Engadget Japanese |
GoPro HERO10 Black先行レビュー。新プロセッサー搭載で5.3K60フレーム撮影に対応 |
gopro |
2021-09-16 13:09:33 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 「iPhone 13」シリーズは4キャリアとも“SIMロックなし” |
ITmediaMobile「iPhone」シリーズはキャリアとも“SIMロックなし月日に発売を控えている「iPhone」シリーズは、Appleに加え、NTTドコモ、KDDI、ソフトバンク、楽天モバイルのキャリアが取り扱う。 |
2021-09-16 22:07:00 |
AWS Management Tools Blog |
Query and visualize Microsoft SQL Server license utilization using Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight |
Query and visualize Microsoft SQL Server license utilization using Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSightIn nbsp part nbsp of this two part series I showed you how to deploy a solution to centrally track Microsoft SQL Server licenses in AWS Organizations across multiple AWS accounts and Regions In this post I will show you how to query and visualize the aggregated Inventory data using nbsp Amazon Athena nbsp and nbsp Amazon QuickSight nbsp to centrally manage your SQL Server licenses With … |
2021-09-16 13:55:48 |
AWS Japan Blog |
ヘッドレスコマース: 消費財企業にとってなぜ重要なのか |
スケーラビリティ消費財企業は、自身のブランド用に選択した消費者体験を作成してグローバルに拡張できます。 |
2021-09-16 13:56:03 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ぼくがかんがえたさいきょうの"定員付きフォーム" |
背景定員付きのGoogleフォームを作成する記事は他にもありますが、どれも回答数が一定のラインに達したらフォームを閉じるだけのもので、「残りの枠数の表示」などの実務で使う上では必要な機能は搭載されていません。 |
2021-09-16 22:42:50 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
新技術は怖くない、jQuery時代からReact時代へ勇気を出して踏み出した |
想定している読者は「ある技術を過去に習得したがレガシーになりつつある人」や「新しい技術を学んだ人が羨ましいが尻込みしてしまっている人」など、新しいことに焦燥感を抱えている人です。 |
2021-09-16 22:14:22 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Next.jsで.envが読み込んでるのに動かない |
export const firebaseConfig apiKey processenvAPIKEY authDomain processenvAUTHDOMAIN projectId processenvPROJECTID storageBucket processenvSTORAGEBUCKET messagingSenderId processenvMESSAGEINGSENDERID appId processenvAPPID measurementId processenvMEASUREMENTID解決方法ブラウザ上で読み込まれていないことを調べていると、Nextjsのこんな仕様を見つけました。 |
2021-09-16 22:07:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ラズパイ python のライブラリのpathが通っていない |
ラズパイpythonのライブラリのpathが通っていない前提・実現したいことラズパイpythonnbspのライブラリを入れたのですが、うまくできず。 |
2021-09-16 22:57:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
teratail2のようなこんなサイトが作りたいです |
teratail |
2021-09-16 22:39:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Flutter runで起動できない |
2021-09-16 22:36:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
関数で生成した変数をグローバル変数に反映させる |
関数で生成した変数をグローバル変数に反映させるGooglenbspAppsnbspScriptで新聞社の業務改善に取り組んでおります。 |
2021-09-16 22:28:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
スクレイピングで取得したデータを1件ごとに辞書を作成しそこに保存する方法を教えて下さい |
スクレイピングで取得したデータを件ごとに辞書を作成しそこに保存する方法を教えて下さい質問内容スクレイピングで取得したデータを、Reactjsに渡す為、JSONファイルに出力したいです。 |
2021-09-16 22:22:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Google ColaboratoryでCycleGanを実装する際にモデルを保存し、続きから学習を再開させる方法 |
GoogleColaboratoryでCycleGanを実装する際にモデルを保存し、続きから学習を再開させる方法前提・実現したいことこちらの記事を参考にしてGooglenbspColaboratoryでCycleGanを実装しようとしています。 |
2021-09-16 22:06:43 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】同名のパスから異なるviewを表示する方法 |
モードAジャンルAの問題を表示回答欄answerモデルに保存されるモードBジャンルBの問題を表示回答欄実装の流れ①questionモデルにmodenumカラムintegerを追加して問題のジャンルを番号で識別するようにする。 |
2021-09-16 22:14:21 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[AWS基礎③] IAM・CloudTrailでアクセス管理(セキュリティ対策) |
AWSユーザーと、グループを作成管理でき、グループごとに操作権限の付与が可能なので、複数人で作業をする場合にはIAMは必須なんだと思います。 |
2021-09-16 22:52:32 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS認定試験】ソリューションアーキテクト(SAA)に合格しました |
ただ、それ以前からAWS関連の書籍を読んだり年くらい前に少し勉強していた形跡がQiitaの記事として残っている…完全に自分用メモ…、業務で実際にAWSの機能に触れたりして広く浅い知識は得ていたので、スタートからヶ月で合格というわけではなく、体感的には時間程度勉強したくらいの状態からスタートした感じです。 |
2021-09-16 22:50:41 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Perceptデバイスのセットアップ |
ACアダプターはPなので、電源タップかPP変換プラグが必要になるときがあります。 |
2021-09-16 22:03:00 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
railsチュートリアル 第五章 html |
ltimgaltRailslogowidthpxsrcassetsrailsltlongstringgtsvggtsrc属性にはimagesというディレクトリ名が含まれていないことにも注目してくださいassetsディレクトリ内の他のディレクトリも同様ですこれは高速化のための仕組みRailsはassetsディレクトリ直下の画像をappassetsimagesディレクトリにある画像と紐付けていますalt属性は、画像がない場合に代わりに表示される文字列演習画像をダウンロードmvコマンドを使い、適切なアセットディレクトリに移動mvkittenjpgappassetsimagesimagetagを使って、kittenjpg画像を表示ltlinktoimagetagkittenjpggt困ったことブランチを作成できない。 |
2021-09-16 22:44:52 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Meet The Tanukis: Michael Friedrich |
Meet The Tanukis Michael FriedrichMeet the Tanukis is a stream about the amazing Team members at GitLab Each episode focuses on a team member discussing issues in tech that are important to them This episode features Michael Friedrich Senior Developer EvangelistLinks Everyone can Contribute Cafe Michael s presentation at Michael s OSS journeyGitPodFree Licenses for Education Research Institutions |
2021-09-16 13:24:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Running React Native everywhere: Yarn Workspaces monorepo |
Running React Native everywhere Yarn Workspaces monorepo TL DRFirst part of the Running React Native everywhere series In this post we ll lay the foundation for running multiple React Native apps within a single codebase Highlights Using a monorepo to support multiple platforms with React NativeWhat are Yarn Workspaces nohoist s benefitsBootstrapping a minimal Yarn Workspaces setup Multi platform supportRunning React Native on multiple platforms is not a new thing We ve been able to run React Native on the web macOS and Windows for quite a while now The most common and straightforward way to support different platforms with a single React Native codebase is to store all the configuration files required to run the app on all platforms in a single project directory For example if you re planning to support Android iOS Windows and macOS by following the React Native for Windows macOS documentation you ll end up with a project that looks like this └ー lt project root gt ├ーandroid ├ーios ├ーmacos ├ーsrc ├ーwindows ├ーapp json ├ーbabel config js ├ーindex js ├ーmetro config js └ーpackage jsonThis structure can work perfectly fine for most use cases but from my personal experience it has a few drawbacks that get exponentially worse the more your codebase grows First and foremost you re forced to use the same version of React Native on every platform you support Therefore you won t be able to update React Native until all platforms are ready to support it Even though this limitation may not seem like an issue at first it might get you stuck on older versions of React Native if even a single platform is not compatible with the latest versions Let s look at a real case example as of today Sep the latest stable version for React Native for macOS supports only React Native released in Oct Assuming we re planning to support both Android iOS and macOS we won t be able to update React Native in our project until React Native for macOS supports it And we d be stuck on an almost year old version of React Native even on Android iOS P S To be clear I m not criticizing React Native for macOS s release cycle It s just the first example of versions gap that comes to my mind Second sharing code with other projects e g backend code web apps may get complicated Out of the box React Native s metro bundler cannot reference code outside of the project s root directory You can configure it to do so and we ll do it as well later on Still once you do it you ll also need to ensure dependencies resolution works correctly to avoid loading two different versions of the same library for example which might not be as easy as it may sound Last because you re supporting multiple platforms in a single directory it s easy to end up with confusing indirections and branches in platform specific files This may be just a me thing but I find it hard to navigate around configuration files of projects that support multiple platforms At first glance it may look like all platforms use the same configuration files But once you dig a bit deeper you realize that each platform requires some ad hoc tweaks to the configuration files for Metro Babel Webpack etc Want an example from a codebase I wrote Check out Ordinary Puzzles which is a mobile web and Electron app It s not easy to understand what files are used by which platform e g what platform build phase is using babel config js A possible answer to these issues Yarn Workspaces monorepoA possible way to solve these issues that I ve been using with success for a while now and the one we ll use in this guide is structuring the project as a Yarn Workspaces monorepo keeping platform specific code in different packages Yarn Workspaces and monorepos in general is a way to allow multiple apps to coexist in the same repository and cross reference each other easing the overhead of repository management and allowing a higher degree of collaboration among teams Each app is known as package and has its own package json file Thanks to Yarn Workspaces we can go from a single app that runs on different platforms to multiple apps that share common JavaScript code └ー lt project root gt JavaScript code of the app shared between all apps ├ーapp │├ーsrc │└ーpackage json macOS app configuration files and native code ├ーmacos │├ーmacos │├ーapp json │├ーbabel config js │├ーindex js │├ーmetro config js │└ーpackage json Android iOS app configuration files and native code ├ーmobile │├ーandroid │├ーios │├ーapp json │├ーbabel config js │├ーindex js │├ーmetro config js │└ーpackage json Windows app configuration files and native code └ーwindows ├ーwindows ├ーapp json ├ーbabel config js ├ーindex js ├ーmetro config js └ーpackage jsonTo me this structure perfectly suits React Native s Learn once write anywhere headline By using a single project structure it s easy to forget that we re not developing a single app we re developing different apps Android iOS web etc that run the same JavaScript code The difference between a monolithic approach and monorepo is that in the former all apps are forced to use the same dependency versions In the latter you re free to use different dependency versions on each app This freedom comes as a double edged sword Suppose you decide to use two different versions of React Native In that case the shared JavaScript code must support both versions you can t simply run the current version of React Native on a platform and a two year old version of it on another and expect the shared JavaScript code to just work Even if React Native is steadily becoming more stable you still need to take into account breaking changes That said as we ll see later on between platform specific file names index ios js index web js etc and being able to isolate platform specific JavaScript code in packages supporting different dependency versions might be easier than you expect Yarn s nohoistA crucial part of our monorepo setup is Yarn s nohoist To reduce redundancy most package managers employ some kind of hoisting scheme to extract and flatten all dependent modules as much as possible into a centralized location Yarn Workspaces store the flattened dependencies in a node modules directory in the project root and makes it accessible to the workspace packages by symlinking the libraries in the packages node module directory While it might appear that we can access all modules from the project s root node modules the reality is that build processes sometimes aren t able to traverse symlinks This problem is especially prominent in React Native apps where both the metro bundler and the native code can t follow symlinks A common way to solve this issue in React Native monorepos is to configure the metro bundler and the native layer to use the project s root node modules directory instead of the package s one While this approach ensures you gain all the benefits of the hoisting process it introduces a few complexities Each time you update React Native or a library that requires native linking you must also update or at least keep in sync the native code with the root project s node modules directory To me this process has always seemed error prone because you re dealing with multiple languages and build tools Suppose your packages need different versions of React Native or of a library that requires native linking In that case you can t ensure React Native will be installed in a specific location unless you give up the hoisting mechanism ーadding even more complexities to the table For these reasons we ll use a different approach Yarn s nohoist Yarn s nohoist is a setting that disables the selected modules from being hoisted to the project root They are placed in the actual child project instead just like in a standalone non workspaces project Of course this comes with drawbacks The most obvious one is that nohoist modules could be duplicated in multiple locations denying the benefit of hoisting mentioned above Therefore we ll keep nohoist scope as small and explicit as possible targeting only problematic libraries Thanks to nohoist we can avoid making changes to the native code and we can keep the monorepo configuration in the JavaScript land This means we can even extract common metro and webpack settings in a workspace package to share them easily across the entire project And even more importantly different platforms can use different versions of React Native and native libraries favoring incremental updates instead of migrating the entire project Please notice that I m focusing on Yarn Workspaces just because it s the tool I m most familiar with You can achieve similar results with pnpm and nx Creating our monorepoEnough with the theory Let s start the setup of our monorepo First of all ensure Yarn classic is installed Then initialize a new my app project Create the project dir and cd into it mkdir my app amp amp cd my app Initialize git git initnpx gitignore nodeAdd this package json name my app version private true workspaces packages packages scripts reset find type dir name node modules xargs rm rf amp amp rm rf yarn lock The workspaces packages setting tells Yarn that each package e g mobile macos etc will live in lt root gt packages The reset script deletes all the node modules directories in the project recursively and the root yarn lock file It may come in handy during the initial phase of the setup if we mistakenly install dependencies that should be nohoisted before adding them to nohoist Create an empty packages directory mkdir packagesFinally the most important part add a nohoist section to your package json name my app version private true workspaces packages packages nohoist react react dom react native scripts reset find type dir name node modules xargs rm rf amp amp rm rf yarn lock This nohoist section will tell Yarn that the listed dependencies specified as glob patterns should be installed in the node modules directory of each package instead of the root project s one For now I just added react react dom and react native react native because the native code requires expects it to be installed at the package level react and react dom because once we start supporting the React Native for Web it will be easy to get into a state where the app crashes because different versions of React are loaded on the page Spoiler we ll have to come back and update this list every time we notice a dependency doesn t work well when hoisted We re done for now Next stepsIn the next step we ll add support for Android and iOS to our monorepo and learn how to configure the metro bundler dynamically based on the nohoist list Stay tuned OverviewMonorepo setup you re here Android amp iOS WIP The web WIP Electron WIP Chrome extension WIP macOS WIP Windows WIP Originally published at mmazzarolo com |
2021-09-16 13:14:00 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
AMC theaters will accept cryptocurrencies beyond Bitcoin |
AMC theaters will accept cryptocurrencies beyond BitcoinYou won t have to stick to Bitcoin if you re determined to pay for your movie ticket with cryptocurrency AMC chief Adam Aron has revealed his theater chain will also accept Ethereum Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash when crypto payments are available He didn t have a narrower timeframe for digital currency payments beyond quot year end quot Aron made the decision to accept cryptocurrency after the combination of the meme stock frenzy from earlier in as well as a turn on the board of a blockchain contractor As you might guess the CEO is betting tech fans will translate their enthusiasm for AMC stock to business at theaters The prospect of using cryptocurrency is improving when companies like PayPal make it relatively easy to hold and use virtual money The expanded options won t change some of the practical challenges however Transaction fees can still be high and numerous crypto formats tend to be volatile The issue isn t so much the risk to AMC as the potentially low demand ーeven committed crypto fans might find it too expensive Cryptocurrency enthusiasts you likely know AMCTheatres has announced we will accept Bitcoin for online ticket and concession payments by year end I can confirm today that when we do so we also expect that we similarly will accept Ethereum Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash pic twitter com uKcFyQotoJーAdam Aron CEOAdam September |
2021-09-16 13:26:42 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
GoPro Hero 10 Black review: A big, invisible upgrade |
GoPro Hero Black review A big invisible upgradeAlmost exactly years go we reviewed the GoPro HD Hero It wasn t the first flagship camera from the company but I d argue it was instrumental in bringing the GoPro to the attention of the general public Back then the maximum resolution was p photos topped out at megapixel and it came shrouded in that iconic waterproof housing A decade later the Hero Black revealed today offers a whopping K max video resolution megapixel photos no longer needs a waterproof housing for most uses and has a slew of fancy shooting modes that we couldn t even have imagined three presidents ago Before we get to the review part though you likely want to know what else has changed The headline feature is clearly the new GP processor GoPro started using its homegrown chip the GP a few years ago Now the second iteration is here and brings with it a boost in frame rates across the board K at K at and K at to name a few Even the front facing display benefits from an increased frame rate which should make your previews smoother GoPro also states that the GP brings with it an image processor ISP that promises improved quality photos and videos We ll be the judge of that of course James Trew EngadgetYou may have noticed that the max resolution for video is now a shade higher than last year at K up from We re told the sensor is actually the same as before but that the new chip running the show can eke out more use of it The camera itself is thankfully the same dimensions as the Hero which means if you have a media mod or Hero specific accessory it ll likely work with the new model just fine In fact the only visible differences between last year s model and the Hero is…the number and the color of the text branding ーit s now GoPro blue rather than gray GP times the powerThe GP GoPro s first custom processor made its debut with the Hero Black It allowed the company to tightly integrate the brains of the camera with the rest of the hardware and yield more control over key features With the GP the promise is “twice the performance The company hasn t shared specifics about the chip itself but the rewards are evidenced in the increased frame rates across the board I already mentioned that the upper most resolution is now megapixels higher than last time and available at fps Twice the frames of the equivalent on the Hero Black There are other benefits to the new chip beyond FPS though Not least it s paired with that ISP which we ll go into in more detail next The GP also powers the updated HyperSmooth and promises a slicker user interface and faster offloading of media again each of these will get its own section Image qualityWhile GoPro is touting the new framerate modes as one of the key upgrades this time around I feel the image quality is worth tackling first ーthis is a camera after all The good news is that it s markedly better than the Hero It s tempting to assume that the higher resolution for both video and photos is to thank here but there s some other processing grunt going on in the background James Trew EngadgetAccording to GoPro new algorithms for tone mapping and noise reduction are also responsible for the bump in quality All I know is that both videos and photos look better and in a meaningful way When I was reviewing my comparison footage color reproduction was a lot more faithful without looking flat Somehow natural and inorganic tones say buildings and trees look deeper On top of that is the fidelity When I viewed images at percent crop the difference in detail was instantly obvious Where some textures like road surface or leaves on the Hero can smooth out when they re not the primary subject of the video on the Hero you can spot features that aren t present in last year s camera Higher resolutionsOn top of the general improvement in image quality is the added flexibility that comes with the new resolution and framerate combinations The Hero topped out at either K fps in or K at Not bad But the Hero offers a pretty substantial increase with K fps or K at and K when shooting in That s a lot of jargon but essentially it means you have a lot more headroom for both and aspect ratios And given that is great for POV shots a staple of the action world that s good news for your videos It s easy to wonder why you might even want K video given there s not a lot you can natively play it back on But more pixels is never a bad thing and you can scale something down to a more “conventional resolution later or crop to K without losing quality You now even have something close to slow mo at K fps in the aspect ratio which is a first for a GoPro James Trew EngadgetThen of course there s that increase in photo resolution that we already mentioned Three whole megapixels is a decent improvement from last time around and if you pull stills from video on the regular you ll enjoy higher resolution there too the change varies depending on your video settings but it s an increase across the board More framesFinally we can get to one of the marquee upgrades Frame rates With GP onboard K video is now available at fps giving the Hero a respectable slow mo mode for the first time at UHD Last year s camera could eke out fps at K but X isn t really enough to show off your laser flips in all their mind boggling glory The new X slow mo at this high resolution is going to really show off your best moves The new fps mode is available with almost all the field of view options which GoPro calls “lenses bar SuperView which tops out at fps K also gets a boost from fps to ーthe max the camera can do making this a great balance of resolution and framerate for action Of course a high frame rate isn t only about slow mo that s just a common application for it on an action camera A higher FPS also helps keep your videos looking smooth at normal speed especially if there s a lot of activity going on ーwhich again seems quite likely with a GoPro For example I shot some videos on a bike ride at K fps and then some more later at fps and the sense of motion at the higher frame rate is noticeably much smoother even when played back at normal speed In short frame rate is another tool in the box when it comes to lining up your shot so it s great to see far more options here It also means you don t have to make a choice between FPS or high resolution nearly as much as you did in the past HyperSmooth In a darker age GoPros had no onboard stabilization It meant handheld footage had to be shot with extreme care and every twitch pothole or wobble was recorded in great clarity That was fine for some activities but often it just meant you ended up with unusable footage or a spell in post to try and salvage things Since the Hero we ve lived in a lighter brighter world where HyperSmooth would work its magic and make even the most jarring pursuit look slick and smooth on video without having to use a pricey fragile gimbal With the Hero we re now on the fourth revision of GoPro s onboard stabilizing and it continues to work wonders James Trew EngadgetPerhaps the most notable change here is the increased power of horizon levelling Before it would keep videos “flat to the skyline up to about degrees After that it d gently tilt your video to match the angle of the camera Now you can hit a curve or ride a corner at degrees and your video will steadfastly lock to the horizon As with all things just because you can doesn t mean you always should I like using horizon levelling with mounts selfie sticks or anything that can easily go off level while holding In contrast you could use it while mounted to handlebars for example but any tight turns or dramatic leans will get neatly ironed out You ll have a smooth video for sure but it loses a little of the action dynamic Fortunately you can decouple horizon levelling from HyperSmooth right on the home screen of the camera so it s right there when you need it or don t Front screenAll new on the Hero was the addition of a front screen for framing yourself when looking at the camera DJI came out of the gate with one on its Osmo Action beating GoPro to market by weeks Nonetheless it s now a mainstay feature and thus subject to upgrades too The one on the Hero is the same size as last year but with a small increase in frame rate ーfrom fps to It s nice to see the company updating all aspects of the camera but I personally don t notice much difference certainly not at arm s length which is most of the time I find myself needing that second display Either way if you found the screen a little lacking in this regard just know that there s likely a better experience for you this time around James Trew EngadgetNot so much a feature of the front screen but it relates to the front so here is the time to mention it The Hero now has an “hydrophobic coating on the lens If you ve ever taken a GoPro into the water you ll know that drops on the lens are the fastest way to ruin your footage They normally sit just where the action is taking place too I haven t been able to give this camera the full water test yet but simply getting it wet you can tell that water doesn t gather in the large subject blurring drips as it did before It s not entirely water repellant but big drops are a thing of the past instead the worst you get is a collection of smaller droplets These are still undesirable but they seem to have less impact on what you re shooting so I ll take it Faster navigationAnother light improvement is in the user interface and menu navigation GoPro claims the touch screen is now more responsive and most tasks should be quicker This definitely does appear to be the case Older cameras sometimes need two or even three attempts for a press to be registered but with the Hero there were far fewer occasions where I found myself needing to tap more than once An even clearer example of the software side of things being more rapid is the amount of time it takes to process an HDR photo While the exposure is instant GoPro owners will be familiar with the swirling circles after an image is taken while the camera develops the photo It s not long usually a couple of seconds but with the Hero that time is about cut in half Between that and the general nippiness of the menus the latest flagship definitely feels a little breezier to use One other small usability change that doesn t technically fit here but adds to the user experience is that the Hero now allows for good old fashioned wired transfer That is simply connect the camera to your computer and it ll show up as removable storage with direct access to your media It s kinda hard to believe that this wasn t a thing before but I double checked with my Hero and nope nothing ーyou have to get handsy with the memory card and an adapter Small graces but we love to see it Battery lifeEverything has been quite positive so far so it s time for a small spanner in the works Battery life has never really been GoPro s strong suit although it has generally improved over time Alas the Hero feels like a small step backward It s not deal breaking levels but on a straight “click record and leave the camera shoot out the Hero outlasted the Hero by almost half an hour ーclocking in at hr at K fps When I did the same test with the same actual battery on the new camera it only managed hr James Trew EngadgetGoPro for its part claims that most users are only shooting short videos and it s optimized the camera and its battery usage for that scenario That might be true but one must presume that that hasn t changed since the last camera And regardless of your shooting habits the physics of higher processing will always diminish your overall shooting time Things get even worse once you start flirting with those new higher frame rates On my first day out testing I thought I might have a duff cell as it sunk to about percent battery unusually quickly It was only later that I confirmed that this is just the price to pay for smoother videos There s not a lot more to add here as this is somewhat to be expected You re asking a battery of the same capacity to do a lot more work Let s hope that future revisions and maybe even some software updates can claim back some of those precious lost minutes PriceLast year GoPro tried something…different when it came to pricing If you bought the camera on its own it cost That was a little higher than the flagship it replaced the Hero sold for at launch BUT and it was a big but if you were willing to sign up for a GoPro subscription at the same time the total price you paid was ーwhich suddenly felt like a solid deal The same deal is in place this time around just it s more expensive The camera and subscription bundle now costs and the camera on its own is Given how easy the company is making it for you to get that subscription though ーif you have an active subscription already you ll get the subscription price ーit s fairly easy to get the lower price In short make sure you snag a subscription or already have one when you order Ultimately the Hero isn t the cheapest flagship at launch but neither is it the most expensive ーthat honor goes to the Hero which cost with no route to pay less GoPro reduced that price to though soon after launch It might sting a little that it s more cost than last year s especially if you d been hoping to get the latest and greatest for the same price but with general improvements the whole way round it s likely not something you will dwell on for long ーespecially as the Hero will retain that price tag along side the Hero as the now “mid tier option Wrap upJames Trew EngadgetFor a spell it looked like DJI was going to maintain the pressure on GoPro with its Osmo Action line But so far it seems like it s taking its time when it comes to new models ーalthough you can pick up the original for now which makes it attractive if price is your main concern Likewise Sony seems to have taken its foot off the gas when it comes to refreshing its own quite popular line of action cameras There is of course also Insta which has gained a solid fan base thanks to its unique form factors and modular model It s a familiar ending here then The new camera takes everything that s working and builds on it Especially in the areas that matter Image quality and shooting modes That s all we can really ask for The fact that there are many other usability tweaks is just an added bonus The apparent dip in battery life while not ideal will only really be an issue if you use those new frame rates as standard As for the price we d love for it to have stayed the same as last year s launch but the increase isn t into unrealistic territory |
2021-09-16 13:00:41 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ cleans out its literal and metaphorical closets |
Star Trek Lower Decks cleans out its literal and metaphorical closetsThis post contains light spoilers for season two episode six of Star Trek Lower Decks In last week s episode Lower Decks wrapped up the first half of its second season by addressing some leftover plot threads from season one namely Rutherford s memory loss and the fallout between Mariner and Boimler With those issues out of the way the series is free to move forward But first this week s “The Spy Humongous takes some time to look at an average day onboard the USS Cerritos It s not quite the TNG classic “Data s Day but it s close enough for fans of smaller more intimate Trek stories There s no strict division between A plot and B plot this time with both upper and lower decks crew starring in four loosely connected stories The bridge crew is attempting to negotiate a ceasefire with the Pakleds while the ensigns have been assigned to “anomaly consolidation duty which is a fancy way of saying “clearing out weird space junk Boimler is thrilled but he gets pulled away by a group of career driven “redshirts who think his time on the USS Titan makes him prime command material And Ransom ends up babysitting a Pakled defector tourist spy It s a grab bag of jokes and Star Trek lore sure to please any long time Trekkie CBSHowever it s still remarkably newcomer friendly in that it doesn t require too much background to understand the basic plot while also illustrating the show s core concept as a show about the nuts and bolts of Starfleet If this were a live action show it would be what s called a “bottle episode one shot on a limited budget using pre built sets and the regular cast Even on the one exotic locale we re shown ーPakled Planet ーwe never actually go inside any buildings It s an interesting contrast to last week s expansive tour of Starbase In live action programming bottle episodes exist because a show blew through its guest star or special effects budget on a big important story and “An Embarrassment of Dooplers would fit that bill But as I pointed out last week Lower Decks is not limited by what a set designer can build or how much makeup an actor will wear or how long would it take to render a sentient gaseous anomaly on a green screen The animators can draw whatever needs to be drawn So there s no reason to follow the trope of a bottle episode except that…they want to CBSLower Decks has made no secret that it s essentially a giant love letter to Star Trek What was initially predicted to be “Family Guy in space ended up treating the franchise with a lot of respect and was packed full of jokes for the fandom to discuss and catalog in places like Reddit and Trek wiki Memory Alpha But this week s adventure illustrates that attention to Star Trek tropes and backstory can go beyond showcasing little seen alien species or getting justice for murdered characters It s also about the love of how Star Trek tells its stories with a strong emphasis on the personal aspect Here we get to see Freeman Mariner and the others simply do their jobs We know they re not going to die especially not mid season so it s really about seeing how they handle adversity and ultimately what made them Starfleet material in the first place |
2021-09-16 13:00:40 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Greenbuild 2021: Know Before You Go |
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2021-09-16 13:42:00 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Exxon, Chevron, BP and Others Called to Testify on Climate Disinformation |
Exxon Chevron BP and Others Called to Testify on Climate DisinformationExecutives from Exxon Shell BP and others are being called to testify in Congress next month after a secret recording this year exposed an Exxon official boasting of such efforts |
2021-09-16 13:43:02 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
How Biology is Getting a Technological Makeover |
synthetic |
2021-09-16 13:49:43 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
株主コミュニティ銘柄 |
株主コミュニティ |
2021-09-16 13:30:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Aukus: China denounces irresponsible US-UK-Australia pact |
australia |
2021-09-16 13:12:47 |
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BBC News - Home |
John Lewis charters ships to ensure Christmas stock arrives |
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2021-09-16 13:11:25 |
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BBC News - Home |
Piers Morgan to launch new show on Rupert Murdoch-owned network |
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2021-09-16 13:41:25 |
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BBC News - Home |
Alex Murdaugh: The hot shot US lawyer and the hit man |
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2021-09-16 13:32:32 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
'I have very vivid memories' - Ricciardo on his lack of sleep since Monza win |
x I have very vivid memories x Ricciardo on his lack of sleep since Monza winYou would think after a troubled first half to the season Daniel Ricciardo s taste of victory would afford him some rest not a bit of it |
2021-09-16 13:18:37 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
FitbitとApple Watchを比較!健康管理やスポーツに強いのはどっち? |
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2021-09-16 22:05:00 |
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