Engadget Japanese |
最大2万6000円OFF、XGIMIがAmazonと楽天市場でブラックフライデーセールを開催 |
amazon |
2021-11-18 07:30:50 |
Engadget Japanese |
気軽に使えるNASのおすすめ5選。家族みんなの大事なデータを1台で管理。どこからでもアクセスできる! |
通常 |
2021-11-18 07:25:16 |
Engadget Japanese |
Uber Eatsでコストコの商品を注文可能に |
ubereats |
2021-11-18 07:10:52 |
Engadget Japanese |
Fisker、大衆向け電気SUV「Ocean」の市販バージョン発表。2022年量産開始へ |
fisker |
2021-11-18 07:09:06 |
ロボスタ |
搬送用自律移動ロボット「Mighty-D3」が「CES 2022 Innovation Awards」を受賞 CES 2022のShowcaseに出展 |
cesinnovationawards |
2021-11-18 07:13:33 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] USJで人気の「禰豆子ポップコーンバケツ」、販売方法を変更 転売対策で |
itmedianewsusj |
2021-11-18 16:47:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 東京・新宿に約225メートルの「東急歌舞伎町タワー」 ライブホールや映画館など/23年春開業 |
itmedia |
2021-11-18 16:10:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] アーキサイト、台湾Mistel製の左右分割キーボード「MD770」日本語配列モデルを発売 |
itmediapcuser |
2021-11-18 16:02:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
牛検体(乳汁)を空と陸でリレー配送! エアロネクストら、スマート物流の実装へ前進 |
人手不足 |
2021-11-18 07:00:48 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
NTTデータ、顧客と非対面で商談できるサービス「ColorFruit」を2022年5月に開始 | IT Leaders |
NTTデータ、顧客と非対面で商談できるサービス「ColorFruit」を年月に開始ITLeadersNTTデータは年月日、オンライン商談サービス「ColorFruitカラーフルート」を発表した。 |
2021-11-18 16:08:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
【InterBEE 2021登壇事例】U-Next様 「AWS のマネージドサービスをフルに活用したマルチチャンネル対応ライブ配信の実現」 |
【InterBEE登壇事例】UNext様「AWSのマネージドサービスをフルに活用したマルチチャンネル対応ライブ配信の実現」AWSは年月日日にて開催のInterBEEにオンライン出展しました。 |
2021-11-18 07:58:45 |
AWS Japan Blog |
【Inter BEE 2021登壇事例】NTTぷらら様「AWSで実現するスポーツコンテンツ管理と機械学習の活用」 |
【InterBEE登壇事例】NTTぷらら様「AWSで実現するスポーツコンテンツ管理と機械学習の活用」AWSは年月日日にて開催のInterBEEにオンライン出展しました。 |
2021-11-18 07:57:20 |
AWS Japan Blog |
【InterBEE 2021登壇事例】朝日放送テレビ様 「AWS を活用した朝日放送テレビ株式会社のリモートプロダクションに関する取組」 |
本Blogでは、朝日放送テレビ株式会社にご登壇いただいた「AWSを活用した朝日放送テレビ株式会社のリモートプロダクションに関する取組」の概要について簡単にご紹介させていただきます。 |
2021-11-18 07:55:25 |
AWS Japan Blog |
【Inter BEE 2021登壇事例】AbemaTV様「AWS を活用したコンテンツ価値を最大化するABEMAのクラウド戦略」 |
ESTBSテレビ様「AWSを活用したライブ映像の収録およびスポーツイベントでの活用事例」ESAbemaTV様「AWSを活用したコンテンツ価値を最大化するABEMAのクラウド戦略」ES朝日放送テレビ様「AWSを活用した朝日放送テレビ株式会社のリモートプロダクションに関する取組」ESNTTぷらら様「AWSで実現するスポーツコンテンツ管理と機械学習の活用」ESUNext様「AWSのマネージドサービスをフルに活用したマルチチャンネル対応ライブ配信の実現」本ブログではセミナー発表の中から、株式会社AbemaTVによる「AWSを活用したコンテンツ価値を最大化するABEMAクラウド戦略」について紹介させていただきます。 |
2021-11-18 07:54:21 |
AWS Japan Blog |
【Inter BEE 2021登壇事例】TBSテレビ様「AWS を活用したライブ映像の収録およびスポーツイベントでの活用事例」 |
【InterBEE登壇事例】TBSテレビ様「AWSを活用したライブ映像の収録およびスポーツイベントでの活用事例」AWSは年月日日にて開催のInterBEEにオンライン出展しました。 |
2021-11-18 07:53:29 |
AWS Japan Blog |
NVIDIA A10G Tensor Core GPU を備えた EC2 G5 インスタンス |
NVIDIAAGTensorCoreGPUを備えたECGインスタンス年前、最大つのNVIDIATTensorCoreGPUを搭載した、当時新しかったGインスタンスについてお話ししました。 |
2021-11-18 07:18:33 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pandas dataframeから行番号・列番号を削除する |
dataframe |
2021-11-18 16:57:52 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
python テキスト操作編+αその1 -初心者メモ |
憧れる整数型、進数、浮動小数点での表示print進数d進数x進浮動小数点f出力結果進数進数進浮動小数点文字を大文字にするまたは小文字にするhelloupperWOrlDlowerHELLOworldテキストの分割splitmessageこんにちはn私は和夫ですmessagesmessagesplitnmessagesこんにちは私は和夫ですリストに入ったテキストの結合結合間に入れるテキストjoinmessagesjoinmessagesこんにちは私は和夫ですテキストの入れ替えreplacemessage今日は晴れですねmessagereplace晴れ雨今日は雨ですねテキストが何文字目かfindするmessage今日はとても夜空がきれいだmessagefind夜空テキスト操作そのはこんなもんで終わります。 |
2021-11-18 16:41:46 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonを用いてローカルにあるPythonプログラムをDockerコンテナ内で実行する方法 |
立てたコンテナでPythonプログラムを実行するコンテナ内で実行するPythonプログラムを用意する試しにコンテナ内でFlaskというライブラリをインストールするプログラムを作成する。 |
2021-11-18 16:38:36 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【保存版】コーディングテスト「track」の標準入力の対処法(Python) |
for文で行目iの時は、数字の要素数なのでnに代入します行目iの時は数字の要素をlistで取得しています。 |
2021-11-18 16:20:49 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python3】「ModuleNotFoundError」の対応 |
【Python】「ModuleNotFoundError」の対応はじめにWebスクレイピングをやろうとして、WebDriverやbeautifulsoupなどモジュールはインポートできてるのに、seleniumやbsが認識されず、「ModuleNotFoundError」が発生してました。 |
2021-11-18 16:05:56 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
iOS 15 Safari モーダル処理時にスクロール固定のために従来のやり方をするとおかしくなる件 |
CSS側でheightcalcvarwindowinnerheightpxと謎のpxを引いてますが、これが無いと展開時に垂直スクロールでタブバーの誤動作が起きて不具合が起きるそうです。 |
2021-11-18 16:56:52 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【javascript】prototypeの継承 |
functionPersonnameagethisnamenamethisageagePersonprototypehellofunctionconsoleloghellothisnamefunctionJapanesenameagePersoncallthisnameagecall第一引数japaneseコンストラクタのthisをPersonに渡している。 |
2021-11-18 16:42:07 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【javascript】プロトタイプチェーン |
【javascript】プロトタイプチェーンプロトタイプチェーンとはプロトタイプの多重形成をプロトタイプチェーンという。 |
2021-11-18 16:15:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【スプレッドシート】チェックボックスにチェックを入れたら指定したデータを転記できるようにしたい。 |
2021-11-18 16:55:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
dockerでnginx + php-fpmの502Bad Gatewayエラーが解消できない |
dockerでnginxphpfpmのBadGatewayエラーが解消できない前提・実現したいことDocker上でnginx、phpfpm、nextjs、mysql、CentOS、Linuxの環境を作っています。 |
2021-11-18 16:53:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Wordress のカスタムフィールドで利用できる Syntax Highlighter プラグインはありますか? |
Wordressのカスタムフィールドで利用できるSyntaxHighlighterプラグインはありますかHTMLnbspEditornbspSyntaxnbspHighlighternbspを利用しているのですが、こちらのような機能をカスタムフィールドでも利用できるプラグインはありますでしょうかカスタムフィールドは、ACFnbspnbspAdvancednbspCustomnbspFieldsnbspを利用しています。 |
2021-11-18 16:50:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Excel 関数を使い、各商品の販売日ごとの販売個数の合計と、各商品の販売個数の合計があっているか確認したい |
Excel関数を使い、各商品の販売日ごとの販売個数の合計と、各商品の販売個数の合計があっているか確認したいエクセルの同じシート上に、商品の販売日ごとの販売個数のデータ表の左側と、そのデータを利用せずに算出した、商品ごとの販売個数合計のデータ表の右側があります。 |
2021-11-18 16:40:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rails 中間テーブルの件数を取得したい |
Rails中間テーブルの件数を取得したいnbsp概要モデルを構築していて、Tag、TagLink、Userテーブルが存在します。 |
2021-11-18 16:40:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Python3.x]表中で不足分をまとめて別のExcelファイルで表示したい |
Pythonx表中で不足分をまとめて別のExcelファイルで表示したい前提・実現したいことPythonで簡単な在庫管理を行うシステムを作っています。 |
2021-11-18 16:38:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
複数のモデルのコントローラ内でのparamsの受け渡しがうまくいきません。 |
複数のモデルのコントローラ内でのparamsの受け渡しがうまくいきません。 |
2021-11-18 16:35:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
データを送信したのに受け取りができてない |
2021-11-18 16:33:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
グラフのタイトルを変更したいのだがグラフの指定方法が分からない |
グラフのタイトルを変更したいのだがグラフの指定方法が分からないお世話になっております。 |
2021-11-18 16:26:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
torchvision.transforms.Normalize()に渡す平均,標準偏差とは何の値? |
2021-11-18 16:23:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
input type="text"の入力値(value)がgetElementsByTagNameで取得できない |
inputtypequottextquotの入力値valueがgetElementsByTagNameで取得できないブラウザー画面にボタンとラベル定数と入力ボックスがあります。 |
2021-11-18 16:16:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
unityでのジグソーパズル の作り方について |
Youtubeなどでジグソーパズルの開発方法の動画を見ながら実装しているのですが、どの動画もピースを正しい位置に置いた時に、ピースが固定されるという方法でジグソーパズルを作っています。 |
2021-11-18 16:06:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
str_replace で class を取り除く |
2021-11-18 16:05:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
iframeを表示しているサイトのURLを、iframe内で表示しているサイトにて取得したい |
iframeを表示しているサイトのURLを、iframe内で表示しているサイトにて取得したい聞きたいことiframeで表示しているWebサイト仮にChildとしますから、表示元のWebサイトParentとしますのURLを取得したいと思っています。 |
2021-11-18 16:00:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
fopenで共有ファイルの読み取りができない |
fopenで共有ファイルの読み取りができない前提・実現したいことMacとwindowsのファイル共有を行い、windowsのファイルから読み取りを行おうとしました。 |
2021-11-18 16:00:41 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS SAP】Direct Connect |
ちなみに複数のVPCとオンプレミスをDirectConnectで繋げたい場合、それぞれにDirectConnectを引いてしまうと非常に費用がかかるため同時に接続が可能なDirectConnectGatewayサービスを利用する類似サービスより安価な仮想専用線サービスであるAWSVPNがあるコストDirectConnectにて回線を引き込むための費用に加えAPNパートナーとの費用等、毎月の費用としてデータ転送量料金、さらに接続回線GGに応じた接続ポートの利用時間料金がかかる。 |
2021-11-18 16:31:05 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonを用いてローカルにあるPythonプログラムをDockerコンテナ内で実行する方法 |
立てたコンテナでPythonプログラムを実行するコンテナ内で実行するPythonプログラムを用意する試しにコンテナ内でFlaskというライブラリをインストールするプログラムを作成する。 |
2021-11-18 16:38:36 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure 仮想マシン(Windows / Linux)のための、マイクロソフト純正のアンチマルウェア・EDR まとめ |
最後に本稿では、WindowsServerやLinuxサーバーのAzure仮想マシンを構築するときにOSごとにどのようなアンチマルウェアやEDRのオプションがファーストパーティで提供されているかを見てきました。 |
2021-11-18 16:59:59 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Microsoft Defender for Cloud を利用するにあたり、避けられない Defender for Endpoint (MDE) の話 |
MDEgtDefenderforCloudの情報連携各サブスクリプション上のマシンでMDEが動いている場合、発見した脆弱性情報や検知された脅威情報がDefenderforCloudのポータル上で見られるように連携されます。 |
2021-11-18 16:02:12 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Git 用語解説! 〜GitとGithubの違いってなんだ?〜 |
分散型のバージョン管理サービス例Github一方、集中型のというのはリモートリポジトリに直接、複数人の開発者がアクセスしながら、開発を行うことです。 |
2021-11-18 16:17:01 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[アップデート] AppStream 2.0でLinuxイメージがサポートされました |
amazon |
2021-11-18 07:45:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Deeper Into this In JavaScript |
Deeper Into this In JavaScriptIn a previous article we saw how to use this keyword with objects In this post we shall dive deeper into different bindings of this that we will encounter when dealing with it in functions Bindings mean the different ways this behaves in different contexts in a function Default BindingConsider the following example function defaultThis console log this alert Welcome this username defaultThis Since there is no username variable declared or defined this keyword gets the default binding it references the global Window object here as can be seen below Implicit BindingThis binding is created by the behaviour of the function Let s take an example to understand let hobbit name Bilbo welcome alert Hello this name hobbit welcome The output would be as exptected Here since there is an object that calls the function welcome this implicitly refers to the object inside the function Explicit BindingExplicit binding means to explicitly bind the value of this to any specific object There are methods to implement explicit binding call Consider the code snippet we used above in Implicit Binding the property name and method welcome are both defined inside the object hobbit This makes the binding for this fairly implicit What if the object is separate from a method Consider the snippet below function welcome alert Welcome this name let hobbit name Frodo welcome Welcomewelcome call hobbit Welcome FrodoThe first function call welcome has no reference to an object so it would not return anything in the alert statement after Welcome The second function call is where we have accessed the object with the call method This means that we are specifying to the browser to assign the object hobbit being passed as parameter to this using call method Another use case for call is that we can pass parameters to signify the value for this along with arguments for the function Example function foo spellOne spellTwo alert this name cast the spells spellOne and spellTwo let wizard name Ron Weasley foo call wizard Expelliarmus Slugulus Eructo Here the function foo is called with the call method and the object wizard is passed as the first argument which automatically gets assigned to this in the function along with the rest of the arguments Note that the first argument always gets assigned to this The output is as below But there is a drawback for this use case What if there are tens of arguments to be passed for multiple objects Very cumbersome We have the next binding method to improve usability a little better apply Take a look at this snippet function foo spellOne spellTwo alert this name cast the spells spellOne and spellTwo let wizard name Ron Weasley foo apply wizard Expelliarmus Slugulus Eructo The format is the same except that instead of call we use the method apply and instead of passing the arguments one after the other we just wrap them in an array The output remains the same bind The bind method creates a new function which when invoked assigns the provided values to this Take a look at the snippet below function foo spellOne spellTwo alert this name cast the spells spellOne and spellTwo let wizard name Ron Weasley let castSpell foo bind wizard Expelliarmus Slugulus Eructo castSpell Here we are using bind to be referenced by the variable castSpell which can then be invoked as a normal function call The advantages of using bind are that We are explicitly binding the foo method to the instance castSpell such that this of foo is now bound to castSpellEven though the wizard object does not have castSpell as its property because we are using bind wizard now recognises castSpell as its methodbind returns a new function reference that we can call anytime we want in future new Bindingnew binding is used specifically for constructor functions Take a look below function Wizard name spell this name name this spell spell this intro function if this name Hermione alert The witch this name cast the spell this spell else alert The wizard this name cast the spell this spell let hermione new Wizard Hermione Occulus Reparo let ronald new Wizard Ronald Slugulus Erecto Constructor functions are special functions that are used to create new objects The use of new keyword means that we are creating a new object or instance of the constructor function Whenever new is used before any constructor function name with the Capitalized convention followed the JS engine undertands that this inside the function will always point to the empty object created by new HTML Element Event Bindingthis can be used to bind the values of specific events or elements in HTML Take a look at this example lt button class this one onclick console log this gt this One lt button gt In this case this will always bind itself to the element where the event happened in this case the this one class button The output will be as below Now take a look at this snippet lt button class this two onclick this style backgroundColor orange gt this Two lt button gt Here this is again bound to the button with the class this two and the onclick event happens only on that specific button Output How about when we call a function within the element lt button class this three onclick changeColor gt this Three lt button gt lt script gt function changeColor console log this lt script gt Note that we are calling the console log function along with this So the value of this is as below Here this points to the global Window object We can see that Default Binding occurs here since the function changeColor is called without a prefix this is definitely strange However the use cases provide us with flexibility to use objects effectively |
2021-11-18 07:49:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What Engagement Model is Right for You? |
What Engagement Model is Right for You How to choose the most efficient engagement model to lay a solid foundation for the successful project delivery Emerline will tell you about the available options highlight which one works best for each particular case and share the team s approach to technological partnership and other engagement scenarios What is an Engagement Model The customer success journey starts with the right engagement model they choose for business relationships with the software development partner Depending on the project size duration concept and strategy clients agree on an optimal IT engagement model with their service provider A project engagement model is a plan that describes the specifics of collaboration between a customer and a vendor during the project development Engagement models specify the way specialists are engaged in the project areas of responsibility payment terms timelines management issues etc There is no multipurpose engagement model for software development to suit any project and satisfy all customers demands ーits choice depends on the project specifics and client s software development partnership preferences Engagement Models for Customer SuccessThere are a number of IT engagement model examples ーeach one is characterized by a particular working mode pricing terms and conditions and the vendor team s project engagement Let s explore the most popular engagement model scenarios and mark their distinctive features Dedicated TeamThis IT engagement model implies that a service provider offers their specialists to a customer based on the required skills competencies and tech stack Clients share precise info on what they expect from the software product or service how many professionals are requested for working on the project and which technological preferences they have The more comprehensive these entry points are the more efficient and well matched embedded resources the software development provider suggests It s up to the customer to choose special aspects of this engagement model s project management and define whether they will manage the dedicated team themselves or involve a project manager from the vendor s side As a rule embedded resources work alongside in house specialists interact with the internal team and augment it while being located on the premises of the service provider s office The focus is on high quality delivery A pricing model is simple and directly linked to the dedicated team s size and hourly rates of each specialist involved In other words mind monthly salaries and extra costs service provider s fee administrative needs and so on as this will make up the billing AdvantagesHiring a dedicated team from an outsourcing software development company is much cheaper than recruiting in house specialists The team involved in the project will be focused only on your project The dedicated team model can significantly speed up the software development project delivery The team and the client collaborate closely on the project DisadvantagesThe model is not efficient for short term projects The issues related to different time zones may relate but they can easily be solved if flexible methodologies like Agile are applied Outstaffing ModelHave a lack of qualified Java developers or quality assurance specialists for your project Need to find Node js professionals as your product idea dictates the usage of this tech All these and other requests are covered with the help of resource staffing Outstaffing suppliers carefully clarify the needs of clients and give them the resources who have proven expertise in the requested fields industries or technologies Among the other IT engagement models outstaffing is notable for personnel management that is provided by the client whereas the companies going in for IT outstaffing services are responsible for staff employment insurance taxes etc In some cases resource staffing means relocation and working onsite so that the client can take a closer look at each project iteration and monitor all stages of development processes AdvantagesThe model is advantageous for those companies that have technical skills to control what developers will do and how they will do it Outstaffing is more affordable than hiring in house developers as companies can save money on administrative expenses such as staff employment taxes benefits etc The outstaffing model allows organizations to quickly and flexibly extend their in house team whenever they need extra resources for their product development DisadvantagesOutstaffing implies more responsibility on the client s side that s why they need to have a technical specialist to be able to control remote developers Fixed Bid Project TeamFixed bid contracts are all about strict terms and conditions They are based on a precise estimate of what should be done exact project time frames and predetermined budgets So the name of the engagement model speaks for itself ーprovided that customers announce a specific price or at least a price range a software development outsourcer will be committed to providing a set of services within the agreed bid billing In terms of the fixed bid pricing model both project scope with the clearly defined customer s requirements and price are fixed in the beginning and remain unchanged during the whole project lifecycle In case of extra work new product features add ons or services that haven t been specified before clients and software development providers tend to make additional contractual agreements AdvantagesAccording to the fixed bid project model the price for developers work is stable if there s a detailed specification Once the contract is assigned there is a strict deadline the project is delivered Companies don t need to cover additional costs but only what is outlined in the agreement DisadvantagesThe model isn t suitable for projects that need flexibility in requirements as once the agreement is approved by both sides nothing can be changed Technology PartnerIt would be inadequate to measure technology partnership with monetary relations or a number of specialists engaged in the development of software solutions Technology Partner is a company with a profound experience and a team of experts from different fields including solution architects consultants business analysts development and quality assurance specialists designers security professionals project managers and other roles which is in charge of delivering turnkey solutions Responsibility areas of technology partners include building reviewing solution architecture software development advising on optimal tech stack and integration IT infrastructure analysis and security privacy audit A tech partner is providing quality knowledge sharing if needed ーeducation and training are their standards too Tech partners deal with various engagement scenarios Even if a customer has just an idea on a napkin without clearly defined requirements or business goals the right technology partner will help to prove its viability before the successful implementation AdvantagesA reliable technology partner strives to offer cost effective solutions to reduce your operating expenses Companies get access to a wide range of experienced specialists with different expertise including developers designers testers business analysts etc This engagement model implies a wide area of responsibility on the technology partner s side ranging from software development to advising on the optimal tech stack DisadvantagesIt won t work for short term projects and companies that have a solid in house technical expertise Offshore Development Center ODC Do you need to reduce costs yet set up an IT department with highly skilled specialists The best decision would be to transfer it to an offshore location An offshore development center is typically opened in offshore locations with favorable economic conditions a wide pool of qualified tech talents in the labor market at reasonable prices Working in collaboration with a service provider you don t need to worry about such business setup challenges as hiring specialists infrastructure establishment dealing with legal regulations while opening a new legal entity etc In general a customer receives an independent IT department with all labor resources infrastructure and office equipment required for its operation AdvantagesBy employing the ODC model customers reduce costs on purchasing and maintaining of hardware and office equipment Service providers are responsible for hiring and administrative costs including salaries bonuses vacations taxes etc The ODC will function according to your corporate strategy and the team will be dedicated only to your project Companies can quickly scale their business at any stage with no additional investment in infrastructure and operations DisadvantagesThough the ODC model reduces costs it won t work for a short term project with clear and fixed requirements How To Select The Right Engagement Model For Business Software Development To make sure you choose the right engagement model you should answer several questions to understand your needs Find the list of questions about your projects and think over the answers Type of project Is your project simple or complex Budget Do you need to fit into a strict budget or can afford to extend the budget if needed Flexibility Do you want to be able to make flexible decisions or change requirements during the process of product development Time frame Should the project be delivered as soon as possible or within an exact deadline Do you have a specific deadline in mind Project management Do you have the expertise to control product development by yourself or prefer to entrust it to a third party Expertise Do you need to augment your team with additional expertise or a dedicated team with specific expertise As each engagement model has its peculiar features and can perfectly suit one project but become irrelevant for another here are some correlations between engagement models and project types Dedicated TeamIt works best when the project scope is large or isn t clearly defined When the requirements vary and there are high chances they change in the course of the development process the dedicated team will adapt to the shifts and go on implementing new project features OutstaffingA key factor while taking into account this business engagement model is cost reduction If the client possesses strong project management competencies and is ready to put much effort into the supervising process it makes perfect sense to address an outsourcing vendor for developers or QA specialists for instance When a customer has a clear product vision and intends to remain a major business strategy decision maker while demanding purely technical development or implementation assistance outstaffing is ideal If there is a need to extend your team with the members having specific tech expertise this engagement model might be a good choice as well Fixed BidHave a detailed specification of your project that won t be altering in the future Need to be ready with a software solution in the agreed terms Launch a small project with a limited set of features and clearly defined requirements We d recommend to consider the fixed bid project team for such scenarios ーno extra fees during the project development and predictable deadlines Technology PartnerThis approach is about the other dimensions of customer engagement and the degree of vendor s contribution Technology partners manage the project from the idea to implementation and can cover any business or tech demand from defining the right product development strategy to conducting training sessions after the solution goes live Offshore Development CenterThis engagement model is all about long term cooperation cost reduction and flexibility If you need a quality product yet don t want to spend too much money on establishing an in house IT department the ODC setup will work best for you When it comes to flexibility the model allows you to scale the project with new talents at any stage and easily adapt to evolving project changes Our Approach to the Engagement ProcessRegardless of the engagement models preferred by our customers Emerline delivers successful projects while following any of them Either your request asks for Java development specialists only or needs the profound contribution of our entire expert team we are glad to help Below we ll share our key competencies and principles related to the project delivery Our team has all core competencies and enough expertise to lead a project from scratchWell it s more about technology partnership ーwhile following this engagement model Emerline explores a vague idea shares their product vision and builds a turnkey solution as we have the key roles to make your product a success When all of them from business analysts to design thinking experts are in one place and make every effort to exceed project expectations and achieve project goals it will be the best possible outcome The versatile tech stack we are experts in allows us to select the right technologies for the project implementationIf Java or NET would prevent your solution from being as convenient and multifunctional as it could be we d suggest you another tech The idea is that our expertise in a wide technology spectrum allows us to select the right tools frameworks or software development kits for product development without being limited to one or two options Involve us at any project stage and for any project scaleA from scratch project or a functioning solution that needs some extra features to add Both Emerline joins the projects at any stage required and assists with any scope of work either completely or partially Our flexibility relates to the project size as well ーwe are experienced in working with both startups and huge corporates Originally published at |
2021-11-18 07:48:33 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Observer Pattern | Design Patterns in Java |
Observer Pattern Design Patterns in JavaBehavioral design pattern Watch a Java implementation of the Observer Pattern An observable Weather object in example is an object which notifies observers Person objects in example about the changes in its state |
2021-11-18 07:44:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
HTML tags | bdi |
HTML tags bdiThe lt bdi gt element Bi Directional Isolation tells the browser s bidirectional algorithm to treat the text it contains in isolation from its surrounding text It s particularly useful when a website dynamically inserts some text and doesn t know the directionality of the text being inserted Bidirectional text is text that may contain both sequences of characters that are arranged left to right LTR and sequences of characters that are arranged right to left RTL such as an Arabic quotation embedded in an English string Browsers implement the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm to handle this In this algorithm characters are given an implicit directionality for example Latin characters are treated as LTR while Arabic characters are treated as RTL Some other characters such as spaces and some punctuation are treated as neutral and are assigned directionality based on that of their surrounding characters Usually the bidirectional algorithm will do the right thing without the author having to provide any special markup but occasionally the algorithm needs help That s where lt bdi gt comes in The lt bdi gt element is used to wrap a span of text and instructs the bidirectional algorithm to treat this text in isolation from its surroundings This works in two ways The directionality of text embedded in lt bdi gt does not influence the directionality of the surrounding text The directionality of text embedded in lt bdi gt is not influenced by the directionality of the surrounding text For example consider some text like EMBEDDED TEXT st placeIf EMBEDDED TEXT is LTR this works fine But if EMBEDDED TEXT is RTL then will be treated as RTL text because it consists of neutral and weak characters The result will be garbled EMBEDDED TEXTst placeIf you know the directionality of EMBEDDED TEXT in advance you can fix this problem by wrapping EMBEDDED TEXT in a lt span gt with the dir attribute set to the known directionality But if you don t know the directionality for example because EMBEDDED TEXT is being read from a database or entered by the user you should use lt bdi gt to prevent the directionality of EMBEDDED TEXT from affecting its surroundings Though the same visual effect can be achieved using the CSS rule unicode bidi isolate on a lt span gt or another text formatting element HTML authors should not use this approach because it is not semantic and browsers are allowed to ignore CSS styling Embedding the characters in lt span dir auto gt has the same effect as using lt bdi gt but its semantics are less clear Like all other HTML elements lt bdi gt element supports the global attributes except that the dir attribute behaves differently than normal it defaults to auto meaning its value is never inherited from the parent element This means that unless you specify a value of either rtl or ltr for dir the user agent will determine the correct directionality to use based on the contents of the lt bdi gt Type inlineSelf closing NoSemantic value NoDefinition Example Support |
2021-11-18 07:26:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How JavaScript works behind the scene - Execution Context and Call Stack |
How JavaScript works behind the scene Execution Context and Call StackHello World JavaScript is the most hated as well as the most loved programming language in the world And the reason for the hate is that most people don t understand the underlying beauty of it So In this post we will see how functions are executed in JavaScript and how variables are defined and initialized We will also discuss what is hoisting Execution ContextAny function in JavaScript is executed in two phases Declaration Phase This phase is only responsible for declaring variables and functions Execution Phase This phase is responsible for executing function blocks Let s understand both phases one by one We will use the following snippet to understand the execution context var x var y function add a b return a b function multiply a b retrn a b let sum add const product multiply var sumProduct multiply add x y console log sum product sumProduct Note In the above snippet some variables are defined with var some with let and some with const I did that on purpose to show how each of them works differently in execution context Declaration PhaseIn declaration phase variables and functions are allocated memory But there is a slight difference in where the memory is allocated to var and let const var var is allocated memory in global scope or in it s function scope and is initialized with undefined let and const let and const are allocated memory in TDZ Temporal Dead Zone hence is not accessible or defined while the variable is in TDZ It remains in TDZ unless assigned a value initialized TDZ Temporal Dead Zone is the time between hoisting declaration and value assignment initialization Execution PhaseIn execution context Function blocks are executed in global execution context Variables are assigned values If there are nested functions then further Function Execution Context are created in GEC both declaration and execution phases runs again for the nested function One important thing to note is that Once a function is returned it is cleared removed from the execution context And it is done with the Call Stack CallStackExecution context is maintained using a Call Stack A stack is a LIFO last in first out data structure In a stack we only insert or delete elements at the top of stack think in terms of JavaScript Array push and Array pop method There can be only one execution context running at a time that s why JavaScript is a single threaded language Whenever an execution context is halted may be due to some delay or data fetching a different execution context becomes the current running EC The halted EC might then at a later point pick back up where it left HoistingThe concept that variables are allocated memory declared before the execution of code is known as hoisting var is accessible with undefined as value before it s declaration because it is declared in global memory let and const are also hoisted declared before execution but in TDZ temporal dead zone hence are not accessible before their declaration in the code So if the question is Are let and const hoisted in JavaScript The answer is Yes they are hoisted but in temporal dead zone So that s it for this post if you found this post helpful consider joining my Newsletter where I share epic weekly content to build your skillset Thank You |
2021-11-18 07:15:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Acquiring Data From Data Warehouse: An Overview |
Acquiring Data From Data Warehouse An OverviewA data warehouse organizes and stores operational enterprise wide data Typically a data warehouse is a mix of older legacy application systems yet unintegrated In this article we will look into a typical data warehouse structure the information stored in it and the tools that enable users to both access and retrieve data from it To make the best of a data warehouse users first need to understand the importance of developing excellent communication skills with such a wealth of information The information within a Data warehouse is usually accessed using an SQL query The SELECT statement is in charge of querying the variety of tables and returning the previously requested results in a data warehouse environment Data Warehouse StructureData warehouses have a unique structure featuring former and recent data and various levels of specified vantage points and summary aspects A data warehouse serves as storage for four types of data as follows Older Detail DataOlder detail data combines earlier used data as old as five or ten years or longer This is a mass volume of data typically stored on tape or similar mass storage options However expensive disk storage may also be used in older data Current Detail DataCurrent detail data consists of recently used data and unlike older detail data this one always comes with a shorter period Even though it can be voluminous current data is mostly stored on disks thus granting faster access Lightly Summarized DataLightly summarized data uses data refined from Current detail data This type always resides on a disk and is summarized per a certain unit of time Highly Summarized DataThis data presents information outsourced from Lightly summarized data In this case the data is disk stored and compacted making it easily accessible The last aspect of data warehouses is metadata which can be best described as data about data Metadata provides information about the data warehouse structure and its many algorithms used in data summarizations Data Warehouse AdministrationTuning and administering data warehouse activities is many times necessary for improving both its performance and availability Indexing makes a solid example of data administration given the growing index numbers typically assigned to data particularly in higher summarization levels far better performing than low level data Generally this is the result of the total data volume seen in lower levels Assigning indexes at lower levels is simply not that much desirable Processes such as those used in indexing operations often demand broader resources in low level details particularly when compared to high level data summarization Most times data administration activities are reserved for high level data summarization As a result lower level detail data is usually left intact Getting Data Out Of The WarehouseUsers should simply request and examine data within the system as soon as the warehouse is set up To optimize queries users should put their focus on the six following subjects Tuning A Complex QueryThis section should cover the query run time reduce the table size and simplify joins While the latter might lack accuracy it comes quite handy in terms of the task duration Using An Execution PlanThis plan should consist of a graphical representation of the many steps involved in the database tables fetching results The two types of execution plans include Estimated Execution Plan and Actual Execution Plan Simplifying Join MechanismsFurther work will be much easier if users first make joins less complicated by reducing excess volumes of data Understand Disk Memory IO Usage ConsiderationsThe standard volume within a data warehouse is I O focused and features operations such as mass data loads index builds and developing queries and materialization of greater data amounts Using ParallelismParallelism will facilitate and accelerate the work by enabling several people to manage the same task simultaneously Writing Hierarchical QueriesThis one is self explanatory and to the point ConclusionLearning how to communicate smoothly and effortlessly with a data warehouse will bring huge business prospects and a variety of useful information for your enterprise The SQL procedure offers a powerful and comprehensive set of tools indispensable to data retrieving as a whole Overall mastering this technological art will simplify your engagement while alleviating tasks and aiding users to experience a wide array of business benefits Sign Up For Free And Start Sending DataTest out our event stream ELT and reverse ETL pipelines Use our HTTP source to send data in less than minutes or install one of our SDKs in your website or app Get Started |
2021-11-18 07:13:55 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
1 thing beginner programmers always neglect. That's why they will neglect this post too |
thing beginner programmers always neglect That x s why they will neglect this post tooI used to neglect this thing as well until I started doing programming seriously Hi my name is Saifullah Usmani I am a Programmer and a Graphic Designer I have been programming for almost years now And I have worked with several freelance clients If it sounds like a thing that will add value in your life then consider following my page because I keep creating quality content for you What beginner programmers neglect They neglect the basics they neglect the theory and focus on practicality It is not bad and it is the fastest way to get started But without a base the building will only fall It won t rise enough Remembering syntax is not the thing Remembering what is does under the hood makes you a good logic builder And you are paid for good logic not for spaghetti code If you understand the real function behind syntax of programming languages you will be able to learn any programming language in a day It is same for every high level programming language You have loops conditional statements functions classes variables data types error handling and helper functions It is same for every language and if you understand what they do you can then learn the syntax and use them as you see fit for the specific problem But if you don t understand the puzzle pieces you will obviously put them in the wrong order And the wrong order is what makes your code useless Good understanding of these functions will allow you to talk to computer as you talk to humans You will be able to transfer what you have in mind to code just like you do general languages with humans After learning the base theory I am now able to transfer the logic I come up with in my mind for a specific problem to code If I don t know the syntax I google it because syntax is not what humans are supposed to remember because computers can do that too We are humans we have to have the thinking which computers lack That is what I do in order to solve problems that even stack overflow don t have because when working for client they will obviously try to come up with something unique that is maybe never done before So if you are good with logic you are unstoppable with the power of code That s it for today hope you found the answer to some questions that beginners usually have in mind and what makes experienced programmer different from them Follow me Hire me For web development Purposes My New Blog saifullahusmani comFollow me here YouTube Programming Tutorials Coming Soon Discord |
2021-11-18 07:04:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
New GitHub Rules Guide [git push -u origin main] |
New GitHub Rules Guide git push u origin main This post explains very quickly how to push your code to your GitHub repository following the new rules imposed by GitHub company For starters you cannot use your password anymore instead you should use a generated token by GitHubFirst of all you need to click on your profile picture and go to settings Then you scroll down till you reach Developer settings then click on that From there choose the last option Personal Access Tokens Then click on Generate new token First you need to type the name of the app site you want to push And then what I choose here is simply repo but you can read every option in detail and choose whatever suits your needs Finally you will receive a token you will copy it and substitute your password with it and every time you want to push your code you will repeat the same steps and get a new generated token to enter with your username I hope this quick guide was useful and I will see you in next posts over and out |
2021-11-18 07:04:28 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
2022年度税制改正の論議本格化 医療の考え(2)-「時代に合った見直し」日本医療法人協会の伊藤会長代行 |
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2021-11-18 16:20:00 |
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各社の「上場維持基準への適合に向けた計画書」の中身 |
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東京海上日動、「法人ドライブエージェント」のラインアップにサービスを追加 |
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ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
重要技術ブループリントを発表、まずは量子技術に投資 |
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2021-11-18 07:20:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Asia’s three largest economies and polluters face tough road toward ditching coal |
Asia s three largest economies and polluters face tough road toward ditching coalFor Japan China and India promises to further reduce emissions by phasing out coal run straight into domestic political roadblocks and social realities |
2021-11-18 16:46:23 |
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BBC News - Home |
£96bn for rail but Leeds HS2 leg due to be scrapped |
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2021-11-18 07:40:36 |
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Peng Shuai: Doubt cast on email from Chinese tennis star |
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2021-11-18 07:19:17 |
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Covid-19: Passes for pubs an option and school attendance up |
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2021-11-18 07:45:56 |
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BBC News - Home |
Wisbech farmer spiked by forklift thanks life-saving teams |
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2021-11-18 07:10:38 |
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BBC News - Home |
F1's enthralling season heads to Qatar as title battle hots up |
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2021-11-18 07:26:46 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
神奈川の印刷業「トーカイ」に破産開始決定、負債5億円 - 不景気.com |
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2021-11-18 07:19:44 |
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ライフハッカー[日本版] |
V字ブレードでガンガン草刈り! 両刃の除草ツール「スキッジャー」 |
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2021-11-18 16:30:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Firestore と Apache Beam を使ったデータ処理 |
BeamのFirestoreコネクタの実用例BeamとFirestoreパイプラインのユースケースをより深く理解するために、GoogleCloudDataflowを使用してFirestoreデータベースに一括処理を行うメリットの例を見てみましょう。 |
2021-11-18 08:00:00 |
北海道 |
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岩見沢で自動除雪車を実演 23年度、高速道で実用化へ ネクスコ東日本 |
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2021-11-18 16:20:08 |
北海道 |
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ホンダ、12月上旬に通常稼働へ 国内工場、部品不足が改善 |
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2021-11-18 16:11:00 |
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「ホテルニューアカオ」営業終了 熱海を代表、コロナ響く |
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2021-11-18 16:09:00 |
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東京機械の防衛策認める、最高裁 投資側抗告を棄却 |
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2021-11-18 16:07:00 |
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道内20人コロナ感染 札幌と旭川は各8人 |
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スバル、1万8千台リコール 改善対策も届け出 |
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2021-11-18 16:02:00 |
ビジネス |
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中国家電「ハイアール」37年率いた張瑞敏氏が引退 後継者に生え抜きの周雲傑氏と梁海山氏が昇格 | 「財新」中国Biz&Tech | 東洋経済オンライン |
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2021-11-18 16:30:00 |
IT |
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2021年12月11日に「すぎやまこういち お別れの会」の実施が決定 |
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2021-11-18 16:50:00 |
IT |
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Xbox Series X|SとXbox OneにXbox Cloud Gamingが対応! |
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バガキン、肉4枚の超大型濃厚「超ワンパウンドビーフ チーズバーガー」 |
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2021-11-18 16:45:00 |
IT |
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Steam版『ダライアス コズミックコレクション アーケード』が本日より配信!早期購入割引20%オフ&バンドルパック割引を実施 |
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2021-11-18 16:20:00 |
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PS5/PS4用ミステリーADV『忘れられた都市 - The Forgotten City』の発売日が2022年3月3日に変更 |
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2021-11-18 16:10:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Firestore と Apache Beam を使ったデータ処理 |
BeamのFirestoreコネクタの実用例BeamとFirestoreパイプラインのユースケースをより深く理解するために、GoogleCloudDataflowを使用してFirestoreデータベースに一括処理を行うメリットの例を見てみましょう。 |
2021-11-18 08:00:00 |