Engadget Japanese |
前後・左右・上下の映像を1台で記録。あらゆる危険運転が証拠として残る、720度ミラー型ドライブレコーダー |
2021-12-01 10:45:55 |
Engadget Japanese |
ポケモンGO「ヘリテージ シーズン」開幕。疑似シーズンパスを導入 |
開幕 |
2021-12-01 10:45:52 |
Engadget Japanese |
今なら35%OFF、会議用スピーカー「Anker PowerConf」レビュー|Amazonブラックフライデー |
amazon |
2021-12-01 10:30:54 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] ジャニーズ海賊版DVDを販売した女性が書類送検 1本300円で計1700万円売り上げ |
itmedia |
2021-12-01 19:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] bitFlyer、ビットコインを還元するクレカ 0.5〜2.5%還元 |
bitflyer |
2021-12-01 19:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ヤフー関連サービスでのTポイント付与、終了へ 「PayPayボーナス」に切り替え |
itmedia |
2021-12-01 19:28:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「機動戦士ガンダム」のシャア専用ズゴックが土鍋に! 人気アニメとコラボするバンダイスピリッツの狙いは? |
bandaispirits |
2021-12-01 19:10:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
paizaの求人情報から年収予測モデルを構築する方法 |
Paizaマジ感謝今回はPaizaに掲載されている求人情報をクローリング・スクレイピングして募集内容の要素勤務地、開発言語、経歴などと提示年収がどのような関係にあるのかについての予測モデルを機械学習によって作成することを目的としています。 |
2021-12-01 19:50:51 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
PyQt5のチュートリアルを動かす ④ Signals & Slots |
widgetsignalconnectslotfunction例えばボタンwidgetにシグナルを設定する場合はこのようになります。 |
2021-12-01 19:29:59 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GoogleDriveに格納しているファイルを一括ダウンロードするPythonスクリプト |
設定①サービスアカウントの準備GoogleDriveで利用するサービスアカウントキーをGCPから作成します。 |
2021-12-01 19:12:24 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Node.jsをモダンなJSで実装する JavaScriptの歴史も理解しながら |
Nodejsでimportexportを使うには前項『Nodejsの誕生』で見たように、NodejsはESの書き方で書く必要があり、ES以降のJavaScriptとはversionが違うものになっているNodejsもJavaScriptではあるのの、それはESというルールで実装する必要があり、ESとかESとかモダンと呼ばれるJavaScriptとは違う。 |
2021-12-01 19:11:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
インデックスが文字列のデータフレームで、条件より小さいインデックス文字を取り出したい |
インデックスが文字列のデータフレームで、条件より小さいインデックス文字を取り出したいインデックスがdatetime型文字列のデータフレームnbspdfnbspがありますtimenowを同じくdatetime型の文字列として下のように定義してtimenownbspnbspnbsptimenownbspより小さいインデックス番号の最大値を取り出すにはどのようにすればよいのでしょうか上の図でいう赤く囲ったnbspを取り出したいのです。 |
2021-12-01 19:56:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
セル番号が*から変更できません |
セル番号がから変更できませんセル番号を数字に戻し関数を正常に実行したいここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-12-01 19:52:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python cv2で出力した動画がぼやける |
画像は意図したとおりに生成されるのですが、画像を動画に変換すると全体にぼかしが入ったようにドットが潰れてしまいます。 |
2021-12-01 19:38:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
rails が突然作れなくなった |
railsが突然作れなくなったrailsnbspで新しいアプリを作ろうとrailsnbspを立ち上げた。 |
2021-12-01 19:37:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
maxsubarray (配列の中の要素を一つずつ調べて、足していって一番大きくなるもの) |
maxsubarray配列の中の要素を一つずつ調べて、足していって一番大きくなるものこんにちは今、MaximumnbspSumnbsparrayの問題を解いているのですが、関数の返し方と、自分が指定した数に一番近いMaximumnbspSumを実装しようとしているところで詰まってします。 |
2021-12-01 19:28:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Laravelで画像を含めたデータを登録すると2重登録される |
Laravelで画像を含めたデータを登録すると重登録されるLaravelで販売管理システムを作成しているのですが、商品登録をすると重で登録されてしまいます。 |
2021-12-01 19:26:50 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
RDS nullを許可するか、不要なインスタンスを持ち続けるか |
RDSnullを許可するか、不要なインスタンスを持ち続けるか先輩エンジニアの皆様、質問失礼します。 |
2021-12-01 19:24:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Windowsでスライドアニメーションが動かない |
Windowsでスライドアニメーションが動かない廃止となったmarqueeの代替となるアニメーションを作りたいのですが、なぜかwindowsで開くとアニメーションが動きません。 |
2021-12-01 19:22:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Reactのクリーンアップが呼ばれない |
Reactのクリーンアップが呼ばれない前提以下のような実装をしています。 |
2021-12-01 19:21:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
テキストファイルから1行ずつ文を読み込み出力する方法 |
テキストファイルから行ずつ文を読み込み出力する方法現在テキストファイル行に文に対してそれを少し変換した文を記載したものが複数行あり、例こんにちはこんちくわこれをつつのファイルからの入力として実装したいと考えています。 |
2021-12-01 19:19:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
wpにて絞り込み検索機能を実装したいが、値の受け渡しはどうやって行うか |
wpにて絞り込み検索機能を実装したいが、値の受け渡しはどうやって行うかwordpressにて、エリアの一覧を出力しています。 |
2021-12-01 19:18:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
cupy.core.core.ndarray型の配列のcsv出力 |
cupycorecorendarray型の配列のcsv出力深層学習でChainerを使用しているものです。 |
2021-12-01 19:13:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Unity】Input.GetKeyUp等が検知されない場合はありますか? |
2021-12-01 19:10:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pandasのiterrowsを使うと遅いのをどうにかして改善したいです |
ColColabcadNaNeこのColの文字列がカンマ区切りになっているので、分解して次のようなデータフレームにしたいです。 |
2021-12-01 19:10:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Python】TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not Textの対処について |
【Python】TypeErrorlistindicesmustbeintegersorslicesnotTextの対処についてPythonVScode以下の実装しているコードで実行するとTypeErrornbsplistnbspindicesnbspmustnbspbenbspintegersnbspornbspslicesnbspnotnbspTextというエラーが発生します。 |
2021-12-01 19:08:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
codelic(プログラミングサイト)のdemo taskの問題で、不正解コードのダメな箇所がわかりません。 |
codelicプログラミングサイトのdemonbsptaskの問題で、不正解コードのダメな箇所がわかりません。 |
2021-12-01 19:08:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Why I no longer use GraphQL for new projects |
Why I no longer use GraphQL for new projectsBefore I go further I want to clarify that I love GraphQL as a frontend engineer It empowers me to create I also think GraphQL is a great choice for larger engineering organizations Having a GraphQL server as an API layer over different micro services allows frontend engineers to just build without dealing with the complexity For new projects however I will no longer be using GraphQL My definition of a new project is a project without a clear market fit and a project with a small team less than engineers PerformanceAs a backend engineer I hate GraphQL GraphQL provides a lot of flexibility on the client side but this means that we cannot optimize as aggressively on the server Making sure that our GraphQL server is performant requires discipline and care It s questionable if this investment is justified unless the team is already well versed in GraphQL performance For example the team will need to know how to utilize dataloaders to avoid n queries SecurityWith a traditional REST API we can add security on each of the routes that we are exposing With a GraphQL API we have to be cognizant of the fact that there could be endless permutations of queries that can be triggered Types and access to types have to be organized with care We have to make sure that we don t unexpectedly add a subquery that exposes sensitive fields Engineer OnboardingGraphQL is new to a lot of engineers Traditional REST API is familiar to many engineers It s one extra thing someone has to learn before they can be productive It s tempting to reach for GraphQL especially if we want to learn it or because we really enjoy working with it Before we reach for GraphQL we should ask ourselves Is this tradeoff worth it early on in the project ConclusionThere is an argument that we should just start off with GraphQL if that s ultimately where we want to get to once the project gets big If there is a guarantee that the project will get big then yes I agree However if we aren t sure if our project is going to be a runaway success with engineers in a span of months I believe going the more traditional route will allow the team to be more nimble and add talent easier Time is of the essence GraphQL can be added later when the organization matures |
2021-12-01 10:31:48 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Are passwords still worth it? |
Are passwords still worth it Password authentication is a fundamental security feature It s literally everywhere and you likely use it every day on multiple occasions especially to access your online accounts on various platforms There are good practices to keep things secure For example using random and unique passwords is highly recommended You must not use the same password for multiple accounts even if it s a strong one In that perspective a password manager allows for defining and auto filling solid passwords automatically It s easy to use and you don t have to remember anything However there are some issues with the very concept of password I d like to discuss here and some misconceptions about strong passwords you need to know What is strong anyway Hackers use password cracking tools dictionaries and rule sets to guess passwords A popular technique called brute force consists of trying numerous password combinations to bypass authentication Most of the time hackers use bots and lists of frequently used credentials qwerty abcdefgh iloveyouThe above passwords are terrible They would be found at lightning speed You can even find them in the most popular public lists such as Rockyou However the following passwords are not good either P sswrd buddyYou can also find them in the rockyou txt list Don t try to be clever Password crackers such as JohntheRipper have been using mangling rules for years As a result replacing all a with or s with could quickly fail Besides a leaked password is a weak password no matter what you do You may have a strong password but phishing campaigns are more and more sophisticated and data breaches happen regularly Be extra extra extra careful with incoming emails and use haveibeenpwned to test your passwords Password policies are brokenBest practices are excellent and password managers do a tremendous job but many websites and applications use harmful password policies It s sometimes impossible to create the password automatically with your password manager during the signup as the website pushes its users toward very predictable strategies and disables copy paste in the second password input It s not uncommon not to be able to use long passwords with special characters You sometimes end up with nonsense like that taylorThe system is happy because you use letters and numbers while it s obviously a weak password Measuring passwords strength with entropyProfessionals and tools assess passwords with bits of entropy It measures how random a password is with a mathematical formula that can look like that E log Rᴸ There are some variants of the formula but theoretically the higher the entropy E is the stronger is the password against brute force attacks R is for the number of available characters and L is the total length As a result mixing letters capital letters special characters and numbers increase entropy significantly However the length is even more critical However it s just an indicator Again if you reuse the same password everywhere or if your password is leaked it s game over regardless of the entropy Passwords are not enoughMost services use now additional layers to authenticate their users For example with two factor authentication or multi factor authentication in addition to password authentication users have to enter a code received by SMS or generated with popular applications such as Google Authenticator or Lastpass FA is not enabled by default everywhere though and you sometimes need to activate it manually in the advanced settings It s not bulletproof but hacking FA is way harder than hacking passwords Decentralized authentication the passwordless approachThere are famous examples of passwordless systems such as magic links or biometric authentication Another approach can leverage more secure designs such as key based cryptography instead of passwords so the user s device or a USB key is the only device that holds the authentication factor This decentralized approach can have significant benefits improving user experience significantlyeliminating security risks such as password leaksIndeed it s likely more challenging to implement for developers than a simple login form and in some cases even impossible without rewriting everything However from the user s perspective it can be safer and easier to use |
2021-12-01 10:11:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Serverless is the driving force behind new digital business models |
Serverless is the driving force behind new digital business modelsOriginally published by treasaa on The Serverless EdgeReading Time minutesFinancial services is at a crossroads Some organisations have made a paradigm shift using serverless to create new digital business models and others have ignored digital transformation and are falling behind customer expectations with traditional bricks and mortar propositions bolted together with rudimentary digital offerings Many organisations are struggling to even make the decision to change to new business models Traditionally financial service organisations struggle with business model innovation have an outdated matrix structure In the book Strategic management A competitive advantage approach Fred and Forest David point out that matrix structures “replace single lines of authority with multiple cross matrix relationships… it will take longer to reach decisions because of bargaining between the managers of different dimensions In the financial services industry most organisation s business models are similar to Chris Skinner Finanser com s description of being based on an “industrial economy which was all about scale…But these investments in scale in the digital age are quickly moving…to sources of competitive disadvantage Serverless enables tech resources to be available cheaply to everyone meaning that scale doesn t matter A business can rent as little or as much digital technologies as it needs conferring little scale advantage in running a massive operation What analysis should you be carrying out for a new digital business model Finextra describe how “the traditional model of banking is being broken up and shrinking revenue streams will need to be replaced with alternatives We are moving to a platform marketplace where different parties are interacting seamlessly…Not only are we dealing with tech and cost challenges but also the challenge to preserve and grow our business In the article How DBS pursued a business strategy DBS Bank realised that “IT needs to be pervasively embedded in every aspect of a bank and be an integral part of business strategy This is well illustrated in the diagram below DBS Bank Business Strategy DiagramIn the FS Blog Banking Battlefield Winning the War for Customers David M Brear recognises the new market dynamics Diagram of market dynamics in the banking industryDigital business model of the banking industry“Everyone is trying to get to the top right of this digital business model diagram Everyone wants the most customers and the most sophisticated IDS intelligent digital services Incumbent banks have the customers but they need the tech new challengers have the tech but not the customers and the big tech companies seemingly have everything they need to be a real threat if and when they start offering banking services Too many organisations are focused on operational efficiency rather than building their digital business model According to Frery in The Fundamental Dimensions of Strategy MIT Sloan Management Review “cost cutting techniques cannot provide long term competitive advantage Instead we must take heed of FinTech Futures “… due to the speed of development in technology and the range of offerings in the market to succeed as a business you need to continue innovating…we are referring to a combination of high quality data processes tools and skills married with an institutional culture which encourages experimentation learning and the perpetual improvement of products and services As a general approach financial service orgs should study DBS Bank s case study It shows how DBS “gradually built up the necessary capabilities to pursue a successful digital business strategy DBS Bank s digital transformation plan What are the strategic choices open to organisations Create new Digital Business Model s Finanser Website “In the world of cloud computing IT resources are available cheaply to everyone meaning that … scale doesn t matter… In this digital age the scaled business model is likely to lead to the double whammy of failing to spot new trends and the impossibility of catching up Partner with tech As Duena Blomstrom points out in her book Emotional Banking “FinTech start ups that initially declared themselves as challengers have…either sold their company to banks such as Bank Simple and BBVA or have partnered with them such as Moven and TD Bank to supply them with technology and winning front end propositions and the discourse has changed from seeing FinTech as competitive to seeing it as enabling Enable Data amp Fix Culture Duena Blomstrom pinpoints the issues perfectly in her book “The real reason why we as consumers didn t see any of the benefits of handing over so much data is twofold one is bank culture and the second one is technology impotence Revise Business Cases Teece in his article Dynamic capabilities and strategic management shows that “…the conclusion by established companies that investing aggressively in disruptive technologies is not a rational financial decision…First disruptive products are simpler and cheaper they generally promise lower margins not greater profits Second disruptive technologies typically are first commercialized in emerging or insignificant markets And third leading firms most profitable customers generally don t want and indeed initially can t use products based on disruptive technologies Hence most companies with a practiced discipline of listening to their best customers and identifying new products that promise greater profitability and growth are rarely able to build a case for investing in disruptive technologies until it is too late Move from selling products to serving customer needs Blomstrom “From a customer point of view the true Nirvana of banking would…be if it became utterly invisible and kept serving us flawlessly in the background thus empowering our Money Moments the life moment that money will facilitate Build true Brand Equity across the customer experience beyond advertising Blomstrom “recognize the value of being a brand and… change the culture to accomplish that… banks can still win the battle for the consumer All they need to do is grow in knowledge courage and passion Exploit emerging technologies Finextra Webinar “Cost efficiencies from cloud technology and stability mean that N don t need to maintain their own data centres… they commoditise the infrastructure in order to focus on the customer “Perform Wardley Mapping to Identify True Value Proposition Teece “Our approach is especially relevant in a Schumpeterian world of innovation based competition price performance rivalry increasing returns and the creative destruction of existing competences Wardley Map of the Future of Banks Conclusion DBS Bank managed to analyse the right issues and examine the right problems “Thus banks need to ask themselves which parts of the business should we keep in house and at the forefront of innovation should we collaborate with strategic partners on should we seek to acquire new capabilities or should we strategically lag as a late adopter |
2021-12-01 10:07:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
📣 Get GitHub follower change notification |
Get GitHub follower change notification My WorkflowAs an active user of GitHub I am always interested in new followers from GitHub caring a lot about who they are where are they from what they do etc So I create a GitHub Action to email me daily about my follower change events Here it is Sorosliu follower change Get GitHub follower change event Follower ChangeWhat this action does Get GitHub follower change event i e when a user follows or unfollows you It is not realtime since GitHub does not provide follow events So you may run it periodically as a cron job Refer to detailed explanation for how it works My own working example name follower notifieron notify me daily schedule cron in UTC timejobs main runs on ubuntu latest steps name get follower change id followerChange uses Sorosliu follower change v with myToken secrets MY TOKEN notifyUnFollowEvent true name email me uses dawidd action send mail v if steps followerChange outputs shouldNotify true with server address smtp qq com server port username secrets MAIL USERNAME password secrets MAIL PASSWORD subject GitHub Follower Change from Follower Change… View on GitHub Submission Category Wacky Wildcards Yaml File or Link to CodeThis workflow composites my follower change action with Send email actionname follower notifieron schedule cron in UTC time workflow dispatch jobs main runs on ubuntu latest steps name get follower change id followerChange uses Sorosliu follower change v with myToken secrets MY TOKEN notifyUnFollowEvent true name email me uses dawidd action send mail v if steps followerChange outputs shouldNotify true with server address smtp qq com server port username secrets MAIL USERNAME password secrets MAIL PASSWORD subject GitHub Follower Change from Follower Change Notifier to secrets TO EMAIL ADDRESS html body file steps followerChange outputs htmlFilePath Additional Resources InfoHere is how the email looks like hope you receive it everyday |
2021-12-01 10:02:45 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple marks World AIDS Day, says customers have raised nearly $270 million |
Apple marks World AIDS Day says customers have raised nearly millionIn the years since Apple first supported the fight to end AIDS the company says its customers have raised almost million through buying PRODUCT RED devices Apple s range of PRODUCT RED devicesApple s first PRODUCT RED release was the special edition of the iPod nano A portion of the profits form which went directly to the Global Fund to help with programs for women and children affected by HIV AIDS in Africa Read more |
2021-12-01 10:50:22 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Tesla made a $50 'Cyberwhistle' and it's already sold out |
Tesla made a x Cyberwhistle x and it x s already sold outAs he showed with the Flamethrower Tesla CEO Elon Musk has a knack for selling weird gadgets that often have little to do with the company s main business The latest example is a quot Cyberwhistle quot a collectible whistle in the form of Tesla s Cybertruck and it s already sold out Blow the whistle on Tesla ーElon Musk elonmusk December is a lot for a whistle though it is a nice looking whistle that at least has some relation to Tesla ーunlike the Boring Co s Not a Flamethrower quot Inspired by Cybertruck the limited edition Cyberwhistle is a premium collectible made from medical grade stainless steel with a polished finish The whistle includes an integrated attachment feature for added versatility quot the description states nbsp I imagine it takes a bit of time to design a truck shaped whistle so it s likely that Tesla has been planning to sell it for awhile as a temporary product ーmuch like the Tesla branded surfboard Musk might have seen the Apple Cloth though and sensed a solid marketing angle quot Don t waste your money on that silly Apple Cloth buy our whistle instead quot he tweeted nbsp It appears to have worked as the Cyberwhistle sold out just hours after going on sale It looks like Tesla will restock it at some point though according to the Tesla store description As for the Cybertruck itself Tesla supposedly has over a million reservations but its release was quietly delayed to |
2021-12-01 10:10:40 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
『はじめてわかった、はじめての投資!』について |
投資 |
2021-12-01 11:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
鈴木財務大臣兼内閣府特命担当大臣臨時閣議後記者会見の概要(令和3年11月19日)について公表しました。 |
内閣府特命担当大臣 |
2021-12-01 11:30:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
鈴木財務大臣兼内閣府特命担当大臣閣議後記者会見の概要(令和3年11月16日)について公表しました。 |
内閣府特命担当大臣 |
2021-12-01 11:29:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
鈴木大臣が、11月26日に「安定的な資産形成と金融リテラシーの向上」というテーマで車座対話を行いました。 |
鈴木 |
2021-12-01 11:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan tells airlines to halt inbound flight bookings over omicron fears |
Japan tells airlines to halt inbound flight bookings over omicron fearsPeople with existing bookings will still be able to fly into Japan despite the emergency measure that came the same day the country logged its |
2021-12-01 19:45:36 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Kabuki actor and national treasure Nakamura Kichiemon dies at 77 |
cultural |
2021-12-01 19:32:11 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: No need to cancel Christmas party plans - Javid |
booster |
2021-12-01 10:37:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
University staff strike over pay and pensions |
staff |
2021-12-01 10:48:44 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Storm Arwen: 'Exhausting' fifth night without power for tens of thousands |
england |
2021-12-01 10:16:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Michael Vaughan: BBC 'expects to work' with ex-England captain in future |
Michael Vaughan BBC x expects to work x with ex England captain in futureThe BBC expects to work with ex England captain Michael Vaughan in the future and says he remains on contract with the organisation |
2021-12-01 10:40:07 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Who can have a booster jab and how can you get one? |
booster |
2021-12-01 10:22:26 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Omicron: How do you detect it? |
analysis |
2021-12-01 10:50:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Omicron: What are England's mask rules now? |
public |
2021-12-01 10:43:42 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
新庄監督、ファンフェス後の一問一答 「緊張よりワクワク」 |
一問一答 |
2021-12-01 19:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
女子シングルス山口ら白星発進 バドWTファイナル開幕 |
女子シングルス |
2021-12-01 19:18:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
赤潮被害、CFで支援を 様似町が1日から開始 |
日高管内 |
2021-12-01 19:12:59 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
知事「複数年の支援考える」 赤潮被害で釧路管内視察 |
釧路管内 |
2021-12-01 19:04:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
スマホRPG『テイルズ オブ ルミナリア』で新キャラクターエピソード【ミシェル・ブーケep.1「トリアージ」】を公開! |
緒方 |
2021-12-01 19:55:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『白き鋼鉄のX(イクス)2』の最新情報が公開される「ガンヴォルト情報局 第32回」は12月8日21時から! |
発売予定 |
2021-12-01 19:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『ユージェネ』と「17LIVE」がコラボレーションイベントを開催! |
開催期間 |
2021-12-01 19:05:00 |