投稿時間:2021-12-31 23:24:45 RSSフィード2021-12-31 23:00 分まとめ(31件)

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TECH Engadget Japanese キヤノン、旗艦デジタル一眼レフの開発を終了へ。ミラーレスへの移行強化 https://japanese.engadget.com/canon-to-end-flagship-dslr-line-135022688.html 開発 2021-12-31 13:50:22
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Intersection Observerでスクロールアニメーションをやってみた https://qiita.com/dq-saori-tawada/items/1c8381011a678b29c921 Qiitaの横にある目次もそうですが、スクロールに連動して変化するものはよく見るのでやってみたいなと思いました。 2021-12-31 22:49:06
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) linerendererで作った線を動かしたい https://teratail.com/questions/376223?rss=all スクリプトで真っ直ぐな横線を作成することまではできたのですが、その線を動かすことができません。 2021-12-31 22:46:36
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) create-react-appについて https://teratail.com/questions/376222?rss=all createreactappについてcreatereactappコマンドではなく別のコマンドで実行できる件実際にエラーが出るコマンドcreatereactappアプリ名を行うとエラーが発生。 2021-12-31 22:43:51
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) casperjsで特定のサイトがopenできない https://teratail.com/questions/376221?rss=all casperjsで特定のサイトがopenできない前提UbuntuにphantomJSとcasperJSをインストールして管理画面の操作をしています。 2021-12-31 22:11:22
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita amplify pull --appId hogehoge --envName staging がうまくいかない時の対処法 https://qiita.com/higuuu/items/8f7a68097147171e5cfb amplifypullappIdhogehogeenvNamestagingがうまくいかない時の対処法問題【AmplifyとFigmaの連携】AmplifyStudioのUILibraryを使ってみたの記事をやってみているときに発生した問題。 2021-12-31 22:45:06
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS(EC2)で組込みクロス開発環境構築・運用し料金管理で失敗した話 https://qiita.com/gracehime/items/8fd07d6559823df278c4 月はECを使って作業した記憶がなかったのでこの請求書を見たときに驚きました。 2021-12-31 22:27:56
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita node.jsでAzureADを認証基盤として利用する https://qiita.com/yamatairiku-dev/items/df3a9db64ecb772dbfa9 nodejsでAzureADを認証基盤として利用する初めての投稿初めて記事を投稿しますいつもお世話になっているので、これからは少しでもアウトプットしていきたいと思います記事の中でやっていることAzureADを認証基盤として使うAzureADから取得したアカウント情報をcookieに保存するcookieに保存したアカウント情報を取得する環境ubuntunodevAzureADへのアプリケーション登録AzureADを認証基盤として利用したいアプリをAzurePortalに登録します登録方法は本家Microsoftを参照今回はアプリ登録時に設定するリダイレクトURIにhttplocalhostredirectを設定しますAzurePortalにアプリを登録することで、アプリのクライアントIDとクライアントシークレットを取得することができますMSALNode承認コードフロー用のnpmパッケージをインストールしますnpminstallazuremsalnodeその他のnpmパッケージルーティング、画面表示、cookie取得などのためにインストールしたnpmパッケージは以下の通りですnpminstallexpressexpressejslayoutsejscookieparserサンプルアプリmsalの設定後でmsalオブジェクトに渡すためにREDIRECTURIにAzurePortalで登録したhttplocalhostredirectを設定しますsystemの部分はログを出力するための設定ですあまり詳しくないですconfigを使ってmsalオブジェクトpcaを作成しますconstmsalrequireazuremsalnodeconstexpressrequireexpressexpressEjsLayoutsrequireexpressejslayoutscookieParserrequirecookieparserconstSERVERPORTprocessenvPORTconstREDIRECTURIhttplocalhostredirectconstconfigauthclientId自分のアプリのクライアントIDauthorityclientSecret自分のアプリのクライアントシークレットsystemloggerOptionsloggerCallbackloglevelmessagecontainsPiiconsolelogmessagepiiLoggingEnabledfalselogLevelmsalLogLevelVerboseCreatemsalapplicationobjectconstpcanewmsalConfidentialClientApplicationconfigexpressとcookieの設定expressでejsテンプレートエンジンとcookieを扱えるようにするための設定ですconstappexpressappsetviewengineejsappusecookieParserappuseexpressEjsLayoutsappuseexpressstaticpublicconstcookieSettingscookiemaxAge秒resavefalsesaveUninitializedfalseTopPage特に理由はありませんがTopPageを設定しましたappgetreqresgtresrenderindextitleTopPageconsolelogreqheadersスクリーンショットはこんな感じです青いAzureAD認証はauthへのリンクですAzureADの認証画面をユーザに表示認証に使用するスコープとリダイレクトURIを設定します登録したアプリが利用できるスコープはAzurePortalの画面に表示されていますuserreadはアカウント情報の読み取りのみが可能ですユーザがauthにアクセスするとpcagetAuthCodeUrlが実行され、ユーザが認証を行うための画面へのリンクがresponseとして得られるので、それをリダイレクトします。 2021-12-31 22:53:08
技術ブログ Developers.IO (小ネタ)GitHub Actionsのdocker/build-push-actionで「ERROR: unexpected status: 403 Forbidden」が発生する https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/github-actions-docker-build-push-action-error-unexpected-status-403-forbidden/ docker 2021-12-31 13:54:00
海外TECH Ars Technica How leaded fuel was sold for 100 years, despite knowing its health risks https://arstechnica.com/?p=1822576 health 2021-12-31 13:16:56
海外TECH DEV Community peviitor.ro - voluntar https://dev.to/sebiboga/peviitorro-voluntar-5hei peviitor ro voluntarCa si in orice proiect OPEN SOURCE totul se bazeaza pe voluntariat Daca vrei sa contribui la acest motor de cautare locuri de munca poti sa te inscri ca voluntar Odata prezentata dorinta ta de a te oferi voluntar noi nu o sa iti dam taskuri ci o sa te intrebam la ce te pricepi Nici o problema sa nu ti faci daca nu te pricepi la nimic pentru ca voluntariatul inseamna in special dobandirea unor skilluri Si daca nu te pricepi la ceva anume si vrei sa iti dezvolti un skill noi te asteptam cu drag Ce vei face ca si voluntar Avem pregatite mai multe directii pe care bucurosi ti le prezentam in continuare Asadar unde te poti implica Interfata Utilizator front end Pe parte de interfata utilizator iti vei dezvolta skillurile de programator developer si vei lucra cu tehnologiile HTML CSS JavaScript Fiecare versiune are definite anumite functionalitati iar partea de front end va oferi utilizatorului accesul la aceste functionalitati Tester QA QC Software tester Inainte de a publica o versiune in productie avem nevoie ca produsul motor de cautare sa fie testat si aprobat Partea de testare cuprinde atat partea de UI front end cat si partea de backend dar si datele locurile de munca partea de scraper cat si partea de automatizare a popularii indexului schema din index si stabilitatea environment urilor Daca esti deja tester sau daca vrei sa iti testezi abilitatile de tester poti sa te alaturi echipei si cu siguranta skillurile tale tehnice se vor imbunatati Functional testing Performance Testing Security Testing Database Testing sunt doar cateva directii care vor trebui acoperite si prin urmare aceste directii de dezvoltare a skilurilor te asteapta Programator web Back end developer Partea de back end este destul de complexa Avem un wrapper peste index scris in PHP apoi mai e si indexul care tehnic il avem implementat in Apache SOLR Partea de HTTPS este asigurata de CloudFlare deci implicit avem si partea de CDN asigurata si deci ne lovim de discutii legate de CACHING Codul este salvat in GitHUB deci te vei familiariza cu comenzile git Partea de back end livreaza informatiile in format JSON spre front end deci vorbim si de partea de integrare a celor doua mari componente ale sistemului DevOPSPartea de intretinere aplicatii in conditiile in care zilnic apar diferite atacuri cibernetice si se gasesc noi vulnerabilitati de securitate este un domeniu cunoscut in SDLC software development lifecycle Daca vrei sa te alaturi echipei si sa iti dezvolti partea de skilluri de devops fi sigur ca avem suficiente provocari pentru tine Avem multe procese automatizate insa ne dorim sa mai simplificam anumite procese asa ca hai in echipa si n o sa te plictisesti iti garantam Delivery managerChiar daca nu vor fi taskuri clasice pentru acest rol echipa care livreaza versiunile pe productie va fi acea echipa care se ocupa nu doar de proces dar si de momentele in care upgradam motorul de cautare de la o versiune la alta Manual sau automatizat E o decizie grea si va depinde si de ceilalti membri din echipa Ce zici Suna interesant Hai cu noi si o sa descoperi ce inseamna grija fata de utilizatorul final Rolul acesta implica si crearea si sincronizare echipelor astfel incat utilizatorul final sa fie deloc sau cat mai putin impactat de procesul intern de dezvoltare software Business AnalystPartea de analiza de business ne lipseste cu desavarsire Avem o viziune insa nu avem pe cineva asignat pentru taskurile de analiza astfel aceste lucruri sunt acoperite partial de catre developeri programatori in discutii directe cu Product Ownerul MarketingPe partea de markeing avem un mare lapsus Pe langa faptul ca proiectul nu este bugetat deci bugetul de marketing tinde spre zero absolut nici nu avem o persoana dedicata pentru a dezvolta un plan de marketing care sa fie implementat de catre voluntari Singurele elemente de marketing in prezent sunt platforma de LinkedIN pe care se publica articole scrise pe platforma dev to si foarte putine share uri pe Facebook Inca lipseste si o pagina Facebook sau Twitter unde sa incercam sa facem mai popular proiectul nostru Daca vrei sa ajuti pe partea de Marketing suntem bucurosi sa te avem in echipa FundraiserClasicele departamente de fundraising aici nu prea se aplica deoarece nu suntem populari si inca nu avem pregatite nici mape de prezentare nici pachete De altfel platforma peviitor ro are intentia sa fie gratuita si sa ai acces la absolut toate functionalitatile fara sa fi limitat de cat ai contribuit Totusi daca sunt firme care vor sa sponsoizeze efortul nostru si care vor intelege necesitatea existentei unui motor de cautare atunci noi va trebui sa fim pregatiti cu un contract de sponsorizare contract de donatie sau alte documente de care au nevoie legal acele firme pentru a si justifica si deduce cheltuiala Echipa de fundraising va fi componenta a departamentului de Marketing si va lucra in stransa legatura pentru a genera documentele necesare Desigur aceste initiative nu pot exista pana cand nu se finalizeaza infiintarea ONG ului OPORTUNITATI SI CARIERE pentru care procesul este deja demarat PR relatii cu publicul Echipaa de voluntari persoanele implicate in proiect cat si cei care utilizeaza motorul de cautare vor forma o comunitate Aceasta comunitate trebuie gestionata de catre cineva Nu avem o persoana in prezent care se ocupa doar de aceasta comunicare cu comunitatea si daca vrei sa te alaturi pe aceasta sectiune avem cel putin un loc in echipa De ce sa te implici Voluntariatul este recunoscut in Romania Anii de voluntariat se considera ani de vechime Sigur ca daca ti ai indeplinit taskurile in echipa vei primi o adeverinta de voluntar odata ce vom avea ONG ul Dincolo de acea adeverinta care este pur si simplu recunostinta noastra ca te ai implicat in proiect vei dobandi skilluri Daca la locul de munca sustinerea colegilor te va urca sau te va cobori pe scara ierarhica tot ceea ce ai acumulat ca si skilluri nu are cum sa ti le ia nimeni Un gand la final de articol KNOWLEDGE IS THE NEW CURRENCY Sigur ca inca nu avem o moneda bazata pe cunostinele tale dar indemnul este ca odata cu dobandirea de noi skill uri vei avea acces la mai multe oportunitati Una dintre ele este sa activezi voluntar in echipa peviitor ro Cum te inscri ca volntar Simpu Lasa un comentariu aici sau scrie ne pe pagina comunitatii comunitate 2021-12-31 13:10:21
海外TECH DEV Community 🚀10 Trending projects on GitHub for web developers - 31st December 2021 https://dev.to/iainfreestone/10-trending-projects-on-github-for-web-developers-31st-december-2021-46c6 Trending projects on GitHub for web developers st December Trending Projects is available as a weekly newsletter please sign up at Stargazing dev to ensure you never miss an issue Editor jsA block styled editor with clean JSON output codex team editor js A block styled editor with clean JSON output IE EdgeFirefoxChromeSafariiOS SafariOperaEdge Firefox Chrome Safari Safari Opera If you like a project If you like Editor js you can support project improvements and development of new features with a donation to our collective SponsorsSupport us by becoming a sponsor Your logo will show up here with a link to your website Become a sponsor BackersThank you to all our backers Become a backer ContributorsThis project exists thanks to all the people who contribute We really welcome new contributors If you want to make some code with us please take a look at the Good First Tasks You can write to us on team codex so or via special Telegram chat or any other way DocumentationPlease visit to view all documentation articles Base… View on GitHub PurgeCSSPurgeCSS analyzes your content and your css files Then it matches the selectors used in your files with the one in your content files It removes unused selectors from your css resulting in smaller css files FullHuman purgecss Remove unused CSS PurgeCSS What is PurgeCSS When you are building a website chances are that you are using a css framework like Bootstrap Materializecss Foundation etc But you will only use a small set of the framework and a lot of unused css styles will be included This is where PurgeCSS comes into play PurgeCSS analyzes your content and your css files Then it matches the selectors used in your files with the one in your content files It removes unused selectors from your css resulting in smaller css files Sponsors DocumentationYou can find the PurgeCSS documentation on this website Table of ContentsPurgeCSSConfigurationCommand Line InterfaceProgrammatic APISafelistingExtractorsComparisonPluginsPostCSSWebpackGulpGruntGatsbyGuidesVue jsNuxt jsReact jsNext jsRazzleGetting StartedInstallationnpm i save dev purgecssUsageimport PurgeCSS from purgecss const purgeCSSResults await new PurgeCSS purge … View on GitHub WouterA minimalist friendly KB routing for React and Preact Nothing else but Hooks molefrog wouter A minimalist friendly KB routing for React and Preact Nothing else but HOOKS wouter is a tiny router for modern React and Preact apps that relies on Hooks A router you wanted so bad in your project FeaturesZero dependency only KB gzipped vs KB React Router Supports both React and Preact Read Preact support section for more details No top level lt Router gt component it is fully optional Mimics React Router s best practices by providing familiarRoute Link Switch and Redirect components Has hook based API for more granular control over routing like animations useLocation useRoute and useRouter developers wouter I love Wouter It s tiny fully embraces hooks and has an intuitive and barebones API I can accomplish everything I could with react routerwith Wouter and it just feels more minimalist while not being inconvenient Matt Miller An exhaustive React ecosystem for Wouter provides a simple API that many developers and… View on GitHub bundlesizeKeep your bundle size in check siddharthkp bundlesize Keep your bundle size in check Keep your bundle size in check   Setupnpm install bundlesize save dev oryarn add bundlesize dev Usage Add it to your scripts in package json scripts test bundlesize Or you can use it with npx from NPM npx bundlesize Configuration bundlesize accepts an array of files to check path build vendor js maxSize kB path build chunk js maxSize kB  You can keep this array either inpackage json name your cool library version bundlesize path build vendor js maxSize kB or in a separate filebundlesize config jsonFormat files path dist js maxSize … View on GitHub MindARWeb Augmented Reality Natural feature tracking Image targets Tensorflow js hiukim mind ar js Web Augmented Reality Natural feature tracking Image targets Tensorflow js MindARFor location based AR and marker based AR checkout AR js MindAR is a lightweight library for web augmented reality Highlighted features include Support Image tracking and Face trackingWritten in pure javascript end to end from the underlying computer vision engine to frontendUtilize gpu through webgl and web worker for performanceDeveloper friendly Easy to setup With AFRAME extension you can get your app starts with only lines of codesWeb AR Development Course Fund RaisingTo raise fund for the continuous development and support of the MindAR Library I ve created a WebAR development course It s a very comprehensive guide to Web AR development not limited to MindAR Check it out if you are interested Managed Solution PictarizeThis opensource project is under MIT so you are free to use however you want There is also a hosted platform built on top of… View on GitHub Snap pageSnap page when user stops scrolling with a customizable configuration and a consistent cross browser behaviour lucafalasco scroll snap ↯Snap page when user stops scrolling with a customizable configuration and a consistent cross browser behaviour scroll snapSnap page when user stops scrolling basically implements CSS Scroll Snap adding a customizable configuration and a consistent cross browser behaviour Works in all modern browsersrequestAnimationFrame for fpsCustomizable settings including easing functions No additional dependenciesNo extra stylesheetInstallationyarn add scroll snapYou can also grab a pre built version from unpkgUsagecreateScrollSnap element settings callback Argumentselement HTMLElementThe HTML DOM Element to attach the scroll listener to settings SettingsA configuraiton object consisting of one or more of the following keys snapDestinationX string numberSnap destination for x axis should be a valid css value expressed as px vw vhsnapDestinationY string numberSnap destination for y axis should be a valid css value expressed as px vw vhtimeout numberTime in ms after which scrolling is… View on GitHub Dependency cruiserValidate and visualize dependencies Your rules JavaScript TypeScript CoffeeScript ES CommonJS AMD sverweij dependency cruiser Validate and visualize dependencies Your rules JavaScript TypeScript CoffeeScript ES CommonJS AMD Dependency cruiser Validate and visualise dependencies With your rules JavaScript TypeScript CoffeeScript ES CommonJS AMD What s this do This runs through the dependencies in any JavaScript TypeScript LiveScript or CoffeeScript project and validates them against your own rules reports violated rulesin text for your builds in graphics for your eyeballs As a side effect it can generate cool dependency graphsyou can stick on the wall to impress your grandma How do I use it Install itnpm install save dev dependency cruiser to use it as a validator in your project recommended or npm install global dependency cruiser if you just want to inspect multiple projects Show stuff to your grandmaTo create a graph of the dependencies in your src folder you d run dependencycruiser with output type dot and run GraphViz dot on the result Ina one liner depcruise include only src output type dot… View on GitHub React Rich Text EditorPure React rich text WYSIWYG editor based on draft js sstur react rte Pure React rich text WYSIWYG editor based on draft js React Rich Text EditorThis is a UI component built completely in React that is meant to be a full featured textarea replacement similar to CKEditor TinyMCE and other rich text WYSIWYG editors It s based on the excellent open source Draft js from Facebook which is performant and production tested DemoTry the editor here react rte org demoGetting Started npm install save react rteRichTextEditor is the main editor component It is comprised of the Draft js lt Editor gt some UI components e g toolbar and some helpful abstractions around getting and setting content with HTML Markdown RichTextEditor is designed to be used like a textarea except that instead of value being a string it is an object with toString on it Creating a value from a string is also easy using createValueFromString markup html Browser CompatibilityThe scripts are transpiled by Babel to ES Additionally at least one of this package s dependencies does not… View on GitHub ChangesetsA way to manage your versioning and changelogs with a focus on monorepos changesets changesets A way to manage your versioning and changelogs with a focus on monorepos A tool to manage versioning and changelogs with a focus on multi package repositoriesThe changesets workflow is designed to help when people are making changes all the way through to publishing It lets contributors declare how their changes should be released then we automate updating package versions and changelogs and publishing new versions of packages based on the provided information Changesets has a focus on solving these problems for multi package repositories and keeps packages that rely on each other within the multi package repository up to date as well as making it easy to make changes to groups of packages How do we do that A changeset is an intent to release a set of packages at particular semver bump types with a summary of the changes made The changesets cli package allows you to write changeset files as you make changes then combine any number of changesets into a release that flattens the… View on GitHub React TableHooks for building fast and extendable tables and datagrids for React tannerlinsley react table ️Hooks for building fast and extendable tables and datagrids for React Hooks for building lightweight fast and extendable datagrids for React Enjoy this library Try them all React Query React Form React ChartsVisit react table tanstack com for docs guides API and more Quick FeaturesLightweight kb kb depending on features used and tree shaking Headless customizable Bring your own UI Auto out of the box fully controllable APISorting Multi and Stable FiltersPivoting amp AggregationRow SelectionRow ExpansionColumn OrderingAnimatableVirtualizableResizableServer side controlled data stateExtensible via hook based plugin systemBecome a SponsorPrevious VersionsVersion v is a great library and while it is still available to install and use I am no longer offering any long term support for it If you intend to keep using v I recommend maintaining your own fork of the library and keeping it up to date for your version of React Where are the docs for the older v version Please visit… View on GitHub Stargazing Top risers over last daysEvery Programmer Should Know starsTabby starsJavaScript Algorithms starsAwesome starsAwesome Self Hostsed stars Top growth over last daysRakkas Vitest Molecule md block React Snowfall Top risers over last daysTabby starsFree Programming Books starsEvery Programmer Should Know starsAwesome starsDeveloper Roadmap stars Top growth over last daysPico Rakkas Remix Auth React Snowfall Agrippa For all for the latest rankings please checkout Stargazing devTrending Projects is available as a weekly newsletter please sign up at Stargazing dev to ensure you never miss an issue If you enjoyed this article you can follow me on Twitter where I regularly post about HTML CSS and JavaScript 2021-12-31 13:03:19
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News India antitrust regulator launches probe into Apple App Store payments https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/12/31/india-antitrust-regulator-launches-probe-into-apple-app-store-payments?utm_medium=rss India antitrust regulator launches probe into Apple App Store paymentsAfter a complaint by a consumer group in September The India Competition Commission of India has formally ordered a probe looking into Apple s App Store payment system commissions and more The Competition Commission of India CCI issued an order on Friday formally launching the investigation that was requested in September The CCI has days to complete the investigation In a quote obtained by TechCrunch about the order the agency says that it is looking into claims of excessive commissions for developers Apple is said to restrict the choice available to the app developers to select a payment processing system of their choice especially considering when it charges a commission of up to for app purchases and in app purchases Read more 2021-12-31 13:47:37
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple's 2021 in review with Jason Aten on the AppleInsider podcast https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/12/31/apples-2021-in-review-with-jason-aten-on-the-appleinsider-podcast?utm_medium=rss Apple x s in review with Jason Aten on the AppleInsider podcastOn this week s episode of the AppleInsider Podcast special guest Jason Aten joins us to review everything Apple released in including iPhone M iPad Pro inch iMac inch MacBook Pro and more While the first quarter of featured no hardware releases from Apple users did see mask unlock with Face ID launch and App Tracking Transparency features come to iOS Apple also discontinued iMac Pro and the original HomePod before their first big event of the year Apple s Spring Loaded event took place on April and brought new Family Sharing features to Apple Card and the announcement of paid subscriptions in Apple Podcasts Also announced at this event was the long rumored AirTag updated Apple TV K with new Siri Remote inch iMac and M iPad Pro Read more 2021-12-31 13:51:50
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News iPhone 13 supply meeting demand, customers opting for higher-end models https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/12/30/iphone-13-supply-meeting-demand-customers-opting-for-higher-end-models?utm_medium=rss iPhone supply meeting demand customers opting for higher end modelsEstimated iPhone delivery times are increasingly pointed toward the lineup hitting supply demand balance according to investment bank JP Morgan iPhone Pro modelsIn a note to investors seen by AppleInsider JP Morgan lead analyst Samik Chatterjee analyzed iPhone and iPhone Pro lead times in the fifteenth week of availability Read more 2021-12-31 13:49:12
海外TECH Engadget Engadget Podcast: Quantum Dot OLED and other tech we're expecting at CES 2022 https://www.engadget.com/engadget-podcast-ces-2022-quantum-dot-oled-133024275.html?src=rss Engadget Podcast Quantum Dot OLED and other tech we x re expecting at CES We re back from the holidays and gearing up to virtually cover CES Cherlynn and Devindra chat about some of the most interesting new tech we expect to see like Quantum Dot OLED displays and new CPUs And they discuss what the global chip shortage could mean for CES and the rest of Prepare to wait a lot longer for all your near gear Listen below or subscribe on your podcast app of choice If you ve got suggestions or topics you d like covered on the show be sure to email us or drop a note in the comments And be sure to check out our other podcasts the Morning After and Engadget News Engadget ·CES preview Quantum Dot OLED new PC gear and moreSubscribe iTunesSpotifyPocket CastsStitcherGoogle PodcastsTopicsOur second pandemic CES is going to be a little weird What is Quantum Dot OLED What we expect from new PC CPUs and GPUs What will wearables look like at CES Cars and CES Pop Culture Picks CreditsHosts Cherlynn Low Devindra HardawarProducer Ben EllmanMusic Dale North and Terrence O Brien 2021-12-31 13:30:24
Linux OMG! Ubuntu! Libadwaita 1.0 Arrives to Kickstart a New Era of GTK App Development https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/12/libadwaita-1-0-arrives-to-kickstart-a-new-era-of-gtk-app-development Libadwaita Arrives to Kickstart a New Era of GTK App DevelopmentIt s big bold and controversial and it s now here Libadwaita has been released Learn why it s a big deal and what it could mean for Ubuntu This post Libadwaita Arrives to Kickstart a New Era of GTK App Development is from OMG Ubuntu Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission 2021-12-31 13:15:27
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: UK incomparably better placed this New Year - PM https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59834667?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA covid 2021-12-31 13:21:05
ニュース BBC News - Home London teen homicides: Boy's stabbing is record 30th killing https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-59836010?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA previous 2021-12-31 13:05:17
ニュース BBC News - Home Colorado wildfires: Tens of thousands evacuated as blazes spread https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59834897?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA denver 2021-12-31 13:28:34
ニュース BBC News - Home Marine wildlife warning as UK whale sightings rise https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-59839479?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA orcas 2021-12-31 13:19:44
ニュース BBC News - Home London Zoo: 'Cubcam' footage shows newborn rare Sumatran tiger https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-59839623?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA december 2021-12-31 13:36:27
ニュース BBC News - Home London knife crime: How teenage killings broke 2008 record https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-59239893?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA arson 2021-12-31 13:27:12
ニュース BBC News - Home Southampton v Newcastle off & Liverpool have new Covid cases among players https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59792555?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Southampton v Newcastle off amp Liverpool have new Covid cases among playersNewcastle United s Premier League game at Southampton is postponed because of the number of Covid cases and injuries in the Magpies squad 2021-12-31 13:40:24
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 物を入れてもポケットが型崩れしない! Wranglerのカーゴパンツ|これ買ってよかった2021 https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/12/248229best-buy-2021-wrangler.html wrangler 2021-12-31 22:05:00
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