questions we need to ask ourselves when choosing a database Do we need a NoSQL or SQL option Here is the JSON object we need to be able to support If you want to understand how we arrived at this JSON object read How to design a RESTful API on AWS status ACTIVE public true id title Weird Animal Facts description Tune in to learn about how horses make the neighing sound dateTime T duration length unit HOUR locations type ONLINE url type VENUE address streetAddress th Avenue streetAddress null city New York state NY zip A normalized form of this data could be represented by an Event table a Schedule table and a Location table Let s analyze these entities to be able to determine which type of database on AWS we could use NoSQL or SQL The Event table could have a many relationship with Schedule You can imagine a scenario where an event could have a repeating schedule That Schedule table could have multiple entries for a given event To decide NoSQL versus SQL let s look at the update query How many event records would need to be updated if an instance needs to be changed We would need to update one record This makes it a candidate for NoSQL database The Event table could also have a many relationship with Location An event could be both online as well as at a venue Asking the same NoSQL versus SQL let s look at the update query If a location needs to be updated how many event records would need to be updated The answer is n events that use this same venue You would have to query the table to find how many events have that venue and then update each one This is not a candidate for NoSQL However the attributes of a location have a lot of details or nuances that have nothing to do with an event In fact I would argue Location should be in its own microservice The Event REST API response should instead only include a location id and that information stored as part of another microservice With those questions answered the remaining data in our microservice now could be stored in a NoSQL database How the data will be queriedFor these first two urls a NoSQL implementation specifically Amazon DynamoDB would be a scan on the full table As the data grows scans are not cost efficient nor performant We can mitigate this problem by introducing a range sort key in addition to our primary partition key for example category As a client I am subscribed to the YouTube category These APIs could use your authentication to determine your eligible categories query the DB for them and then further filter either by date or other attributes of the event gt amp status CANCELLEDThis next API is straight forward We can query our NoSQL database by the event id partition key in DyanmoDB eventId Costs associated with databases on AWSThe next question we need to ask is what are the cost consideration When choosing a database there is both the cost of the actual database license as well as the people cost to maintain and fine tune that database For some of the databases on AWS you pay for what you use store most of the heavy lifting is abstracted from you Other databases require EC instances additional licenses in addition to the service Also depending on the database you might need a database administrator to update manage and fine tune that database This can be cost prohibitive for a startup Depending on where you are in your journey it is acceptable to start with the minimum requirements and then at a later date take the downtime and migrate to another database that better meets your needs Finalized JSON structureNow that we have reviewed the considerations for choosing our database and we have finalized on a NoSQL option Let s update our JSON payload to reflect the changes we called out First we have added a category attribute this will be our range sort key Second we have added a schedule attribute that is a list of all our instances of this event Lastly we have updated the location object to now simply refer to an ID that references a resource in a separate location microservice status ACTIVE id category DEVWIDGETS YOUTUBE title Weird Animal Facts description Tune in to learn about how horses make the neighing sound schedules dateTime T duration length unit HOUR locations id id ConclusionSo after much deliberation we have finalized our JSON payload and have decided to use NoSQL On AWS our options are Amazon DynamoDB Amazon DocumentDB and Amazon Keyspaces For this microservice I am going to use Amazon DynamoDB as it is a fully managed service It is a fairly robust database that abstracts a lot of the heavy lifting associated with managing a database Most importantly it is serverless which means I don t need to concern myself with EC pricing patching and troubleshooting And to name a few more key features Fully managedmulti regionmulti activebuilt in securitybackup and restorein memory cachingconfigurable autoscalingWe now have walked through how to choose a database on AWS Cloud Next week I will continue to build on this design and implement some of these APIs on AWS Check back weekly for new content Feel free to comment below any questions you may have or reach out to me on twitter at ivlo Happy Coding |
2021-08-09 10:35:36 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Introducing the ultimate Laravel lean, mean, app-building machine - Soft UI Dashboard PRO Laravel |
Introducing the ultimate Laravel lean mean app building machine Soft UI Dashboard PRO LaravelEverybody wants to do more in less time But what about doing more of what you enjoy and using Soft UI Dashboard PRO Laravel for the boring repetitive tasks Rather than writing basic CRUDs from scratch or painstakingly crafting your own Bootstrap UI components you can focus on what really sets your app apart Here s how you can save time both for backend and frontend tasks using Bootstrap Laravel Livewire and Alpine js technologies FrontendAwesome UI guaranteed following the latest design trendSoft UI Dashboard PRO Laravel is built following the hottest design trend right now Soft UI This guarantees your app will look amazing regardless of what you are building The Soft UI look amp feel relies heavily on gradients grab users attention make for a clean high end look and they re a popular design trend this year D interactive elements make your app more dynamic and engage users easierglassmorphism transparent and blurred backgrounds are all the rage a design trend used by companies such as Microsoft and Apple Reusable UI components amp prebuilt design blocksWith over UI components from buttons and inputs to complex elements such as tables and charts you have all the building blocks for your UI You can create responsive dynamic interfaces using the handcrafted Bootstrap components and you can easily customize them through SASS files and classes What s more the product comes with pre built design blocks you can assemble as modules to create unique pages Table ComponentIntegrated plugins for extra functionalityYou can extend functionalities as needed through the integrated plugins such as Kanban Sweet Alerts Wizard Fullcalendar and many more Example pages to get you startedWhether you want to get a sense of what you can build or you need to quickly set up the basic structure for your web project example pages are there to help Widgets PageProfile PageAutomotive DashboardVirtual Reality Dashboard BackendThe CRUDs most apps need out of the boxThe Laravel backend is fully integrated meaning you can easily tick all the boxes for a fully functional admin panel for your custom application You have Laravel CRUDs for the commonly used functionalities in any CMS such as Role based authenticationUser profileUser managementRole managementItem managementCategory and tag managementLivewire amp Alpine js integrationEverything is enhanced by Liveweire and Alpins js so you have all the full stack resources you need to build upon The Livewire integration allows you to build dynamic interfaces easier without leaving the comfort of your favourite framework If you combine this even further with Alpine js you get the perfect combo for kickstarting your next project A versatile full stack tool for building appsImagine Soft UI Dashboard PRO Laravel as the blueprint for your next app A versatile tool which can be used to build different types of apps Below are three of the most popular options you can start building right away Lightweight e commerce easily add products create categories to organize products add tags customize item management to save prices or add additional custom fields Lightweight CMS manage content by creating categories and tags Create view and update items and decide who has access to various types of content based on roles Blog add articles and tags to find articles easier create categories for organizing blog articles and easily manage your blog users ResourcesProduct DetailsLive PreviewDocumentationWant a test drive Check out the free demo with limited features to get a feel of what Soft UI Dashboard PRO Laravel can do |
2021-08-09 10:31:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to use Luos with Python? Step 1 - Install and config Pyluos |
How to use Luos with Python Step Install and config PyluosHere is a quick and dirty video tutorial showing how to install and config Pyluos to use Luos with Python Luos is an open source project working on how to bring modularity and flexibility to embedded systems like SpaceX Tesla or Dyson does ➔ |
2021-08-09 10:09:47 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to remove iCloud Activation Lock without password |
How to remove iCloud Activation Lock without passwordIf you buy an iPhone second hand and it has iCloud Activation Lock activated and the seller is unavailable you can still get going with the iPhone Here s how to remove iCloud Activation Lock without password Sometimes on acquiring a used or refurbished iPhone you could run into an issue where iCloud Activation Lock is enabled on a device Intended as a security feature Activation Lock is part of Find My helping device owners to lock down their iPhone or iPad and to prevent others from being able to gain access or even reuse the device once found However there can be situations where the iPhone is in the legitimate owner s hands but is still blocked and requires an iCloud Activation Lock removal Read more |
2021-08-09 11:00:17 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Mini LED 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro production begins |
Mini LED inch and inch MacBook Pro production beginsApple s rumored mini LED equipped inch and inch MacBook Pro models are getting closer to launch with suppliers said to be starting volume production Rumors have put forward the idea that Apple will be bringing out a version of the MacBook Pro with a mini LED backlit display incorporating the technology used in the inch iPad Pro screen In a supply chain report it seems the rumors are coming true According to supply chain sources of Digitimes volume production for the new MacBook Pro has commenced and in high quantities Monthly shipments of the notebooks are anticipated to be between and units per month between August and November Read more |
2021-08-09 10:46:47 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
New FAQ says Apple will refuse pressure to expand child safety tools beyond CSAM |
New FAQ says Apple will refuse pressure to expand child safety tools beyond CSAMApple has published a response to privacy criticisms of its new iCloud Photos feature of scanning for child abuse images saying it will refuse government pressures to infringe privacy Apple s new child protection featureApple s suite of tools meant to protect children has caused mixed reactions from security and privacy experts with some erroneously choosing to claim that Apple is abandoning its privacy stance Now Apple has published a rebuttal in the form of a Frequently Asked Questions document Read more |
2021-08-09 10:34:21 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Climate change: IPCC report is 'code red for humanity' |
earth |
2021-08-09 10:22:23 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Climate change: Make coal history says PM, after climate warning |
clean |
2021-08-09 10:43:52 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Climate change: IPCC report is 'code red for humanity' |
earth |
2021-08-09 10:22:23 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The nightclubs getting young people vaccinated |
people |
2021-08-09 10:23:10 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Vodafone to bring back roaming charges from January |
europe |
2021-08-09 10:51:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
UK renewable energy: Major expansion confirmed on Humber |
offshore |
2021-08-09 10:35:41 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ocado to allow staff to work remotely from abroad |
ocado |
2021-08-09 10:31:27 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Chelsea's Ivy Asia restaurant sorry for 'culturally insensitive' advert |
advertthe |
2021-08-09 10:06:53 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
New 'Banksy' artwork appears at Great Yarmouth model village |
yarmouth |
2021-08-09 10:53:06 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Climate change: Make coal history says PM, after climate warning |
clean |
2021-08-09 10:43:52 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
COP26: Minister says summit must be a turning point |
families |
2021-08-09 10:32:06 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
What do world leaders need to agree? |
glasgow |
2021-08-09 10:35:06 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Blackburn striker Armstrong to have Southampton medical |
saints |
2021-08-09 10:31:54 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
釧路管内で1人感染 根室管内は2人 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-08-09 19:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
日ハム近藤「つなぎの打撃」で貢献 侍J金メダル |
日本ハム |
2021-08-09 19:11:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
「灯油用意できなかった」 事件直前にサラダ油購入 |
小田急線 |
2021-08-09 19:02:07 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
8個の豆腐の使い道求む |個の豆腐の使い道求む/
wlevelawarelinkcomments |
2021-08-09 10:09:13 |