Engadget Japanese |
サムスン、55インチ巨大湾曲ディスプレイ「Odyssey Ark」発表。縦配置も対応 |
odysseyark |
2022-01-05 09:55:58 |
Engadget Japanese |
アップル製AR/VRヘッドセットは「革新的な3枚ディスプレイ」のウワサ |
革新 |
2022-01-05 09:20:18 |
Engadget Japanese |
Halo Infiniteのサムライ異世界イベント『テンライ』再開。無料リワード増量 |
fracturetenrai |
2022-01-05 09:02:54 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] コストコ、栃木に初出店 2022年夏オープン予定 |
itmedia |
2022-01-05 18:20:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 香川のホテル「WeBase 高松」が、最上階にラグジュアリールームをオープン |
itmedia |
2022-01-05 18:06:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【異常検知】マハラノビス距離を嚙み砕いて理解する (2) |
whwhマハラノビス距離の計算それでは、このデータweightheightの組次元のデータ群のマハラノビス距離を計算してみましょう。 |
2022-01-05 18:44:39 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
loggingをカスタマイズする |
2022-01-05 18:42:30 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
トイデータ(Toy Data)の作成 |
おまけ次元次元のデータは下記の式で作成する。 |
2022-01-05 18:12:30 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
C言語形式(2の補数)で表現された数値の文字列を整数に変換する |
C言語形式の補数で表現された数値の文字列を整数に変換するPythonでは実行時にメモリ確保することでサイズを意識しないで整数を扱うことができる。 |
2022-01-05 18:01:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
月別アーカイブが絞り込まれずに全件表示されてしまう |
月別アーカイブが絞り込まれずに全件表示されてしまう解決したいこと月ごとに絞り込めるようにしたい現状お知らせ一覧ページの月別アーカイブを選択するとこのように全件表示され絞り込みができていない状況です。 |
2022-01-05 18:56:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VB6にて、小数(Double)から整数(Integer)への暗黙変換時の切捨/切上のルールについて |
VBにて、小数Doubleから整数Integerへの暗黙変換時の切捨切上のルールについてVBにて、小数Doubleから整数Integerへの暗黙変換時の切捨切上のルールについてVBからVBNETへのコンバートをした際に、それぞれの言語で少数部がのとき、小数Doubleから整数Integerへの暗黙変換時の値が異なりました。 |
2022-01-05 18:43:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Matlabのコードをpythonコードに変換したいです |
matlab |
2022-01-05 18:22:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
docker-compose でbundle installが出来ない |
2022-01-05 18:17:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Unity】ジャンプの上昇高さが違ってしまう |
【Unity】ジャンプの上昇高さが違ってしまうやりたいことプレイヤーを移動、ジャンプさせたい地面groundがあって、その上を移動、ジャンプしますコード質問内容はコードの下、困っていることの部分に記載してあります。 |
2022-01-05 18:17:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C言語でchar* strの内容変更ができない |
C言語でcharstrの内容変更ができない前提・実現したいことstrの内容をquotstringquotにしたいのですがプログラムが停止してしまいます。 |
2022-01-05 18:16:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Django] forms.ModelChoiceFieldで動的なセレクトボックスの一番上に「すべて」を表示したい |
DjangoformsModelChoiceFieldで動的なセレクトボックスの一番上に「すべて」を表示したい前提・実現したいこと検索用のformクラスでカテゴリをセレクトボックスに動的に表示することはできているがすべてを検索するために「すべて」という選択肢を一番上にセットしたい。 |
2022-01-05 18:07:20 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
rubyでtwitter自動フォローボット |
rubyでtwitter自動フォローボット知人の依頼で作成要件ランダムなインターバルでフォローする知人曰くBAN対策らしいけど、あまり関係ないような気もする任意の検索ワードで検索して、一番上のひとをフォローする相互フォローなどそのユーザーがフォロー済みだった場合は、そのユーザーのフォロワーのなかからランダムで一人取得してフォローするソースコードfrozenstringliteraltruerequiretwitterrequireloggerFOLLOWCOUNTPERDAYRANDOMSLEEPSECONDSSEARCHWORDS相互フォローclassTwitterManagerdefinitializeloggerloggerloggerenddefclientclientTwitterRESTClientnewdoconfigconfigconsumerkeyTitterDevelopersで取得してくださいconfigconsumersecretTitterDevelopersで取得してくださいconfigaccesstokenTitterDevelopersで取得してくださいconfigaccesstokensecretTitterDevelopersで取得してくださいendenddeffollow検索結果の一番上にいるユーザーをターゲットにするtargetuseridclientsearchSEARCHWORDSlangjaresulttyperecentfirstuseridターゲットユーザーがフォロー済みかどうか判定ifclientfriendshipclientuseridtargetuseridターゲットユーザーがフォロー済みの場合は、そのユーザーのフォロワーをランダムに取得しターゲットにするtargetuseridclientfolloweridstargetuseridtoasampleclientfollowtargetuseridelseターゲットユーザーが未フォローの場合はフォローpclientfollowtargetuseridendloggerinfoフォロー成功targetuseridendendifrandltFOLLOWCOUNTPERDAY日のフォロー数を制御するloggerLoggernewlogtxtloggerinfoスクリプト実行開始sleeprandRANDOMSLEEPSECONDSbeginTwitterManagernewloggerfollowpスクリプト正常終了loggerinfoスクリプト正常終了rescuegtepスクリプト異常終了pebacktracejoinnloggererrorスクリプト異常終了loggererrorebacktracejoinnendend実行方法デスクトップとか好きな場所にスクリプトを置く今回はデスクトップに、autofollowingbotというディレクトリを作成してその中においたCONSUMERKEYなどはTitterDevelopersで取得しておいてくださいtwittergemをインストールgeminstalltwittercrontabを開くcrontabecrontabに以下を貼りますPATHsbinbinusrsbinusrbinhomeltユーザー名gtrbenvbincddesktopautofollowingbotampampUsersltユーザー名gtrbenvshimsrubyfollowingscriptrbスクリプトのパスは人それぞれなので注意スクリプトと同じディレクトリに、logtxtというファイルを作っておくとログが記録されます。 |
2022-01-05 18:38:30 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【GO】base64形式で受け取った画像をGCSにアップロードする |
【google公式】オブジェクトのアップロード補足multipartformdataちなみにmultipartformdata形式で送る際は、ファイルを送信する場合、requestsのヘッダーに「multipartformdata」を設定する必要があるため、JSONをJSONとして送れない参考【Python】RequestsでJSONデータと画像ファイルのPOST送信と取得みたいです。 |
2022-01-05 18:51:47 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【GO】base64形式で受け取った画像をGCSにアップロードする |
【google公式】オブジェクトのアップロード補足multipartformdataちなみにmultipartformdata形式で送る際は、ファイルを送信する場合、requestsのヘッダーに「multipartformdata」を設定する必要があるため、JSONをJSONとして送れない参考【Python】RequestsでJSONデータと画像ファイルのPOST送信と取得みたいです。 |
2022-01-05 18:51:47 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Cloudflareのバルクリダイレクト機能がリリースされました! |
cloudflare |
2022-01-05 09:42:53 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
アノテーション テクニカルサポートチームにジョインしました 片方です |
東京育ち |
2022-01-05 09:17:54 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
10 Popular Programming Languages for Mobile App Development |
Popular Programming Languages for Mobile App Development Designed by FireartIt s high time to get down to the most popular programming languages for mobile app development Do these app development languages differ from those for other product design amp development Let s check them out Mobile App TypesBefore choosing the best app coding language for your mobile product to write the best code for apps deal with the types of mobile applications that exist there on the market There s a choice Native appsThe Native app is an app developed for the chosen OS on the device that can be accessed from the app launch icon These applications are called native because they are written in the native programming language for a specific platform For Android OS this android coding language is Java while ios native language is Objective C or Swift Mobile web apps Mobile web apps may not be mobile apps per se These are rather websites that look and feel a lot like native apps The fact is that a web application is by nature a website that is adapted and optimized for any smartphone And to use it it is enough to have a browser on the device know its address and have an Internet connection thanks to it information in this type of application is updated Hybrid appsThey are a symbiosis of native apps amp web apps Like native apps they may be loaded from within the app and they can also use various features of the device they re installed on Hybrid apps are a mix of web and native apps which means their cross platform and have access to the functionality of a smartphone These apps may be found exclusively on the markets like Google Play and the App Store Just like web applications their platform is HTML They are processed through the browser which is built into the application itself Choosing the Best Programming Language for App DevelopmentLike any other programming language the best language for app development ought to have a set of formal rules by which application code is written Nowadays there are many application languages to choose from The choice of a particular method may greatly depend on your business goals and the corresponding capabilities of the operating system you choose as the platform the type of application and its requirements Mobile programming may easily share lots of languages used for web development Having an idea of app languages for creating mobile applications is useful not only for developers but also for their customers who want to better understand the project processes and know which language to pick best for their future projects So let s review the main programming languages for iOS and Android mobile development here More concepts at Fireart Studio design pageIOSObjective C and Swift programming languages are used to develop programs for devices running iOS iPadOS tvOS macOS watchOS Objective C amp SwiftThese are the key languages for writing iOS apps They are object oriented and make it possible to group similar tasks in the coding process which significantly speeds up and simplifies the work of developers during front end mobile app development Besides you may also apply Now that you know what iOS applications are developed on you can get acquainted with the development environments used by programmers here It s mostly Xcode which is a user friendly application with an impressive set of useful tools Discover more on it here The Cocoa frameworks are written in Objective C and hence that is the preferred language for developing Cocoa applications accordingly AndroidAndroid developers write not only in Java and Kotlin despite a popular cliché There are more mobile development languages to analyze here In fact you may find up to popular most popular that are suitable for developing Android applications PythonYes enthusiasts have managed to adapt one of the most popular programming languages for Android development This is implemented using Kivy and BeeWare library Kivy is an open source library for building cross platform applications including for Android and iOS BeeWare is a suite of UI tools for building native Android apps Let s face it Android developers who write mobile apps in the Python programming language are rare but still they do exist and have great Support from the huge programming community C C C languages are positioned as high performance languages and this is important especially if we are talking about something heavy like a mobile D game But it s worth making a reservation right away that you still have to resort to Java without this language you cannot create a full fledged mobile application The Android NDK will allow you to write in C C only a part of an application for example a library that can be connected to a program via Java JavaJava mobile app development via java language ーa strongly typed general purpose object oriented programming language is a popular thing to do It often takes the highest places in the popularity ratings nd place in the IEEE Spectrum ratings and on TIOBE alongside Python Have a look What other mobile backend languages are often used for Android app development ーJavaScript PHP Java for java app development Kotlin C Cross platformCross platform applications are written for several platforms at once in one non native language How can such a code work on different devices There are also two native programming language choice approaches here The first one is that at the stage of preparing an application for a release it turns into a native one for a certain platform using a transpiler Transpiler is source to source compiler a tool that read source code written in one programming language and produces the equivalent code in another language In fact one cross platform programming language is “translated into another this way The second is that a certain wrapper is added to the resulting code which working already on the device and broadcasts queries from the non native code to the native functions of the system while on the go Cordova and PWA as well as are two tools that work exactly in the ideology of the wrapper You may use web developers for mobile app programming on HTML Hypertext Markup Language CSS Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript as core technologies here Diversity of web app designsWeb AppsThere are about best programming languages and frameworks suitable for web development client side and server side as well as front end mobile app development Here are some of the observed ScalaScala combines object oriented and functional programming in one concise high level language Scala s static types help avoid bugs in really complex applications JavaScriptThis one is an interface language used for creating and developing websites desktop applications and games JavaScript works in all browsers and can work with programs that are not hosted on the Internet DartDart developed by Google is another client optimized language for fast apps on any platform Dart is often positioned as a worthy substitute alternative to JavaScript jQuery here will be a fast small and feature rich library for JavaScript It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation event handling animation or Ajax much simpler with an easy to use API In the world of web development Cordova will be a great mobile application development platform that is primarily aimed at web developers It allows web developers to use web technologies such as HTML CSS and JavaScript to create a mobile application Svelte is a framework Customization over JavaScript offering a radically different approach to building web interfaces Svelte differs from more traditional React and Vue solutions both in terms of organizing the code and converting that code into a “ready to use product Mobile App Development Platforms and ToolsOf course it s hard to enumerate the best programming language for app development without mentioning the mobile app development platforms and tools When coming up with the best development conditions coders often consider IDE Integrated Development Environment This is an integrated unified development environment that is used by them to create a variety of software IDE is a complex of several tools namely text editor compiler or interpreter build in automation and debugger Either paid or free they may comprise great development tools Thus Microsoft Visual Studio used by Xamarin for cross platform development is one of such etc XamarinThis is a popular Microsoft platform C is used as the standard for an enterprise development programming language the cross platform development environment is Visual Studio FlutterNaturally such a giant as Google could not get around the topic of cross platform development of Android and iOS applications Flutter while still only in beta takes a different approach than React Native and Xamarin React NativeThe platform from Facebook ーapplications are written in JavaScript and using CSS like styles The interface turns out to be native and the code is interpreted already on the platform which gives it the necessary flexibility Apart from Xamarin Flutter and React Native used for cross platform apps there s alsoto try for the projects of busy small to medium sized business owners and more Don t miss them while picking tack stack next time AngularAngular is a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications It is also a popular component based framework for building well scalable web applications both mobile and desktop Mobile apps by FireartmBaaSIf we take Mobile Backend as a Service mBaaS it will be the name of online platforms that offer infrastructure and other backend services that improve your application development procedures At its core MBaaS companies solve back end problems allowing the developer to focus on front end development A Mobile Backend solution includes a platform hosting data and a mobile application Wikipedia says These services are provided via the use of custom software development kits SDKs and application programming interfaces APIs Thus to be able to provide the right information to users geolocation sorting filters etc the applications need to cross reference their internal information with other databases SDK Toolkit for WindowsThis one is another set of development tools that allows software professionals to get the latest headers libraries metadata and other tools for building Windows applications for good Progressive Web AppWithin the top programming languages for mobile and web development themes it s impossible not to mention the so called progressive web apps or PWA These are the sites that are similar to smartphone applications not only in appearance but also in their function It s also a technology that may allow customers to install your website on a smartphone as an app Or you may also come across the following definition A PWA is a web application built using specific technologies to achieve specified targets PWAs may have numerous advantages towards nonprogressive ones and the key are Such applications are loaded and displayed immediately regardless of the status and the quality of the network connection Their data exchange over the network is fast the UI is smooth and responsive Such PWA makes the user experience with the application comfortable and thus more enjoyable encouraging him to want to experience it again and again and again From Google s perspective this is what separates the look and feel of websites from native apps nowadays Responsive web programmingIt s also worth mentioning responsive web programming Responsive Web Design RWD is an approach to web design and development that seeks to create websites that interact optimally with a wide range of devices based on screen size platform and orientation Responsive programming may adapt the pages depending on the user platform screen size and device and is an integral part of modern web development It allows you to save as much resource as possible and not to code superfluous elements or draw newer designs for each screen resolution etc In this responsive web design the languages that developers mostly use to build web pages will be HTML for content and CSS for design Fireart designWrapping UpThere are plenty of commonly used mobile programming languages to choose from and create a well thought and structured as well as highly functional mobile app Before choosing the best app coding language for your mobile product or to write the best code for apps deal with the types of mobile applications that exist there on the market peculiarities of the chosen languages frameworks and tools available and so much more There s always a great choice Still consider it to be a mess ーThen better consult expert mobile app developers |
2022-01-05 09:39:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to make POST Requests in Express |
How to make POST Requests in Express IntroductionIn this blog article we shall learn how to make POST requests in Express POST HTTP request uses the POST method and is mostly used when sending some data along with the request to the HTTP server In Express you ll need to enable a middleware to parse the body of Content type application json This enables parsing incoming JSON content in the body of the incoming request Values sent in the POST request are populated inside the req body object A Simple Express applicationLet s setup a simple Express applicationconst express require express const app express enable middleware to parse body of Content type application jsonapp use express json app post req res gt get request values inside req body const price req body price const orderId req body orderId use price orderId to do something meaningful Requests are client constructed values and should be sanitized and validated before use once they get to the Express application SummaryTo handle POST requests in Express we need to enable parsing of json by enabling the json middleware Found this article helpful You may follow my handle on twitter nkmurgor where I tweet about interesting topics on web development |
2022-01-05 09:27:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Create React App - Mind Map. Part 9 of 10: Resize |
Create React App Mind Map Part of ResizeOur mind map chart has fixed size Width of pixels Height of pixels On small devices it looks good But it s not that good on a desktop screen Source code Our channel |
2022-01-05 09:17:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to write a constant in the TypeScript? |
How to write a constant in the TypeScript IntroductionTypeScript was designed as a superset of JavaScript so TS types should not affect JS s runtime However there s couple ways to define constant value Object as const export const BUTTON SIZES SMALL small MEDIUM medium LARGE large as const as const will be removed in the compilation time so only an object will exists in the run time Adding as const will change type definition from SMALL string MEDIUM string LARGE string into readonly SMALL small readonly MEDIUM medium readonly LARGE large Looks pretty simple however it wouldn t be so easy to create a type definition of BUTTON SIZES value type ButonSizeKey keyof typeof BUTTON SIZES SMALL MEDIUM LARGE type ButonSizeValue typeof BUTTON SIZES ButonSizeKey small medium large Enum export enum BUTTON SIZES ENUM SMALL small MEDIUM medium LARGE large Looks similar to the previous case however this code will be complied into export var BUTTON SIZES ENUM function BUTTON SIZES ENUM BUTTON SIZES ENUM SMALL small BUTTON SIZES ENUM MEDIUM medium BUTTON SIZES ENUM LARGE large BUTTON SIZES ENUM BUTTON SIZES ENUM It s the same object as in previous case but it takes more space in the final bundle Big advantage is the fact that you don t have to create a separate type for a ButtonSizeValue because enum BUTTON SIZE can be use as a type of a value But what about case when enum has numbers instead of strings export enum PLACE FIRST SECOND Will be complied to export var PLACE function PLACE PLACE PLACE FIRST FIRST PLACE PLACE SECOND SECOND PLACE PLACE And this code it the same that FIRST SECOND FIRST SECOND So value become a key and key becomes a value… Const enum export const enum BUTTON SIZES CONST ENUM SMALL small MEDIUM medium LARGE large Almost the same code as in the previous example will be removed in compilation time Usage of enum like this const buttonSizeUsage BUTTON SIZES CONST ENUM MEDIUM Will be complied into const buttonSizeUsage medium MEDIUM Looks much better than previous example however there s couple od disadvantages const obj buttonSize BUTTON SIZES CONST ENUM ERROR const enums can only be used in property or index access expressions or the right hand side of an import declaration or export assignment or type query Object values BUTTON SIZES CONST ENUM ERROR const enums can only be used in property or index access expressions or the right hand side of an import declaration or export assignment or type query Union The simplest way will be type BUTTON SIZES UNION small medium large Type definition will be removed in compilation time and complier will prevent us to pass unknown or different strings let fn buttonSize BUTTON SIZES UNION gt fn small fn smal Argument of type smal is not assignable to parameter of type BUTTON SIZES UNION let str string fn str Argument of type string is not assignable to parameter of type BUTTON SIZES UNION Is fast in the implementation but has the same disadvantages as const enum Also changing value e g “medium into “regular requires modification of each usage not just one like in enum const enum Summary Is hard to choose the best way all of them have advantages and disadvantages In my opinion const enum can be good first choice Playground |
2022-01-05 09:15:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
My React and Styled Components Course is now Available for Free 🎉 |
My React and Styled Components Course is now Available for Free Hello everyone I had recorded a well curated course on my react and styled components portfolio site and made it premium I m happy to announce that the entire course is now available for free on My YouTube Channel Consider this as my new year gift Please remember to subscribe to my channel for moreLink to channel Preview the live portfolio Videos Part Part Support My Content Your support will help me to upgrade my setup for better quality content and more videos per month Subscribe Get me closer to k subs Donate with PayPal Chaoo Charles PayPal LinkSupport via Patreon Other LinksI m on Twitter Stalk My Portfolio Join My Discord Server |
2022-01-05 09:15:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Build Your Expense Tracker using chart.js - PART-1 |
Build Your Expense Tracker using chart js PART How cool would that be if we could just talk about our expenses and our app would calculate and show graphical representation of all our income and expenses with history of our previous records as well To add cherry on top let s make our very own Expense Tracker using context API Speechly and local Storage Let s start with the setup first go to terminal of your VScode and writenpx create react app my appcd my appnpm startOne more thing to add is our react version is and we would need to degrade it because our speechly doesn t support the new version of react so for downgrading write in your terminal npm i react react dom Now let s just install all the other packages that we would be needing for our build for design purposenpm i material ui core material ui icons material ui lab for graphical representation and unique idnpm i chart js react chartjs uuidNow for the special voice featurenpm i speechly react client speechly react ui Let s start with setting up the background and basic structure of our app where we would have one component for expense and income and one as main components where we would be adding a form and voice feature to add our expense Make Details js file and for structure have a look at the code below import React from react import Card CardHeader CardContent Typography from material ui core import Doughnut from react chartjs import useStyles from styles const Details title gt We use useStyle hook for importing material ui class const classes useStyles return In th below statement for our income use income css class else expense lt Card className title Income classes income classes expense gt lt CardHeader title title gt lt CardContent gt lt Typography varinat h gt lt Typography gt We will be adding data later lt Doughnut data DATA gt lt CardContent gt lt Card gt export default DetailsNow Styles fileimport makeStyles from material ui core styles export default makeStyles gt income borderBottom px solid rgba expense borderBottom px solid rgba import React from react import Card CardHeader CardContent Typography Grid Divider FormControl InputLabel Select MenuItem from material ui core import useStyles from styles import Form from Form Form const Main gt We use useStyle hook for importing material ui class const classes useStyles return lt Card className classes root gt lt CardHeader title Expense Tracker subheader Talk to Add your expenses gt lt CardContent gt lt Typography align center variant h gt Total Balance lt Typography gt lt Typography variant subtitle style lineHeight em marginTop px gt lt Typography gt lt Divider gt Below is our Form component lt Form gt lt CardContent gt lt Card gt export default MainNow styles file for main componentimport makeStyles from material ui core styles export default makeStyles theme gt media height paddingTop expand transform rotate deg marginLeft auto transition theme transitions create transform duration theme transitions duration shortest expandOpen transform rotate deg cartContent paddingTop divider margin px Now Form Componentimport React from react import TextField Typography Grid Button FormControl InputLabel Select MenuItem from material ui core import useStyles from styles const Form gt const classes useStyles return lt Grid container spacing gt lt Grid item xs gt lt Typography align center variant subtitle gutterBottom gt lt Typography gt lt Grid gt Another grid for Type lt Grid item xs gt lt FormControl fullWidth gt lt InputLabel gt Type lt InputLabel gt lt Select gt lt MenuItem value Income gt Income lt MenuItem gt lt MenuItem value Expense gt Expense lt MenuItem gt lt Select gt lt FormControl gt lt Grid gt Another grid for conatiner lt Grid item xs gt lt FormControl fullWidth gt lt InputLabel gt Category lt InputLabel gt lt Select gt lt MenuItem value Income gt I lt MenuItem gt lt MenuItem value Expense gt E lt MenuItem gt lt Select gt lt FormControl gt lt Grid gt Amount lt Grid item xs gt lt TextField type number label Amount fullWidth gt lt Grid gt DATE lt Grid item xs gt lt TextField type date label Date fullWidth gt lt Grid gt BUTTON TO SUBMIT OUR FORM lt Button className classes button variant outlined color primary fullWidth gt Create lt Button gt lt Grid gt export default FormNow style file for formimport makeStyles from material ui core styles export default makeStyles gt radioGroup display flex justifyContent center marginBottom px button marginTop px Now App js file where we will call and arrange our all components to be rendered on the website import React from react import Grid from material ui core import Details from components Details Details import useStyles from styles import Main from components Main Main const App gt const classes useStyles return lt div gt lt Grid className classes grid container spacing alignItems center justify center style height vh gt lt Grid item xs sm gt lt Details title Income gt lt Grid gt Main component lt Grid item xs sm gt lt Main gt lt Grid gt Expense component lt Grid item xs sm gt lt Details title Expense gt lt Grid gt lt Grid gt lt div gt export default AppNow styling file for App file root body html height margin body background url Images bg jpg background size cover Now Our structure is ready and after these lines of codes our app will look something like this Now let s talk about one of the important things which we will be using for our app is Context Here you can relate context to the reducer where we had a store and all the components used to take data from It is similar to that but simpler and with less boilerplate code Here we have two main things to focus on right now is adding transactions and deleting one Create a folder name context and in that files named context js and contextReducer js and have a look at the below code I have added explanation there context jsimport React useReducer createContext from react import contextReducer from contextReducer const intitalState export const ExpenseTrackerContext createContext intitalState export const Provider children gt const transactions dispatch useReducer contextReducer intitalState Action Creators which one we want to delete can be known by the id only const deleteTransactions id gt dispatch type DELETE TRANSACTION payload id In here while creating we dont know the id so we need the whole transaction dispatching means changing the state of the transition const addTransactions transaction gt dispatch type ADD TRANSACTION payload transaction return This line below means we are sending the delete and add transaction method to be used by the whole app lt ExpenseTrackerContext Provider value deleteTransactions addTransactions transactions gt children lt ExpenseTrackerContext Provider gt contextReducer js logic after doing that action like how changing old state to newconst contextReducer state action gt let transactions switch action type case DELETE TRANSACTION transactions state filter t gt t id action payload return transactions case ADD TRANSACTION transactions action payload state return transactions default return state export default contextReducer Now calling it in our List jsximport React useContext from react import List as MUIList ListItem ListItemAvatar Avatar ListItemText ListItemSecondaryAction IconButton Slide from material ui core import Delete MoneyOff from material ui icons import ExpenseTrackerContext from context context import useStyles from styles const List gt const classes useStyles const transactions deleteTransactions useContext ExpenseTrackerContext return lt MUIList dense false className classes list gt transactions map transaction gt lt Slide direction down in mountOnEnter unmountOnExit key transaction id gt lt ListItem gt lt ListItemAvatar gt lt Avatar className transaction type Income classes avatarIncome classes avatarExpense gt lt MoneyOff gt lt Avatar gt lt ListItemAvatar gt lt ListItemText primary transaction category secondary transaction amount transaction date gt lt ListItemText gt lt ListItemSecondaryAction gt lt IconButton edge end aria label delete onClick gt deleteTransactions transaction id gt lt Delete gt lt IconButton gt lt ListItemSecondaryAction gt lt ListItem gt lt Slide gt lt MUIList gt export default ListNow we would also want to have a dynamic categories list for expenses and income and for that we would create constants and simply in there we will be creating objects of type amount and color Look at the picture below for a better understanding Categories jsconst incomeColors f f f ace bce ed ffd const expenseColors bd bfff cc da dca ec eed fd ffaea ccb fbf export const incomeCategories type Business amount color incomeColors type Investments amount color incomeColors type Extra income amount color incomeColors type Deposits amount color incomeColors type Lottery amount color incomeColors type Gifts amount color incomeColors type Salary amount color incomeColors type Savings amount color incomeColors type Rental income amount color incomeColors export const expenseCategories type Bills amount color expenseColors type Car amount color expenseColors type Clothes amount color expenseColors type Travel amount color expenseColors type Food amount color expenseColors type Shopping amount color expenseColors type House amount color expenseColors type Entertainment amount color expenseColors type Phone amount color expenseColors type Pets amount color expenseColors type Other amount color expenseColors Reset function to reset all the categories if you want to clean themexport const resetCategories gt incomeCategories forEach c gt c amount expenseCategories forEach c gt c amount Now let s call everything in our Form jsxForm jsximport React useContext useState from react import TextField Typography Grid Button FormControl InputLabel Select MenuItem from material ui core import useStyles from styles import ExpenseTrackerContext from context context import v as uuidv from uuid import incomeCategories expenseCategories from constants categories import formatDate from Utils formatDate const initialState amount category type Income date formatDate new Date const Form gt const classes useStyles const addTransactions useContext ExpenseTrackerContext const formData setFormData useState initialState const createTransaction gt For id we will be using uuid const transaction formData amount Number formData amount id uuidv addTransactions transaction setFormData initialState const selectedCategories formData type Income incomeCategories expenseCategories return lt Grid container spacing gt lt Grid item xs gt lt Typography align center variant subtitle gutterBottom gt lt Typography gt lt Grid gt Another grid for Type lt Grid item xs gt lt FormControl fullWidth gt lt InputLabel gt Type lt InputLabel gt lt Select value formData type onChange e gt setFormData formData type e target value gt lt MenuItem value Income gt Income lt MenuItem gt lt MenuItem value Expense gt Expense lt MenuItem gt lt Select gt lt FormControl gt lt Grid gt Another grid for conatiner lt Grid item xs gt lt FormControl fullWidth gt lt InputLabel gt Category lt InputLabel gt lt Select value formData category onChange e gt setFormData formData category e target value gt selectedCategories map c gt lt MenuItem key c type value c type gt c type lt MenuItem gt lt Select gt lt FormControl gt lt Grid gt Amount lt Grid item xs gt lt TextField type number label Amount fullWidth value formData amount onChange e gt setFormData formData amount e target value gt lt Grid gt DATE lt Grid item xs gt lt TextField type date label Date fullWidth value formData date onChange e gt setFormData formData date formatDate e target value gt lt Grid gt BUTTON TO SUBMIT OUR FORM lt Button className classes button variant outlined color primary fullWidth onClick createTransaction gt Create lt Button gt lt Grid gt export default Form For the change in date Format have a look at the below code or you can also use moment library util jsexport default date gt const d new Date date let month d getMonth let day d getDate const year d getFullYear if month length lt month month if day length lt day day return year month day join Next part is to add charts the graphical representation of our income and expenses For that we would be using custom hook A custom Hook is a JavaScript function whose name starts with use and that may call other Hooks UseTransaction jsimport useContext from react import ExpenseTrackerContext from context context import incomeCategories expenseCategories resetCategories from constants categories const useTransactions title gt resetCategories const transactions useContext ExpenseTrackerContext const rightTransactions transactions filter t gt t type title const total rightTransactions reduce acc currVal gt acc currVal amount const categories title Income incomeCategories expenseCategories rightTransactions forEach t gt const category categories find c gt c type t category if category category amount t amount const filteredCategories categories filter sc gt sc amount gt const chartData datasets data filteredCategories map c gt c amount backgroundColor filteredCategories map c gt c color labels filteredCategories map c gt c type return filteredCategories total chartData export default useTransactions Let s simply call this hook in our details file and one more thing to notice we do need to downgrade out chart js package fr doing that put these commands in the terminalnpm i chart js react chartjs Now calling our hook in details jsximport React from react import Card CardHeader CardContent Typography from material ui core import Doughnut from react chartjs import useStyles from styles import useTransactions from useTransactions const Details title subheader gt We use useStyle hook for importing material ui class const total chartData useTransactions title const classes useStyles return In th below statement for our income use income css class else expense lt Card className title Income classes income classes expense gt lt CardHeader title title subheader subheader gt lt CardContent gt lt Typography varinat h gt total lt Typography gt We will be adding data later console log chartData lt Doughnut data chartData gt lt CardContent gt lt Card gt export default Details Now our App looks something like thisI have also added voice feature with local storage in it as well if you all want me to write an article on that part then please write in comments All the code is available here on githubAnd the app link Github leave a start Track Your ExpensesThank You |
2022-01-05 09:04:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Spring — Never Rollback Readonly Transactions |
Spring ーNever Rollback Readonly TransactionsWhen you develop a backend application you have to work with data In most cases a relational database is a store Therefore transactions usage is almost inevitable All requests can be split into two categories Those that read data readonly transactions And those that can also update data read write transactions Spring Data provides a convenient way to manage database transactions But its simplicity may hide the potential issues For example applying Transactional readOnly true annotation unwisely can make your code less reusable and introduce some unexpected bugs What do I mean by that Let s deep dive to find out All the examples are taken from this repository You can clone it and run tests locally Our stack is Spring Boot Hibernate PostgreSQL DomainSuppose that we are developing a system that controls remote Jakarta EE servers Here is the Server entity Entity Table name server public class Server Id GeneratedValue strategy IDENTITY private Long id private String name private boolean switched Enumerated STRING private Type type public enum Type JBOSS TOMCAT WEB LOGIC Each server has a name running status whether it is switched on and type Operation RestrictionServers cannot be switched on randomly We have a policy that should be followed If a server is switched on already it cannot be triggered to switch on The maximum amount of switched on servers of each type is Let s declare a service that checks the stated requirements Servicepublic class ServerRestrictions Autowired private ServerRepository serverRepository Transactional readOnly true public void checkSwitchOn Long serverId final var server serverRepository findById serverId orElseThrow if server isSwitched throw new OperationRestrictedException format Server s is already switched on server getName final var count serverRepository countAllByTypeAndIdNot server getType serverId if count gt throw new OperationRestrictedException format There is already switched on servers of type s server getType If the Server is absent NoSuchElementException occurs If the switch on operation is not permitted OperationRestrictedException goes then The serverRepository countAllByTypeAndIdNot method returns the number of servers for the given type excluding the one with the provided ID If a user tries to switch on a server or a bunch of servers then checkSwitchOn might be called directly Any RuntimeException thrown out of the transactional proxy sets the current transaction as rollback only It s quite helpful in most cases and it helps to compose separated units of work into a solid business case Anyway sometimes this approach causes unexpected problems You see checkSwitchOn method does not make any changes That s why we added the readOnly true attribute But if the validation does not pass the transaction will be rolled back So what s the difference between rollback and commit in read only transactions There is no difference until you try to suppress the exception ProblemSuppose that users see a table of available servers Each row has a button that sends a request to switch on the particular server And here is a thing If the server cannot be switched on users do not want to get an error message Instead the button should be disabled So we need to retrieve the servers statuses in advance Here is the possible solution Servicepublic class ServerAllowedOperations Autowired private ServerRestrictions serverRestrictions Transactional readOnly true public Map lt Long OperationStatus gt getServersSwitchOnStatus Collection lt Long gt serverIds final var result new HashMap lt Long OperationStatus gt for Long serverId serverIds result put serverId getOperationStatus serverId return result private OperationStatus getOperationStatus Long serverId try serverRestrictions checkSwitchOn serverId return ALLOWED catch NoSuchElementException e LOG debug format Server with id s is absent serverId e return SERVER IS ABSENT catch OperationRestrictedException e LOG debug format Server with id s cannot be switched on serverId e return RESTRICTED The getServersSwitchOnStatus method accepts the collection of server IDs that should be checked There are possible statuses ALLOWED ーthe server can be switched onSERVER IS ABSENT ーthe server with the given ID is absentRESTRICTED ーthe server cannot be switched onTime to write some tests Let s start with a simple happy path There are servers and each can be switched on successfully Testvoid shouldAllowAllServersToSwitchOn final var server aServer withSwitched false withType WEB LOGIC final var s db save server withName s final var s db save server withName s final var s db save server withName s final var serversIds List of s getId s getId s getId final var operations allowedOperations getServersSwitchOnStatus serversIds for Long serversId serversIds assertEquals ALLOWED operations get serversId That was easy Let s write something more complicated There are servers The first one is JBOSS and it s already switched on The second one is TOMCAT and it s switched off The third one is WEB LOGIC and it s switched off But there are additional servers of WEB LOGIC type that are switched on So it means that only TOMCAT server can be switched on The two others should be bound with RESTRICTED operation status Testvoid shouldNotAllowSomeServersToSwitchOn final var s db save aServer withSwitched true withType JBOSS final var s db save aServer withSwitched false withType TOMCAT final var webLogic aServer withSwitched false withType WEB LOGIC final var s db save webLogic db saveAll webLogic withSwitched true webLogic withSwitched true webLogic withSwitched true final var serversIds List of s getId s getId s getId final var operations allowedOperations getServersSwitchOnStatus serversIds assertEquals RESTRICTED operations get s getId assertEquals ALLOWED operations get s getId assertEquals RESTRICTED operations get s getId Unfortunately the test does not pass Transaction silently rolled back because it has been marked as rollback onlyI ve described similar obstacles in my article Spring Data ーTransactional Caveats You can find more information there Spring Data ーTransactional Caveats Semyon Kirekov・Sep ・ min read java programming database To reveal the cause of the issue we need to figure out how transactions are managed in Spring The default transaction propagation is REQUIRED So all the subsequent calls to ServerRestrictions checkSwitchOn are being executed in the same transaction The problem rises if any RuntimeException leaves the scope of the transactional proxy When it happens Spring marks the current transaction as rollback only If latter executions try to commit the changes the error that we described earlier occurs By the end of the ServerAllowedOperations getServersSwitchOnStatus method commit attempt happens There are several ways to deal with the situation The easiest one is to force the ServerRestrictions checkSwitchOn method to run in a separate transaction Transactional readOnly true propagation REQUIRES NEW public void checkSwitchOn Long serverId Why does it solve the problem Let s take a look at the schema again When a RuntimeException throws out of ServiceRestrictions checkSwitchOn method it only affects the separate transaction The one that started on ServerAllowedOperations getServersSwitchOnStatus calling keeps going Nevertheless there is a caveat that should be mentioned For every server to check a new transaction starts In our case there are servers So we have transactions instead of one This can be a performance penalty And it gets worse with a greater servers count Thankfully a better approach exists As I stated at the beginning of the article there is no sense in rolling back read only transactions So let s put some extra configurations Transactional readOnly true noRollbackFor Exception class public void checkSwitchOn Long serverId The noRollbackFor attribute tells Spring not to set the rollback only flag on exception raising Now we have reached the stated goals The request is being processed within a single transaction Exceptions in read only blocks do not cause rollbacks Anyway we have to remember to add the noRollBackFor attribute every time we declare a read only service method Is there any better solution There is one Embrace Spring Meta Annotaions Target ElementType TYPE ElementType METHOD Retention RetentionPolicy RUNTIME Transactional readOnly true noRollbackFor Exception class Documentedpublic interface ReadTransactional The ReadTransactional annotation acts as an alias for Transactional readOnly true noRollbackFor Exception class usage However the original annotation has many other attributes isolation propagation etc What if wanted to override them Spring has a solution as well Target ElementType TYPE ElementType METHOD Retention RetentionPolicy RUNTIME Transactional readOnly true noRollbackFor Exception class Documentedpublic interface ReadTransactional AliasFor annotation Transactional class attribute value String value default AliasFor annotation Transactional class attribute transactionManager String transactionManager default AliasFor annotation Transactional class attribute label String label default AliasFor annotation Transactional class attribute propagation Propagation propagation default Propagation REQUIRED AliasFor annotation Transactional class attribute isolation Isolation isolation default Isolation DEFAULT AliasFor annotation Transactional class attribute timeout int timeout default TransactionDefinition TIMEOUT DEFAULT AliasFor annotation Transactional class attribute timeoutString String timeoutString default The AliasFor annotation usage references the attributes from the different annotations This pattern is used in Spring widely Check out GetMapping or PostMapping declaration They are nothing but aliases for the generic RequestMapping annotation So here is the final version ReadTransactionalpublic void checkSwitchOn Long serverId Combining with Read Write OperationsHow does this ReadTransactional annotation usage act with read write queries If any exception is being suppressed can it affect the commit phase in update requests Well if you apply it correctly it can t The methods that perform any updates should be marked with regular Transactional annotation Whilst those that just read data with ReadTransactional Let s make a trivial example to prove this idea If a user wants to switch on the server the validation should proceed If it fails the transaction rollbacks Servicepublic class ServerUpdateService Autowired private ServerRepository serverRepository Autowired private ServerRestrictions serverRestrictions Transactional public void switchOnServer Long serverId final var server serverRepository findById serverId orElseThrow server setSwitched true serverRepository saveAndFlush server serverRestrictions checkSwitchOn serverId I put checkSwitchOn after flushing changes to the database manually If everything works correctly rollback should cancel the request entirely Time to create a test Let s cover this scenario The server of type JBOSS is switched off But there are already JBOSS servers that are switched on So the operation has to fail Testvoid shouldRollbackIfServerCannotBeSwitchedOn final var jboss aServer withType WEB LOGIC withSwitched true db saveAll jboss jboss jboss final var serverId db save jboss withSwitched false getId assertThrows OperationRestrictedException class gt server switchOnServer serverId final var server db find serverId Server class assertFalse server isSwitched The server remains switched off because the validation does not pass So the business case acts correctly How does it work exactly Take a look at the schema below When ServerRestrictions checkSwitchOn throws an exception Spring skips setting the rollback only flag But when the exception leaves the scope of ServerUpdateService switchOnServer Spring performs rollback instead of commit Because the noRollBackFor attribute is not set for this method ConclusionIn my opinion this is the best way to deal with transactions in the Spring ecosystem It helps us to distinguish read only and read write requests that can be composed in a complex business unit eventually If you have any questions or suggestions leave your comments down below Thanks for reading ResoursesThe Repository with ExamplesJakarta EESpring Data ーTransactional CaveatsRollback only Flag ExplanationSpring Transaction PropagationUnderstanding Proxy Usage in SpringSpring Meta Annotaions |
2022-01-05 09:02:22 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Watch Intel's CES 2022 event in under 10 minutes |
Watch Intel x s CES event in under minutesIntel debuted its new chips for laptops ーand a handful of devices that use them ーat this year s CES The chipmaker has announced that it s bringing its hybrid th gen CPUs to laptops a few months after they were introduced for desktop computers These CPUs combine performance cores P cores and efficient cores E cores on a single chip to be able to better handle the demands of various real world tasks Their faster cores can power your game for instance while the slower cores are taking care of your livestreaming needs They ll top out at cores for laptops which include HP s updated EliteBook and ZBooks as well as MSI s new Stealth GS and Stealth GS gaming laptops Intel has also revealed that its th gen KS series chips for desktop which are arriving this spring will be able to reach GHz on a single core Plus it s adding a foldable specification for its premium Evo PC line this year You can watch a condensed version of the company s CES event in our video above nbsp Follow all of the latest news from CES right here |
2022-01-05 09:35:33 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan’s self-destructive immigration policy |
Japan s self destructive immigration policyJapan s criminalizing asylum seekers and stigmatizing immigration is contributing to an existential crisis comprising a fast aging population declining fertility and a shrinking economy |
2022-01-05 18:22:40 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Novak Djokovic: Australian Open vaccine exemption ignites backlash |
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2022-01-05 09:23:16 |
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BBC News - Home |
Covid: Travel firms call for removal of testing rules |
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2022-01-05 09:14:24 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Omicron: How do I get a lateral flow or PCR Covid test? |
covid |
2022-01-05 09:53:07 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
「亜細亜管財」が特別清算申請、傘下に破産した「ファーストキャビン」 - 不景気.com |
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2022-01-05 09:30:58 |
北海道 |
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「写真の町」東川 撮影の心構えパンフに 観光協会が発行 |
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動物たちの悲劇伝える企画展 戦時下に餓死や殺処分、大阪 |
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2022-01-05 18:01:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
コロナ収束後の来店頻度、外食は7割が「戻る」一方、銀行は8割が「今のまま」と回答【電通デジタル調査】 |
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2022-01-05 18:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
国内外のこだわりショコラが集結! 京王新宿「Keioチョコレートマーケット」2月4日から |
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『リネージュ2M』にて最新アップデート「クロニクルIV.神話の顕現」の特設サイトを公開! |
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『FFXII』や『DQB2』などがお買い得!スクウェア・エニックス、「新春到来セール」をニンテンドーeショップとPlayStation Storeで開催 |
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2022-01-05 18:10:00 |