IT |
気になる、記になる… |
auがブラックフライデーのキャンペーンを開催中 − 機種変更で最大8800円割引/還元や「AirPods Pro」の値引きなど |
airpodspro |
2021-11-17 12:18:49 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ボタンを押したら画面上の数字が増減するだけのアプリを作りました。 |
btnactiveoutlinepxsolidaaaborderではなくoutlineしかし、この時にbtnにborderの代わりにoutlineを設定すると、ボタンをクリックしたときに枠線が消えます。 |
2021-11-17 21:20:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
オフラインデバイス(ラズパイ400)へnoderedのインストール |
オフラインデバイスラズパイへnoderedのインストールオフラインにおいてRaspberrynbspPinbspへのNodeREDのインストールを行いたいのですが、やり方がわかりません。 |
2021-11-17 21:57:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
renderメソッドを使っても情報が保持されない |
renderメソッドを使っても情報が保持されない前提・実現したいこと画像及びコメントなどを投稿するアプリを作成中です。 |
2021-11-17 21:50:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonのエラーについて |
pythonのエラーについてscorenameABCDEFGHIJdispforkinrangelenscoreforjinrangelenscoreifscorejgtscorejtempscorejscorejscorejscorejtempforiinrangelenscoreprintnameiさんの点数はstrscoreiです上記を実行すると、NameErrornbspnamenbspaposjaposnbspisnbspnotnbspdefinedと出ます。 |
2021-11-17 21:45:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
TypeScript で一時的に型チェックのエラーを無視して JavaScript にする方法 |
2021-11-17 21:34:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
javaでSQLを用いたログインシステム |
javaでSQLを用いたログインシステム前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-11-17 21:29:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Spring Tool Suite 4 for eclipseをaarch64 macOSで実行できるようにしたい |
また、ない場合は、どのようにすればSTS同様の実行環境を整えられますでしょうか。 |
2021-11-17 21:14:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unityゲーム開発 Youtubeライブのコメントを取得するスクリプトでのエラー(CS0246) |
2021-11-17 21:11:01 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【RSpec】例外処理が発生することをテストしたいときに気をつけること |
dtoraiseerrorruntimeerror |
2021-11-17 21:52:14 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】例外処理raise |
nomethoderrorerrormessage |
2021-11-17 21:46:46 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【初心者向け】Railsのビューでエラーが表示されない・レイアウトが崩れる |
原因ビューのエラーメッセージ箇所に、クラス「fieldwitherrors」のdivタグが自動挿入されている。 |
2021-11-17 21:18:29 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
WSL2でUbutut仮想環境をサクサクつくる |
WSLでUbutut仮想環境をサクサクつくるWindowsでubnutu環境を立ててvscodeを使いたいだけなのにdockerの記事ばかり出てくるので、Ubuntu開発環境構築をまとめるこの方法だと何個も仮想マシンをサクサク入れられるWSLのインストールPowerShellwslinstall最新のwindowsならこれだけこの辺にのってるUbuntuイメージのダウンロードwslにはrootfsイメージが必要なので、以下のサイトからwslrootfstargzをダウンロードする以外を使いたい場合はubunturootfstarとかでググればでてくるMicrosoft公式からダウンロードしたappxの一部を使う方法もあるらしいubuntuコンテナからイメージを作成するのがMicrosoftの公式に乗ってるが面倒くさい仮想マシンのインポートrootfsが準備できたらコマンドでインポートするwslimportltディストリビューション名gtltディストリビューションを格納するフォルダーgtltrootfsのパスgtPowerShellwslimportubuntudevDesktopwsldistroubuntuDownloadshirsuteservercloudimgamdwslrootfstargzwsllvでインポートしたディストリビューション名があることを確認PowerShellwsllvNAMESTATEVERSIONubuntudevStoppedwsldltディストリビューション名gtで起動してubuntuに入れることを確認PowerShellwsldubuntudev出力rootdevicenamemntcUserswindowsusername管理者rootのパスワード設定ubuntuに入ってrootのパスワードを設定するbashpasswd管理者rootのパスワード設定この方法で仮想マシンをつくるとrootユーザでログインすることになるので一般ユーザーを作成してデフォルトユーザーとデフォルトディレクトリを一般ユーザーに変更する。 |
2021-11-17 21:13:31 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
経験が偏ってるAWS3年生がソリューションアーキテクトアソシエイト(SAA)を取得するまで |
経験が偏ってるAWS年生がソリューションアーキテクトアソシエイトSAAを取得するまではじめにSAA取得にあたってどんなことをやったのか、どんな気分だったのかを書いていきますこれから受けようとしている方、勉強中の方に少しでも参考になれば嬉しいです受験を決めたときの状態AWSを使用した業務経験年くらいといっても触ってるのはECRDSS程度他のサービスECSKinesisなどは全く触ってないか個人でほんの少し触った程度受験歴はなし他のAWS認定資格もなし勉強苦手AWS経験はありますが、このまま受けても合格する確率は天文学的に低いぐらいの知識量です勉強期間ヶ月くらいですだらだらと続けても引き伸ばし続けるだけになりがちなので、短期集中でやるのがいいと思います自分の場合は試験を受ける日を先に決めてから勉強を開始しました週間前とかになると、夏休みの課題に追われていた学生時代を思い出しました使用した教材参考書徹底攻略AWS認定ソリューションアーキテクトアソシエイト教科書徹底攻略シリーズいわゆる黒本というやつですUdemy【SAAC版】AWS認定ソリューションアーキテクトアソシエイト模擬試験問題集回分問試験形式の問題集個通常難易度つ高難度つセットセールのときにかなり安くなってたので買っておきましたAWSの模擬試験もありますが、Udemyで慣れそうだったのとお金がかかるのを気にして受けませんでした余裕がある方は受けてみてもいいかもしれませんAWS認定アカウントのページから受験できますどのくらい勉強したの参考書周、あとはUdemyで問題を解くといった感じで進めました参考書は入門には良さそうでしたが、試験対策には少し弱いと感じたので周したあとはUdemyの実践に切り替えましたUdemyでは、問題を解く↓間違えたorたまたま当たった問題をリストアップ↓リストアップした内容を勉強し直す↓最初に戻るといった感じのループをひたすら実施していました勉強するときはノートにひたすら書いて覚えるようにしました個人によってやり方は異なると思いますが、実際に書く方が頭に残りやすかったですなぜこの解答が正解なのかを説明できるくらいを目処に勉強するといいかなと思います同じUdemyの内容で勉強するなら、通常難易度安定高難度がとれるくらいを目標にするといい感じになると思います高難度は本番より難しかった気がしてますちなみに筆者の前日までの最終スコアは下記ですがしんでますが、いけんじゃね的な気分でした演習演習演習演習演習演習いざ本番AWS認定アカウントのページからピアソンVUEで予約しました時くらいからの回を予約して、当日は一切勉強せずに臨みました最初の方は集中力があるのでそれなりにサクサク進みますが、半分超えたあたりで集中力がきれて、とあるうさぎの「ハァ」が頭の中でこだましてました試験後、画面に「合格」の結果が表示され、小さくガッツポーズ決めて帰りました試験後にアドバイスできるなと感じたことは時間はたくさんあるので割とゆっくりでも大丈夫たまに日本語が変なので読むのに疲れる問題形式に慣れておく数字はしっかり覚えておく前日はしっかり寝るべきです数字はしっかり覚えておく一例をあげると、Glacierでの取り出し時間があります迅速取り出し分通常取り出し時間大容量取り出し時間明日までに取り出せればよくて、コスト最適はどれでしょうみたいな問題が簡単に溶けるようになりますさいごにえらそうなこと散々書いてきましたが、筆者のスコは合格ラインに対しとスレスレですくらいやろと思いながらこのザマです調子に乗ってしまいましたが、少しでも参考になれば幸いです。 |
2021-11-17 21:53:38 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【RSpec】例外処理が発生することをテストしたいときに気をつけること |
dtoraiseerrorruntimeerror |
2021-11-17 21:52:14 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】例外処理raise |
nomethoderrorerrormessage |
2021-11-17 21:46:46 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【初心者向け】Railsのビューでエラーが表示されない・レイアウトが崩れる |
原因ビューのエラーメッセージ箇所に、クラス「fieldwitherrors」のdivタグが自動挿入されている。 |
2021-11-17 21:18:29 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
6 Apps Every Golf Lover Needs on Their Smartphone |
android |
2021-11-17 12:01:26 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The Beginner-friendly way to learn from FreeCodeCamp on YouTube. |
The Beginner friendly way to learn from FreeCodeCamp on YouTube FreeCodeCamp is one of the best places online for anyone who wants to learn programming and computer science concepts from scratch You don t need to spend a dime and they give you over hours of tutorials exercises and projects which are surely going to teach you enough to land an entry level developer job But how exactly one should learn from FCC on Youtube The thing about freecodecamp is On YouTube the videos won t be structured step by step as compared to some other platform let s say Udemy which follows more of a “Bootcamp y method This might prove overwhelming to some people who want to start learning as it did to me Now don t get me wrong one can learn a lot by following FCC s youtube videos they have a ton of content that is not on their website as well But for beginners an unguided approach might be a little daunting This article acts as a guide for beginners as to where should people start learning from FCC s youtube channel and gives you some tips to reduce clutter and focus only on the things that you require But keep in mind that in the future you will require lots of googling and researching so do not limit your learning to just one resource As of now let s dive into it… Sort by “Most Popular No really Just sort the videos by popularity The reason for this is that so many people have watched and liked that video so there must be something good in it right Precisely It s going to declutter the barrage of information in front of you so that you can focus only on what s important Choose a Programming Language Beginner Videos No doubt in this one you have to get your feet wet and for that you need at least one language in your “backpack Clearly with million views Python is the most popular language also worldwide which is easy to learn and beginner friendly but don t feel forced if you don t want to Do some research read up some stuff and choose whatever you think you feel comfortable in Out of the videos above you should go first for the beginner videos in Python Javascript Java C or C which are usually considered the “Big of programming languages Establishing the fundamentalsThis is the critical point where everyone usually makes mistakes just like I did You just watched a hour video on a language and now you feel like you can move on to something else you re a geek now right Wrong You cannot learn swimming just by watching someone execute a butterfly stroke ever so graciously After finishing whatever language you just learned it is time to apply that knowledge by building something The best way to do this is to watch a “Build Projects video from the channel and either code along or recreate it after either way you must polish the concepts that you have learned in step We become better by staying consistent Build anything copy the project s lines while understanding the concept go back to the video if you re stuck do some creative “googling and keep on making a bunch of stuff until you are confident you can move on Second LanguageNow it s time to move on to another language and try on those projects that made using this new language It will teach you how to work with multiple languages and also the basic differences between various syntax and functionalities More importantly it will make you more adaptable because in a professional environment you are gonna have to work with multiple technologies at one point or another The main objective of this step is to teach how to understand the syntax of various languages and read different kinds of code properly Other Essential SkillsYou probably have enough practice and mini projects under your belt now that you can start looking at some intermediate as well as advanced skills It s time to do more research now and expand your backpack you could learn about computer networking operating systems database management SQL scripting Linux version control data structures and algorithms and many other tools that help in the development A simple google search will show you the essential skills required from a software developer apart from programming Keep in mind that you should be always practicing whatever you are learning currently and it WILL help you in one way or another as a developer All these steps should take you about months depending on your time availability and choice of topics Study hard and succeed The World is your Oyster ーKeep LearningIt is time to choose a specialization in which you want to work professionally Want to create games for a living Want to design jaw droppingly beautiful websites Want to train computers to predict data The options are in dozens and some of the growing industries include Web Development Cybersecurity DevOps Full Stack Dev Game Development Data Science Machine Learning UI UX and many more If you are thinking that you need to learn “everything before having a job I m afraid you are wrong There are so many technologies and tools that are popping up every day it s practically impossible to keep up You could study for years and still not feel that you know enough Avoid the Imposter Syndrome Time to do some creative googling again Do some research join communities and subreddits about programming ask questions about industries start focusing on other resources for learning Here is a simple roadmap sketch of the whole learning plan Well there you have it a simple guided plan for those who want to start learning from FreeCodeCamp s Youtube Channel What s the next step You could probably start tackling some junior developer roles while keeping on improving Note that people can follow it along with other resources as well this article is just for those who do not know where to start and prefer using FreeCodeCamp videos The resources are endless and my aim to write this article was to help declutter the learning path for the absolute beginners I ll put up a bunch of more stuff and resources to follow in the coming future Thanks for reading folks If I missed some important steps then feel free to let me know and I will surely make the changes in the article |
2021-11-17 12:44:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
React.js - Virtual DOM |
React js Virtual DOMHey guys In this post let us talk about Virtual DOM in React js For this post we will understand Virtual DOMWhat is Virtual DOM Why we need Virtual DOM Why Virtual DOM is faster and more efficient than real DOM Why Virtual DOM The DOM as we know represents the UI of your application Every time there is a change in the state of your application UI the DOM gets updated to represent that change But the problem is that frequently manipulating the DOM affects performance making it DEAD slow When changes are made to some element the updated element and it s children have to be re rendered to update the application UI The re rendering of the UI is what makes it slow More the UI components you have more expensive will be the patches to the DOM as they would need to be re rendered for every DOM updateHence the need for Virtual DOM in React Now coming to question what the heck is Virtual DOM The Virtual DOM is only a virtual representation of the DOM Every time the state of our application changes the virtual DOM gets updated instead of the real DOM Virtual DOM is faster and more efficient When new elements are added to the UI a virtual DOM is created which is a tree like representation Each element is a node on this tree If the state of any of any of these elements changes a new virtual DOM tree is created This tree is then compared or diffed with the previous virtual DOM tree Once this is done the virtual DOM calculates the best possible method to make these changes to the real DOM This ensures that there are minimal operations on the real DOM Hence reducing the performance cost of updating the real DOM This updated tree is then batch updated to the real DOM So this is it for this article Thanks for reading Don t forget to leave a like if you loved the article Also share it with your friends and colleagues |
2021-11-17 12:39:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
React.js - Props |
React js PropsHey guys In this post let us cover what actually are props in React js For this post we will first understand PropsWhat is Props Understanding PropsAccessing Props in Functional and Class based ComponentsExamples of Props Introduction to PropsProps are used to make components configurable dynamic and flexible Every HTML element as we know has some attributes like input element has value placeholder etc It is dynamic content that you can configure from outside Understanding PropsOur components which are customized HTML elements can also be passed some arguments in form of attributes known as props so as to configure just like any other HTML element is configured and it is the parent component that passes these arguments to the child component Every child component receives props as an argument that is passed to it by React which is an object that holds the arguments that the parent component passed to the child component and that object is known as props props basically means all the properties that a component is receiving from outside When using functional components you can access the props using the below syntax props lt propName gt When using class components you can access the props using the syntax this props lt propName gt EXAMPLESPassing a prop of brand to the Computer component Defining our Computer component which receives the brand prop So this is it for this article Thanks for reading Don t forget to leave a like if you loved the article Also share it with your friends and colleagues |
2021-11-17 12:09:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Três conceitos para um Código Limpo |
Três conceitos para um Código Limpo PrólogoA pergunta mais constante entre os desenvolvedores que estão querendo sair do nível Júnior para Pleno é seráque meu código táuma merda ou beleza isso funciona mas como melhorar esse lixo e se questionar sobre a qualidade do produto que vocêestáentregando éum sinal de que vocêestá digi evoluindo Na minha jornada como desenvolvedor eu venho cada vez entendendo que no final das contas o importante éa engenharia e não a ferramenta atéporquêvocêsabe que um CRUD éuma sequencia X que pode ser replicada em TODAS as linguagens certo Logo se vocêsabe a teoria engenharia a pratica sóprecisa da ferramenta linguagem Agora vamos entender sobre conceitos padrões que podem estar ligados diretamente àqualidade do código entregue onde nós deveriamos nos preocupar muito mais do que sobre qual framework usar O que vamos aprender Nesse post quero dar exemplos de conceitos e métodologias para que possamos melhorar nosso código Sendo eles DRY Don t Repeat Yourself Early Return Anti Hadouken KISS Keep it Simple Stupid Dont Repeat Yourself DRY O tal do DRY éalgo bem visto quando o assunto éabstração A ideia do principio évocênão repetir coisas que podem ser abstraidas pra blocos de códigos únicos Se vocêestáfazendo o mesmo bloco de código duas vezes ele érefatorável pra uma função com argumentos Não entendeu Se liga aqui então class UserRepository public function createUser array payload bool query this gt pdo gt prepare SELECT FROM users WHERE email email query gt bindParam email payload email PDO PARAM STR query gt execute if query gt count throw new Exception E mail jácadastrado query query gt prepare INSERT INTO users values null name email password return query gt execute public function getUser string email array query this gt pdo gt prepare SELECT FROM users WHERE email email query gt bindParam email email PDO PARAM STR query gt execute if query gt count throw new Exception Usuário inexistente return query gt fetch PDO FETCH ASSOC Nesse exemplo feito em menos de minutos podemos ver que háuma duplicidade de código quando fazemos a query do createUser e a query do getUser e não hánecessidade de duplicar isso caso haja uma função pra lidar com esse comportamento Se liga class UserRepository public function createUser array payload bool query this gt getUserByEmail payload email if count query throw new Exception E mail jácadastrado query query gt prepare INSERT INTO users values null name email password return query gt execute public function getUser string email array query this gt getUserByEmail email if count query throw new Exception Usuário inexistente return query gt fetch PDO FETCH ASSOC public function getUserByEmail string email array query this gt pdo gt prepare SELECT FROM users WHERE email email query gt bindParam email email PDO PARAM STR query gt execute return query gt fetch PDO FETCH ASSOC Isolamos uma abstração em uma única função e usamos ela em lugares e o código ainda ficou um pouco mais legível desde que vocêdêum nome bacana pra sua função abstraida Bacana né Se a galera juninha prestasse atenção nesse tipo de coisa desde o dia zero játeriamos carros voadores p Early Return StatementBeleza agora vamos falar de complexidade de código táligado aquele código que tem um monte de if else um dentro do outro parecendo um hadouken Então isso ai éum PORRE pra gente que vai dar manutenção no futuro e muitas vezes perdemos uns minutos refatorando o negócio Então se ensinarmos a rapaziada como não criar esse tipo de código vai ser a maior vitória pros devs que mexem com legado eu incluso Vocênão sabe o que éum código hadouken Éisso aqui ó class AuthRepository public function adminAuthenticate array credentials bool if user User where email credentials email password Hash verify user gt password credentials password if password if user gt isAdmin Auth login user return true else throw new UnauthorizedException vc n éum admin seu merda else throw new UnauthorizedException senha errada seu otário else throw new UnauthorizedException ce nem existe no meu banco wtf Acho que nesse exemplo deu pra entender o conceito de hadouken né Encadeamos tantos ifs e elses que não fez o menor sentido e sóaumentou a complexidade do código Agora se entendermos a lógica do Early Return a coisa fica um pouco mais bonita O que é fazer com que o else seja sempre a condição principal e dar o retorno da função o quanto antes Ou seja negar a função e retornar em caso de erro Não entendeu Vamos pra prática então class AuthRepository public function adminAuthenticate array credentials bool user User where email credentials email if user throw new UnauthorizedException ce nem existe no meu banco wtf password Hash verify user gt password credentials password if password throw new UnauthorizedException senha errada seu otário if user gt isAdmin throw new UnauthorizedException vc n éum admin seu merda Auth login user return true Negamos todas as condicionais pra fazer com que elas retornassem o quanto antes e garantimos uma melhor legibilidade pro código O Early Return vem sendo cada vez mais citados por devs e empresas como algo obrigatório pra criar um código bacana e saber isso com certeza vai te deixar a frente de uma galera Mas Daniel não devo usar o else Bom isso fica inteiramente pra você Eu não gosto mas tem vezes que não dápra fugir Fica ai a reflexão p Keep it Simple Stupid KISS Cara ébem legal implementar lógicas ao seu software e tudo mais porém chega numa hora que a própria linguagem játem aquele método ali que vocêfez pronto e com toda certeza mais otimizado Então pra quê As vezes manter as coisas simples são mais vantajosas a longo prazo e isso visto de um lado mais dev da vida onde temos gambiarras pra todo lado éum puta ponto positivo Vamos um exemplo de um bloco de código zoado e uma versão desse mesmo bloco porém simples Jeito zoadofunction getOAuthProvider string providerId switch providerId case return twitch case return discord case return twitter case return google case return facebook Jeito simplesfunction getOAuthProvider string providerId providers twitch discord twitter google facebook return providers providerId Adicionar um switch case num bloco de código que era sóretornar um array não parece engenharia demais Sempre que vocêver algo extremamente complexo ou ficando grande tente refatorar pra ficar o mais simples possível Gostou desse post Clica no coraçãozinho e me siga nas redes sociais |
2021-11-17 12:09:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
10 Best Productive Tools for Web Developer. |
Best Productive Tools for Web Developer It takes time to build an appealing and functional website Web developers are dedicated to delivering fast reliable and high quality websites Thus to improve our productivity we need tools that help us provide the best quality software and make our lives easier at the same time In this article we will discuss tools that can be used to improve our productivity and manage some of the challenges we face in web development AnimistaAnimista is a great tool for creating custom CSS animations with various effects Customize any animation in their collection including a background exit text etc with their diverse effects Once you have done that you will be able to find the code to create the animation Then you can integrate it into your website ResponsinatorResponsinator is easy to use and free The tool shows you the most popular screen sizes and shapes for your webpage when you enter the URL of your page ExtractCSSBy using this tool you can extract elements id class and inline styles from an HTML document and output them as CSS stylesheets Meta TagsThe Meta Tag is a tool for debugging and generating meta tags for any website If you use Meta Tags you can edit and experiment with your content then preview the way it appears on Google Facebook Twitter and more WhatRunsWith this tool you can check out other sites themes plugins and server information WhatRuns is compatible with Chrome and Firefox GrabientFor creating linear gradients for your website Grabient offers an easy to use UI Choose your color and adjust the angles as necessary After you have the desired gradient you can apply the gradient CSS to your webpage UnminifyIt is a Free tool to unminify unpack deobfuscate JavaScript CSS HTML XML and JSON code making it readable and pretty Google DevTools Device ModeFor developers Google DevTools Device Mode provides an easy way to simulate mobile devices within the Chrome browser Using the emulator you can simulate device inputs such as touch geolocation and orientation BrowserhacksBrowserhacks contains a collection of browser specific CSS and JavaScript hacks to help you resolve weird and complex issues on your website Browser StackBrowser Stack is one of the top testing tools on the market offering a full range of feature sets More than mobile and desktop browsers are available for testing with this paid tool You can now extend your support by buying me a Coffee |
2021-11-17 12:01:12 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
'Ted Lasso' marketing campaign nominated for Publicists Guild award |
x Ted Lasso x marketing campaign nominated for Publicists Guild awardThe promotional campaign for Apple TV hit Ted Lasso is one of only four series nominated at the ICG Publicists Awards Ted Lasso Source Apple Ted Lasso is nominated for the Maxwell Weinberg Publicist Showmanship Award which will be presented at the th annual ICG Publicists Awards in March The organizers have deemed only four campaigns worthy of consideration instead of its maximum six Read more |
2021-11-17 12:22:45 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
LG smart TVs gain Apple Music app |
LG smart TVs gain Apple Music appApple Music is now available as an app on certain LG Smart TVs Source LGAfter promoting Apple TV on selected models of its smart TVs LG has now announced that it is adding an Apple Music app Subscribers to Apple Music will be able to stream the service s million tracks in much the same way that Apple TV K users can Read more |
2021-11-17 12:23:22 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple Music arrives on LG's smart TVs |
Apple Music arrives on LG x s smart TVsYou can now access your Apple Music account on LG smart TVs even if you don t have an Apple TV The music streaming service is now available for all the brand s TVs running webOS version and higher over a year after it made its debut on TV platforms with Samsung Since webOS only rolled out in the Apple Music app will most likely be accessible on newer models If your TV can run Apple Music you ll find yourself faced with an interface and navigation similar to what you ll see if you were using an Apple TV They re also visually similar to the Apple Music experience on iPads iPhones Android devices and PC The service s app for LG can access all its songs playlists K music videos and livestreamed Apple Music Radio It supports tracks with time synced lyrics as well so you can sing along while reading the lines on a big screen nbsp The app s release on LG smart TVs stays true to Apple s strategy of focusing more attention on its services and making them available on non Apple hardware That way the tech giant can reach more potential customers who aren t married to Apple devices and can work towards making its services more veritable rivals to competitors like Spotify and Netflix nbsp Get ready to turn up the volume AppleMusic is now on LG Smart TVs with over million songs streaming ad free pic twitter com bIBdbLqjrーLG Electronics LGUS November |
2021-11-17 12:48:01 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Morning After: The premium toaster maker that's launching a smartphone |
The Morning After The premium toaster maker that x s launching a smartphoneI ve been obsessed with Balmuda s fancy toaster for years As some readers might know I used to live in Japan while working for Engadget and I d browse around electronics superstores like Yodobashi Camera and Yamada Denki gawping at high level cameras weird DS games that would never make it to the West and touring floors upon floors of home appliances and gadgets There are entire shop floors dedicated to rice cookers water boilers and the rest And it is amazing nbsp Balmuda s premium toaster oven was the apex though Fortunately the company s steam based toaster has made it to the US in recent years and now for you can have the fluffiest slices of toasted bread you can imagine But for those in Japan Balmuda has now announced its first ever smartphone nbsp BalmudaIt s a petite device with a full HD inch display The company teamed up with Kyocera to manufacture the Android device which has G and wireless charging It comes with a megapixel rear camera an megapixel front facing camera and a fingerprint sensor The Balmuda Phone is powered by a Snapdragon processor and as you might tell the device packs relatively middleweight specs The company may be banking on its premium status to convince smartphone shoppers At the moment the company doesn t have plans to release the phone outside Japan ーMat SmithFender s latest Acoustasonic hybrid guitar is almost affordableThe new guitar is for younger musicians FenderFender s acoustic electric hybrid guitars are technical marvels ーwith a price to reflect that Now the instrument brand has unveiled its Acoustic Player Telecaster with a simpler design with a three way voice selector versus five on other models and one blend knob Continue reading Sponsored by LedgerInterested in crypto The best way to get started is with Ledger Google Cloud outage took down Spotify Snapchat Etsy and moreAnd yet Gmail and Hangouts were working fine ugh A Google Cloud networking issue took down a handful of prominent websites late yesterday including Spotify Snapchat Etsy and Discord As one colleague put it “Annoyed that my fun stuff is down but Slack remains miraculously up as does other work stuff Google announced the issue was partially resolved as of PM ET but a full fix didn t occur until around PM ET Google said it “will publish an analysis of this incident once we have completed our internal investigation quot Continue reading Activision Blizzard workers walk out and demand CEO Bobby Kotick s resignationA new report says Kotick knew about the company s sexual harassment problems for years Employees at Activision Blizzard are calling for the resignation of CEO Bobby Kotick following new revelations about the role he may have played in creating the toxic workplace culture that has mired the company A Wall Street Journal report outlined Kotick s handling of the sexual harassment lawsuit from California s Department of Fair Employment and Housing DFEH The newspaper claimed Kotick not only knew about many of the worst instances of abuse at the company but in some cases he may have also acted to protect employees accused of harassment quot We have instituted our own Zero Tolerance Policy quot Activision Blizzard employee advocacy group A Better ABK said on Twitter after the report came out quot We will not be silenced until Bobby Kotick has been replaced as CEO and continue to hold our original demand for Third Party review by an employee chosen source quot Continue reading Microsoft is speeding up its Windows rolloutThe update is now more broadly available EngadgetHaving slowly rolled out its OS update to the most powerful and up to date PCs Microsoft is accelerating the rollout of Windows making it more broadly available Provided your system is running version or later of Windows and you recently installed the September th servicing update Microsoft released you can now upgrade directly to Windows When Microsoft first released the new OS on October th the company said it expected to offer the upgrade to all eligible devices by mid Continue reading Roku now has an K channel for TCL TVsIt ll feature a library of ultra high definition nature documentary videos Roku s added its first premium K channel to its platform The Explorers The only K Roku TVs on the market right now are from TCL in and inch formats TCL first showed off the TV at CES and would you know it the next CES is just around the corner I m sure there are more K TVs waiting to be revealed in January Ultra high definition premium content from The Explorers which also offers free content through its channel will typically cost month A tenth of that fee will be donated to The Explorers Foundation which aims to preserve biodiversity The channel will also offer K content at a time when it s still rare YouTube remains the main place for K footage Continue reading nbsp The biggest news stories you might have missedGoogle Maps grocery pickup feature expands to US storesFirefox Relay offers unlimited email aliases as part of its new premium plan Deathloop and Ratchet amp Clank top the Game Awards nomineesSnapchat s camera can identify food and recommend recipesSonos is rolling out DTS surround sound supportEngadget Deals Samsung s T portable SSD in TB is cheaper than ever right nowPassword is now officially available for Windows |
2021-11-17 12:15:27 |
ラズパイ |
Raspberry Pi |
The machine learning effect: Magic boxes and computational thinking 2.0 |
The machine learning effect Magic boxes and computational thinking How does teaching children and young people about machine learning ML differ from teaching them about other aspects of computing Professor Matti Tedre and Dr Henriikka Vartiainen from the University of Eastern Finland shared some answers at our latest research seminar Their presentation titled ML education for K emerging trajectories had a profound impact on The post The machine learning effect Magic boxes and computational thinking appeared first on Raspberry Pi |
2021-11-17 12:28:14 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Increasing Operational Agility and Flexibility with Cisco+ |
hardware |
2021-11-17 12:22:31 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Will Indonesia Edge Its Way into the Space Race? |
Will Indonesia Edge Its Way into the Space Race An Indigenous clan fears it will lose its place in the world as the government pursues a quest to open a spaceport and lure the billionaire SpaceX founder Elon Musk |
2021-11-17 12:29:40 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
オンライン初診恒久化、政府が早期対応要請-規制改革会議は「メールでの診療も」 |
取りまとめ |
2021-11-17 21:50:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
日医会長、「躊躇なくプラス改定」とすべき-財政審の社会保障の議論は容認できない |
中川俊男 |
2021-11-17 21:40:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
会長記者会見−2021年− |
記者会見 |
2021-11-17 13:30:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Liverpool bomber had been planning attack since April |
police |
2021-11-17 12:54:43 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Liverpool bomb: Church of England 'not aware' of link between asylum abuse and conversion |
abuse |
2021-11-17 12:22:18 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Inflation: UK prices soar at fastest rate for almost ten years |
interest |
2021-11-17 12:27:07 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Overdue book returned 73 years late to Fife library |
central |
2021-11-17 12:12:21 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Rafiq 'determined' his experiences of racism should help society move in different direction |
Rafiq x determined x his experiences of racism should help society move in different directionAzeem Rafiq says he is determined that sharing his experiences of racism at Yorkshire will be the moment not only sport but society as a whole moved in a different direction |
2021-11-17 12:43:37 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Britain's Norrie to make ATP Finals debut after Tsitsipas pulls out |
Britain x s Norrie to make ATP Finals debut after Tsitsipas pulls outBritain s Cameron Norrie will make his debut at the ATP Finals after Stefanos Tsitsipas withdraws injured from the event in Turin |
2021-11-17 12:33:22 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
拡張性の高さが新しい。まるで合体ロボなモジュラー式ポータブル電源がスゴい…! |
目からウロコ |
2021-11-17 22:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
傷害容疑で小学校教諭逮捕、島根 男児に馬乗りで暴行 |
傷害容疑 |
2021-11-17 21:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
岩見沢で自動除雪車を実演 23年度、高速道で実用化へ ネクスコ東日本 |
東日本高速道路 |
2021-11-17 21:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
札幌・南区応援キャラに「かっぽん」就任 地域の魅力発信へ |
札幌市南区 |
2021-11-17 21:18:15 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
受刑者らの再犯防止へ刑務所用地に農園整備 大空町が事業 ハスカップなど栽培一般向け体験も |
再犯防止 |
2021-11-17 21:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道内は「第5波が継続」 新型コロナで専門家組織 |
厚生労働省 |
2021-11-17 21:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
「小売価格で恩恵あるのか」 国のガソリン価格高騰対策に歓迎と戸惑い |
経済産業省 |
2021-11-17 21:11:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
児童虐待、認定386件 釧路児相20年度過去2番目の高水準 コロナ禍の在宅時間増影響か |
児童相談所 |
2021-11-17 21:11:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
新型コロナ、国内で204人感染 北海道が最多、死者は5人 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-11-17 21:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
水木漫画の世界 音楽で 帯広交響楽団 「鬼太郎」など披露 |
交響楽団 |
2021-11-17 21:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
障害児手当、申請書類放置で未払い280件 釧路総合振興局 |
申請書類 |
2021-11-17 21:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
冬間近 老木守る雪つり 帯広・真鍋庭園 |
帯広市稲田町 |
2021-11-17 21:04:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
同一会場で複数種ワクチン扱い可 3回目接種、希望応じ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-11-17 21:03:00 |