IT |
気になる、記になる… |
新型「AirPods」は既に生産中?? − 年内に発売か |
airpods |
2021-09-15 14:58:31 |
Engadget Japanese |
Xiaomi Pad 5が日本含めグローバル発表、スタイラス対応の11インチ薄軽タブレット |
xiaomipad |
2021-09-15 14:45:34 |
Google |
カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 |
Twitterスペースで知っておくと便利な7つの小技と注意点。歌ってみたはダメとか、ハッシュタグは日本語だけにするといいよ、とか。 |
twitter |
2021-09-15 14:59:49 |
AWS Database Blog |
Automate benchmark tests for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL |
Automate benchmark tests for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQLOptimizing a database is an important activity for new and existing application workloads You need to take cost operations performance security and reliability into consideration Conducting benchmark tests help with these considerations With Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Compatible Edition you can run multiple benchmark tests with different transaction characteristics matching your data access patterns In this post … |
2021-09-15 14:23:34 |
AWS Open Source Blog |
AWS Lambda metrics support for Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus now available in AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry |
AWS Lambda metrics support for Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus now available in AWS Distro for OpenTelemetryIn this blog post intern engineers Karen Xu and Kelvin Lo describe how they added metric support to the OpenTelemetry and AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Lambda layers and built and tested the metric pipeline to generate collect and export application metrics from AWS Lambda to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus AMP The demand for observability … |
2021-09-15 14:07:14 |
Fix the AWS KMS key error "InvalidCiphertext" using OpenSSL. |
Fix the AWS KMS key error quot InvalidCiphertext quot using OpenSSL Skip directly to the demo For more details see the Knowledge Center article with this video Tim shows you how to fix the AWS KMS key error InvalidCiphertext using OpenSSL Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing |
2021-09-15 14:12:47 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ABC177 C - Sum of product of pairs から学んだ |
ABCCSumofproductofpairsから学んだ無心になったが、とりあえずサンプルも読む。 |
2021-09-15 23:45:03 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
1.1. csvファイルを読み込む |
トピックpandasでcsvファイルを読み込むpdreadcsvpandasで行、列の範囲を指定してcsvを読み込む日本語を含んだファイルの場合pdreadcsvencodingshiftjis範囲を指定するpdreadcsvskiprowsskipfooterusecols日付をindexとして読み込むpdreadcsvparsedatesTrueまとめポイント整理参考ページ読み込むファイルはcsv形式csvが好んで用いられます。 |
2021-09-15 23:38:25 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonで結晶を描画するプログラムを作る~分極座標とアフィン変換~ |
これらを踏まえて、入力データは移動させたい点と回転軸、角度rad、平行移動ベクトルのつを使い、ロドリゲスの回転公式に代入しこの回転行列と平行移動ベクトルから式の拡大行列を出力、この行列と移動させたい点の行列積を計算し、移動先の点を求めるという手順で処理していきます。 |
2021-09-15 23:33:50 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
LeetCode344[Reverse String]-Recursion再帰で実現する。 |
ここで、回目の再帰の部分はeとlを交換し、回目はhとoを交換します。 |
2021-09-15 23:23:42 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
sys.path.append()でモジュール探索パスを追加したがインポートができなかったのはpip installしたパッケージが原因だった |
環境Windowsminiconda詳細以下のような構成で自作モジュールを呼び出そうとしたところ、libsutilsが見つからないとModuleNotFoundErrorが発生。 |
2021-09-15 23:19:54 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
スーパーキラキラカラフルクッキリディスプレイも最初と最後の文字さえあっていれば読める説 |
スーパーキラキラカラフルクッキリディスプレイも最初と最後の文字さえあっていれば読める説みなさんはタイポグリセミアTypoglycemiaというものをご存知でしょうかwikiからの引用ですが文章中のいくつかの単語で最初と最後の文字以外の順番が入れ替わっても正しく読めてしまう現象である今まさに新作のiPhoneが発表され、「スーパーキラキラカラフルクッキリディスプレイ」という謎の単語がtwitter上で話題になりました。 |
2021-09-15 23:18:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
連想配列格納 ある記述方法がわからない |
連想配列格納ある記述方法がわからない前提・実現したいことjson形式の都道府県のデータをphp連想配列にセットして表示したい。 |
2021-09-15 23:59:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
AnacondaでModuleNotFoundError: No module namedと出る。 |
AnacondaでModuleNotFoundErrorNomodulenamedと出る。 |
2021-09-15 23:59:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
for文で値を拾ってこない |
for文で値を拾ってこない下記内容でfor文で拾ってきてほしいリストの値が抽出されません。 |
2021-09-15 23:56:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ncursesライブラリ 画面がちらついてしまう原因とは? |
ncursesライブラリ画面がちらついてしまう原因とは質問内容各クラスのvoidnbspRenderer関数部ですがScreencppのvoidnbspRenderer関数部が原因なのですが画面がちらついてしまいクリックして文字を描画する際に反応がよくありません。 |
2021-09-15 23:55:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
swiftでフロントカメラ動画撮影するアプリを作りたい |
2021-09-15 23:53:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
@IBOutletの紐付けができない |
IBOutletの紐付けができないよろしくお願いします。 |
2021-09-15 23:50:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PostgreSQL へ HeidiSQL で接続した際に、DBが正しく表示されない |
PostgreSQLへHeidiSQLで接続した際に、DBが正しく表示されない今までMySQLを触っていたのですが、つい昨日PostgreSQLを始めた者ですローカル上にあるPostgreSQLへHeidisqlを使用して接続したところ、接続はうまくいったのですが、データベースが正しく表示されません。 |
2021-09-15 23:43:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
contact form 7で送信失敗になってしまうがflamingoを見るとメールが届いている現象について |
contactform |
2021-09-15 23:38:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C#でTCPクライアントをStreamWriter/StreamReaderで扱いたいがエラーが発生する |
CでTCPクライアントをStreamWriterStreamReaderで扱いたいがエラーが発生する下記コードでStreamWriterStreamReaderによるHTTPでのHTML取得を試みたのですが「newnbspStreamReaderstream」の部分で「SystemArgumentExceptionnbspaposストリームを読み取れませんでした。 |
2021-09-15 23:38:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ubuntu /etc/ssh/sshd_config |
ubuntuetcsshsshdconfigetcsshsshdconfigの設定を変更した後、変更内容を反映させるコマンドを調べたところ、systemctlrestartsshsystemctlrestartsshdsystemctlrestartsshdserviceetcinitdsshrestartが出てきたのですが、それぞれの違いがわかりません。 |
2021-09-15 23:34:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
node.jsでのコマンドライン引数の文字化けの解消方法 |
前回の回答者の方のコードとほとんど変わりませんが、以下の内容を実行したいです。 |
2021-09-15 23:32:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
表の行と列の入れ替えを行う際の整列を行いたいです |
表の行と列の入れ替えはすでに完了しているので、入れ替え後の関数は省かせてもらいます。 |
2021-09-15 23:25:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
if n%a :continue とはどのような値の時にtrueになるのでしょうか |
2021-09-15 23:25:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
docker-compose run web bin/rails g scaffold User name:stringでuserテーブルが作成できない |
dockercomposerunwebbinrailsgscaffoldUsernamestringでuserテーブルが作成できない初学者です。 |
2021-09-15 23:22:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonで複数回同一の処理をしたいが、エラーが出る |
pythonで複数回同一の処理をしたいが、エラーが出る前提・実現したいことtryexceptを使って複数回同一の処理を行えるようにしたいと考えています。 |
2021-09-15 23:21:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VSCodeでc#の入力補完ができない |
VSCodeでcの入力補完ができない問題点VisualstudioCodeでCを書いているのだが、入力候補が出てこない。 |
2021-09-15 23:19:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Vue.jsで画像アップロード&保存の際のPHPの処理(Laravel未使用) |
Vuejsで画像アップロード保存の際のPHPの処理Laravel未使用勉強も兼ねて、jQueryで書いていた処理を参考に、同じような処理をVuejsに置き換えています。 |
2021-09-15 23:16:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Canvasコントロールの子要素を動的に増減させたい |
Canvasコントロールの子要素を動的に増減させたいやりたいことMVVM下で、WPFnbspampnbspCnbspを使って、Canvasnbspコントロールの子要素を動的に増減させたいです。 |
2021-09-15 23:07:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
別ページからの遷移時にslickの特定のスライドをアクティブにする方法 |
別ページからの遷移時にslickの特定のスライドをアクティブにする方法前提・実現したいことaaahtmlにあるリンクをクリックした際、bbbhtml内に複数あるslickslickslickslick内の特定のスライド例slickの枚目をアクティブにした上でその位置まで遷移させたいと考えています。 |
2021-09-15 23:02:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C#においてWin APIを使用して別アプリのlistViewから情報(文字列)を取得したい |
CにおいてWinAPIを使用して別アプリのlistViewから情報文字列を取得したい前提・実現したいこと初めての質問です。 |
2021-09-15 23:00:34 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
deviseで作成したログインページのviewの編集が反映されない(メモ) |
deviseで作成したログインページのviewの編集が反映されないメモ事象詳細devise導入後、Viewを編集して反映されていたのに何故か急に反映されなくなり、devise導入直後のようなレイアウトに戻ってしまった。 |
2021-09-15 23:14:28 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
/usr/bin/env: 'ruby\r': No such file or directory |
原因Windowsで作成したスクリプトをUnix環境で実行するとcommandnotfoundやNosuchfileordirectoryなど予期せぬエラーが出る場合があります。 |
2021-09-15 23:25:21 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Dockerを使ってLivebookとGrafanaをサーバ上でイゴかす(もちろんHTTPS) |
Dockerを使ってLivebookとGrafanaをサーバ上でイゴかすもちろんHTTPSはじめにDockerを使って、LivebookとGrafanaをサーバ上でイゴかしますLivebookはElixirで楽しめるノートブックですGrafanaは全然わかっていませんが、readmeのサンプルで使われていたのでそのまま使ってみましたホスト名とIPアドレスの紐付けはこの記事では書いていませんGoogleDomains、お名前com等お使いのサービスのDNS設定にてAレコードを登録しておいてくださいできあがったものどうぞご自由にお使いくださいTimeVPSのLinuxVPSLinuxでイゴかしていますRAMGBOSUbuntuLTS月額EURだれも使っていないであろう状態でメモリは以下のようになっていましたfreemtotalusedfreesharedbuffcacheavailableMemSwapLivebookPasswordenjoyelixirwearethealchemistsGrafana構成図この記事の場合、appがLivebook、appがGrafana、appはまだないということになりますAutomatedcreationrenewalofLetsEncryptorotherACMECAscertificatesusingacmeshdockercomposeymlここで、いきなり、dockercomposeymlとenvを書いておきますここがこの記事のハイライトですたったのファイルですこれだけでイゴきますdockercomposeymlversionservicesnginxproxyimagenginxproxynginxproxycontainernamenginxproxyportsvolumescertsetcnginxcertsvhostetcnginxvhostdhtmlusrsharenginxhtmlvarrundockersocktmpdockersockronginxproxyacmeimagenginxproxyacmecompanioncontainernamenginxproxyacmevolumesvarrundockersockvarrundockersockroacmeetcacmeshcertsetcnginxcertsvhostetcnginxvhostdhtmlusrsharenginxhtmlenvironmentDEFAULTEMAILEMAILNGINXPROXYCONTAINERnginxproxydependsonnginxproxygrafanaimagegrafanagrafanacontainernamegrafanaenvironmentVIRTUALHOSTGRAFANAHOSTVIRTUALPORTLETSENCRYPTHOSTGRAFANAHOSTLETSENCRYPTEMAILEMAILdependsonnginxproxyacmelivebookimagelivebooklivebookcontainernamelivebookenvironmentVIRTUALHOSTLIVEBOOKHOSTVIRTUALPORTLETSENCRYPTHOSTLIVEBOOKHOSTLETSENCRYPTEMAILEMAILLIVEBOOKPASSWORDenjoyelixirwearethealchemistsdependsonnginxproxyacmevolumescertsvhosthtmlacmeenvEMAILtorifukukaiougmailcomGRAFANAHOSTgrafanatorifukukaiouappLIVEBOOKHOSTlivebooktorifukukaioutokyolivebooktorifukukaiouappDockerのインストール話は前後しますが、Dockerのインストールが必要です上記とプラスsudoaptinstalldockercompose実行適当なディレクトリにdockercomposeymlとenvを格納しておきますDNSの設定は済んでいるものとしますdockercomposeconfigで正しく環境変数が埋め込まれてていることを確認しておきましょうsudodockercomposeconfigsudodockercomposeupddockercomposeymlを書くまでにやったこと思い出を書いておきますreadmeに書いてあるdockerコマンドのサンプルをそのまままずサーバ上で実行してみましたそうすると、あっけなく成功したので自信を得て、dockercomposeymlにしてみました一発で動いたわけではなく、エラーが発生してログとの格闘はあるにはありましたが、ここでは最終成果のみ書いておきます最初の実験はAzure仮想マシンで実施しましたその公式に書いてあるコマンドは以下のようなもので、メールアドレスとホスト名は自分が使うものに置き換えましたsudodockerrundetachnamenginxproxypublishpublishvolumecertsetcnginxcertsvolumevhostetcnginxvhostdvolumehtmlusrsharenginxhtmlvolumevarrundockersocktmpdockersockronginxproxynginxproxysudodockerrundetachnamenginxproxyacmevolumesfromnginxproxyvolumevarrundockersockvarrundockersockrovolumeacmeetcacmeshenvDEFAULTEMAILtorifukukaiougmailcomnginxproxyacmecompanionsudodockerrundetachnamegrafanaenvVIRTUALHOSTdockerstudyipwestuscloudappazurecomenvVIRTUALPORTenvLETSENCRYPTHOSTdockerstudyipwestuscloudappazurecomenvLETSENCRYPTEMAILtorifukukaiougmailcomgrafanagrafanaaここでいろいろ詰まってしまうのではないかとヒヤヒヤしていたのですが、公式の記述がしっかりしているおかげで何も詰まることはなくすんなり成功体験ができましたhugeありがとうございます後記以前からLivebookをけっこう手動でやっていましたasdfによるErlangElixirのインストールErlangのインストールがけっこうハマりがちNginxのインストールcertbotのインストールSSL証明書の取得期限が近くなったら更新LivebookのgitcloneLivebookが新しくなったらgitpullとかとかnginxletsencryptdockercomposeでググってみて見つかった先人の方々の記事を読みましたありがとうございますjwildernginxproxyというDockerImageを使うといいよという記事をたくさん目にしましたjwildernginxproxyへアクセスすると、nginxproxynginxproxyにリダイレクトされましたあとは、nginxproxynginxproxyのほうを読み込みましたというか私にとってはむしろnginxproxyacmecompanionのREADMEがとてもわかりやすかったですdockercomposeymlを書くときのImage名は最新のREADMEにあわせて書いてみましたWrappingUp次は自作のPhoenixアプリをぶら下げてみようとおもいますEnjoyElixirイゴかす動かす。 |
2021-09-15 23:20:01 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
deviseで作成したログインページのviewの編集が反映されない(メモ) |
deviseで作成したログインページのviewの編集が反映されないメモ事象詳細devise導入後、Viewを編集して反映されていたのに何故か急に反映されなくなり、devise導入直後のようなレイアウトに戻ってしまった。 |
2021-09-15 23:14:28 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Amazon CloudWatch SyntheticsによるURL監視のアラートをメール通知してみた |
amazon |
2021-09-15 14:47:45 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
The era of orbital private spaceflight truly begins with today’s launch |
start |
2021-09-15 14:09:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Released an app to train facial expressions: Multilingual in Next.js, dynamic OGP, facial expression recognition in face-api.js |
Released an app to train facial expressions Multilingual in Next js dynamic OGP facial expression recognition in face api jsHi guys I wrote Developed the app which trains your facial expressions face api js Next js TypeScript last week and this week I updated the app which you can train your face expressions and released it The main updates are as followsSupport for multiple languagesAdded the ability to select the difficulty levelDynamic OGP supportAllowing users to move on if they succeedOverall design updateThe entire code is below URL Enable to select the difficulty level I thought it would be undesirable to have the same difficulty level every time so I made it possible to choose the difficulty level You can choose between easy normal hard and devil In addition to changing the time for each difficulty I also changed the threshold value to make the judgment itself tougher In the part where the expression is obtained the threshold is used as shown below I used detectSingleFace from now on const detectionsWithExpression await faceapi detectSingleFace video new faceapi TinyFaceDetectorOptions withFaceExpressions if detectionsWithExpression const Array Object entries detectionsWithExpression expressions const scoresArray Array map i gt i const expressionsArray Array map i gt i const max Math max apply null scoresArray const index scoresArray findIndex score gt score max const expression expressionsArray index if expression subject amp amp Don t make a decision unless it s above the specified threshold here Array index gt levelConfig level threshold clearInterval intervalHandler setIsMatch true setStage result When succeeded move on to next subject Originally I gave the subject for seconds and then judged it after seconds but I decided to make users move on to next subject when succeeded So after seconds of presentation I added a second time limit and if the facial expressions matched well within that time you can move on to the next topic Even if no match is found if no match can be made within seconds the next step is taken Dynamic OGP SupportThe results are now dynamic OGP which makes it easier to understand when they are shared It s a simple structure with a background image and text To display the background image I imported and used loadImage from within canvas const backgroundImage await loadImage path resolve images background jpg ctx drawImage backgroundImage WIDTH HEIGHT Multilingual supportNext js has in built in since v so it can be multilingualized without importing anything The dictionary files are prepared as a TypeScript file and the files called useTranslate ts in which it is determined which one to load depending on the language import useRouter from next router import JaTexts from locales ja import EnTexts from locales en const useTranlate gt const locale useRouter return locale ja JaTexts EnTexts export default useTranlate Then don t forget to set the following settings in next config js in locales en ja defaultLocale en This is the first time I noticed that only the top page is automatically rolled back to the file in that language I wanted to make the OGP part multilingual as well depending on whether the share URL is in English or Japanese so I made it so that when you share the locale parameter is left in the share URL If the URL is in Japanese the share URL will be ja share After that the overall design was improved and released That s it This article is the th week of trying to write at least one article every week If you d like please take a look at my previous weekly posts See you soon Please send me a message if you need yuiko dev gmail com |
2021-09-15 14:39:33 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Build your CSS loader with only one div — The Dots |
Build your CSS loader with only one div ーThe DotsYes another post about CSS loaders but this time you will build the loader In this article I will share with you a few tricks I used to build some of my loaders In case you have missed it I created a collection of single div loaders where you will find loading dots We will see the magic behind some of them There are a lot of techniques to create loading dots I will focus on my favorite one which is radial gradient and background animation Well another boring tutorial where we will have a ton of code complex keyframes and insane animation delays right No at all In this tutorial you will have ️One div️One keyframes️No delay and No complex time calculation️We will not make one animation but many of them using the same code structure️Not boring because this article will end before you even have time to blink Building the dotWe first create one dot using the following code demo link dot background radial gradient farthest side currentColor red background size px px background position top center background repeat no repeat The logic is simple I create a background layer having a size equal to x placed at the top center and I disable the repetition to have only one instance That layer is a radial gradient having two colors the currentColor which is the color you define within the color property useful to update the dot coloration later and a transparent color I am using red here to clearly see the limit of the gradient layer farthest side allow me to consider the farthest side for my percentage reference and since we are dealing with a square gradient x all the sides are the farthest one so by using currentColor I draw a circle that touch the sides no complex value like or But you are using not True and this is because gradient aren t anti aliasing so we have to consider a smaller value to have a smooth edge Below a difference between and That s all Now we have our dot so let s animate it Animating the dotTo animate the dot we simply animate the background position Let s create a keyframes that update the position from top center to bottom centerOur code will become demo link dot background radial gradient farthest side currentColor background size px px background position top center background repeat no repeat animation m s infinite alternate keyframes m to background position bottom center I think the above is self explanatoryWe can also transform the code like below It will make things easier for the next steps dot background radial gradient farthest side currentColor background size px px background repeat no repeat animation m s infinite alternate keyframes m background position top center background position bottom center Now you can animate one dot All you have to do is to update the positions to whatever you want For anyone not familiar with background position I highly recommend reading my previous article and more precisely the section talking about the percentage values Later I will consider percentage values instead of keywords like top center which is equivalent to In my previous article I am giving all the equivalence Adding more dotsTo add more dots we simply add more divs placed next to each other Then each one will have a background layer and its own keyframes animation and Of course NO To add more dot we simply add more background layers We can have as many layers as we want so one div can hold a lot of dots Let s try with demo link dot background radial gradient farthest side currentColor radial gradient farthest side currentColor background size px px background repeat no repeat animation m s infinite alternate keyframes m background position top left bottom right background position bottom left top right One dot will animate from top left to bottom left and another one from bottom right to top right As simple as that Notice that I am keeping only one background size because all my dots will have the same size Let s optimize the code using CSS variable and percentage values demo link dot d radial gradient farthest side currentColor background var d var d background size px px background repeat no repeat animation m s infinite alternate keyframes m background position background position The variable d will avoid us the repetition of the same gradient syntax For the percentage values it s more a preference that an optimization It easier for me to deal with values than keywords Did you already blink No problem because we are almost done We have all the ingredients to build any kind of loading dots Creating the loaderTo build the loader you will first need a pen amp paper Yes I am not joking People tend to jump into their favorite Code Editor and start writing code trying to imagine in their head how things should work No no it won t work that way You put everything on a paper and then you translate it into a code Step define you structureIn this step we decide about the number of dots their size the gaps etc So let s say I will be using dots having a size of x and a gap of px This will give me a total width of px I don t want them to jump a lot so let s have a height of pxStep write the codeWe translate what we defined in into a code dot width px height px d radial gradient farthest side currentColor background var d var d var d var d background size px px background repeat no repeat Don t worry about the result you get so far You will see only one dot because all of them are above each other We didn t define any background position yet Step build your timelineIn this step you need to use your imagination to define each frame of your full animation Draw a step by step illustration of the animation you have in mind Here is an example where my animation will move all the dots from the bottom to the top one by one then move them back to bottom I have frames and it s important to note that the last one is the same as the first one to have a continuous animation Step translate the timeline into background positionsNow that you have your drawing simply define the background position for each frame For each dot we have a fixed X coordinate and only the Y will change For X we have the following values Not very intuitive so let s use another syntax calc calc calc calc The logic is easy N dots so we loop from to N and we divide by N The code for our animation will be keyframes m background position calc calc calc calc background position calc calc calc calc background position calc calc calc calc background position calc calc calc calc background position calc calc calc calc background position calc calc calc calc background position calc calc calc calc background position calc calc calc calc background position calc calc calc calc It may look complex at first glance but it s very simple Inside each frame I define the position of each dot The X is always the same and I update the Y from top to bottom We have our keyframes Step find the percentage of the keyframesThe last step is to fill the with percentage values We have frames so we consider always N and we divide by to get We start for and we increment by until we reach You are done Now put everything together and enjoy The only limit to this technique is your imagination If you start playing with it you will find yourself creating a lot of fancy dot loaders You want more examples Ok let s do two more This time I will consider dots always the same sizing and the movement of each one is center gt top gt bottom gt center Notice the arrow in my drawing It means that I want an alternate animation A dots loader where I will update the X coordinate as well I think everyone got the idea Homework time Now it s your turn to build a CSS loader or even better a full collection of loaders Share your creation in the comment section I will highlight the best ones in my next article and will share them on Twitter Waiting for your CSS loaders Conclusion amp self promotionThe above is not the only technique I am using to build loading dots There are more than this but putting everything into one article will make it hard to understand If you want a follow up to this article with more tricks don t forget to You can also support me on patreonFor only € month you encourage me to provide more contentFor € month you can become a better developer because you will have access to a private chat where you can ask me any CSS related question at any time I may also give you some of my secret tricks For € month I can help you with any project you are working on You can also buy me a coffee |
2021-09-15 14:37:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Creating blog post images automatically for Gridsome |
Creating blog post images automatically for GridsomeWhen I started working on my chess side blog project I didn t want to feel the pressure of creating blog cover images for each so I started scrolling through the Gridsome Plugins and found Edmund s blog cover plugin Unfortunately for me after going through the setup process I was receiving an error message After digging through the Plugin s and Gridsome s code for an hour or two I found that the issue seemed to be occurring when Vue Remark is used in conjunction with the collection updateNode function I wasn t entirely set on using Cloudinary to host my images so I decided to modify the code so that I didn t need to programmatically update the frontmatter of my articles but rather could generate the images into a covers folder with the same name as the article thus achieving my goal of saving time with creating blog cover images npm installsIf you aren t familiar with npm check out my npm post If you are run the following npm install fs extra node html to image I m going to reference vue remark later if you want to use that you ll also need npm install gridsome vue remark Vue Remark plugin configThe important part of the configuration for generating blog cover images is the typeName for more details on configuring vue remark see the plugin s page module exports siteName Your Site Name Here plugins use gridsome vue remark options typeName Post lt Note this value baseDir content posts pathPrefix post template src templates Post vue You ll also want to make sure you have at least one markdown file created in the content posts directory with the bare minimum frontmatter intro md title Intro Postcover image covers intro png This is a sample post If you re trying to follow along make sure to create a Post vue file in your templates folder so that gridsome develop can create your post pages properly HTML to an imageSo now we ve got our sample post ready to go let s setup our html to be converted to an image In the root directory create a functions folder with a generateHtml js file inside The HTML returned by this code is going to be what becomes our post cover image This creates a basic solid background with title and a white border module exports function title backgroundColors imgHeight imgWidth border domain const bgColor backgroundColors Math floor Math random backgroundColors length const template lt html gt lt head gt lt style gt box sizing border box padding margin body min width imgWidth min height imgHeight padding px background bgColor color ffffff font family apple system system ui BlinkMacSystemFont Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue Arial sans serif div container border px solid ffffff text align left padding px width height display flex flex direction column justify content space around h title font size rem text transform capitalize text align center lt style gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div class container gt lt h class title gt title lt h gt lt div gt lt body gt lt html gt return template gridsome server SetupFinally our gridsome server setup this is where we will check each time gridsome develop or gridsome build is run to see if any posts are missing a cover image If they are the image will be generated in the covers folder const fs require fs extra const createImage require node html to image const generateHtml require functions generateHtml const defaultOptions typeName Post This should be the typeName noted above Each background will randomly have one of these colors backgroundColors B df imgWidth px The width of your cover image imgHeight px The height of your cover image border true I hard coded this to true in my html domain Your domain goes here Edmund includes this in their generated images outputDir content covers Where the cover images should be generated to module exports function api Keeping this for easy modifications from gridsome plugin blog cover const options defaultOptions api loadSource async actions gt const collection actions getCollection options typeName collection data forEach function node if node internal typeName options typeName Using the same filename as the file for easy frontmatter const imgName node fileInfo name fs ensureDirSync options outputDir const output options outputDir imgName png Only generate images for files that don t exist already console log Generating Missing Cover Images fs access output error gt if error console log Creating imgName png createImage output html generateHtml node title node subtitle options else console log output already exists if updateNode worked this is where it would go Thanks again to Edmund for the baseline work for this |
2021-09-15 14:31:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to mint an NFT with JavaScript |
How to mint an NFT with JavaScriptThis article will teach you how to create and mint NFTs and query their data using JavaScript on the hashgraph network What the heck is an NFT Before we get into it let s go over what an NFT is NFT stands for Non Fungible Token The word fungible means able to be replaced or replace an identical item In short a Non Fungible token is irreplaceable For a digital asset to be irreplaceable it needs to be unique So the tokens we will be creating are unique and irreplaceable Some use cases for these unique tokens ensure the authenticity of the information As of right now the main usages of NFTs have been for digital art and collectibles but they can be used for so much more For example one could use NFTs to protect information like a deed to a house certificates of authenticity educational degrees identity cards or other crucial unique details How do you make one For developers getting into web and blockchain technologies it can be challenging to learn all the caveats of the new technologies such as learning a new programming language like Solidity Minting an NFT on Hedera is simple and can be done with programming languages you are already familiar with like JavaScript Making an NFT on the Hedera Network uses one of the network s core services the Hedera Token Service HTS There are three officially supported SDKs for this service Golang Java and JavaScript as well as a variety of community developed SDKs Environment Set upYou are free to use any of your preferred environment tools I recommend following this short min guide to set up with node Code CheckAfter configuring your account Id private keys and the client your code should look something like this Creating the NFTTo create the NFT you will need to import TokenCreateTransaction PrivateKey TokenType and TokenSupplyType from the Hedera SDK so include these in the require statement at the top of your file Then you can use the TokenCreateTransaction passing in the appropriate configuration for your token For reference take a look at the example below Here we create a token with a supply of The initial collection must be zero so that you can set unique metadata for each NFT It is also crucial that the decimals are zero so that your NFTs wont be fractional The supply key is the key of the account permitted to mint the corresponding NFTs We will go over minting in the next section MintingMinting an NFT is straightforward We use the TokenMintTransaction from the Hedera SDK so be sure to include it in your imports at the top of your file The syntax is provided below There are multiple options for metadata storage solutions I wrote more in depth about the possibilities and use cases here However it is very straightforward and typical for developers to use the InterPlanetary File System IPFS Querying NFT InformationNow that your NFT has been minted you might want to be able to access its metadata from the network To do this you can use the TokenNftInfoQuery and NftId from the Hedera SDK This query returns the metadata of the minted NFT If you liked this guide or have questions I will be going through some of these examples live on twitch so be sure to follow HederaTV on twitch |
2021-09-15 14:01:55 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
#help Should I use Golang or Node.js for E-commerce |
help Should I use Golang or Node js for E commerceHello EveryoneHope you re all doing well I need a little help I want to create an e commerce for a startup They gave me two options for a backend Golang and Node js I have no expereience in both Previously I used a Django Flask as backend I am interested in Golang So it is possible that can I use Golang for e commerce as a backend I want to create a REST API in golang and use it with react js which we will be using for a frontend I am open for any kind suggestions |
2021-09-15 14:01:34 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Compared: iPhone 13 mini iPhone 12 mini vs iPhone SE |
Compared iPhone mini iPhone mini vs iPhone SEApple s launch of the iPhone mini could prompt some iPhone SE owners to make the upgrade to the current generation model Here s our comparison of the smallest iPhones Apple sells The iPhone mini left iPhone SE middle iPhone mini right When Apple introduced the iPhone mini in October the model gave an option to iPhone owners who wanted a small device an alternative to the iPhone SE While very compact the iPhone SE lagged behind in some areas while other differences made it seem to be a decent purchase for the budget conscious user Read more |
2021-09-15 14:47:13 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Time names Apple CEO Tim Cook a 'titan' in list of most influential people |
Time names Apple CEO Tim Cook a x titan x in list of most influential peopleApple CEO Tim Cook has made the Time list of the most influential people of nabbing a spot in the titans category among others Credit AppleCook was named among other businesspeople athletes artists musicians and government officials in the unranked list The piece on Cook was penned by Phil Knight co founder and chairman emeritus of Nike and explains the decision making process before adding the Apple CEO to Nike s board Read more |
2021-09-15 14:05:05 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
YouTube TV adds Univision and other Spanish-language channels |
YouTube TV adds Univision and other Spanish language channelsYouTube TV is now a better proposition for Spanish speaking viewers The cord cutter service has added three Spanish language channels from Univision at quot no extra cost quot including Univision proper as well as the youth oriented UniMás network and the general entertainment of Galavisión All three are included at quot no extra cost quot so you shouldn t have to brace for another rate hike You ll have more options in the near future YouTube TV is promising on demand movies and originals from Pantaya as a per month add on in the weeks ahead If you re more interested in variety an upcoming add on bundle will provide channels like Cinelatino CNN Español Discovery en Español Estrella TV Fox Deportes and Sony Cine for an added fee The launch date and price are due in the quot coming months quot The expansion represents a logical move YouTube TV has some fierce competition including Sling TV and Hulu Plus Live TV This could help YouTube keep up with and claim an edge over rivals by courting Latinx viewers that don t always get a healthy selection from streaming TV services It s just as well ーat per month YouTube s offering is expensive enough that it has to rely more on selection than raw value to attract subscribers |
2021-09-15 14:58:14 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
TP-Link's latest WiFi 6 router includes a dedicated band for gaming |
TP Link x s latest WiFi router includes a dedicated band for gamingTP Link knows WiFi gaming routers are as hot as ever and it s determined to keep up by offering a string of high end features without going completely over the top The company has unveiled an Archer GX router that offers not just WiFi speeds virtually required at this stage but a dedicated Gbps quot Game Band quot to keep your play sessions free of interference from other local network transfers An accelerator also spots and fine tunes streams for games it recognizes such as the Call of Duty series or League of Legends while a dashboard provides stats on your playtime to help pinpoint problems You can expect some of the other familiar tricks to improve gaming performance Improved OFDMA orthogonal frequency division multiple access modulation is meant to reduce lag and a GHz quad core processor TP Link doesn t name it helps juggle heavy traffic This also happens to be a solid router for general use with a Gbps Ethernet jack plus four Gbps jacks two USB ports and support for mesh networking through TP Link s OneMesh capable devices The Archer GX will be available through Amazon not as of this writing and other outlets for It s definitely more expensive than a typical home WiFi router but that s decidedly less expensive than some tri band WiFi routers So long as you don t mind the alien looks this might strike a healthy balance between raw speed and a reasonable price |
2021-09-15 14:14:17 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Marshall unveils its first true wireless earbuds with ANC |
Marshall unveils its first true wireless earbuds with ANCLess than a year after introducing Mode II its first pair of true wireless earbuds Marshall is expanding its lineup of Bluetooth headphones to include two new true wireless models the Motif ANC and Minor III As you can probably guess from the name the former includes active noise cancellation a feature you won t find on Marshall s Mode II earbuds nbsp MarshallWith ANC turned on the company claims you can get four and a half hours of playtime from the Motif ANC earbuds on a single charge and an additional hours of battery life from the included charging case The ANC feature is fully customizable allowing you to set your own level of noise cancellation and transparency Other notable features include IPX moisture protection support for wireless charging dual microphones for calls and touch controls MarshallMarshall is positioning the Minor III as a no frills pair of headphones They feature mm drivers custom tuned to deliver the company s signature sound in addition to touch controls IPX certified water resistance and an open fit for claimed all day comfort On a single charge you can expect five hours from the earbuds and an additional with help from the included charging case for a total of hours of playtime You can recharge the case using either a USB C cable or by placing it on a Qi compatible charging pad The Motif ANC earbuds are available to pre order today from Marshall s website with general availability to follow on September th They cost € or £ As for the Minor III earbuds you can purchase them today for € or £ |
2021-09-15 14:00:37 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
株式投資型クラウドファンディングの統計情報・取扱状況 |
株式投資 |
2021-09-15 15:30:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
株主コミュニティの統計情報・取扱状況 |
株主コミュニティ |
2021-09-15 15:30:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
NISA及びジュニアNISA口座開設・利用状況調査結果について |
調査結果 |
2021-09-15 15:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Cabinet reshuffle: Raab moved from foreign secretary to deputy PM |
ministerial |
2021-09-15 14:52:22 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Prince Andrew: High Court will notify royal about accuser's civil case |
assault |
2021-09-15 14:38:10 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Prince Charles foundation chair quits amid cash-for-access claims |
prince |
2021-09-15 14:03:41 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Warwickshire beat Yorkshire to stay in County Championship title hunt |
ambitions |
2021-09-15 14:15:25 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: People are vaccinated - so why are there so many cases? |
rates |
2021-09-15 14:20:29 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
飲食店「認証」10月に本格運用へ 申請相次ぐ 国の緩和方針、道後追い |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-09-15 23:19:58 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
世界経済、5・3%の成長予測 回復は先行き不透明と国連 |
unctad |
2021-09-15 23:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
米鉱工業生産0・4%上昇 8月、ハリケーンで縮小 |
米連邦準備制度理事会 |
2021-09-15 23:10:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
シャオミ、ハイエンドスマホ「Xiaomi 11T/11T Pro」とタブレット「Xiaomi Pad 5」の国内リリースを公表! |
xiaomipad |
2021-09-15 23:20:00 |