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TECH Engadget Japanese 「M2」搭載MacBook Proが3月に登場?からARゴーグル用OSは「RealityOS」?まで。最新アップル噂まとめ https://japanese.engadget.com/m2-macbookpro-realityos-applerumor-031003474.html macbookpro 2022-02-13 03:10:03
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita jsonpとは https://qiita.com/funassiidaisuki/items/c2136bd73cb552821e18 jsonp 2022-02-13 12:14:34
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Get a Longer Apple Music Trial Period https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-get-longer-apple-music-trial/ trial 2022-02-13 03:51:24
海外TECH DEV Community Build your Personal Brand with a Profile Page using GitHub Pages and Hugo https://dev.to/stphnwlsh/build-a-profile-page-using-github-pages-and-hugo-2fnl Build your Personal Brand with a Profile Page using GitHub Pages and HugoThere are a lot more people are thinking about personal brands and all sorts of extra bits and pieces outside of just plain on being a software engineer these days Recently I created a simple personal profile site that links to my blog GitHub Twitter and LinkedIn and thought that others might find a quick how to useful so here we go I have tried many other frameworks and even different themes I ve done this all slowly over a few months but now I m happy with how simple my setup is and how easy this is for others to do the same The following is a list of tools used to get the job done Hosting GitHub PagesWebsite Framework HugoWebsite Theme Lynx Publishing Action Shohei Ueda s TemplatePublishing GitHub Action Create a GitHub Pages RepositoryLogin to GitHub and create a new repository on the new repository page You need to use the pattern username github io my username is stphnwlsh so my name was stphnwlsh github io Nothing earth shattering here Give it a gitignore file and choose none for the template we ll update it later even throw in a licence if you want to You choose it s your party Clone the new repository onto your machine and we re ready to go git clone username username github ioSome side notes if you manage an organisation you can use the orgs name too Also if you already have one then well tough luck each github user can only have one You can only create one user or organization site for each account on GitHub Project sites whether owned by an organization or a user account are unlimited If you re having any issues at this stage checkout the default setup instructions Install Hugo and Create a SiteFirst things first you have to install Hugo onto your machine I m on a Mac so it was easy as using Brew brew install hugoAaaaaaand we re done For other systems checkout the install page on the Hugo website that will get you where you need to go Next up use your favourite command line tool and navigate to your recently cloned repository to kickstart your journey with Hugo hugo new site You ll find yourself with some new files and folders this is the basic black skeleton from Hugo No content yet but we ll get there Install a Hugo ThemeI have shopped around for a few different themes Hugo is light and very powerful and it has themes for everything You can choose on the Hugo Themes site or a few others just give it a Google I went with Lynx because it was a plain and simple profile site with some nice link buttons and it s easy to customise that s it You can just download the theme and dump it in a themes lynx folder or you can use hugo to install the theme I didn t do that I went down the submodule route it s helpful if you ever need to customise the theme and then want to give back via a pull request cd themesgit submodule add Copy the contents of the themes lynx exampleSite folder to your root repository folder and you have a default starting point ready to go Customise Your Content amp StyleThere are four key areas to customise to make the site your own Hugo settings custom css page content and custom images The first thing is to run your site locally with the following CLI command hugo serverOnce you run this command the output will have a localhost port url in there copy and paste that into a browser and update the code There is a watch on changes so you will see live updates The hugo settings are found in config toml You can set the site name the main image and the links on the profile page here Compare my settings with the example settings to see how easy this is to update To change the look and feel navigate to the assets css custom css file and just start playing around I didn t change much just spacing and colours Inspect the code in the browser and go for it For the text block on the page look at content index md update the text block then update the title description and images for your meta tags and you are done Finally drop your images into the static folder Use the themes lynx static folder to guide you on the naming for your favicons then set the profile image in the config toml This isn t that descriptive but this is the creative part you can adjust however you like and turn this into this Push it to GitHubA couple of final steps before we push this to our repo Add a nojekyll file to the root directory Adding this file will bypass all the default Jekyll processing that GitHub Pages does by default It s pretty old now but still works see GitHub s post on this feature Update your gitignore file to match this one from Hugo examples on GitHub Last step is to add a GitHub Action Lucky for us there is something that Shohei Ueda prepared earlier Create a new file at github workflows github pages yml This will hold out action that will publish your site to a new branch gh pages This new branch will be used to host your site Copy the following code into your file name GitHub Pageson push branches main Set a branch to deploy pull request jobs deploy runs on ubuntu latest concurrency group github workflow github ref steps uses actions checkout v with submodules true Fetch Hugo themes true OR recursive fetch depth Fetch all history for GitInfo and Lastmod name Setup Hugo uses peaceiris actions hugo v with hugo version latest extended true name Build run hugo minify name Deploy uses peaceiris actions gh pages v if github ref refs heads main with github token secrets GITHUB TOKEN publish dir publicFinally push your code up to GitHub and navigate to your repository on the GitHub site Configure GitHub to Publish Your SiteFinally head over to the GitHub Pages settings page to finish this up and checkout your new site username username github io settings pages If your action has finished by time you get here set the published branch to gh pages and the directory to root GitHub will likely need a few minutes to process everything but then your new site will be available at username github io congrats That s all folks If you need any guidance please have a look at my repository there are expansive configuration instructions on the Lync GitHub repository as well if you are getting more creative than I did Have a peek at my site in the wild if you like This reads like a long process but it was really simple in the end just had to fail a fair bit with other sites to get it right Hope this helps you too SupportIf you like this checkout my other examples on GitHub and consider supporting me at Buy Me a Coffee 2022-02-13 03:14:20
海外TECH DEV Community SSGs through the ages: The 'SPAs are awesome' era https://dev.to/cloudcannon/ssgs-through-the-ages-the-spas-are-awesome-era-2mf2 SSGs through the ages The x SPAs are awesome x eraBy Mike NeumegenIn the early s ー while Jekyll was being reinvented ーweb browsers were becoming ever more capable spurring a proliferation of companies developing single page applications However building single page web applications required a level of shared data consistency that the most popular JavaScript framework at the time JQuery was not equipped to handle We saw a number of frameworks tackle this problem including Backbone Ember Knockout and most popular AngularJs These frameworks provided a structure for creating large applications Adding your own event handlers and manually manipulating the Document Object Model DOM is error prone and slow It also makes it difficult to reuse views In React was released by Jordan Walke at Facebook and offered a completely new way of thinking about the view layer Instead of having to manipulate the DOM directly to get to your desired state React takes a declarative approach You tell React what state you want the UI to be in and it works out the details React handles the events and performs the time consuming DOM manipulations on a virtual DOM which is significantly faster as it only updates the objects that have changed on the real DOM Around the same time Evan You was using AngularJs on some internal projects at Google He like parts of AngularJs but felt it was too heavyweight for his projects Evan set out to build a lightweight version of the framework which he released in under the name Vue js Both React and Vue js surged in popularity in the mid s Developers in the SSG community were working out how to integrate these technologies with their existing static site A new wave of tooling arrived soon after this which made these new JavaScript frameworks first class citizens of the static site generator world Gatsby js by Kyle MathewsThe release of Gatsby js started a seismic shift with regards to what an SSG could be Until now SSGs had mainly focused on building HTML from source files Kyle Mathew s vision was to flip this on its head He thought of it as pulling content rather than pushing when you start working on more complex sites you really start to miss the flexibility of building a database driven site With a database all your data is available to query against in any fashion that you d like Whatever bits of data you need to assemble a page you can pull in You want to create author pages showing their bio amp last posts It s just a query away Gatsby js completely streamlined sourcing content and data from anywhere it could be from a static file like existing SSGs your database your CMS or somewhere else All this data is available through a GraphQL interface making it easy to interact with content from multiple sources React was already the go to tool for developers in product development due to its flexibility simplicity and ability to power even the largest web products Gatsby js capitalized on this popularity and enabled React developers to bring their knowledge and components to informational websites Gatsby js was also the first SSG to blur the line between static and dynamic websites by supporting single page applications SPAs as first class citizens It gives developers the best of the static and dynamic Gatsby js builds an entirely static website When a client loads a page React hydrates the page enabling dynamic interactions The developer doesn t need to build these experiences individually Everything is created from React components The idea for Gatsby js came to Kyle while he was working on his previous start up RelateRocket On the marketing website he stated that he “wanted to avoid using anything other than React js By Gatsby js already had over k stars on GitHub Jekyll had around k simultaneously but with a much lower trajectory With this momentum Kyle teamed up with Sam Bhagwat to form Gatsby Inc a venture backed company focused on building cloud infrastructure to push Gatsby js even further Gatsby js made a monumental change in how we think about SSGs and added a great deal of legitimacy to the space It currently powers the websites for well known brands such as Figma  Digital Ocean  Impossible and National Geographic Get started with Gatsby js on CloudCannon Next js by Guillermo RauchGuillermo and his company Ziet now Vercel had “been pursuing a vision of universal JavaScript applications In other words a way to develop websites and web applications using JavaScript to run in both the frontend and backend This idea is also known as isomorphic JavaScript and was first popularized by the Meteor framework in Next js is Vercel s take on this vision Next js started with six principles in mind Zero setup Use the filesystem as an API ーAutomatically route files in the pages directory For example pages about js maps to about Only JavaScript Everything is a function ーEvery route in Next js is a function or extension of React Component Doing this keeps everything modular flexible and highly testable Automatic server rendering and code splitting ーEvery component inside pages gets server rendered automatically and their scripts inlined Each page has its own set of dependencies that don t impact the performance of the rest of the site Data fetching is up to the developer ーFetching data is unopinionated and straightforward giving the developer complete flexibility to work with any API implementation Anticipation is the key to performance ーIn Next js “if you navigate around odds are that by the time you follow a link or trigger a route transition the component has already been fetched Simple deployment ーRunning Next js is a two step process first a build step and then starting it Deploying to Vercel can be done with a single command Next js isn t just a static site generator It s a hybrid framework meaning it blends server side generated pages with static pages You also have the option to run next export to create a purely static website that doesn t need the Next server to run Within six months of launching Next js had already amassed k stars on GitHub Along with Gatsby js Next js was embraced by the fast growing React community which further fuelled its popularity The hybrid approach meant that Next js could power websites that wouldn t be feasible with a purely static approach for example Content rich websites ーMost SSGs will have an excruciatingly long build time on a website with k pages With server side rendering these pages render on demand meaning no upfront build time E commerce ーLarge e commerce stores typically rely on search and filtering to help customers find what they re looking for They also highly value SEO to bring customers inbound Ticking these boxes is difficult for a static website particularly when there are millions of products Again server side rendering gives the developer more flexibility to handle sites of this scale flawlessly Next js is currently the world s most popular static site generator due to its excellent developer experience flexibility and ability to work it a wide range of use cases It powers the websites for world leading brands such as Ticketmaster  Realtor co  AT amp T and Tiktok Get started with Next js on CloudCannon Nuxt js by Alexandre Chopin  amp  Sébastien ChopinMuch like the many SSGs taking direct inspiration from Jekyll Nuxt js started as a Vue js alternative to Next js The th of October the team behind zeit co announced Next js a framework for server rendered React applications A few hours after the announcement the idea of creating server rendered Vue js applications the same way as Next js was obvious  Nuxt js was born Just like Next js Nuxt is a hybrid framework giving developers the ability to serve and deploy websites using server side rendering SSR single page apps SPAs or use static site generation SSG to build an entirely static website Vue js had an answer for Next js propelling the rapid growth and adoption of Nuxt To ensure the continued success and growth of Nuxt js Alexandre amp Sébastien Chopin formed the commercial entity NuxtLabs and promptly raised M “to build a team of Nuxt experts working full time on Open Source and business solutions around it Nuxt js powers the websites for well known brands such as Upwork  design gitlab com  Ecosia and even Nintendo s Paper Mario Complexity tends to lead to further complexity though as we see in the SPA era there are layers within layers ーeven within the SPA space players like Nuxt js saw the advantages of lightweight tooling My next major focus in this series emphasizes what I see as a shift back to simpler times ーand what could be simpler than HTML templates with Markdown content 2022-02-13 03:12:35
海外TECH DEV Community SSGs through the ages: The ‘Reinvention’ era https://dev.to/cloudcannon/ssgs-through-the-ages-the-reinvention-era-leo SSGs through the ages The Reinvention eraBy Mike NeumegenAfter years of recreating and iterating on Jekyll the reinvention period sees a flurry of static site generators challenging some of Jekyll s underlying foundations We see SSGs doing new things with taxonomies specialized SSGs that do less plugin based SSGs that can do anything It s a wild period of play and experimentation that pushes the limits of SSGs Hugoby Steve FranciaPrior to this point the majority of SSGs have been about converting Jekyll s functionality into another language Hugo is a standout in the history of SSGs because it directly addresses some of Jekyll s weaknesses Most notably Build speed ーJekyll is notoriously slow and building sites Hugo is written in Go which is a compiled language and according to its current leader maintainer a “perfect match for many of the tasks that Hugo performs The result is Hugo s ability to build tens of thousands of pages in seconds Dependencies ーSetting up Ruby dealing with Gemfiles and installing Jekyll can be surprisingly challenging Hugo is a binary file just download it and run it The story of how Hugo came to be starts with Steve Francia At the time his blog used WordPress Over time he became frustrated at how WordPress was optimized for writing content rather than for the reader The website was slow and the WYSIWYG editor was introducing poorly rendered HTML Steve was interested in static site generators and took his frustrations with WordPress as an opportunity to focus on both the content and structure of his site He evaluated other SSGs and found the build times too slow and content inflexible typically restricted to blogging workflows Since I was already looking for a good project to write in golang I decided to build my own static site generator called hugo Hugo took some ideas from other static site generators like front matter and Markdown based content and introduced some of its own These include taxonomies built in image processing in custom outputs RSS feeds menus and more Everything is included No plugins are required Hugo has seen success with corporate customers including Password Linode Digital gov KeyCDN and Let s Encrypt to name just a few Bjørn Erik Pedersen took over as the lead maintainer in and continues to lead Hugo s thriving community See our introduction to getting started with Hugo on CloudCannon Sculpinby Beau SimensenBeau Simensen was using Jekyll to create static sites and hit issues he created pull requests to fix After months of inactivity on his pull requests he grew frustrated and set out to build a new SSG Beau had experience in PHP and thought “Maybe I could rewrite Jekyll in PHP Symfony s HTTP Kernel SSG could serve as the heart of the SSG Composer was making waves as a PHP dependency manager and Twig was a popular PHP templating language He had all the building blocks he needed And so Sculpin was born Sculpin has a similar feature set to Jekyll in that you can blog there are custom content types Jekyll s “collections layouts and the ability to extend Sculpin for your own needs Hexoby Tommy ChenTommy Chen was using Octopress on his personal blog and was running into performance issues translated from Traditional Chinese I think every Octopress user must have such troubles ーas the number of articles increases the speed of file creation becomes slower and slower This site has grown to articles and it takes at least one minute to create a file every time He had been messing around with Node js and decided to create a Jekyll inspired prototype using the framework His prototype took the build time on his blog from one minute on Jekyll down to two seconds Impressed with the results ーand who wouldn t be ーhe spent a month building out the rest of the SSG and released the first version of Hexo Hexo wasn t the first JavaScript based SSG but it was the first to gain a significant following It has a similar feature set to Jekyll a vast number of themes and plugins and has the ability for deep customization for those familiar with Node js Harpby Brock WhittenComing off the success of creating PhoneGap a way of building mobile apps with HTML CSS and JS Brock Whitten set to work on a new kind of SSG Harp The idea behind Harp is all the preprocessors are built in so you can write your Sass CSS in a sass file and Harp will automatically build it into a css It also supports Markdown Jade EJS LESS Stylus and CoffeeScript Harp isn t just a static site generator either You can use it to compile or build a site just as you would with a static site generator You can also use it as a middleware for handling assets in a larger application or as a production web server replacing something like Nginx or Apache Where Harp really shines is in its simplicity Sure it doesn t have some of the standard SSG features like front matter and blogging But if you don t need those this is a neat little SSG You can create Markdown files wrap them in your HTML layout and have your Sass automatically build Metalsmithby Ian Storm TaylorIn Ian Storm Taylor cofounded Segment a customer data platform that helps collect clean and control customer data Years later he created the SSG Metalsmith which he used to power the Segment technical documentation Just this week after a year maintenance mode break Kevin Van Lierde took over as lead developer and maintainer and shared his roadmap for future features and patches In some ways Metalsmith is one of the simplest SSGs The entire codebase is under lines but don t let that fool you ーthis is one of the most powerful and flexible SSGs out there Everything in Metalsmith is a plugin From layouts to collections pagination drafts permalinks image processing ーyou name it there s a plugin for that You configure these plugins to process files on your site and have complete control over where and how they re run If a plugin doesn t exist you can always add your own using Metalsmith s simple Node js API Metalsmith isn t just restricted to HTML based websites either on their website they have workflows for creating ebooks building assets and project scaffolding Zolaby Vincent ProuilletVincent gets straight to the point in his announcement of Gutenberg later renamed to Zola Why would we possibly want another static site engine I already hear some say That s a very valid question He initially used Pelican to power the static websites he worked on and later switched to Hugo “for the speed and the standalone binary and he stayed for the instant live reload Hugo was great but he soon grew frustrated with the Go templating engine Vincent had been working on his own templating engine Tera in Rust and thought building a static site generator would be a great way to further his knowledge of the language Before long he had created Gutenberg an opinionated yet flexible way to build “all kinds of sites from landing pages to knowledge bases not only blogs Gutenberg launched with support for CommonMark for content category and tag support automatic RSS feeds and a host of other features that made it a viable alternative to Hugo In WordPress announced its block based editor Gutenberg and began a heavy marketing campaign Up against the platform that powered most of the web an SEO matchup he described as “a plankton vs a tsunami Vincent changed the name to Zola after the famous French writer Zola is now a fully fledged SSG with support for shortcodes pagination taxonomies search Sass preprocessing image processing and multilingual sites The era of reinvention saw developers flexing their creative muscles and really pushing the boundaries of what a static site generator is capable of An overlapping era of static generation was already underway however and single page web applications were beginning to make waves In my N ext article I ll dig more deeply into the web s boundless enthusiasm for SPAs 2022-02-13 03:11:27
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Figure skaters try to maintain focus amid doping controversy https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2022/02/13/olympics/winter-olympics/olympics-figure-skating/valieva-decision-monday-cas/ Figure skaters try to maintain focus amid doping controversy It s unfortunate that it s an issue at all that s being talked about at the Olympics American Mariah Bell said I m really just focusing on my 2022-02-13 12:08:20
ニュース BBC News - Home GB's men claim third curling victory with win over China https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/winter-olympics/60364701?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA olympics 2022-02-13 03:31:40
北海道 北海道新聞 日韓、佐渡金山推薦で平行線 外相会談、協議は継続 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/645136/ 佐渡金山 2022-02-13 12:08:30
北海道 北海道新聞 発見遺体、空自の乗員1人と特定 F15墜落、氏名公表せず https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/645153/ 小松基地 2022-02-13 12:19:00
北海道 北海道新聞 <苫小牧>苫小牧観光協会会長 市町峰行さん(72) https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/645142/ 人口減少 2022-02-13 12:13:28



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