IT |
気になる、記になる… |
ソニー、SUV型EVの新型プロトタイプ「VISION-S 02」を発表 − 春には新会社ソニーモビリティも設立へ |
sonymobilityinc |
2022-01-05 02:35:42 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Appleの整備済み商品情報 2022/1/5 |
apple |
2022-01-05 02:25:18 |
Engadget Japanese |
ジェイムズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡、サンシールドを展開完了 |
遮光 |
2022-01-05 02:50:21 |
Engadget Japanese |
いつでもどこでも、バーチャルなドラムの演奏が楽しめる「HyperDrum」 |
いつでもどこでも、バーチャルなドラムの演奏が楽しめる「HyperDrum」「HyperDrum」ハイパードラム主な特徴本あたり約gの超軽量で持ち運びが簡単、いつでもどこでもドラムを演奏MIDI機能搭載独自のセンシングアルゴリズムで超低遅延を実現みんなで、一人で、伴奏で、多様な使い方で様々なニーズに対応複雑な手順は不要、初心者の方でもすぐに演奏可能HyperDrumハイパードラムは「いつでもどこでもドラム演奏が楽しめるように」というコンセプトで開発された電子楽器です。 |
2022-01-05 02:40:48 |
Engadget Japanese |
超軽量31g。録音・録画・写真・再生機能を備えたディスプレイ付き超小型カメラ「Recorda-V9」 |
超軽量g。 |
2022-01-05 02:40:18 |
Engadget Japanese |
クアルコム幹部、「Arm Windows PCメーカーは価格を高くしすぎた」とぼやく |
armwindowspc |
2022-01-05 02:20:10 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] ソニー、EV事業化に向け新会社 SUV型プロトタイプも公開 「モビリティを再定義する」 |
itmedia |
2022-01-05 11:39:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] TSUKUMO、第12世代Core i5搭載のゲーミングPCを発売 |
corei |
2022-01-05 11:36:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] IKEA、1月の新商品490点を発表 新作のゲーム用チェアも展開 |
itmedia |
2022-01-05 11:35:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ローソン、「ホットミルク半額」の結果を発表 販売数ランキング1位は茨城県 |
itmedia |
2022-01-05 11:21:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] イケア、新型のゲーミングチェアを発売 |
gruppspel |
2022-01-05 11:13:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
ひとり焼肉やトーストに。お手入れ簡単! 即高温・均一加熱の小型グリル「マジックグリルミニ」 |
abienmagicgrillmini |
2022-01-05 02:00:29 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[py2rb] double splat引数 と 実行速度の検証 |
pyrbdoublesplat引数と実行速度の検証はじめに移植やってます。 |
2022-01-05 11:54:04 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
MLAskを使って自分がTwitterでいいねをするツイートの傾向を分析する |
やったこと・Twitterからtweepyを使ってデータ取集・ツイートの前処理・MLAskでいいね有無それぞれに対するネガポジ分析データの収集・前処理TwitterAPIの登録Twitterからデータを収集するために、まずTwitterAPIを使うための登録を行いました。 |
2022-01-05 11:44:39 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DjangoRestframeworkのModelViewSetでHTTPメソッドごとにカスタマイズする方法 |
actionを使って、①httpメソッドの指定②pk主キープライマリーキーの指定③クエリセットもしくはオブジェクトの取得④加工・バリデーションなど実際に何かカスタマイズする部分⑤レスポンスをすることでデフォルトのものとは全く異なる動作、レスポンスを行うことができる。 |
2022-01-05 11:20:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
laravelをssl化したらloginできなくなりました |
環境awsnbspABLnbspnbspECnginxnbspnbspRDS現象laravelでアプリ開発しており、問題が無かったのでSSL化したのですが、ログインするとエラーが出ます。 |
2022-01-05 11:59:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
javascript 宝くじの問題 |
javascript宝くじの問題宝くじの当選番号を求める問題です等当選番号と一致する番号前後賞当選番号のnbsp±nbspの番号等当選番号と下nbspnbsp桁が一致する番号等当選番号と下nbspnbsp桁が一致する番号letnbsplinesnbspnbspnbsp当選番号nbsp宝くじ券の番号nbsp宝くじ券の番号nbsp宝くじ券の番号nnbspというような形で配列に値が渡されます。 |
2022-01-05 11:54:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C言語 配列と関数~関数の要素数~ |
2022-01-05 11:43:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
torchinfoによるモデルサマリー(可視化)について |
torchinfoによるモデルサマリー可視化についてすみません。 |
2022-01-05 11:29:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
会社などのお問い合わせメールをPDFで取得して自動返信メールにもPDFで送りたい(指定のPDFも一緒に) |
会社などのお問い合わせメールをPDFで取得して自動返信メールにもPDFで送りたい指定のPDFも一緒に前提・実現したいことWordPressサイト会社などのお問い合わせメールをPDFで取得して自動返信メールにもPDFで送りたいnbsp指定のPDFも一緒に。 |
2022-01-05 11:27:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python 関数の処理について |
Python関数の処理についてPythonの質問です。 |
2022-01-05 11:19:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PythonでShopifyの商品画像の取得ができない |
shopify上の商品画像メディアを取得をしたいのにできていません。 |
2022-01-05 11:13:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python I2C |
PythonIC無線モジュールでIC通信できる温度センサADTから温度情報を得ようとしたプログラムが次のものです。 |
2022-01-05 11:02:33 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[py2rb] double splat引数 と 実行速度の検証 |
pyrbdoublesplat引数と実行速度の検証はじめに移植やってます。 |
2022-01-05 11:54:04 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Ruby on Rails】データベースを削除する方法 |
mysql |
2022-01-05 11:10:09 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DatabricksにおけるAmazon S3の取り扱い |
SバケットのマウントローカルファイルとしてSオブジェクトにアクセスSバケットのアンマウントSバケットのマウントDatabricksファイルシステムDBFSを通じてSバケットをマウントすることができます。 |
2022-01-05 11:41:08 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Exercise: Loops and Functions |
ExerciseLoopsandFunctions概要Goのチュートリアル「ATourofGo」で、関数とループを使って平方根の計算を実装する課題があったので記念に記録します。 |
2022-01-05 11:43:22 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails7を試す |
Railsを試すRailsがリリースされたので、ざっくり立ち上げまで試してた。 |
2022-01-05 11:45:29 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Ruby on Rails】データベースを削除する方法 |
mysql |
2022-01-05 11:10:09 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Backlogの通知をSlackと連携してみた【非エンジニア向け】 |
backlog |
2022-01-05 02:40:56 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Sony confirms PlayStation VR2’s specs, first official game |
gamesexy |
2022-01-05 02:35:56 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Virtual 3D models of ammonite fossils show their muscles for first time |
virtual |
2022-01-05 02:21:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Guide to model training — Part 6: Save & Load |
Guide to model training ーPart Save amp Load TLDRAfter creating multiple models it s hard to keep track of all of them especially in a collaborative work environment Learn how to save and load your models using Pickle OutlineRecapBefore we beginModel differencesSaving the modelLoading the modelConclusion RecapIn our last part we successfully created a model for a remarketing campaign for the holidays To review the model we ll need to share the model results with our cross functional team and staff We ll want our data scientists and data analysts to be able to access the data without remaking the model every time they close their computer Lost progress Before we beginIn this guide we ll cover how to export our machine learning model and import it back in using Python no prior knowledge is required In part we completed training a classification model so now we ll be exporting it The dataset can also be found here Model differencesWhen creating a model it s worth noting that each time you run it the results may change due to a random value also known as a seed Therefore even when you have the same data the model may give different results when you run it For instance our model uses Logistic Regression to train it which is a discriminative machine learning algorithm Create a model using Logistic Regression Discriminative algorithmsThis doesn t mean that the algorithm is discriminatory but rather it tries to draw a line between our data to represent a boundary This line is also referred to as the decision boundary Then it will classify the data based on where it ends up depending on which side of the boundary in our case it s whether a user will click on the remarketing email Decision boundary Source Vidhya Splitting the dataWhen data is split into a train and test set not all values are guaranteed to be the same each time because there s no set seed In this case each time the model is trained the algorithm will use a pseudo random value that makes multiple splits that are highly unlikely to be the same As unlikely as it seems repeats do happen Source Dilbert To keep it consistent we set random state equal to a constant value For this model I ve chosen as my seed to have the same resulting splits making it easier to replicate Saving the modelTo save our model we ll use the pickle function in Python The pickle function starts by pickling the data converting it through serialization into a byte stream This serialization is a sequence of bytes arranged to form the hierarchy or order of the original model Note that only booleans integers strings arrays dictionaries functions classes and other Python original data types may be pickled It cannot pickle numpy objects unless using joblib which has a similar syntax As for why it s called Pickle… Source PngItem Remember the PickleThe term remains shrouded in mystery as to why it s called pickle but a fun way to remember the name is due to the process of why people pickle Traditionally many cultures practice pickling as a form of preservation and storage Having a longer shelf time means they can go back without the food spoiling Likewise data scientists aren t going to complete optimizing a model in one sitting nor will developers share their computers Pickling isn t only for pickles There s kimchi too Source ABCNews Dumping PickleThe simplest way to save a model is as a byte object tied directly to a variable This can be useful if you don t need it as a file or want to experiment with different models in the same sitting When using dumps with an s the model is stored into a byte object The command to create a pickle file is pickle dump which converts the model into a pickle and places it into a file First we ll open the file with write access write our pickle into it and then close it Remember to specify wb to allow the program to write to the file Loading the modelSimilar to saving the model we ll use pickle again to load our data with the load and loads function Once you have a pickle you can open it up to retrieve the original data using pickle load Likewise pickle loads will take a byte instead From variableRemember to specify rb to allow the program to read the file Checking the PickleNext we ll train it on the same split of X train and X test and evaluate the scores When loading a model results are always the same since it s the same model and data The scores all match so the pickle is correct ConclusionThus ends this segment on saving and loading your machine learning model We hope that you re able to remember the pickle the process of pickling and will pickle and share your machine learning models In the next series we ll export our results stored as save p to evaluate our model metrics more thoroughly |
2022-01-05 02:29:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Azure Blob Storage with JavaScript |
Azure Blob Storage with JavaScriptIn this publication we will see the main methods to use with Azure Blob Storage this example was intended using Express JSnpm i azure storage blob dotenv Blob Service Clientimport BlobServiceClient from azure storage blob import config from dotenv config const blobService BlobServiceClient fromConnectionString process env AZURE STORAGE CONNECTION STRING Connection String Methods for blobs Files Upload Blobexport const uploadBlob async req res gt try const container req body const originalname buffer req file const containerClient blobService getContainerClient container await containerClient getBlockBlobClient originalname uploadData buffer res json message success catch error res status json message error message Get Blobexport const getBlob async req res gt try const container filename req params const containerClient blobService getContainerClient container res header Content Type image jpg const response await containerClient getBlockBlobClient filename downloadToBuffer res send response catch error res status json message error message Download Blobexport const downloadBlob async req res gt try const container filename req params const containerClient blobService getContainerClient container const response await containerClient getBlockBlobClient filename downloadToBuffer res send response catch error res status json message error message Delete Blobexport const deleteBlob async req res gt try const container filename req body const containerClient blobService getContainerClient container const response await containerClient getBlockBlobClient filename deleteIfExists res send response catch error res status json message error message Methods for Containers Folders Create Containerexport const createContainer req res gt try const container req body blobService createContainer container res json message success catch error res status json message error message Delete Containerexport const deleteContainer req res gt try const container req body blobService deleteContainer container res json message success catch error res status json message error message List Containersexport const listContainer async req res gt try let containers for await const container of blobService listContainers containers push container name res json containers catch error res status json message error message Example in GitHub Gist |
2022-01-05 02:12:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Your Guide to Arch Linux |
Your Guide to Arch LinuxHi everyone This guide is meant to take you through the process of dual booting Arch Linux It s more of a set of guidelines rather than strict procedure I m hoping to give new or potential users an idea of what it s like to dual boot your computer with Arch Linux I started using Arch in after getting tired of Ubuntu and since then I have dealt with my fair share of problems corrupted ISO problematic updates bluetooth nightmares However I can say with confidence that using Arch has given me a better understanding and appreciation for operating systems as a whole There are some things I used to take for granted like the wifi menu that comes pre installed with Windows or Mac OS that I had to install and configure when it came to Arch Linux I decided to create this guide for myself when my first installation went south I lost everything because I didn t have my dotfiles backed up So the second time around I created this repo Note Steps are the ones you need to do in one sitting but the rest can be done at your own pace Step PreparationIf you are dual booting you are essentially telling your current operating system to stop hogging all the space on your computer and make room for a new OS So figure out what disk management tool your current OS uses and make a partition for your new OS I went with GB which should be fairly sufficient unless you know you re going to be storing a lot of stuff I used the diskmgmt msc utility on Windows From there I shrunk my C drive by GB This created an unallocated partition which means it is no longer affiliated with your current OS Step Securing the ISOWhen you decide to make the switch to Arch or any Linux distro you are going to need an image of the operating system This comes in the form of a iso file You are going to have to flash this image file onto a good USB or a CD if that s your jam and you still have a CD drive If you are on Windows you can use a software called Rufus which lets you select your USB and flash an ISO image onto it Here s a link to the official Arch Linux ISOs Step Booting the ISOOnce you have a fresh image of Arch plug the USB or whatever medium you re using into the machine you partitioned Then depending on what computer you re working with you need to press some key s at startup so you re transported to the boot menu This will prevent your default OS from loading up For me I spammed F F repeatedly until I saw the boot menu Then I selected the option to boot into the USB Remember if you mess up it s not the end of the world just possibly the end of your PC D JK Step Mount your systemAt this point you are using Arch Linux From here there are actually a bunch of steps but I usually do them all at once It s kind of intimidating if it s your first time because you just see a black screen with a weird font of white text Select Arch Linux install medium to load up the contents of your USB This might take a while The following commands will help you verify that you are in boot mode and that your machine has detected the EFI partition used for booting and the Arch partition To verify you are in boot models sys firmware efi efivars To see partitions like the one you made in Step fdisk lMy EFI disk is named sda and the Arch one is sda I know this because sda says exactly GB which is how much I allocated to it They may be under different names for you but it should indicate EFI on the EFI one and on the one that will become your root directory You can further partition the root directory using fdisk to allocate space for system encryption RAID etc Data redundancy wasn t a major concern for me and I wouldn t recommend it if this is your first Linux build To format your root partitionmkfs ext lt arch partition gt Here is what I ran for example L is for labelmkfs ext L Arch Linux dev sda To mount the partition run mount lt arch partition gt mntmount dev sda mnt Mount EFI partition for me it was dev sdamkdir p mnt boot efimount lt efi partition gt mnt boot efi If you are not on a wired connection connect to wifi Option A comes with UI but outdatedwifi menu Option B launches interactive iwd promptiwctl iwd device list iwd station lt device gt scan iwd station lt device gt get networks iwd station lt device gt connect lt SSID gt Update the system time and datetimedatectl set ntp true Install base systempacstrap mnt base linux linux firmware vim Generate the fstab I have no clue what this is but I think it lets you detect mounted file systems genfstab p mnt gt gt mnt etc fstab Step Get out of the USBYou have successfully taken the image on your USB and mounted it onto your computer This step will basically be the equivalent of cd into your new directory Keep the USB plugged in though we re not done with it yet Change root into arch linuxarch chroot mnt Step WifiMost important step because without wifi you can t browse memes There are a lot of ways to do this and I had a lot of trouble with the ones that are mentioned in most tutorials so here s the one that I would recommend NetworkManagerpacman Sy networkmanager Automatically start it upsystemctl enable NetworkManager Step BootloaderYou need something to load your OS each time you restart your computer so get grub Download grubpacman S grub efibootmgr Download something that allows Arch Linux to detect Windows as wellpacman S os prober Install grub into HDDgrub install dev sdals l boot efi EFI arch Generate grub configgrub mkconfig o boot grub grub cfg Step Set Up Some Boring ThingsLike date timezone clock etctimedatectl set ntp true Set up timezoneln sf usr share zoneinfo Canada Eastern etc localtime Set clockhwclock systohc Also set locale First uncomment the Canada locale in etc locale genvi etc locale gen Generate the localeslocale gen Step Password Set the root passwordpasswd Step Unmountumount R mntrebootNow you can take out the USB Step Take a break because you ve come this far Step UsersAfter rebooting login as root and create a user useradd m g wheel suhavipsswd suhavi Give sudo abilityvim etc sudoers Uncomment the following line wheel ALl ALL ALL Step XorgThis is a graphical server So you don t have to look at a blank sceen all the time pacman S xorg server xorg Type startx to start it Step Terminal Shell Git VS CodeAt this point the steps are very general It s important to do your research to see which terminal shell and editor you want These are the ones I decided to go withterminal termiteshell fish I think zsh is a better option but you didn t hear it from me editor VS codeversion control gitpacman S termite fish git code Make fish your defaultchsh l See all shellschsh s fish Copy the following to fish config file to make startx run on startupif status is login if test z DISPLAY a XDG VTNR exec startx keeptty endendConfigs are your best friend with Linux Located under config at the root level they contain rules for all the customizations you want to make to your operating system Take a look at the files in this repo to get an idea of the kinds of changes you can make Step Window ManagerThere are lots of window managers to choose from I personally went with bspwm because I like binary trees I also got dmenu which is a search bar that lets you type commands or applications to open It can be accessed with cmd windows key spacebar However in order for these hotkeys and shortcuts to work you need sxhkd Lastly I installed some fonts pacman S bspwm dmenu sxhkd Fontspacman S noto fonts Fonts can be managed at config fontconfig fonts conf Make x server start bspwmvim xinitrc Add the followngsxhkd amp exec bspwm Make termite your default terminal by going into the config sxhkd sxhkdrc file and changing xterm to termite Add custom keybinds to sxhkdrc Step SoundI didn t have sound in the beginning pacman S alsa utilsalsamixer c Use the arrow keys to adjust your sound preferences Step Wallpaperfeh bg scale wallpaper jpg Edit the following to xinitrc fehbg amp Make sure it s before exec bspwm Step YayThis will help download AUR packages which are unofficial packages for things You ll need it at some point git clone cd yaymakepkg si Step PolybarI actually hate this part but I missed having some sort of menu bar to tell me how much battery I have left the date etcyay S polybarinstall Dm usr share doc polybar config HOME config polybar configexample polybar Make a lot of changes to example config I was getting unicode errors sosudo pacman S ttf font awesome In polybar config change fontsfont Font Awesome Free style Regular size font Font Awesome Free style Solid size Go through all unicode characters in polybar config and replace them with icons from the FA cheatsheet Put this line in bspwmrc Change main to whatever the name of your bar ispolybar main amp Step Backing Up Your DotfilesI forgot to do this the first time around and lost all my progress It put me in a month depression until I picked up Arch Linux again Initialize a git bare repogit init bare HOME dotfiles Create an alias so the bare repo mirrors your actual dotfilesalias dotfiles git git dir HOME dotfiles work tree HOME Save alias this will allow you to use dotfiles as a command in place of gitfuncsave dotfiles Ignore files you don t want trackeddotfiles config local status showUntrackedFiles no Create a github repo called dotfiles dotfiles remote add origin Step Make your windows look less uglySince I have bspwm I don t have a display manager to add GTK themes to A GTK theme is the overall theme that handles stuff like the panel color the backgrounds for windows and tabs how an application will look when it is active vs inactive buttons check boxes etc So I need a theme switcher to accomplish this yay S lxappearancesudo pacman S gtk engine murrine adwaita icon theme Run lxappearance to choose the theme you want of the aesthetics of my build were made possible largely due to this reddit post that I wish I had found earlier Step NeofetchYou don t need to do this it s mostly fo showing off to people pacman S neofetch Add the following to fish configneofetchNow every time you create a new terminal session you can show off Step File ManagerI m using thunar Step AliasesI respectfully ignore this part because I don t want to get used to an alias and look like a fool when I use another machine But feel free to take this time to create aliases like git add ga Step BluetoothBluetooth can be a pain to work with even for easy to use OSes I ll save you the trouble of setting it up on Arch pacman S bluez bluez utils pacman S pulseaudio bluetooth pulseaudio alsa pavucontrolsystemctl enable bluetooth service sudo vim etc bluetooth main conf add the following line at the end this will ensure your bluetooth headphones auto connectAutoEnable true make a directory for pulse you may already have it mkdir config pulse copy sample cp etc pulse config pulse systemctl restart bluetooth bluetoothctl you should be in the bluetooth user now bluetooth power on bluetooth agent on bluetooth default agent bluetooth scan on at this point you should put your headphones in pairing mode they should show up with a mac address bluetooth pair bluetooth connect if this part fails run the following in a new terminal pulseaudio start it should connect now bluetooth trust bluetooth scan off bluetooth exit it should connect your headphoens at this point if you don t hear sound restart spotify or whatever and it should work if it doesn t open pavucontrol pavucontrol this interface will show you your connected devices make sure it is not on mute and that under configuration tab it says it s connect to ADP SINK or sm dumb The End This brings me to the end of this Arch Linux Setup Guide I ve listed a few more tips and tools that are worth looking into Display Clockdownload nerd fonts iosevkadownload tty clock More PolyBar Improvementsrofi for slightly better application managementthemes Help I updated my system and something broke It s common to update your system every now and then by running pacman Syu but there have been times when updating caused issues such as wifi failure I later checked the Arch Linux News Page to find that the latest update will break for some users In cases like these it s best to roll back to a previous version This tells you the linux version you re running uname a cd var cache pacman pkg These are the linux versions you have saved in your cache Find one you want to downgrade to ls sudo pacman U linux arch rebootIf you have any questions or run into any issue I would be happy to help out Here s my Twitter Helpful Resources |
2022-01-05 02:10:52 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Let's watch two minutes of the upcoming 'Uncharted' movie |
Let x s watch two minutes of the upcoming x Uncharted x movieAfter a give or take a decade in development hell the film adaptation of the Uncharted series is slated to arrive in theaters next month And during CES Tom Holland introduced a small action heavy segment of the film in which he is flung from a plane repeatedly shot at and then hit by a car nbsp If it looks at all familiar that s probably because this plane scene was heavily featured in the film s first trailer ーan apparent nod to the third game in the series For better or worse it certainly has all the trappings of a quicktime event nbsp The release date for Uncharted has been pushed back a few times but it s slated to hit theaters on February now nbsp |
2022-01-05 02:33:57 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Sony reveals more details about PlayStation VR2 and Sense controllers |
Sony reveals more details about PlayStation VR and Sense controllersSony has revealed some pertinent details about its next gen virtual reality headset at CES starting by confirming its name PlayStation VR The new headset will be compatible with the PS and with the new VR Sense controllers It has a display resolution of x pixel per eye has a degree field of view is capable of to Hz frame rates and supports K HDR The PS VR features inside out tracking which means it has multiple embedded cameras to track the movements of your head and controllers Sony has also introduced a new sensory feature for the device called quot headset feedback quot that can make games and experiences even more immersive Headset feedback uses a built in motor with vibrations to simulate in game events ーit can for instance mimic the feel of a character s elevated pulse rate while they re hiding from a threat or the feel of objects passing close to a character s head nbsp D audio and eye tracking are a couple of other features that create immersion The headset can detect the motion of your eyes allowing you to interact with the game environment like you d interact with the real world As for the PS VR Sense controllers they ll have key features from the DualSense controllers particularly haptic feedback and adaptive triggers While Sony has yet to reveal the headset s availability the company announced one of the first games arriving on the platform Horizon Call of the Mountain a VR experience in the Horizon universe is apparently being built for the PS VR and will be an exclusive title for the platform Follow all of the latest news from CES right here |
2022-01-05 02:31:13 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Samsung's portable Freestyle projector focuses and levels automatically |
Samsung x s portable Freestyle projector focuses and levels automaticallySamsung s making more moves in the portable projector market with its new Freestyle model It weighs just lbs and with the help of auto focus and auto leveling features that ll help align whatever you re watching you ll have a lot of options for where to place it SamsungYou ll be able to project content at a display size ranging from to inches with a p resolution It has a degree cradle stand so you can point it toward a ceiling and watch things while you re lying down Alternatively using a base accessory the Freestyle can connect to a standard E lightbulb socket If you want to use the device on the go there s an optional waterproof case and portable battery You might not even need to connect it to speakers as Samsung is promising degree audio Expect far field voice control too The Freestyle will have much of the technology and customization features of Samsung s smart TVs according to the company In addition you can attach the lens cap for mood lighting while you play your favorite music The portable projector will be available for pre order on Samsung s US website starting today for It will be available in other regions over the coming months |
2022-01-05 02:30:47 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Shure's Aonic 40 headphones offer ANC and custom EQ for $249 |
Shure x s Aonic headphones offer ANC and custom EQ for Following up on its Aonic headphones that debuted at CES Shure announced a more affordable noise cancelling option today With the Aonic the company offers a similar design to its premium model maintaining adjustable active noise cancellation ANC and on board controls with slightly more battery life than the version nbsp Though the Aonic will debut at less than its elder sibling did two years ago the new model doesn t look any less premium Shure opted for a combination of aluminum and nylon revising the silver and black or sliver and white tan color schemes from the Aonic The earcups on the rotate flat and fold inward for easy storage making them a decent option for travel nbsp ShureShure says you can expect its quot iconic sound quot alongside a fully customizable EQ via its ShurePlus Play app on Android and iOS That software will allow you to save any created settings for future access The app also allows you to choose between three ANC options as well as tweak the Environment Mode ambient sound Shure also says the software is equipped with a hi res music player that works with the Aonic nbsp As is typically the case with headphones these days Shure is hyping call quality thanks to dual beamforming microphones On board controls will allow you to easily answer those in addition to volume adjustments and accessing both the ANC and ambient sound options The company says you ll get up to hours of battery life with active noise cancellation turned on ーup from hours on the Aonic Plus a quick charge option can offer five hours of use in minutes nbsp The Aonic is available now in black and white color options for Follow all of the latest news from CES right here |
2022-01-05 02:00:42 |
海外TECH |
CES 2022 Liveblog: The Latest News From Tech’s Big Show |
companies |
2022-01-05 02:41:00 |
金融 |
ニュース - 保険市場TIMES |
「SBIいきいき少短の地震の保険」が2連続で第1位を獲得 |
2022-01-05 12:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Okinawa considers pre-emergency measures as new COVID cases top 600 |
Okinawa considers pre emergency measures as new COVID cases top The number of new cases identified Wednesday in the prefecture is more than ½times the figure logged the previous day officials have confirmed |
2022-01-05 11:16:01 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
US science teacher arrested for vaccinating 17-year-old student |
studentpolice |
2022-01-05 02:10:47 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Novak Djokovic: Australian Open vaccine exemption ignites backlash |
locals |
2022-01-05 02:04:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
North Korea launches 'unidentified projectile' into sea |
pyongyang |
2022-01-05 02:07:35 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
AirPodsのマイクが不調な原因と9つの対策 |
airpods |
2022-01-05 12:00:00 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
【Amazon初売り】アレクサ対応スマートグッズがお買い得。Echo Dotが40%オフ、「SwitchBot カーテン」が20%オフなど |
amazon |
2022-01-05 11:15:00 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
船堀「大島」醤油+こま肉+もやし |
味噌ラーメン |
2022-01-05 02:30:52 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
2022 年、Google Cloud は日本企業とともに DX 推進することで経済活性化を支援 |
実際、あらゆる業種業界のお客様が、経済が再活性化する日に向けてデジタルを活用できる基盤を作っておきたいと、GoogleCloudを導入して組織の変革に取り組んでいます。 |
2022-01-05 03:00:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
2021 年の Apigee: イノベーションに邁進した一年 |
プロダクトのリリース情報や、パートナーシップ、ヒントに加え、お客様のような組織がApigeeでどのようなイノベーションを起こしているかについてのニュースを年もご紹介しますので、ご期待ください。 |
2022-01-05 03:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
沖縄の感染確認、600人前後に 暫定で、新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-01-05 11:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
武井衆院議員を書類送検 車検・保険切れの容疑 |
当て逃げ |
2022-01-05 11:09:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
速報 本日の沖縄の新規コロナ患者 600人超えるみこみ |速報_本日の沖縄の新規コロナ患者_600人超えるみこみ/
ornewsokuexplinkcomments |
2022-01-05 02:05:48 |
Cloud Blog JA |
2022 年、Google Cloud は日本企業とともに DX 推進することで経済活性化を支援 |
実際、あらゆる業種業界のお客様が、経済が再活性化する日に向けてデジタルを活用できる基盤を作っておきたいと、GoogleCloudを導入して組織の変革に取り組んでいます。 |
2022-01-05 03:00:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
2021 年の Apigee: イノベーションに邁進した一年 |
プロダクトのリリース情報や、パートナーシップ、ヒントに加え、お客様のような組織がApigeeでどのようなイノベーションを起こしているかについてのニュースを年もご紹介しますので、ご期待ください。 |
2022-01-05 03:00:00 |