Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
欠損値を含まないデカルト積を求めたい |
欠損値を含まないデカルト積を求めたい前提・実現したいこと配列の各列を要素とするquot欠損値を含まないquotデカルト積を、itertoolsproductで計算しようとしています。 |
2021-12-31 03:15:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonでrealtime databaseを利用する時、PySimpleGuiアプリを終了せずに連続で読み込みまたは書き込みをしたい。 |
pythonでrealtimedatabaseを利用する時、PySimpleGuiアプリを終了せずに連続で読み込みまたは書き込みをしたい。 |
2021-12-31 03:00:52 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
11 Ways to Open the Windows Mobility Center |
center |
2021-12-30 18:45:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community | - publicul țintă |
peviitor ro publicul țintăCare este publicul țintă este una din cele mai importante întrebări atunci când pornești la drum în implementarea unui proiect nou Absolvenți de liceuLa terminarea unui ciclu liceal foarte mulți tineri sunt în căutarea unui loc de muncă Deoarece nu avem un loc in care săgăsim toate locurile de muncăîntr un singur loc noi credem ca aceastăcategorie de persoane își vor găsi oportunitatea la noi pe motorul de căutare Absolvenții de facultateLa finalizarea unei facultăți proaspeții absolvenți foști studenți își cautăun loc de muncă Deoarece peviitor ro va integra absolut toate locurile de muncăintr un singur loc noi credem ca acest motor de căutare va fi foarte util acestei categorii de persoane StudențiiSunt facultăți care au in programa școlarăcerințe căstudenții sa urmeze stagii de practicăin cadrul unei companii Motorul de căutare peviitor ro va agrega inclusiv aceste oportunități de tip stagii de practicăoferite de către companii Anumite companii în anumite momente ale anului își deschid poziții noi pentru începători și le numesc INTERNSHIP Aceste programe de internship de foarte multe ori se incheie cu o angajare a persoanei care a urmat programul Motorul de căutare peviitor ro va agrega si aceste tipuri de locuri de muncă Oameni de carierăSunt un anumit segment de persoane care își doresc o carierăspecifică De multe ori o singurăcompanie nu poate oferi pentru persoanele focusate pe carierăanumite poziții la care ei aspiră Astfel oamenii vor trebui săfie atenți la oportunitățile noi ce apar pe piața muncii Oportunitățile nu apar exact in momentul in care omul își dorește altceva și atunci aceastăîmplinire a dorinței de avansare in carierăva implica si efortul de a monitorizata atent piața muncii Cei care nu se mai simt apreciațiÎn unele cazuri nu neapărat avansarea in carierăeste factorul determinant în a ți schimba locul de muncăci simplu fapt ca nu ești apreciat in colectivul in care activezi Cei care pot mai multDeși pare ciudat sunt persoane care nu activeazăla adevăratul potențial Sunt oameni care pot mai mult dar leaderii nu le oferășansa de a se afirma Este un lucru firesc ca persoanele săîși doreascăsa activeze la adevăratul lor potențial Astfel peviitor ro va fi cel mai util tool pentru aceet tip de persoane care își doresc mai mult și care pot sa schimbe ceva in lume Lucrând la maximul de potențial nu e doar un avantaj personal ci privind global e singurul mod in care lumea se va schimba in mai bine Evaluarea greșităa salariatuluiDe a lungul timpului cei cu experiențăau observat căaceeași muncăprestatăla o firmăaduce un salar de X lei iar dacăar lucra la firma Y ar aduce un salar de Y lei Nu conteazădoar ceea ce lucrezi ci conteazăsi pentru cine lucrezi Cei care urmăresc săîși găseascăun loc de muncăla o anumităfirmăvor putea folosi motorul de cautare peviitor ro pentru a și indeplini acest vis E nevoie doar de puținăperseverențăși toate se vor rezolva favorabil Am prezentat aici câteva detalii despre publicul țintăînsăne rezervăm dreptul de a va aduce mai multe informații pe parcursul derulării proiectului Cu siguranțăați prins ideea căaveți doar de câștigat dacăveți opta săfolosiți motorul de căutare pentru locuri de muncăpeviitor Întrebarea de la care pornim este CE VREI SĂTE FACI CÂND VEI FI MARE |
2021-12-30 18:23:36 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
JS in Kotlin/JS |
JS in Kotlin JSKotlin JS brings the full awesomness of Kotlin language to the JS ecosystem providing great standard library typesafety and lots of modern features not found in vanilla JS However one of the biggest strenghts of the JS ecosystem is its massive collection of libraries ready for you to use Kotlin JS has full interop with JS code however just like TS it demands external declarations to describe JS API surface There are ways to shut Kotlin compiler up and proceed in a type unsafe way ehem dynamic type however that beats the whole point of Kotlin as a typesafe language Enter this article Here we ll cover how Kotlin external declarations map to JS imports and how to write your own from scratch Hopefully you ll learn some tips and tricks along the way Basics JS Module MappingTo make your Kotlin code play nice with JS code Kotlin stdlib provides few compiler targeted annotations usable in tandem with external keyword Note that external keyword is only required at the top level declarations and nested declarations are implied to be external Consider the following example JsModule module name JsNonModule external val myExternalModule dynamic Tells the compiler that this declaration maps to JS module module nameTells the compiler that this declaration can also work with UMD resolver Not needed when using CommonJS Declares an external value with dynamic type This is a reeference to external JS code we can now use from our Kotlin code dynamic type is an escape hatch basically telling the compiler that the shape of this value can be whatever just like in vanilla JS We ll look into how to make that type safe later on Entity MappingSo far we ve only seen a top level value marked as external however it does not stop there Kotlin JS supports object class interface fun and even nested declarations for external scope modelling Here s the recommended mapping between JS and Kotlin entities to use when writing your own declarations JS fields and properties declared with get and set keywords gt Kotlin val or mutable var JS functions and lambdas gt Kotlin fun member functions or lambda val JS class gt Kotlin class JS anonymous object shapes gt Kotlin interfaceWith the above suggestion in mind here s how all these entities in JS translate to Kotlin class MyJSClass myField constructor initField this myField initField function myMethod arg return arg get myProperty return this myField set myProperty value this myField value get myImmutableProperty return this myField myLambda gt result answer external class MyJSClass initField String definedExternally var myField String fun myMethod arg Int definedExternally Int var myProperty String val myImmutableProperty String interface MyLambdaReturn var result Int var answer String val myLambda gt MyLambdaReturn Note the special definedExternally value It s a neat way to tell the compiler that an argument has a default value in JS without having to hard code it in the Kotlin declarations as well It can also be used to declare optional properties on external interfaces that you plan on constructing in Kotlin to pass as arguments to other external entities There s a slight limitation to this trick only nullable types can have default implementations declared external interface MyJSType val optionalImmutableValue String get definedExternally var optionalMutableValue String get definedExternally set value definedExternally val myJsTypeInstance MyJSType object MyJSType Now we only need to override properties we want to set override val optionalImmutableValue String noice Declaring NPM packagesMost of the time you ll need to work with NPM packages which comes with a single entry point declared in the package json and re exports deeply nested moduled from a single module To declare such packages in Kotlin there are two strategies for you to use object and file To showcase both consider this JS module named js greeter example and see how it can be declared in Kotlin export const value export const anonymousObjectValue name John export class JSClass static function initialise memberValue export function defaultHello return Default Hi export const helloLambda name Joe gt Hello name export default defaultHello NPM Package ObjectWhen declaring an object as a container for an external NPM package that object takes a role of the entire module When using this strategy the file can contain a mix of both external and regular Kotlin declarations JsModule js greeter external object JSGreeter val value String object anonymousObjectValue var name String class JSClass companion object fun initialise val memberValue Number fun defaultHello String fun helloLambda name String definedExternally String JsName default Overriding JS name mapping to default rather than defaultExportedHello fun defaultExportedHello String NPM Package FileWhen declaring a file as a container for an external NPM package that file takes a role of the entire module and declarations inside that file match to the JS module file When using this strategy the file can only contain external declarations and mixing of regular Kotlin and external declarations is not allowed Finally since all declarations are no longer nested inside external object and instead are top level declarations each of them must be marked as external individually file JsModule js greeter external val value Stringexternal object anonymousObjectValue var name String external class JSClass companion object fun initialise val memberValue Number external fun defaultHello Stringexternal fun helloLambda name String definedExternally String JsName default Overriding JS name mapping to default rather than defaultExportedHello external fun defaultExportedHello String Declaring Global JS APISometimes you might need to hook into some JS API that does not come from NPM but is provided by the runtime in the global scope In such cases all you need is to declare the API shape anywhere in your project without any of the module annotations Here s an example of how to get access to ES dynamic imports note that the return Promise type comes from WEB API declarations provided in Kotlin standard library external fun import module String Promise lt dynamic gt Declaring non JS modulesJS development has evolved past JS only projects and often uses various webpack loaders to import non JS assets This is possible in Kotlin JS as well via the same strategies that we used to import JS modules It s important to note that just like in JS appropriate webpack loaders must be configured for such imports to work Here are some exotic JS import examples and their equivalents in Kotlin import CSS from my library dist css index css import SCSS from my library dist scss index csss import JsonModule from my library package json JsModule my library dist css index css external val CSS dynamic JsModule my library dist scss index scss external val SCSS dynamic JsModule my library package json external val JsonModule dynamic Getting Rid of dynamic TypeWhile dynamic type is very convenient and useful in places where you want to tie up external API declarations chain it discards all type safety that Kotlin provides In most of the cases you should aim to declare the shape of the type via an external interface instead While external interfaces can be nested inside your module declarations it is not mandatory and they can live anywhere in your project because they re discarded during compilation and are not present at runtime JsModule my library package json external val packageJson dynamic VS external interface PackageJson val name String val private Boolean val bundledDependencies Array lt String gt JsModule my library package json external val typedPackageJson PackageJsonThey can also be used to reuse common traits between external declarations by making other external declarations such as classes implement such external interfaces SummaryWe ve seen lots of options available to us when mapping Kotlin code to external JS code in order to maintain type safety and unlock a massive ocean of NPM libraries Hopefully you found something useful in here If I missed anything let me know in the comments and I ll add it in to make this article as complete as possible Happy coding |
2021-12-30 18:14:39 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Last call: $749 Mac mini 16GB, $979 iMac, $200 off MacBook Air, $300 off MacBook Pro, more |
Last call Mac mini GB iMac off MacBook Air off MacBook Pro moreApple year end deals are about to expire and these exclusive bargains on popular configurations offer up to in cash savings in addition to AppleCare discounts Find out how to grab the best prices available Apple products on saleTo redeem the exclusive prices found below simply follow these two easy steps at Apple Authorized Reseller Adorama Read more |
2021-12-30 18:03:10 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The 'Tomb Raider' reboot trilogy is free on the Epic Games Store |
The x Tomb Raider x reboot trilogy is free on the Epic Games StoreFree game promos are easy to find but Epic is going one step further by offering an entire game trilogy for no charge The Epic Games Store is offering all three Tomb Raider reboot titles Tomb Raider Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider for free between now and January th at AM They re Windows only if you grab them from the EGS but they re also complete versions that include post launch DLC Your experience with the games may vary Some will highlight Rise of the Tomb Raider as the star of the series and aren t always enthusiastic about Shadow And expect to do a lot of crafting in between adventures They re solid releases as a whole though and represented a return to form for a franchise that many felt had lost its way At the least they ll serve as good training tools for Uncharted s eventual PC launch |
2021-12-30 18:02:34 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
Cinchoo ETL - CSV Lite Reader |
cinchoo |
2021-12-30 18:40:00 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Dinosaur footprints in Penarth date back 200 million years |
beach |
2021-12-30 18:07:26 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ghislaine Maxwell: Survivors speak of relief after guilty verdict |
others |
2021-12-30 18:25:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Calls to give NHS staff priority access to lateral flow tests |
javid |
2021-12-30 18:44:20 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
King fights back to make last eight for first time since 2009 |
King fights back to make last eight for first time since Veteran Mervyn King reaches the PDC World Darts Championship quarter finals for the first time since as he fights back to beat Raymond Smith |
2021-12-30 18:46:06 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
2021年日本を揺るがした4つの「ジェンダー平等」問題、1年で社会はどう変化? - News&Analysis |
newsampampanalysis |
2021-12-31 03:50:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
日本の全スポーツがトーナメント戦からリーグ戦へ移行すべき、根深い事情 - 識者に聞く「幸せな運動」のススメ |
学生スポーツ |
2021-12-31 03:45:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
子どもの英語力が伸び悩んでしまう「NGな教え方」とは? - 世界最高の子ども英語 |
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2021-12-31 03:40:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ひろゆきが「僕はそのうち干されますよ」と語る意外なワケ - 1%の努力 |
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2021-12-31 03:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
さみしい時に必要な「たった一つの思い出」とは? - 孤独からはじめよう |
自分 |
2021-12-31 03:30:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「毎日忙しそうなのに成果が出ない人」の残念な盲点 - 上流思考 |
話題作 |
2021-12-31 03:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ジェフ・ベゾスが「人類は宇宙に住む以外道がない」と断言する衝撃理由 - Invent & Wander |
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2021-12-31 03:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【出口学長・年末特別講義】 ところで、 哲学とは? 宗教とは? お子さんから聞かれたら、 答えられますか? - 哲学と宗教全史 |
2021-12-31 03:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「学歴が高くなくても年収が上がる人」「優秀でも普通の年収で終わる人」の差 - 転職が僕らを助けてくれる |
「学歴が高くなくても年収が上がる人」「優秀でも普通の年収で終わる人」の差転職が僕らを助けてくれる「今の会社で働き続けていいのかな」「でも、転職するのは怖いな……」。 |
2021-12-31 03:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
文章力アップの秘訣は「慣用表現の禁止」にあり!! - 取材・執筆・推敲──書く人の教科書 |
古賀史健 |
2021-12-31 03:05:00 |