投稿時間:2021-10-09 16:30:50 RSSフィード2021-10-09 16:00 分まとめ(34件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
TECH Engadget Japanese 10/9限定で「アイリス感謝祭」開催中。家電やDIY工具、食品・飲料、キッチングッズなどがセール価格に! https://japanese.engadget.com/sale-iris-ohyama-060557135.html amazon 2021-10-09 06:05:57
TECH Engadget Japanese オープナーとディスペンサーがセットになった、電動ワインアクセサリーセット「Wineset」 https://japanese.engadget.com/wineset-wine-accessory-060522677.html オープナーとディスペンサーがセットになった、電動ワインアクセサリーセット「Wineset」「Wineset」ワインセットとは、ワインオープナーとワインディスペンサーがセットになった便利なワインアクセサリーセットです。 2021-10-09 06:05:22
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita LocalStackを用いたAPI Gateway+Lambda+DynamoDB API作成方法 メモ https://qiita.com/KWS_0901/items/fc2c4fc884144c5c5b13 LocalStackを用いたAPIGatewayLambdaDynamoDBAPI作成方法メモLocalStackを用いて、DynamoDBにデータ登録を行うAPIをAPIGatewayLambdaで作成する方法についてメモする。 2021-10-09 15:59:14
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita std::setが欲しくなる問題をPythonで解く https://qiita.com/mukakego/items/d2951e40e4f44e973d9a Cならstdsetを使えますがPythonにはありません。 2021-10-09 15:42:49
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [JavaScript] URLからwindow.location.XXXで色々クエリを取得する。 https://qiita.com/higuchimmy/items/573a5b92048df7e0d140 JavaScriptURLからwindowlocationXXXで色々クエリを取得する。 2021-10-09 15:25:56
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【EC2】Mysql2::Error::ConnectionError/本番環境でのrails cができない。 https://teratail.com/questions/363592?rss=all 【EC】MysqlErrorConnectionError本番環境でのrailscができない。 2021-10-09 15:53:42
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) dockerを使ってgoからmysqlに接続したい https://teratail.com/questions/363591?rss=all dockerを使ってgoとデーターベースのコンテナを立て、goのコンテナからPingを使って接続しようとしたところ、以下のメッセージが発生しました。 2021-10-09 15:50:01
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) tkinterウィジェットを.destory()で削除してもオブジェクトが残っている https://teratail.com/questions/363590?rss=all しかし、リストには参照が残っているため、表示されなくなったオブジェクトはメモリ上に残り続けているようです。 2021-10-09 15:39:51
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) スマホの画面に切り替えたときに拡大して表示される https://teratail.com/questions/363589?rss=all gtnbsp 2021-10-09 15:32:30
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ソケット通信周りの言葉の意味 https://teratail.com/questions/363588?rss=all ソケット通信周りの言葉の意味ソケット通信についての理解が混乱してきてわからなくなってきた。 2021-10-09 15:30:01
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) python rangeの使い方について https://teratail.com/questions/363587?rss=all 以下のセルのnbspnbspのところを書き換えてnbspaddcommasnbspを作成してください。 2021-10-09 15:12:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pythonでしりとりアプリ https://teratail.com/questions/363586?rss=all しりとりでプールする単語ですが、あるサイトで以下のような文章を使用して単語をプールし、参照させるコードを記載していました。 2021-10-09 15:08:43
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 入れ子名前空間で[expected identifier before numeric constant] エラーの原因が知りたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/363585?rss=all 入れ子名前空間でexpectedidentifierbeforenumericconstantエラーの原因が知りたい。 2021-10-09 15:07:30
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) discord.py ファイルを2つ(cog)読み込む方法 https://teratail.com/questions/363584?rss=all discordpyファイルをつcog読み込む方法やりたいことcogファイルをつにして読み込みたい理由個のファイルがコードかんりがむずかしくなったからファイル構成GithubcogsLibeCogpyLibeCogpymainpymainpyfromdiscordextimportcommandsimporttracebackfromdatetimeimportdatetimetimedeltaimportdatetimeINITIALEXTENSIONScogsLibeCognowdatetimedatetimenowコグとして用いるクラスを定義。 2021-10-09 15:02:58
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSへのデプロイ後、ブラウザー上で「We're sorry, but something went wrong.」と表示された際の対処法 https://qiita.com/gensan64311466/items/304a08fb93ed2b6a900c AWSへのデプロイ後、ブラウザー上で「Wexresorrybutsomethingwentwrong」と表示された際の対処法はじめにAWS上にCapistranoを使用してRailsアプリをデプロイしましたが、ブラウザー上に「Weresorrybutsomethingwentwrong」と表在されてしまうエラーに遭遇して、エラーの解決に苦戦しましたため、同様の悩みをお持ちの方のお役に立てばと思い、記載いたします。 2021-10-09 15:23:07
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita transactionにおける例外処理の扱い方 https://qiita.com/s_yanada/items/e3e96c90f49383a91072 Wikipediaによると、「システムの設計で想定されておらず、ユーザー操作によって解決できない問題に対処するための処理である。 2021-10-09 15:18:28
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita LocalStackを用いたAPI Gateway+Lambda+DynamoDB API作成方法 メモ https://qiita.com/KWS_0901/items/fc2c4fc884144c5c5b13 LocalStackを用いたAPIGatewayLambdaDynamoDBAPI作成方法メモLocalStackを用いて、DynamoDBにデータ登録を行うAPIをAPIGatewayLambdaで作成する方法についてメモする。 2021-10-09 15:59:14
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSへのデプロイ後、ブラウザー上で「We're sorry, but something went wrong.」と表示された際の対処法 https://qiita.com/gensan64311466/items/304a08fb93ed2b6a900c AWSへのデプロイ後、ブラウザー上で「Wexresorrybutsomethingwentwrong」と表示された際の対処法はじめにAWS上にCapistranoを使用してRailsアプリをデプロイしましたが、ブラウザー上に「Weresorrybutsomethingwentwrong」と表在されてしまうエラーに遭遇して、エラーの解決に苦戦しましたため、同様の悩みをお持ちの方のお役に立てばと思い、記載いたします。 2021-10-09 15:23:07
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS Directory Serviceでドメインにログインできない https://qiita.com/cwaltz3031/items/4368548d3ac5dcae2954 ちなみにDHCPオプションセットをVPCにアタッチ後、MGMTInstanceを再起動しても効果はなかった。 2021-10-09 15:08:00
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita macにTanzu Community Editionを入れてみよう https://qiita.com/__Rayleigh__/items/7e7f8b6e50cc61c0d1b9 HOMEBREWINSTALLLOCATIONvlibexecconfiguretcesh以下のコマンドでtanzuがインストールされているのを確認します。 2021-10-09 15:23:29
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita gitは分散型っていうけど結局集中型でやってるケースの方が多いんじゃないの? https://qiita.com/ymergn/items/79d12aaa2362242f0e6c gitは分散型っていうけど結局集中型でやってるケースの方が多いんじゃないのgitの勉強を始めるまでは、「gitは分散型だから作業者間でのやりとりができる」とかいうのを見て、gitだとそーいうやり方をするのね・・・それが便利なのね・・・となんとなく思っていたのですが実際gitの勉強を始めてみると、結局中央に親リポジトリみたいなのを用意してみんなそこにプッシュする運用でやるのがスタンダードっぽくないですかそれって、svnと同じじゃん分散型のメリットって、作業者間でのやりとりができるところじゃなくて、履歴も含めてローカルリポジトリに置いておくから、通信の発生が少なくて済むもし消えても一か所でも残っていれば復元できるの方がメインってことなのかな、と思いましたあと、ローカルリポジトリがあるから影響を気にせず自由にコミットできるってやつsvnだってブランチ切っちゃえば同じじゃないですか私、ローカルリポジトリって響きと、自由にコミットできるって言い方から、てっきりコミット先がローカルとリモートとヶ所あっていろいろ試した跡はリモートに残さずに済むのかと思ってましたでも、プッシュしたら結局ぜーんぶみんなに見られちゃうんですよねそれならsvnでブランチ切ってやるのと一緒じゃないかと思うんですgitはブランチ切るコストが小さい→TortoiseSVNはハードリンクみたいな仕組み使ってるからかブランチ切るの一瞬だったよgitはマージが楽→TortoiseSVNもマージ情報保持してくれるから自動でマージ範囲出してくれるよgitの、ブランチはポインタっていう仕組みは画期的というかすごく自然で、好きになったのだけど、大幅なメリットがあるかと言われると、まだわからない。 2021-10-09 15:12:15
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSへのデプロイ後、ブラウザー上で「We're sorry, but something went wrong.」と表示された際の対処法 https://qiita.com/gensan64311466/items/304a08fb93ed2b6a900c AWSへのデプロイ後、ブラウザー上で「Wexresorrybutsomethingwentwrong」と表示された際の対処法はじめにAWS上にCapistranoを使用してRailsアプリをデプロイしましたが、ブラウザー上に「Weresorrybutsomethingwentwrong」と表在されてしまうエラーに遭遇して、エラーの解決に苦戦しましたため、同様の悩みをお持ちの方のお役に立てばと思い、記載いたします。 2021-10-09 15:23:07
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [rails6] 動的なカテゴリー機能の実装 後半(ancestry) https://qiita.com/List202/items/e88a16ff3fe19cccca5f finditemcategoryでは、itemsearchに必要なカテゴリーidに紐づいた空ではないpostを表示させるアクションを定義。 2021-10-09 15:11:26
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [rails6] 動的なカテゴリー機能の実装 前半(ancestry) https://qiita.com/List202/items/1c68f0754584ca036665 前半の実装初期データの投入カテゴリーデータの作成カテゴリーに紐づく動的なセレクトボックスの実装SNS風の投稿アプリがある想定で下記の箇所を実装していく。 2021-10-09 15:10:40
海外TECH DEV Community How to Easily Add Google Map to Your Webpage https://dev.to/myogeshchavan97/how-to-easily-add-google-map-to-your-webpage-2jce How to Easily Add Google Map to Your WebpageOn most of the company websites you will find locations or contacts page that displays that company location in that country or state in a google map along with the company address This is a pretty common requirement even for food or hotel business related websites So in this article we will see how to add a google map with the preferred location on your website Initial SetupCreate a new folder with the name google map location demo and create an index html file inside it Now type exclamation mark in the file and press tab so the default HTML code will automatically be added by emmet If you re not aware of emmet and its useful shortcuts check out my this article You can change the title tag content as per your choice Displaying Google Map Location on WebpageFor this demo we will show the Eiffel tower s location on the map So follow the below steps Navigate to and search for Eiffel Tower in the search boxNow click on the Share icon and select the Embed a map optionClick on the COPY HTML button to copy the iframe tag into your clipboardNow open the index html file and inside the body tag add the copied contentNow If you open the file in the browser you will see the map displayed Thanks for reading That s it about this short tutorial Check out my recently published Mastering Redux course In this course you will build apps along with a food ordering app and you ll learn Basic and advanced ReduxHow to manage the complex state of array and objectsHow to use multiple reducers to manage complex redux stateHow to debug Redux applicationHow to use Redux in React using react redux library to make your app reactive How to use redux thunk library to handle async API calls and much moreand then finally we ll build a complete food ordering app from scratch with stripe integration for accepting payments and deploy it to the production Want to stay up to date with regular content regarding JavaScript React Node js Follow me on LinkedIn 2021-10-09 06:39:03
海外TECH DEV Community Product Photo Retouching https://dev.to/picsretouch/product-photo-retouching-39jo Product Photo RetouchingPicsretouch com is specialized in ecommerce product photo retouching service to grow sale and professional look of product 2021-10-09 06:27:18
海外TECH DEV Community Kucoin Clone Script-how to provide a cryptocurrency exchange like kucoin https://dev.to/silvaberli/kucoin-clone-script-how-to-provide-a-cryptocurrency-exchange-like-kucoin-46m Kucoin Clone Script how to provide a cryptocurrency exchange like kucoinLet s dive into the detailed article about Kucoin Clone Script Kucoin clone script has so many benefits and helping features to have an outstanding business It is a cryptocurrency trading website that replicated UI UX features and functionalities of the Kucoin exchange platform Kucoin What is Kucoin How does it work Among the cryptocurrency exchanges that have recently been making their way to market competitors is KuCoin an exchange site based in Hong Kong It is a pure exchange which allows you to exchange cryptocurrencies with each other but not with traditional currencies This makes it different from the main exchanges on the market but its anonymity attracts many users who try to operate in a totally anonymous way Kucoin statistics •Kucoin has Employees •Website Visits M•h Trading Volume Billion•Rank •Cryptocurrencies Listed •Markets •Market Share •Total Funding M•Fiat Currencies •Kucoin supports ICO•They provide exclusive easy seconds sign up process •Kucoin uses the most advanced API on the market •Kucoin has launched its crypto kucoin shares KCS •Kucoin has an extreme number of million users over countries •With a funding amount of million dollars kucoin has made a strong impact in the exchange industry •It supports more than Cryptocurrencies and trading pairs KuCoin also provides trading commissions but let s go step by step and find out together what KuCoin really is What is KuCoin KuCoin was born in as its colossal rival Binance which remains totally unattainable in terms of trading volumes The site and the cryptocurrency exchange are created by some blockchain experts who aim for an innovative system which also provides for a share in the profits of end users but we will talk about this later Michael Gan is the CEO of the company and leads a very knowledgeable and close knit team The registered office is in Hong Kong and although the facility was ready as early as it was not made operational until The main advantages of KuCoin are •Numerous cryptocurrencies available•Lack of verification of personal identity•A very fast and efficient platformBut there are also some disadvantages •It is not regulated by any controlled basis•There are no guarantees on deposited cryptocurrencies•It risks being subjected to cyberattacks•It charges commissions for each transaction performedHow to make KuCoin login•Web•Mobile•iOS app•Android app What are the values of Kucoin •They have an experienced cryptocurrency team for monitoring the websites and trading cryptos •Kucoin has the specialized million level throughput of the core trading engine for the bitcoin traders •This exchange has the most advanced API in today s crypto market •They provide top notch asset security management solutions for their clients •For scalability they provide the high performance engine •Kucoin has high liquidity and also fast order processing ability •The expert s team in Kucoin provides customer support What are the benefits of using clone scripts Beginners who have their idea still ready just on the paper can really start working on promoting their ideas by creating a website using a website clone It is easy safe prominent amp time saving It is just a gift for those startups who are new in the market and wants to get into the limelight as early as possible In recent days the Kucoin exchange has gained much popularity and user engagements This drew many startups and entrepreneurs attention which made them launch a crypto exchange similar to Kucoin and runs it successfully You can also start your own crypto exchange similar to Kucoin One of the most effective ways to develop a crypto exchange like Kucoin is using the Kucoin clone script This script is nothing but the crypto exchange clone software that helps you in developing a stunning crypto exchange that functions similar to the popular Kucoin exchange With the help of this Kucoin clone script you will be able to customize your crypto exchange as per your requirements By making use of this Kucoin clone script you can deploy your crypto exchange within days and also this is highly cost effective What is the Kucoin clone script Kucoin clone script is an exact replica of the original software with the presence of additional features and functionalities If you are a crypto enthusiast then starting a cryptocurrency exchange like kucoin will be a more effective business idea for making money Kucoin clone script is a White label cryptocurrency exchange software Kucoin clone script has all the existing features of the kucoin exchange platform Let s see immediately the main features of KuCoin Clone Script Features of Kucoin clone script •Multi language•IEO Launchpad•Crypto wallet•Instant buying selling cryptocurrencies•Staking and lending•Live trading charts with margin trading API and futures x trading•Stop limit order and stop loss orders•Limit maker orders•Multi cryptocurrencies Support•Referral options•Admin panel•Perpetual swaps•Advanced UI UX Security Features of Kucoin clone script • HTTPs authentication •Biometric authentication •Jail login •Data encryption •Two factor authentication •SQL injection prevention •Anti Denial of Service DoS •Cross Site Request Forgery CSRF protection •Server Side Request Forgery SSRF protection •Escrow services •Anti Distributed Denial of Service Why Use Kucoin Clone Script •Complete decentralized liquidity solution•Support for Multi crypto token trading pairs•Fast amp Instant Swapping • Customizable•Prebuilt Scripts•Scalable amp Clean Design•Multi Language amp Multi Crypto Token Support•Referral amp Promotions•User friendly UI UX•Liquidity Pools•Integrated Crypto Wallets•Top performing pools•Flash Swapping•Perfectly Integrated amp Audited Immutable Smart Contract How does Kucoin Clone Script Works The works of the Kucoin Clone script are effective for both users and admin I ll demonstrate to you some key points of both admin and user works When it comes to the users the Kucoin Clone script is the most effective way to invest or trade or exchanging digital cryptocurrencies With the phenomenal Dashboard this Kucoin clone software offers all trading options with enormous experience and gets more retention In the trade view trade is segregated in types of exchange only the user can choose the type of exchange and make a process with it Also when it comes to the admin the managing of the Kucoin clone script exchange is quite incredible because the dashboard of the exchange clone has impeccable UI UX design and an admin friendly software interface Also the Admin Dashboard will function the entire process in the single page of the clone software that supplements the Admin s volume of the work What is a White Label Clone Script The process of re creating an already established product or service in the market is called white labeling A white label script is developed by a fully supported code that can be customized according to the client s requirements It is obvious that developing a white label solution consumes lesser time in terms of development bug fixing and quality analysis Equally it takes less effort and human labor Costs are reduced since no in house developers have to be hired The selling of a white label clone app takes place under a different company domain or brand name White label Kucoin clone scritpWhite Label Kucoin Clone Script is a customizable Crypto Exchange Clone Script that consists of all the existing features and functionalities of the Kucoin Exchange This script provides a platform to launch your own cryptocurrency exchange website like Kucoin White label Kucoin clone script enables you to customize the trading features according to the current digital trend amp it allows you to customize the brand name theme design according to your business requirements The companies develop and delivers the customizable Kucoin Clone Script to launch a robust cryptocurrency exchange platform for the famous crypto exchange like Kucoin Benefits of Choosing White Label Kucoin CloneFeature customizationYou can customize a trading website through a white label for your business demands It will raise up the quality of the website Save money and time You can save time and money in White label Kucoin clone software when be compared to the development work from scratch Superior brandingIt is possible to get the trust of your users yes using a white label solution you can modify the name logo and theme of the exchange as exactly as you wish Technical expertiseIf you don t have enough technical knowledge to handle the white label Kucoin clone website some companies will provide hour support to clear all your doubts and clarifications Kucoin Clone AppThe companies provide you the privilege to trade from anywhere anytime with easy to use and smart kucoin clone script development They come up with a resourceful app for both android and iOS as per your needs The expert developers offer intuitive apps helps seamless universal trade and attract many new traders If you are planning to start a website cryptocurrency exchange venture and want to earn a high Return on Investment also by providing your customers with great satisfaction level you can start your own crypto exchange with white label Kucoin clone You can also go with any other solution which is reliable and trustable in the market Premium Features of Kucoin Clone App•Referral features•Deposit Withdrawal options•Instant Push Notifications•Can add funds to wallet from third party wallets or from other exchange wallets •White list features•KYC Registration Options•Review Features•Separate UI for DEX and PP•Module for PP Lending•QR Scanner•Transaction history•Encrypted Private Key Compare Kucoin vs Coinbase Is KuCoin the like as Coinbase Coinbase has more deposit methods lower fees for buying crypto and higher level of compliance and regulation while KuCoin has low trading fees of only trading bots and a wealth of additional features including ways to earn interest on your crypto Coinbase trading volume is The exchange has available trading pairs Fiat trading is not available on the exchange Margin trading is not available KuCoin trading volume is The exchange has available trading pairs Fiat trading is not available on the exchange Margin trading is not available Number of followers in Kucoin is and in coinbase is persons Conclusion kucoin is best for low fees order types and payment options but Coinbase is better for beginners 2021-10-09 06:04:22
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles China’s Xi says reunification with Taiwan ‘will be realized’ https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/10/09/asia-pacific/politics-diplomacy-asia-pacific/xi-china-taiwan-speech/ China s Xi says reunification with Taiwan will be realized Xi sounded an ominous tone reiterating that “Taiwan independence is the greatest obstacle to national reunification and the most grave hidden danger to national rejuvenation 2021-10-09 15:37:47
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Singapore leader pushes for living with COVID-19 — without the fear https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/10/09/asia-pacific/singapore-lee-coronavirus-protocols/ Singapore leader pushes for living with COVID ーwithout the fearNow that the disease has become more manageable with a higher vaccination rate Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the government should drastically simplify its 2021-10-09 15:32:32
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