Engadget Japanese |
PS5は全世界でXbox Series X|Sの約2倍売れた、との推計が発表 |
xboxseriesxs |
2021-11-18 10:40:47 |
Engadget Japanese |
週末の昼は自然豊かな場所でワインを楽しむ。多機能ワインバッグ「O’in Wine Bag」 |
多機能ワインバッグ「OinWineBag」▍OinWineBagオールインワインバッグ週末あなたは何をして過ごしていますか家でゆっくり過ごすのもいいけれど、「自然豊かな場所でワインを楽しむ」というワンランク上の新習慣を始めてみませんか外に出かけたくなるワインバッグOinWineBagは、頑丈な作りでワインボトルやグラスを持ち運ぶのに便利なワインバッグですさて、OinWineBagにお気に入りのワインを入れて外へ出かけましょう▍\OinWineBagつの特徴アウトドアで大活躍ボトルが割れる心配なしグラスや料理も一緒に入りキャンプにも最適最適温度を保持、どこでもベストな味を楽しめる▍アウトドアで大活躍ボトルが割れる心配なし内側は衝突防止機能があるクッション素材を使用しています。 |
2021-11-18 10:15:17 |
Engadget Japanese |
XboxクラウドゲームがXbox対応。旧機種Xbox Oneで次世代ゲームが実現 |
XboxクラウドゲームがXbox対応。 |
2021-11-18 10:06:49 |
ロボスタ |
高さ約62cm「レゴ スター・ウォーズ AT-AT」ホスの戦いを完全再現!ルークなど9体のミニフィグとアクセサリー付き |
atatallterrainarmoredtra |
2021-11-18 10:29:06 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] バルミューダ社外役員がインサイダー取引の疑い 「対象期間を勘違い」 |
itmedia |
2021-11-18 19:25:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 全国版ホテル定額サービス続々 東急や三井、専門サイトも |
itmedia |
2021-11-18 19:08:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python ctypes 構造体 pragma pack (push,1) |
importctypesclassSTDATActypesStructurepackこれが必須fields構造体データを自由に定義それではここから事例の内容をコードで紹介します。 |
2021-11-18 19:12:20 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【javascript】クラス継承 |
【javascript】クラス継承クラス継承Prototype継承のクラス盤hogehogeprototypeObjectcreateHageprototypecaseクラスに書き換えて継承をする。 |
2021-11-18 19:50:44 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
UTC dateTimePicker |
UTC dateTimePicker lt link href rel stylesheet type text css gt lt link rel stylesheet href gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt script src integrity sha LGXaggshOkD atPFNcpVunfLzFqLE sChHceMTDPgknVxwggwkPPAAtX lmPqPdxBANzcMQ crossorigin anonymous gt lt script gt lt script type text javascript src gt lt script gt lt div style width px gt lt div id picker gt lt div gt lt input type hidden id result value gt lt input type hidden id clone name schedule value gt lt div gt document ready function picker dateTimePicker String prototype toDate function format var normalized this replace a zA Z g var normalizedFormat format toLowerCase replace a zA Z g var formatItems normalizedFormat split var dateItems normalized split var monthIndex formatItems indexOf mm var dayIndex formatItems indexOf dd var yearIndex formatItems indexOf yyyy var hourIndex formatItems indexOf hh var minutesIndex formatItems indexOf ii var secondsIndex formatItems indexOf ss var today new Date var year yearIndex gt dateItems yearIndex today getFullYear var month monthIndex gt dateItems monthIndex today getMonth var day dayIndex gt dateItems dayIndex today getDate var hour hourIndex gt dateItems hourIndex today getHours var minute minutesIndex gt dateItems minutesIndex today getMinutes var second secondsIndex gt dateItems secondsIndex today getSeconds return new Date year month day hour minute second function generateDateTime date return date toISOString replace T substring function cloneUTC var localTime result val if localTime var time localTime toDate yyyy mm dd hh ii var utcString generateDateTime time clone val utcString |
2021-11-18 19:41:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Swagger JSONからexample valueのJSONを生成したい |
SwaggerJSONからexamplevalueのJSONを生成したい前提・実現したいことrailsで、jsonで書いたswaggerからSwaggernbspUIの「examplenbspvalue」にあたるリクエストパラメータのjsonデータを作成したいのですが、もしもgemなどで簡単にできる良い方法があれば教えていただきたいです。 |
2021-11-18 19:57:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
makeによる環境構築エラー |
makeによる環境構築エラー前提・実現したいことGitlabのプログラミングをクローンしてインストールしようとしています。 |
2021-11-18 19:56:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pytorchのnn.ParameterをTensorFlowで実装したい |
PytorchのnnParameterをTensorFlowで実装したい前提・実現したいことPyTorchで書かれたモデルをTensorFlowに書き換えています。 |
2021-11-18 19:54:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
phpの超基本なはずなのに、エラーが出ていきづまっています。 |
phpの超基本なはずなのに、エラーが出ていきづまっています。 |
2021-11-18 19:50:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
市松模様の書き方について(Python) |
市松模様の書き方についてPython前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-11-18 19:48:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CloudFormationでAPIGatewayのスロットリング無効方法 |
CloudFormationでAPIGatewayのスロットリング無効方法CloudFormationでのAPIGateway構築においてAPIGatewayのステージ設定デフォルトのメソッドスロットリングにあるスロットリングの有効化を無効にしたいと思っています。 |
2021-11-18 19:47:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Googleドライブ上にある.pem拡張子の証明書ファイルを取得すると無効になる |
Googleドライブ上にあるpem拡張子の証明書ファイルを取得すると無効になる前提・実現したいことあるサーバーにSSH接続をするため、Googleドライブ上にある証明書hogepemをwgetで取得し、権限を変更後SSH接続をしたい。 |
2021-11-18 19:46:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pythonでラベル名⇔値を相互に取得する方法 |
Pythonでラベル名⇔値を相互に取得する方法Pythonでラベル名⇔値を相互に取得したいとき、どのように書くのが良いかアドバイスを頂きたいです。 |
2021-11-18 19:31:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
背景画像が表示されない |
背景画像が表示されない背景画像か表示されない。 |
2021-11-18 19:03:40 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rakeタスクのメソッドと定数はどこに定義するか |
Rakeタスクのメソッドと定数はどこに定義するか経緯Rakeタスクの中でメソッドと定数を定義していたためリファクタリングしたかったときに参考記事が少なかったため独自で調べたこととその方法について書こうと思います。 |
2021-11-18 19:57:08 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DatabricksにおけるAmazon Kinesisの活用 |
これは、停止条件として用いられ、上限を指定するものであり、この値で指定された以上のデータがバッファされる場合があります。 |
2021-11-18 19:37:46 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Githubにプッシュする方法 |
Githubにプッシュする方法リモートリポジトリにファイルをアップロードターミナルでgitコマンドを入力してリモートリポジトリにファイルをプッシュします。 |
2021-11-18 19:35:00 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ターミナルを使ってGitにプッシュする |
ターミナルを使ってGitにプッシュする自分用に備忘録として残します。 |
2021-11-18 19:22:42 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rakeタスクのメソッドと定数はどこに定義するか |
Rakeタスクのメソッドと定数はどこに定義するか経緯Rakeタスクの中でメソッドと定数を定義していたためリファクタリングしたかったときに参考記事が少なかったため独自で調べたこととその方法について書こうと思います。 |
2021-11-18 19:57:08 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Introduction to AWS proton |
Introduction to AWS protonOverview of AWS Proton AWS Proton is a new service that was introduced at re invent AWS proton is a pla |
2021-11-18 10:38:09 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Transit Gatewayでインターネットの出口を集約した際の思わぬ弊害とその対応(Blackholeルート) |
blackhole |
2021-11-18 10:12:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Windster - Tailwind CSS admin dashboard interface [MIT License] |
Windster Tailwind CSS admin dashboard interface MIT License Windster Tailwind CSS DashboardWindster is a free and open source Tailwind CSS admin dashboard layout featuring responsive sidebar layouts authentication pages charts users products pages and hundreds of Tailwind CSS components based on the Flowbite library such as buttons dropdowns navbars datepickers and more Build with Tailwind CSSThe pages of this project have been built using only the utility classes from Tailwind CSS and you can continue working with Windster as with any other Tailwind CSS project as it uses the standard Post CSS configuration method together with purging classes as it is recommended Components from FlowbiteWindster also uses the open source Tailwind CSS components from Flowbite including buttons alerts typography dropdowns navbars and many more These components also exclusively use the Tailwind CSS utility classes so there is no need to include any extra CSS into your project Example pagesThe open source version of Windster includes application UI example pages including a main dashboard layout a login page a register page a users page and a products page where there are also modals included for the CRUD actions HUGO static site generatorWe decided to use the HUGO static site generator system to build the HTML templates and also use JSON files as a source of data for some of the pages such as the products or users page Of course you can adapt these templates to your own tech stack by extracting the HTML templates and the Webpack POST CSS configuration files Webpack module bundlerWindster uses Webpack to bundle assets and to watch for changes and tie together the compilation actions from HUGO and Post CSS Feel free to customize the Webpack configuration file based on your needs We also included a CSS minification feature when building for production WorkflowThis project uses the following tech stack Tailwind CSS utility first CSS framework tailwindcss com Flowbite component library for Tailwind CSS flowbite com HUGO static site generator gohugo io Webpack module bundler webpack js org Table of ContentsDemoQuick StartDocumentationFolder StructureResourcesUpgrade to PROReporting IssuesTechnical Support or QuestionsLicensingUseful Links DemoDashboardUsersProductsLoginRegisterComponents Live Preview Download from Themesberg Quick startDownload from Themesberg or clone this repositoryDownload the project s zipMake sure you have Node js and HUGO installed Run the following command to install the project dependencies npm installRun the development server npm run start Building the projectTo build the final project files run the following command npm run buildThe file will be available in the build folder DocumentationWindster is first of all a project based on Tailwind CSS but it also uses Flowbite to enable more components HUGO to generate static HTML files and Webpack for assets bundling Tailwind CSS main CSS framework Flowbite Tailwind CSS components HUGO static site generator Webpack module bundler Folder StructureWithin the download you ll find the following directories and files Windster Tailwind CSS Dashboard ├ーLICENSE md├ーREADME md├ー gh pages├ーconfig yml├ーcontent├ーdata├ーlayouts├ーnode modules├ーpackage lock json├ーpackage json├ーpostcss config js├ーresources├ーsrc├ーstatic├ーsyntax css├ーtailwind config js├ーtemp└ーwebpack config js ResourcesLive demo Download License Agreement Support Issues Github Issues Page Upgrade to ProIf you like working with Windster and you would like to expand the number of pages and get access to a more advanced layout kanban page mailing application and times more pages then check out Windster Pro and check out the differences between the two versions Reporting IssuesWe use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for Windster Here are some advices for our users that want to report an issue Make sure that you are using the latest version of Windster Providing us reproducible steps for the issue will shorten the time it takes for it to be fixed Some issues may be browser specific so specifying in what browser you encountered the issue might help Technical Support or QuestionsIf you have questions or need help integrating the product please contact us instead of opening an issue LicensingCopyright Themesberg Crafty Dwarf LLC Themesberg license MIT License Useful LinksTailwind CSS themesAffiliate Program |
2021-11-18 10:54:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Running Tron (TRX) Node With GetBlock: Here’s How It Works |
Running Tron TRX Node With GetBlock Here s How It WorksBeing cutting edge nodes API connection provider GetBlock continues its series of articles designed to demonstrate the opportunities of our toolkit Today let s get our hands dirty with Tron Network TRX that attempts to become a mainstream Ethereum killer since Running Tron TRX Node What is Tron TRX Tron Tron Network Tron Blockchain was introduced back in by Justin Sun an eccentric Chinese American entrepreneur Tron is developed and maintained by a Singapore incorporated non profit Tron Foundation established in July At its core Tron is a Proof of Stake PoS blockchain built around native cryptocurrency Tronics TRX It works not unlike BitShares BTS or Eos EOS tokenholders lock their tokens in favour of validators in order to share transactional fees with them In July Tron acquired the iconic decentralized data sharing platform BitTorrent while SteemIt was added to its ecosystem in In Tron CEO Justin Sun stressed its smart contracts platform is focused on DeFi and NFT segments Running Tron TRX Node Who Already Uses ThemIn Q every smart contracts platform both old fashioned like Ethereum or Eos and novel like Binance Smart Chain or Polygon Network has its own specialization For instance Ethereum and Polygon host numerous DeFis while Binance Smart Chain ecosystem is focused on decentralized gaming GameFi or Play to Earn When it comes to Tron TRX it is obvious that this platform is a go to solution for gambling and high risk applications According to DappRadar dashboard out of largest Tron based decentralized applications by total value locked TVL belong to these two categories At the same time SunSwap DEX is the largest Tron s dApp by trading volume it processes mln per day Running Tron TRX Node Accessing Tron via GetBlockGetBlock a leading nodes API provider for Binance Smart Chain Ethereum Polygon and other blockchain allows its customers to connect their dApps to Tron TRX nodes Tron nodes module in GetBlock s dashboard Image by GetBlockOur Tron TRX node is available with uptime its endpoint can be accessed via JSON RPC method Both shared and dedicated Tron nodes are available with GetBlock to work with dedicated nodes a potential customer should contact our team Here s how GetBlock accesses the Tron TRX node To demonstrate it let s check the TRX balance of a smart contract and of an account in the Tron TRX network In this demo YOUR API KEY header refers to the unique identificator assigned by GetBlock TronWeb and contract addresses refer to the public addresses of wallets and smart contracts tested The TRC balance is strings demonstrate the result i e the balance of the tested account in Tron based tokens Just like with Ethereum TRC means Tron Requests for Comments That s it here s how we access Tron TRX in GetBlock We can easily connect your decentralized application to Tron s fast and cheap smart contract environment To discuss our collaboration please tap our customer support team in Telegram |
2021-11-18 10:44:02 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Starting Day 01: learning Vue JS |
Starting Day learning Vue JSHello World I was curious to learn Vue Js for a long time But unfortunately I couldn t manage time to start this So I took a days challenge to Learn Vue Js I will be describing what I have learned and also going to share codes with you I would appreciate any kind of advise remarks and Highly appreciate if you guys join with me in this journeyWish me Luck lt |
2021-11-18 10:25:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Top 10 Software Development Companies in the USA. |
Top Software Development Companies in the USA We all know the software development industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the terms of technologies updates Today where competition is taking place at the top all small and big enterprises visit top software development companies to develop their digital presence and to transform their business into digital form Here My article will help you to find the best software development companies around the world First Let s Define What Software Development Company is When a business is thinking about running the business on automated mode looking to improve productivity by streamlining the workflow management for that hiring a trusted software development company will be the best thing for business Software development companies with their software experts help small and big enterprises to design their software business applications and website So in short custom software development companies help organizations to get precise results Operations Within A Software Development AgencyLet s have a look at the operation of top rated software development companies Delivering top quality digital solutions around the corporate world Build suits for customer centric virtual products Software development agency goes the mile and gives the right business solution to organizations Offers the expertise of Business Intelligence BI The Best Software Development Companies In The USAGet in touch with experienced brands to ensure customizable perks And here are the top software development companies in Bacancy TechnologyBacancy Technology is a globally recognized web development firm they offer fully customized web development solutions to all scales level businesses Bacancy was incepted in and has expanded the business all around the world USA India UAE Australia UK etc The software development company has more than developers with different expertise You can hire remote developers as per your required expertise or build a team of dedicated developers with IT staff augmentation services or also you can outsource the complete development project to the Bacancy technology for custom software development solutions Based on your requirements Bacancy Technology promises to handover you a user centric technology solution to suit their tech needs Expertise in Software development and customizationMVP developmentMobile application developmentUI and UX designWebsite DevelopmentFull cycle custom software developmentProduct development migration maintenance DotSquaresDotSquares Software development agency with software professionals The company has its headquarters in the UK Albourne India USA etc company has infrastructure that is able to deliver smooth software development for all scales DotSquares is one of the best software development companies in USA and deliver quality development for the past years They have the experience of working with more than clients and develop around web applications in various industries Expertise in Custom software developmentMobile app developmentWeb application development BritenetBritenet is a custom software development company since and they have more than experts in their family They develop strong systems that support operational processes in various industries They offer premium services to clients with innovative solutions Britenet is committed to encouraging its employees to take a part in technological and industry events Expertise in Software OutsourcingSalesforceBusiness IntelligenceSoftware DevelopmentMobile AppsUX FATbit TechnologiesIt is also a custom software development company with its headquarters in India They offer customizable scalable and flexible solutions for e commerce and mobile applications at competitive prices A few of the examples of FATbit are Yo Coach Yo Kart Growcer VivoCabs and Yo Rent Expertise in White label turnkey eCommerce solutionsMobile application developmentUI and UX designSoftware development and customizationMVP developmentWebsite Development Spire DigitalSpire Digital is a digital product development organization they offer staff augmentation services user experience design strategic consulting DevOps software development across the globe Expertise in Web DevelopmentMicroservices and API Design and DevelopmentIoT WearablesNative and Cross Platform Mobile DevelopmentEmerging TechnologiesAR VRBlockchainAutomation and DevOps LiventusIt is one of the finest full time custom software development companies in the US they offer dedicated teams of developers IT professionals and designers Liventus helped their clients to manage the workflow smoothly and they are one of the top FinTech firms Expertise in Software and application developmentEcommerce solutionsIT AutomationCRM systems DoorDOOR is one of the most trusted technology consultancy firms offering software development solutions It delivers a reliable solution with an optimal budget They have their headquarters in New York and provide their services around the world Expertise in Custom Software DevelopmentSoftware consultingUser experience design ItransitionItransition is among the globally leading software development companies they are in this service from years They have IT professionals with different skills and knowledge Expertise in Custom Software DevelopmentEnterprise Application IntegrationApplication SecuritySoftware Product DevelopmentTechnology ConsultingMaintenance and SupportSoftware Testing amp QA PixlogixThis is one of the award winning web development and design company based in the USA and delivers quality work all over the developed industry They delivered the services like website development Magento development services Graphic design services HTML website development logo design and help to boost the brand s growth Expertise in Magento eCommerce DevelopmentWebsite DesignWordPress DevelopmentGraphic DesignMobile App Design amp Development Experion TechnologiesThey have a tagline that they are developing trust not just software They have started work as being a software development agency in They have more than customers in around countries They have their headquarters in India and have offices across countries like New Zealand Australia the UK the USA Germany and many more Expertise in Product engineeringEnterprise software developmentFull cycle software solutions for startupsCustom software development Wrapping UpBusinesses always prefer the best when it comes to getting in touch with web development companies Listed web development companies have the best rating review and have excellent performance You can have a look at their experience portfolios tech expertise to take the smart decision This list of top software development companies helps businesses to choose the right development partners |
2021-11-18 10:19:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Testing Svelte components with Jest |
Testing Svelte components with JestI have seen very little written about testing Svelte components I have yet to see a tutorial build and test a Svelte app This is disconcerting Maybe testing is not considered a sexy topic or for hobby projects people like to walk on the wild side I don t know In any case it is not a good idea for any project to skip it Practice as you intend to play is my philosophy Svelte hasn t anointed a set of testing tools or does not advocate for a particular testing strategy It gives some basic advice More established frameworks have recommendations and integrations specific to their CLI tooling React recommends using Jest and React Testing Library and Vue recommends using Mocha or Jest with Vue Testing Library In theory you can use whatever JavaScript testing library you want for testing because in the end you will be testing JavaScript code regardless of whether it is transpiled or not However it can prove to be tricky to integrate different tools into a frontend toolchain for your dev stack Svelte has relied on Rollup for as the central point for it s dev tooling so far but recently Vite has been adopted by SvelteKit Vite is among the next generation frontend tooling brigade It provides a much faster dev environment hence the name vite means fast in French It uses native ECMAScript Modules ESM to provide on demand file serving which means updates are instantly reflected without reloading the page or blowing away application state While the new direction for Svelte appears to be set the current state of affairs is that most testing frameworks are still last generation They mostly use commonJS modules and need to adjust to this new paradigm You can see the issue feature first class Jest integration in the Vite GithHub repo to see some of the issues you can run into In the meantime you need to transpile your code and do some extra hacks and configuration to get everything to play nice This is never fun In this tutorial I will go through using Svelte with Vite and show you how to test your components with Jest I will be using JavaScript but I will mention the extra steps you need to take if you want to use TypeScript instead I will also test a Todo app to show you what testing looks like on an actual app Let s get to it TLDRHere are the GithHub repositories for the code I cover in the article Starter template Todo app Getting started from a templateLet s create a Svelte project based on the Vite svelte template and call it example svelte app For TypeScript use the svelte ts template instead With NPM you must supply an extra set of double hypens npm init vite latest example svelte app template sveltecd example svelte appnpm installWith Yarn yarn create vite example svelte app template sveltecd example svelte appyarn installWith PNPM pnpm create vite example svelte app template sveltecd example svelte apppnpm installNow we have a default project It says HELLO WORLD and has a Counter component We can run the project with npm run dev and visit it at localhost ConfigurationWe need the following libraries to get set up for testing Jest is the test runner that we will use It also has some assertion and mocking functionality babel core babel jest and babel preset env are required for the transpilation Jest requires Jest uses commonJS by default and we are using ECMAScript Modules ESM in our code so we need to get them in the same form The latest version of Jest is v and has experimental support for ESM I did not want to go down the experimental road Hopefully this will mature quickly and remove the need for Babel in the toolchain if you are using JavaScript svelte jester and jest transform stub Jest does not understand how to parse non JavaScript files We need to use svelte jester to transform Svelte files and jest transform stub for importing non JavaScript assets images CSS etc testing library svelte known as Svelte Testing Library provides DOM query functions on top of Svelte in a way that encourages better testing practices Some of the most commonly used functions are render getByText getByLabelText and getByRole testing library user event is a companion library to Svelte Testing Library that provides more advanced simulation of browser interactions than the built in fireEvent function An example of this is if you need to trigger an event for a mouse click while the Ctrl key is being pressed You may not need this but it is worth knowing about it If you use global environment variables or a env file in your code you need to install babel plugin transform vite meta env to transform these variables for the commonJS module This is not a permanent solution famous last words I know You can read this issue for more details on the hopes for better integration where this would not be necessary testing library jest dom provides a set of custom jest matchers that you can use to extend jest These can be used to make your tests more declarative It has functions such as toBeDisabled toBeInTheDocument and toBeVisible This is optional too If you are using Typescript you need to install svelte preprocess and ts jest also We need to install these libraries and do some configuration before we can get to our tests I will install the aforementioned libraries with NPM without the TypeScript dependencies npm install D jest babel jest babel preset env svelte jester jest transform stub testing library svelte testing library user event babel plugin transform vite meta env testing library jest domWe need to configure Jest to transform our files We must explicitly set our test environment to jsdom which we are using through Jest Since v Jest s default test environment is node I will put the configuration in a specific Jest configuration file called jest config json in the project root folder If you create a configuration file called jest config js Vite will complain as it expects only ESM JavaScript by default Vite will recommend that you rename it to a cjs file if you want to do it that way You can look at the different ways to configure Jest if you are unsure about the file conventions If you re using TypeScript you need to configure svelte preprocess and ts jest also see the svelte jester docs for how to do that transform js babel jest svelte svelte jester css styl less sass scss png jpg ttf woff woff jest transform stub moduleFileExtensions svelte js testEnvironment jsdom setupFilesAfterEnv testing library jest dom extend expect We configure Babel to use the current version of node Include the babel plugin transform vite meta env plugin if you are using environment variables I will put the configuration in a babelrc file in the project root folder If you are using TypeScript you need to add a TypeScript preset also see the Jest docs for the details presets babel preset env targets node current plugins babel plugin transform vite meta env Add the scripts to run the tests in your package json test jest src test watch npm run test watch Let s see if our set up is correct by running npm run test Since we don t have any tests yet you should see following message in console ➜npm run test gt example svelte app test gt jest srcNo tests found exiting with code Whew that s a lot I wasn t lying when I said that it can prove to be tricky to integrate different tools into a frontend toolchain If you are using SvelteKit this should work also I have not delved into SvelteKit yet so I don t know if something slightly different is required If there is let me know Your first unit testNow lets create a test module for our App svelte component called App spec js in the same folder By default Jest looks for filenames that end with either spec js or test js import render screen from testing library svelte import App from App svelte test says hello world gt render App const node screen queryByText Hello world expect node not toBeNull We need to import the component and the functions we use from the Svelte Testing Library We pass our component to the render function to setup our component Svelte Testing Library creates a screen object for us that is bound to document body of the virtual document We can use this to run some of the builtin DOM query functions against Here we use the queryByText function to look for an element with that text content It will return a node object if it finds an element with that text It will return null if no elements match For details on the query functions see the DOM Testing Library s “Queries documentation Some of the most commonly used query functions are getByText and getByLabelText Next we use some of Jest s expect matchers to check that the node is not null Alternatively you can use expect node toBeInDocument from testing library jest dom This is a bit easier to read I guess so we will use this from now on When we run the test we get the folllowing output ➜npm run test gt example svelte app test gt jest srcPASS src App spec js ✓says hello world ms Test Suites passed totalTests passed totalSnapshots totalTime sRan all test suites matching src i You don t need to destroy the component after each test this is done automagically for you Typically you would explicitly create a test suite for each component with the function describe name fn We wrap our tests in a function and pass it as the second argument It usually look like this describe App gt test says hello world gt render App const node screen queryByText Hello world expect node toBeInTheDocument You will see that some people use the it function instead of test also It s the same thing just a different style The it function is influenced by rspec Testing eventsLets test our Counter component by creating a Counter spec js file in the same folder lib lt script gt let count const increment gt count lt script gt lt button on click increment gt Clicks count lt button gt Whenever the button is pressed it increments a count variable that is displayed in the button label We will create a similar test to our first test for the App We just want to check that the button is rendered import render screen fireEvent from testing library svelte import Counter from Counter svelte describe Counter gt test it has a button with the text Clicks async gt render Counter const button screen getByText Clicks expect button toBeInTheDocument Now we want to check the action will increment the count This is where we reach for the fireEvent function There is a convenient form of the function fireEvent eventName node HTMLElement eventProperties Object where we can provide the event name as a suffix So we can write fireEvent click screen getByText Clicks Because this is an asynchronous event we need to use the await syntax and make our test function async The test function looks this test it should increment the count by when it the button is pressed async gt render Counter const button screen getByText Clicks await fireEvent click button expect screen getByText Clicks toBeInTheDocument You can use the user event library instead but be aware that all events are treated as async in Svelte testing For other frameworks they are probably synchronous This is unique to the Svelte because the library must wait for the next tick so that Svelte flushes all pending state changes We can check the test coverage of our app now by running npx jest coverage And we re at coverage Yay Unit tests for a Todo appWhile we re at it let s test a more complete app This is where we can really see what testing is like Let s look at a minimal Todo app RequirementsThe app should do the following List todos When there are no items the message Congratulations all done should be shown Allow a user to mark unmark todos as done When a todo is done it is styled differently The text color is gray and has a strike through decoration Allow a user to add new todos but prohibit the addition of an empty todo We will write our tests on these requirements Component overviewThe App component contains the other components It has a subheading that shows the status of the todos e g of remaining It passes an array of todos to TodoList We hardcode todos in our app as per screenshot above The AddTodo component contains the form with an text input and button to add new todos to our list The TodoList component is an unordered list of the todos It has a todos prop that is an array of todo objects Each list item contains a Todo component The Todo component shows the text of the todo and has a checkbox for marking the item as done It has a todo prop that is a todo object The child components dispatch events up to the App when there are data changes from user interaction For example Todo dispatches a toggleTodo event whenever it s checkbox is clicked this event is forwarded by TodoList to App to handle this event TestsI will highlight a couple of the unique aspects of the tests to demonstrate some of the methods for using Jest Testing with props and classes Todo spec js This is an example of passing props to components when we are testing We pass them through an object we provide as the second argument to the render function describe Todo gt const todoDone id text buy milk done true const todoNotDone id text do laundry done false test shows the todo text when rendered gt render Todo props todo todoDone expect screen getByLabelText Done toBeInTheDocument checkbox expect screen getByText todoDone text toBeInTheDocument etc In this test case we want to get the checkbox for the todo It has a lable of Done so we can get it through the function getByLabelText The checkbox has an aria label attribute rather than a corresponding label element it does not matter which it is I like to favour using this function as it is a a good reminder to ensure that every input should have a label to keep things accessible for everyone Next we want to test when a Todo item is marked as done test a done class should be added to the text item when a todo is done gt render Todo props todo todoDone expect screen getByText todoDone text toHaveClass done When the checkbox is checked a done class is added to the span element that has the todo text We can use the toHaveClass function to check that this class is added correctly for done todos Testing text entry AddTodo spec js To simulate a user entering text into the textbox we use the type function from the testing library user event library In this case the button is only enabled when text is entered import render screen from testing library svelte import userEvent from testing library user event import AddTodo from AddTodo svelte describe AddTodo gt other stuff test the add button should be enabled when text is entered async gt render AddTodo await userEvent type screen getByLabelText Todo abc expect screen getByRole button toBeEnabled Testing data mutation App spec js You may have expected the adding of a new todo to be tested in AddTo spec js However since the AddTodo component doesn t result in a DOM change rather it fires an AddNew event there is no way for us to test it through DOM query methods The action is delegated to the App component so this is where we will test it import render screen fireEvent from testing library svelte import App from App svelte describe App gt const PREDEFINED TODOS other stuff test should add a todo async gt render App const input screen getByLabelText Todo const value Buy milk await fireEvent input input target value await fireEvent click screen getByText Add const todoListItems screen getAllByRole listitem expect screen getByText value toBeInTheDocument expect todoListItems length toEqual PREDEFINED TODOS In this test case we must simulate inserting some text to the textbox and then hitting the Add button I use fireEvent input to pass the text to the textbox to its value property This function is similar to userEvent type that I used in the previous example I use it here to show you both ways use whichever you prefer Don t forget that these actions are asynchronous so always use await For our test assertion we want to check that the text for our new todo is now added to the document This should be familiar by now expect screen getByText value toBeInTheDocument We can be doubly sure of the success of our action by checking the number of todos in the page Because the todo items are added to the only list in the page we can check the number of todos by getting elements that match the accessibility role of listitem through screen getAllByRole listitem We can then get the length of the returned array to check how many items there are In more complicated apps you may need not be able to find the elements you are after by searching by text label or role If there is no way around it you can reach for querySelector on the document body like you would in vanilla JavaScript on a regular webpage Just try to avoid using this escape hatch if possible Some people may choose to defer some of the testing of the App component to end to end testing It depends on who you are working with and how the project is organized to decide who tests what and where And that s the bits that I think stand out the most you can read through the tests yourself to get a more complete grasp The test coverage is One important thing that I did not cover in my app is Test Doubles Even though it is quite a small app I wrote what are called social tests The alternate approach is solitary tests For solitary tests you need to mock components you are trying to isolate a component and only the test the functionality of that unit In both approaches you may need to mock some functions that rely on third party libraries or native browser APIs One common example is mocking calls to backend services through fetch or axios I didn t use a backend service in my app so I did not need to mock anything This is something that I may pick up in another article ConclusionIt is messy to get Jest set up with Svelte and Vite The template I have provided here will allow you start testing your Svelte components out of the gates While you can get quite far without issues using ESM in your frontend code and dev tools but using a testing library that uses CommonJS will inevitably create more work for you Whether Jest will make this simpler with its ESM support has yet to be seen I will be looking at some other options to see if there is unit testing library that requires less configuration and integrates with Vite and Svelte in a more seamless way I encourage you to test your Svelte apps and make testing a core part of your development process I hope I have shown that it is easier than you may think The confidence that you will get from testing is invaluable to make more reliable and resilient apps Don t treat it as an optional task for your own sake |
2021-11-18 10:18:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Fix the Bug on Telescope |
Fix the Bug on Telescope IntroductionThe Telescope is the open source project that maintains by Seneca College The Telescope is an open source web servce and client application gathers all blog posts from variety of platforms such as WordPress Medium Dev Community and many others and presenting as timeline Issue The issue is one of blog post contain many lines of lt p gt lt br gt lt p gt at the end of blog post This numerous of line break tag that wrap with paragraph tag interrupt view other blog posts FixThe issue is very simple to fix In theremove empty paragraphs jsconst cleanWhiteSpace require clean whitespace module exports function dom if dom amp amp dom window amp amp dom window document return dom window document querySelectorAll p forEach p gt p innerHTML cleanWhiteSpace p innerHTML const paragraphInnerHTML p innerHTML if paragraphInnerHTML replace amp nbsp gm trim p remove The logic already has been made for the amp nbsp non breaking space Therefore simply add one more condition paragraphInnerHTML trim lt br gt that catch if the lt p gt contains only lt br gt tag for remove the tag challengeThe issue supposed to be easily resolved However there is two things that I have faced the challenge The remove empty paragraph js is never calledSince challenge exists I do not know my logic is correct The reason that remove empty paragraph js is not called is actually function never get called I think the empty amp nbsp treats as edge case so I think the code was missing Therefore I have create the code for invoking the functionThe second challenge has been resolved with the advice from David who is instructor of this course His advice is create unit test case for testing my logic is whether pass or fail Therefore I have createdtest should remove lt p gt lt br gt lt p gt line break gt const htmlData toDom lt div gt lt p gt lt br gt lt p gt lt div gt removeEmptyParagraphs htmlData const expectedHtml lt div gt lt div gt expect htmlData window document body innerHTML toEqual expectedHtml The output is pass My logic is correct but I do not see the any change on the Telescope running in local I have no idea why my change does not reflect to the Telescope So I have asked this issue to our Telescope Slack channel Thankfully Josue and Duc Bui Manh helped to resolve this issue They suggested me to delete old redis data and re run the application that also update database to fetch the blog posts It takes while the elasticSearch crawls the all the blog posts but finally I have the expected result ConclusionDuring the time in Hacktoberfest I have contributed small projects It is such a good experience to contribute to large open source project Telescope LinkPR |
2021-11-18 10:14:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Introduction to Custom Angular Schematics |
Introduction to Custom Angular SchematicsSchematics are very useful They provide us to achieve more in a shorter amount of time But most significantly used we can think less about routine stuff which leaves our limited attention span to focus on solving real changes PreparationEnsure that you have the following packages installed at a global level on your computer Note that in a real life development context you should have some of these local to your project But for the having well been stable development environment we will install them globally node v npm v angular cli core y cli v schematics angular schematics schematics Before getting a start we need to install angular devkit schematics cli package to allow us to use the schematics command in our terminal This command is quite similar to the well known ng generate but the main benefit is that we can run it anywhere because it is totally independent from the Angular CLI This allows us to use the schematics command and specifically the blank schematics to generate a new schematics project where we can start implementing our custom schematics Go to the folder where you want to place your schematics to be at and type in your terminal schematics blank name indepth dev schematicAs you can already understand we are basically invoking the schematics function to generate a blank schematic and we are passing the name of the collection as an option If we inspect the generated folder we can verify it is an npm package featuring a package json with needed dependencies and the node modules folder We will also find a tsconfig json file and scr folder Let we focus on the contents of the src folder srccollection json indepth dev schematicIndex tsIndex spec tsThis file read once by the schematic cli and the angular schematic tool at the time of the running schematicsAny successive schematics in the same package require to be added to the collectionindex tsimport Rule SchematicContext Tree from angular devkit schematics We don t have to export the function by default we can also have per file more than one rule factoryexport function indepthDevSchematic options any Rule return tree Tree context SchematicContext gt return tree As we can see the function is named camelcase form of the schematic name This function holds options as arguments and returns a Rule The Rule is a function that holds the tree and the context and returns another tree Read More Setting Up Angular In The SystemMost useful things to remember over the entry file index ts It can feature a rule factory for certainYou do not require to export the function as defaultIn theory we could earlier run this schematic through the schematics cli but it will definitely give null output but a console message that Nothing to be done So let us make it more interesting and use the create method to create a readme file import Rule SchematicContext Tree from angular devkit schematics We do not have to export the function as default You can also have per file more than one rule factoryexport function indepthDevSchematic options any Rule return tree Tree context SchematicContext gt tree create readme md Mentioned is the Read Me file return tree Execute custom schematics with the schematic cliNow let us head back to the terminal and prompt the schematic execution We must be inside the schematic folder at the root level Before we can execute it we require to build our package to trans pile the typescript to JavaScript and compile it Now we can run schematics indepth dev schematicBecause we are at the root level we do not require to pass the name of the collection So it is followed by a colon and the name of the schematic in this case indepth dev schematic In the future we will add an alias to the schematic to evoke it with a shorter or more user friendly name Schematic didn t generate anythingDo not distress This is the desired behavior after schematics run in debug mode by default So if we want to ensure that the schematics update the file system you require to run them with the dry run false flag schematics indepth dev schematic dry run falseNow we should see the readme md file in your file system Passing options as arguments from the CLINow we have just hardcoded the values for the file path or name and the content string Let us see how to pass it from the CLI to reach a more dynamic output In order to do that let us Modify the RuleFactory like this import Rule SchematicContext Tree from angular devkit schematics import join from path import capitalize from angular devkit core src utils strings We do not have to export the function as default We can also have per file more than one rule factoryexport function indepthDevSchematic options any Rule return tree Tree context SchematicContext gt const fullname string options fullname const content string options content const extension string options extension md tree create join fullname extension capitalize content return tree Let us create a model now so that we can get rid of any Whenever we generate a blank schematic options are declared as type any That is because of the generator has no idea that what will be required We need to solve that by creating a schema model Create a file named with schema ts at the same level of your index ts and update it like the following export interface Schema fullname string content string extension string Now we can add the schema type to the option like the following import Rule SchematicContext Tree from angular devkit schematics import join from path import capitalize from angular devkit core src utils strings import Schema from app schema We do not have to export the function as default We can also have per file more than one rule factoryexport function indepthDevSchematic options Schema Rule return tree Tree context SchematicContext gt const fullname string options fullname const content string options content const extension string options extension md tree create join fullname extension capitalize content return tree Including a validation schema to our schematicWe can include a validation schema to our schematic by creating a schema json file at the same level as our entry file This will serve us to specify defaults for our options flag them as we needed Ensure that we are passing the right types and even issuing prompts Include the following content to schema json schema id indepth dev schematics title Demo of Schematics type object properties fullname description File name also same to its path type string default source argv index content description content of something for that file type string default source argv index extension description An extension for that file and markdown is to defaults type string default md required name content This schema defines three options as per properties of schema option with id indepth dev schematic fullname and content are argument vectors at index and by defaults They are also needed The third value is the extension and it is not compulsory as user input It also has it s the default value Looking to hire Angular Developer Your Search ends here The schema json will only implement when referenced from the collection So head toward the collection and modify it like the following schema node modules angular devkit schematics collection schema json schematics indepth dev schematic description A Demo of the blank schematic factory indepth dev schematic index indepthDevSchematic schema indepth dev schematic schema json Input prompts for the custom schematicsAnother most important use of the schema is to create prompts to communicate with the user through the CLI These prompts ensure a better user experience so developers do not have to read tons of documents to realize what input the schematic requirements in order to run There are three types of Prompts which are textual input either string or number decision or yes or no true or false and list featuring an enum with subtypes Let us update the schema json to include prompts for the needed options schema id indepth dev schematics title Demo of Schematics type object properties fullname description File name also same to its path type string x prompt What is your file name matches path content description content of something for that file type string x prompt Please Enter some content for your file extension description An extension for that file and markdown is to defaults type string default md required name content Aliases for custom schematicsBefore building and run the schematic once again we might maximize it a little bit more by determining a shorter alias before generating with indept dev schematic is a bit long error inclined To give an alias for it let we go to the collection json again and modify it like the following schema node modules angular devkit schematics collection schema json schematics indepth dev schematic description A Demo of the blank schematic factory indepth dev schematic index indepthDevSchematic schema indepth dev schematic schema json aliases dive We should notice that aliases take an array of strings so we can define multiple aliases for our schematic Now we can execute it from the CLI with schematics diveIt should prompt us to pass a full name and content as options It will realize the default for an extension is md Generating the schematic from an Angular appUnless now we are running the schematic from the schematics cli But that is no fun We need to run it in an Angular app Let us start by linking the package to our current node version executing the following command at the root of our package npm linkThen generate a new angular app with the Angular CLI and when it gets completed run the following in the app root folder npm link indepth dev schematicThis creates a symlink to the schematic package so we can execute it Before we run it let we modify the entry file a bit import Rule SchematicsException SchematicContext Tree from angular devkit schematics import join from path import capitalize from angular devkit core src utils strings import Schema from app schema We do not have to export the function as default We can also have per file more than one rule factoryexport function indepthDevSchematic options Schema Rule return tree Tree context SchematicContext gt const fullname string options fullname const content string options content const extension string options extension md const path join name extension const angularConfig angular json Let we ensure that we are in an angular workspace if tree exists angularConfig throw new SchematicsException It is not an Angular worksapce Please Try again in an Angular project else if tree exists path tree create path capitalize content else throw new SchematicsException This name of file is already exists Please try a different or new name return tree Using these changes we ensure that we are executing the schematic in an angular workspace and that the file doesn t already exist Now after rebuilding we can ultimately go to the app and run ng generate indepth dev schematic dive ConclusionIn this blog we have discussed the angular custom schematics with a proper example of creating a custom schematic with useful guidance |
2021-11-18 10:06:19 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
T-Mobile denying some Apple Watch rebates, says promotion doesn't exist |
T Mobile denying some Apple Watch rebates says promotion doesn x t existCarrier T Mobile appears to be rejecting legitimate claims for rebates on Apple Watch Series with support emails saying there is no such promotion Apple Watch Series Nike EditionOn the Apple Watch Series Buy pages in the US Apple promotes a rebate where customers of either T Mobile or Verizon can get a rebate off the purchase price It only applies to those two carriers and specific carrier plans plus it requires a user to buy the GPS Cellular version Read more |
2021-11-18 10:48:48 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Rittenhouse defense calls for mistrial because Apple Mail compressed a video |
Rittenhouse defense calls for mistrial because Apple Mail compressed a videoApple technologies were again the center of attention at the ongoing Kyle Rittenhouse trial with the defense seeking a mistrial Wednesday because attorneys with Android devices received a compressed video file from an iPhone Rittenhouse is on trial for shooting and killing two demonstrators and injuring a third at a racial justice protest in Kenosha Wis in He is charged with homicide attempted homicide and reckless endangerment with a deadly weapon During today s proceedings prosecutors addressed a motion to dismiss that was filed by the defense earlier in the week reports CNN Read more |
2021-11-18 10:11:19 |
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BBC News - Home |
Rail upgrade pledge as Leeds HS2 leg to be scrapped |
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BBC News - Home |
Travis Scott and Astroworld organisers sued for $750m |
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Birmingham couple reunited with Big Ginge after 10 years |
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2021-11-18 10:03:12 |
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Ebony Rainford-Brent reveals racist hate letter |
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2021-11-18 10:10:11 |
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BBC News - Home |
Melbourne Ashes Test and Australian Open tennis at full capacity after easing of restrictions |
Melbourne Ashes Test and Australian Open tennis at full capacity after easing of restrictionsEngland s Test match against Australia in Melbourne and next year s Australian Open tennis tournament will welcome full crowds after the easing of Covid restrictions in the state of Victoria |
2021-11-18 10:30:09 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
淺沼組(1852)、3期連続となる「増配」を発表して、 配当利回り7.3%に! 年間配当額は3年で2倍に増加、 2022年3月期は前期比106円増の「1株あたり363円」 - 配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース! |
淺沼組、期連続となる「増配」を発表して、配当利回りに年間配当額は年で倍に増加、年月期は前期比円増の「株あたり円」配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース淺沼組が、年月期の配当予想の修正増配を発表し、配当利回りがに淺沼組は、年月期の年間配当を前回予想比で「円」の増配、前期比では「円」の増配となる「株あたり円」に修正すると発表した。 |
2021-11-18 19:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
エーアイテイー、2期連続の「増配」を発表して、配当 利回りが4.87%に!“上場15周年記念配当”も実施する 2022年2月期は前期比20円増の「1株あたり58円」に! - 配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース! |
エーアイテイー、期連続の「増配」を発表して、配当利回りがに“上場周年記念配当も実施する年月期は前期比円増の「株あたり円」に配当【増配・減配】最新ニュースエーアイテイーが、年月期の配当予想の修正増配・記念配当を発表し、配当利回りがにエーアイテイーは、年月期の年間配当を前回予想比で「円」の増配、前期比では「円」の増配となる「株あたり円」に修正すると発表した。 |
2021-11-18 19:15:00 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
iPhone購入時、AppleCare+に加入しないほうがいい? |
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2021-11-18 20:00:00 |
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映画「島守の塔」撮影が再開 栃木、コロナ禍で休止 |
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韓国、竹島の領有権譲らず 「日本に断固として対応」 |
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2021-11-18 19:19:00 |
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照ノ富士、貴景勝が5連勝 正代2敗目、御嶽海初黒星 |
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ざこばさん体調不良で休演 上方落語家、今月末まで |
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フリーランス4割がトラブル経験 立場の弱さ浮き彫りに、連合調査 |
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IT |
週刊アスキー |
Shure初の一体型完全ワイヤレス「AONIC FREE」にカラバリ追加、その音は? |
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2021-11-18 19:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
PC『ガンダムネットワーク大戦』でイベントバトル「激突!サイコ・ガンダム」を開催! |
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2021-11-18 19:30:00 |