投稿時間:2021-12-21 15:42:03 RSSフィード2021-12-21 15:00 分まとめ(50件)

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IT 気になる、記になる… Anker、絡まらないケーブル「Anker PowerLine III Flow USB-C & USB-C ケーブル」に新色を追加 − 10%オフセールも https://taisy0.com/2021/12/21/149984.html anker 2021-12-21 05:52:36
TECH Engadget Japanese ポケモンGO、1月16日にタマザラシのコミュニティ・デイ開催 https://japanese.engadget.com/pokemon-go-spheal-community-day-jan-2022-050746763.html 大量発生 2021-12-21 05:07:46
TECH Engadget Japanese Googleマップで「Dock to bottom」がテスト中。地図下にロケーションカードを保存 https://japanese.engadget.com/google-maps-050058850.html docktobottom 2021-12-21 05:00:58
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] 新型コロナワクチン接種証明書アプリ、AndroidスマホとiPhoneで変わる「ローマ字氏名」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2112/21/news107.html android 2021-12-21 14:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] リポビタンと『鬼滅の刃』がコラボ 「仲間と困難乗り越えるストーリーに親和性」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2112/21/news104.html itmedia 2021-12-21 14:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 接種証明書アプリ、「よくできた」からこそ見えてきた「本当の課題」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2112/21/news105.html itmedia 2021-12-21 14:11:00
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders ローコード開発ツール「Magic xpa」がPostgreSQLに接続可能に | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/22491 ローコード開発ツール「Magicxpa」がPostgreSQLに接続可能にITLeadersマジックソフトウェア・ジャパンは年月日、ローコード開発ツール「MagicxpaApplicationPlatform」以下、Magicxpaにおいて、接続先のデータベースを増やしたと発表した。 2021-12-21 14:09:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 機械学習入門 vol.10 次元削減 https://qiita.com/mychaelstyle/items/69aab0c098dfa1e19e7d tSNEは、ものすごく簡単に言ってしまうと「高次元上でのデータ同士の距離をできるだけ損なわないように次元を削減する」ことを目的とし、次元削減に当たって確率分布にt分布を用いることからtSNEと呼ばれます。 2021-12-21 14:54:37
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Python][Pillow][numpy]画像ファイルの透過処理(コマンドライン) https://qiita.com/VoshVolk/items/688cafd20f3f7f646a7d PythonPillownumpy画像ファイルの透過処理コマンドライン性懲りもなく、コマンドラインにて画像ファイルの透過処理ピクセルのRGB平均値gtthresholdならば透過し、pngで保存。 2021-12-21 14:34:30
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) [Python] tkinterでafter_cancelの使い方がわからない https://teratail.com/questions/374874?rss=all Pythontkinterでaftercancelの使い方がわからないtkinterでaftercancelメソッドを使いたいのですが、このメソッドの引数であるidが何なのかがわかりません。 2021-12-21 14:59:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) PHPで連想配列を,区切りで配列に直したい https://teratail.com/questions/374873?rss=all PHPで連想配列を区切りで配列に直したいrowの連想配列arraygtnbspquotaaaquotquotbbbquotgtnbspquotcccquotquotxxxquotこのような連想配列になっているのを、arraynbspgtnbspquotaaaquotnbspgtnbspquotbbbquotnbspgtnbspquotcccquotnbspgtnbspquotxxxquotと配列に直したいです。 2021-12-21 14:41:27
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) フォルダの中のaiデータをjpgデータに変換し保存するコード https://teratail.com/questions/374872?rss=all フォルダの中のaiデータをjpgデータに変換し保存するコード前提・実現したいことフォルダの中のaiデータをjpgデータに変換し保存するスクリプトの作成【内容】adobenbspイラストレーターccnbspでフォルダ内のaiデータから「jpg保存」と「PDF保存」をしてくれるよう書きたいのですが、jpg保存ができません。 2021-12-21 14:38:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) EclipseとMySQLの接続がうまくいかない https://teratail.com/questions/374871?rss=all eclipse 2021-12-21 14:37:04
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) fastapiで、複数ファイルの呼び出しができない。 https://teratail.com/questions/374870?rss=all fastapi 2021-12-21 14:29:55
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) (Python)0~99の配列を100回繰り返し、新たな配列を作りたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/374869?rss=all の配列を回繰り返し、新たな配列を作りたい。 2021-12-21 14:29:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VS Code Live Server cssを反映させたい https://teratail.com/questions/374868?rss=all VSCodeLiveServercssを反映させたいVSnbspCodenbspLivenbspServernbspcssを反映させたい先日vsnbspcodeを使い始めたばかりで、使い方が手探りな状態です。 2021-12-21 14:28:18
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) TkInter:Treeviewを利用した入力可能な表形式は 作ることができない? https://teratail.com/questions/374867?rss=all TkInterTreeviewを利用した入力可能な表形式は作ることができない標題のとおりですが、データベースにレコード単位に登録するためのユーザインタフェース画面を作ろうとしています。 2021-12-21 14:21:04
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VSCODE 拡張機能 Python Previewが機能しない https://teratail.com/questions/374866?rss=all owsvscodenbsppythonnbsp 2021-12-21 14:19:36
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) tweepyでいいね、リツイート、フォローが出来ない。 https://teratail.com/questions/374865?rss=all PythonのTweepyを使って特定キーワードのツイートにいいね、リツイート、フォローをしたいのですが、以下コードでそれぞれ以下のエラーが出てしまいます。 2021-12-21 14:09:34
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) グラフの作成の仕方と各々の点の傾きを数値化する時の操作に関して https://teratail.com/questions/374864?rss=all 2021-12-21 14:01:52
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails Instrumentation API へのアクセスを少しだけ簡単にする https://qiita.com/yykamei/items/3b80962a65d9a4bc4ed9 このログ出力はデフォルトで有効になり、railsnewした直後に、ログに関する設定を何もしていなくてもInstrumentationAPIの情報に基づいたログが出力されます。 2021-12-21 14:40:23
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【初学者必見】 HerokuとAWS S3を連携して投稿画像を保持する方法 https://qiita.com/jibiking/items/0e8c1d826271ac9e4a7d IAMとは→IdentityandAccessManagementの略。 2021-12-21 14:02:51
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Google ChromeでALBを通るブラウザ接続をすると遅くなる問題 https://qiita.com/p4chi/items/7c188020847987474de7 本来はALBの役割として、負荷分散があるためecは複数台設置するべき以下の画像はALB作成の際の、AZの設定部分画像のように、ALBの作成は別々のAZにあるつのサブネットが必要であり、またその選択しているサブネットがprivatesubnetであると警告文のようなのが出る。 2021-12-21 14:22:15
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSでリモート接続できなくなったサーバを復旧する方法 https://qiita.com/rbrf7321/items/7ce3bc3f3b2d21ca131f 通り 2021-12-21 14:23:49
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【初学者必見】 HerokuとAWS S3を連携して投稿画像を保持する方法 https://qiita.com/jibiking/items/0e8c1d826271ac9e4a7d IAMとは→IdentityandAccessManagementの略。 2021-12-21 14:02:51
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS上に複数システムを稼働させる時に考えたこと https://qiita.com/kooo/items/ea838f03a867e3318612 標準化の目的例個々のシステムの要求に応じ、迅速に環境を払いだし開発スピードの向上に寄与する統一されたセキュリティ基準に沿ったシステムの展開によるセキュリティ事故の未然防止最低限のセキュリティ基準は満たしながら、クラウドの特性を十分に活用すべく、アプリケーション開発に有効となるPaaS機能の開放個別システムにクラウドサービス利用の自由度を与える個々のシステム個別で考えてきた、同種の機能を共通機能として実装し、個別システム開発の負荷を軽減する個々のシステムで共通項となる運用を一元的に管理し、運用効率化を実現すると共に運用品質を向上させる既存システムからの確実で迅速な移行標準化の対象箇所を考える標準化対象の範囲を定義し、個々のシステムで開発する範囲、標準化基盤で提供する範囲を明確にする必要があります。 2021-12-21 14:00:45
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita KubernetesでCloud Spanner Emulatorを用いたローカル開発環境を構築する https://qiita.com/jinjin1/items/b70403b1e2b33b6f9d3d gitclonecdgolangsamplesspannerspannersnippetsテーブルに書き込みをします。 2021-12-21 14:49:34
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails Instrumentation API へのアクセスを少しだけ簡単にする https://qiita.com/yykamei/items/3b80962a65d9a4bc4ed9 このログ出力はデフォルトで有効になり、railsnewした直後に、ログに関する設定を何もしていなくてもInstrumentationAPIの情報に基づいたログが出力されます。 2021-12-21 14:40:23
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【初学者必見】 HerokuとAWS S3を連携して投稿画像を保持する方法 https://qiita.com/jibiking/items/0e8c1d826271ac9e4a7d IAMとは→IdentityandAccessManagementの略。 2021-12-21 14:02:51
技術ブログ Developers.IO Lambdaをスケジュール実行して関数エラーが起きた際の再試行を確認してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/scheduled-lambda-retry-by-eventbridge/ amazoneventbridge 2021-12-21 05:54:20
技術ブログ Developers.IO 【1/20(木)リモート】開発系エンジニア対象会社説明会 https://dev.classmethod.jp/news/jobfair-220120/ 会社説明会 2021-12-21 05:03:46
海外TECH DEV Community Prototype in Javascript https://dev.to/amoled27/prototype-in-javascript-kll Prototype in JavascriptIn this article we shall discuss prototype in Javascript and how it works under the hood Often developers who are new to Javascript wonder what is this magic keyword and how the heck it gives access to some methods you never define Let us find out what prototype is all about Introduction to Javascript prototypeBy default Javascript provides the Object function You can verify it by printing it in the console console log Object output Object though seems like an object it s a function and not an object It might be a little confusing but remember that Object is a function and it provides an anonymous object that can be referenced using prototype keyword console log Object prototype output This Object prototype object has predefined methods such as toString valueOf In JS when a function is a value of a property of an object it s called a method The constructor of Object prototype in turn references the Object function Let s understand it better using an example let s define a constructor function called Programmer function Programmer name language this name name this language language The above constructor function accepts name and language as parameters and assigns them to the name and language properties respectively Behind the scene JS creates a new function Programmer and an anonymous object so similar to what we saw earlier in the case of object function even this Programmer function has a property called prototype that references an anonymous object and constructor of which references back to the Programmer function Let us print both in the console and see the output console log Programmer Output console log Programmer prototype Output We can observe that the object we get from Programmer prototype has a constructor that is referencing the Programmer function itself In addition to this JS links the Programmer prototype to Object prototype object via prototype this is known as prototype linkage The Image will help you understand it better Defining custom methods in the Javascript prototypeYou can define your own custom methods in the prototype object These custom functions are further accessible to the instances created from that function The following code defines a new method called intro on Programmer prototype Programmer prototype intro function return Hello My name is this name and I am a this language Developer This intro function is added to the Programmer prototype object Now let s create an instance of the Programmerlet p new Programmer Jay Python The JS will now create a new object p and links to Programmer prototype object via the prototype linkage Now let s call the intro function from this p instance let introduction p intro console log introduction Output How does this work Since p doesn t have its own intro method Javascript follows the prototype linkage and finds it on the Programmer prototype object and executes it Now let s try to call toString method on p object let pString p toString console log pString How does this work Again since p doesn t have its own toString method Javascript follows the prototype linkage and searches for it on the Programmer prototype object Because the Programmer prototype doesn t have the toString method it further follows the prototype linkage and searches in the Object prototype object It finds toString here and executes it If you call a method that doesn t exist up the prototype linkage i e on the Programmer prototype or Object prototype then Javascript will throw an error that it cannot find the method specified p changeProfession since changeProfession doesn t exist on any of the objects in the prototype chain javascript throws an error let s create another instance called q const q new Programmer Raj Javascript Now p and q both the objects have the same objects and properties But what if we define another method on q will p be able to access it The code defines method getSalary on q object q getSalary function return My salary is decent This getSalary method is added to only q object and not on Programmer prototype or p If you try to call getSalary function with p it will throw an error The Dunder Proto proto The proto is pronounced as dunder proto The proto is an accessor property of the Object prototype object It exposes the internal prototype linkage Prototype of an object through which it is accessed The p proto exposes the Prototype that references the Programmer prototype object console log p proto Programmer prototype trueconsole log p proto q proto trueYou should however use the Object getPrototypeOf method instead of the proto The Object getPrototypeOf method returns the prototype of a specified object console log p proto Object getPrototypeOf p trueAnother popular way to get the prototype linkage when the Object getPrototypeOf method wasn t available is via the constructor property as follows p constructor prototypeThe p constructor returns programmer therefore  p constructor prototype returns the prototype object ShadowingSee the following method call console log p intro The p object doesn t have the intro method defined therefore JavaScript goes up to the prototype chain to find it In this case it can find the method in the Programmer prototype object Let s add a new method to the object p with the same name as the method in the Programmer prototype object p intro function console log Hello And call the intro  method console log p intro Because the p object has the intro method JavaScript just executes it immediately without looking it up in the prototype chain This is an example of shadowing The intro method of the p object shadows the intro method of the prototype object which the p object references 2021-12-21 05:17:30
海外TECH DEV Community Top DevOps News of 2021 RECAP https://dev.to/n3wt0n/top-devops-news-of-2021-recap-1cbl Top DevOps News of RECAPWhat happened in the DevOps Space in Yep It s that time of the year These are the Top DevOps related news of IntroThis post is the last one I will publish in In fact I will take a short break and I will publish the next post and video next year Alright these are my top news of this year but if you have any other news that you want to share or that you think is more important please let me know in the comment section below I d love to hear your opinion Also the news are not in any specific order If one comes before another it doesn t mean it s more important or anything VideoAs usual if you are a visual learner or simply prefer to watch and listen instead of reading here you have the video with the whole explanation and demo which to be fair is much more complete than this post Link to the video If you rather prefer reading well let s just continue General DevOps State in Watch this part hereAs a general comment this year has been great for DevOps tools but not so much for DevOps Adoption at higher level The DORA s report for in fact shows Modest DevOps Gains in comparison to There has been only a increase in the number of Elite Performers in the last years even tho the high performer grew about Not bad of course but could be better Not sure if the growth has been slowed down because of the pandemic but all the analysts were expecting bigger numbers What is interesting in my opinion is the number of organizations that are reportedly using SRE practices about of the respondent to the study even tho only the of the elite performers reported to have implemented the totality of the practices There is a lot of room for growth GitHub CEO ChangeWatch this news hereAlright let s jump to the first news which is pretty recent and came quite unexpected I m talking about GitHub CEO Nat Friedman stepping down from the role In an internal post subsequently published also on GitHub s blog on November Nat in fact announced that he was stepping down as CEO of GitHub after more than years of service In the same post Nat Friedman also announced the latest figure about GitHub usage million of active developers and about of Fortune And the same day the company announced the new CEO again with a post on the public Blog Thomas Dohmke who was previously Chief Product Officer Thomas has joined GitHub in together with Nat and has been in charge of some very important programs like the GitHub Archive Dependabot Codespaces Copilot and even the NPM acquisition In the post Thomas assured that GitHub will remain an independent outfit within Microsoft and that it will retain its developer first values distinctive spirit and open extensibility while supporting developers in their choice of any language license tool platform or cloud Well good to know that Who knows what GitHub will have for us in the coming months GitHub Actions OIDC Support for Passwordless Authentication to CloudWatch this news hereAnd still talking about GitHub time for a more technical news During GitHub Universe in October it has been announced that GitHub Actions will now support OpenID Connect as authentication method to connect to Cloud resources The usage of OpenID Connect OIDC solves a long standing problem afflicting all the major CI CD platforms CI CD workflows are often designed to access a cloud provider in order to deploy software or use the cloud s services To access these resources the workflow will supply credentials such as a passwords or tokens to the cloud provider These credentials are usually stored as a secret and the workflow presents this secret to the cloud provider every time it runs But using hardcoded secrets requires you to create credentials in the cloud provider and then duplicate them in GitHub as a secret With OIDC you can take a different approach configuring your workflow to request a short lived access token directly from the cloud provider Your cloud provider also needs to support OIDC on their end of course and you must configure a trust relationship that controls which workflows are able to request the access tokens Other benefits of OIDC are that permissions can be made more granular by configuring conditions for issuing tokens and that tokens are only valid for a single workflow run and then automatically expire This increase security and remove the needs for credentials rotation Providers that currently support OIDC include AWS Azure GCP and HashiCorp Vault and more will be added over time Snyk Extends Tools Portfolio to Drive DevSecOps AdoptionWatch this news hereOk enough talking about GitHub let s move to the rd news and we will still be talking about Security During its online annual conference in October Snyk one of the leading companies focusing on DevSecOps announced a massive expansion of their Tools Portfolio Snyk Code has added support for support for C C Elixir Ruby PHP and Go Snyk Open Source has been extended to provide native integration with Atlassian BitBucket and AWS CodePipeline platforms while tightening the integrations with DigitalOcean and HashiCorp Support for package managers Yarn and Poetry has been added alongside integration with a C scanning tool from FossilIDThe Snyk Container platform is now integrated with the open source Trivy container scanning tools and with Snyk s vulnerability database in addition to adding support for container registries such as Quay GitHub Container Registry GitLab Google Artifact Registry and Harbor The Snyk infrastructure as code platform now also makes it possible to detect configuration issues in Kubernetes manifests in Terraform code in a way that is compatible with cloud platforms from AWS Azure and GCP And finally Snyk launched both a new free developer security education program dubbed Snyk Learn through which developers can attain and measure their level of DevSecOps expertise and Snyk Impact an effort to foster collaboration among developers involving a wide range of socio economic issues If you want to know more about Snyk and the tools they provide check out the complete review I made about their toolset Chaos Engineering With Azure Chaos StudioWatch this news hereNext up a very interesting news about Azure During Ignite Microsoft has in fact announced the public preview of Azure Chaos Studio As the name hints with Chaos Studio you can practice chaos engineering because it enables you to orchestrate fault injection on your Azure resources in a safe and controlled way Chaos Studio is a fully managed service so it doesn t require you to do any management or maintenance of the service and of course it is deeply integrated into Azure leveraging ARM templates Azure Policy Application Insights and Azure AD for RBACIt uses a fault library that cover several Azure services and replicates real world scenarios you can run faults in sequence and or in parallel add time delays and group target resources across regions It does even allow to easily stop an experiment and roll back the fault being injected to avoid having more impact to an environment than originally intended Chaos Engineering is not always easy to do and it is especially difficult to do it right aka without taking down the whole production so this service is extremely interesting for me and I can t wait to try it out If you are interested too consider subscribing because I will soon have a video about this AWS Announced DevOps GuruWatch this news hereBut Azure is not the only cloud provider that has announced something major in the DevOps space this year AWS in fact announced during their re Invent conference a new tool called DevOps Guru which should help operations find issues that could be having an impact on an application performance The way it works is that it collects and analyzes data from application metrics logs and events to identify behavior that deviates from normal operational patterns When it finds a problem the service can send an SMS Slack message or other communication to the team and provides recommendations on how to fix the problem as quickly as possible This service gives AWS a product that would be competing with companies like Sumo Logic DataDog or Splunk by providing deep operational insight on problems that could impact your applications Salesforce Makes DevOps for SalesforceWatch this news hereNext news is about Salesforce Now I know what you are thinking Really Talking about Salesforce in the Top DevOps news for Well it does sound strange but I think they ve actually got something here At its online conference in June Salesforce unveiled a DevOps Center pilot that provides a portal through which organizations can track and manage changes to Salesforce applications including work items and pipelines that should be fully configurable In addition Salesforce added Salesforce Functions to enable developers to deploy code in a serverless environment using any code or so they said They have also announced a new unified command line interface CLI for all its applications which allows you to work with and automate all of Salesforce and Heroku at the same time including the new Functions Also because the only way you have to create those functions is via the CLI Finally Salesforce added an Einstein Automate tool that employs machine learning algorithms to both integrate data and automate workflows I ve never been a huge fan of Salesforce and Salesforce development in particular but I think adding more DevOps components and services to the platform is a good thing What do you think Let me know in the comments below Docker Desktop No Longer FreeWatch this news hereIn a blog post on the st of August Docker s CEO announced that the use of Docker Desktop in large businesses now requires a Pro Team or Business paid subscription And Large businesses for them means companies with or more employees or annual revenues higher than m As part of this announcement the company has also updated their plans and pricing Docker has renamed its Free plan to Personal and while there are no changes to the month Pro and month Teams subscriptions a new month Business subscription has been created adding features such as centralized management single sign on and enhanced security As I ve said before in my opinion this news made more noise than necessary and this is for reasons First of all there has been no change in the Docker Engine itself and the Docker CLI those are still free Second most of the Docker workloads especially on bigger companies run on Linux machines while Docker Desktop supports only Windows and MacOS so again not a big deal if you ask me GitLab Removed Its Starter TierWatch this news hereNext up let s talk about GitLab At the beginning of the year in fact GitLab announced that it would get rid of their cheapest plan In a blog post GitLab s cofounder and CEO Sid Sijbrandij announced that they were phasing out the Bronze Starter tier because and I quote The Bronze Starter tier does not meet the hurdle rate that GitLab expects from a tier In other words GitLab decided it was not making enough money on the user month subscription The effect of the change is that any features in Bronze that are not in the free tier have been moved up to Premium tier which is almost times more expensive that the Starter tier was Luckily the free tier which in terms of total users is the most popular plan on GitLab will remain in place but it only comes with limited CI CD credits and doesn t include any support options Jira s Negative YearWatch this news hereAnd still on the negative side but I promise this is the last bad news I want to talk about Jira This is not much of a news rather a market trend but has seen a lot of negative comments and feedback targeting the platform And I mean a lot So much so that someone has even created an entire website dedicated to this called Why Jira Sucks which at the time of recording lists the biggest complains Jira users have There has even been a video campaign on YouTube in which Jira was personified as an employee of a company and an HR representative was trying to fire them listing all the problems and downsides they have I have to said that was quite funny to watch but I felt bad for Atlassian And the situation on twitter isn t better with countless tweets of angry and frustrated users that use the platform to express their thoughts I hope the recent move of Atlassian to basically deprecate the on prem installations of their products including Jira and move the users to their cloud offering will allow them bring more innovation to the platform and fix the problems they have HashiCorp and Terraform WinsWatch this news hereAlright last one for this year And this is about HashiCorp the maker of Terraform Vault and Consul just to name a few things This year has been a great year for HashiCorp Not only they have been recognized as the Winner of Microsoft Open Source Software on Azure Partner of the Year but also been named on the Forbes Cloud List Anyway that was not the news the news is that in June HashiCorp released the much awaited version of Terraform the de facto standard multicloud IaC solution The GA of version of course brings a ton of improvements to the system including an improved experience for both usage and upgrade and better interoperability scalability and stability And with this milestone Terraform Cloud now has the ability to run checks for third party Integrations to enforce security compliance and cost management best practices ConclusionsAlright these were the TOP DevOps Related news of for me As I said before let me know in the comment section below if I ve missed something you consider important With this I wish you all a prosperous new year I hope will bring you joy Once again thanks for your support to the channel all this wouldn t be possible if not for you You all made my year Like share and follow me for more content YouTube Buy me a coffeePatreonNewsletterCoderDave io WebsiteMerchFacebook page‍GitHubTwitterLinkedInPodcast 2021-12-21 05:10:43
海外TECH DEV Community Smoother Python with automatic imports | pyflyby https://dev.to/waylonwalker/smoother-python-with-automatic-imports-pyflyby-470b Smoother Python with automatic imports pyflybyThis is not a flaky works half the time kind of plugin its a seriously smooth editing experience I ve just started using pyflyby and it is solid so far I have automatic imports on every save of a python file in neovim and automatic imports on every command in ipython I can t tell you how pumped I am for this and how good its felt to use over the past few weeks It s glorious YouTube videoListen to me rant on how great pyflyby isGive the video a watch I did not have noise cancelling on in obs My appologies for the background hum and the mic stand bumps I did my best to fix them up installationHow to install pyflyby for automatic python importspyflypy is hosted on pypi so you can get it with pip I have had no issues installing it on so far pip install flybypy configuration setup with stowalways stow your dotfilesIf you re going to configure any of your tools the first thing you should do is set it up with stow seriously dont sleep on the stow If you don t have stow installed or choose not to use stow you can skip this part cd dotfilesmkdir ipythontouch ipython pyflybystow ipythonSeriously don t sleep on the stow How to Configure pyflybyits just a file full of import statementspyflyby is configured simply by putting all of your import statements that you want to automatically import into your pyflyby file You can import pandas from pandas import DataFrame or even import pandas as pd and all of these will work pretty much as expected comments start with a import your favorite librariesimport visidata as vdimport fsspecimport difflibimport sfsimport seaborn as snsimport plotly also supports from importsfrom rich layout import Layoutfrom rich live import Live duplicates are allowedimport plotlyimport plotly duplicate names from different libraries are not allowedimport copyfrom numpy import copyAdd all the things you would like to be imported automatically just as you would import them I went kinda crazy and added over to mine based on packages that I use Commas are even supportedyep all the import styles are supportedThis following example will setup auto import for both DataFrame and Series they will both work separately I removed these from my config as I felt it was cleaner without but it works with them from pandas import DataFrame SeriesEven imports with a comma will be treated separately jupyter note Both work the same use what your comfortable withI only really mention ipython here but the same all applies to jupyter as well I just really like ipython itself c mon its right there in the terminal integrating with the rest of your terminal experience so well ipython setupAutomatically import python libraries in ipython with pyflybyThe recommended way to setup flybypy from the docs is to run the following magic command This works well but I wan even less typing I want pyflyby automatically installed and importing things without me even thinking about it load ext pyflyby Sorry your browser doesn t support embedded videos ipython setup next levelautomatically import modules in python without load extI really want pyflyby to just work in every environment without me thinking much about it I want it to load automatically and even to attempt to install itself if its missing from IPython import get ipythonimport subprocessipython get ipython try ipython magic load ext pyflyby except ModuleNotFoundError print installing pyflyby subprocess Popen pip install pyflyby stdout subprocess DEVNULL stderr subprocess DEVNULL wait ipython magic load ext pyflyby Note if installation fails you will still make it into ipython there will just be a traceback to the failed command as you enter I ve had zero issues with this but if there ever comes a time where it does not work in certain environments for you I d strongly suggest you to add this to a separate profile Check out this article for a bit more in depth ipython configuration ipython auto import examplespyflyby can import all the various import types just fine import somethingfrom module import somethingimport something as aliasdf pd read csv PYFLYBY import pandas as pd Getting HelpWant help on something that you have in your pyflyby config just give it the or help and pyflyby will import it for you Popen this article has more ways to get help in ipython AutocompleteThis is next level python auto importpyflyby even goes as far as helping tab completion If you try to tab complete Pop it will complete to Popen without even adding Popen to your local namespace If you ask for something inside of a module i e requests lt tab gt then it will import requests does not populate the namespacePop lt tab gt does populate the local namespacerequests lt tab gt What happens when a module is not installedModuleNotFoundErrorWhen you are in an environment where you do not have a module installed that is in your pyflyby config it will throw a ModuleNotFoundError when it tries to import and it will not import or try to install for you You will have to change environments or install that module ❯ pd PYFLYBY import pandas as pd PYFLYBY Error attempting to import pandas as pd ModuleNotFoundError No module named pandas PYFLYBY Traceback most recent call last PYFLYBY File home u walkews local lib python site packages pyflyby autoimp py line in try import PYFLYBY exec stmt scratch namespace PYFLYBY File lt string gt line in lt module gt PYFLYBY ModuleNotFoundError No module named pandas Object pd not found ❯ df pd read csv lt ipython input b gt in lt module gt NameError name pd is not defined nvim pyflyby setupautomatically importing python modules in vim neovim nvimThis is by far the best part of this article It makes development so fluid It s not necessarily all about the speed It really helps you move at the speed of your thoughts without needing to worry about imports Remembering where deeply nested modules are does not need to be a thing function s PyPreSave Blackendfunctionfunction s PyPostSave execute silent tidy imports black quiet replace star imports action REPLACE bufname execute e endfunction command PyPreSave call s PyPreSave command PyPostSave call s PyPostSave augroup waylonwalker autocmd autocmd bufwritepre py execute PyPreSave autocmd bufwritepost py execute PyPostSave autocmd bufwritepost tmux conf execute tmux source file autocmd bufwritepost tmux local conf execute tmux source file autocmd bufwritepost vim execute source augroup end Sorry your browser doesn t support embedded videos refactoringThis is where it really shinesThis setup really shines when you are refactoring You can freely move modules and classes around without worrying about bringing imports with them Often when refactoring some modules from one file to another the most tedious part is editing the imports Often you can t even grab whole lines because there are several imports and some are needed in both places but not all pyflyby handles all this like a champ Sorry your browser doesn t support embedded videos Where to install for vimjust make sure the tidy imports command is available to vimpyflyby goes into the environment that you have active at the time that you start neovim Typically this is the virtual environment that I am using for the project I am editing What gets imported removedonly give me what I actually useAnything within the base config of pyflyby or your own config specified in pyflyby will get automatically imported if it is used within the file console If you are working in a file and stop using a module it will automatically get removed Anything that is used and found in the config is addedAnything that is unused gets removed Where does it put importsafter the last importpyflyby does not sort imports into paragraphs or by category When it needs to add new imports It will find the last paragraph of imports in your file add the new one and sort that paragraph alphebetically from collections import Counterimport requestsfrom plugins custom seo import post render lt pyflyby will put the import here What about isortput those imports where they goI did not like that I was getting pre commit issues when using pyflyby so I added isort to my chain of autocommands to automatically run isort and make my pre commit happy function s PyPostSave execute silent tidy imports black quiet replace star imports action REPLACE bufname execute silent isort bufname execute e endfunctionLet s write some codedef get Get all the posts from waylonwalker com Yes theres an rss feed you should be subscribed if your not already Oh and we don t need no stinkin error handing because it s always live r requests get return r contentSave it and pyflyby will inject requests into our file automatically no need to type that out anymore import requestsdef get Get all the posts from waylonwalker com Yes theres an rss feed you should be subscribed if your not already Oh and we don t need no stinkin error handing because it s always live r requests get return r content What about init api scareful to fill in the all like you are supposed toFiles such as init py often import things they do not need this is simply there for a convenience of the library user and to make the api cleaner These type of modules should implement a all list of all the unused things that are imported according to pep Pyflyby will remove any unused modules unless they are in the all list snippet from kedro extras datasets pandas all CSVDataSet ExcelDataSet FeatherDataSet GBQTableDataSet ExcelDataSet AppendableExcelDataSet HDFDataSet JSONDataSet ParquetDataSet SQLQueryDataSet SQLTableDataSet Sorry your browser doesn t support embedded videos py commandone liners that need importspyflyby also comes with a cli command to run one liners It s pretty genious I m sure I will find a use or two for it but so far its been more of a novelty for me py help pdpy help pd DataFramepy pd read csv Sorry your browser doesn t support embedded videos Linkspyflyby repodocsMy YouTube Video for pyflybyconfiguring ipythonasking ipython for help sample data I used with pandasmy rss feed 2021-12-21 05:10:04
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GCP Cloud Blog JA Forrester が AI インフラストラクチャのリーダーに Google Cloud を選出 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/products/ai-machine-learning/google-cloud-a-leader-in-the-forrester-wave-ai-infrastructure/ VertexAIWorkbenchでは、データからMLワークフロー全体に対して単一の環境をデータサイエンティストに提供することにより、従来のノートブックと比べて、モデルの構築とトレーニングを倍の速度で行うことができます。 2021-12-21 07:00:00



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