Engadget Japanese |
2015年12月1日、光って知らせる傘立て「Umbrella stand」とゴミ箱「Dust bin」が発売されました:今日は何の日? |
dustbin |
2021-11-30 20:30:07 |
AWS Architecture Blog |
Field Notes: Building a Data Service for Autonomous Driving Systems Development using Amazon EKS |
Field Notes Building a Data Service for Autonomous Driving Systems Development using Amazon EKSMany aspects of autonomous driving AD system development are based on data that capture real life driving scenarios Therefore research and development professionals working on AD systems need to handle an ever changing array of interesting datasets composed from the real life driving data nbsp In this blog post we address a key problem in AD system development which … |
2021-11-30 20:57:43 |
AWS Database Blog |
Develop a Full Stack Serverless NFT Application with Amazon Managed Blockchain – Part 1 |
Develop a Full Stack Serverless NFT Application with Amazon Managed Blockchain Part The advent of blockchain technology a decentralized ledger on which digital assets can be created and exchanged peer to peer has shifted the conventional understanding of ownership Often these digital assets are referred to as tokens which you can use as a medium of exchange like a currency a representation of a physical or digital … |
2021-11-30 20:33:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
$ docker-compose -f .docker_memo/docker-compose.yml up -d でドッカーが起動しない |
dockercomposefdockermemodockercomposeymlupdでドッカーが起動しない質問内容MacのVScodeにてメモアプリを作成していこうと思っています。 |
2021-12-01 05:39:47 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[随時更新] AWS re:Invent 2021 Adam Selipsky Keynote で発表された新サービス・アップデートまとめ #reinvent |
adamselipsky |
2021-11-30 20:30:19 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
【速報】車両データに特化したIoTサービス!! AWS IoT FleetWise (Preview)が発表されました! #reinvent |
awsiotfleetwise |
2021-11-30 20:22:53 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
7 Thrilling TV Themes to Jazz Up Your Windows Desktop |
squid |
2021-11-30 20:16:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Pragmatic Programmer [Book Notes] |
Pragmatic Programmer Book Notes Pragmatic Programmer Pragmatic philosophyYour life it s your lifeCraftsmanship Early adopter ResponsibilityOffer options Software EntropySimplicityMaintenanceGood enough softwareQuality is a requirementYour knowledge portfolio Investment in knowledge always pays the best interestRead nontechnical booksRead conceptual booksLearn one new language every yearCommunicateTestability is key Pragmatic approachThe essence of good design ETCDRY Code Data Documentation Knowledge Don t abstract too early wait until you have copied and pasted a couple of times examples are needed to create good abstractionsOrthogonality Eliminate effects between unrelated thingsUnderstandable and easier to debug test and maintainDesign patternsSOLIDPrefer composition and FP languagesReversibility Flexible architectureHave optionsTracer bullets Code lean and completeFind the targetPrototypes and post it notes Information gatheringIs coupling minimizedCollaborations between components well definedResponsibilitiesInterfaces and data clear and availableDomain languages Program close to the problem domainEstimation I ll back to youoptimistic most likely and pessimisticmodel building someone that already did it Basic ToolsBe more productive with your toolsThe power of plain text Self describing dataShell games Power Editing Debugging skills localhost testExplain to someone elseText manipulationUnix sed awk Scripting languages Python Engineering daybooks Pragmatic ParanoiaValidate all the information we re given assertions of bad data and distrust data from potential attackersDesign by contractPreconditions postconditions Clojure SpecsDead programs tell no liesCrash earlyDefensive programming is a waste of time let it crash Supervisor Assertive programmingUse assertions to prevent the impossible How to balance resourcesRelease free resourcesDon t outrun your headlightstake small steps always Bend or breakMake our code as flexible as possible a good way to stay flexible it s to write less codeDecouplingAllow flexibilityShy code that promotes cohesionLaw of Demeter Depend on abstractionsAvoid global dataAvoid inheritanceJuggling the real worldEventsFinite state machineObserverPublish Subscribe Channels Reactive StreamsTransforming programmingThink in programs like Input Output and transformation of dataProcess of datafind name java xargs wc l sort n tail head Programming is about code but programs are about dataInheritance taxCouplingInterfaces to express polymorphismConfigurationParameterize your app using external configuration ConcurrencyConcurrency Two pieces of code run at the same time using Fibers Threads and processParallelism Hardware that can do two things at onceBreaking temporal couplingAvoid shared stateActor and processBlackboardsCommunication using Kafka or other streaming services While you are codingListen to your lizard brainGive time and space to your brains to organize your ideasAlgorithm speedRefactoringRethinkGardeningUnit test Duplication Not DRY Bad performance Outdated knowledge Test passing Nonorthogonal RedesignRefactor early and often is like a surgeryTest the codeFeedbackImprove designEmbrace TDDProperty based testingSecurityAuthentication I O dataPrinciple of least privilegeUp to dateEncrypt sensitive informationNamingAt programming all the things have names and reveal the intent and belief of the systemCommunication Before the projectRequirements PitUser doesn t know what he wantsOur job is to help businesses to understand what they wantImprove the feedback loopBDUF is not a good thingWork with the user to think like oneSolving de puzzle Think out of the boxMake time to think in the unfocused modeWorking togetherPair programmingMob programmingAgileIt s about values context and feedback loop Pragmatic TeamsPragmatic TeamsNo broken windowsBe aware of the environment and health of the projectDRY Small teamsCross functional teams Tracer bulletsAutomationCreate and identity Team name Schedule time to improve knowledge portfolioContextUse the right tools and practicesSoftware delivery When release flow is slow status meetings are high KanbanThe programmer starter kitVersion controlRuthless testingUnit Integration Component PerformanceIf modules don t work well as a unit they won t work well as a systemSaboteurs Chaos engineeringAutomate everythingSoftware delivery es fully automatedDelight your usersWhat are your expectationsDeliver quality not codePride and prejudiceCode that you feel proudCollective ownership |
2021-11-30 20:28:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
La experiencia de ser desvinculado / despedido |
La experiencia de ser desvinculado despedidoBienvenidos a un nuevo post de experiencias siendo developer Mi nombre es Axel Valdez licenciado en diseño de interacción y multimedia en la UADE actualmente UI designer y frontend developer en Circular En este post les voy a contar la experiencias de cómo fue la experiencia de haber sido desvinculado o despedido según el país donde viven de una empresa agencia La idea de este post es acompañarlos en forma de guía para que sepan que cosas hay que hacer y quéno durante todo el proceso Caso personalEn el trabajo donde estuve ejerciendo me llegóuna llamada en el que se encontraba una persona de un alto rango dentro de la agencia y la chica de RRHH en el que me informaron que mi rol dentro de la agencia ya había finalizado Las razones eran porque se había ido un cliente de la agencia por ende no había lugar para poder reubicarse dentro de la empresa En ese momento obviamente lloréporque la simple razón de que estaba rompiendo una relación laboral Puse en duda mi rendimiento porque la sensación que sentíen el momento que mis skills eran malas que era muy chico para un puesto como tal sentíque fue un fracaso total en mi vida profesional Obviamente preguntési mi rendimiento tenía algo que ver con el motivo de desvinculación y me comunicaron que por falta de proyectos lamentablemente no íbamos a continuar con esta relación Las señales eran obvias había días que no trabajaba mientras mis colegas si no hacía absolutamente nada durante mis días más que aprender cursos El proceso tedioso de una desvinculaciónPersonalmente siempre digo que las relaciones hay que terminarlas de la mejor manera posible porque tarde o temprano ellos van a dar referencias En este caso fue buena pero tedioso por todo lo burocrático y por la necesidad de recibir una parte de la indemnización porque claro estamos sin trabajo Los pasos que van a vivir son Contratar un abogado a laboral puede que la empresa puede pagarte una parte u ofrecen el de ellos pero no es su obligación Elegir una fecha para una reunión donde se juntan los abogados de cada parte para leer la desvinculaciónDecidir si la indemnización es correcta a lo que venís trabajando o no con tu abogadoTener la fecha con el ente mediador para firmar la desvinculación entre el trabajador y la empresa Esperar que la liquidación llegue a tu caja de ahorro en la fecha pactada y avisarle al banco que vas a recibir una cierta cantidad de dinero Tengan mucho cuidado les tiene que llegar un telegrama de despido Anteriormente en Argentina había un DNU que impedía los despidos Hoy en día deberian llegarles un telegrama no firmen ningún tipo de renuncia y si tienen alguna duda consulten con su abogado Consejos para volver arrancarNo importa cómo fue su desvinculación sea por rendimiento o falta de trabajo quiero que sepan que nada de lo que le estápasando es su culpa Leyeron bien no es su culpa ustedes dieron lo mejor para poder crecer y lo hicieron No se rebajen y ni se sientan menos que los demás porque lo tecnico tarde o temprano se aprende Lo van a aprender por ustedes mismos por networking o consiguiendo un equipo de trabajo que los acompañe No vean las búsquedas laborales de su anterior empresa no importa si encajan con su perfil la relación con su anterior empresa asíhaya pasado mes ya se terminó Prioricen el networking puede ser su nueva entrada a un próximo desafío Piensen que en redes es más fácil interactuar y conocerse principalmente en twitter no todo es hate sino que hay muy lindas comunidades donde pueden conocer mentores y otros devs que andan en la misma Practiquen y pidan challenges no importa si entran o no a un trabajo que están buscando puede servirles como porfolio para próximas entrevistas y contarles cómo superaron el desafío que les brindaron en alguna que otra entrevista En mi caso no me pidieron pero porque contando mis desafíos fue más que suficiente para demostrar que sabía Hablen de sus valores a la hora de tener entrevistas cuenten desafíos busquen información del lugar donde van a aplicar Piensen que si quedan y el lugar es malo pueden llevarse una decepción muy grande por eso mismo no actualicen tan rápido su estado en linkedin No cierren las puertas a nuevos rumbos Mi experiencia siendo desempleado fue difícil principalmente a fin de año porque muchos se van de vacaciones y recien volvi a conseguir en febrero no en mi actual trabajo sino en otro que próximamente contaréun nuevo post Espero que les haya sido util mi experiencia y algún que otro consejo que brinde en el post Si se encuentran desempleados o lo están recientemente espero que consigan pronto actualicen sus porfolios hagan challenges hagan networking y les prometo que con esto van a estar de nuevo en las pistas Buen fin de año y happy coding |
2021-11-30 20:26:09 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
I built an AI-Powered Image Processor at AWS re:Invent 😱 - Day 2 |
I built an AI Powered Image Processor at AWS re Invent Day Just wrapped up Day of Amazon Web Services AWS re Invent and from the Midnight Madness concert to building an AI Powered Image Processor during Talia Nassi s workshop to catching up with the amazing Adrienne Tacke from MongoDB there is a TON going on Vegas In this episode of the Tech Stack Playbook I ll be sharing more about AWS re Invent the year s largest global tech conference that brings together leaders builders innovators and creators from cloud DevOps serverless app development and software engineering from all around the world Also I built an AI Powered image processing application that can take images and analyze certain features about the uploaded images…so that was pretty cool In this blog post and the blog posts to come this week my hope is to vlog through the entire week and share all that I m learning and building with you all so whether you are attending virtually or in person this AWS re Invent series on the Tech Stack Playbook will help you gain skills level up in tech and boost your software engineering abilities from the sessions I m attending throughout the conference Here s a glance at what you ll learn in this blog post What AWS re Invent is all aboutTraveling to Las Vegas for the year s largest tech conferenceWhat I ll be learning about and building this weekIt s going to be a major week for cloud and tech in general so I am so excited to bring you along for the ride What do you want to know about AWS serverless and DevOps Let me know in the comments below ️ Check out the full recording below Let me know if you found this post helpful And if you haven t yet make sure to check out these free resources below Follow my Instagram for more BrianHHoughWatch my latest YouTube video for moreListen to my Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify Join my FREE Tech Stack Playbook Facebook GroupLet s digitize the world together Brian |
2021-11-30 20:16:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How I improved nested arrays performance in our MongoDB |
How I improved nested arrays performance in our MongoDBHow it started In I started to work on fanficus com Which is Russian speaking fiction writers readers social network Spent around a month thinking about how to structure the architecture of the web application In the beginning I didn t know exactly what I am working on Initially it seemed a small side project for a few months When starting I decided to choose to MEAN full stack MongoDB Angular ExpressJs NodeJs However it was a dilemma what to choose MySQL or MongoDB Because previously I had some experience with MySQL and I knew SQL databases had a major market share in web projects MongoDB was chosen because it is based on javascript objects therefore it s natural to use on the current stack The largest part of the web app is based on posts They can be of different types and include a lot of parameters Such as age rating genres tags etc Understanding that the database has to be flexible I decided to avoid nested arrays of objects Because that was creating a risk of misalignment between collections For example there is a post that has genres array objects Genre contains title and id But at the same time there is a genres collection Where all genres are listed We use it when creating new posts post genres id id id tags id id id Now what happens if we rename a genre in the genres collection it is renamed but in all posts containing the genre it remained with the old name So we end up with a post that contains inexisting genre Yes you may say each time we update the genre we can update all the posts containing this genre Though I wanted to avoid this obsolete load on the database The way was chosen is to store in the post only an array of IDs of genres It seemed the most effective solution Anyway it was more optimal than going in an SQL way and having three collections posts genres post genre ProblemThe website was released and worked well enough Even on each request it was populating all the posts with an age rating genres etc As a result on the frontend I was receiving the full objects and didn t need to run additional queries However after a few months number of posts increased We started to mention slow loading times After spending some time on the investigation figured out what was the issue And the problem was in an array of IDs Each post contained up to ten such nested arrays Meaning each post had to run ten population commands PostModel find populate genres populate tags populate ageRating exec It was not the only problem The way we run search queries on posts also was impacted by the way we store nested IDs Each time we run a search on the website it was seeking tags titles then we took IDs and run a posts query const tagsFound await TagModel find title in keywordsRegArr exec const tagsIdsArr tagsFound map tag gt tag id PostModel find tags tagsIdsArr exec In addition to page load performance we saw our MongoDB Atlas server was charging too much How it was solved After long arguments with myself I saw that the most optimal solution will be to store the full objects inside each post Yes it was increasing database size However it was solving the main issue with performance and querying Now posts collection looked this way post genres id title one id title two tags id title one id title two It was meaning now each time we search posts we don t need to search tags to get their IDs Now it s just running text search over all posts One more important thing that was added is caching For that one I used node cache npm package Part of the queries is cached on the NodeJs That way we reduce the load on the database Some requests are cached for hours some for minutes ResultAs already was said now we were able to run a text search query and avoid multiple populations Post objects were retrieved from the posts collection directly without any manipulations As a result query and loading times were reduced at least by four times And it s on the current database which is in comparison to social networks is small DrawbacksNow each time we change genres age ratings etc we need to update all posts containing these objects But these items change rarely so we can absorb this one Then also I had to modify search queries from the client app Because post collection contained a nested array of objects instead of an array of IDsStorage size increased In the end the database size didn t increase significantly We didn t even mention it ConclusionThe project was released a year ago At the moment we have k users and it s growing We have a lot of features implemented though a lot more are in development There are many issues we meet on the road However overcoming them and conquering the next mountain peaks Now the database refactoring is tested on our testing server and gonna be released soon |
2021-11-30 20:10:15 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Quest headset owners can capture VR gameplay using their phones |
Quest headset owners can capture VR gameplay using their phonesMeta s Reality Labs unit is rolling out one last major software update for the Quest and Quest before the end of the year And it s one you ll want to download as soon as you can because it adds some handy features One of them allows you to record yourself while inside a game or app If you own a VR headset you ve probably seen videos like the one above where you can see how a game physically plays Before today you needed special equipment to capture footage from that mixed reality perspective With the new update you can use your phone instead Reality LabsNaturally the final result isn t as polished as the above video but you can still get an idea of how games like Beat Saber play out in the real world You ll need an iPhone XS or above with iOS or higher to use the new mobile mixed reality camera With today s release about a dozen games support the feature including Superhot VR Pistol Whip and Synth Riders The update also includes a number of features Meta said were coming “soon at its Connect conference in late October To start you can now make voice calls through the Messenger app on Quest and Quest headsets The feature allows you to not only call other Quest users but you can also dial up your Facebook friends Reality LabsStarting today some games will also allow you to back up your save data to the cloud The feature may not be immediately available on your headset after downloading the update That s because Reality Labs says it s rolling it out at a slower pace to make sure it works correctly Additionally it s an opt in feature for developers so not every game may support it even after it s broadly available While not new to the Quest platform today s update also removes the experimental tag that had been applied to the multi user and app sharing features that were introduced at the start of the year Lastly while not directly related to today s update in the “coming weeks Reality Labs plans to introduce new customization options to Horizon Workrooms To start you ll have the option to choose from multiple virtual office environments and the ability to decorate the space with custom posters and your company s logo |
2021-11-30 20:47:34 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Service Opportunities for Midsize/Small Service Providers Are Key to Competitive Differentiation |
Service Opportunities for Midsize Small Service Providers Are Key to Competitive DifferentiationBy Curtis Price Program Vice President Infrastructure Services IDC Competitive intensity across the service provider landscape has increased significantly over the past few years While most pronounced in the large tier service provider segment the level of competition has recently picked up in the midsize and small communication service provider market The competitive landscape |
2021-11-30 20:05:19 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Counterfeit Covid Masks Are Still Sold Everywhere |
Counterfeit Covid Masks Are Still Sold EverywhereRising Covid cases have spurred a return to mask wearing in the U S and overseas at a time when flawed KNs from China continue to dominate e commerce sites |
2021-11-30 20:53:25 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Booster offer for England's adults by end of January |
omicron |
2021-11-30 20:48:44 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Storm Arwen: Thousands face an 'exhausting' fifth night in the dark |
england |
2021-11-30 20:31:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
White breaks Smith record to become England's all-time top scorer |
latvia |
2021-11-30 20:19:30 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
JR東日本に関西の大林組が食い込めた事情、清水建設110年前の悔恨【鉄道・電力・ガスとゼネコン】 - ゼネコン 地縁・血縁・腐れ縁 |
清水建設 |
2021-12-01 05:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
新生銀行が急転直下でSBI傘下入り濃厚に、防衛策撤回の「実利的な」裏事情とは - Diamond Premium News |
diamondpremiumnews |
2021-12-01 05:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
野村HDがまたも米巨額損失で大ゴケ、“独り負け”最新決算で判明した「2大リスク」 - 決算書100本ノック! 2021冬 |
前年同期 |
2021-12-01 05:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
iDeCoが絶対お得とも言い切れない?メリットが期待はずれに終わるパターン - 絶対やってはいけないお金の話 |
iDeCoが絶対お得とも言い切れないメリットが期待はずれに終わるパターン絶対やってはいけないお金の話コロナ禍も相まって、投資を始める人が増えてきました。 |
2021-12-01 05:05:00 |
ビジネス |
電通報 | 広告業界動向とマーケティングのコラム・ニュース |
約37兆円の「かくれ資産」を動かす!リユースで地球課題の解決に挑むバイセル(後編) |
過程 |
2021-12-01 06:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
NY株、一時600ドル超安 量的緩和の縮小加速示唆で |
量的緩和 |
2021-12-01 05:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
阪神のスアレス投手が退団へ 2年連続セーブ王 |
最多セーブ |
2021-12-01 05:04:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
秀吉「伏見城」の石垣基礎を発掘 謎の城、想定より大規模? |
京都市埋蔵文化財研究所 |
2021-12-01 05:04:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
夢さぽピックアップ |
東北 |
2021-12-01 05:01:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
立憲代表に泉氏 与党に対抗する態勢を |
政調会長 |
2021-12-01 05:01:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
#内定者座談会(上) #コロナ下の就活 面接「自分」どう伝える |
就職活動 |
2021-12-01 05:02:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
炭鉱マンのスタミナめし再現 セブンイレブン、空知で2商品発売 |
日本遺産 |
2021-12-01 05:01:31 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
みずほ、首脳交代では解決しないガバナンス不全 会長、社長、頭取が退く異例の事態に発展 | 金融業界 | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2021-12-01 05:40:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
マイクロソフト、CO2排出「マイナス化」計画の全貌 CO2を地中に埋めるベンチャーにも投資 | インターネット | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2021-12-01 05:20:00 |
Cloud Blog |
API management on Google Cloud |
API management on Google CloudAPIs are the de facto standard for building and sharing the modern applications that power today s enterprises All modern businesses leverage APIs to move fast and stay competitive But securely delivering managing and analyzing APIs data and services is complex and criticalーand it s getting more challenging as enterprise ecosystems expand beyond on premises data centers to include private and public clouds SaaS and other IT endpoints To navigate this complexity businesses need API management Click to enlargeWhat is API Management Let s consider a scenario you ve got some backend services including REST SOAP services microservices a service bus and maybe some more third party services You ve got some consumers of these services on the other side partners employees and customers They have applications which need to get data from your backend services or trigger an action with an API Developers are composing new and compelling applications using APIs to build and participate in ecosystems Productizing those APIs underscores all of the compelling new business applications we see in the Internet Economy All of those things it takes to productize APIs developer portal API packaging flexible security options and turning operational metrics into business analytics that s what API Management is about and what Apigee offers What is Apigee Apigee API management helps modernize your applications and monetize your business channels It helps control an application s access to the backend data and services It also offers application developers with tools they need to access the API and helps API providers with tools they need to manage and provision the APIs API Services This is the part that routes traffic from the applications to the backend services and acts as an enterprise gateway orchestrating those back end services and preventing people from abusing them This is where an API provider can enforce throttling and quotas on the services to protect the backend You can build a facade over the back end services and present a set of interfaces to those external applications compared to what s inside You can even control access so different applications might have access to different services and they might get different results when they call them You could reformat the request as it comes in and make it appropriate for your back end services The response that comes from the back end services you could change that around before sending it back to the applications You can add caching to improve performance by responding directly from cache avoiding a call to the backend Developer Portal Apigee offers a developer portal to serve the API consumer or the application developer They can sign up to use the API get credentials to access the service and documentation to learn how to use the API If there s a need to serve the APIs as products API providers can take all the services and bundle them together into different packages that provide different access If it is an internal portal you might keep it simple but if it s external facing you can brand it to match the branding of your website API Monetization You can create a variety of monetization plans that charge developers or pay them through revenue sharing for the use of your APIs API Analytics Helps your API team measure everything from developer engagement metrics to business and operational metrics These analytics help API teams improve their APIs and app developers improve their apps Helps answer questions about traffic patterns top developers which API methods are popular API response times and other such metrics needed to improve the service Apigee gives you a choice between configuration or coding there s a number of out of the box policies that do basic things You can drop in these policies to request a token or add response caching if you want to do code driven development You can build your own policies and you can drop those in and mix them with the out of the box policies and that can be done with JavaScript Java or Python What s the difference between API Gateway and Apigee API Management Platform API Gateway is a small subset of an API management platform It enables you to provide secure access to and exposure of your services in Google Cloud Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run Compute Engine GKE through a well defined REST API that is consistent across all of your services regardless of service implementation A consistent API Makes it easy for app developers to consume your servicesEnables you to change the backend service implementation without affecting the public APIEnables you to take advantage of the scaling monitoring and security features built into the Google Cloud Platform GCP Apigee on the other hand includes a gateway but it helps drive API consumption because it also includes a developer portal monitoring monetization advanced API operations and other extension possibilities The gateway itself is more capable with built in policies Apigee can connect to arbitrary backends including but not limited to upstreams hosted in Google cloud For a more in depth look into Apigee API Management service check out the documentation and the video series For more GCPSketchnote follow the GitHub repo For similar cloud content follow me on Twitter pvergadia and keep an eye out on thecloudgirl dev Related ArticleGoogle Cloud Networking overviewAn overview of Google Cloud Networking Read Article |
2021-11-30 20:45:00 |