IT |
気になる、記になる… |
dマガジン、人気雑誌が3日間無料で読み放題に − 「雑誌ヨみまくり 3DAYS」キャンペーン開催中 |
期間限定 |
2021-11-18 08:46:05 |
Engadget Japanese |
Windows Media Playerが「Media Player」へ改名、Insiderにて配布。Grooveミュージック統合 |
groove |
2021-11-18 08:05:24 |
ロボスタ |
アトラックラボ、深谷市農家の主導で「キャベツ搬送ロボット」を開発 200kg積載 ジョイスティック操作も可能 |
deepvalley |
2021-11-18 08:40:33 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 故障や全損、水没にも対応した「OPPO Careプレミアム保証サービス」提供開始 |
itmediamobile |
2021-11-18 17:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 「楽天Edy冬の大感謝祭」開催 抽選でチャージ額の20%、5万円チャージで当選確率10倍に |
itmediamobile |
2021-11-18 17:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ふるさと納税 「温泉利用券」「地ビール」寄付件数が前年同期より大幅に伸長 |
itmedia |
2021-11-18 17:28:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] スマホへ「かざす」だけ 営業・接客に必要な情報を提供する、デジタルIDカード「UNICA」正式版リリース |
canow |
2021-11-18 17:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 「BALMUDA Phone」の実機に触れて感じた「こだわり」と「足りないもの」 10万円超の価値はある? |
balmudaphone |
2021-11-18 17:12:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
OKI、「外観異常判定システム」を強化、Google Cloudを組み合わせてAIモデルを自動生成可能に | IT Leaders |
OKI、「外観異常判定システム」を強化、GoogleCloudを組み合わせてAIモデルを自動生成可能にITLeaders沖電気工業OKIは年月日、「外観異常判定システム」を強化すると発表した。 |
2021-11-18 17:01:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
カウントダウンの値に引数を利用しようとするとNaN扱いになるのはなぜ? |
カウントダウンの値に引数を利用しようとするとNaN扱いになるのはなぜ使い回せるタイマーを作ろうと思い下記スクリプトを組んでみましたがコンソール上でから先がNaN表示になってしまい、正常に動作しません。 |
2021-11-18 17:51:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
jsonの内容を自動的に展開して、mysql のカラムに追加することはできませんでしょうか? |
jsonの内容を自動的に展開して、mysqlのカラムに追加することはできませんでしょうかいま投資信託のファンド情報を取得しています。 |
2021-11-18 17:51:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
vagrantのLAMP環境でIPアドレスの接続ができない |
vagrantのLAMP環境でIPアドレスの接続ができない前提・実現したいことVagrantでLAMP環境を作ってWEBに接続する発生している問題・エラーメッセージで接続しようとしたら、応答が長すぎますアクセスできませんとなりました。 |
2021-11-18 17:47:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ValueError: x and y must be the same sizeのエラーを解決したい |
ValueErrorxandymustbethesamesizeのエラーを解決したい前提・実現したいことValueErrornbspxnbspandnbspynbspmustnbspbenbspthenbspsamenbspsizeのエラーを解決したい入力層nbsp中間層nbsp出力層のニューラルネットワークをプロットしたい現状ニューラルネットワーク自体は、できているが、結果をプロットできていない。 |
2021-11-18 17:38:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pyomoの制約条件がうまくいかない |
pyomoの制約条件がうまくいかない前提・実現したいことpythonでpyomoのコードを書いているのですが、制約条件で構文エラーが出てしまいます。 |
2021-11-18 17:35:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
AtlasScientific社製のECセンサーをarduinoに接続し、SORACOMのSigfoxシールドを使って、SORACOM LAGOONで測定値を可視化させたいです。 |
AtlasScientific社製のECセンサーをarduinoに接続し、SORACOMのSigfoxシールドを使って、SORACOMLAGOONで測定値を可視化させたいです。 |
2021-11-18 17:31:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【R】文字と変数の連結について |
mainquot |
2021-11-18 17:26:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
srcset でPCとスマートフォンと高解像度の振り分け |
srcsetでPCとスマートフォンと高解像度の振り分け画像の表示を、PCとスマートフォンと高解像度の振り分けをするため、以下のような記述で制作していました。 |
2021-11-18 17:24:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
while文を使った表 |
while文を使った表phpを使いdbから値をとってきて表にしたいと考えています。 |
2021-11-18 17:21:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[JavaScript] detasetを使って、画像のsrc属性をクリックされたものに書き換えたいです。 |
JavaScriptdetasetを使って、画像のsrc属性をクリックされたものに書き換えたいです。 |
2021-11-18 17:19:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
vue3のreactive()はcomposition APIでしか使えませんか? |
vueのreactiveはcompositionAPIでしか使えませんかオブジェクトの値の変更をwatchするためにreactive関数が使いたく、以下のコードを書いてみたのですが、エラーが出ます。 |
2021-11-18 17:18:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
バリケーションチェック |
バリケーションチェック前提・実現したいことバリケーションチェックで、条件にあった回答をした場合、エラーの文字を消したい。 |
2021-11-18 17:18:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unityでキーボードとゲームパッドどちらから入力されたかを判定したい |
input |
2021-11-18 17:14:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
iframe タグの html を横幅いっぱいに広げたい |
2021-11-18 17:06:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ディープラーニングのloss |
その際に学習を回して、でたlossに関してですがtrainlossはしっかりと値が小さくなっていきましたがevallossに関しては値がマイナス値を取り値がだんだん小さくなっています。 |
2021-11-18 17:06:05 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails6 line-botでタスクのプッシュ通知 |
環境RubyRubyonRailsHerokuLINEDevelopersLINEMessagingAPILINEログイン大まかな手順LINEログインを実装LINEbotを作成しメッセージをpushしてみるherokuにデプロイし定期実行させる下準備すでに存在する場合はいらないタスクと期限日を投稿するためのテーブルを作成私はpostsでやってますDeviseでusersテーブルを作成Herokuでデプロイしていても良いどちらでもいいSTEPLINEログインを実装【画像付き】RailsでDeviseを利用してLINEログイン機能を実装LINEログインに関してはこちらの記事を参考に実装しました。 |
2021-11-18 17:56:09 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【rubyでcomet2を作る】①概要 |
CPUのプログラムレジスタには、プログラム領域のアドレス値が入ることになります。 |
2021-11-18 17:05:05 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS】EC2とRDSを冗長化しALBで通信を振り分ける |
ECを複製するロードバランサーを作成するRDSをmultiAZ構成にする作業手順詳細EC複製ECのAMIを取得EC画面からEC選択アクション停止を実行停止したらEC選択アクションimageandtemplatesイメージを作成を選択「イメージを作成」画面以下を入力項目名入力値イメージ名WebServerイメージの説明WebServerその他項目はデフォルトで「イメージの作成」押下ECの起動EC画面から「インスタンスを起動」押下左ペインマイAMIに作成したAMIがあるので選択インスタンスタイプの選択tmicroを選択インスタンスの詳細の設定以下を入力項目名入力値ネットワークMyVPCサブネットPublicSubnet自動割り当てパブリックIP有効ストレージの追加デフォルトのGiBとするタグの追加以下を入力項目入力値キーName値WebServerセキュリティグループの設定「既存のセキュリティグループを選択する」にチェックを入れ、WebSGを選択※既存のECもAMIで複製したECも同じセキュリティグループを使うということキーペアの選択「既存のキーペアを選択」、任意のキーペア名を選択し、「インスタンスの作成」押下これでEC複製は完了。 |
2021-11-18 17:46:06 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails6 line-botでタスクのプッシュ通知 |
環境RubyRubyonRailsHerokuLINEDevelopersLINEMessagingAPILINEログイン大まかな手順LINEログインを実装LINEbotを作成しメッセージをpushしてみるherokuにデプロイし定期実行させる下準備すでに存在する場合はいらないタスクと期限日を投稿するためのテーブルを作成私はpostsでやってますDeviseでusersテーブルを作成Herokuでデプロイしていても良いどちらでもいいSTEPLINEログインを実装【画像付き】RailsでDeviseを利用してLINEログイン機能を実装LINEログインに関してはこちらの記事を参考に実装しました。 |
2021-11-18 17:56:09 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Google Trends Analysis |
Google Trends AnalysisSo I am back with my new blog and in this blog we will see trends on Google using the pytrends Python Module Below is a gist that shows the graph for a single term and if you want to test it online you can try it on gitpod as in my previous blog Gitpod VScode is browser Padmashree Jha・Nov ・ min read github vscode programming beginners or if you do not have time just go to the below link and see the resultsDataloreand below is other implementation but with comparison of two things and on datalore belowDatalore |
2021-11-18 08:30:40 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to schedule tasks in .NET? We've made it seem easy #2 |
How to schedule tasks in NET We x ve made it seem easy Welcome to the second part of the series about URL shortener in NET In the first post of this series we created simple URL shortener web service and tested it manually with Postman Check part one here or skip it if you only want to find out how to schedule services in NET In part two we want to expand functionality of our web service with some additional features such as SMS reports This post aims to show you How to send SMS How to easily add scheduler to our web serviceHow to send SMS periodically Use my github to find a finished project and avoid the nuisance of writing the code yourself First Step Send SMS ️For our SMS provider we will use Infobip Please access our free trial self service account through this link After grabbing our API key and URL you just need to implement client library in the project Library github dotnet add package Infobip Api ClientThen place your user settings in appsettings json so that you can easily grab them through our web app Based on Infobip library we will create method SendNotificationSms Let s go through SendNotificationSms string smsNotificationMessage First we set up the configuration we will send to SendSmsApi class Then create SmsTextualMessage by setting up Form Destination and Text fields Finally add created message to SmsAdvancedTextualRequest SendSmsMessage method from Infobip library will do the trick and send the message to our user var smsResponse sendSmsApi SendSmsMessage smsRequest Now that the basic functionality is up and running adding it to your scheduler shouldn t be a problem Second Step Add scheduler ️For this feature we will use Quartz NET One could describe Quartz NET as a full featured open source job scheduling system There are two important points you need to know Job Scheduling and Job Execution Job SchedulingJobs are scheduled to run when a given trigger occurs triggers support wide variety of scheduling options Job ExecutionJobs can be any NET class that implements the simple IJob interface leaving infinite possibilities for the work that jobs can perform Lets s add package to our project dotnet add package Quartz Extensions HostingNow we have to configure and register our Quartz service Use Program cs for that You can follow documentation on how to configure and register in detail In this code example we try to keep Program cs as short as possible hence the extension method for our settings ️Third Step Send SMS periodically ️Scheduler is all set up and now you need to add jobs In our report feature we decided to send SMS messages daily weekly and monthly Example project has three jobs defined in project Jobs folder Remember Jobs can be any NET class that implements the simple IJob interface Example code below sends daily SMS report of how many URLs are shortened You may ask yourself Where is the scheduled time in this code How can I change it Well…that is the beauty of Quartz it uses Cron expression which is easy to set up For example we have moved scheduler setup to our application settings so there are separate settings for every job in our application You can check out for various settings on cron triggersIn our example Cron expression MON SUN gt Daily MON SUN on CET for the previous dayCron expression MON gt Weekly MON on CET for the past weekCron expression MON gt Monthly first MON on the month for the past monthIf you go back to Program cs you will see how we grab and use this settings with our extension method Now our web service is ready to send scheduled reports to users Conclusion It comes as no surprise that scheduling jobs in applications can be a really daunting work Quartz makes it so much easier Bare in mind that we just scratched the surface with our settings There is a lot more stuff under the hood but probably this is enough for most of use cases The same thing can be said about our SMS notification feature You don t need to write API request to Infobip platform Just add library to your NET project set config create your message objects and than send an SMS It is also possible to expand this simple example and send reports with otherinformation channels such as Email and Whatsapp Find other available options on Infobip Api Stay well Dino |
2021-11-18 08:25:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What is Data Analyst? What Does a Data Analyst Do? |
What is Data Analyst What Does a Data Analyst Do All industries depend on data for critical business decisions like which new products to develop which markets to expand into new investments to invest in and which prospective or current customers to focus on Data is also used to find inefficiencies as well as other issues in the business that require attention In these companies data analysts job Data Analyst is to give a number of the essential business functions to be measured and compared across time However this job is more than simply studying numbers An analyst should also be aware of utilizing data to allow the organization to make better informed decision making These jobs are highly sought after For example IBM has predicted it will have over million jobs available for those with data related skills by with almost of positions in advanced data analytics needing at least a master s degree Data analysts at entry level earn the average starting salary of around but this field s success can result in senior positions with salary levels that exceed If a data analyst job is perfect for you here s the information you should be aware of What s Analytics Analytics integrates theory and practice to discover and share data driven insights that help managers stakeholders and executive members make more informed decisions Experienced data analysts consider their work in a bigger perspective both within their organization and in light of external influences Analysts can also view the competitive environment and external and internal business concerns and the absence of specific datasets in data driven recommendations that they offer to the stakeholders A master of professional studies in Analytics will prepare students for an analyst in data by teaching the fundamentals of statistical modelling probability theory and data visualization predictive analytics and risk management within the business context Furthermore a master s in analytical studies provides students with databases programming languages and software programs that are crucial for the daily work of the data analyst Different types of data AnalyticsFour kinds of analytics using data are built on top of each other to add value to an organization Analytical descriptive examines what has happened in the past Revenues per month annual sales quarterly sales the website traffic and more These kinds of data help an organization spot patterns Analytics for diagnostics examines the reasons for what happened by looking at descriptive data sets to find patterns and dependencies This can help an organization identify the basis for an outcome that is positive or negative Predictive analytics is a method of determining probable outcomes by identifying patterns in diagnostic and descriptive analysis This allows a company to take proactive actions such as sending a message to a customer who isn t likely to renew their contract as an example Prescriptive Analytics seeks to determine the best business actions to decide Although this kind of analysis is precious in its ability to tackle possible issues or keep ahead of industry trends it usually requires sophisticated algorithms and advanced technologies like machine learning In an in depth survey conducted in research of over business executives consulting firm PwC found that businesses consider descriptive analytics insufficient for data driven well informed decision making This is why predictive and diagnostic analytics are increasingly vital to companies Essential responsibilities for an Analyst of DataAnswering the question What does a data analyst do will differ depending on the nature of the business and the degree to which an organization has adopted data driven decision making processes However in general the duties for a person who is a data analyst generally consist of the following It is maintaining and designing databases and systems for data and databases This also includes fixing code mistakes and other issues with data Data mining from the primary and secondary sources and then organizing the data into the format that a human or machines can easily read It utilizes statistical tools to analyze data sets focusing on patterns and trends useful in predictive and diagnostic analytics The significance of their work within the context of national local and global developments that affect both their industry and their organization It reports for executive leaders that effectively convey trends patterns and forecasts using the correct data We are working with engineers programmers and leaders of the organization to find possibilities for process improvement and recommendations for system improvements and create guidelines for data governance Appropriate documentation helps stakeholders comprehend the phases of the analysis and replicate the study if needed The most valuable skills for data AnalystsInfluential data analysts can combine an array of technical abilities as well as leadership capabilities Technical abilities include understanding database languages such as SQL R or Python and spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets and tools for data visualization such as Tableau and Qlik In addition skills in math and statistics can be helpful to collect analyze and measure and analyze data The skills of leadership prepare an analyst with data to perform the tasks of decision making and problem solving This ability allows analysts to think through the data that can assist stakeholders in making data driven business choices and convey the value of information effectively For instance project managers depend upon data scientists to keep track of the most important metrics used in their projects spot the causes of problems and anticipate how different strategies might be able to address the issue Data Analysis Vs Data Science vs Business AnalysisThe distinction in the work an analyst in data does as opposed to a business analyst or researcher is based on how each of the three roles utilizes data Data analysts are Data analyst acts as the gatekeeper of an organization s data allowing stakeholders to understand the data and make use of it to make strategic business related decisions This is a job in technology that requires an undergraduate and an advanced master in analytical or computer modelling math or science Business analysts in business services in a role of strategic importance focuses on the data that data analysts gather to find problems and offer solutions Analysts typically have an education in a field like economics business administration or finance Data scientists can take the visualizations of data created by data analysts one step further and sift through the data to discover weak points as well as trends and opportunities for an organization This position is also a requirement for a background in computer science or math and an understanding of human behavior to make well informed forecasts For startups and other smaller businesses it s common for a data scientist to be able to assume some decision making or predictive modelling responsibilities which would otherwise fall to the data scientist What are the jobs of Data Analysts The typical annual pay of an analyst working in data can vary from and However based on the sites job descriptions positions in tech and financial firms are more lucrative than the typical The role of a data analyst is also a natural progression to more senior jobs that require data According to PayScale Data analysts can move into chief data analyst analytics manager or business analyst roles These positions come with a significant salary increase too By IBM s estimations the annual earnings of data scientists are set to start at around and analytics managers can earn nearly annually |
2021-11-18 08:19:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How I closed my first paid freelancing client and how you can too |
How I closed my first paid freelancing client and how you can tooIf you found value in this thread you will most likely enjoy my tweets too so make sure you follow me on Twitter for more information about web development and how to improve as a developer This article was first published on my BlogClosing your first client is hardAnd it s also one of the most important steps of your freelancing journeyOnce you do that it gets easierThis week I closed my first web design client for Here is how I did it and how you can do it too First thing first I don t want to repeat myselfHere is a thread with my entire freelancing strategy DONVESH helped me create this After you read this one you might also need to read this thread about outreachNow let s continue with the good stuffSo a few weeks ago I reached out to someone on TwitterHe liked some of my web design work so I DMed him to let him know that if he ever needs help with web design I m happy to helpAfter that we talked a bit more about my service and how it can help himWe didn t end up working at that time but he said that he will refer me to others in the futureAnd guess what He did and that s how I got my clientHe referred me to the client that I closedThen he created a group with us and I started talking with the clientHe was looking for a landing page for his Gumroad productI sent him my portfolio website Then we talked about the price and the paymentAfter we agreed on that the deal was closedNow let s analyze why I closed this clientThis is really simpleBecause for months all I did was for free in exchange for testimonials and social proofThis helped me create a name for myself which lead to that referralAlso the past work and the testimonials I have listed on my portfolio website helped a lotThis is why I tell you all to work for free at the beginningThis is KEYThis is how you can close your first paid client tooSure it s not something that happens in the short termYou need to play the long term and not give up after one weekIf you do this I can guarantee that you will close your first paid client in monthsSo what to do next Go back to the top and read the thread about my freelancing strategyTake action and follow itI hope found this useful and if you did please let me know If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter let me know If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter |
2021-11-18 08:19:09 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What Is the Future of Cross-platform App Development? |
What Is the Future of Cross platform App Development Cross platform apps have emerged as one of the most popular choices in the world of mobile app development due to the advantages they provide In the technology driven world today there is a strong demand for apps without bugs Quite naturally businesses put in their best efforts to satisfy the customers with powerful apps without glitches With enhanced user experience businesses can get the opportunity of increasing revenue Before you move ahead to the future of cross platform apps it is essential to understand what they mean for businesses Cross platform app development refers to the creation and delivery of mobile apps that can function effortlessly on different platforms such as iOS and Android It requires a single codebase to develop cross platform apps Among the popularly known cross platform apps Flutter and React Native from Facebook are common among the app developers Read More |
2021-11-18 08:16:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Angular vs React vs Vue : Best choice for js Framework? |
Angular vs React vs Vue Best choice for js Framework This blog is a helpful resource for deciding which solution is best for you Angular vs React vs Vue JavaScript framework If you re a developer just starting out on a project and can t decide which JavaScript framework to use this guide should help React is a user interface library Angular is a front end framework and Vue js is a progressive framework They can be used almost interchangeably to build front end applications but they are not identical so it is important to compare them and understand their differences Each framework is component based allowing for the rapid development of UI features However they each have a unique structure and architecture so we ll start by examining their architectural differences to better understand the philosophy behind them In this segment we ll look at various aspects of Angular Vue and React to see how they can meet your needs This post is not just a comparison of Angular vs React vs Vue but it also aims to provide a framework for evaluating front end JavaScript frameworks in general If a new framework is tried to introduce next year you will know exactly what parameters to examine The popularity of three frameworksReactWith k stars on GitHub React is one of the most popular JavaScript projects Facebook created and maintains it and it is used in many of their internal projects According to BuiltWith usage statistics it also powers over million websites VueVue has the most stars on GitHub of the three frameworks with k Evan You a former Googler is the project s creator and leader According to BuiltWith it is a very strong independent project in the open source community that is used by over million websites AngularGoogle created Angular but it is surprising that it is not used in some of their flagship products such as Search or YouTube Based on BuiltWith data it powers over websites and is frequently used in enterprise projects With k stars on GitHub it is the least starred of the three frameworks When switching from Angular to Angular however they created an entirely new repository rather than continuing the AngularJS project which also has k stars Final ConclusionWho will win the Angular vs React vs Vue battle Only by analyzing your goals and project specifics will you be able to answer this question Angular may appear complicated and slow but it is also very flexible allowing you to easily scale projects and spend less time on development Dependency injections change rendering and data binding is just a few of the key differences between React and Angular React is simple to learn and its Virtual DOM is an excellent time saving tool However because React is the most popular development framework in the world it has a large community surrounding it Vue on the other hand is the most modern multi functional and lightweight framework created by the community rather than a commercial company Vue assists in the development of high performance web and mobile apps that are simple to create and maintain However regardless of how appealing React Angular or Vue appear Anques Technolabs recommends that you try each of them to find the solution that best fits your project And if you need help getting started on a project we re here to help Read more from source URL |
2021-11-18 08:08:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
OSD600 - Release 0.3 - Part 1 |
OSD Release Part IntroductionMy first internal project contribution I choose IPC course note to work on The reason why I choose this is because I already took IPC in my first semester and I realized that the notes I used to work with had so many issues such as spelling mistakes poor visibility etc so I want to be part of contribution for future students taking IPC How I StartAs I mentioned the notes need to be changed properly in order to have a better usage I create an issue to work on The IPC C notes are written in Markdown files so my choice is also the same I have to take a look carefully to fix some errors such as spelling mistakes typos indentation visibility etc Mostly my changes are based on Markdown syntax plus the notes are built using Docusaurus Honestly I had no ideas what is Admonition when I first read the check list Besides the basic Markdown syntax it uses remark admonitions alongside MDX to add support for admonitions Admonitions are wrapped by a set of colons for example note tip info By doing this the new notes of IPC look nicer eye catching and easier to remember new stuffs I m assuming myself is a new student Let me show the difference between using basic blockquote in Markdown for indentation and using Admonition instead and I am using Dark mode to maximize the difference Before using blockquote After using Admonition As working on this issue I have learned some new stuffs which is very interesting to me Having myself contribute to IPC course notes make me so happy because I can help other students even though it is just a small work I also spend some times to take a look at the course notes again to warm up my knowledge about C language My pull request for this issue PR |
2021-11-18 08:02:48 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The employee behind the #AppleToo protest is leaving the company |
The employee behind the AppleToo protest is leaving the companyCher Scarlett one of the lead organizers of the AppleToo movement is leaving the company on Friday Scarlett was the face of the movement and connected with workers with grievances to air via Apple s Slack channels and on social media The former Apple security engineer was also one of the workers who filed a complaint against the tech giant with the National Labor Relations Board accusing the company of suppressing workers organizing efforts and interfering with surveys involving gender pay equity According to Bloomberg Scarlett reached a settlement with the iPhonemaker regarding the NLRB complaint and has already requested a withdrawal She didn t divulge the details of the settlement but her lawyer Alek Felstiner told Bloomberg News quot The matter was settled privately and the request for withdrawal is pending before the board We hope the crucial organizing work at Apple will continue quot Friday is my last day at Apple I m taking a bit of time to decide where I d like to go next and will announce when I ve made that decision ーCher Scarlett cherthedev November It s unclear what will happen to the AppleToo movement with Scarlett s departure Its website which publishes workplace stories from Apple employees and workers hasn t had an update over the past days That said Scarlett isn t the only face of the movement Most of the posts on the website are by Janneke Parrish the other AppleToo lead organizer who was fired by the company back in October Apple fired its former program manager for allegedly sharing private information something that Parrish denies When details of a company meeting were leaked to the press Apple investigated Parrish and confiscated her work devices She deleted some apps and work information before doing so which Apple interpreted as being noncompliant with its investigation nbsp Aside from Scarlett former Apple senior engineering program manager Ashley Gjøvik also filed a complaint with the NLRB She said she spent months talking to Apple about unsafe working conditions and sexism in the workplace and was put on indefinite paid administrative leave after raising her concerns Apple fired Gjøvik in September |
2021-11-18 08:52:37 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
After four seasons, 'Discovery' still isn’t interested in being a “normal” Star Trek |
After four seasons x Discovery x still isn t interested in being a “normal Star TrekThe following only contains slight spoilers for the first episode of season four of Star Trek Discovery Since its debut back in and even before then really Star Trek Discovery has been a divisive show There was a long laundry list of complaints the series is too dark everyone is mean everyone cries too much the Klingon designs suck it shouldn t be set before the original series Michael Burnham is an unlikeable main character While some changes have been made to the show over the years to smooth these rough edges the elevation of Michael Burnham to the captain s chair for season four has made it clear that Discovery is still largely going to do its own thing regardless of what the fandom thinks In the past season four for Star Trek series has always been a turning point the moment when a show finally figures out what it wants to be Season four of The Next Generation started with the riveting “The Best of Both Worlds and produced a number of classic episodes like “Family “Clues and “The Drumhead Deep Space Nine added Worf to its crew in its fourth year while Voyager got Seven of Nine Enterprise s final season is generally considered its best So fans were curious to see if the pattern would continue in the Kurtzman era of Trek Things certainly looked promising at the end of last season The crew of Discovery had jumped years into the future to a galaxy where dilithium fuel for space travel was in short supply and the Federation was in tatters thanks to an event known as “The Burn Burnham and the rest of the Discovery crew figured out the source of the disaster and solved the problem in last year s finale opening the doors to a show dedicated to rebuilding the Federation and its ideals After three seasons of war it finally looked like the USS Discovery could finally get down to Starfleet s long stated mandates of science and exploration Season four begins five months after the previous episode with the Federation now in high gear reaching out to old members and allies That s where we join the USS Discovery as Burnham and Cleveland Booker are attempting to give a shipment of dilithium to a species new to the Star Trek audience The mission quickly goes awry strongly reminiscent of the madcap opening of Star Trek Into Darkness CBSThe parallels to the weakest of the three Abrams era films are not entirely an accident or even a homage both Into Darkness and this week s season premiere were co penned by Star Trek head Alex Kurtzman They exhibit some of the excesses of modern Trek like an emphasis on frantic action and quippy dialogue ーat least there s less lens flare this time around And everyone seems to be in a good mood a contrast to when everyone was just worn down in the rd century by years of war and secret experiments nbsp The season opener is largely dedicated to showing off a new optimistic status quo with Starfleet Academy being reestablished Booker traveling to attend his nephew s coming of age ritual and a new Federation president getting sworn in It all seems rather staid but Star Trek has always had its share of pomp and circumstance so it was actually a nice change of pace for the program But things do go awry when the Discovery is tasked with rescuing a station crew and have to make a few hard choices thus the title of the episode “Kobayashi Maru CBSFor those unfamiliar with Star Trek lore the Kobayashi Maru is a test that all command track cadets must take at Starfleet Academy In the simulation the cadets are faced with the choice of rescuing a ship stranded in enemy territory To cross the border to rescue the craft is to risk war but to preserve peace means to consign that crew to death It s been called a “no win scenario and the Academy is interested in how a cadet reacts to it rather than the actual outcome Kirk is known as the only person to have actually beaten it because he reprogrammed the scenario he cheated Like Kirk Michael Burnham also doesn t believe in the no win scenario She always does what she feels is best and it s made her crew unfailingly loyal to her over the past few seasons But it s earned her a share of detractors off screen because Burnham often disobeys orders and ignores good advice She s the rebel cop who plays by their own rules Except this is Star Trek a franchise about teamwork Michael s actions ーand the fact that they always succeed ーoften undermine her superiors and even her own crewmates CBSPlacing her in the captain s chair should have alleviated some of this issue since Burnham is now the one her crew has to listen to But even then the show felt it needed some sort of conflict bringing the Federation president along to question Michael s judgment in front of her crew I couldn t help but be reminded of how before the show aired the producers and writers were bragging about how they were going to break one of Gene Roddenberry s key rules for the series No inter crew conflict Watching that in action in this episode however was mildly uncomfortable and even a little embarrassing to see Not everything is rosy by the end of the adventure but it s still a better outcome than we ve seen at the end of many Star Trek outings But the new “happy status quo is thrown out the door by an anomaly at the end of the episode As seen in previews this anomaly will be an ongoing concern for the USS Discovery and the entire Federation ーnot just as a threat to life but as a threat to the Federation s efforts to pull itself back together CBSUnfortunately this also means that Discovery won t be doing a lot of discovering in its fourth season Fans who love “planet of the week adventures and were hoping for the show to embrace that format will come away disappointed for now However while episodes one and two are involved in setup for the ongoing anomaly plot line episodes three and four still make room for some vaguely one shot adventures albeit ones designed to further character development But while Discovery doesn t seem all that interested in changing how it does things the environment around it has changed It s no longer the only Star Trek show on TV thanks to the premieres of Picard and Lower Decks in last month s kid oriented Prodigy and the debut of Strange New Worlds next year All of these shows tackle the Star Trek universe in their own way and are not required viewing to understand what s happening in other shows though there are some references to Picard in the first episodes of Discovery Viewers can choose the Trek that suits them best removing the pressure from Discovery to be all things to all fans and making it even easier to just do its own thing |
2021-11-18 08:00:55 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
薬局での抗原検査キット販売、広告・陳列制限緩和へ-規制改革会議WGで厚労省 |
厚生労働省 |
2021-11-18 17:55:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
老健の56.3%がLIFEの新加算を算定-21年度介護報酬改定調査、福祉医療機構 |
介護報酬 |
2021-11-18 17:25:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
コロナ検査体制、需要を上回る処理能力を確保-東京都が整備計画改定を発表 |
医療機関 |
2021-11-18 17:05:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
U.S. effort to show unity backfires as Japan, South Korea officials walk out |
U S effort to show unity backfires as Japan South Korea officials walk outU S Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman acknowledged that the absence of her counterparts at a post meeting news conference underscored fraught relations between the two |
2021-11-18 17:43:02 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Health ministry to allow faster approval of drugs and vaccines in emergencies |
Health ministry to allow faster approval of drugs and vaccines in emergenciesThe plan to be finalized by the end of the year comes amid criticism that Japan lagged other countries in approving drugs and vaccines to |
2021-11-18 17:35:20 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
International Men’s Day: In Japan, it’s tough being a man, too |
International Men s Day In Japan it s tough being a man tooWhile women s issues remain key in considerations around gender equality experts point out that men can also feel frustrated due to stereotypical expectations from society |
2021-11-18 17:29:35 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
What’s behind the rapid disappearance of the delta variant in Japan? It could be self-extinction. |
What s behind the rapid disappearance of the delta variant in Japan It could be self extinction Many scholars point to a variety of explanations for the sudden end of the fifth wave but one research group says the coronavirus variant may |
2021-11-18 17:23:55 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
In major shift, Japan looks to allow more foreign workers to stay indefinitely |
In major shift Japan looks to allow more foreign workers to stay indefinitelyUnder the change specified skilled workers in sectors such as farming and construction would be allowed to renew their visas indefinitely and bring their |
2021-11-18 17:04:14 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
£96bn for rail but Leeds HS2 leg due to be scrapped |
leeds |
2021-11-18 08:06:33 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Boris Johnson: I crashed the car over Owen Paterson case |
constituency |
2021-11-18 08:00:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Vietnam: Police summon noodle seller over Salt Bae parody |
onion |
2021-11-18 08:49:10 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
日大理事長宅から現金1億円超 特捜部、所得隠し疑いで捜査 |
所得隠し |
2021-11-18 17:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
経済対策、支出55・7兆円 過去最大、給付金押し上げ |
押し上げ |
2021-11-18 17:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
中国、比船に放水し妨害 南シナ海、外相が猛抗議 |
南シナ海 |
2021-11-18 17:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
重量挙げの三宅宏実が引退会見 「無我夢中になれた」 |
重量挙げ |
2021-11-18 17:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
21年マンション、最高値を予想 首都圏、10月は6750万円 |
不動産経済研究所 |
2021-11-18 17:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
下水でコロナ感染者数を予測 東北大など、仙台で実験 |
北海道大 |
2021-11-18 17:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
市原、秋吉が63で首位発進 男子ゴルフのダンロップ第1日 |
男子ゴルフ |
2021-11-18 17:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
原英、柏原、山城が首位で発進 女子のエリエール・ゴルフ第1日 |
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2021-11-18 17:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
食卓、出会い温かく 函館「カフェ食堂」開店5年目 集いの場、今後も |
函館市時任町 |
2021-11-18 17:06:08 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『アリス・ギア・アイギス』×『STEINS;GATE』とのコラボが11月25日より開催!キャストサイン色紙が当たるキャンペーンも!! |
steinsgate |
2021-11-18 17:50:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
コメダ「もっと大人ノワール」が登場! コク深・ほろ苦、大人のためのシロノワール |
限定 |
2021-11-18 17:45:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
デパ地下グルメやコスメなどがラインアップ! 小田急百貨店新宿店「2022年小田急の福袋」のウェブ予約が開始 |
小田急百貨店 |
2021-11-18 17:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
大切な人と特別な夜を過ごそう! 横浜ロイヤルパークホテル、お部屋ディナーやアフタヌーン付きクリスマス宿泊プラン |
大切な人 |
2021-11-18 17:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
大阪・関西万博公式ライセンスグッズ 神戸と東京で期間限定販売 |
upshop |
2021-11-18 17:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『ウマ娘 プリティーダービー』明日11月19日より新育成ウマ娘「メジロドーベル」が登場! |
育成 |
2021-11-18 17:25:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
『実務家ブランド論』刊行記念ウェビナー「実務家のためのブランディング実践」11月22日に開催 |
新刊書籍 |
2021-11-18 08:11:57 |