AWS - Webinar Channel |
AWS Analytics Shortclips: Amazon Elasticsearch Best Practices (Hebrew) |
AWS Analytics Shortclips Amazon Elasticsearch Best Practices Hebrew Using Amazon Elasticsearch Service and love the powerful way that it allows you to dig into your data and visualize it in real time At the same time you wonder whether you can get more out of your domain are you doing it right and following all best practices In this shortclip we ll walk through some of the best practices on how to configure Amazon Elasticsearch Service domain to optimize performance and explore benchmarking results for different scenarios |
2021-09-05 11:12:34 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonでtwiceの顔判定してみた |
最初はメンバーの名前のみで検索をかけていましたが、あまりにも違う人の画像が多かったので、調べるときにtwiceメンバー名にすることで、たくさんの画像を集めることができました。 |
2021-09-05 20:53:16 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
node.js超入門ノート8(Sequelize導入編) |
npxsequelizecliseedgeneratenamesampleuser作成されたファイルをもとに以下を記載します。 |
2021-09-05 20:46:06 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
オンラインゲーム(GunZ)のマップをWEBに移植してみた【Three.js】 |
自分は今大学生ですが、昔GunZよくプレイしていましたGunZGUNZWEIを愛した人たちに届けばと思ってデモ置いていきますエピソードとか書こうと思いましたがみんなが見たいのは結果の部分だと思うので先にそれをお見せします移植したデモ、コードWEBでThreejsを使ってGunZのマップを描画したものですデモURLが以下になります。 |
2021-09-05 20:25:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pycharmでmatplotlibが使えない |
Pycharmでmatplotlibが使えない前提・実現したいことPythonを学習し始めたばかりの初心者です。 |
2021-09-05 20:59:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
背景画像に重ねたい画像があるのですが |
2021-09-05 20:59:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
M1 terminalでHomebrewを実行してからのパスの通し方 |
MterminalでHomebrewを実行してからのパスの通し方こんにちは。 |
2021-09-05 20:52:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python テキストにある大量のプレースホルダーの中身を、リストの内容に置き換えるにはどうしたらいいですか? |
Pythonテキストにある大量のプレースホルダーの中身を、リストの内容に置き換えるにはどうしたらいいですか前提・実現したいことPythonを使ってテキストを自動で作成するプログラムを作っています。 |
2021-09-05 20:40:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
RStudioで、特定の単語を複数選択する方法(VSCode の Ctrl+D)を教えて下さい。 |
RStudioで、特定の単語を複数選択する方法VSCodeのCtrlDを教えて下さい。 |
2021-09-05 20:26:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
invalidate()の使い方 |
2021-09-05 20:22:40 |
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[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHPで他のユーザーが特定のページを編集していたり、閉じていることをサーバーの送信する方法 |
PHPで他のユーザーが特定のページを編集していたり、閉じていることをサーバーの送信する方法現在検討している内容phpMYSQLWwbnbspServerApache現在、試作で同じ記事inputnbsptypequotPOSTquotを含むページを複数人のユーザーが編集できる様にするサービスを検討しております。 |
2021-09-05 20:06:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
環境変数の取り扱い方法について |
環境変数の取り扱い方法についてNuxtjsにて開発しているアプリにおきまして、環境変数の使い方がいまいち分からなかった為、質問させて貰いました。 |
2021-09-05 20:02:17 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby] AtCoder過去問 A - Cookie Exchanges |
解答私の回答で間違っていたのはif文の条件式です。 |
2021-09-05 20:52:46 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【EC2】EC2にrailsのアプリをデプロイする方法 No.1(ログイン〜環境構築まで) |
ECターミナルecuseriprbenvrehash︎インストールしたrubyを使用可能にするecuseriprbenvglobal︎このインスタンスで使用するバージョンの設定実装後以下の方法でRubyのバージョンを確認し表示されていればOKです完成形の確認ecuseriprubyvrubyprevisionxlinux⑦MySQLをインストール次はデータベースを設定していきます。 |
2021-09-05 20:20:31 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
RailsでBootstrapのハンバーガーメニューが動作しない |
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2021-09-05 21:00:02 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【EC2】EC2にrailsのアプリをデプロイする方法 No.1(ログイン〜環境構築まで) |
ECターミナルecuseriprbenvrehash︎インストールしたrubyを使用可能にするecuseriprbenvglobal︎このインスタンスで使用するバージョンの設定実装後以下の方法でRubyのバージョンを確認し表示されていればOKです完成形の確認ecuseriprubyvrubyprevisionxlinux⑦MySQLをインストール次はデータベースを設定していきます。 |
2021-09-05 20:20:31 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
【初心者向け】日常にある認証と認可について考えてみた |
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2021-09-05 11:10:09 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Why ransomware hackers love a holiday weekend |
gangs |
2021-09-05 11:00:47 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to make a product card using HTML, CSS and JS. With cool UX. |
How to make a product card using HTML CSS and JS With cool UX Hello I am kunaal from Modern web Welcome here In today s article we ll learn to create an awesome product card which you can proudly put in your portfolio to impress your clients This product card is very good to practice you CSS and JS skills So without wasting more time Let s start to code Video TutorialI appreciate if you can support me by subscribing my youtube channel CodeBefore we start code you can check the folder structure Let s start with basic HTML structure and link style css app js file to index html Once you are done with that Just make a simple div for card And style it lt div class card gt lt div gt margin padding box sizing border box body width height vh display flex justify content center align items center background color For this card we ll also use CSS variables which will make easy for us to change product image and color So assign some variables root product img url img red png bg color ed In CSS you can define variable inside any element adding at the beginning And can access it using var Now of course style card element card width px height px border radius px px background color bbb box shadow px px rgba display flex justify content center align items center position relative cursor pointer OutputNow according to our design we have a background below the image which is in kind of diagonal So make that lt div class bg container gt lt span class product bg gt lt span gt lt div gt Above code and all the following HTML code we have to add inside card element bg container width height position absolute border radius px px overflow hidden product bg position absolute width height background var bg color clip path polygon transition s Here I am using clip path for product bg element to make a triangle shape OutputGreat Now make image lt div class product img gt lt div gt product img width px height px background image var product img filter drop shadow px px px rgba background size transition margin s transition delay s OutputMake product name element lt span class product name gt apple watch series lt span gt product name font size px color fff text transform capitalize position absolute padding px text align center font family sans serif bottom OutputNow just add opacity to product name because we don t want to show until we click on card and make that card active product name previous styles opacity Make color options now lt div class colors gt lt div class red gt lt div gt lt div class blue gt lt div gt lt div class green gt lt div gt lt div class yellow gt lt div gt lt div gt colors width px height px background fff position absolute right top display flex flex direction column justify content start align items center border radius px px px box shadow px px rgba transition s transition delay s overflow hidden colors div min width px min height px border radius background margin px cursor pointer colors div nth child background ed colors div nth child background e colors div nth child background e colors div nth child background ece OutputAnd yes we want to hide this also For that instead of opacity give its height to colors previous styles height Make card content card body now lt div class card body gt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit Incidunt quod numquam harum saepe vel debitis lt span class price gt lt span gt lt div gt card body position absolute bottom px left transform translateX width padding px border radius px px background fff font family sans serif box shadow px px rgba price position absolute top right padding px px border radius px px box shadow px px rgba background var bg color color fff font size px OutputSet card body element s opacity to card body previous styles opacity Now we are done with styles we just need to show the elements when card have active class For that set every element s different styles when card have active class card active product bg clip path polygon card active product img margin top card active product name transition s transition delay s opacity bottom card active colors height px card active card body opacity transition s transition delay s OutputOutput when added active class to card element inside index html file Now we have to make active class toggle when we click on card Open app js file const card document querySelector card selecting card elementcard addEventListener click gt card classList add active This will add active class to card on click But how to remove that class For that add click event to window itself window addEventListener click e gt if e target className card classList remove active e target className will return the elements class So if user click on card user will get card as a class Which is of course not equal to empty string Our effect is done But to make it next level let s make its color and image changable const colors document querySelectorAll colors div select colors divlet hexCodes ed e e ece store the watch colors in an array Now add click event to each color element And inside that change the CSS variable value colors forEach item i gt item addEventListener click gt const root document querySelector root root style setProperty product img url img item className png root style setProperty bg color hexCodes i root was the element in which we defined the CSS variables root style setProperty method is used to change the value of CSS variable And that s it Great Job we are done with our product card I hope you understood each and everything If you have doubt or I missed something let me know in the comments Articles you may find UsefulBest CSS EffectInfinte CSS loaderDisney CloneYoutube API Youtube CloneTMDB Netflix CloneI really appreciate if you can subscribe my youtube channel I create awesome web contents My next upcoming tutorials which you might don t want to miss Fully working e commerce website FullstackResponsive Personal PortfolioVisiting card designer with download feature Your donation really motivates me to do more amazing tutorials like this Support me on patreon Buy me a coffee Donate me on paypalThanks For reading |
2021-09-05 11:35:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Advanced TypeScript: reinventing lodash.get |
Advanced TypeScript reinventing lodash getAs a part of a backoffice team in a financial organisation I have to deal with a lot of complex data structures customer personal data transactions you name it Sometimes you need to present a value that lies deep inside a data object To make life simpler I could uselodash get which allows me to access a value by its path and avoid endless obj foo amp amp obj foo bar conditions though it s not a case anymore after optional chaining had landed What is wrong with this approach While get works perfectly well in runtime it comes with a huge drawback when used with TypeScript in a majority of cases it cannot infer value type which could lead to various issues during refactoring Let s say a server sends us data with a customer s address stored this waytype Address postCode string street string string undefined type UserInfo address Address previousAddress Address const data UserInfo address postCode SWP PA street Deans Yd undefined And now we want to render itimport get from lodash type Props user UserInfo export const Address user Props gt lt div gt get user address street filter Boolean join lt div gt Later at some point we would like to refactor this data structure and use slightly different address representationtype Address postCode string street line string line string Since get always returns any for path strings TypeScript will not notice any issues while code will throw in runtime because filter method doesn t exist on our new Address object Adding typesSince v which was released in Nov TypeScript has a feature called Template Literal Types It allows us to build templates out of literals and other types Let s see how it could help us Parsing dot separated pathsFor the most common scenario we want TypeScript to correctly infer value type by a given path inside an object For the above example we want to know a type for address street to be able to early notice the issue with an updated data structure I will also use Conditional Types If you are not familiar with conditional types just think of it as of a simple ternary operator that tells you if one type matches another First of all let s check if our path is actually a set of dot separated fieldstype IsDotSeparated lt T extends string gt T extends string string true falsetype A IsDotSeparated lt address street gt truetype B IsDotSeparated lt address gt falseLooks simple right But how could we extract the actual key Here comes a magic keyword infer which will help us to get parts of a stringtype GetLeft lt T extends string gt T extends infer Left string Left undefinedtype A GetLeft lt address street gt address type B GetLeft lt address gt undefinedAnd now it s time to add our object type Let s start with a simple casetype GetFieldType lt Obj Path gt Path extends infer Left string Left extends keyof Obj Obj Left undefined Path extends keyof Obj Obj Path undefinedtype A GetFieldType lt UserInfo address street gt Address for now we only taking a left part of a pathtype B GetFieldType lt UserInfo address gt Addresstype C GetFieldType lt UserInfo street gt undefinedFirst we are checking if our passed path matches string string template If so we are taking its left part checking if it exists in the keys of our object and returning a field type If the path didn t match a template it might be a simple key For this case we are doing similar checks and returning field type or undefined as a fallback Adding a recursionOk we got the correct type for a top level field But it gives us a little value Let s improve our utility type and go down the path to the required value We are going to Find a top level keyGet a value ny a given keyRemove this key the from our pathRepeat the whole process for our resolved value and the rest of the key until there s no Left Right matchexport type GetFieldType lt Obj Path gt Path extends infer Left infer Right Left extends keyof Obj GetFieldType lt Obj Left Right gt undefined Path extends keyof Obj Obj Path undefinedtype A GetFieldType lt UserInfo address street gt line string line string undefined type B GetFieldType lt UserInfo address gt Addresstype C GetFieldType lt UserInfo street gt undefinedPerfect Looks like that s exactly what we wanted Handling optional propertiesWell there s still a case we need to take into account UserInfo type has an optional previousAddress field Let s try to get previousAddress street typetype A GetFieldType lt UserInfo previousAddress street gt undefinedOuch But in case previousAddress is set street will definitely not be undefined Let s figure out what happens here Since previousAddress is optional its type is Address undefined I assume you have strictNullChecks turned on Obviously street doesn t exist on undefined so there is no way to infer a correct type We need to improve our GetField In order to retrieve a correct type we need to remove undefined However we need to preserve it on the final type as the field is optional and the value could indeed be undefined We could achieve this with two TypeScript built in utility types Exclude which removes types from a given union and Extract which extracts types from a given union or returns never in case there are no matches export type GetFieldType lt Obj Path gt Path extends infer Left infer Right Left extends keyof Obj GetFieldType lt Exclude lt Obj Left undefined gt Right gt Extract lt Obj Left undefined gt undefined Path extends keyof Obj Obj Path undefined line string line string undefined undefinedtype A GetFieldType lt UserInfo previousAddress street gt When undefined is present in the value type Extract lt gt adds it to the result Otherwise Extract returns never which is simply ignored And this is it Now we have a nice utility type that will help to make our code much safer Implementing a utility functionNow that we taught TypeScript how to get correct value types let s add some runtime logic We want our function to split a dot separated path into parts and reduce this list to get the final value The function itself is really simple export function getValue lt TData TPath extends string TDefault GetFieldType lt TData TPath gt gt data TData path TPath defaultValue TDefault GetFieldType lt TData TPath gt TDefault const value path split reduce lt GetFieldType lt TData TPath gt gt value key gt value as any key data as any return value undefined value defaultValue as TDefault We have to add some ugly as any type castings becauseintermediate values could indeed be of any type Array reduce expects the initial value to be of the same type as a result However it s not the case here Also despite having three generic type parameters we don t need to provide any types there As all generics are mapped to function parameters TypeScript infers these upon the function call from the actual values Making component type safeLet s revisit our component In the initial implementation we used lodash get which didn t raise an error for a mismatched type But with our new getValue TypeScript will immediately start to complain Adding support for notation get supports keys like list foo Let s implement the same in our type Again literal template types will help us to get index keys from square brackets I will not go step by step this time and instead will post the final type and some comments below type GetIndexedField lt T K gt K extends keyof T T K K extends number extends keyof T undefined number extends keyof T T number undefined undefinedtype FieldWithPossiblyUndefined lt T Key gt GetFieldType lt Exclude lt T undefined gt Key gt Extract lt T undefined gt type IndexedFieldWithPossiblyUndefined lt T Key gt GetIndexedField lt Exclude lt T undefined gt Key gt Extract lt T undefined gt export type GetFieldType lt T P gt P extends infer Left infer Right Left extends keyof T FieldWithPossiblyUndefined lt T Left Right gt Left extends infer FieldKey infer IndexKey FieldKey extends keyof T FieldWithPossiblyUndefined lt IndexedFieldWithPossiblyUndefined lt T FieldKey IndexKey gt Right gt undefined undefined P extends keyof T T P P extends infer FieldKey infer IndexKey FieldKey extends keyof T IndexedFieldWithPossiblyUndefined lt T FieldKey IndexKey gt undefined undefinedTo retrieve a value from a tuple or array there s a new GetIndexedField utility type It returns tuple value by a given key undefined if the key is out of tuple range or element type for regular array extends keyof T condition checks if a value is a tuple as arrays don t have string keys If you know a better way to distinguish a tuple and an array please let me know We are using infer FieldKey infer IndexKey template to parse field parts Then using the same Exclude Extract technique as before we are retrieving value types respecting optional properties Now we need to slightly modify our getValue function In sake of simplicity I will replace split with split filter Boolean to support new notation That s probably not an ideal solution but more complex parsing is out of scope of the article Here s the final implementaionexport function getValue lt TData TPath extends string TDefault GetFieldType lt TData TPath gt gt data TData path TPath defaultValue TDefault GetFieldType lt TData TPath gt TDefault const value path split filter Boolean reduce lt GetFieldType lt TData TPath gt gt value key gt value as any key data as any return value undefined value defaultValue as TDefault ConclusionNow we not only have a nice utility function that improves code type safety but also a better understanding of how to apply template literal and conditional types in practice I hope the article was helpful Thank you for reading All code is available at this codesandbox |
2021-09-05 11:07:45 |
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