IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 年内祝日あと2回、3連休なし 勤め人の悲鳴と観光業の思い |
itmedia |
2021-10-09 08:34:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 動物病院の「往診車のナカ」はどうなっているのか 利用者がじわじわ増えている理由 |
itmedia |
2021-10-09 08:08:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【JavaScript】変数と参照の振り返り② |
【JavaScript】変数と参照の振り返り②はじめにUdemyの【JS】ガチで学びたい人のためのJavaScriptメカニズムの講座の振り返りです。 |
2021-10-09 08:16:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
GitHub Pagesで作ったサイトのsitemap.xmlが存在しているのにGoogle Search Consoleで検出されない |
GitHubPagesで作ったサイトのsitemapxmlが存在しているのにGoogleSearchConsoleで検出されない現状週間ほど前、自分のウェブサイトを作ろうと思い、Markdown文書を利用できるGitHubnbspPagesを利用して公開していくことにしました。 |
2021-10-09 08:04:15 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Raspberry Pi 4 に Docker と Docker Compose をインストールする |
docker |
2021-10-08 23:50:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Loading animation with React.js + styled-components |
Loading animation with React js styled componentsSo here we are with another post and today I m going to show you all a way to make a loading animation for your application with styled components So let s jump right to it Creating a React app First of all we are going to create a project with react and install styled components Comand to create a react appyarn create react app my app Go to the folder you created And then install styled componentsyarn add styled components Second of all we create a loading component and make styled elements a LoadingWrapper and a Dot I like to create a folder for the component and create files a index file with the logic and a style file That s the way I m going to be doing import Dot LoadingWrapper from styles export default function Loading return lt LoadingWrapper gt lt h gt Loading lt h gt lt Dot gt lt Dot gt lt Dot gt lt LoadingWrapper gt Okay now we got our Loading component so let s go to the styles we are going to be using and import then into our file import styled from styled components export const LoadingWrapper styled div display flex align items flex end justify content center export const Dot styled div background color black border radius width rem height rem margin rem So what we have until now just the word Loading with dots on the side Now we are going to be making the animation itself You can make the animation on the same file of the style for the Loading component or create a file separated export const BounceAnimation keyframes margin bottom margin bottom rem margin bottom With the animation in hands we need to add it on the Loading styles and we can make something that s pretty cool with styled components and that is passing props to the component So let s go to it If you made the animation in a different folder you need to import itimport BounceAnimation from export const Dot styled div background color black border radius width rem height rem margin rem Animation animation BounceAnimation s linear infinite animation delay props gt props delay And last but not least add the delay prop to the Dot component in the Loading folder import Dot LoadingWrapper from styles export default function Loading return lt LoadingWrapper gt lt h gt Loading lt h gt lt Dot delay s gt lt Dot delay s gt lt Dot delay s gt lt LoadingWrapper gt And TADA you have a animated Loading component just like this mine is styled a little bit different but the animation is just like thatNow I m leaving And you have a animated Loading component to use through out your applications and go crazy with it you can use this with Typescript too if y all want I can make another post about it See you next time peace |
2021-10-08 23:25:06 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple appeals ruling in Epic Games lawsuit, requests stay on App Store changes |
Apple appeals ruling in Epic Games lawsuit requests stay on App Store changesApple on Friday filed an appeal of U S District Court Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers ruling in the recent Epic Games lawsuit and seeks to stay an injunction that would force changes to the App Store s anti steering provisions Lodged with the U S District Court for the Northern District of California Apple s appeal and motion to stay could push back enforcement of court ordered App Store changes for years as the case winds its way through the legal system In an attempt to sidestep App Store commissions Epic last year surreptitiously integrated and activated a direct payment alternative in its popular game Fortnite After Apple pulled the game for flouting App Store guidelines the gaming company sued citing antitrust concerns Read more |
2021-10-09 00:00:15 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Kyrsten Sinema Wants to Cut $100 Billion in Proposed Climate Funds, Sources Say |
Kyrsten Sinema Wants to Cut Billion in Proposed Climate Funds Sources SayThe Arizona senator who started in politics as an environmentalist is one of two centrist Democrats who could make or break a spending bill at the center of President Biden s legislative agenda |
2021-10-08 23:44:51 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
「エネルギー危機」を受けて注目されるECBの金融政策~金融緩和の修正が前倒しになる可能性 |
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2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
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金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
ASEANにおける金融包摂・金融統合に向けた動き |
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2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
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FX Daily(10月7日)~ドル円、111円台半ばまで上昇 |
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2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
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ECBの9月政策理事会のAccounts~Upside risks:井上哲也のReview on Central Banking |
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2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
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外国為替資金特別会計におけるESG投資について |
外国為替資金特別会計 |
2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
長いようで長くない為替レート予測の観点からみた変動相場制の歴史:IIMAの目 NO.27 |
国際通貨研究所 |
2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
米取引所、取締役会の多様性ルールを採用~ナスダック上場企業は2022年中に取締役会の多様性開示が義務に:米国 |
上場企業 |
2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
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月刊インフラファンドレポート(2021年9月版) ~9月の東証インフラファンド指数は、前月比-1.36ポイントの1,178.6ポイントで終了 |
日本取引所グループ |
2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
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金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
Non-GAAP指標とKPI(重要業績評価指標)がIPOにどのような影響を与えるか【概要:日本語、全文:英語】 |
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2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
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株式インデックス投資、何が良いか~先進国株、新興国株、米国株と日本株、どれを選ぶ?:基礎研レポート |
米国株 |
2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
1 株価下落を静観する日銀 2 既に顕在化しているFEDの引き締め効果:Market Flash |
marketflash |
2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
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やはり、トルコ中銀総裁は「ちょっと何言ってるかわからない」~利下げ実施も「十分引き締まっている」との認識を示すなど、大きくハト派姿勢に傾いている模様:Asia Trends |
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2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
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中国恒大集団のたどる道は「中国版リーマン・ショック」とは異なる~中国不動産セクターの混乱は、むしろ投資の好機か?...:債券 |
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2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
CMBSに隠された気候変動リスクを読み解く:責任投資 |
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2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
金融 |
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FRBが迎える変化の季節~金融政策にもたらす影響は?:マクロ経済 |
金融政策 |
2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
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AmidAホールディングス(東証マザーズ)~印鑑及びスタンプを中心にインターネット通販サイトで販売するEC通販事業を行う:アナリストレポート |
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2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
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ライトアップ(東証マザーズ)~ITツールの導入促進による中小企業を黒字にするための経営支援サービスを提供:アナリストレポート |
中小企業 |
2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
金融 |
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サイバーセキュリティクラウド(東証マザーズ)~Webアプリケーション層への攻撃から外部公開サーバを守るWebセキュリティ会社:アナリストレポート |
東証マザーズ |
2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
Welby (マザーズ)~患者と医療者が健康・医療情報を共有し、治療に役立てるためのサービスを展開。21年12月期上期は営業損失を計上し、通期の会社計画は未定:アナリストレポート |
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2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
ワンキャリア(東証マザーズ)~求職者と企業の双方に採用活動に必要な情報を提供し採用満足度の向上を図る。採用業務のDX化を推進するキャリアデータプラットフォーム事業を展開:アナリストレポート |
採用活動 |
2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
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2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
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【お薦め書籍】実践スタートアップ・ファイナンス 資本政策の感想戦 |
gunosy |
2021-10-09 00:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
In first talks, Kishida and China’s Xi agree on need for dialogue |
In first talks Kishida and China s Xi agree on need for dialogueThe talks between the countries leaders ーthe first since September ーcame amid rising tensions between the U S Japan s security ally and China |
2021-10-09 08:17:01 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
On patrol with a real-life Robocop |
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2021-10-08 23:06:51 |
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BBC News - Home |
Elise Wortley: Woman follows in famous female explorers' footsteps |
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2021-10-08 23:11:50 |
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BBC News - Home |
Week in pictures: 2-8 October 2021 |
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2021-10-08 23:28:13 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Kristen Stewart: Playing Princess Diana made me really nervous |
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2021-10-08 23:30:19 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Poland stokes fears of leaving EU in 'Polexit' |
poland |
2021-10-08 23:08:21 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
DP: Netflix's South Korean show exposing the military's dark side |
culture |
2021-10-08 23:31:34 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
'Work has been therapy for my mental health' |
illness |
2021-10-08 23:21:47 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Toni Tone: There's so much black people are experiencing beyond racism |
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2021-10-08 23:43:19 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
手入れが大変なら…いっそ芝生をやめた方がいい理由とは |
芝生 |
2021-10-09 08:30:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
アストロズが2連勝、プレーオフ ナ・リーグも地区シリーズ開始 |
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2021-10-09 08:04:10 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
「新しい旅」15日再開 知事表明 札幌時短要請解除も |
助成事業 |
2021-10-09 08:10:04 |
Cloud Blog |
Using the Cloud Spanner Emulator in CI/CD pipelines |
Using the Cloud Spanner Emulator in CI CD pipelinesIn past posts we have seen how to provision and manage Cloud Spanner in production environments and how to use the Cloud Spanner Emulator in your development workflow with a sample Node js app called OmegaTrade We ve covered The Cloud Spanner emulator s various deployment models Running the emulator locally with OmegaTrade and Running the emulator remotely with OmegaTradeIn this post we will cover how to use the Cloud Spanner emulator in your Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Deployment CI CD pipelines with sample steps covering the following tools Cloud BuildJenkinsGitHub ActionsCircleCIAs a refresher OmegaTrade is a stock ticker visualization application that stores stock prices in Cloud Spanner and renders visualizations using Google Charts It consists of a frontend service that renders the visualizations and a backend service that writes to and reads from the Cloud Spanner instance For the sake of simplicity we focus on the backend service of the OmegaTrade application in this blog post and demonstrate how to use the Cloud Spanner emulator in CI CD pipelines for this service If you d prefer to deploy the OmegaTrade backend manually you can learn all about how to do that by reading this blog post and focusing on the section Manual deployment steps CI CD Approach for deploying OmegaTradeThe steps for all of the CI CD tools we discuss are similar The code is stored in a public GitHub repository Docker files are used for creating the application docker image Google Container Registry is used as the docker image repository and gcloud commands are used for application deployment to Cloud Run Please note that all of the CI CD tools require access to a GCP Service Account SA as well as integration with your GitHub repository The main branch keeps the application code to be deployed on the dev environment where we will be deploying the Cloud Spanner emulator Since it is using the emulator we are calling this a dev environment The prod branch keeps the application code to be deployed on the prod environment where we will be deploying an actual Cloud Spanner instance We have two dockerfiles one for dev dockerfile local emulator where we will be deploying the Cloud Spanner emulator and another for prod dockerfile prod dockerfile local emulator contains the Cloud Spanner emulator as well as the application layers for testing purposes whereas dockerfile prod only contains the application code layer Cloud BuildTo set up CI CD with Cloud Build please ensure the Cloud Build API is enabled from your Cloud Console as a prerequisite The first step is to connect our GitHub repository with Cloud Build for automated deployment of our application over Cloud Run From the Connect Repository option in the Cloud Build Triggers screen select the source as GitHub Cloud Build GitHub App authenticate select GitHub Account and Repository In the backend Cloud Build will install the Cloud Build app in your GitHub repository You can find Cloud Build in Repo Settings ➞Integrations This app will monitor your repository and trigger pipeline processing upon any commit or push to whichever branch you mention in the trigger Cloud Build allows folder specific triggers For this blog we are going to create triggers one dedicated to dev deployment and another to prod The Dev deployment will be communicating with the Spanner emulator whereas Prod one will be communicating with an actual Cloud Spanner instance Create Google Cloud Build TriggersWe are using the Cloud Build yaml file build config file for the deployment A build config file defines the fields that are needed for Cloud Build to perform your tasks We can create either a yml or json file for Cloud Build where we write instructions for our CI CD pipeline The Cloud Build config is purely parameterized which means we are using the same build config file for our frontend as well as backend deployment and providing values while creating triggers in the GCP UI The substitution option ALLOW LOOSE allows Cloud Build triggers to run despite any missing substitution variable We are using this option because we need some extra values for backend deployment In this case Cloud Build won t return any errors To set up the backend trigger follow the below steps From Cloud Build ➞Create Trigger enter a unique name description for the triggerSelect Event as Push to a branchChoose GitHub repo in Source Enter main under BranchEnter backend in the Included files filter this option triggers a backend trigger when there is any change s in the folder Enter Cloud Build yaml in Build Configuration Similarly create one for prod deployment with prod under Branch and substitute the rest of the fields with actual Cloud Spanner instance values Here is a video walkthrough of the configuration steps for Cloud Build JenkinsPrerequisites Basic Knowledge of JenkinsJenkins must be installed and setupTo set up Jenkins CI CD we are using the Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline which allows for creating and triggering pipelines based on branch and pull requests For this blog post we are going to create branches dev and prod Dev app code will be communicating with the Spanner emulator hosted on Google Compute Engine whereas the Prod one would be communicating with an actual Cloud Spanner instance Create service accounts in GCPAfter installing Jenkins on GKE we need to create a service account SA in GCP After creating the SA we ll need to give it the correct permissions For this blog we ve given wide scope permission ーadmin but in your environment you may want to follow the Principle of Least Privilege Once done create an SA key as we re going to need it later Now let s create one secret ーkaniko secret in Kubernetes with the kaniko service account key kaniko is a tool to build container images from a Dockerfile inside a container or Kubernetes cluster For this we re using a cloud shell so before applying the commands we have to upload key json here Connect Jenkins with GitHubIntegrating Jenkins with GitHub keeps your project updated With this your Jenkins build will automatically schedule when there is any new push commit to the branch by pulling the code and data files from GitHub to Jenkins To do this add a webhook from the settings option of your repo Enter the Jenkins URL append github webhook and choose application json in the content type Select from which events you would like to trigger this webhook For instance you can go with the rd option ーLet me select individual events and then allow Push and Pull Requests Upon saving you will see a green check which means the first testing delivery is successful Create a GitHub Personal Access TokenA GitHub Personal access token is a good alternative to using passwords for authentication to GitHub when using the GitHub API or the command line Generate one from your GitHub profile settings➞Developer Settings➞Personal Access Tokens with all necessary permission that you want to give to this token Copy the token value Add CredentialsCredentials allow Jenkins to interact with rd party services or tools like Docker Container Registry in an authorized manner Jenkins stores credentials in encrypted form on the master Jenkins instance encrypted by the Jenkins instance ID and the credentials are only handled in Pipeline projects via their credential IDs Here we ll be adding the kaniko executor sa key created above in Jenkins which allows Jenkins to communicate with GCR From the admin option on the top left go to Credentials➞Stores from parent in right ➞Global credentials unrestricted ➞Add Credentials Select Secret File from Kind and upload the file Create one Secret with username and password where the username will be your GitHub username and the password will be the Access Token that you copied above Install PluginsWe ll be installing some plugins that help make the multibranch pipeline experience smoother From Manage Plugins in Manage Jenkins install Pipeline Multibranch build strategy extensionBlue OceanCreate Multibranch PipelineTo create a multibranch pipeline go to New Item➞Multibranch Pipeline Enter the item name the display name and the description Choose GitHub from Branch Source select GitHub Personal Access Token that you ve created before enter the GitHub repo name and hit validate It should show Credentials OK From Behaviors you may want to select the following You can select other available options based on your trigger requirements The options mentioned above tend to help improve discoverability From Build Strategies choose Trigger builds for included regions Build StrategiesThis feature is based on the Pipeline Multibranch build strategy extension plugin Without it you won t be able to create GitHub folder based triggers If you have the code for more than one service in a single repo then creating a repo based trigger is not recommended because all the pipelines will get triggered by any change in the repo With this plugin however you can specify folders from which a build will occur Like in the above example this particular pipeline will only get triggered when there is a change in the specific folder Under Build Configuration enter the Jenkinsfile pathLeave the rest of the options as it is and hit Save As you save it Jenkins will scan the repository and display logs Once it is done Jenkins will start building and deploying the app over GCP Cloud Run Jenkins CI CD CodeHere is a video walkthrough of the configuration steps for Jenkins GitHub ActionsWith GitHub Actions we create workflows Here we ll be creating workflows one dedicated to dev and another one to prod The Dev deployment will be communicating to the Spanner emulator whereas the Prod one will talk to the actual Cloud Spanner instance First we have to set up some secrets in GitHub which will be used by GitHub Actions during deployments To create a multibranch pipeline go to Setting➞Secrets We need to create secrets here One secret for GCP Service Account email would be used for deployments and another secret would be for the associated Service Account key To generate your Service Account key from the GCP Console Go to Service Account➞Choose your SA and from vertical dots Create Key Here the first secret i e GCP SA EMAIL is the Service Account email and the second one i e GCP SA KEY is the Service Account key we generated Refer to the screenshots below From the GitHub repo go to Actions where you will find the pre created workflows Choose any of them clear all the code from there paste the Workflow code and name the file As you commit that you will see a github workflows folder appear in the GitHub repository From Actions you can see your pipeline running and working The GitHub Actions workflows are branch and folder specific as we have mentioned the keywords push for branch and working directory for folder The commit needs to satisfy these things to run a specific workflow We are using previously created GitHub Actions for configuring the Google Cloud SDK in the GitHub Actions environment and here we are passing Service account and SA keys for authorization Once authorization is done we are building tagging and pushing docker images to GCR and deploying applications over Cloud Run This workflow pipeline will run on GitHub hosted infrastructure with the latest Ubuntu version as an underlying OS Here is a video walkthrough of the configuration steps for GitHub Actions CircleCIFor CircleCI integration you need to have an account on CircleCI and add your GitHub Repository as a project in CircleCI Once this is done CircleCI will take care of deployments of your app on GCP Cloud Run Once you add a project CircleCI will ask you to write and commit config yml to your GitHub repository There are templates already present for different languages and frameworks You can ignore these right now and follow the CircleCI Pipeline Code You can just paste it and commit it This pipeline has jobs one for dockerizing and deploying apps in the dev environment and another one for the prod environment The pipeline for the Dev environment will run when there is a change or commit in the main branch whereas the one for the prod environment will run when there is a change or commit in the prod branch To allow CircleCI to deploy apps to GCP we have to add the GCP Service Account in the CircleCI Environment variables which will be passed each time the CircleCI pipeline runs From Projects➞Your Project➞Projects Settings on the top right ➞Environment Variables Click add Environment Variables and add the Service Account Key Once this is done CircleCI will deploy your app over GCP Cloud Run Below is a video walkthrough of the configuration steps for CircleCI ConclusionIn this blog post we have shown how to deploy the backend service of the OmegaTrade app with the Cloud Spanner emulator in different CI CD pipelines Cloud BuildJenkinsGitHub ActionsCircleCIWe ve also briefly covered deploying to production Note that if you re setting up a Development environment you may wish to consider using the emulator for your testing validation needs This blog post has more details on how you can set that up locally or remotely To learn more about Cloud Spanner visit the product page To learn more about the Cloud Spanner emulator take a look at the official documentation Related ArticleDeploying the Cloud Spanner Emulator remotelyLearn how to deploy the Cloud Spanner emulator remotely to GCE and Cloud Run both manually and via Terraform Read Article |
2021-10-08 23:30:00 |