IT |
気になる、記になる… |
LG製のスマートTV向けに「Apple Music」アプリが登場 |
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2021-11-17 11:57:58 |
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気になる、記になる… |
スクエニ、スマホ向けバトルロイヤルゲーム「FINAL FANTASY VII THE FIRST SOLDIER」のサービスを開始 |
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2021-11-17 11:36:17 |
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[ITmedia PC USER] ピクセラが“クラウド録画”に対応するワイヤレスTVチューナーを発表 12月3日から順次発売 |
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2021-11-17 20:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] BALMUDA Phone、当初は4Gで発売する予定だった |
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2021-11-17 20:01:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
湿度が高いとコロナの感染が弱まるって聞いた気がするけど本当か検証してみた |
2021-11-17 20:57:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
正規表現で繰り返し部分をすべてキャプチャするには |
2021-11-17 20:48:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Slack API】FirestoreのドキュメントIDをNode.jsと共有したい【Node.js + Firestore】 |
【SlackAPI】FirestoreのドキュメントIDをNodejsと共有したい【NodejsFirestore】前提・実現したいこと自作アプリにて、Slack認証のバックエンドコードをNodejsで記述しており、アプリユーザーがSlack認証をした際に得られる情報useridやaccersstokenなどをオブジェクトにまとめました。 |
2021-11-17 20:46:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
オフラインデバイスへのNode-Redのインストール |
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2021-11-17 20:39:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
昇順に並び替えるプログラムについて |
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2021-11-17 20:36:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ValueError: buffer size must be a multiple of element sizeの解決方法 |
2021-11-17 20:32:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
UnityでアプリをAndroidにビルドした時にエラーが出る |
UnityでアプリをAndroidにビルドした時にエラーが出る前提・実現したいことUNITYでAndroidアプリを作っています。 |
2021-11-17 20:19:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
アンケートフォームの集計方法について |
アンケートフォームの集計方法についてアンケートフォームの項目の一つに、レンジ入力欄を使いたいと思っています。 |
2021-11-17 20:18:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
amplify vueを使ったappsyncのリクエストに引数をつけたい |
2021-11-17 20:17:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
正規表現で最長一致だけでなく,全ての一致したパターンを取りたい |
2021-11-17 20:14:22 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
FactoryBotを導入 |
FactoryBotを導入①FactoryBotインスタンスをまとめることができるGemです他のファイルであらかじめ各クラスのインスタンスに定める値を設定しておき、各テストコードで使用しますFactoryBotはGemとして提供されていますGemの導入を行いますGemfileを編集Gemfileを以下のように編集しますこの時も、groupdevelopmenttestdoの中に記述するように注意してくださいGemfilegroupdevelopmenttestdoCallbyebuganywhereinthecodetostopexecutionandgetadebuggerconsolegembyebugplatformsmrimingwxmingwgemrspecrailsgtgemfactorybotrailsend記述後にbundleinstallを実行しますターミナルbundleinstallインスタンスの生成を切り出すファイルを作成しますFactoryBotの記述を格納するディレクトリfactoriesと、Userモデルに対するFactoryBotのファイルusersrbを、以下のように手動で作成しますspecLfactoriesLusersrbこの操作は、テストコードを記述するファイルを生成した後からFactoryBotを導入するときに必要ですFactoryBot導入後はテストコードを記述するファイルを生成すると同時に、自動生成されますこれで、FactoryBotの記述をする準備が完了しました②FactoryBotを使用してインスタンス生成を共通化続いて、作成したusersrbにインスタンスの各値を設定しますFactoryBotの記述を編集しますusersrbを以下のように編集しますspecfactoriesusersrbFactoryBotdefinedofactoryuserdonicknametestemailtestexamplepasswordpasswordconfirmationpasswordendendさて、この設定したインスタンスを生成するためには、FactoryBotbuilduserという記述をテストコードの中に記述しますbuildActiveRecordのnewメソッドと同様の意味を持ちます上記の例で、FactoryBotbuilduserと書くことは、以下と同じことになります【例】FactoryBotを利用しない場合userUsernewnicknametestemailtestexamplepasswordpasswordconfirmationFactoryBotを利用する場合userFactoryBotbuilduserテストコードの記述を編集以下のように、userspecrbを編集しますspecmodelsuserspecrbrequirerailshelperRSpecdescribeUsertypemodeldodescribeユーザー新規登録doitnicknameが空では登録できないdouserFactoryBotbuilduserUserのインスタンス生成usernicknamenicknameの値を空にするuservalidexpectusererrorsfullmessagestoincludeNicknamecantbeblankenditemailが空では登録できないdouserFactoryBotbuilduserUserのインスタンス生成useremailemailの値を空にするuservalidexpectusererrorsfullmessagestoincludeEmailcantbeblankendendendそれぞれFactoryBotを使用してインスタンスを生成し、各テストのexampleにあわせて値を調節していますFactoryBotを使用したインスタンスの生成は、以下のようにイメージできますここまで記述したら、再度テストコードを実行して、変わらず成功することを確かめます以下の様にコマンドを実行し、成功することを確認しますターミナルbundleexecrspecspecmodelsuserspecrb緑の文字で表示されたら問題なく出来ています③共通した記述を切り出す現状のコードに着目しまsu同様の記述であることがわかります同じ意図のコードなので、各exampleのテストコードが実行される前にこれらをまとめて実行した方が効率的ですその際に使用するものがbeforeですbeforeそれぞれのテストコードを実行する前に、セットアップを行うことができます。 |
2021-11-17 20:29:02 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
FactoryBotを導入 |
FactoryBotを導入①FactoryBotインスタンスをまとめることができるGemです他のファイルであらかじめ各クラスのインスタンスに定める値を設定しておき、各テストコードで使用しますFactoryBotはGemとして提供されていますGemの導入を行いますGemfileを編集Gemfileを以下のように編集しますこの時も、groupdevelopmenttestdoの中に記述するように注意してくださいGemfilegroupdevelopmenttestdoCallbyebuganywhereinthecodetostopexecutionandgetadebuggerconsolegembyebugplatformsmrimingwxmingwgemrspecrailsgtgemfactorybotrailsend記述後にbundleinstallを実行しますターミナルbundleinstallインスタンスの生成を切り出すファイルを作成しますFactoryBotの記述を格納するディレクトリfactoriesと、Userモデルに対するFactoryBotのファイルusersrbを、以下のように手動で作成しますspecLfactoriesLusersrbこの操作は、テストコードを記述するファイルを生成した後からFactoryBotを導入するときに必要ですFactoryBot導入後はテストコードを記述するファイルを生成すると同時に、自動生成されますこれで、FactoryBotの記述をする準備が完了しました②FactoryBotを使用してインスタンス生成を共通化続いて、作成したusersrbにインスタンスの各値を設定しますFactoryBotの記述を編集しますusersrbを以下のように編集しますspecfactoriesusersrbFactoryBotdefinedofactoryuserdonicknametestemailtestexamplepasswordpasswordconfirmationpasswordendendさて、この設定したインスタンスを生成するためには、FactoryBotbuilduserという記述をテストコードの中に記述しますbuildActiveRecordのnewメソッドと同様の意味を持ちます上記の例で、FactoryBotbuilduserと書くことは、以下と同じことになります【例】FactoryBotを利用しない場合userUsernewnicknametestemailtestexamplepasswordpasswordconfirmationFactoryBotを利用する場合userFactoryBotbuilduserテストコードの記述を編集以下のように、userspecrbを編集しますspecmodelsuserspecrbrequirerailshelperRSpecdescribeUsertypemodeldodescribeユーザー新規登録doitnicknameが空では登録できないdouserFactoryBotbuilduserUserのインスタンス生成usernicknamenicknameの値を空にするuservalidexpectusererrorsfullmessagestoincludeNicknamecantbeblankenditemailが空では登録できないdouserFactoryBotbuilduserUserのインスタンス生成useremailemailの値を空にするuservalidexpectusererrorsfullmessagestoincludeEmailcantbeblankendendendそれぞれFactoryBotを使用してインスタンスを生成し、各テストのexampleにあわせて値を調節していますFactoryBotを使用したインスタンスの生成は、以下のようにイメージできますここまで記述したら、再度テストコードを実行して、変わらず成功することを確かめます以下の様にコマンドを実行し、成功することを確認しますターミナルbundleexecrspecspecmodelsuserspecrb緑の文字で表示されたら問題なく出来ています③共通した記述を切り出す現状のコードに着目しまsu同様の記述であることがわかります同じ意図のコードなので、各exampleのテストコードが実行される前にこれらをまとめて実行した方が効率的ですその際に使用するものがbeforeですbeforeそれぞれのテストコードを実行する前に、セットアップを行うことができます。 |
2021-11-17 20:29:02 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Convert MOV to MP4 on a Mac |
convert |
2021-11-17 11:30:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
AI bot that could answer your questions |
AI bot that could answer your questionsHi I am Yash Makan and am back with another cool episode Today as I was reading my school textbooks a thought came to my mind that wouldn t that be cool if python program can learn all the questions from my textbook So in today s blog we are developing a question answering bot What this means is that you can feed this bot some data and ask questions from the textbook and the bot will give answers to each question pretty precisely IntroductionHere we will use a library known as transformers This library is made by huggingface and has a lot of models available for different tasks This library is my favourite and you should check other models out as well Each model will have a tokenizer which will be in charge of preparing the inputs for a model This means that whenever you are generating the output you must pass the model and tokenizer There is also an easy way which is using pipeline These pipelines are objects that abstract most of the complex code from the library In this tutorial we are using the pipeline For example in this blog we are using the question answering pipeline This will clear once we code Installationpip install transformers Let s Start SmallThe code is pretty straightforward We are first importing pipeline from transformers Then we are initializing the question answering pipeline After that we input the question and get the result by passing the question and context in the question answering pipeline Here the context is the paragraph or the initial text from which the bot finds the answers At last the result is printed You see the more you provide the context the better and widely the bot will return the result what else So you see the power with just a few lines of code we achieved a bot that can learn stuff very easily more accurately and a lot faster than us But you must be thinking about what can you do to make this better And the answer is to provide more context Here are some ideas for this project Scrape Wikipedia Articles and feed the data in the script For example scrape all the links related to history from Wikipedia as much as you can and then scrape the text from each page and put it together This will create a bot that will know a lot about history I mean a lot Are you a college student If yes then you can feed your cs book as pdf in the script and ask questions The program will be able to answer your questions ConclusionSo you see it s that easy to make a question answering bot I really hope that you liked this post If yes then do hit the like button and don t forget to bookmark the post as well I hope that this post is worth sharing with everyone If you have any doubts about anything to add then you are welcome to add the message in the discussion below Will meet with you guys next time till then b bye More Articles by AuthorGenerate your own favourite TV episode using python My SocialsTwitter |
2021-11-17 11:44:54 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
My Experience as a Speaker in Angular-Up, Tel Aviv 🎤 & Excursion to Jerusalem 🕍 [Vlog] |
My Experience as a Speaker in Angular Up Tel Aviv amp Excursion to Jerusalem Vlog Running to catch my flight ️ speaking in a conference exploring new places going through security checks Hello beautiful people in this article I ll describe my last days traveling in Israel and attending as a speaker Angular Up a tech conference focusing on Angular While we progress I ll share what I did tech and non tech wise as well as some new experiences Let the journey begin Content Day Saturday Day Greece to Israel Day Tel Aviv Conference Angular Up Day Excursion to Jerusalem Day Returning flight Tel Aviv to Greece Conclusion and future plans P S If you are not feeling like reading watch the vlog Day Saturday On Saturday I was in my hometown preparing for the upcoming trip The previous day I had done a PCR test although I m double vaccinated it was required by Israel s regulations so I was simply waiting for the negative results That morning I went to exchange some money from Euro to Shekel as it would be easier for my transactions and by night I had the negative results from the PCR test and my suitcase done Day Greece to Israel The next day my flight was at AM guess what time I went to the airport AM I had a feeling that I was missing something from my papers To give you some context there is a lot of bureaucracy to flight to Israel A lot of papers need to be done Thankfully for these papers I had the help of the organizers Anyway I went for the check in and they told me I was missing a paper I said to them that s impossible I have double checked everything they insisted that I was missing one of the papers so they wouldn t allow me to check in A local resident from Israel came to help me as I started to panic She told me that a paper should have been sent to me automatically but in my case it hadn t After that I was trying to find the paper or to re do the procedure to take it I literally needed more than min to find it so it was time for the airplane to depart and I hadn t even gone through the security check I was panicking I was about to quit I run with my laptop open to the check in to present the paper as I didn t even have the time to shut it down and pass the paper on my phone They accepted the paper and I started running ️I finally caught my flight I was now relieved and even sitting in business class for the first time As soon as I reached Tel Aviv s airport I had to do another PCR test inside the airport Although there were many passengers the procedure was quick After the test I took a cab and arrived at the hotel Now this is another story a story I m not proud off I couldn t find the entrance of the hotel It was a block of buildings and all them had the same address so I had no idea how I was supposed to find the entrance of my hotel Long story short after min walking with my suitcase up and down I found it The receptionist was very friendly and answered all my questions That afternoon I visited the mall to buy a SIM card I walked a bit in the city arrived back at the hotel worked for a couple of hours refreshed myself and went to sleep Day Tel Aviv Conference Angular Up The next morning I woke up early before going to the conference I worked for a couple of hours eat breakfast and hit the Tel Aviv streets I reached the conference venue at AM Everything was very well organized I met the main organizers Nur and Assaph from the EventHandler and many awesome speakers from Israel or abroad I had lovely chats with them we shared experiences about tech and life During the lunch break I took the opportunity to walk around the city see a few sightseeing and return back to the venue In the afternoon there was a closing ceremony with gifts for the participants of the conference As soon as the ceremony finished one of the organizers accompanied me to the hospital as I had to make another PCR test for my returning flight During the evening the organizers and the speakers had a lovely dinner and cocktails at a beautiful outdoor space Day Excursion to Jerusalem The next day one of the organizers and a few of the speakers including myself went on a private tour in Jerusalem I don t want to write to much about it as I simply would like to encourage you all to visit that place It doesn t matter where you re coming from your culture or your religion there is something for everyone Just wear comfortable shoes and prepare your camera Day Returning flight Tel Aviv to Greece That was my last day in Tel Aviv My flight was at AM I arrived at the airport at AM yes h earlier and trust me I needed the whole h even if I had a fast track ticket the advantages of business class thank you Eventhandler The security check lasted hours they searched everything in an incredibly detailed way and they were asking weird questions in the passport check Usually I like to stroll around the duty free shops but this time I didn t have time for that I boarded the plane I had a nice flight I returned back home rested for a bit and then worked until late evening Conclusion and future plans I had a lovely time at the conference meeting new people and exchanging ideas I m looking forward to traveling more and gaining new knowledge on a technical and personal level I believe these two are connected When we grow in one area it s easier to grow in the other one too If everything goes according to the plan you ll see more vlogs and similar articles in the upcoming weeks Where would you like to travel At which conference would you love to go The Vlog Hello I m Eleftheria Community Manager at Hashnode developer public speaker and chocolate lover If you liked this post please share Would you care about buying me a coffee You can do it here but If you can t that s ok too It would be nice to subscribe to my Youtube channel It s free and it helps to create more content Youtube Codepen GitHub Twitter Site Instagram LinkedIn |
2021-11-17 11:36:28 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
My first article at freeCodeCamp 🎉 |
My first article at freeCodeCamp Recently I wrote my first ever article for freeCodeCamp It is an in depth tutorial on adding swipe animation to an Android view Check it out here What do you think about the article Let me know in the discussion below I usually publish my articles at genicsblog com and share them here if you wanna opt in for my newsletter you can do that on my blog and follow to get notified about new content |
2021-11-17 11:29:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
7 Best FREE Machine Learning and Deep Learning Resources to Learn Online in 2022 |
Best FREE Machine Learning and Deep Learning Resources to Learn Online in Disclosure This post includes affiliate links I may receive compensation if you purchase products or services from the different links provided in this article Hello folks if you want to learn Machine learning and Deep learning in and look for the best online courses and tutorials you have come to the right place In this article I will share some of the best free classes to learn Machine learning and Deep learning online By the way If you are thinking of learning Data Science Machine learning or Deep learning you are not alone more and more people are starting with these advanced skills worldwide I have seen a lot of interest from Software engineers in machine learning and the Artificial intelligence space They are totally caught up with the craze of developing programs that can recognize numbers alphabets vehicles and several other image scanning stuff The craze is very similar to what the s programmer has about video games where moving a character on screen gives the joy you get when your program correctly identifies the number or letter you make from hand From college graduates to junior programmers and from experienced programmers to software architects all show interest in Machine learning and Artificial intelligence to become part of the next technical revolution we may be witnessing If you are wondering what Machine learning and Deep Learning are let me briefly overview them Machine learning programs use algorithms to parse data learn from that data and make informed decisions based on what it has learned One example of that was selecting the best Cucumber from a lot done by a Japanese programmer you can read the full story here On the other hand Deep learning structures algorithms in layers to create an artificial neural network that can learn and make intelligent decisions independently It s more complicated than machine learning While these free online courses are great I also recommend you to check out Machine Learning A Z Hands On Python amp R if you need a comprehensive in depth course on Machine Learning This hour course is fantastic and you can buy in just on Udemy sales Best Free Machine Learning and Deep Learning Courses for BeginnersBefore I share the list of courses I d like to clarify that they are not of inferior quality even though these courses are free They are just made free by their instructor for promotional and education purposes These courses are taken from popular online learning websites and platforms like Udemy Pluralsight Coursera and FreeCodecamp Some of them are also available for free on YouTube In fact sometimes these free courses are covered in paid courses once the instructor reaches their promotional targets so please be careful and check the course price before you join Anyway here is my list of some of the best free online courses to learn Machine Learning and Deep Learning online by yourself What is Machine Learning This is an excellent free course to learn essential Machine Learning concepts like Supervised Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning with Python demo If you are new to Machine Learning then this free Udemy course is perfect to start with You will learn about the process of building supervised predictive models and make several of them using Python the most widely used programming language for machine learning As part of the course you ll receive the thoroughly annotated Jupyter Notebook used in the course The best thing about this course is that concepts are presented with lots of examples animations and plots making learning really easy particularly for beginners I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn Machine Learning from scratch This is good for beginners and even for people with some experience who want to revise essential Machine learning concepts Practical Machine Learning with Scikit LearnScikit is one of the popular Python Machine learning libraries It was initially developed by David Cournapeau as a Google Summer of Code project in and since then it has become the defacto machine learning library for many programmers Scikit Learn also known as a skeleton is particularly great for beginners It offers a high level interface for many tasks allowing beginners to practice the entire machine learning workflow and understand the big picture better Anyway in this course you ll not only learn machine learning basics like what is a target variable or a feature but also you ll learn how to create an end to end model using Python s SciKit Learn Here are key things you will learn in this course How to implement regression classification and boosting algorithms Which algorithms work best for a given dataset Data preprocessingYou ll get complete hands on experience with the process of machine learning which includes importing data cleaning the data training and testing pre processing and feature engineering In short a perfect course for beginners to kick start their machine learning journey Once you know Sci kit you can explore more powerful libraries like TensorFlow on your own Deep Learning Prerequisites The Numpy Stack in Python V Free This is another excellent free course to learn Deep Learning on Udemy This covers four major Python libraries like the Numpy Scipy Pandas and Matplotlib stack crucial to Deep learning machine learning and artificial intelligence If you don t know Numpy provides essential building blocks like vectors matrices and operations on them while Scipy uses those general building blocks to do specific things Panda s strength lies in loading data particularly from the database At the same time Matplotlib helps in looking at that data using some standard plots like the line chart scatter plot and histogram In this hours long course you will learn all these libraries and learn how to supervise machine learning classification and regression with real world examples using Scikit Learn Here are the main concepts covered in this course Basic operations in Numpy Scipy Pandas and Matplotlib Vector Matrix and Tensor manipulation Visualizing data Reading writing and manipulating DataFramesYou will also learn how to use Numpy Scipy Matplotlib and Pandas to implement numerical algorithms Most importantly you will learn the pros and cons of various machine learning models including Deep Learning Decision Trees Random Forest Linear Regression Boosting etc In short an excellent free course to learn Deep Learning using Numpy Scipy Pandas and Matplotlib stack Machine Learning Course for Beginners FreeCodecamp This is another free online course to learn about Machine Learning concepts and its available for free on Youtube at freecodecamp s youtube channel This is a comprehensive hour long Youtube course which is very similar to paid courses like Machine Learning A Z Hands On Python amp R This course will teach you the theory and practical application of machine learning concepts from scratch This course is developed by Ayush Singh a year old kid but you will admire his teaching skill and depth of knowledge ️Course Contents ️️ Course Introduction️ Fundamentals of Machine Learning️ Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning In Depth️ Linear Regression️ Logistic Regression️ Project House Price Predictor️ Regularization️ Support Vector Machines️ Project Stock Price Predictor️ Principal Component Analysis️ Learning Theory️ Decision Trees️ Ensemble Learning️ Boosting pt ️ Boosting pt ️ Stacking Ensemble Learning️ Unsupervised Learning pt ️ Unsupervised Learning pt ️ K Means️ Hierarchical Clustering️ Project Heart Failure Prediction️ Project Spam Ham DetectorYou can watch this course right here or on youtube here is the link Learn Keras Build Deep Learning ApplicationsThis is an excellent free Udemy course to learn another powerful Python machine learning library called Keras If you don t know Keras is both a powerful and easy to use Python library for developing and evaluating deep learning models It wraps the efficient numerical computation libraries like Theano and TensorFlow It allows you to define and train neural network models in a few short lines of code which is just awesome This free deep learning course will learn how to build an end to end Python machine learning project using Keras and tune a deep learning model and neural network The best part of this free online course is that the instructor walks through every line of code so you ll be able to understand the model and the process How to Think About Machine Learning AlgorithmsIf you don t know the question you probably won t get the answer right and this course is all about asking the right machine learning questions Machine learning is behind one of the coolest technological innovations today but contrary to popular perception you don t need to be a math genius to successfully apply machine learning At first you need to identify whether machine learning can provide an appropriate solution and in this course you ll learn how to identify those situations The topics covered in this course include Classifying Data Predicting relationships using regression Recommending a product and Clustering large data sets into meaningful groups You need a Pluralsight membership to access this course which costs around per month On the other note Pluralsight is a great resource and its membership is definitely worth every penny spent I have bought the annual membership which comes with a discount Anyway even if you don t have Pluralsight membership you can still access this course for free by signing up for a day free trial without any commitment which provides minutes of watch time Overall an excellent course to get a high level overview of what machine learning is and how to use it to solve real world problems This is one of the basic Machine learning courses but I have put that to the end because it s not entirely free Deep Learning Crash Course for Beginners FreeCodecamp This is a free video course on Youtube to learn Deep Learning in and half hours This Deep Learning Crash Course for Beginners is taught by Jason Dsouza and its available for free on Freecodecamp s Youtube channel In this free deep learning course you will Learn the fundamental concepts and terminology of Deep Learning a sub branch of Machine Learning This course is designed for absolute beginners with no experience in programming You will learn the key ideas behind deep learning without any code You ll also learn about Neural Networks Machine Learning constructs like Supervised Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning the various types of Neural Network architectures and more You can watch the full video here or on Youtube its freehere is the linkThat s all about some of the best free courses to learn Machine Learning Deep Learning and Artificial intelligence in As I have said these are new technologies which will rule the world in the coming years hence learning them now will provide you with valuable experience and you will be well ahead of others At the moment a Machine learning specialist is also drawing a very handsome salary and solving some interesting world problems Hence it s not only financially rewarding but also works is really great Other Programming Courses you may like Courses to learn Data Science in The DevOps RoadMap for Programmers Top Books to Learn Python for Data Science Frameworks Java and Web Developer should learn Top Java Design Pattern Courses for Programmers Top Courses to learn Artificial Intelligence in Free Java Courses for Experienced Developers Free Courses to learn Core Spring and Spring Boot Free Courses to Learn Docker in The React JS Developer RoadMap Free Courses to learn Maven and Jenkins in Top Courses to Learn Tableau for Data Visualization Top Data Visualization Tools You should learn in Thanks for reading this article so far If you like these free Deep Learning and Machine Learning courses please share them with your friends and colleagues If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note P S If you are looking for the best Machine Learning course and don t mind paying some money then Machine Learning A Z Hands On Python amp R is the perfect course to start with This would be the right choice to learn Machine learning in |
2021-11-17 11:03:49 |
海外TECH |
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How to implement OAuth2 Login Using (Single Sign-On) Google — Part 1 |
How to implement OAuth Login Using Single Sign On Google ーPart OAuth GoogleHello All Its Rohan Kadam Today authentication is the backbone of any application we develop Providing security is of utmost importance for any application So to achieve this today we are going to learn authentication OAuth using Google Tech stack Java Spring Boot Step Login to using your Gmail account Step Create New Project For Google Cloud Console Step Click On API amp Service from Google Cloud Console Step Click on Create Credentials amp Select OAuth Client Id Step On Successful Creation on Oauth Client Id Step Finally On Successful Creation you will be able to access the credentials Client IdClient SecretRedirect Uri Step We will look into the Code for implementing OAuth in the next part Google Oauth Login Using Spring Boot Code How to implement OAuth Login using Google amp Java Spring Boot ーPart Conclusion In the article we tried to answer many questions related to OAuth Login or also called SSO Single Sign On and how to create a setup for the same on google cloud console Google SSO features are widely been used by many companies such as Medium Hackerrank and etc Please do share and like if you find the article useful Follow me on medium Rohan Ravindra Kadam and on Twitter at rohankadam |
2021-11-17 11:02:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Do Python One-Liners Make Your Code Faster? |
Do Python One Liners Make Your Code Faster Most Python programmers have a myth that one liners are the best way of programming and they even think that one liners make the code faster Let us check out this thing and analyze how one liners differ from normal codes Let us consider some of the five programsCreating an array with zeroesSelecting the even numbers in a rangeOne liner for if else statementsManipulating an arrayChecking palindromeWe will be using the “time module to check the time taken to execute the program Creating an array with zeroesLet us create a dimensional array of zeroes with a normal iterative method and let s note the running time Time taken is I have run this program several times and found the maximum value So that we can analyze it easily Let us check the one liner for doing this Time taken is Selecting the even numbers in a rangeThis time I wish to make the time a notable one So I iterated the loop times The program is quite simple if the number is even I will append it in the array else nothing will happen Time taken is One linerTime taken is One liner if else with a functionLet us find the count of multiples of in a range Time taken is Let us convert the divisibleby function and the main function to one liners to compare the results You can even convert the divisibleby function into a lambda function to make it even complex Time taken is Manipulating an arrayLet us convert the array of elements to its square values Time taken is Time taken is Palindrome checkThis is a function to check whether a number is a palindrome or not Time taken is One liner Time taken is I m astonished by the above results From the above table it is clear that the one liners make the code much faster It will help you in competitive programming and so on |
2021-11-17 11:02:03 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
'Ted Lasso' marketing campaign nominated for Publicists Guild award |
x Ted Lasso x marketing campaign nominated for Publicists Guild awardThe promotional campaign for Apple TV hit Ted Lasso is one of only four series nominated at the ICG Publicists Awards Ted Lasso Source Apple Ted Lasso is nominated for the Maxwell Weinberg Publicist Showmanship Award which will be presented at the th annual ICG Publicists Awards in March The organizers have deemed only four campaigns worthy of consideration instead of its maximum six Read more |
2021-11-17 11:18:37 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Surprise Pixel 6 update improves fingerprint scanner performance |
Surprise Pixel update improves fingerprint scanner performanceGoogle has released a surprise mid month update for the Pixel and Pixel Pro smartphones that s specifically designed to improve the performance of the fingerprint scanner XDA has reported Google changed the location of that sensor on the new model and it s been a sore point for owners because of slow and finicky performance nbsp On top of being slow the fingerprint scanner occasionally fails to read fingerprints and has even allowed phones to be unlocked with someone else s fingers according to Android Police Google defended the problem at the time by saying the reduced performance was due to quot enhanced security algorithms quot that took longer to verify identities nbsp nbsp According to some Reddit users the update makes the scanner more consistent with fewer failures particularly if you re using a screen protector However it s still slower than some models with similar under screen fingerprint sensors like the Galaxy S Ultra according to several of those owners nbsp Google has issued the update in two builds for Verizon specific and international models ーthey should roll out to your device soon or you can download them directly from Google here |
2021-11-17 11:34:22 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
摂食嚥下加算、支払側「安易な緩和」に反対-多職種介入で嚥下機能改善、でも算定進まず |
中央社会保険医療協議会 |
2021-11-17 20:10:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
着床前診断の保険適用化、「議論は尚早」-中医協・総会 |
中央社会保険医療協議会 |
2021-11-17 20:05:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
‘Red Notice’ is a hit? Oh, yes, says Netflix’s Top 10 list |
Red Notice is a hit Oh yes says Netflix s Top list Top on Netflix will reveal the streaming platform s most popular content ーa ranking that includes its own original content as well as the |
2021-11-17 20:13:02 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Liverpool bomber had been planning attack since April |
police |
2021-11-17 11:51:10 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Insulate Britain protesters jailed for defying road blockade ban |
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2021-11-17 11:50:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Inflation: UK prices soar at fastest rate for almost ten years |
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2021-11-17 11:51:38 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Amazon to stop accepting Visa credit cards in UK |
january |
2021-11-17 11:54:02 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Lorna Middleton jailed for husband 'revenge' murder |
clydebank |
2021-11-17 11:30:59 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
オスジカ対決 角折れるまで 留萌市街地で30分超突き合う 市内の渡辺さん撮影 |
駐車場 |
2021-11-17 20:07:27 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
北京パラに北朝鮮参加可能 IPC、45~55カ国想定 |
国際パラリンピック委員会 |
2021-11-17 20:03:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
コロナ飲み薬の使用申請 ファイザー、米FDAに |
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2021-11-17 20:03:00 |