投稿時間:2021-09-05 02:18:30 RSSフィード2021-09-05 02:00 分まとめ(22件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita とりあえずYOLOを使って好きな画像で物体検知をしてみたいという方へ https://qiita.com/APRILSIXTEEN/items/d71e3e7e152835f1a31a yolo用の環境を構築します。 2021-09-05 01:48:02
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) torchmetricsを使ったAccuracyやF1が毎回同じ出力になってしまいます。 https://teratail.com/questions/357793?rss=all torchmetricsを使ったAccuracyやFが毎回同じ出力になってしまいます。 2021-09-05 01:54:38
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ML Kitを用いたPose Detectionで結果を画面描画する処理がわかりません https://teratail.com/questions/357792?rss=all ただ、その先のおそらくCanvasを使って画面に表示する処理が、参考にしているページを読んでもできませんでした。 2021-09-05 01:46:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) URLリンクは新規ページで開き、記事内アンカーは新規ページを開きたくない https://teratail.com/questions/357791?rss=all URLリンクは新規ページで開き、記事内アンカーは新規ページを開きたくない前提・実現したいこと実現したいことは以下の点です・URLリンクは新規ページで開く・記事内アンカーは新規ページを開きたくない発生している問題自分のwordpressでは毎回URLリンクを貼る際に「新規ページで開く」と設定するのが面倒なので、functionsphpに以下コードを追加しています。 2021-09-05 01:27:06
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) jQueryでpostしphpへ値を渡す https://teratail.com/questions/357790?rss=all jQueryでpostしphpへ値を渡す上記のサイトを参考にコード書いてみましたが、jqueryからphpへ値を渡すことができずエラーが返ってきてしまいます。 2021-09-05 01:19:52
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) neo4jrbをrubyに導入できない Neo4j::Core::CypherSession::ConnectionFailedError: Connection failure https://teratail.com/questions/357789?rss=all neojrbをrubyに導入できないNeojCoreCypherSessionConnectionFailedErrorConnectionfailure前提・実現したいことrailsにneojを導入したいです。 2021-09-05 01:11:06
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 画像のCLS対策: レスポンシブでの画像のheight指定のしかた https://teratail.com/questions/357788?rss=all 画像のCLS対策レスポンシブでの画像のheight指定のしかた画像のCLSパフォーマンスに関して質問があります。 2021-09-05 01:03:19
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS Systems Managerによるオンプレミスのリモートサポート https://qiita.com/MarkAda/items/59e62bd1dd9e42e90548 コンソールインスタンスIDを確認する手順まで完了すると、SystemsManagerコンソールのフリートマネージャーに手順でエージェントを起動したデバイスが接続されるインスタンスが表示される。 2021-09-05 01:33:20
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita とりあえずYOLOを使って好きな画像で物体検知をしてみたいという方へ https://qiita.com/APRILSIXTEEN/items/d71e3e7e152835f1a31a yolo用の環境を構築します。 2021-09-05 01:48:02
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita viewで使う<% @posts.each do |post| %>とは https://qiita.com/yamadatarou18/items/448e559e26e57bd78360 viewで使うltpostseachdopostgtとはltpostseachdopostgtとはcontrollerから送られてきたpostsの中のレコードを一つずつ取り出してpostという変数に入れる。 2021-09-05 01:49:14
海外TECH DEV Community Create a skeleton loading https://dev.to/clementgaudiniere/create-a-skeleton-loading-m1h Create a skeleton loadingHello everyone today we are going to take a look at a rather special method of loading content in fact we are going to talk about skeleton loading a method of loading pages that is quite widespread and quite original to make users wait while your page is loading You are ready so let s go What is it But what does a page using skeleton loading look like In fact you see them on every platform Twitter YouTube Netflix Below you can see glimpses of skeleton loading on various websites mentioned above As you can see skeleton loading is used by high profile sites for a reason it allows the user to directly understand where and how the information will be organised after loading Let s codeNow we re going to start making a page that uses skeleton loading to present videos Please note that if you want to use skeletons loading on your website you will need to use an AJAX add on to fully load the videos In our case we will implement the skeleton loading system without loading real videos First we will write our HTML structure lt This div is used as a container gt lt div class wrapper shine gt lt Title gt lt h gt Coming soon lt h gt lt Container of card videos that load gt lt div class container gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div gt lt h gt Best sellers lt h gt lt div class container gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div gt lt h gt Recommended lt h gt lt div class container gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div class card gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt Then we add some style Fonts import url wght amp display swap Style body background dedede wrapper width px max width margin px auto wrapper h color white letter spacing px margin px px px font family Roboto sans serif wrapper container display flex flex wrap wrap align content center justify content flex start align items center flex direction row wrapper container card margin px width px height px border radius px background image linear gradient deg eee px efefef px eee px background size calc px px animation refresh s infinite ease out Animation keyframes refresh background position calc px background position px You can see the final result below If you want to load the video thumbnails you will have to use AJAX To do this it is highly recommended to use jQuery which simplifies the requests and makes them more reliable An example code in AJAX lt script gt document ready function card load lt script gt I hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you have any questions feel free to ask me in the comments 2021-09-04 16:31:22
海外TECH DEV Community AWS SDKs for .Net : AWSSDK.EC2 (for AWS EC2 ) https://dev.to/ahmedadel/aws-sdks-for-net-awssdk-ec2-for-aws-ec2-14mb AWS SDKs for Net AWSSDK EC for AWS EC ✦The AWS SDK for NET supports Amazon EC which is a web service that provides resizable computing capacity You use this computing capacity to build and host your software systems First of all let s have a brief about Amazon EC in AWS ➽What is Amazon EC Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud EC is a web service that provides resizable computing capacityーliterally servers in Amazon s data centersーthat you use to build and host your software systems Read more about Amazon EC ➽Installing AWSSDK EC AWSSDK EC is installed mainly from Nuget There is ways to install AWSSDK EC they are the same as installing AWSSDK S from Part of this series let s use the easiest one from Package Manager Console by using the Install Package command PM gt Install Package AWSSDK ECSecond step is to connect to our AWS account using Access keys Access Key ID and Secret Access Key this was explained before briefly in the first article under Get AWS Access keys Let s now check what we can do with this SDK Working with Security Groups ✦A security group acts as a virtual firewall that controls the network traffic for one or more EC instances By default EC associates your instances with a security group that allows no inbound traffic You can create a security group that allows your EC instances to accept certain traffic ✦Read more about security groups in the EC user guide for Linux and the EC user guide for Windows Creating security groups Method to create a new security group either EC Classic or EC VPC If vpcID is empty the security group will be for EC Classicprivate static async Task lt List lt SecurityGroup gt gt CreateSecurityGroup IAmazonEC ecClient string groupName string vpcID See if one or more security groups with that name already exist in the given VPC If so return the list of them var securityGroups await FindSecurityGroups ecClient groupName vpcID if securityGroups Count gt Console WriteLine n Security groups with name groupName already exists n return securityGroups If the security group doesn t already exists create it var createRequest new CreateSecurityGroupRequest GroupName groupName if string IsNullOrEmpty vpcID createRequest Description My NET example security group for EC Classic else createRequest VpcId vpcID createRequest Description My NET example security group for EC VPC CreateSecurityGroupResponse createResponse await ecClient CreateSecurityGroupAsync createRequest Return the new security group DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse describeResponse await ecClient DescribeSecurityGroupsAsync new DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest GroupIds new List lt string gt createResponse GroupId return describeResponse SecurityGroups Method to determine if a security group with the specified name already exists in the VPCprivate static async Task lt List lt SecurityGroup gt gt FindSecurityGroups IAmazonEC ecClient string groupName string vpcID var request new DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest request Filters Add new Filter Name group name Values new List lt string gt groupName if string IsNullOrEmpty vpcID request Filters Add new Filter Name vpc id Values new List lt string gt vpcID var response await ecClient DescribeSecurityGroupsAsync request return response SecurityGroups Loop through your security groups Method to enumerate the security groupsprivate static async Task EnumerateGroups IAmazonEC ecClient string vpcID A request object in case we need it var request new DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest Put together the properties if needed if string IsNullOrEmpty vpcID We have a VPC ID Find the security groups for just that VPC Console WriteLine nGetting security groups for VPC vpcID n request Filters Add new Filter Name vpc id Values new List lt string gt vpcID Get the list of security groups DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse response await ecClient DescribeSecurityGroupsAsync request Display the list of security groups foreach SecurityGroup item in response SecurityGroups Console WriteLine Security group item GroupId Console WriteLine tGroupId item GroupId Console WriteLine tGroupName item GroupName Console WriteLine tVpcId item VpcId Console WriteLine Update security group Add inbound rule Method that adds a TCP ingress rule to a security groupprivate static async Task AddIngressRule IAmazonEC eCClient string groupID string ipAddress int port Create an object to hold the request information for the rule It uses an IpPermission object to hold the IP information for the rule var ingressRequest new AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest GroupId groupID ingressRequest IpPermissions Add new IpPermission IpProtocol tcp FromPort port ToPort port IpvRanges new List lt IpRange gt new IpRange CidrIp ipAddress Create the inbound rule for the security group AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponse responseIngress await eCClient AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressAsync ingressRequest Console WriteLine nNew RDP rule was written in groupID for ipAddress Console WriteLine Result responseIngress HttpStatusCode Working with Amazon EC key pairs ✦Amazon EC uses public key cryptography to encrypt and decrypt login information Public key cryptography uses a public key to encrypt data and then the recipient uses the private key to decrypt the data The public and private keys are known as a key pair ✦Read more about Amazon EC key pairs in the EC user guide for Linux or the EC user guide for Windows Create the key pair Method to create a key pair and save the key material in a PEM fileprivate static async Task CreateKeyPair IAmazonEC ecClient string keyPairName string pemFileName Create the key pair CreateKeyPairResponse response await ecClient CreateKeyPairAsync new CreateKeyPairRequest KeyName keyPairName Console WriteLine nCreated new key pair response KeyPair KeyName Save the private key in a PEM file using var s new FileStream pemFileName FileMode Create using var writer new StreamWriter s writer WriteLine response KeyPair KeyMaterial Display available key pairs Method to show the key pairs that are availableprivate static async Task EnumerateKeyPairs IAmazonEC ecClient DescribeKeyPairsResponse response await ecClient DescribeKeyPairsAsync Console WriteLine Available key pairs foreach KeyPairInfo item in response KeyPairs Console WriteLine item KeyName Delete the key pair Method to delete a key pairprivate static async Task DeleteKeyPair IAmazonEC ecClient string keyName await ecClient DeleteKeyPairAsync new DeleteKeyPairRequest KeyName keyName Console WriteLine nKey pair keyName has been deleted if it existed Seeing your Amazon EC Regions and Availability Zones ✦Amazon EC is hosted in multiple locations worldwide These locations are composed of Regions and Availability Zones Each Region is a separate geographic area that has multiple isolated locations known as Availability Zones ✦Read more about Regions and Availability Zones in the EC user guide for Linux or the EC user guide for Windows using System using System Threading Tasks using Amazon EC using Amazon EC Model namespace ECRegionsAndZones class Program static async Task Main string args Create the EC client var ecClient new AmazonECClient Display the Regions and Availability Zones await DescribeRegions ecClient await DescribeAvailabilityZones ecClient Method to display Regions private static async Task DescribeRegions IAmazonEC ecClient Console WriteLine nRegions that are enabled for the EC client DescribeRegionsResponse response await ecClient DescribeRegionsAsync foreach Region region in response Regions Console WriteLine region RegionName Method to display Availability Zones private static async Task DescribeAvailabilityZones IAmazonEC ecClient Console WriteLine nAvailability Zones for the EC client s region DescribeAvailabilityZonesResponse response await ecClient DescribeAvailabilityZonesAsync foreach AvailabilityZone az in response AvailabilityZones Console WriteLine az ZoneName Working with Amazon EC instances Launch an instance Method to launch the instances Returns a list with the launched instance IDsprivate static async Task lt List lt string gt gt LaunchInstances IAmazonEC ecClient RunInstancesRequest requestLaunch var instanceIds new List lt string gt RunInstancesResponse responseLaunch await ecClient RunInstancesAsync requestLaunch Console WriteLine nNew instances have been created foreach Instance item in responseLaunch Reservation Instances instanceIds Add item InstanceId Console WriteLine New instance item InstanceId return instanceIds Monitor the instance Method to wait until the instances are running or at least not pending private static async Task CheckState IAmazonEC ecClient List lt string gt instanceIds Console WriteLine nWaiting for the instances to start nPress any key to stop waiting Response might be slightly delayed int numberRunning DescribeInstancesResponse responseDescribe var requestDescribe new DescribeInstancesRequest InstanceIds instanceIds Check every couple of seconds int wait while true Get and check the status for each of the instances to see if it s past pending Once all instances are past pending break out For this example we are assuming that there is only one reservation Console Write numberRunning responseDescribe await ecClient DescribeInstancesAsync requestDescribe foreach Instance i in responseDescribe Reservations Instances Check the lower byte of State Code property Code is the pending state if i State Code amp gt numberRunning if numberRunning responseDescribe Reservations Instances Count break Wait a bit and try again unless the user wants to stop waiting Thread Sleep wait if Console KeyAvailable break Console WriteLine nNo more instances are pending foreach Instance i in responseDescribe Reservations Instances Console WriteLine For i InstanceId Console WriteLine VPC ID i VpcId Console WriteLine Instance state i State Name Console WriteLine Public IP address i PublicIpAddress Console WriteLine Public DNS name i PublicDnsName Console WriteLine Key pair name i KeyName Terminating an EC instance using System using System Threading Tasks using System Collections Generic using Amazon EC using Amazon EC Model namespace ECTerminateInstance class Program static async Task Main string args if args Length amp amp args StartsWith i Terminate the instance var ecClient new AmazonECClient await TerminateInstance ecClient args else Console WriteLine nCommand line argument missing or incorrect Console WriteLine nUsage ECTerminateInstance instance ID Console WriteLine instance ID The EC instance you want to terminate return Method to terminate an EC instance private static async Task TerminateInstance IAmazonEC ecClient string instanceID var request new TerminateInstancesRequest InstanceIds new List lt string gt instanceID TerminateInstancesResponse response await ecClient TerminateInstancesAsync new TerminateInstancesRequest InstanceIds new List lt string gt instanceID foreach InstanceStateChange item in response TerminatingInstances Console WriteLine Terminated instance item InstanceId Console WriteLine Instance state item CurrentState Name Amazon EC Spot Instance tutorial ✦Spot Instances enable you to request unused Amazon EC capacity for less than the On Demand price This can significantly lower your EC costs for applications that can be interrupted ✦Read more about Spot Instances in the EC user guide for Linux or the EC user guide for Windows Creating a Spot Instance request Method to create a Spot Instance requestprivate static async Task lt SpotInstanceRequest gt CreateSpotInstanceRequest IAmazonEC ecClient string amiId string securityGroupName InstanceType instanceType string spotPrice int instanceCount var launchSpecification new LaunchSpecification ImageId amiId InstanceType instanceType launchSpecification SecurityGroups Add securityGroupName var request new RequestSpotInstancesRequest SpotPrice spotPrice InstanceCount instanceCount LaunchSpecification launchSpecification RequestSpotInstancesResponse result await ecClient RequestSpotInstancesAsync request return result SpotInstanceRequests Get status of your Spot Instance request Method to get information about a Spot Instance request including the status instance ID etc It gets the information for a specific request as opposed to all requests private static async Task lt SpotInstanceRequest gt GetSpotInstanceRequestInfo IAmazonEC ecClient string requestId var describeRequest new DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsRequest describeRequest SpotInstanceRequestIds Add requestId DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResponse describeResponse await ecClient DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsAsync describeRequest return describeResponse SpotInstanceRequests Clean up your Spot Instance requests Method to cancel a Spot Instance requestprivate static async Task CancelSpotInstanceRequest IAmazonEC ecClient string requestId var cancelRequest new CancelSpotInstanceRequestsRequest cancelRequest SpotInstanceRequestIds Add requestId await ecClient CancelSpotInstanceRequestsAsync cancelRequest Clean up your Spot Instances ✦To avoid unnecessary costs it s important that you terminate any instances that were started from Spot Instance requests simply canceling Spot Instance requests will not terminate your instances which means that you ll continue to be charged for them Method to terminate a Spot Instanceprivate static async Task TerminateSpotInstance IAmazonEC ecClient string requestId var describeRequest new DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsRequest describeRequest SpotInstanceRequestIds Add requestId Retrieve the Spot Instance request to check for running instances DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResponse describeResponse await ecClient DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsAsync describeRequest If there are any running instances terminate them if describeResponse SpotInstanceRequests Status Code request canceled and instance running describeResponse SpotInstanceRequests State SpotInstanceState Active TerminateInstancesResponse response await ecClient TerminateInstancesAsync new TerminateInstancesRequest InstanceIds new List lt string gt describeResponse SpotInstanceRequests InstanceId foreach InstanceStateChange item in response TerminatingInstances Console WriteLine n Terminated instance item InstanceId Console WriteLine Instance state item CurrentState Name n References AWS official Documentation 2021-09-04 16:24:18
海外TECH DEV Community Using nprogress with next-js to show page is loading https://dev.to/henoktsegaye/using-nprogress-with-next-js-to-show-page-is-loading-2e34 Using nprogress with next js to show page is loading using next js with nprogressusing next js should be one of the most awesome thing ever i have used it and i loved it so nprogress had support for next js and other js frameworkshere is how it works put this in app js import NProgress from nprogress import Router from next router import nprogress nprogress css NProgress configure minimum easing ease speed showSpinner false Router events on routeChangeStart gt NProgress start Router events on routeChangeComplete gt NProgress done Router events on routeChangeError gt NProgress done 2021-09-04 16:16:53
海外TECH Engadget Germany wants phone makers to offer 7 years of security updates https://www.engadget.com/germany-phone-makers-7-years-security-updates-163601435.html?src=rss Germany wants phone makers to offer years of security updatesYour current phone might get security patches for several years to come at least if Germany has its way C treports the German federal government is pushing the European Union to require seven years of security updates and spare parts for smartphones as part of negotiations with the European Commission That s two years longer than a recent Commission proposal and would effectively give phones a more computer like support cycle Both proposals are unsurprisingly facing pushback from manufacturers The industry advocacy group DigitalEurope which counts Apple Google and Samsung as some of its members wants a requirement for just three years of security updates and wants to limit spare parts to screens and batteries rather than cameras speakers and other components that are supposedly more reliable DigitalEurope is effectively arguing for the status quo in other words While Apple typically delivers five years of regular feature and security updates many Android vendors stop at three or less Samsung only committed to four years of security fixes in Some of this has been dictated by Qualcomm s update policy but it s clear the brands themselves are sometimes reluctant to change This extended support might become crucial The EU s proposal potentially in effect by is meant to help the environment by letting you keep phones for longer They d stay protected and functional for roughly twice the to years you see today However this could also be vital for bolstering mobile security as a whole Just over percent of Android users are running Pie or earlier according to StatCounter s August usage share data ーa large portion of mobile users have devices that either stopped receiving security updates or are close to losing them Longer support periods could prevent attackers from targeting old phones that at present have been left permanently vulnerable to exploits patched in newer software 2021-09-04 16:36:01
海外TECH Engadget ICYMI: We see how the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 performs in the real world https://www.engadget.com/icymi-we-see-how-the-samsung-galaxy-z-fold-3-performs-in-the-real-world-160038668.html?src=rss ICYMI We see how the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold performs in the real worldWe checked out a couple of ambitious Samsung products this week plus a few other gadgets Cherlynn Low tested the Galaxy Z Fold smartphone which is the third generation of Samsung s foldable hybrid and the Galaxy Watch which is one of the first devices to run on the new Wear OS platform James Trew popped off keys and customized the Keychron Q keyboard while Daniel Cooper was pleased with his time with HP s light yet capable Pavilion Aero laptop The Galaxy Z Fold is a stronger foldable than ever beforeDavid Imel For EngadgetAlthough Cherlynn Low likes a lot of the improvements made to the Galaxy Z Fold and calls it an impressive piece of tech she still isn t sure it can replace a regular smartphone for most people The third generation of the folding device has a stronger redesigned screen a streamlined hinge and a robust aluminum build and Samsung says it s percent more durable than previous models According to Cherlynn it easily withstood being thrown in a purse full of sharp and heavy objects and the IPX water resistance kept it safe from water droplets The Fold s external inch x display refreshes at Hz and uses a Dynamic AMOLED panel which made for fast scrolling and vibrant images The phone also has S Pen support although the stylus costs extra and there isn t a slot for it on the device There s also more software support to improve the full screen experience like Multi Window and Flex Mode panels plus five onboard cameras which generally produced bright and colorful shots Despite these wins she felt that the device was over reaching and attempting to do too much to achieve mainstream adoption The Galaxy Watch shows off the new Wear OS platformDavid Imel for EngadgetCherlynn Low is candid about how the Galaxy Watch makes her feel calling it and the rest of Samsung s smartwatches the best Android wearable options around The combination of capable hardware with intuitive software features and comprehensive health tracking continue to provide a satisfying experience The Galaxy Watch adds some interesting marquee features with body composition scans and snore detection but Cherlynn says she ll need more time to determine how useful these features are as they are for now somewhat unreliable The Galaxy Watch includes a sharp inch screen with a x resolution a touch sensitive rotating bezel and an updated nm processor with more storage It also supports gesture controls that allow you to respond to calls or messages but Cherlynn says they don t work very well yet She was also disappointed with the watch s battery life which barely made it through a day She was more impressed with how accurately and quickly it registered her walking and she liked that the watch tracks different workouts She also was pleased that the Wear OS platform strongly echoed the intuitive UI strengths of Tizen save for the new ability to download apps directly from the Play Store Despite some hiccups she d still recommend the Galaxy Watch or Watch Classic to Android users Keychron s Q is an ambitious customizable keyboardJames Trew EngadgetKeychron is known for making economical keyboards and James Trew says its newest offering the Q is affordable easy to customize and full featured The Q has hot swappable switches and an Aviator style USB C which should appeal to both avid tinkerers and those who are interested in getting deeper into the geeky details of mechanical keyboards It comes with a keycap puller and a switch remover plus keycaps for Windows and MacOS layouts but it lacks Bluetooth so you ll have to live with it as a wired peripheral The Q features the expected RGB key lighting but has a south facing integration for a more subtle effect Inside are a noise reducing foam deck and screw in stabilizers for steadier keys James particularly liked the option to etch a customized metal badge where the Insert key goes He reported that swapping out keys was easy and that using the companion Via app was a convenient way to customize the Q However he points out that at pounds the Q isn t designed for portability and that its height cannot be adjusted HP s Pavilion Aero is a compelling thin and light laptopDaniel Cooper EngadgetDaniel Cooper found plenty of reasons to recommend HP s new Pavilion Aero The lightest laptop yet from the company weighs in at a mere pounds and still manages to fit in a inch display with x resolution Rounding out the specs list on our review unit was AMD s Ryzen U with Radeon Integrated Graphics GB of RAM and a GB SSD Daniel said the build quality is solid save for the malleable display hinge the keyboard is well engineered and satisfying and the trackpad has tolerable accuracy He also approved of the battery which lasted for hours and minutes during testing He was less thrilled that the keyboard wasn t backlit by default but you can pay extra to get that And while he was pleased by the performance of the WideVision p webcam he said the downward firing B amp O speakers pumped out audio you could put up with but not fully enjoy The preinstalled software was another annoyance ーgetting pop ups for plugins is never appreciated Being a relatively affordable laptop Aero isn t set up for intensive gaming but Daniel was able to play Fortnite pretty smoothly with medium graphics power Overall he says the Aero is clearly punching above its weight and could almost be recommended as an alternative to the Dell XPS for those with tighter budgets The Razer Blade is the perfect balance of portability and powerDevindra Hardawar EngadgetRazer s new inch Blade laptop hits all the right notes for Devindra Hardawar It s plenty powerful thanks to an NVIDIA RTX series GPU and AMD s latest processor and at just under four pounds it s still light enough to carry comfortably Featuring a minimalistic design and a sleek black aluminum case Devindra s review unit came equipped with an RGB LED keyboard GB of RAM a TB SSD and a quad HD Hz display He reports that the laptop easily handled demanding games even in maxed out settings and that the ray tracing performance was solid Devindra also liked the responsiveness of the keyboard but said the layout felt a bit cramped for longer gaming sessions During battery testing the Blade made it hours and minutes running productivity tasks not games But during heavy gaming sessions Devindra reports that the CPU reached up to degrees Celsius which is unusually high Another downside The RAM isn t upgradeable like it is in the larger Blade and laptops He says if those compromises aren t deal breakers then this is worth recommending given its starting price 2021-09-04 16:00:38
海外科学 NYT > Science Texas Abortion Law: Questions and Answers https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/01/health/texas-abortion-law-facts.html pregnant 2021-09-04 16:55:20
ニュース BBC News - Home Crash reported at Bournemouth Air Festival https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-58448700?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA bournemouth 2021-09-04 16:33:19
ニュース BBC News - Home Police name woman who died in Arthur's Seat fall in Edinburgh https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-58450378?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA edinburgh 2021-09-04 16:43:44
ニュース BBC News - Home Europe take commanding Solheim Cup lead over US https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/golf/58449686?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA europe 2021-09-04 16:23:40
ニュース BBC News - Home England v India: 'How did that happen?' - Ollie Robinson dismisses Rohit Sharma https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/cricket/58449794?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA England v India x How did that happen x Ollie Robinson dismisses Rohit SharmaEngland bowler Ollie Robinson claims the wicket of Rohit Sharma with the first ball of the new ball during the fourth Test against India at The Oval 2021-09-04 16:12:20
北海道 北海道新聞 送迎バス運転の園長辞任へ 福岡、園児熱中症死 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/585851/ 熱中症死 2021-09-05 01:18:06
北海道 北海道新聞 安倍氏、高市氏を支援 総裁選 河野・岸田氏始動 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/585817/ 安倍晋三 2021-09-05 01:11:35



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