IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Microsoft、「Windows 11」の提供範囲を拡大 − 当初の予定よりも早いペースで展開へ |
microsoft |
2021-11-17 06:40:00 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
トリニティ、「AirPods Max」専用スリーブケースを発売へ − 100個限定で完全受注生産 |
airpodsm |
2021-11-17 06:26:09 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
iTunes Storeの「今週の映画」、今週は「パッセンジャー」(レンタル102円) |
apple |
2021-11-17 06:17:51 |
Engadget Japanese |
フォートナイトにNARUTO参戦中。コスチュームや各種アイテム、「木ノ葉隠れの里」マップなど |
fortnite |
2021-11-17 06:40:09 |
Engadget Japanese |
パーソナル加湿器のおすすめ5選。空気の乾燥対策に必須のアイテム。デスク周りなどに置いてピンポイントで加湿! |
気になる季節 |
2021-11-17 06:35:08 |
Engadget Japanese |
アップル製ARヘッドセットがまもなく発表?大量のAR関連特許申請から |
拡張現実 |
2021-11-17 06:10:31 |
フリーソフト |
新着ソフトレビュー - Vector |
パソコンの遅い、重いを1クリックで解消。プライバシー対策も可能で全世界2.5億人が愛用するパソコン高速化ソフト「Advanced SystemCare 15 PRO」 |
パソコンの遅い、重いをクリックで解消。 |
2021-11-17 17:00:00 |
ロボスタ |
ドコモが自動運転車向け「V2X」の実証実験環境を提供 5.9GHz帯セルラーで自動運転支援サービス見据え 柏の葉キャンパス周辺で |
vxvehicletoeverything |
2021-11-17 06:30:09 |
ロボスタ |
那須でドローン空輸サービスの実証実験 高原のコテージへ食材やプレゼントなどを配送 来春には本サービスとして導入へ |
hellodroneproject |
2021-11-17 06:19:21 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 夫婦仲の良さが経営状況に影響? 男性経営者と妻の意識調査で見えた「相関関係」 |
itmedia |
2021-11-17 15:50:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] Uber Eats、コストコ商品の提供を始める 900品目以上が対象 |
itmedia |
2021-11-17 15:46:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Netflixが人気作品のランキングサイトを公開 集計結果のExcel出力にも対応 |
excel |
2021-11-17 15:20:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 会社行事としての「忘年会」に参加したくない人が72.5% 上司や部下と個別だったら大丈夫? |
itmedia |
2021-11-17 15:18:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] エプソン、在宅勤務時の印刷履歴を一元把握できる企業向けサービス 2022年2月開始予定 |
itmediapcuser |
2021-11-17 15:08:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
スタンフォード大、AIによる「ニューラルホログラフィー」でVR体験をよりリアルに! |
stanford |
2021-11-17 06:00:38 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
転職サービス「doda」、基幹データベースのOracle Exadataをハイブリッドクラウドに移行 | IT Leaders |
転職サービス「doda」、基幹データベースのOracleExadataをハイブリッドクラウドに移行ITLeadersパーソルキャリアは、転職サービス「doda」を支える基幹業務データベースをハイブリッドクラウドに移行した。 |
2021-11-17 15:38:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
データベース移行テストツール「Insight Database Testing」新版、SQL非互換問題に対処 | IT Leaders |
データベース移行テストツール「InsightDatabaseTesting」新版、SQL非互換問題に対処ITLeadersインサイトテクノロジーは年月日、データベース移行テストツール「InsightDatabaseTesting」の新版「v」を発表した。 |
2021-11-17 15:12:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
rails db:migrateをするとArgumentErrorが発生する |
railsdbmigrateをするとArgumentErrorが発生する前提・実現したいことrailsを使ってデータベースにテーブルを作成したいので試しにサンプルコードを試したのですがArgumentErrorが起こり、先に進めません。 |
2021-11-17 15:58:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Texの表で,列の幅を指定し右寄せにしたい |
2021-11-17 15:58:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
systemspec実行時のCapybara::ElementNotFoundエラーを解決したい |
capybaraを導入し、systemspecでテストを行いたいのですがどうやってもエラーが解決しないためご助言いただければと思います。 |
2021-11-17 15:55:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
rails db:migrateをするとArgumentErrorが発生する |
railsdbmigrateをするとArgumentErrorが発生する前提・実現したいことrailsを使ってデータベースにテーブルを作成したいので試しにサンプルコードを試したのですがArgumentErrorが起こり、先に進めません。 |
2021-11-17 15:54:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
OracleDBでのUpdate処理を高速化したい |
OracleDBでのUpdate処理を高速化したい前提・実現したいことSQLnbspとnbspOracleDBnbsp初学者です。 |
2021-11-17 15:49:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
systemspec実行時、Capybara::ElementNotFoundのエラーを解決したい |
capybaraを導入し、systemspecでテストを行いたいのですがどうやってもエラーが解決しないためご助言いただければと思います。 |
2021-11-17 15:48:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
スプレッドシートのセル値をGASを用いてHTMLとして出力する |
スプレッドシートのセル値をGASを用いてHTMLとして出力する前提・実現したいことスプレッドシートの複数のセルに入力されている値を、GooglenbspAppsnbspScriptを通じて作るHTML内に、値が変わるのに合わせて、HTML内に動的に反映させたいと思っています。 |
2021-11-17 15:46:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Python] Pandasを使い、リストで検索条件を作ってデータを抽出したい |
Pandasを使ってデータベースから複数の条件アクション発生時刻アクション発生場所を限定したデータを書き出そうとしています。 |
2021-11-17 15:27:09 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
jdebプラグインを使ってMavenビルドでDEBファイルを作成する |
configurationdataSetdatamapper必須のセクションではありませんが、例えば起動シェルのようにファイルに実行権限を与える必要がある場合などに記述されます。 |
2021-11-17 15:37:34 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Gitコマンド sparse-checkout使ってみた |
一部のディレクトリが肥大化し、その影響でリポジトリ全体が重くなっているプロジェクトも少なくないと思いますので、使い方次第では有効なツールになると思います。 |
2021-11-17 15:37:33 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
S3 静的ウェブサイトにサーバーレスなお問い合わせフォームを実装してみた(Amazon SES + AWS Lambda + API Gateway) |
amazon |
2021-11-17 06:52:44 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
S3のデータをAmazon Aurora PostgreSQLにUPSERTしてみた |
amazonaurorapostgresql |
2021-11-17 06:19:45 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
How to make a simple blog using React and Contentful |
How to make a simple blog using React and ContentfulI am writing this blog for people who have basic knowledge about Contentful and React I will put more focus o |
2021-11-17 06:14:49 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Aqua NanoEnforcerを利用してLambdaのランタイム保護を利用してみる |
aquananoenforcer |
2021-11-17 06:13:32 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Best Web Designing Company in Hyderabad | Digital Eyecon |
Best Web Designing Company in Hyderabad Digital EyeconDigital eyecon one of the best Web designing Company in Hyderabad Offering Professional Website Designing for Personal Business amp Ecommerce websites with SEO Optimization visit |
2021-11-17 06:39:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Speaking Is The Ultimate Expression Of Emotional Intelligence |
Speaking Is The Ultimate Expression Of Emotional IntelligenceYoung impressionable and ambitious when working in recruitment and consulting in I Jacqueline Nagle stumbled on Daniel Goleman s book Emotional Intelligence and instantly felt he had unlocked the mysteries to building great places of work I became obsessed and over the next three years became accredited in as many EI and EQ assessment tools as I possibly could taking each accreditation as far as possible without actually being a qualified and licensed psychologist That world was vastly different Even when EI caught your attention as a concept you were still caught in a world of change fighting sometimes to bring understanding to the shift from IQ to EQ and EI and just how critical it was in creating great spaces to work live and play in the future Now Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Competence spill out of our mouths as easily as do you want me to grab a coffee and our attention has shifted to the next coming intelligence Artificial Intelligence and its impact on leadership the way we work and the way we interact with the world around us Google The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on work and Dr Google will deliver search results in less than a second Google The impact of Artificial Intelligence on Leadership and the good Dr will bring you back more than search results Skim read or deep dive consume the articles written and participate in the conversations and you will see the consensus which has rapidly formed from high performance organisations defence researchers thought leaders practitioners in the space and commentators on the future of leadership and of work AI and everything it brings with it means there is one intelligence that will become critical in navigating the world unfolding before us Emotional Intelligence The ability to develop a deep level of self awareness to be aware of others emotions and to bring that information together in a powerful way to navigate and manage both the relationship you hold with yourself and the relationships you hold with others But how do we see who is emotionally intelligent who isn t and who is still building the muscle of emotional intelligence It is in how they speak Through the words they use The way their articulate their message The ability to build a picture in someone else s mind to distil a vision a way of thinking The ability to wrap us up in the dramatic the unacceptable in hope and possibility to challenge us to think and act differently To inspire to coach and to mentor It is the ability to rapidly assess when in crisis to identify where we stand right now the possibilities before us and to articulate the solution rapidly It is the ability to use our words to instill confidence to destroy belief to create consensus and to build momentum It is in how we craft our ability to influence to dissolve conflict to lead the people surrounding us through adaptive change It is how the great speakers and orators transport us to an alternate reality a world of possibility where we fall in love with both people and message or choose to exit stage right The great speakers and orators understand they are the curators of the greatest emotional incubators in the world…the places where people gather to listen be told inspired find answers unlock courage and hope It is in how they Create connection through story weaving empathy similarity and familiarity into their messages Take a vision and recreate it in the minds of their audience through the words they use their flow and the charisma with which they deliver it Understand the privilege of the platform the opportunity to impact lives to serve in creating a better world starting as the individual then causing a ripple effect of global impact Deeply understand the responsibility they hold for the emotional state of the room in front of them being completely aware of the power they have to create an environment of their choosing Articulate messages which are digestible which wrap all of us up and allow them to enter someone else s world with empathy Use their words with volition and on purpose to navigate their own path And in doing so create a path which their audience can easily follow should they choose to The greatest speakers and orators on any stage in any room have spent the time honing their craft It is far beyond crafting great content and building it is A high level of emotional self awareness and its impact Striving to bring emotional balance to speak with strength and grace Holding a deep understanding that even when raw they must deliver a level of hope and insight Building sensory acuity to be able to adapt to environment and nuances rapidly to deliver consistency Infusing everything they do with incremental improvement to push through to the next level Building empathy rapport understanding and relatability rapidly through the words they use Understanding the power of influence and the opportunities to educate and coach in the moment Knowing when to inspire to agitate to instigate to ignite and how to do it with strength and graceThey are emotionally intelligent and it shows in the way that they speak Original Source jacquelinenagle com |
2021-11-17 06:27:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
100+ JavaScript One-Liners That Will Help You Code Like a Pro |
JavaScript One Liners That Will Help You Code Like a Pro JavaScript keeps growing and growing JavaScript One Liners That Will Help You Code Like opening doors for new “to be tech geeks in the market as it s one of the easiest languages to start is it really It s true that JavaScript can do a lot of blazing things and there is just so much to learn And whether you re new to JavaScript or more of a professional developer it s always good to learn something new I m gonna go over some really helpful one liners Bonus that can help you boost your productivity and can help in debugging code Read More JavaScript One Liners That Will Help You Code Like a Pro |
2021-11-17 06:25:07 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Understanding React Hooks |
Understanding React HooksOne of the great tools that was made available to React developers in the release was Hooks I ll go into greater detail about what hooks are why they were developed and how to use them Hopefully by the end of this read you will feel more comfortable with the concepts and use cases of Hooks allowing you to dive deeper into coding problems and solving these more complex problems you may run across Why Hooks Were ImplementedHooks allow developers to use state and other react features without writing classes Hooks are able to solve a lot of different problems in React You can take stateful logic from components so the logic can be reused and implemented independently This allows developers to reuse this logic without changing your component order or hierarchy making it pretty seamless to share hooks with multiple components Another problem that React developers run into is dealing with large complex components with lots of stateful logic and side effects Without hooks related code can be changed together gets split apart and completely unrelated code can end up combines in single methods causing lots of bugs and inconsistencies With large components like these examples the stateful logic is all over the place making it hard to refactor or break down components to more manageable sizes What Hooks doHooks allow you to split a component into smaller functions within the component based on which code blocks are related Hooks also allow developers to use more React features without using classes Classes have been known to confuse newer developers and over complicate code Classes are much different then other languages handle classes unstable syntax and verbose code makes classes a struggle for most developers especially if they are new to JavaScript Hooks embrace functions which is the basis of what components are made of This alignment allows developers to learn react and component functionality without getting caught up with complex functional or reactive programming techniques Hooks are functions that “hook into React state and features from inside components React provides built in hooks and allow you to create your own hooks for re usable stateful behavior between components Examples of popular Hooks State HookThe useState hook can be called within a component to add local state to it and protect it during application re renders You can call the setState function from within the component or even passed to other components through props allowing information and code to be transferred and maintained across components const count setCount useState return lt div gt lt button onClick gt setCount count gt ClickMe lt button gt lt div gt The above is a simple example of setting your const UseState variables count and setCount as well as setting your useState to What this means is that the variable count is currently set to because we have given useState the value of the way our anonymous function in our button works is that onClick we will re set our count to count by calling setCount and passing in the current count variable and adding to it This will continually update our count variable because we are re setting this variable with the setCount function Effect HookThe useEffect hook adds the ability to perform side effects from within a component Side effects can be data fetching DOM rendering or actions like subscriptions When you call useEffect your basically telling React to run your effect function after sending changes to the DOM By default the effects will be running after every render The useEffect also has the ability to clean up after itself by returning a cleanup function useEffect gt fetch http localhost then res gt res json The above code is a prime example of using the Effect Hook when we are fetching data we are telling the component to fetch the data after rendering React remembers our fetch function and calls on it after performing DOM updates Building your own HooksCustom Hooks are more of a convention than a specific feature The flexibility of custom hooks allows us to cover a wide range of use Cases from form handling timers and many other options Its really up to the developer on how they want to implement custom hooks import React useState useEffect from react function useStatus friendID const isOnline setIsOnline useState null function handleStatusChange status setIsOnline status isOnline This is an example of custom hook that we have called useStatus we can use this hook in other components and the state for each component will be completely independent like so function FriendStatus props const isOnline useStatus props friend id if isOnline null return Loading return isOnline Online Offline function FriendListItem props const isOnline useStatus props friend id return lt li style color isOnline green black gt props friend name lt li gt It even give us the option to call on a custom Hook twice within the same component this is because each call to a Hook has a completely isolated state Other HooksThere are many other hooks that you will come across like useContext useRef and useReducer For the purpose of this article I wont go into all of the many hooks that React has implemented The number of hooks that are available and the flexibility that comes with their use is just another example of how great of a tool hooks are ConclusionHooks are part of the new evolvement of code making code reusable and effective in a variety of situations Technology continues on focusing on problem solving and in some cases addressing problems that have yet to turn up the flexibility of hooks allows us as developers to creatively solve problems and situations in new ways The greater understanding we have of functionality like hooks will allow us to apply them on a larger scale and discover these new ways to solve problems efficiently React DocumentationMDN Documentation |
2021-11-17 06:05:28 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What Will Be The Full Stack Web Developer Hourly Rate in 2022 |
What Will Be The Full Stack Web Developer Hourly Rate in Do you want to do a robust software development project I must say you would definitely come into contact with Full stack developer who have the ability to bring your unique vision into the beautiful reality with the maximum advantages of robust technologies Moreover I want you to be aware that finding the right talent Full stack web developer who is able to cater all your requirements will be a somewhat tricky process When you develop your in house team for a software development project you need to take care of the many dynamics to run the project smoothly So I suggest you to outsource software development projects for better and quality results Full Stack Development Budget To get the pleasant development work the success path starts from hiring a full stack developer from a trusted full stack development company I would suggest you to do research in more detail before making any early commitment For any kind of software development work budget always plays an important role and you must be aware of the hourly and monthly rates of Full stack developer To have a good start of any level of software development work you need to estimate the budget to make the development work more efficient Efficient plans allow you to set the targets Web Developer Hourly Rates Globally I have listed down the various hourly rates by doing the analysis of globally renowned full stack development companies in the USA and India offering the services across the software development industry Around the world there are few basic models that are followed by the various software development companies to outsource the project Hourly base modelMonthly base modelFixed price modelThese models are based on the renowned full stack development companies which offer the top of the line performance with their talented full stack developer team residing in countries like the USA and Canada Technical Skills To Look For In A Full Stack DeveloperFull stack developer ーthe name itself tells you that full stack developer have the skills of all the technologies and have the expertise knowledge of all the technologies You must look for the following skill sets when you outsource your software development project to a full stack developer HTML CSS and JavaScriptVersion controlProgramming languagesDeployment and hostingDatabasesThird party APIs services Full Stack Developer Hourly Rates in Hourly rates generally depend on the expertise you require for your software development projects On average hourly rates are between to depending on the junior full stack developer to senior full stack developer Pricing can be different based on the project expertise number of developers experience Hourly USD ーyou will offer a fully signed NDA for your project s confidentiality Monthly USD ーhere we provide you Full stack developers with Years of Exp for hoursYou can feel that it s quite logical and you surely think about the final deal However Cost to Hire full stack developer depends on the following factors Project goalsAim behind the project developmentSkill set or experience you are looking for Business niche ConclusionUp to here We get to know about the rates of dedicated full stack developers Implementing the magical visual appeal with full stack development gains the users attention on your business website If you still feel doubtable Contact the globally recognized full stack development companies and Hire Full Stack developer for your software development project |
2021-11-17 06:04:46 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Porsche unveils the Taycan GTS and Sport Turismo EVs |
Porsche unveils the Taycan GTS and Sport Turismo EVsPorsche has unveiled two new options for those looking to get one of its Taycan EVs A Taycan with the legendary GTS moniker and a third body model called the GTS Sport Turismo Kevin Giek VP of the Taycan model line said the GTS quot is positioned above the Taycan S and below the Taycan Turbo derivatives so it represents a real sweet spot in the range quot As TechCrunch notes with the addition of these two there are now Taycan variants in all The luxury automaker calls the GTS version the quot sporty all rounder quot of the line It has a range of km or miles making it the first Taycan to break the km mark The model s adaptive air suspension was specifically adapted to the GTS and it has Black or dark details on the exterior ーincluding the front apron the bases of the exterior mirrors and the side window trims ーas is traditional for a GTS car nbsp Meanwhile the Taycan Sport Turismo is a mix between the Cross Turismo and the sports saloon though it doesn t have off road elements It has the sporty silhouette and the rearward sloping roofline of the Taycan Cross Turismo and its rear headroom is mm around inches greater than the Taycan sports saloon Both the GTS and the Sport Turismo can go from to kmh mph within seconds and have a maximum speed of kmh mph nbsp The Taycan GTS and Sport Turismo will have prices that start at EUR US and EUR US respectively They will both be heading to dealers in the spring of and more engine options for the Sport Turismo will follow Porsche will also be showcasing the new EVs at the LA Auto Show which will take place from November th through the th so we ll hear more about the new vehicles in the coming days |
2021-11-17 06:27:07 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
過疎・中山間地域で介護障害福祉サービス基盤整備-福島県が地域振興戦略の中間整理案を公表 |
中山間地域 |
2021-11-17 15:35:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[OSE]特別清算数値(2021年11月限):台湾加権指数 |
台湾加権指数 |
2021-11-17 15:50:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場の承認(マザーズ):リニューアブル・ジャパン(株) |
新規上場 |
2021-11-17 15:30:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場の承認(マザーズ):(株)ZEALS |
zeals |
2021-11-17 15:30:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場の承認(マザーズ):THECOO(株) |
thecoo |
2021-11-17 15:30:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]TOKYO PRO Marketへの上場申請:エヴィクサー(株) |
tokyopromarket |
2021-11-17 15:30:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場の承認(マザーズ):(株)ラバブルマーケティンググループ |
新規上場 |
2021-11-17 15:30:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場の承認(マザーズ):(株)サインド |
新規上場 |
2021-11-17 15:30:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]制限値幅の拡大継続:1銘柄 |
継続 |
2021-11-17 15:15:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]制限値幅の拡大:2銘柄 |
東証 |
2021-11-17 15:15:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
ESGに関する国際的な枠組み(イニシアチブ)を学ぼう |
PRIをはじめとした様々なイニシアチブのもとで各国の機関投資家が連携していくことが、国際的な社会課題への取組みを進める原動力となっている。 |
2021-11-17 15:13:43 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
被災地金融機関を支援するための資金供給オペレーションの実施結果 |
資金供給オペレーション |
2021-11-17 16:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan’s Recruit, the world’s top job finder, wants to get rid of resumes |
Japan s Recruit the world s top job finder wants to get rid of resumesEmployers are struggling to fill both white and blue collar positions as job seekers re evaluate their priorities post pandemic |
2021-11-17 15:37:50 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
U.S. likely to launch new Asia economic framework in 2022, commerce chief says |
U S likely to launch new Asia economic framework in commerce chief saysBiden has pledged to step up U S engagement in Asia after years of ceding influence to China Yet the administration has been accused of lacking |
2021-11-17 15:23:28 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Opposition policy chief Kenta Izumi to run in CDP leadership race |
Opposition policy chief Kenta Izumi to run in CDP leadership raceSeiji Osaka a former special adviser to the prime minister and Chinami Nishimura a former senior vice minister of health labor and welfare are also |
2021-11-17 15:10:13 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The students losing thousands in an Edinburgh rental scam |
edinburgh |
2021-11-17 06:40:06 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Women's Super League: Vivianne Miedema's stoppage-time equaliser and a 'glorious' Lisa Evans header |
Women x s Super League Vivianne Miedema x s stoppage time equaliser and a x glorious x Lisa Evans headerWatch the best action from the latest round of the Women s Super League including Vivianne Miedema s stoppage time equaliser against Tottenham and Lisa Evans glorious header for West Ham |
2021-11-17 06:18:31 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
他人に期待しない方がいい3つの理由 |
自分 |
2021-11-17 16:00:00 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
エアクッションが足裏の衝撃を吸収! エアポンプ搭載インソール登場 |
踏み込み |
2021-11-17 15:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
羽生、ロシア杯も欠場 右足首回復間に合わず |
日本スケート連盟 |
2021-11-17 15:06:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
名鉄、ドローンで線路点検 全国初の実証実験、災害時想定 |
名古屋鉄道 |
2021-11-17 15:03:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
GR86とBRZがバイオ燃料使用レースで競う意味 トヨタとSUBARUがST-Qに別々のエンジンで参戦 | スポーツカー | 東洋経済オンライン |
subaru |
2021-11-17 15:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
タイムループ探索ADV『アサツグトリ』のショートムービー(タイムループ編)が公開 |
発売予定 |
2021-11-17 15:35:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ラーメン魁力屋「焼きめし半額フェア」スタート 焼きめし単品なんと275円! |
焼きめし |
2021-11-17 15:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『テイルズ オブ アライズ』とのコラボ企画も決定!『ソフィーのアトリエ2』の最新プロモーションビデオを公開 |
nintendoswitchpcsteam |
2021-11-17 15:05:00 |