Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
eclipseのワークスペースパスを記述しているファイルの場所 |
eclipse |
2021-12-31 04:48:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
配列を用いた平均点の出し方 |
配列を用いた平均点の出し方前提・実現したいこと人の生徒の以下の点数が知りたいです。 |
2021-12-31 04:39:17 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
卒論を絶対に消さないための環境構築 |
発展的な内容として、コミットも自動化したい場合は以下のリンクの通り実際にトラブルが起きたときパソコンが壊れた他のパソコンを貸してもらって、GoogleDriveのバックアップから卒論をダウンロードして、GitHubのレポジトリと同期させましょう。 |
2021-12-31 04:04:49 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
4 Ways to Change the Screen Resolution in Windows 11 |
windows |
2021-12-30 19:15:12 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Show Your macOS Desktop |
windows |
2021-12-30 19:00:40 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
CryptoPals Crypto Challenges Using Rust: Fixed XOR |
CryptoPals Crypto Challenges Using Rust Fixed XORThis is Challenge of Cryptopals challenges implemented in Rust language ContextGiven two hex encoded strings of similar length we have to return xor of it XOR or Exclusive OR is a binary operation like AND OR on bits XOR gives true as when the two inputs differ otherwise false A B XOR A B So theoretically you can convert hex to binary and xor them to get output like To solve the challenge with Rust we can make use of hex crate to decode hex strings to bytes vec zip the two vecs then perform xor byte by byte to get XORed bytes And finally encode xored bytes to hex use hex decode encode pub fn fixed xor hex amp str hex amp str gt String let bytes decode hex unwrap let bytes decode hex unwrap let xor bytes Vec lt u gt bytes iter zip bytes iter map amp b amp b b b collect encode xor bytes And we re done See the code on Github Find me on Twitter heyNvNnaveeen com |
2021-12-30 19:29:37 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
I Do Not Know Object Oriented Programming! |
I Do Not Know Object Oriented Programming If you are a beginner who is currently getting their butts whooped by JavaScript or swimming in tutorial hell I m quite sure you must have read the title of this article and given me an imaginary hug because you can also resonate Truth is I do not have a ready made blueprint to help you understand OOPs but as I once read somewhere that the best way to learn is to teach so here I am Fun and Janae Monelle s We Are Young playing in the background about to share my own personal notes about Object Oriented Programming I hope this helps a newbie somewhere PS I would welcome contributions resources and comments that would help other newbies We can burn brighter than the sun if we all help each other So the first thing we all need to know is the conventional definition Object oriented programming combines a group of data attributes with functions or methods into a unit called an object Multiple independent objects may also be instantiatedーor representedーfrom the same class and interact with each other in complex ways Typically OOP is class based which means that a class defines the data attributes and functions as a blueprint for creating objects which are instances of the class I happen to love cars alot so my first simple example would be to consider a class representing a car The car class will contain attributes to represent information such as the car s name model number of wheels color etc Maybe this would be more familiar let car name Mercedes Benz model CLA DR Coupe numOfWheels chassisNum color white I d like to go on and talk about what everyone refers to as the basics of Object Oriented Programming which would be Encapsulation Abstraction Inheritance and Polymorphism but before I start throwing these words around wouldn t it be better if we really understood how to use OOPs and then saw these basics in action for ourselves We already successfully created our first class with their different properties and values We can access the properties and subsequently the values in our car object using the Dot Notation Take a look at the code below console log car model CLA DR Coupe In the code above we used the dot notation on the object named car and then followed by the property model to access the value which is CLA DR Coupe Cool right We might have private data in the class such as chassisNum that should not be exposed to other objects in the program By encapsulating this data member as a private variable in the class outside code would not have direct access to it and it would remain safe within that person s object In OOP we encapsulate by binding the data and functions which operate on that data into a single unit the class By doing so we can hide private details of a class from the outside world and only expose functionality that is important for interfacing with it When a class does not allow calling code access to its private data directly we say that it is well encapsulated There there you just understood Encapsulation It will be pointless to learn about OOPs without knowing what METHODS are Methods are a special type of property that objects have They are simply properties that are functions They add a different behavior to an object I like to think that they make objects a little more flexible in doing stuff For instance let car name Range Rover Evogue price describeCar function return That car speeding on the highway is a car name and it costs car price USD car describeCar That car speeding on the highway is a Range Rover Evogue and it costs USD The block of code above has a method describeCar which is a function and returns a statement telling us the name and Price of the car BTW I have no idea about the price of the Range Rover Notice that the method accessed the name and price property in the return statement using the car name and car price Now think about the many awesome things you can do with Methods sweet right There is another way to access the name and price properties though yeah you probably heard about it the this keyword At this poin you re probably like who was behind naming these coding concepts because what is literally this right lol this in my own opinion which I would like to think is shared by others exists to make code reusable and very much easier to read In the last example we had a method describeCar which used car name and car price dot notation to access the values for the name and price property within the return statement Recall describeCar function return That car speeding on the highway is a car name and it costs car price USD Although it is a very correct way of accessing the object car s property have you ever asked yourself what happens when you have accessed this object and its properties on lines and of your codebase and for some reason the variable name changes from car to automobile while working for a large company such as Mercedes Your work gets extra stressful as you have to update all those lines of code which references the original name that was changed and we both know how stressful that can get This is where the this keyword comes in You can have your initial code in our last example re written like this let car name Range Rover Evogue price describeCar function return That car speeding on the highway is a this name and it costs this price USD car describeCar Now we have barely scratched the surface and this is a very deep and sometimes complicated subject and the above is definitely not the only way it can be used Here we just used this in referring to the object that the method describeCar is associated with which is car By virtue of this if the object variable car is changed to automobile or even locomotive it is not necessary to find all the references to car in the code There you go easier and reusable across board Now that we have got that out of the way let s be civil engineers for a bit and talk about Constructor Functions this is me trying to make a joke that s not funny btw Now imagine that you are seeing the function below for the first time as a beginner which is probably what s happening right now function Truck this name Ford Ranger this color Black this price this numWheels this yearOfProduction Looks weird right Because it did look weird to me when I looked at it for the first time ever too Functions are supposed to return a statement or value or whatever else you read up yeah It also looks like an object or even a method but methods ar always inside the object and this isn t how normal objects are written Don t fret this is a Constructor FunctionConstructors are functions that create new objects They define properties and behaviors that will belong to the new object What this means is that like the example above functions written that way will create a new object called Truck and append the name color numOfWheels and yearOfProduction properties and their corresponding values to the object The this refers to the new object that has been created Take note that the Truck object was defined with a capital letter Constructors are defined this way to differentiate them from other functions that are not constructors and will not return values like other functions would And as usual a new problem will always arise from an existing one what if we want to create a new object which will have the same properties as our initial Truck constructor from the our previous example We simply add the following line of code beneath the previous code block like so let fordTruck new Truck The new operator will instruct JavaScript to create a new copy of the Truck object called fordTruck Take note that if you do now include new you will not get the result as no new object will be created even if you troubleshoot and console log from here to Bethlehem So ultimately if you type fordTruck name in your console the result will give the value of our initial Truck s this name because fordTruck now has all the properties of Truck Now you know what constructors do but if you are the obsrvant genius I know you are then you would notice that when we created the new constructor fordTruck it took the name property along with the other properties such as color numOfWheels and yearOfProduction We can keep changing the names as we go by if you want different values for each new Truck but supposing you are in charge of keeping track of hundreds of thousands of trucks produced at the Ford Plant You can change or easily create new instances of the Trucks by designing the initial Truck constructor to accept whatever parameters might need to be changed like the name of the truck the price the color and still leave the other values to remain the same if you want So we re write the original constructors to accept arguments as shown below function Truck name price color this name name this color color this price price this numWheels this yearOfProduction And then we can say let fourWheel new Truck Ranger gray When you do this you create a new instance of Truck which will be named fourWheel and will set the properties to the new properties of the new fourWheel object With the above the constructor function is now very flexible as it can accept parameters and we can define new properties for each truck when they are created Always keep in mind that constructor functions group objects together based on shared characteristics and behavior and define a blueprint that automates their creationIf you want to check if the new object you created is an instance of the constructor use the instanceof operator For instance in our last example above fourWheel instanceof Truck It will return true because the fourWheel object was created using the Truck constructor But if we say let saloonCar name Ford Focus color white And then we check the same saloonCar instanceof Truck it will return false because saloonCar was not created using the Truck constructor Also the Truck constructor defines five properties name color price numOfWheels yearOfProduction which are defined directly inside it These properties are called Own Properties Let s assume we are setting up new instances of Truck called firstCar secondCar and thirdCar respectively we would have something like this let firstCar new Truck edge red let secondCar new Truck broncos black let thirdCar new Truck focus blue The other two properties numOfWheels and yearOfProduction will remain unchanged as no new parameters were passed in for those All properties are referred to as Own Properties because they are defined directly on the instance object Truck This means that firstCar secondCar and thirdCar all have their own separate copy of these properties and every other instance of Truck will also have their own copy of these properties What is the essence of all of this and what might we do with the Own Property you might ask well we could push them to an empty array while writing our code like so let ownProps for let property in secondCar if secondCar hasOwnProperty property ownProps push property So that when we console log ownProps it will print the different properties from secondCar into the empty ownProps array If you take a close look at our code you should definitely see that numOfWheels has the same value for all instances of Truck In other words it is sort of a duplicated variable It is not much of a problem if you have only a couple of instances or say instances of the original car object but you will likely be working at the Ford HQ and using your code to keep track of millions of wheeelers which means millions of instances In situations like the above listed a prototype comes in very handy What does the prototype do you might ask Simple A prototype shares a particular property amongst all instances of the original object Truck prototype numOfWheels Now all instances of Truck will have the numOfWheels property The prototype for firstCar and secondCar is part of the Truck constructor as Truck prototype In summary when it comes to properties own properties will always be defined directly on the object itself while prototype properties will be defined on the prototype So what if we have to add more than one property to our prototype You already know that would be very cumbersome of we had to do that one after another A more efficient way would be to set the prototype to a new object that already contains the properties We have this below Truck prototype numOfWheels sound function console log Vroom Vroom And then we want to add a quality method to the prototype All the properties can be added at once in this manner like so Truck prototype numOfWheels sound function console log Vroom Vroom sound quality console log It is a super fast this name NEVER FORGET to always define the constructor property whenever a prototype is manually set to a new object Why Well the reason is quite simple it is beacuse when you set the prototype manually it will erase the constructor property and if you check which constructor function created the instance the results will be false Summarily for a better understanding of the prototype chain you need to always take note of the following All objects in JavaScript have a prototype save for a few exceptions The prototype of an object is an object If this confuses you you can bet it confused me too You should check out Javascript infoA prototype can also have its own prototype because a prototype is an object For instance function Car name this name name typeof Car prototype the result for this will be object let bugatti new Car Veyron bugatti hasOwnProperty name From the above Car supertype for bugattibugatti subtype for CarCar supertype for bugattiObject is a supertype for both Car and bugattiObject is a supertype for all objects in JavaScript therefore any object can use the hasOwnProperty method There s another important principle to be observed before I take a pause on this is the principle of Inheritance Repeated code is usually a problem because any change in one place requires fixing the code in multiple placesbwhich would just give devs more work and make them more likely to make errors Now let s say we have two constructor functions which I will name after two of the biggest artistes in Africa just because I can and we don t have to always be boring Wizkid prototype constructor Wizkid describe function console log My name is this name and I always come late to my concerts in Nigeria Davido prototype constructor Davido describe function console log My name is this name and I always come late to my concerts in Nigeria As we can see the describe method is repeated in two places and we can use what we call the DRY principle Don t Repeat Yourself to refine this code by creating a supertype called Artistes like so function Artiste Artiste prototype constructor Artiste describe function console log My name is this name and I always come late to my concerts in Nigeria Since you have the above supertype Artiste which includes the describe method you can then remove the describe method from Wizkid and Davido Wizkid prototype constructor Wizkid Davido prototype constructor Davido There you go you just successfully created a supertype called Artiste that defined behaviors shared by all musicians artistes I will stop here for now you can learn more about the basics of Object Oriented Programming as well as advanced concepts on Javascript infoYou can also chip in via the comments for other newbies to learn more as I have barely even scratched the surface Godspeed and Happy New Year in advance to you and yours |
2021-12-30 19:29:08 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's September 2021 in review: New iPhones, iPads, and more legal woes |
Apple x s September in review New iPhones iPads and more legal woesAt last we got the much awaited iPhone range the somewhat unexpected iPad mini and very nearly the Apple Watch Series And Apple got more legal and more staff woes L R iPad mini iPhone Pro Apple Watch Series If you were counting it was now officially sixteen billion years since Apple launched anything that wasn t an Apple TV show or a failed CSAM feature But as August moved on into September that all changed as Apple unveiled its California Streaming event Read more |
2021-12-30 19:43:05 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple Acoustics VP hints that Bluetooth could be holding back AirPods |
Apple Acoustics VP hints that Bluetooth could be holding back AirPodsApple s AirPods team has offered new details about the development of the third generation model ーand how Bluetooth could be holding back the popular accessory Apple s AirPods Gary Geaves Apple s vice president of Acoustics and Eric Treski of Apple s product marketing team recently sat down with What Hi Fi to speak about the design and development of AirPods Read more |
2021-12-30 19:30:29 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Telegram adds iMessage-style reactions and hidden text for spoilers |
Telegram adds iMessage style reactions and hidden text for spoilersTelegram is squeezing in one last major update before wraps up Among the new features is hidden text to mask spoilers So if you can t wait to blab about what happens in Spider Man No Way Home nbsp before everyone in the chat has seen it you can select any section of your text and use the Spoiler formatting This will hide the text in the chat notifications and chat list When your friends are ready to read what you think about redacted showing up they can tap the spoiler text to read it Also new are iMessage style reactions You can double tap any message to send a thumbs up reaction Tapping once or tapping and holding on iOS will let you select other emoji such as a grin fire a shocked face or a thumbs down You can change the default double tap emoji in the Chat Settings on Android and under the Stickers and Emoji section in iOS settings In private chats reactions are always enabled Channel and group admins can decide whether to switch them on and what reactions the other members can choose from Elsewhere Telegram now has a useful translation option Through the Language section in Settings you can enable translation which adds a Translate button to the context menu You can nix languages you re able to understand and the Translate button won t be available on messages you receive in those languages Translation is available on all Android devices but iPhone and iPad users will need to be running iOS or later The number of languages Telegram supports depends on your operating system In addition users can generate QR codes for anyone with a public username as well as bots groups and channels You can tap the QR code icon next to their username and select the colors and pattern before sharing it elsewhere You can find your own QR code in Settings The Telegram team redesigned the context menus on macOS with new shortcut hints and animated icons The app will display a full screen effect in one on one chats when you send certain emoji too Earlier this year Telegram added group video calls and other features including a way to block others in group chats from taking screenshots and saving shared media as well as live streams with unlimited viewers There s been some blowback against Telegram this year however with reports suggesting there has been a significant uptick in the level of cybercriminal activity taking place on the encrypted messaging app |
2021-12-30 19:54:06 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Calls to give NHS staff priority access to lateral flow tests |
javid |
2021-12-30 19:45:14 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Russia labels Pussy Riot members foreign agents |
justice |
2021-12-30 19:02:17 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
みずほが最初のシステム障害で「取締役9人総退陣」したのに呪縛を断ち切れなかった理由 - みずほ「言われたことしかしない銀行」の真相 |
みずほが最初のシステム障害で「取締役人総退陣」したのに呪縛を断ち切れなかった理由みずほ「言われたことしかしない銀行」の真相最初の大規模システム障害の責任を取って、みずほは当時の取締役人が総退陣した。 |
2021-12-31 04:55:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
みずほが「キングギドラ」と呼ばれた理由、旧行意識でポストが“3の倍数”だらけ - みずほ「言われたことしかしない銀行」の真相 |
富士銀行 |
2021-12-31 04:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「コンサルで成功する人」のキャリア形成術、トップ転職エージェントが直伝【動画】 - 最高のキャリア・転職術 |
取り返し |
2021-12-31 04:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
コロナ後はプレミアムエコノミーが好まれる?航空券の販売見直しも必要 - コロナ後のエアライン |
航空会社 |
2021-12-31 04:40:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
誤訳しやすい【I don’t agree with you, but I know you mean well.】言いたいことはよくわかる…は間違い!? - ニュース3面鏡 |
誤訳しやすい【IdontagreewithyoubutIknowyoumeanwell】言いたいことはよくわかる…は間違いニュース面鏡一見簡単そうに見える英文でも多くの人が意味を取り違えてしまいます。 |
2021-12-31 04:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「同調圧力」が日本成長の足枷に、職場の“謎ルール”廃止が改革の第一歩 - 政策・マーケットラボ |
取り組み |
2021-12-31 04:26:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
韓国・文政権を「日本がついに無視」、対日政策で迷走の1年を振り返る - 元駐韓大使・武藤正敏の「韓国ウォッチ」 |
右往左往 |
2021-12-31 04:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
CAが感心したメーカー創業者の愛妻家ぶり、「KY奥様」への一流のフォローとは - ファーストクラスに乗る人の共通点 |
関係性 |
2021-12-31 04:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ヤフーが全社8000人に「学び直し」をさせる意味とは? - 今週もナナメに考えた 鈴木貴博 |
鈴木貴博 |
2021-12-31 04:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「部長止まり」の人と役員にたどり着く人の決定的な差[2021年間ベスト10] - DOLベスト記事アワード |
関連 |
2021-12-31 04:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
2022年の日本経済が抱える3大リスク、中国が最も要注意といえるワケ - 重要ニュース解説「今を読む」 |
日本経済 |
2021-12-31 04:05:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
『孤独のグルメ』で五郎が食事した店ランキング、一度も食べていない意外な料理とは - ニュース3面鏡 |
『孤独のグルメ』で五郎が食事した店ランキング、一度も食べていない意外な料理とはニュース面鏡今年の大晦日も人気番組『孤独のグルメ』スペシャルが放映される。 |
2021-12-31 04:02:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
中国が望む「正しい選挙」とは?香港選挙期間中の摩訶不思議なアレコレ - ふるまいよしこ「マスコミでは読めない中国事情」 |
2021-12-31 04:01:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
2階建て新幹線や多扉車消滅、「世代交代」の2021年 利用回復は進まず、新たに車内の防犯が課題に | 経営 | 東洋経済オンライン |
世代交代 |
2021-12-31 04:30:00 |