投稿時間:2021-09-16 22:46:02 RSSフィード2021-09-16 22:00 分まとめ(54件)

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TECH Engadget Japanese アップル、「M1 MacBookの画面がいきなり割れた」として集団訴訟を起こされる https://japanese.engadget.com/class-action-against-m1-macbook-display-120414606.html mmacbook 2021-09-16 12:04:14
TECH Engadget Japanese 100体のPepper応援団がギネス世界記録認定 https://japanese.engadget.com/pepper-120013208.html pepper 2021-09-16 12:00:13
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python Django】マイグレーション(DB)をロールバック、元に戻す https://qiita.com/Bashi50/items/6d3bb8be5afb7d27b9d2 ある程度Djangoで開発していくなら必須の知識ですねDjangoのDB・モデルの基礎は以下のように書いてますので良ければ今回以下の記事のmodel定義を使用して記事作成しました。 2021-09-16 21:38:50
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita storybook6のcontrolsまとめ https://qiita.com/DaigoAikawa/items/ec0ff57a9a1f0c431175 2021-09-16 21:54:28
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ShopifyのApplePayボタンがJavaScriptでクリックされない https://teratail.com/questions/359903?rss=all ShopifyのApplePayボタンがJavaScriptでクリックされない前提こちらの様なshopifyのECサイトで何か商品をカートに入れたカートページでは、AmazonPayやApplePay、GoolePayなどのボタンが表示されます。 2021-09-16 21:48:39
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) laravel:クエリビルダを用いた特定のデータを取得ができない... https://teratail.com/questions/359902?rss=all laravelクエリビルダを用いた特定のデータを取得ができない前提・実現したいことlaravelでクエリビルダを用いて、レコードの一部データを取得したいですが思うようなデータが取得できません。 2021-09-16 21:43:29
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) javascript ストップウォッチ作成 カウント処理の方法 https://teratail.com/questions/359901?rss=all 2021-09-16 21:36:45
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) [初心者]c言語でオセロを作成中の問題 https://teratail.com/questions/359900?rss=all 初心者c言語でオセロを作成中の問題前提・実現したいことc言語でオセロを作成中の初心者です。 2021-09-16 21:36:10
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) JSでの共通パーツインクルードが出来ない https://teratail.com/questions/359899?rss=all JSでの共通パーツインクルードが出来ない前提・実現したいことAjaxでのHTMLインクルードから脱しようと、ネイティブJSで書く方法を調べて試したのですが、上手くいきませんでした。 2021-09-16 21:35:09
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) アプリ・ドライバ間のセマフォでの排他制御による処理遅延回避方法 https://teratail.com/questions/359898?rss=all ・センサモデル・・・センサ値を保持する排他制御有り・通信タスク・・・センサ値を通信で送信、通信アプリが実行される。 2021-09-16 21:26:35
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) railsのログイン機能 https://teratail.com/questions/359897?rss=all railsのログイン機能webアプリケーション開発での質問です。 2021-09-16 21:21:42
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Squidによる高負荷に耐える多段Proxyサーバーの作成 https://teratail.com/questions/359896?rss=all Squidによる高負荷に耐える多段Proxyサーバーの作成前提・実現したいことSquidにて現在所持しているほどのProxyからランダムに接続する多段、回転プロキシを作成しており、現在はほぼ再現できており実際にアクセス事にランダムにIPアドレスが変わるプロキシの作成に成功しましたがWindows環境から大量に並列で接続すると接続エラーが起きて大量の接続に対する、負荷に耐えられない状況となっていると思いこれらを改善するためにはどうしたら良いか教えていただけると助かります。 2021-09-16 21:14:05
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) mailcatcherでメールが送られてこない原因・解決策を教えてください。 https://teratail.com/questions/359895?rss=all mailcatcherでメールが送られてこない原因・解決策を教えてください。 2021-09-16 21:09:43
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) JavaScriptでバリデーションチェックを動作させたが、次画面に遷移してしまう https://teratail.com/questions/359894?rss=all 実現したいことバリデーションチェックに該当した後、次画面に遷移しないようにしたい。 2021-09-16 21:07:08
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pythonでURLをリストに格納して、特定の文字列を含む行を抽出したい https://teratail.com/questions/359893?rss=all pythonでURLをリストに格納して、特定の文字列を含む行を抽出したい前提・実現したいことpyhonでリストに入れたURLの特定の文字列だけを抽出したい。 2021-09-16 21:02:40
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails の Custom Validator を RSpec で柔軟かつ簡単にテストする方法 https://qiita.com/noraworld/items/a96bbf0776759d91811a optionsを省略した場合なお、optionsinの部分を省略して、letmockbuildvalidatormocknewattributeのように書いた場合、以下のようにバリデータを呼び出したことになる。 2021-09-16 21:16:39
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Gitコマンドを補完したり便利に使えるようにする https://qiita.com/tsuki-lab/items/0bb2381b80289c14b7fd 下記のコマンドで対象のファイルが見つかればhomebrewでGitがインストールされています。 2021-09-16 21:45:47
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 不要なbranchをまとめて削除する方法 https://qiita.com/watanabehideki/items/5e5c0a3bcd37a4851e9e 不要なbranchをまとめて削除する方法masterブランチにmerge済みのブランチを、一気にまとめて消す手順。 2021-09-16 21:13:23
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 行単位でRubocopを無効にする方法 https://qiita.com/watanabehideki/items/565c378aa5ce27faf2e2 行単位でRubocopを無効にする方法行ごとに無効にする場合行末にコメントアウトでrubocopdisableルール名を記述する。 2021-09-16 21:38:47
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ユーザーごとの投稿一覧を表示させたい https://qiita.com/saru1439s7/items/c82c8ccbb5a7ec9fa54d 2021-09-16 21:30:39
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails の Custom Validator を RSpec で柔軟かつ簡単にテストする方法 https://qiita.com/noraworld/items/a96bbf0776759d91811a optionsを省略した場合なお、optionsinの部分を省略して、letmockbuildvalidatormocknewattributeのように書いた場合、以下のようにバリデータを呼び出したことになる。 2021-09-16 21:16:39
技術ブログ Developers.IO IAM Access Analyzer によるポリシーの生成が失敗し CloudTrail ログファイルの処理数が上限を超えたエラーが表示された時どうする https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/cloudtrail-log-files-processed-per-policy-generation-limit-exceeded/ 2021-09-16 12:26:38
技術ブログ Developers.IO 【小ネタ】ECRパブリックリポジトリでDockerクライアント認証がエラーになってしまう https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/ecr-public-repository-docker-certification-errorlient/ docker 2021-09-16 12:09:11
技術ブログ Developers.IO EC2 인스턴스에 CloudWatch Agent를 설치해서 메모리 사용량 확인해 보기 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/try-installing-cloudwatch-agent-on-ec2-instances/ EC 인스턴스에CloudWatch Agent를설치해서메모리사용량확인해보기안녕하세요클래스메소드김재욱 Kim Jaewook 입니다 이번에는EC 인스턴스에CloudWatch Agent를설치해서메모리사용량을확인해봤습니다 CloudWatch Agent란 2021-09-16 12:05:35
海外TECH DEV Community 17 Essential REST API Interview Questions https://dev.to/hrishikesh1990/17-essential-rest-api-interview-questions-7cg Essential REST API Interview QuestionsHello fellow developers based on the response I got from my previous posts I have compiled another list of essential RestAPI interview questions that I felt every developer should know Do drop your thoughts in the comments section below Also feel free to comment in case you find any content to be incorrect What are RESTful web services Also mention their features Services that allow REST architecture are called RESTful web services REST or Representational State Transfer uses the HTTP web protocol Some major features of REST architecture are Services are lightweight and hence can be easily maintainedSupports communication across applications developed in other languagesTesting RESTful web services is quite easy What is the concept of statelessness in REST The REST architecture is called stateless as it does not store any state related to the client session on the server Essentially session states are entirely kept on the client side This is effectively called Statelessness It ensures that the server cannot take undue advantage of any stored data However since no data is stored each request from the client to the server must contain all the necessary information about the request What are the advantages and disadvantages of Statelessness in REST APIs Advantages of statelessness Statelessness allows scaling of the APIs to millions of concurrent users as it does not have any session related dependencies and can be deployed on any serverThe server knows where each client is in the application as all the necessary information is sent with each requestStatelessness makes REST APIs simpler as it removes all complexity involving server side synchronizationDisadvantages of Statelessness A lot of additional information must be sent along with each request for the clientThis repeated data transfer may decrease network performanceBeing stateless also reduces the server side control over the application s behavior Explain Addressing in RESTful WEB service The process of locating resources on a server is called addressing In RESTful web services these resources are addressed using a URL These addresses could either refer to a single or even multiple resources lt protocol gt lt application name gt lt type of resource gt lt id of resource gt What are Options in REST APIs Options is an HTTP method that fetches all the various HTTPS options operations that are supported This helps the client decide which operations can be used REST Option methods are also used for Cross origin Resource Sharing CORS What are HTTP status codes HTTP status codes are a common REST API interview question These Status codes are divided into five categories with multiple codes under them The most commonly used codes under each category are listed below Format XX Used to represent transfer protocol level informational responsesFormat XX Used to represent successful responses OK Represents that the request was successfully carried out CREATED Represents the successful creation of a resourceFormat XX Used to represent redirectsFormat XX Used to represent client side errors BAD REQUEST Represents errors or missing data FORBIDDEN Represents that the user does not have necessary access NOT FOUND Represents that the resource method is not availableFormat XX Used to represent server side errors INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Represents that the server threw some exceptions BAD GATEWAY Represents that the server could not get a response from another server List the various HTTP methods supported by RESTThe various HTTP methods supported by REST are GET This method fetches the resource at the requested URLPOST This method submits a new resource to the serverPUT This method updates an existing resource that s already on the serverDELETE This method deletes a resource from the serverOPTION This method fetches the list of supported HTTP methods What is messaging in RESTful web services In REST web services the client sends messages to the server and the server responds using HTTP requests The process or technique in which any form of communication takes place is called Messaging These messages contain message data metadata and all the other relevant data about the message What are Idempotent methods Idempotent methods are methods that return the same outcome irrespective of how many times the same request has been made These methods are important as there are common instances where the client side might send out duplicate requests Hence it is important to use Idempotent methods to avoid such errors What are payloads in RESTFul web services Payload refers to the request data present in the body part of every HTTP request message However the payload is not the same as request parameters and can only be passed through the POST method Payloads do not have size restrictions however more data would consume more bandwidth and take more time to transfer What do you mean by caching The process of storing server response so that it can be used whenever required is called caching This reduces the need to generate the same response again increasing performance and server load time Can you give examples of tools that can be used to develop or test RESTful web services Some example of tools used to develop and test RESTful APIs are Spring REST web service using MVCJersey APICXFAxisRestlet What are cache control headers Cache control headers help attain caching ability and are also used to control caching The most commonly used cache control headers are Public Resources marked as public can be cached by any component between the client and the server Private These resources are marked private and can only be cached by the client No Store In this third type browsers aren t allowed to cache a response and the data must be always pulled from the client This type of cache control is used for sensitive data like bank details or passwords What is Postman Why is it used Postman is a popular tool that is used to develop and test API workflows It has been adopted widely as it helps manage each step of the API lifecycle facilitating development Postman provides a one stop to help design test document and publish your API What are the major security issues faced by web services Since web services often deal with a lot of confidential information the security of the application becomes a major concern Below are a few issues to keep in mind Encryption A web service may consist of multiple applications and could potentially contain a weak node Hence a safe practice is to encrypt data so that they remain confidential at any cost Authentication This issue arises when dealing with a large user base Authentication prevents other people from accessing user data and it also helps you keep track of user activity What is the difference between AJAX and REST AJAXRequests are sent to the server using the XMLHttpRequest object Javascript later interprets the response and changes the page dynamicallyAJAX supports asynchronous requests and thereby does not require constant client server interactionsAJAX dynamically updates the UI without reloading the pageRESTREST uses a URL and a request response pattern to access resourcesREST requires a constant client server interactionREST requests data or information from the server and then updates it What is JAX RS JAX RS stands for Java API for RESTful web services It is a Java based specification developed for the implementation of Java in RESTful services JAX RS helps REST applications communicate well with Java It is also used for SOAP communication in Java Some of the common implementations of JAX RS are JerseyRESTEasyApache CXFPlay 2021-09-16 12:07:59
海外TECH DEV Community How To Reduce Context Switching as a Developer https://dev.to/alexomeyer/how-to-reduce-context-switching-as-a-developer-1hnn How To Reduce Context Switching as a DeveloperContext switching is the act of working on several tasks in parallel More specifically working on one task and switching to another task while not finishing the previous task Constantly switching between different tasks requires your brain to jump from one thought process to another Developers often prefer long blocks of uninterrupted work to get into a so called state of flow or deep work For that reason context switching prevents developers from reaching this state of flow Some of the most common reasons for productivity loss are Interruptions at your workplaceSwitching between tools amp appsBalancing between personal and team productivityLet s take a look at each of these causes and possible solutions Avoid potential interruptionsOrganising a space for you to work without distractions is the number one step to reduce context switching and increase productivity Grouping similar tasksI m a huge fan of grouping similar tasks because it helps me reduce context switching For instance I prefer to block time in my calendar to answer all my emails or Slack messages at once Organising TODO listsAnother great approach to organise your work in TODO lists A TODO list helps you to list all tasks and clear your mind of any unfinished ones On top of that a TODO list is an essential tool to prioritise your tasks It will help you to focus on the most impactful ones Turning off notificationsFirst of all let s talk about notifications and their disruptive effect on deep work Imagine you are working on a new feature and a Slack notification pops up You decide to ignore the notification and continue work on the feature However your mind briefly switches its context to analyse the importance of the notification and determines if you should take immediate action In fact we can label this as context switching even though you decide not to engage with the notification Yet your mind gets distracted by the notification which disrupts your flow state Therefore the single best tip to reach a deep state of work is to turn off all notifications Avoid switching between toolsFor devs context switching often occurs when switching between different tools Just think about the number of times you leave your IDE to access a project management tool like JIRA Trello or Monday com Each time you create an issue you need to switch between tools Luckily modern tools solve this problem by helping you stay in your IDE e g VS Code or JetBrains Stepsize is an editor first issue tracker for VS Code and JetBrains that allows you to create bookmark and prioritise codebase issues directly in your editor Therefore it s an excellent tool to reduce tool switching and keep your mind focused while improving your codebase health Moreover you can collaborate on the codebase issues with your colleagues by Creating issues from the IDESeeing all relevant issues linked to a particular piece of codePrioritising and resolving issues This will significantly reduce context switching and improve your team communication Balancing between personal and team productivityOften developers struggle to balance timely communication and context switching As we already know context switching has a negative impact on your productivity because it prevents you from reaching a deep state of work On the other hand when colleagues ask a question you want to help them promptly For example a developer asks for your assistance and might be blocked if you don t help him But should you sacrifice your flow state to help your colleague Well the answer is somewhat divided Try to find a balance between responding on time and prioritising your work Asynchronous communication has become a popular approach to tackle this problem Instead of calling a meeting for each problem communicate with the involved people and resolve it via text based communication such as Slack Moreover it would help if you blocked time in your calendar to reach a flow state and leave time slots open for meetings or handling questions from colleagues For instance you can block two slots of three hours of deep work and leave two slots of one hour for asynchronous communication This is one approach to prioritise your work while helping colleagues in a timely manner Bonus Gamify your work to reduce context switchingHere are a couple of fun apps to make your journey to productivity more fun Forest Planting distracting free treesForest is one of the most simple yet effective tools to reduce context switching This shows again that a simple tool can do wonders You can download Forest as a mobile application but you can also install it as a Chrome extension in your browser Forest helps you to stay focused by planting virtual trees If you stay focused the tree will grow while you work However when you get distracted and open blocked websites or your phone the tree will die The cool thing about this app is that you can earn virtual coins in Forest that you can exchange for planting real trees Habitica gamified habit buildingHabitica takes habit building to a whole level by adding gamification to the mix First of all you have to define what goals you want to achieve or what tasks you want to accomplish Each time you accomplish a task you can check the task off in the app It allows you to earn experience points and gold tokens in the game These gold tokens can be used to buy equipment and some items as well as custom rewards It s a great application that makes habit building fun and engaging even involving your friends or finding people working towards a similar goal ConclusionMany developers struggle with context switching Nowadays developers have to use many different tools in their day to day tasks IDE based tools and extensions can help you to reduce context switching On top of that the most important lesson is to block dedicated focus time During these focus blocks you should turn off all notifications to avoid them interrupting your flow state For many developers it s a process of trial and error to find the right tools that can help them to work distraction free P S I wrote an article on VS Code extensions that will help you stay in your editor to avoid context switching check it out 2021-09-16 12:05:30
海外TECH DEV Community 7 VS Code Extensions that'll Help You Stay in Your Editor https://dev.to/alexomeyer/7-vs-code-extensions-that-help-ll-you-stay-in-your-editor-a5f VS Code Extensions that x ll Help You Stay in Your EditorConstantly switching between different tasks and tools requires your brain to jump from one thought process to another Developers often prefer long blocks of uninterrupted work to get into deep work Extensions that help you stay in the editor reduce context switching and help you reach the state of flow Let s look at some of the most useful ones Git HistoryGit History helps you avoid switching from VS Code editor to GitHub It ll show you git log along with the graph and detailsprevious copy of the filethe history of a file or a line in a file Git Blame and more Image previewThe Image Preview extension provides inline previews for images included HTML file types The extension shows a pop up window in the editor surface and an optional image preview in the gutter which can be toggled on or off in User Settings StepsizeStepsize allows you to create view and edit codebase issues such as technical debt refactoring work and other defects directly from your editor you can then collaborate on these issues with your teammates upvoting important issues adding key issues to your sprints with the Jira integration and resolving them all directly in the editor It is an excellent tool to reduce tool switching while improving your codebase Browser PreviewBrowser Preview for VS Code enables you to open a real browser preview inside your editor that you can debug •Browser preview inside VS Code Powered by headless Chromium •Ability to have multiple previews open at the same time •Debuggable Launch urls and attach Debugger for Chrome to the browser view instance and debug within VS Code Remote ContainersThe Remote Containers extension lets you use a Docker container as a full featured development environment Whether you deploy to containers or not containers make a great development environment because you can •Develop with a consistent easily reproducible toolchain on the same operating system you deploy to •Quickly swap between different separate development environments and safely make updates without worrying about impacting your local machine •Make it easy for new team members contributors to get up and running in a consistent development environment Excel ViewerThis extension is a must for devs who are dealing a lot with CSV files It provides read only viewers for CSV files and Excel spreadsheets within the current VS Code workspace and will easily save you hours of work DashDash is an API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager Dash instantly searches offline documentation sets for APIs cheat sheets and more You can even generate your own docsets or request docsets to be included Bonus Extension VsinderVsinder is a dating app for devs where you swipe on code If you think this is crazy just check out this review Do you have any favourite extensions that help you stay focused Share in the comments 2021-09-16 12:03:42
海外TECH DEV Community Here is why "this" keyword exists in JavaScript [VIDEO] https://dev.to/aravsanj/here-is-why-this-keyword-exists-in-javascript-video-2ijn javascript 2021-09-16 12:02:04
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple & big tech use 'loopholes' to escape merger regulations, says FTC https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/09/16/apple-big-tech-use-loopholes-to-escape-merger-regulations-says-ftc?utm_medium=rss Apple amp big tech use x loopholes x to escape merger regulations says FTCFederal Trade Commission chair Lina Khan says that Big Tech firms including Apple had exploited loopholes to make hundreds of acquisition deals without informing antitrust regulators Lina Khan Credit An Rong Xu GettyThe FTC has published a report describing incidents of transactions over years which were small enough to not require regulatory approval The transaction range from changes of voting control to patent acquisition and hiring Read more 2021-09-16 12:07:25
海外TECH Engadget Lucid's limited edition Air EV rated for a Tesla-beating 520 miles of EPA range https://www.engadget.com/lucids-longest-range-air-ev-has-a-prodigious-520-miles-of-epa-range-123000043.html?src=rss Lucid x s limited edition Air EV rated for a Tesla beating miles of EPA rangeLucid has revealed the EPA range of its first limited edition Air EV and it s mighty impressive The Air Dream Edition Range will go miles on a charge quot delivering at least plus miles of additional range of its closest competitor quot the company announced The models tested quot now occupy the top six positions for overall EPA range ratings among EVs quot according to Lucid The Air Dream Edition models Range and Performance both offer kWh battery packs ーsignificantly larger than the kWh used in Tesla s Model S Long Range Plus ーbut the company said the prodigious range is not just due to that nbsp quot This landmark has been achieved not by simply installing an oversize battery pack said Lucid CEO CTO Peter Rawlinson “Our race proven V battery and BMS battery management system technology our miniaturized drive units coupled with our Wunderbox drivetrain technology endow Lucid Air with ultra high efficiency enabling it to travel more miles from less battery energy quot nbsp Lucid MotorsThe Air s very low drag coefficient likely helps too particularly on the highway When considering EPA range versus battery size the range model delivers miles per kWh compared to miles per kWh for the Tesla Model S long range nbsp Performance isn t sacrificed in the range model either despite the name It still delivers horsepower enough to kick it from to MPH in seconds and hit a top speed of MPH The horsepower performance version meanwhile will travel miles on a charge and the horsepower Lucid Air Grand Touring will go miles Tests were done with inch wheels and all models will travel significantly less far though probably look cooler with inch wheels nbsp You ll certainly pay for that range and performance however The Air Dream Edition models released in limited run of and arriving first to market will start at The Air Grand Touring model will show up later for followed by the Air Touring and finally the base sub Air When they ll go on sale is still an open question though Lucid most recently promised the second half of for the first limited edition models but it has already missed a number of previous deadlines nbsp 2021-09-16 12:30:00
海外TECH Engadget Apple's 2021 iPad is already $30 off at Walmart https://www.engadget.com/apple-2021-ipad-preorder-discount-121343176.html?src=rss Apple x s iPad is already off at WalmartOne of the devices Apple revealed during its latest hardware event is an updated inch iPad with prices that start at You can get the base tablet for less than that though if you pre order from Walmart where it s currently listed for The listing says the tablet will begin shipping on September th a few days later than its official release date of September th But if you don t mind waiting a bit to get your purchase you can get the GB WiFi version of the inch iPad in either Silver or Space Gray from the retail giant s website nbsp Buy Apple inch iPad Wi Fi GB at Walmart Apple focused on updating the base iPad s internals instead of overhauling its design It s now powered by an A Bionic chip which also powers the iPhone the iPhone Pro and the Pro Max The tech giant says it has a percent faster overall performance compared to the previous generation In addition the new iPad is equipped with a new megapixel ultra wide front facing camera that has a degree field of view which sounds especially useful for video meetings and online classes Even better It supports Apple s Center Stage feature which gives it the capability to detect people and keep you in the frame as you move around Center Stage works with Facetime as well as Zoom Like Apple s other products the new base iPad has Retina display It will ship with iPadOS which features intuitive multitasking a Translate app and a Live Text function that can detect text in photos The OS will also add a Focus feature that will let you filter notifications In case GB isn t enough for you Apple will also sell a GB version but that s not available at a discount right now Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice 2021-09-16 12:13:43
Cisco Cisco Blog Rakuten Mobile & Cisco CX: Disrupting the Industry, Together https://blogs.cisco.com/customerexperience/rakuten-mobile-cisco-cx-disrupting-the-industry-together Rakuten Mobile amp Cisco CX Disrupting the Industry TogetherCisco s work with Rakuten Mobile is an excellent example of how Cisco Customer Experience CX teams work hand in hand with customers Cisco s technology groups and other vendors to completely change the game 2021-09-16 12:00:38
海外科学 NYT > Science Study of Covid Booster Shot Benefits Fans Debate Over Extra Doses https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/15/health/covid-booster-shot-data.html Study of Covid Booster Shot Benefits Fans Debate Over Extra DosesIndependent experts including government scientists were skeptical of the research from Israel which included limited data over a short period 2021-09-16 12:55:31
海外科学 NYT > Science Is Seltzer Water Just as Healthy as Flat Water? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/14/well/eat/seltzer-water-benefits.html overdo 2021-09-16 12:23:19
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 株主コミュニティ銘柄 https://market.jsda.or.jp/shijyo/kabucommunity/seido/meigara/20200907180856.html 株主コミュニティ 2021-09-16 13:30:00
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 日本製鉄が15年ぶりに転換社債(CB)を発行、3000億円調達へ。電気自動車(EV)のモーターに使う電磁鋼板など高機能鋼材の生産強化のほか、脱炭素関連の技術開発に充てる方針です。 https://t.co/A5S7fgftc1 https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1438478379255140353 2021-09-16 12:22:25
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 鉄鋼、脱炭素へ電炉シフト ミタルはドイツなどに新設 https://t.co/fEbSMr6Nbn https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1438475955819802631 電炉 2021-09-16 12:12:48
ニュース BBC News - Home Military to be called in to help Scottish ambulance crews https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-58585349?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA service 2021-09-16 12:25:55
ニュース BBC News - Home First Covid booster jabs given to NHS staff https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-58583610?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA booster 2021-09-16 12:16:36
ニュース BBC News - Home Mother wins court case over Staffordshire landfill site emissions https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-stoke-staffordshire-58577136?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA emissions 2021-09-16 12:51:47
ニュース BBC News - Home Marks & Spencer blames Brexit as it closes 11 French stores https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58582860?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA france 2021-09-16 12:45:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Sir Elton John: UK and European tour postponed to 2023 after hip injury https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-58582258?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA injury 2021-09-16 12:31:57
ニュース BBC News - Home Sean Dyche extends nine-year spell at Burnley with four-year deal https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/58586139?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA contract 2021-09-16 12:16:36
北海道 北海道新聞 国内感染5705人、死亡63人 新型コロナ、重症者1743人 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/590040/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-09-16 21:04:43
北海道 北海道新聞 網走ビール、初の地場産ホップ試験栽培 年内にも商品化へ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/590053/ 長岡 2021-09-16 21:18:00
北海道 北海道新聞 行動制限緩和、10月に広域実験 飲食店やコンサート想定 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/590052/ 飲食 2021-09-16 21:17:00
北海道 北海道新聞 来週にも自宅カクテル療法 厚労相、東京でモデル事業 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/590051/ 厚生労働相 2021-09-16 21:17:00
北海道 北海道新聞 胆振で2人感染 日高ゼロ 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/590050/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-09-16 21:14:00
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北海道 北海道新聞 西1―3日(16日) 上沢が9勝目 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/590043/ 日本ハム 2021-09-16 21:09:43
北海道 北海道新聞 旭川で9人感染 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/589876/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-09-16 21:08:47
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北海道 北海道新聞 釧路管内1人感染 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/590045/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-09-16 21:01:00



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