IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Foxconn、来年2月からインドで「iPhone 13」を生産開始へ |
apple |
2021-12-21 12:44:51 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
楽天市場、抽選で1,000名に全額ポイントバックされるキャンペーン「MEGA DEAL」を開催中 |
megadeal |
2021-12-21 12:05:11 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
FastAPI+React+DockerでQiitaみたいなサイトを作ってみたい -1日目- |
FastAPIReactDockerでQiitaみたいなサイトを作ってみたい日目背景FastAPIを昨日触ってみた感触が良さそうだったので、勉強中のReactも含めてサイトを一つ作ってみる注意勉強中の身のため、ちゃんちゃらおかしいことを書き始めるかもしれませんがご容赦初期構成なんとなくDockerは触ったことがあるので、今日はBackendの基盤を作るところまで初期ファイル構成は以下├backend│└Dockerfile└dockercomposeyamlbackendDockerfileFROMplatformarmpythonbusterWORKDIRsrcdockercomposeyamlversionservicesbackendbuildbackendvolumnesbackendsrcportsttytruedockercomposeupした後Exitしないように一旦これだけ初期設定とりあえずこの状態でビルドterminaldockercomposeupbuildしろって怒られるけど知らんんで中に入るterminaldockercomposeexecbackendbash中に入ったらpoetryのインストールとinitbashpipinstallpoetrypoetryinitいろいろ聞かれるけど全部yesんでfastapiとuvicornをインストールbashpoetryconfigvirtualenvsinprojecttruepoetryaddfastapipoetryadduvicornstandard※uvicornのstandardつけなくて、起動できず時間死んだそうするとpyprojecttomlとpoetrylockがbackend下に生成される。 |
2021-12-21 21:58:21 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
任意の数のピークがあるデータに対して"インタラクティブ"にフィッティングできる Python ライブラリを作った |
描画されたウィンドウをマウスクリックやドラッグで任意の数のピークの場所を教えてフィッティングができるxyのasciiフォーマットファイルになっていなくても大丈夫。 |
2021-12-21 21:44:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【勉強メモ06】縦持ちデータに変換しBIツールを使いやすくしよう |
【勉強メモ】縦持ちデータに変換しBIツールを使いやすくしよう始めに今回記事作成者の機械学習の勉強メモのために記事を作成しています間違いなどありましたらコメントにてご指摘いただけると幸いです。 |
2021-12-21 21:03:48 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Shopify App】ShopifyアプリにTypeScriptを導入する方法の調査 |
nodemodulesnexttypesindexdtsとnodemodulesnexttypesglobaldtsのつのファイルの中で宣言されている名前を使用することを宣言しています。 |
2021-12-21 21:28:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ValueError: Error when checking target: expected activation_19 to have 2 dimensions, but got array w |
ValueErrorErrorwhencheckingtargetexpectedactivationtohavedimensionsbutgotarrayw前提・実現したいこと私は今、ディープラーニングで音声分類EFEBこちらのサイトの音源分離を試しているところです。 |
2021-12-21 21:46:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
子要素からフォーカスが外れた場合の処理をしたい |
タブキーで操作した場合に子要素からフォーカスが外れた場合にプルダウンを閉じたいのですが上手くいきません。 |
2021-12-21 21:28:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
c# 配列をグローバルに使いたい |
c配列をグローバルに使いたい前提・実現したいことcを勉強し始めてか月もたっていない超初心者です。 |
2021-12-21 21:04:38 |
Linux |
CentOSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Apacheでwebページ表示 |
Apacheでwebページ表示仮想マシンを使用してApacheでwebページ表示するポート番号を追加してポートを開放番ポートを開放するfirewallcmdpermanentzonepublicaddservicehttp再起動firewallcmdreloadwebサーバーのインストール・起動などapacheインストールsudoyuminstallhttpdapache起動コマンドsudosystemctlstarthttpd停止コマンドsudosystemctlstophttpdステータス確認systemctlstatushttpd自動起動のコマンドsudochkconfighttpdonwebブラウザで開くhttplocalhostにアクセスApacheの初期画面が表示できる表示したいhtmlファイルをドキュメントルート配下に配置するCentOSの公開ディレクトリの確認etchttpdconfhttpdconfファイルのDocumentRootに記述されているpathがwebサーバーで公開するディレクトリとなっている中身を確認するcatetchttpdconfhttpdconf以下のようなものが記述されているDocumentRootvarwwwhtml上記の場合はvarwwwhtml配下にhtmlファイルを置けばwebサーバーを通じて表示できる。 |
2021-12-21 21:36:07 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Application Gatewayを使ったIngressコントローラ(AGCI)をチュートリアルどおり実行してみた |
AzureApplicationGatewayを使ったIngressコントローラAGCIをチュートリアルどおり実行してみたはじめに「チュートリアル新しいApplicationGatewayインスタンスを使用して新しいAKSクラスターのイングレスコントローラーアドオンを有効にする」今日は、このチュートリアルをやってみようと思います。 |
2021-12-21 21:38:06 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
アプリの入り口となるホーム画面開発を支えるメルカリのPersonalization Coreチーム #TeamInterview |
hellip |
2021-12-21 13:24:48 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Why YouTube TV Is $15 Cheaper for One-Month Only |
month |
2021-12-21 12:47:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Minimum Marketable Feature in Agile - What is it? |
Minimum Marketable Feature in Agile What is it What is Minimum Marketable Feature Minimum marketable feature MMF is a small feature which is delivered fast and gives significant value to the user The term MMF isn t very widely used However the first agile principle and the MMF are in alignment The first agile principle states that the highest priority of the agile team is to satisfy the user This is through early and continuous delivery of valuable software to the customer Both the first agile principle as well as MMF talk about delivering value to the customer They try to give value that the customer hadn t had before even if this is done frequently The term marketable defines this Now value can have a lot of definitions based on where you re looking It could increase the revenue of the company or reduce customer cost So the MMF concept applies to both internal and external products Products used within an organization as well as ones which are sold outside can make use of MMF OriginAs we have mentioned above the MMF concept isn t much used However it s been around for a few years now Mark Denne Dr JaneCleland Huang wrote about the concept in Their book Software by Numbers Low Risk High Return Development spoke about MMF for the first time The concept has been in use since MMF vs MVPYou may know of the concept of theMinimum Viable Product MVP and wondering if the MVP and MMF differ in any way Well they are different in practice Let s understand the difference here The MVPFirstly let s look at the definition of the MVP as defined by Eric Reiss in the Lean Startup methodology The Minimum Viable Product is a version of a new product which requires the least effort but allows maximum learning This learning is in the form of customer feedback when the MVP is adopted by early customers of the product The MVP tries to check whether the team is building the right thing in the first place For this sake they try to use a minimum amount of time and money when making it The early adopters then give valuable feedback about their experience with the MVP This allows the team to determine if it s worth going ahead and building the complete product MVPs need not necessarily be a product Anything which explains to the user what the product would do can also be considered as an MVP For example Dropbox only made a video to show their customers what they could expect out of the end product Only after they saw that there was demand did they put in effort into creating it The MMFNow we ve already defined an MMF at the start of this blog The exact textbook definition as given in Software by Numbers is The Minimum Marketable Feature is the smallest unit of functionality with intrinsic market value It is a real feature which solves the customer s need in some way The MMF can be marketed and sold It s all about releasing products that have a high value and doing so fast Building an initial product with the main features and later making incremental high value changes is an example of an MMF Minimum Marketable Feature vs Minimum Viable ProductSo from the above two you can see that while the MVP focuses on learning the MMF s focus is on providing value to the user The MVP may or may not have an MMF or it could have more than one MMF built into it Your use of either concept would depend on your context and need The MMP Minimum Marketable ProductSo now you know about the MMF and the MVP However there s yet another term the MMP which may lead to some confusion Let s understand what the Minimum Marketable Product is After the MVP the MMP can be considered as the next practical step in the product building process The MMP is the very core version of the product which has just the basic features needed by it In other words only the must have functionalities are incorporated into the MMP The good to haves aren t added in this stage Like the MMF the MMP tries to market a product at a fast pace and with the necessary features The MMF focusing on a feature then becomes a subset of the MMF Example of Minimum Marketable FeatureAfter an initial product with some solid core features has been released there may be a progressive addition of new features One very stark example is the operating systems of cell phones or computers The smartphone would of course work right out of the box But over the course of using it users would see that there are more updates added regularly These are features that add value to the product but aren t required at the very start Hence they can be added incrementally Originally published here Also check out Incumbency Certificate Ds of Time ManagementKano Prioritization ModelPure CompetitionWorking Capital TurnoverRICE Model |
2021-12-21 12:53:19 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Is AI responsible for the stock market volatility? |
Is AI responsible for the stock market volatility Along with programming I have developed an interest in the stock market over the past few years Over the last few days all the stock markets all over the world including India the US the UK Germany Japan and almost every other country are volatile Many experts believe this volatility is because of these reasons Rise in inflation rateInterest rate hike from BanksIncreasing fear of Omicron variantMight be a few regional reasonsBut according to me this might be a reason Many stockbrokers and operators have started using Artificial Intelligence that reads all charts and once a stock hits a certain number the AI model buys or sells stokes I feel an Artificial Intelligence robot does not have emotions or human intelligence and when trades it becomes harsh for the market Do share your thoughts I would like to read what you think Does this make a difference |
2021-12-21 12:35:09 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Develop Cross Platform Application in Visual Studio Code? |
How to Develop Cross Platform Application in Visual Studio Code Do you want to develop mobile applications with immense user interfaces that are cross platform supporting iOS Android and other platforms Time has changed now it is easier to develop cross platform apps with Visual Studio Code VSCode Believe it or not VSCode is a game of time for superior app development under Windows providing the best in class IDE with sterling stock projects that run smoothly on different mobile devices What is Visual Studio Code Microsoft Visual Studio Code is a lightweight and powerful code editor for modern cloud and web development It is a widely used source code editor that can be efficiently utilized with various coding languages which acts on multiple platforms such as macOS Windows and Linux Its features include Convenient built in terminalLimitless extensibilityEasy sync across different devicesSide by side editing vertically and horizontallyThe Visual Studio Code supports many notable programming languages which developers prefer in their daily app development tasks It has extensions features that allow installing any language support on their desktop Some popular programming language that VS Code support are JavascriptJsonHTMLCSS SCSS and LessTypeScriptMarkdownPowerShellC JavaPhpPythonKnow How to set up an Emulator For Visual Studio Code Therefore the emulator allows your host system to run peripheral devices tools software and other components intended for the guest system The launching feature relies on support from the available Flutter tools Setup Emulator in FlutterThere is no need for Android Studio to develop or run virtual devices Utilize avdmanager and SDK manager from the Android SDK tools Setup Emulator in FlutterFirst use the SDK manager to download a system image of the x system Create a new virtual device using the adv manager Use the emulator to run the new virtual device If you don t have it you should install the device using the SDK manager When you restart VS Code and load the Flutter project the new device will show up at the bottom right of the footer Run open a Simulator app command will open the simulator Now you should go to the Debug option and tap on “Start Debugging Know the features of VS CodeThere are several features of using VS Code for developing cross platform apps Build edit and debug with easeVisual Studio Code is a super fast source code editor and easy to use With immense support for several programming languages VS Code enables you to be highly productive and efficient with auto indentation snippets bracket matching box selection syntax highlighting and more Community supported keyboard shortcut mappings easy customization and highly intuitive keyboard shortcuts help you create and navigate your code easily You will also leverage benefits from its different tools and components for typical coding programs It includes robust built in support for rich semantic code understanding refactoring navigation and IntelliSense code completion Smooth debuggingDebugging becomes strict with tricky coding Debugging is one of the features that most programmers miss while learning to code so it will also help you in this procedure VS Code provides an interactive debugger so developers can easily inspect variables check the source code execute commands in the console and view call stacks Moreover VS Code integrates with scripting tools to perform all tasks making the workflows faster Code offers full support for Git therefore you can work with source control without incorporating viewing pending changes diffs Extensible and robust architectureVisual Studio Code blends the best of native web and language centric technologies It combines several web technologies such as Node JS and JavaScript with the flexibility and speed of native apps VS Code utilizes a faster and newer version of the industrial powered HTML based editor that has powered the Internet Explorer s F tools “Monaco cloud editor and some other projects However to leverage the full benefits of the robust architecture of VS Code you should connect with the flutter app development company VS Code utilizes a tools service architecture that helps it easily integrate with several technologies that power it incorporating Visual Studio debugging engine TypeScript Roslyn for NET and more It also contains a public extensibility model that enables developers to create and utilize extensions and get an edit build debug experience Final NoteVisual Studio Code offers developers several built in features and a smooth coding experience You can utilize its full potential with the help of the flutter app development company We hope this post is helpful to know how VS helps in developing cross platform apps Flutter Agency is a leading Android amp iOS cross platform application development company in the United States Hire dedicated Flutter developers for all types of industries based app development Increase your audience retention with a custom smartphone application today |
2021-12-21 12:23:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Let's explore different tech stacks |
Let x s explore different tech stacksAfter you enter into the software world you often hear this thing called Tech Stack A tech stack is a combination of different technologies to build a complete software product There are so many tech stacks you can choose from But you need to know what all the different tech stacks are available and which one suits your needs So in this blog I will introduce you to some tech stacks Let s get exploring MERNM MongoDBE ExpressR ReactN NodeReact for frontend Express and Node for backend MongoDB for the database MERN is a popular tech stack for building reactive web applications MEANM MongoDBE ExpressA AngularN NodeAngular for frontend Express and Node for backend MongoDB for the database This tech stack can be used to build cloud hosted eCommerce and other enterprise level applications MEVNM MongoDBE ExpressA VueN NodeVue for frontend Express and Node for backend MongoDB for the database All these three tech stacks are similar except for the frontend And all these stacks are popular and widely used for faster development because we can use a single language JavaScript to make a full stack application LAMPL LinuxA ApacheM MySQLP PHP Perl PythonLinux for the operating system Apache for server MySQL for the database PHP to dynamically update the web page This stack is popularly known as LAMP but it can also be WAMP for Windows and MAMP for MacOS LAMP is flexible efficient powerful simple and stable ASP NETTech stack for building applications with ASP NETASP NET MVCISS Web ServerAngular for frontendSQL Server RoRRoR Ruby on RailsHTML CSS and JS can be used to build the frontend and RoR for the backend JavaTech stack for building applications with Java Java Spring boot and Hibernate for backendReact or Angular or Vue for frontendJavaFX for desktop applications frontendJava DB for database PythonDjango and Flask are two great frameworks to build web applications with python as backend and HTML CSS JS for frontend and SQL databases So these are some popular techs for building web applications Apart from the frontend backend and database there are other techs are included in these stacks like version control tools DevOps hosting testing etc Here s an amazing website called StackShare to know which companies use which tech stack What tech stack you are using for what purpose Comment below ️Tool of the week️DeviconDevicon has lots of icons that can use in your projects for free It has different options like adding an img tag or SVG or downloading library Hope this helps you Save for reference New blog every week Follow for more divineness You can connect with me on Twitter and LinkedIn |
2021-12-21 12:08:13 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's iPhones are the best-selling, most profitable 5G phones in the world |
Apple x s iPhones are the best selling most profitable G phones in the worldNew research claims Apple has approximately of the global G smartphone market beating its rivals in both number of phones sold and revenue G on iPhoneDespite Samsung having previously been expected to close the gap on Apple the iPhone has consistently remained the biggest selling G phone in the world It s an expanding market too where the key players are changing Read more |
2021-12-21 12:50:26 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Morning After: The best things we bought in 2021 |
The Morning After The best things we bought in Our end of year coverage kicks off this week covering the major tech stories of the year hi billionaires in space and closer to Earth the gear that the Engadget team spent their money on in the last eleven and a half months It runs the gamut from Apple Watches to smart bike trainers and er socks EngadgetI discuss my love for the OLED Switch which I upgraded to from my launch edition of Nintendo s hybrid console The screen is gorgeous as are the white Joy Cons but the biggest boon coming from the first Switch iteration is the substantial battery boost It also seems like Nintendo s stock of the new Switch is a little more stable so chances of getting one this holiday season seem better than earlier this year Oh and Metroid Dread runs like a dream on it ーMat SmithFord s Extended Range F Lightning has a massive kWh battery packThe Standard Range models will carry a mere kWh battery Ford quietly revealed the battery capacities available on its Ford F Lightning electric pickup Auto Evolution reported To start with the Standard Range model with a projected miles of range will come with a kWh battery pack Meanwhile the optional Extended Range version miles targeted will have a massive kWh battery Continue reading LG s first gaming laptop comes with an NVIDIA RTX GPU and th gen Intel CPUOther specs include a Hz p display and Wh battery LGLG is best known for its lightweight Gram laptop but now it wants some of that gaming PC pie It s revealed what it calls its quot first gaming laptop quot with some high end specs The inch UltraGear GQ model packs an th generation Intel Tiger Lake H CPU NVIDIA GeForce RTX Max Q graphics up to GB of RAM and TB of storage A Hz p IPS display should keep the battery life suitably lengthy while the design aesthetic seems heavily inspired by Razer s laptop series and other existing gaming PCs There s no pricing yet but LG will reveal more details at CES on January th Continue reading In billionaires headed to the starsUnfortunately they all came back minutes later Virgin GalacticInstead of the two most powerful empires on the planet vying to be first to the moon we now have corporations ーElon Musk s SpaceX Jeff Bezos Blue Origin and Sir Richard Branson s Virgin Galactic ーboasting a future filled with exo planetary tourism In the heads of these private companies finally made good on their myriad promises successfully launching civilians astronauts and in two cases themselves into the uppermost reaches of Earth s atmosphere Andrew Tarantola plots the launches delays and drama of the civilian space race Continue reading Meta is trying to find the people who created more than phishing sitesThe company filed a lawsuit in California to uncover the identities of those behind the attacks Meta has filed a federal lawsuit to “uncover the identities of a group of people that created more than websites designed to trick users into coughing up their login credentials for Facebook Instagram and WhatsApp People were redirected to bogus websites in a way that allowed the hackers to hide their actions “This enabled them to conceal the true location of the phishing websites and the identities of their online hosting providers and the defendants Meta said Continue reading EPA announces strictest fuel efficiency standards everIt s reversing the Trump era rollback By the Environmental Protection Agency will require that automaker fleets travel an average of about miles per gallon up from the miles per gallon standard they re held to as of this year The agency estimates the policy will save American drivers between billion and billion through on fuel costs Over the life of a model year vehicle that should translate to about in individual consumer savings It marks President Biden s most significant climate action to date As of the transportation sector remains the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the US Continue reading nbsp nbsp The biggest news stories you might have missedDemocrats press Amazon for details on tornado warehouse deathsT Mobile says it blocked billion scam calls in The PS Plus version of FF Remake can be upgraded to Intergrade after allBeats Studio Buds are down to at Adorama |
2021-12-21 12:15:50 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Sony's new WF-C500 in-ear buds are $58 for today only at Amazon |
Sony x s new WF C in ear buds are for today only at AmazonSony s true wireless WF C earphones offer features like a comfortable fit and support for immersive Reality Audio but at the regular price they re not quite a cheap gift For today only however you can pick up a pair for for a very substantial savings of percent Buy Sony WF C earphones at Amazon The WF C sits at the bottom of Sony s true wireless earphone lineup but it still has a rich feature set Comfort is improved over the previous models thanks to a smaller size IPX moisture rating and more secure fit features borrowed from the high end WF XM model It also comes with Sony s Digital Sound Enhancement Engine that restores detail lost when music is compressed over Bluetooth It also supports Sony s Reality Audio if you have a supported plan on Amazon Music HD Tidal HiFi and others On board controls let you manage music adjust volume take calls and activate a voice assistant without the need for a phone It delivers up to hours of listening time on a charge and a quick charge feature gives you another hour just ten minutes The main drawback is the lack of active noise cancellation ANC ーnormal on earphones at this price level If you do want ANC Sony still has deals on its flagship wireless earphones and headphones You can pick up the WH XM wireless headphones with ANC for or off the regular price The WF XM wireless earbuds meanwhile can be found right now for for a savings of All of those deals are limited in time so if you need a last minute Christmas gift it s best to act soon Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2021-12-21 12:05:05 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Family in Nigeria Lost 3 Daughters to Sickle Cell. Can They Save a Fourth? |
Family in Nigeria Lost Daughters to Sickle Cell Can They Save a Fourth About babies are born each year in Nigeria with sickle cell a deadly disease Tens of thousands of them die annually before their fifth birthdays |
2021-12-21 12:27:49 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
外務員必携の購入申込み |
購入 |
2021-12-21 13:07:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Kishida says Japan to keep strict border controls ‘for the time being’ |
Kishida says Japan to keep strict border controls for the time being Speaking at a press conference Kishida said Japan has not seen a community spread of omicron but it needs to strengthen its preparedness |
2021-12-21 21:17:19 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japanese criticize vaccine passport app for lack of maiden name support |
Japanese criticize vaccine passport app for lack of maiden name supportThe smartphone app downloaded more than times since its launch on Monday by Japan s Digital Agency works only for those who have received the |
2021-12-21 21:09:29 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Firms urge PM for clarity on restrictions over Christmas |
cabinet |
2021-12-21 12:36:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Big Ben will bong again to see in the new year |
clock |
2021-12-21 12:12:13 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Robertson 'lucky he's still walking' - Clattenburg criticises officiating on Kane challenge |
Robertson x lucky he x s still walking x Clattenburg criticises officiating on Kane challengeFormer Premier League referee Mark Clattenburg criticises the officiating of Sunday s draw between Tottenham and Liverpool saying Andy Robertson is lucky to be walking |
2021-12-21 12:43:27 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: What are the social distancing rules this Christmas? |
christmas |
2021-12-21 12:54:58 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
讃岐うどん蔵之介@高田馬場 4年連続うどん百名店 |
東京都豊島区高田 |
2021-12-21 12:15:22 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
鹿追から初の五輪目指す松井選手 スピード男子500メートル 29日から代表選考会 |
鹿追 |
2021-12-21 21:18:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
羊蹄山眺めながら洋食を 京極町在住キムさん、来月レストラン開業 |
開業 |
2021-12-21 21:18:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
後志管内、新規感染者ゼロ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-12-21 21:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
てしかがクラフト発売 弟子屈産ブドウでビール醸造 |
金子 |
2021-12-21 21:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
重過失致死容疑再び不起訴 岩見沢女性遺棄 札幌地検 |
岩見沢市 |
2021-12-21 21:03:01 |