lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Step Functions 調査メモ |
設定概要UsestateinputaspayloadStepFuncitons実行時に設定EnterpayloadStepFuncitonsコード内に設定Nopayloadペイロード不要フローとはフローとは、StepFunctionsに用意された条件分岐などのプログラム処理のことです。 |
2021-08-09 21:44:31 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pyenvでインストールしたpythonをrootユーザー権限(sudo)で使う方法 |
pyenvでインストールしたpythonをrootユーザー権限sudoで使う方法pythonの環境を確認whichpythonhomeuserpyenvshimspythonpyenvで管理されているpythonにパスが通っている。 |
2021-08-09 21:55:06 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Step Functions 調査メモ |
設定概要UsestateinputaspayloadStepFuncitons実行時に設定EnterpayloadStepFuncitonsコード内に設定Nopayloadペイロード不要フローとはフローとは、StepFunctionsに用意された条件分岐などのプログラム処理のことです。 |
2021-08-09 21:44:31 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Firebase JS SDK v9がバンドルサイズを激減した神アップデートだった話😲 |
ブログにセクションあり基本的なCRUDをサポートしたこいつを適用したらどうなったかKBKBと約KB削減されましたそう、vの隠し玉はfirebasefirestoreliteでした。 |
2021-08-09 21:15:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
HTML CSS 背景を拡大すると、position:fixedの要素がずれて表示されてしまう |
HTMLCSS背景を拡大すると、positionfixedの要素がずれて表示されてしまうスマホPCともにcontainerにwidthnbspを設定しています。 |
2021-08-09 21:55:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
haskellのラムダ関数の仕組みについて |
haskellのラムダ関数の仕組みについてhaskellのラムダ関数の挙動についての質問です。 |
2021-08-09 21:54:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
他のプログラム言語で作られたプログラムを動かす |
他のプログラム言語で作られたプログラムを動かす抽象的な質問で申し訳ありません。 |
2021-08-09 21:53:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
今月のカレンダーを取得したいです。 |
今月のカレンダーを取得したいです。 |
2021-08-09 21:52:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
$_SESSION['user_id']をajaxのPOSTに渡したい |
SESSIONxuseridxをajaxのPOSTに渡したい前提例えば以下の様なコードでユーザーがログインした後を前提に、SESSIONaposuseridaposにはが格納されているものとします。 |
2021-08-09 21:41:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
rubocopの範囲制限ができない |
rubocopの範囲制限ができない前提・実現したいことcirclenbspclのrannbsprubocopの箇所が通らない。 |
2021-08-09 21:37:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
計算がしたいです・・・ |
計算がしたいです・・・yに結果を表示したいのですが「実行時エラーaposgaposインデックスが有効範囲にありません。 |
2021-08-09 21:31:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
TwitterのREST APIを使用した第3者のツイート方法について |
TwitterのRESTAPIを使用した第者のツイート方法について前提・実現したいことTwitterのRESTnbspAPIを使って第三者の一般ユーザーがツイートできるアプリを作りたいと思っています。 |
2021-08-09 21:29:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
UIで、画像をたくさん一つずつ変えたい。 |
UIのImageの画像を交互に変える方法はわかるのですが、UIのImageでいくつもの枚使いたいです画像を一つずつ変える方法がわかりません。 |
2021-08-09 21:15:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CloudFormationのテンプレートをパッケージングする時に、文字コードエラー |
CloudFormationのテンプレートをパッケージングする時に、文字コードエラー概要ダウンロードしてきたCloudFormationのテンプレートをパッケージングしようとしているのですが、以下のようなエラーが発生します。 |
2021-08-09 21:12:06 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
チュートリアル「静的ウェブサイトをホスティングする」をやってみる |
認証が完了したら先ほどのリポジトリとブランチを選んで「次へ」ボタンをクリックします。 |
2021-08-09 21:45:28 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Step Functions 調査メモ |
設定概要UsestateinputaspayloadStepFuncitons実行時に設定EnterpayloadStepFuncitonsコード内に設定Nopayloadペイロード不要フローとはフローとは、StepFunctionsに用意された条件分岐などのプログラム処理のことです。 |
2021-08-09 21:44:31 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Sequel Ace - RDS/localhostのMySQLに接続する |
かなり苦戦してしまいましたが、SequelAceの公式ドキュメントにて、同じコンピューターで実行されているMAMPまたはXAMPPのMySQLサーバーに接続する方法でphpMyAdminで作成したデータベース・テーブルを参照することが出来たのでこちらも書いておこうと思います参考になれば嬉しいです本題よりも時間がかかってしまいました。 |
2021-08-09 21:01:59 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GCE上にkaggle Dockerを構築してGCSをマウントした |
GCE上にkaggleDockerを構築してGCSをマウントしたIntroエラくハマりました。 |
2021-08-09 21:21:26 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Herokuデプロイしたらレイアウトが総崩れした |
Herokuデプロイしたらレイアウトが総崩れした忘れないための備忘録今回Herokuにデプロイした時に開発環境側で出来ていたレイアウトを確認したらレイアウトがぐちゃぐちゃになっていて唖然としました。 |
2021-08-09 21:50:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to See Which Branch Your Teammate is on in Webstorm |
How to See Which Branch Your Teammate is on in Webstorm“What branch are you on is often the first question you ask when a teammate says “The tests aren t passing or “The build failed Here s how you can get an answer to that question without even needing to ask In Webstorm open up the Team Window by clicking GitLive on the bottom tool window bar This will show a list of your teammates if they are online or away and the issue they are currently working on Locate the teammate you are interested in and click the arrow on the left hand side of their avatar Now you will see all the repositories they have cloned including the name of their current branch NOTE If an issue has been connected to the branch you ll see the issue name instead if that s the case just hover your cursor over the issue name and a tooltip will appear showing you the branch name and even the commit hash Don t have the GitLive extension installed yet You can find it here and if you need help setting it up follow the instructions in GitLive docs |
2021-08-09 12:44:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Run an Effective Sprint Planning Meeting |
How to Run an Effective Sprint Planning MeetingThere are plenty of posts that tell you that sprint planning should include things like shaking hands making pledges and a team song I wish I were joking This is not one of them Nor am I advocating for you to buy into any particular school of thought i e Scrum vs Agile or suggesting that you need to sign up to someone s downloadable program for XX the author of which will haunt your inbox forever Instead I want to offer practical strategies to make planning a Sprint less painful so that you feel organised rather than overwhelmed and have achievable goals rather than just another staggering list of to dos A successful Sprint should leave you feeling like you ve worked on things that are important and worthy of your time What is the purpose of a sprint planning meeting The purpose of sprint planning is to define what can be completed during the next sprint and decide how the work will get done and by who This included reviewing any leftover tasks from the last sprint and creating a plan of action for these as appropriate Sprint planning attendees Scrum Master Sprint leaderThe Scrum Master is responsible for setting up the infrastructure for the sprint planning meeting zoom meeting room booking etc and managing timekeeping during the meeting to ensure that everyone is aligned on the goals of the upcoming sprint Side note I am using this term as I understand an agreed upon alternative is yet to be decided upon in the world of Scrum Product OwnerThe product owner arguably does the bulk of the pre Sprint meeting work They prepare the list of product backlogs to choose to work on prioritise during the sprint and facilitate discussion on the priorities of the sprint Development teamThese are the vital people that will be doing the work during the sprint think devs designers test engineers etc Before the meetingSprint planning is about gathering the necessary people together to determine the product development goal and work you will do in your upcoming sprint But before you get to a planning meeting there s a reasonable amount of prep you need to do to organise Bring the backlog to orderThe Product Owner is responsible for collating and organising all backlog items that could be worked on during the sprint and is typically referred to as backlog grooming They may do this alone or at a pre meeting before the planning and aim to break tasks down into actionable items Be clear on team velocity and capacityConsider the amount of work that participants can successfully complete during a sprint Consider the achievements of previous sprints as a way to measure team velocity What tools and skills are needed to achieve the work Who is available to work on the sprint Define your sprint goalDetermine the aim of your sprint and what you want to have achieved at its end Writing this down is helpful to offer clarity to not only team members but other stakeholders outside of the sprint also Make an agenda for your sprint planning meetingThe common view is that planning a week sprint should take about four hours Map out the agenda of the meeting accordingly There are plenty of sprint planning templates around if you don t have one already for example Smart sheetAtlassianFellowPlanio What about technical debt and sprint planning Stefan Wolfers asserts that there is an inherent contradiction in ownership and decision making in a Scrum mentality regarding technical debt He asks “If technical debt is the plague of our industry why isn t the Scrum Guide addressing the question of who is responsibly dealing with it To make things worse if the Product Owner s responsibility is to maximise the value customers derive from the Development Team s work The Development Team s responsibility is to deliver a product Increment at least at the end of the sprint adhering to the definition of “Done aren t those two responsibilities possibly causing a conflict of interest It is vital to make paying down technical debt including tasks such as code refactoring and bug fixing a priority of every single sprint Bug fixing feels like a never ending loop if you have a high level of debt and a sprint can unearth even more bugs Focus on the bugs you have committed to deal with and add those you find unless incredibly urgent to the bug backlog for your next sprint Your team also needs an agreed upon definition of Done to avoid more technical debt sneaking in How to include technical debt into your sprint Instead of having a dedicated technical debt sprint every quarter try a more sustainable approach of spending of every sprint dealing with the most important technical debt It ll help you prioritise the tech debt that s in the way of upcoming features on the product roadmap If you want to learn how a modern team at Snyk has achieved it check out this case study Here are steps that ll help you incorporate technical work into your usual sprints Make technical debt visibleStart with highlighting bookmarking and creating technical debt issues You can easily do that with the Stepsize VS Code or the JetBrains extension Determine the business impact of each debt itemIf you have a difficult time convincing your management to work on technical debt try focusing on the business impact instead of technical problems E g mention how fixing this debt will reduce the number of support tickets or help you reduce the time to market Bring it to your sprint planning meetingOnce you ve created technical debt issues and described their business impact bring it up during your next sprint planning to discuss with the team Deciding what technical debt to focus on in your code sprint is comparable to prioritising tasks in your product backlog and you can also use Stepsize s prioritisation features Remote work planningHow we work is constantly changing Many traditional Sprint planners talk about whiteboards digital or otherwise and getting everyone together in the same room We know that s often not just practical with distributed teams Where possible avoid a hybrid model where a chunk of the team is together and the rest distributed unless you have good practice doing this successfully Otherwise what tends to happen is that those who are physically present make group decisions and the input of remote people is more of an afterthought Online tools see upcoming article are critical to ensure that everyone gets an equal seat at the meeting Be especially aware that remote meetings are more draining than in person meetings and plan accordingly with breaks and keeping things focused Reward your teamSprints are more pleasurable if there s something to look forward to if budget allows consider getting some catering in or delivery orders to people s homes for remote workers to celebrate the end of a sprint Even if a sprint is commonplace in your company everyone likes thanks And don t forget to celebrate the tech debt heroes who have done behind the scenes work The article is originally posted by Cate Lawrence at te Managing Technical Debt blog |
2021-08-09 12:31:43 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Changes to cryptocurrency tax rules could be too late for infrastructure vote |
Changes to cryptocurrency tax rules could be too late for infrastructure voteSenators are close to compromising on tax rules affecting cryptocurrencies but the arrival of a deal may not be in time to be added to a relevant bill headed through the Senate Two groups of senators are in discussions over tax rules that would impact cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in requiring entities to report transactions to the Internal Revenue Service Each side wants changes made to an infrastructure bill that is on its way through the Senate but now with a very tight time limit The dispute puts a White House preferred amendment against one favored by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Rob Wyden reports Bloomberg Specifically the discussions relate to the definition of cryptocurrency brokers that are required to report transactions Read more |
2021-08-09 12:52:35 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to use Health Sharing in iOS 15 |
How to use Health Sharing in iOS From iOS onwards you can elect to share your Health data with anyone you choose ーand also choose just what they get to see Health Sharing in iOS One of the most significant additions to iOS is the new ability to share your health data with someone And one of the most useful additions is that you can stop that sharing at any time change what data is being shared or who can see it Read more |
2021-08-09 12:35:15 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple's AirPods with the wireless charging case are on sale for $130 |
Apple x s AirPods with the wireless charging case are on sale for If you re an Apple user and somehow haven t gotten your hands on a pair of AirPods yet now s a good time to grab them Amazon has the standard AirPods with their wireless charging case for which is an all time low price that we haven t seen often in the past However shipping times are delayed likely due to the rarity of this deal so you ll have to wait until the beginning of September to receive them Buy AirPods wireless charging case at Amazon Buy AirPods at Amazon Buy AirPods Pro at Amazon If you don t want to wait you can skip the wireless charging case and get the regular model for ーnot a record low but less than their normal price It s also worth noting that the AirPods Pro remain off bringing them down to Even if you haven t used AirPods before you re probably quite familiar with them especially if you use a lot of Apple products They re the company s true wireless earbuds that thanks to the H chipset inside pair and switch seamlessly between iPhone iPad and other Apple devices It makes the initial setup quick and easy and it allows you to go from taking a call on your iPhone to listening to music from your Mac with little delay The H chip also improved upon the AirPods connection range and it enables hands free Siri access too Convenience alone is reason enough for some to invest in AirPods but they re also a solid pair of wireless earbuds as well Sound quality is decent we prefer the AirPods Pro if you want the best sound quality Apple earbuds can offer and they ll last for about five hours on a single charge And with the wireless charging case you can set the AirPods on any Qi compatible pad you have in your home when you need extra juice Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2021-08-09 12:43:37 |
ラズパイ |
Raspberry Pi |
Bring on the documentation |
Bring on the documentationI joined Raspberry Pi eighteen months ago and spent my first year here keeping secrets and writing about Raspberry Silicon and the chip that would eventually be known as RP This is all largely completed work Raspberry Pi Pico made its way out into the world back in January and our own Raspberry Silicon followed last The post Bring on the documentation appeared first on Raspberry Pi |
2021-08-09 12:51:18 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Climate change: Five things we have learned from the IPCC report |
study |
2021-08-09 12:41:01 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Climate change: Make coal history says PM after climate warning |
clean |
2021-08-09 12:15:27 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
COVID-19 tracker: Daily virus cases top 12,000 in Japan |
COVID tracker Daily virus cases top in JapanTokyo reported new cases Monday dipping below for the first time in a week while neighboring Kanagawa Prefecture saw a single day record |
2021-08-09 21:00:51 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Peter Kay: Cancer patient 'honoured' to inspire comic's comeback gig |
treatment |
2021-08-09 12:40:47 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Bute Park attack: Gary Jenkins dies 16 days after incident |
attack |
2021-08-09 12:45:01 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Home-working officials won't get paid less, says minister |
covid |
2021-08-09 12:25:54 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan war: Taliban push on while rejecting truce |
calls |
2021-08-09 12:43:51 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ocado Group offers staff remote working abroad |
abroadthe |
2021-08-09 12:52:40 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Climate change: Make coal history says PM after climate warning |
clean |
2021-08-09 12:15:27 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Climate change: Five things we have learned from the IPCC report |
study |
2021-08-09 12:41:01 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Snorkeler's close encounter with 9ft basking shark |
giant |
2021-08-09 12:01:38 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Uninspired rugby and Erasmus antics - how will the Lions tour be remembered? |
Uninspired rugby and Erasmus antics how will the Lions tour be remembered After a Lions series full of rancour and underwhelming rugby how will the tour be remembered and where do the team go from here |
2021-08-09 12:22:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
旭川で1人感染 上川管内1人 新型コロナ |
上川管内 |
2021-08-09 21:17:59 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
釧路管内で1人感染 根室管内は2人 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-08-09 21:15:54 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
HKT48の5人、コロナ感染 公演は中止、延期 |
福岡市 |
2021-08-09 21:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
後志の全20市町村で人口減 国際リゾート地、外国人流出響く |
住民基本台帳に基づく人口 |
2021-08-09 21:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
日ハム近藤「つなぎの打撃」で貢献 侍J金メダル |
日本ハム |
2021-08-09 21:08:02 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
旭日旗の韓国側説明を否定 組織委とIOC |
事務総長 |
2021-08-09 21:01:00 |