IT |
気になる、記になる… |
UQ mobile、15日間試用出来る「Try UQ mobile」のサービスを終了へ |
tryuqmobile |
2021-12-01 06:27:43 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「ソフトバンクポイント」が来年4月よりスタート − 「PayPay」に交換可能 |
paypay |
2021-12-01 06:21:32 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
UQ mobile、18歳以下とその家族がおトクになる「UQ応援割」を発表 |
uqmobile |
2021-12-01 06:14:04 |
Engadget Japanese |
細胞ロボットのXenobot、自己複製することが確認される |
xenobot |
2021-12-01 06:50:14 |
Engadget Japanese |
ポケモンBDSPレビュー、懐かしいけど歯ごたえはバッチリ |
ポケモンBDSPレビュー、懐かしいけど歯ごたえはバッチリ月日にリリースされてから、何かと話題になっているNintendoSwitch向けソフト「ポケットモンスターブリリアントダイアモンド・シャイニングパールポケモンBDSP」。 |
2021-12-01 06:30:22 |
Engadget Japanese |
TwitchがSharePlayに対応。同じゲーム動画をiPhoneやiPadで見ながらFaceTime通話できるように |
facetime |
2021-12-01 06:20:56 |
フリーソフト |
新着ソフトレビュー - Vector |
PDFをそのまま読み込み文字や画像を編集。ExcelやWord形式にも変換できる簡単PDF編集ソフト「Apower PDF編集」 |
apowerpdf |
2021-12-01 17:00:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] タリーズの福袋 限定アイテムで“プレミアム感”訴求 |
happybag |
2021-12-01 15:50:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 世界の都市総合力ランキング 3位「東京」、2位「ニューヨーク」、10年連続で1位を獲得したのは? |
itmedia |
2021-12-01 15:47:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ANAユーザーの日本国内で住みたい街ランキング 3位「おもろまち」、2位「首里」、1位は? |
itmedia |
2021-12-01 15:32:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] アイ・オー、4K/144Hz駆動対応の31.5型ゲーミング液晶を予告 2022年1月末出荷予定 |
itmediapcuser |
2021-12-01 15:22:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Chromebookのカメラに文書のスキャン→PDF化や外付けカメラの制御などの新機能 |
chromebook |
2021-12-01 15:17:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] freee、全プランで電帳法完全対応 税メリットのある優良電子帳簿の要件満たす |
ITmediaビジネスオンラインfreee、全プランで電帳法完全対応税メリットのある優良電子帳簿の要件満たすfreeeは月日、改正電子帳簿保存法における優良電子帳簿の要件を満たすアップデートを年月に提供すると発表した。 |
2021-12-01 15:08:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
ウクライナのSIベンダーELEKSが日本法人「ELEKS Japan」を設立、DNPとNRIが出資 | IT Leaders |
ウクライナのSIベンダーELEKSが日本法人「ELEKSJapan」を設立、DNPとNRIが出資ITLeaders東欧ウクライナのシステム開発会社であるELEKSは、日本法人のELEKSJapan東京都渋谷区を年月に設立した。 |
2021-12-01 15:50:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
リモート時代の「今どこにいるの?」をpythonで |
原理どうして居場所がわかるのノートPCがそのときに掴んでいるWifiのSSIDとBSSIDの情報を取得できれば、どこにいるのかは分かると思います。 |
2021-12-01 15:47:42 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
PythonのPickleにおける脆弱性 |
最後にそもそもPickleを使う際は、信頼できないデータを非Pickle化してはいけないということは常識で、公式ドキュメントにも記載されています。 |
2021-12-01 15:31:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
投稿者に対してのお問い合わせフォームを実装したい。 |
投稿者に対してのお問い合わせフォームを実装したい。 |
2021-12-01 15:55:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
可観測性: lokiのログ保存期間をログの内容に応じて変更したい |
可観測性lokiのログ保存期間をログの内容に応じて変更したい前提・実現したいことKubernetesのPodから出力されたログをpromtailを使用しnbspgrafananbsplokiに保存したい。 |
2021-12-01 15:46:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonのエラー文の対処法をおしえてください! |
anaconda |
2021-12-01 15:39:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pythonで配列内の要素をを分割したい |
例取り出した要素等分数の時、lt要素ltなので番目新たな配列を用意し、で決まった番号の回数を個増やす例先程は番目に入るのが分かったので、新たな配列の番目をする。 |
2021-12-01 15:38:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
フロントエンドでBOX連携、JWT署名を完了しアクセストークンを取得したい |
フロントエンドでBOX連携、JWT署名を完了しアクセストークンを取得したい前提・実現したいことKintoneのような、Javascriptで機能拡張が可能なWEBデータベースアプリを使用しています。 |
2021-12-01 15:37:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
php artisan migrate が実行できない。 |
phpartisanmigrateが実行できない。 |
2021-12-01 15:33:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
HDR-VDPの使い方を教えてください。 |
また、GitHubのサイトにもあるのですが、使い方や必要なインストールするものが描いていないためわかりませんでした。 |
2021-12-01 15:21:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
オブジェクト 連想配列 違い |
nameappleprice |
2021-12-01 15:17:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Rails5】Railsアプリ作成時にMysql関連のエラーが発生する |
【Rails】Railsアプリ作成時にMysql関連のエラーが発生する前提・実現したいことRailsアプリを作成する段階でMysql関連のエラーが発生しております。 |
2021-12-01 15:14:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Bitbucket piplinesとAWSのCodeDeployを使いEC2に自動デプロイしたがエラーが出る |
BitbucketpiplinesとAWSのCodeDeployを使いECに自動デプロイしたがエラーが出る現在Railsでアプリケーションを作成し、BitbucketnbsppiplinesとAWSのCodeDeployを使いECにデプロイしたところ、BitBucketとAWSのCodeDeploy上ではデプロイは成功していますがURLを叩くと以下のエラーが表示されます。 |
2021-12-01 15:12:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Netlifyにて404エラー発生 |
github |
2021-12-01 15:08:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
javaで二次元配列でコンソール上にオセロを作りたいのですが、標準入力で入力したx軸とy軸の値が、実行される際に逆になってしまいます。 |
javaで二次元配列でコンソール上にオセロを作りたいのですが、標準入力で入力したx軸とy軸の値が、実行される際に逆になってしまいます。 |
2021-12-01 15:07:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
gensimによるword2vecが実行できない |
gensimによるwordvecが実行できない以下のサイトを実行しようとしたらエラーが出ます。 |
2021-12-01 15:06:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonで身長、体重のパターンによってクラス分けをしたい |
pythonで身長、体重のパターンによってクラス分けをしたいタイトルの通り体重と身長にクラスに分けて、それぞれのクラス適したコメントを返信したいと考えています。 |
2021-12-01 15:04:09 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
githubの既存リポジトリからローカルリポジトリを設定する手順 |
リモートリポジトリが設定されたかは以下のコマンドで確認できます。 |
2021-12-01 15:25:47 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
bundle installで失敗する |
2021-12-01 15:23:16 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
rbenvでglobalを使ってもバージョンが切り替わらない |
2021-12-01 15:20:39 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【初心者向け】Railsでのタスク定期実行方法 |
コマンド実行→待機→指定したタイミングでタスクを自動実行→待機以降繰り返しRailsでのタスク定期実行方法本番環境状況本番環境としてHerokuを利用するが、Herokuにはプロセスの合計稼働時間で課金される・アプリケーションが毎日自動再起動されるなどの仕様がある。 |
2021-12-01 15:14:42 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
ついにControl Towerのアカウント発行からカスタマイズまでIaC対応!Account Factory for Terraform (AFT)が新登場 #reinvent |
toweraccountfactoryforter |
2021-12-01 06:28:56 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Coc.nvimを触ってみようアドベントカレンダー 1日目 – coc.nvim |
adventcalendar |
2021-12-01 06:18:22 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
スポンサーパートナーのサービスを紹介するシリーズ – Timescale Cloud – #Timescale #reinvent |
timescale |
2021-12-01 06:17:21 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[レポート] AWSネットワークの新機能まとめ #JAP202 #reinvent |
japreinventreinvent |
2021-12-01 06:14:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Weekly web development resources #98 |
Weekly web development resources TwindA small fast most feature complete tailwind in js solution Using Emojis in HTML CSS and JavaScriptAn article on how to use emojis in your web documents nnnoiseA SVG generator for subtle or not so subtle noise textures Icons in Pure CSSAn article on how to use any icons on demand in purely CSS Image OptimizerA free and open source tool for optimizing images and vector graphics things I learned from building a production databaseA nice article by Mahesh Balakrishnan ay mythsA small website debunking common accessibility myths EmailTimerA free countdown timer for your emails PexelA Canva style Social Media Kit for creating quick social media creatives To see all the weeklies check wweb dev weekly |
2021-12-01 06:52:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
🔑 Habilidad Técnica: 2. Conocimiento de frameworks 🧱 |
Habilidad Técnica Conocimiento de frameworks Los frameworks en los lenguajes de programación son un paradigma importante porque nos ayudan a estandarizar la forma de trabajo con algún lenguaje No son absolutamente necesarios sin embargo es simplemente una de las herramientas disponibles que te ayudaráa desarrollar mejor y más rápido Mejor porque estarás seguro de que al desarrollar una aplicación estás siguiendo una estructura que te permitirácrecerlo y darle mantenimiento Más rápido porque te permitiráahorrarte tiempo de desarrollo mientras reutilizas módulos genéricos por ejemplo login consultas a base de datos y entonces mejor te enfocas en otras áreas a lo que el negocio necesita o el problema a resolver Invierte tu tiempo en agregar valor no en la tecnologíaEl principio básico de cualquier framework es no re inventes la rueda o no descubras el hilo negro Tu objetivo como senior es agregar valor un framework evitaráque pases días creando una forma de autenticación ese tiempo lo puedes invertir en agregar reglas de negocio pruebas automatizadas mejorar tu código etc Mantenimiento y upgrades garantizadosA largo plazo un framework asegura la longevidad de tu aplicación porque si el equipo decide trabajar con su propio estilo ese serála estructura de la aplicación En cambio si el equipo usa un framework este proporcionaráuna estructura que el equipo adoptará además las personas que mantienen el framework buscarán mejorarlo de forma constante con el fin de que se ajuste a nuevas prácticas y necesidades ConclusionesUn framework no es indispensable pero si es muy útil Un framework es una prenda de calidad actualización y mantenimiento a bajo costo Las aplicaciones desarrolladas empleando frameworks utilizan los estándares del mercado Todos los frameworks tienen cookbooks y manuales avanzados te recomiendo que identifiques sus funcionalidades principales y hagas los ejercicios que ahívienen de un Senior se espera que sepa aprovechar los recursos que el framework ofrece que conozca las diferencias entre una u otra versión e incluso que sepa como hacer el upgrade Esta serie de blog posts tiene contenido de mi libro el cual se encuentra en preventa y saldráantes de terminar Sigo trabajando en mis productos con el fin de ayudar de forma más estructurada a la comunidad de TI si te interesan pásale a mi perfil de GumroadLíder TécnicoDe Junior a SeniorMentoríasRevisión de C V Te invito a que me sigas en Twitter para que te enteres de todo el contenido que hago normalmente También soy creador del podcast Chile Mole amp Tech el cual esta en todas las plataformas Si te gusto este post no dudes en compartirlo me ayuda mucho |
2021-12-01 06:42:10 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Study with Free Online study resources |
Study with Free Online study resourcesNovember Do you know when I first started to study with free resources I was not sure that whether I can do this or not It takes a lot of time and passion to build consistency for the first time But when you start doing so regularly It can be easy The strategy I think really helped me I feel happy to share with you Here are some steps which will help you Choose your field of studyTake a syllabus from online sources This will help you to maintain your flow and not get distracted Do your research on topics According to your syllabus and topics try to collect as much as relevant information Search for free blogs and resources You can find free resources on youtube and Google mostly Then start studying If you want to look out for free resources I can suggest free websites and blogs for you IBM Cognitive Class aiIntellipaat Free BlogsGoogle Digital Garage AWS Free Training by AmazonThese are some of the technology websites which helped me a lot when I was studying Data Science with Python Please let us know if there are any other free resources |
2021-12-01 06:39:52 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Prevent NPM from installing packages outside of a Docker container |
Prevent NPM from installing packages outside of a Docker containerIf you re developing a Node js app in a Docker container you may want to prevent the host machine from running npm install for a number of reasons For example a Linux container won t be able to run packages that include bundled binaries if they were installed from MacOS or Windows Node packages can also run arbitrary and potentially malicious code during installation so you may want to isolate your host machine Even still it s easy to accidentally run npm install on the host Thankfully NPM provides some ways to mitigate this NPM has a preinstall hook that runs before the npm install command and if it returns an error it will prevent the install command from executing Using NPM s preinstall hookWe can use NPM s preinstall hook to prevent running npm install on the host by checking for an environment variable that is only present in the container Take a look at the following package json file scripts preinstall IS CONTAINER amp amp echo Installing packages is not permitted outside of a container gt amp amp amp exit exit dependencies express If the environment variable IS CONTAINER doesn t exist or isn t set to NPM will echo an error message then exit with an error code exit meansthe program exited with an error If IS CONTAINER is set to the script will exit with which means it was successful and the dependencies will install without issue Now we need to make sure that our Docker container has the IS CONTAINER environment variable Setting an environment variable in the containerWe can set a IS CONTAINER environment variable using one of the following three methods We can set this variable in the docker compose yml file services node image node lts alpine working dir srv app command node index js volumes srv app environment IS CONTAINER ports We can set this variable in a Dockerfile if you re using one FROM node lts alpineENV IS CONTAINER WORKDIR usr src appCOPY RUN npm installCMD node index js We can set it as an environment variable from the command line docker compose run e IS CONTAINER rm nodeWith the combination of adding the preinstall script in your package json file and setting the IS CONTAINER environment variable using one of the methods above your Node packages will install in your container without issue when you run npm install Conversely if you run npm install on your host you ll get an error that says Installing packages is not permitted outside of a container Unfortunately this method will not prevent you from installing individual packages outside of your container it will only prevent npm install from installing the packages inside package json For example if you ran npm install lodash in a console on your host machine it would install lodash without an error There is an NPM RFC that would change this behavior but as of time of writing this post November it hasn t gone through Prevent NPM scripts from running outside of a containerYou can also prevent custom NPM scripts from running outside of a container by using NPM s pre scripts If you had an NPM script called dev example npm run dev you could create a predev script that would run before dev Prepending any script name with pre will cause NPM to run that script first If you had a build script you could have a prebuild If you had a start script you could have a prestart We can use these pre scripts to look for an IS CONTAINER environment variable the way that we did in the preinstall script scripts preinstall IS CONTAINER amp amp echo Installing packages is not permitted outside of a container gt amp amp amp exit exit predev IS CONTAINER amp amp echo Running the development script is not permitted outside of a container gt amp amp amp exit exit dev nodemon index js dependencies express You can learn more about pre and post scripts in the official NPM docs Please let me know if this post helped you and let me know in the comments if you know a better way of doing this |
2021-12-01 06:32:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
AWS IoT TwinMaker: The Hidden Gem of re:Invent |
AWS IoT TwinMaker The Hidden Gem of re InventOvernight AWS made lots of product announcements at re Invent and while lots of these are getting good coverage I wanted to quickly bring everyone up to speed on what I think is the hidden gem of re Invent AWS IoT TwinMaker Before I started as Head of Enablement for AI Machine Learning and Data at Blackbook ai and before I became an AWS Community Builder for Machine Learning I was actually User Experience Lead and then Analytics Lead at a global IoT Proptech platform so I ve actually got heaps of experience with digital twins for facilities optimisation and I ve seen a lot when it comes to integrating disparate data sources in the built environment This is why I m so excited about AWS IoT TwinMaker which is a new service which makes it faster and easier for developers to create and use digital twins of real world systems to monitor and optimise operations Diagram from the AWS IoT TwinMaker Product Page Data from sources like equipment sensors video cameras and business applications is being collected and processed by all sorts of organisations about their equipment and facilities In order to optimise industrial operations improve production output and improve equipment performance most companies want to combine these disparate data sets to create a digital replica of their physical systems This is called a Digital Twin Although creating and maintaining Digital Twins may seem difficult and time consuming it doesn t have to be anymore With AWS IoT TwinMaker you can quickly get started with creating digital twins of equipment processes and facilities This is done by connecting data from different data sources like time series sensor data from equipment video feeds from cameras and maintenance histories from business applications Importantly You won t have to move the data into a single repository for this to work Building a Digital Twin Graph allows your operators to make better data driven decisions by understanding and connecting all the sources of your data into a D application of the physical environment that displays data and insights in a spatial context There s built in data connectors for services like AWS IoT SiteWise for equipment and time series sensor data Amazon Kinesis Video Streams for video data and Amazon S for storage of visual resources like CAD files and data from business applications AWS IoT TwinMaker forms a digital twin graph that combines and understands the relationships between virtual representations of your physical systems and connected data sources so you can intuitively and accurately model what s happening in your real world environment Once you ve built the digital twin graph you can visualise the data using the context of the physical data using your existing CAD files or point cloud scans to make D models of your space Example from Github repo of AWS IoT TwinMaker Samples From here you can then overlay video and sensor data overlays from your connected data sources as well as insights from connected machine learning or simulation services But it s not just forecasts and projections you can also add practical elements like equipment maintenance records and manuals to the digital twin which becomes your single source of truth AWS IoT TwinMaker is available today in preview in US East US West Europe and Asia Pacific and this is again just a preview service so this list will grow The AWS Free tier will include million API calls per month for months so I m excited to get building with this About the Author Brooke Jamieson is the Head of Enablement AI ML and Data at Blackbook ai an Australian consulting firm specialising in AI Automation DataOps and Digital Learn more about Blackbook ai here and learn more about Brooke here |
2021-12-01 06:31:35 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What I learned from Virtual Coffee's Tech blogging challenge |
What I learned from Virtual Coffee x s Tech blogging challengeDuring the month of November Virtual Coffee members participated in a blogging challenge The goal was to write words as a community This challenged all of the members to write thoughtful tech blogs and publish them on sites like Devto The community ended up exceeding that goal and writing over words It was great to see all of the amazing articles and grow personally as a writer In this article I am going to break down some of the articles I submitted for this challenge and what I learned by writing them How I overcame my fear of technical writing and landed a job at freeCodeCampThis was probably my most popular article from this month I decided to tell the story of how I started learning how to code and wound up working for freeCodeCamp I felt like it was important to tell this story because everyone has a unique journey into tech I think it is inspiring to learn about everyone s past careers and how they wound up as developers It was nice to see the positive reception to my story and seeing it shared across social media I hope to write more articles talking about my journey in the near future How to Create a Website Free of Cost Website Builder Platform GuideAs a staff author for freeCodeCamp News this was one of the assigned headlines My task was to come up with a list of website builders that were completely free That includes free hosting The target audience for this article were those that were actively searching for free options to build websites that required zero coding knowledge At first I wasn t sure how many free options there were still out there My initial impression was that were was always going to be some sort of hidden cost built in But to my suprise there are a few options where you can build high quality sites without any coding experience All of these options have drag and drop features and pre made template designs to choose from These were the four sites I found during my research WixWeeblySITECarrdI really hope this guide will help those non coders who want to build beautiful websites How to Run the freeCodeCamp Backend Challenges LocallyI decided to come up with this article because I was surprised that freeCodeCamp did not have a guide to teach users how to run the backend challenges locally In the curriculum most users decide to complete the challenges using the Replit starter project But the few users that do decide to run the project locally try to submit their GitHub repository links but are confused why the system doesn t except their submission I decided to create a walkthrough guide of how to clone the freeCodeCamp backend repositories and get the project running using the local server I enjoyed writing this short guide to help freeCodeCamp users through the backend certifications How to Build a Weather Converter SeriesI wanted to create a tutorial for beginners for a few months now but was always too nervous to write it I wanted to create a step by step guide to give beginners extra practice creating small web projects This was my first tutorial and it was to show beginners how to build a Weather Temperature converter using HTML CSS and JavaScript I initially struggled with how to structure the series and how detailed I should get when it came to using a code editor I tried to be aware of the fact that many beginners might not be familiar with a code editor So I wanted to walk them through the basics I also wanted to explain each step of the project and how parts of the code were working I was happy to see that the project received positive reviews and that people were following along with the series Stress and Mental Health in Tech What I learned from Dr Jennifer Akullian s freeCodeCamp Tech TalkI decided to write this article because the issue of mental health in tech is not discussed that often I learned a lot from this freeCodeCamp Tech Talk and wanted to share my thoughts with the community The main takeaway I received from the talk were exercises I could do throughout the day to manage my stress at work I have even started to implement some of those daily exercises throughout my work day I encourage everyone to give this minute talk a listen because mental health is important ConclusionThis has been a great month of writing I am really fortunate to be apart of a great community like Virtual Coffee and I look forward to next month s challenge |
2021-12-01 06:26:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Tips to improve your Android Development skills |
Tips to improve your Android Development skillsToday Android remains to dominate on a global scale Approximately of the world population prefers using Android as against the of iOS It is an operating system that has a huge market for apps So in this article let s discuss “Tips to improve your Android Development Skills Follow The Trend But Think Unique You have to follow the ongoing trend But remember millions of people are following the same trend too So you definitely need to think out of the box about the same that how can you make it attractive You need to learn to increase the engagement with your app user To know the current trend explore apps that have already been featured on the play store Do some research on the Play Store pick some apps with labels like Editors Pick and Top Developer and install them on your Android phone Then analyze the apps giving attention to what characteristics they have in common In particular check thoroughly the apps design functionality and everything that makes them stand out from similar apps in the category Get Over the FOMO Fear of Missing Out Android is a very huge domain One can t learn it completely end to end in a month As a beginner it s quite common to be worried that you re missing out on learning essential information by trying to build things while still in a state of great confusion but try to get over it Just start with basics fundamentals Android concepts and slowly build your command on it Give Priority to Security In the era of internet security plays the most important role Whether it may be a website or an Android app if there is no security guarantee then there is no use of that So while building an app development make sure that the user s data is safe and secure if they are using your app Beware of the hackers in the market and find a solution to what problems they can create Focus on Reading More Codes Most Android developers don t spend the time to read what other developers are writing And they pay most of their time writing what they already know But this is not going to help you to become a perfect Android developer The only way to become a more expert developer is to read the excellent code of more skilled developers The more you read the more you learn If you are developing something it is possible that you code everything on your own But if you start reading other s codes it helps in raising your vision and might also result in giving some new ideas Start Contributing to Open Source If you have developed a library plugin or other helpful pieces of code and you re utilizing it in your app consider open sourcing it There s enough to discover in the process of contributing to open source projects Even the least bit of contribution like fixing some grammatical errors in the docs will be beneficial for the project maintainer to keep the project running And this will surely help you to improve your Android Development skill Do Test Your Creation Before releasing your product you must test whether it works on the smartphone efficiently and effectively and observe if it is going to impress the users Most importantly accommodate low end devices and smaller screens that mean in the emerging markets many devices tend to have small screens so make sure you optimize your UI by testing on multiple screen sizes You should also adapt your app to low end devices which may have low memory low processing power and low resolution Also consider backward compatibility to jelly bean and where practical back to ice cream sandwich Observe The Feedback You must observe the feedback that the users make and keep in mind the good and bad in your application One of the most important things about an app is to maintain the app regularly Keep your app up to date Track the problems users are facing with your app and provide them solutions regarding the issues through regular updates So that the next time you can deliver the best to your users That s it for today Thank you Do share your valuable feedback |
2021-12-01 06:23:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Building a Clubhouse clone with 100ms Javascript SDK |
Building a Clubhouse clone with ms Javascript SDK Introductionms offers a video conferencing infrastructure that provides web and mobile ーnative iOS and Android SDK to add live video amp audio conferencing to your applications ms is built by the same team that built live infrastructure at Disney and Facebook so be sure that you are in safe hands In this article we will demonstrate the power of the ms SDK by building a Clubhouse clone Clubhouse is a revolutionary audio based social media network that features chat rooms where users connect listen and learn from each other Let s get started with creating our Clubhouse clone in the next section Getting StartedOur Clubhouse clone will be built with Parcel ms JavaScript SDK Tailwind CSS To get started clone this repository to get the starter files Now you can run npm install to install all dependencies and npm start to start the dev server After this we get Note the room section is not displayed because we added a hidden class in the boilerplate above ーin the element with room section id We only want to display this view when the user joins a room ーat that time we would hide the join form In the next subsection we will set up our ms credentials Let s jump in Setting up ms credentialsTo use the ms SDK in our app we need a token endpoint and a room id Since Parcel supports environment variables create a env file in your app s root directory and add the following code TOKEN ENDPOINT lt your token endpoint gt ROOM ID lt your room id gt To get our token endpoint register and log in to your ms dashboard and go to the developer section Copy the token endpoint and update the env file accordingly Also to get the room id we need to create a room But before we create a room we first need to create a custom app and custom roles Create custom appAfter registration you would redirect to your dashboard to create an app Add a unique subdomain and from the template options choose the “Create your Own option to create a custom template as seen below Create RolesA role defines who a peer can see hear their permissions to mute unmute someone change someone s role etc Note a peer simply refers to a participant in the room ーsomeone who has joined the room Our clubhouse clone would have the following roles Listener ーcan only listen to others To create this role turn off all publish strategies and click save Speaker ーcan listen and speak Can mute and unmute himself To create this role turn off all publish strategies and leave only can share audio on Moderator ーcan do everything a speaker can do Also can mute unmute others and change their role To create this role turn on only can share audio as in speaker And modify its permission by turning on can change any participant s role and can mute any participant Now click on “Setup App and we have Now we can create our room Create RoomWhen users join a conference call they are said to join a room And these users are referred to as peers To create a room click on Rooms from the dashboard then Create Room as seen in the image below Now fill out the room details and click “Create Room and you will be redirected to the room details page From there copy your room id and update the env file accordingly Now that we have finished setting up our ms app we can start building our application Building the AppTo use the ms JavaScript SDK we installed previously there are three entities we need to be familiar with from the documentation these hooks are hmsStore this contains the complete state of the room at any given time This includes for example participant details messages and track states hmsActions this is used to perform any action such as joining muting and sending a message hmsNotifications this can be used to get notified on peer join leave and new messages to show toast notifications to the user To keep things clean let s set up our ms JavaScript SDK and grab all the needed DOM elements Add the following code to your app js file import HMSReactiveStore selectPeers selectIsConnectedToRoom selectIsLocalAudioEnabled from mslive hms video store const hms new HMSReactiveStore const hmsStore hms getStore const hmsActions hms getHMSActions Get DOM elementsconst Form document querySelector join form const FormView document querySelector join section const RoomView document querySelector room section const PeersContainer document querySelector peers container const LeaveRoomBtn document querySelector leave room btn const AudioBtn document querySelector audio btn const JoinBtn document querySelector join btn handle submit form handle join room view leave room display room handle mute unmute peerNow we can create the join room view Joining RoomAdd the following code to your index html lt form id join form class mt gt lt div class mx auto max w lg gt lt div class py gt lt span class px text sm text gray gt Username lt span gt lt input id username placeholder Enter Username name username type text class text md block px py rounded lg w full bg white border border gray placeholder gray shadow md focus placeholder gray focus bg white focus border gray focus outline none gt lt div gt lt div class py gt lt span class px text sm text gray gt Role lt span gt lt select id roles class text md block px py rounded lg w full bg white border border gray placeholder gray shadow md focus placeholder gray focus bg white focus border gray focus outline none gt lt option gt Speaker lt option gt lt option gt Listener lt option gt lt option gt Moderator lt option gt lt select gt lt div gt lt button id join btn type submit class mt text lg font semibold bg gray w full text white rounded lg px py block shadow xl hover text white hover bg black gt Join lt button gt lt div gt lt form gt The form above provides an input field for the username and a select option for the roles We will handle submitting this form by adding the following code to the app js file Form addEventListener submit async function handleSubmit e prevents form reload e preventDefault get input fields const userName Form elements username value by name const role Form elements roles value by name simple validation if userName return makes sure user enters a username JoinBtn innerHTML Loading try gets token const authToken await getToken role joins rooms hmsActions join userName authToken settings isAudioMuted true catch error handle error JoinBtn innerHTML Join console log Token API Error error The code above gets the value of the form fields gets an authToken by calling the getToken method and joins the room by calling the join method in hmsActions The getToken function is a utility function We will use two utility functions for the purpose of this tutorial Let s quickly create them In the src folder create a utils folder and with the following files getToken js createElem js and index js In the getToken js add the following code import v as uuidv from uuid const TOKEN ENDPOINT process env TOKEN ENDPOINT const ROOM ID process env ROOM ID const getToken async user role gt const role user role toLowerCase const user id uuidv const room id ROOM ID const response await fetch TOKEN ENDPOINT api token method POST body JSON stringify user id role room id const token await response json return token export default getToken And in the createElem js add the following code const createElem gt export default createElemWe will update this when we are working on rendering peers to the view But for now let s leave it as a noop Next in the index js file add the following code to export the above utility functions import createElem from createElem import getToken from getToken export createElem getToken Finally we will import these functions in our app js file as seen below import HMSReactiveStore selectPeers selectIsConnectedToRoom selectIsLocalAudioEnabled from mslive hms video store import getToken createElem from utils Now when we run our server we get When a user joins a room we want to hide this form and display the room view And to do this add the following code to your app js file function handleConnection isConnected if isConnected console log connected hides Form FormView classList toggle hidden displays room RoomView classList toggle hidden else console log disconnected hides Form FormView classList toggle hidden displays room RoomView classList toggle hidden subscribe to room statehmsStore subscribe handleConnection selectIsConnectedToRoom In the code above we subscribed to the room state consequently handleConnection is called whenever we join or leave a room This is possible because hmsStore is reactive and it enables us to register a state The result of this is that the registered function is called whenever the selected state changes To handle leaving a room add the following code to the app js file function leaveRoom hmsActions leave JoinBtn innerHTML Join LeaveRoomBtn addEventListener click leaveRoom window onunload leaveRoom The code above calls the leaveRoom function when the LeaveRoomBtn is clicked to handle leaving a room Note call leave on window onunload to handle when a user closes or refreshes the tab Now we can join a room and we get Following this all that is left is to create our room Let s do that in the next subsection Create RoomFirst update the createElem js function with the code helper function to create html elementsfunction createElem tag attrs children const newElement document createElement tag Object keys attrs forEach key gt newElement setAttribute key attrs key children forEach child gt newElement append child return newElement export default createElem We will use this helper function to render the peers in a room To do this add the following code to the app js function renderPeers peers PeersContainer innerHTML clears the container if peers this allows us to make peer list an optional argument peers hmsStore getState selectPeers peers forEach peer gt creates an image tag const peerAvatar createElem img class object center object cover w full h full src alt photo create a description paragrah tag with a text peerDesc createElem p class text white font bold peer name peer roleName const peerContainer createElem div class w full bg gray rounded lg sahdow lg overflow hidden flex flex col justify center items center peerAvatar peerDesc appends children PeersContainer append peerContainer hmsStore subscribe renderPeers selectPeers In the renderPeers function above selectPeers gives us an array of peers ーremote and your local peer present in the room Next we create two HTML elements peerAvatar and peerDesc by using the createElem helper function And we appended these elements as children to peerContainer Also since we are subscribed to peer state our view gets updated whenever something changes with any of the peers Note in our small contrived example above we used a random avatar from Pixabay as the src for the peerAvatar element In a real situation this should be the link to the user profile photo Finally we will handle mute unmute by adding the following code to app js file AudioBtn addEventListener click gt let audioEnabled hmsStore getState selectIsLocalAudioEnabled AudioBtn innerText audioEnabled Mute Unmute AudioBtn classList toggle bg green AudioBtn classList toggle bg red hmsActions setLocalAudioEnabled audioEnabled Now we can test our app by running npm start filling out and submitting the form And after joining a room we get You can mute unmute yourself and leave the room Role changeOur current setup does not support the “change role feature but in this section we will add this feature Currently a listener can mute unmute but it is best we hide this feature since the listener does not have publish permissions So we need to upgrade our mute unmute feature to work with roles We will get the permissions of the local peer from the selectLocalPeerRole variable but first import it by updating app js as seen below import HMSReactiveStore selectPeers selectIsConnectedToRoom selectIsLocalAudioEnabled selectLocalPeerRole imports selectLocalPeerRole from mslive hms video store Now update the handleConnection function as seen below to hide the mute unmute button from the listener update handle join room viewfunction handleConnection isConnected get local peer role const role hmsStore getState selectLocalPeerRole if isConnected console log connected hides mute btn for listner if role name listener AudioBtn classList add hidden hides Form FormView classList toggle hidden displays room RoomView classList toggle hidden else console log disconnected hides Form FormView classList toggle hidden displays room RoomView classList toggle hidden Next we will start working on the role change feature Update the renderPeer function s forEach loop as seen below peers forEach peer gt creates an image tag const peerAvatar createElem img class object center object cover w full h full src alt photo create a description paragraph tag with a text const peerDesc createElem p class text white font bold peer name peer isLocal You peer roleName add mute unmute list items const MuteItem createElem li id mute class cursor pointer createElem span data id peer id data islocal peer isLocal class mute rounded t bg gray hover bg gray py px block Unmute const SpeakerItem createElem li id speaker class cursor pointer createElem span data id peer id class speaker bg gray hover bg gray py px block Make speaker const ListenerItem createElem li id listener class cursor pointer createElem span data id peer id class listener rounded b bg gray hover bg gray py px block Make listener const menu createElem button class text white font bold text xl z rounded inline flex items center const dropdown createElem ul class dropdown menu absolute top right hidden text gray w max pt group hover block z MuteItem SpeakerItem ListenerItem const menuContainer createElem div class peer isLocal amp amp peer roleName listener hidden dropdown inline block absolute top right menu dropdown const peerContainer createElem div class relative w full p bg gray rounded lg sahdow lg overflow hidden flex flex col justify center items center menuContainer peerAvatar peerDesc appends children PeersContainer append peerContainer The code above creates the list items needed for the change role feature And these are nested as children of menuContainer Also the menuContainer is dynamically hidden if the local peer is a listener by adding the hidden Tailwind CSS class And this gives each user with publish permission ellipses that display a list of actions Thus a listener cannot mute unmute as seen below But a moderator can mute unmute as seen below Also we dynamically passed peer id and peer islocal by using the HTML data global attributes This enables us to pass custom data needed for implementing the change role feature We choose this pattern rather than setting up our event handlers within the forEach loop because this is cleaner and easier to understand Also setting up event handlers in a loop in JavaScript can easily lead to bugs because it requires us to add an event handler for each list item ーDOM nodes and somehow bind this We could use event delegation this pattern enables us to add only one event handler to a parent element which would analyze bubbled events to find a match on child elements Add the following code at the button of app js handle change role and mute unmuter other peersdocument addEventListener click function event const role hmsStore getState selectLocalPeerRole hanadle mute unmute if event target matches mute if role name listener alert You do not have the permission to mute unmute return if role name speaker amp amp JSON parse event target dataset islocal false alert You do not have the permission to mute unmute other peers return let audioEnabled hmsStore getState selectIsLocalAudioEnabled hmsActions setLocalAudioEnabled audioEnabled event target innerText audioEnabled Mute unmute handle change role if event target matches speaker if role permissions changeRole alert You do not have the permission to change role return hmsActions changeRole event target dataset id speaker true if event target matches listener if role permissions changeRole alert You do not have the permission to change role return hmsActions changeRole event target dataset id listener true false In the code above we set up one event listener to handle all the mute and change role events We get the clicked DOM element with event target matches and we get a peer s permission using role permissions From our implementation a listener cannot perform any action ーhe she can only listen A speaker can mute unmute only himself and a moderator can mute unmute himself and other peers And he can also change the role of other peers Now our final app looks like this Conclusionms is both powerful and easy to use With a few clicks from the dashboard we set up a custom app that we easily integrated into our app using the ms SDK Interestingly we have barely scratched the surface of what ms can do Features such as screen share RTMP streaming and recording chat and more can all be implemented by using this awesome infrastructure You can join the discord channel to learn more about ms or give it a try in your next app for free Lastly if you are interested in the source code of the final application you can get it here |
2021-12-01 06:03:22 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Virtual modular synth VCV Rack 2 is now available |
Virtual modular synth VCV Rack is now availableVCV Rack has arrived and it could help you figure out if modular synthesis is something you can get into before blowing a fortune on it The original app dropped in giving you access to thousands of virtual modules that let you try Eurorack for free This upgraded app comes with a completely redesigned user interface with a dark room mode and a much better module browser than its predecessor VCV has a library of almost modules and the new browser will make them easier to sort with its category filters and the capability to highlight the modules you use the most While the app itself is still free to download and use there s now a Pro version that includes a VST plugin for full integration into the digital audio workstation of your choice That means you ll be able to use VCV Rack within Ableton Logic or even GarageBand The Pro tier also comes with professional support ーand the promise of more plugin formats in the future Rack s paid version will set you back until though you can also get it bundled with VCV Drums and VCV Sound Stage for You can get both paid and free VCV Rack versions right now from its official page |
2021-12-01 06:06:11 |
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2021-12-01 06:33:17 |
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ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
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2021-12-01 15:04:00 |
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