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TECH Engadget Japanese AirTagがTileや他社GPSトラッカーよりストーカー対策が強固との検証結果 https://japanese.engadget.com/new-test-shows-airtag-safety-better-than-tile-gps-trackers-041026958.html airtag 2022-02-13 04:10:26
ROBOT ロボスタ 江戸のロボットが現代に蘇る「からくり人形師 九代玉屋庄兵衛展-伝統の技と挑戦-」2/17~開催 初代作「鶴」も東海で初お披露目! https://robotstart.info/2022/02/13/karakuriten-nagoya.html 江戸のロボットが現代に蘇る「からくり人形師九代玉屋庄兵衛展ー伝統の技と挑戦ー」開催初代作「鶴」も東海で初お披露目シェアツイートはてブ人を形どった木の身体に布で着物を着せ、顔を描き、その手・足には木でできた歯車がしかけられていく「からくり人形」つまり「動く人形」の歴史の原点は古くは平安時代に始まったと言われている。 2022-02-13 04:12:47
TECH Techable(テッカブル) メニューは150以上! 約11億パターンの食事診断であなたに最適な食事を届けるサービス開始 https://techable.jp/archives/173211 muscledeli 2022-02-13 04:00:36
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Kerasの深層学習の基本とコールバックめも https://qiita.com/non-caffeine/items/fc198876b0dccfdb8ff2 Kerasの深層学習の基本とコールバックめもkerasライブラリでモデルを学習するときのコールバックに関しての個人的メモです。 2022-02-13 13:21:57
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 四国八十八箇所 巡り 支援プログラムを組むには https://qiita.com/kaizen_nagoya/items/82f94447fb26a5e8cca5 自動車キャンピングカー以外自家用車、レンタカーの両方を想定。 2022-02-13 13:36:53
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita PHPでお問い合わせフォームを作成する② https://qiita.com/Michi1090/items/150f4cd178155072f44c このようにして、入力欄を空のまま確認ボタンをクリックすると、エラーメッセージを表示させ、フォーム送信を阻止するバリデーションを作成することができました。 2022-02-13 13:10:02
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita jQueryをES Module形式でインポートするには (Rollup) https://qiita.com/yuto-ono/items/64b4dc4b3271cc2f5b51 jQueryをESModule形式でインポートするにはRollup最近、モダンなフロントエンドの現場では、VuejsやReactといった技術が使用されることが増えました。 2022-02-13 13:03:38
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Herokuでアプリを公開する https://qiita.com/mina121/items/8fdc4d8d01f6af0eb642 herokustacksetherokuafrimaappHerokuで使用するNodeのバージョンを設定Herokuの初期設定におけるNodeのversionと、自身のアプリにおいてインストールしたNodeのversionを一致させる。 2022-02-13 13:28:10
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [AWS]CodePipelineを使ったSAMアプリケーションのCI/CD環境構築(後編) https://qiita.com/cloud-solution/items/d9aa282fb5431c5c9a9c AWSChatbotクライアントの設定AWSChatbotを利用しSlack通知を行うにはSlackのアクセス許可を取得する必要があります。 2022-02-13 13:11:38
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita N+1問題を検知するgem 「bullet」を使ってみる https://qiita.com/yoshi-sho-0606/items/949ea50c961d6297cf14 N問題を検知するgem「bullet」を使ってみる個人開発をしているだけの時はあまり意識していなかったのですが、実際の開発現場で何千、何万件というデータを扱う場合シビアになる「N問題」。 2022-02-13 13:56:27
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Herokuでアプリを公開する https://qiita.com/mina121/items/8fdc4d8d01f6af0eb642 herokustacksetherokuafrimaappHerokuで使用するNodeのバージョンを設定Herokuの初期設定におけるNodeのversionと、自身のアプリにおいてインストールしたNodeのversionを一致させる。 2022-02-13 13:28:10
海外TECH DEV Community Streaming Data Solutions on AWS - Part 5 https://dev.to/aws-builders/streaming-data-solutions-on-aws-part-5-57o3 Streaming Data Solutions on AWS Part Stream processing applications process data continuously in real time even before it is stored Streaming data can come in at a blistering pace and data volumes can vary up and down at any time Stream data processing platforms have to be able to handle the speed and variability of incoming data and process it as it arrives often millions to hundreds of millions of events per hour Streaming data solutions on AWS is a series containing different articles that review several scenarios for streaming workflows In these scenarios streaming data amp processing it provides the example companies with the ability to add new features and functionality By analyzing data as it gets created they can gain insights into what their business is doing AWS streaming services enable you to focus on your application to make time sensitive business decisions rather than deploying and managing the infrastructure Scenario Real time telemetry data monitoring with Apache KafkaABCCabs is an online cab booking services company All the cabs have IoT devices that gather telemetry data from the vehicles Currently ABCCabs is running Apache Kafka clusters that are designed for real time event consumption gathering system health metrics activity tracking and feeding the data into Apache Spark Streaming platform built on a Hadoop cluster on premises ABCCabs use OpenSearch Dashboards for business metrics debugging alerting and creating other dashboards They are interested in Amazon MSK Amazon EMR with Spark Streaming and OpenSearch Service with OpenSearch Dashboards Their requirement is to reduce admin overhead of maintaining Apache Kafka and Hadoop clusters while using familiar open source software and APIs to orchestrate their data pipeline The following architecture diagram shows their solution on AWS Real time processing with Amazon MSK and Stream processing using Apache Spark Streaming on Amazon EMR and Amazon OpenSearch Service with OpenSearch DashboardsThe cab IoT devices collect telemetry data and send to a source hub The source hub is configured to send data in real time to Amazon MSK Using the Apache Kafka producer library APIs Amazon MSK is configured to stream the data into an Amazon EMR cluster The Amazon EMR cluster has a Kafka client and Spark Streaming installed to be able to consume and process the streams of data Spark Streaming has sink connectors which can write data directly to defined indexes of Elasticsearch Elasticsearch clusters with OpenSearch Dashboards can be used for metrics and dashboards Amazon MSK Amazon EMR with Spark Streaming and OpenSearch Service with OpenSearch Dashboards are all managed services where AWS manages the undifferentiated heavy lifting of infrastructure management of different clusters which enables you to build your application using familiar open source software with few clicks The next section takes a closer look at these services Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka Amazon MSK Apache Kafka is an open source platform that enables customers to capture streaming data like click stream events transactions IoT events and application and machine logs With this information you can develop applications that perform real time analytics run continuous transformations and distribute this data to data lakes and databases in real time You can use Kafka as a streaming data store to decouple applications from producer and consumers and enable reliable data transfer between the two components While Kafka is a popular enterprise data streaming and messaging platform it can be difficult to set up scale and manage in production Amazon MSK takes care of these managing tasks and makes it easy to set up configure and run Kafka along with Apache Zookeeper in an environment following best practices for high availability and security You can still use Kafka s control plane operations and data plane operations to manage producing and consuming data Because Amazon MSK runs and manages open source Apache Kafka it makes it easy for customers to migrate and run existing Apache Kafka applications on AWS without needing to make changes to their application code ScalingAmazon MSK offers scaling operations so that user can scale the cluster actively while its running When creating an Amazon MSK cluster you can specify the instance type of the brokers at cluster launch You can start with a few brokers within an Amazon MSK cluster Then using the AWS Management Console or AWS CLI you can scale up to hundreds of brokers per cluster Alternatively you can scale your clusters by changing the size or family of your Apache Kafka brokers Changing the size or family of your brokers gives you the flexibility to adjust your Amazon MSK cluster s compute capacity for changes in your workloads Use the Amazon MSK Sizing and Pricing spreadsheet file download to determine the correct number of brokers for your Amazon MSK cluster This spreadsheet provides an estimate for sizing an Amazon MSK cluster and the associated costs of Amazon MSK compared to a similar self managed EC based Apache Kafka cluster After creating the Amazon MSK cluster you can increase the amount of EBS storage per broker with exception of decreasing the storage Storage volumes remain available during this scaling up operation It offers two types of scaling operations Auto Scaling and Manual Scaling Amazon MSKsupports automatic expansion of your cluster s storage in response to increased usage using Application Auto Scaling policies Your automatic scaling policy sets the target disk utilization and the maximum scaling capacity The storage utilization threshold helps Amazon MSK to trigger an automatic scaling operation To increase storage using manual scaling wait for the cluster to be in the ACTIVE state Storage scaling has a cooldown period of at least six hours between events Even though the operation makes additional storage available right away the service performs optimizations on your cluster that can take up to hours or more The duration of these optimizations is proportional to your storage size Additionally it also offers multi Availability Zones replication within an AWS Region to provide High Availability ConfigurationAmazon MSK provides a default configuration for brokers topics and Apache Zookeeper nodes You can also create custom configurations and use them to create new Amazon MSK clusters or update existing clusters When you create an MSK cluster without specifying a custom Amazon MSK configuration Amazon MSK creates and uses a default configuration For a list of default values see this Apache Kafka Configuration For monitoring purposes Amazon MSK gathers Apache Kafka metrics and sends them to Amazon CloudWatch where you can view them The metrics that you configure for your MSK cluster are automatically collected and pushed to CloudWatch Monitoring consumer lag enables you to identify slow or stuck consumers that aren t keeping up with the latest data available in a topic When necessary you can then take remedial actions such as scaling or rebooting those consumers Migrating to Amazon MSKMigrating from on premises to Amazon MSK can be achieved by one of the following methods MirrorMaker ーMirrorMaker MM MM is a multi cluster data replication engine based on Apache Kafka Connect framework MM is a combination of an Apache Kafka source connector and a sink connector You can use a single MM cluster to migrate data between multiple clusters MM automatically detects new topics and partitions while also ensuring the topic configurations are synced between clusters MM supports migrations ACLs topics configurations and offset translation For more details related to migration see Migrating Clusters Using Apache Kafka s MirrorMaker MM is used for use cases related to replication of topics configurations and offset translation automatically Apache Flink ーMM supports at least once semantics Records can be duplicated to the destination and the consumers are expected to be idempotent to handle duplicate records In exactly once scenarios semantics are required customers can use Apache Flink It provides an alternative to achieve exactly once semantics Apache Flink can also be used for scenarios where data requires mapping or transformation actions before submission to the destination cluster Apache Flink provides connectors for Apache Kafka with sources and sinks that can read data from one Apache Kafka cluster and write to another Apache Flink can be run on AWS by launching an Amazon EMR cluster or by running Apache Flink as an application using Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics AWS Lambda ーWith support for Apache Kafka as an event source for AWS Lambda customers can now consume messages from a topic via a Lambda function The AWS Lambda service internally polls for new records or messages from the event source and then synchronously invokes the target Lambda function to consume these messages Lambda reads the messages in batches and provides the message batches to your function in the event payload for processing Consumed messages can then be transformed and or written directly to your destination Amazon MSK cluster Amazon EMR with Spark streamingAmazon EMR is a managed cluster platform that simplifies running big data frameworks such as Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark on AWS to process and analyze vast amounts of data Amazon EMR provides the capabilities of Spark and can be used to start Spark streaming to consume data from Kafka Spark Streaming is an extension of the core Spark API that enables scalable high throughput fault tolerant stream processing of live data streams You can create an Amazon EMR cluster using the AWS Command Line Interface AWS CLI or on the AWS Management Console and select Spark and Zeppelin in advanced configurations while creating the cluster As shown in the following architecture diagram data can be ingested from many sources such as Apache Kafka and Kinesis Data Streams and can be processed using complex algorithms expressed with high level functions such as map reduce join and window For more information see Transformations on DStreams Processed data can be pushed out to filesystems databases and live dashboards Real time streaming flow from Apache Kafka to Hadoop ecosystemBy default Apache Spark Streaming has a micro batch run model However since Spark came out Apache has introduced a new low latency processing mode called Continuous Processing which can achieve end to end latencies as low as one millisecond with at least once guarantees Without changing the Dataset DataFrames operations in your queries you can choose the mode based on your application requirements Some of the benefits of Spark Streaming are It brings Apache Spark s language integrated API to stream processing letting you write streaming jobs the same way you write batch jobs It supports Java Scala and Python It can recover both lost work and operator state such as sliding windows out of the box without any extra code on your part By running on Spark Spark Streaming lets you reuse the same code for batch processing join streams against historical data or run ad hoc queries on the stream state and build powerful interactive applications not just analytics After the data stream is processed with Spark Streaming OpenSearch Sink Connector can be used to write data to the OpenSearch Service cluster and in turn OpenSearch Service with OpenSearch Dashboards can be used as consumption layer Amazon OpenSearch Service with OpenSearch DashboardsOpenSearch Service is a managed service that makes it easy to deploy operate and scale OpenSearch clusters in the AWS Cloud OpenSearch is a popular open source search and analytics engine for use cases such as log analytics real time application monitoring and clickstream analysis OpenSearch Dashboards is an open source data visualization and exploration tool used for log and time series analytics application monitoring and operational intelligence use cases It offers powerful and easy to use features such as histograms line graphs pie charts heat maps and built in geospatial support OpenSearch Dashboards provides tight integration with OpenSearch a popular analytics and search engine which makes OpenSearch Dashboards the default choice for visualizing data stored in OpenSearch OpenSearch Service provides an installation of OpenSearch Dashboards with every OpenSearch Service domain You can find a link to OpenSearch Dashboards on your domain dashboard on the OpenSearch Service console SummaryWith Apache Kafka offered as a managed service on AWS you can focus on consumption rather than on managing the coordination between the brokers which usually requires a detailed understanding of Apache Kafka Features such as high availability broker scalability and granular access control are managed by the Amazon MSK platform ABCCabs utilized these services to build production application without needing infrastructure management expertise They could focus on the processing layer to consume data from Amazon MSK and further propagate to visualization layer Spark Streaming on Amazon EMR can help real time analytics of streaming data and publishing on OpenSearch Dashboards on Amazon OpenSearch Service for the visualization layer Hope this guide helps you understand how to Design a Streaming Data Solution on AWS for a Internet offering based on location scenario Let me know your thoughts in the comment section And if you haven t yet make sure to follow me on below handles connect with me on LinkedInconnect with me on Twitter‍follow me on github️Do Checkout my blogs Like share and follow me for more content ltag user id follow action button background color important color fac important border color important Adit ModiFollow Cloud Engineer AWS Community Builder x AWS Certified x Azure Certified Author of Cloud Tech DailyDevOps amp BigDataJournal DEV moderator Reference Guide 2022-02-13 04:50:18
海外TECH DEV Community Top 10 Landing page website 2021 for WordPress, Blogger. https://dev.to/aatmprakash/top-10-landing-page-website-2021-for-wordpress-blogger-1h86 Top Landing page website for WordPress Blogger Hello UI Fans Today we are showing you some of the best user interface It s a modern design landing page website Every design you see in this article is taken from Dribbble All the designers and engineers have contact details as per the design We are not stealing any design just taking reference for lots of student and developer It is just for education purpose if anyone has complaint about it please contact me JustRunIf you are a big fan of illustration then this website is for you In this landing page website you will find some great examples to attract users and create designs You might have noticed that Outcrowd team is a huge fan of illustrations We think this element of design is something amazing powerful and have a lot of potential read our article why do we think so That is why we use them in our projects and shots Illustrations have multiple purposes like esthetics grabbing attantion storytelling etc The topic of this new shot is a marathon and we picked it not by chance as many of our team members are huge fans of running Check her real and full post gt customui codes 2022-02-13 04:36:33
海外TECH DEV Community Flutter llega a Windows | Flutter 2.10 https://dev.to/ushieru/flutter-llega-a-windows-flutter-210-3dbk Flutter llega a Windows Flutter Cree aplicaciones de Windows de alta calidad con este increible SDK de Google 🪟Sin necesidad de activar flags en el procesoCon soporte de la comunidadCon un motor de C Una capa de interoperabilidad con CComunicación con las API Win COM y Windows Runtime Se agrega compatibilidad a las bibliotecas de camera file picker y shared preferences Y si quieres que tus aplicaciones tengan el sabor windows haz uso de los paquetes fluent ui y flutter acrylic Y de lo mas esperado un poderoso empaquetador MSIX que nos permitiráincluso publicar nuestras aplicaciones a Microsoft Store Bueno bueno Y a todo eso que opina Microsoft Kevin Gallo vicepresidente corporativo de Windows Developer Platform en Microsof compartio “Estamos encantados de ver que Flutter agrega soporte para crear aplicaciones de Windows Windows es una plataforma abierta y damos la bienvenida a todos los desarrolladores Estamos emocionados de ver a los desarrolladores de Flutter traer sus experiencias a Windows y también publicar en Microsoft Store El soporte de Flutter para Windows es un gran paso para la comunidad ¡y estamos ansiosos por ver lo que traeráa Windows “El equipo de diseño de Fluent de Microsoft han contribuido con un paquete de iconografía para las aplicaciones de Flutter en Windows FluentUI System Icons Asi como la inversion que Microsoft ha realizado en torno a la accesibilidad para Windows con la ayuda de un equipo para garantizar que Flutter sea compatible con los lectores de pantalla desde el primer día Como ilustra este diagrama del kit de herramientas de diseño inclusivo de Microsoft Si lo que quieres es ver mas a fondo las mejoras de rendimiento en Flutter esta con mas detalle este Blog O si quiere leer la nota completa de Flutter Happy Hacking ‍Y nos vemos del lado desk 2022-02-13 04:33:56
海外TECH DEV Community Problem Solving for Developers - Javascript https://dev.to/dreamyplayer/problem-solving-for-developers-javascript-311n Problem Solving for Developers JavascriptHey Everyone I m Dreamy Today s problem easy Have a bit of coding yourself and see what kind of solution you came up with and comment down your best solution Given an array of size N consisting of only s and s The array is sorted in such a manner that all the s are placed first and then they are followed by all the s Find the count of all the s Example Input N array Output Explanation There are s in the given array Example Input N array Output Explanation There are s in the array 2022-02-13 04:19:54
ニュース BBC News - Home Winter Olympics: Bruce Mouat's British rink beat China for third victory https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/winter-olympics/60364701?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA olympics 2022-02-13 04:01:44
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ニュース BBC News - Home Hugo Torres: Nicaraguan ex-rebel leader dies after being jailed https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-60365011?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA torres 2022-02-13 04:31:27
ニュース BBC News - Home Winter Olympics: Team GB men's curlers seal win against China https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/winter-olympics/60364601?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA olympics 2022-02-13 04:51:40
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北海道 北海道新聞 包丁持ち、女性襲った疑い 29歳男逮捕、千葉・多古町 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/645158/ 千葉県警 2022-02-13 13:05:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 活況の国産ビンテージ、旧車とカスタムの親和性 レストア+αの復元が旧車ブームを牽引する | トレンド | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/509517?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 東洋経済オンライン 2022-02-13 13:30:00
ニュース THE BRIDGE 9回目を迎えたHackOsaka、ピッチコンテスト「Hack Award 2022」に世界のスタートアップ10社が集結 https://thebridge.jp/2022/02/hackosaka-2022-hack-award-wrap-up 回目を迎えたHackOsaka、ピッチコンテスト「HackAward」に世界のスタートアップ社が集結個別にクレジットしたものを除き、写真はいずれも主催者提供大阪市、都市活力研究所、JETRO大阪本部は日、年次のスタートアップ・カンファレンスである「HackOsaka」を開催し、日本内外から投資家・起業家・メディアなどが参加した。 2022-02-13 04:00:45
TECH Engadget Japanese ピクミン ブルームでもバレンタイン イベント開催、バラとハート増量 https://japanese.engadget.com/pikmin-bloom-valentine-event-050340993.html 開催 2022-02-13 05:03:40
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【2022年版】HerokuでRailsの画像が表示されないときの適切な対処法(と間違った対処法) https://qiita.com/jnchito/items/3d225112a3ac95379b1d ローカルでは表示されていた画像が表示されない画像が表示されるはずのページで、Thepageyouwerelookingfordoesntexistというエラー画面が出たそこで「Heroku画像表示されない」のようなキーワードで検索すると、この問題の対処法が載ったページがたくさん表示されます。 2022-02-13 14:33:51
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Step Functions Localのモック統合をJestで自動テストするためのプラクティス https://qiita.com/neruneruo/items/fb6aa9203d53c4526eb6 今回のケースはすぐに実行完了するので問題ないが、完了までにタイムラグのあるステートマシンを起動する場合に備えて、executionDescriptionの結果がRUNNINGでなくなるまで待機するようにしておく。 2022-02-13 14:31:38
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ホテル暮らしはクラウドである https://qiita.com/jw-automation/items/2fcd6f6e15e470196646 合うか合わないかは、当然その人にライフスタイルによりますが、個人的にはこのクラウド的な特性が最高だったので、ホテル暮らしがクラウドだなと感じた点を簡単に紹介して行きたいと思います。 2022-02-13 14:27:41
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS】指定のタグが登録されてるEC2インスタンスの任意のリソース情報を取得する https://qiita.com/chibiharu/items/f2afaa18679c58becb63 概要特定タグが指定されているECインスタンスの任意のリソース情報を取得するシェルスクリプトを作成する。 2022-02-13 14:07:06
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Docker Desktopをインストールして、動作確認する https://qiita.com/raptony110/items/3a7cb9b6d030d227ff47 Dockerアイコンが表示されていればインストール成功です。 2022-02-13 14:15:42
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【2022年版】HerokuでRailsの画像が表示されないときの適切な対処法(と間違った対処法) https://qiita.com/jnchito/items/3d225112a3ac95379b1d ローカルでは表示されていた画像が表示されない画像が表示されるはずのページで、Thepageyouwerelookingfordoesntexistというエラー画面が出たそこで「Heroku画像表示されない」のようなキーワードで検索すると、この問題の対処法が載ったページがたくさん表示されます。 2022-02-13 14:33:51
海外TECH DEV Community 7 Killer One-Liners in JavaScript https://dev.to/ruppysuppy/7-killer-one-liners-in-javascript-one Killer One Liners in JavaScript Killer One Liners in JavaScriptJavaScript is the most crucial pillar of Web Development This article contains code snippets hand picked by sterilized contamination free gloves and placed onto a satin pillow A team of inspected the code and ensured it was in the highly polished before posting Our article posting specialist from Switzerland lit a candle and a hush fell over the crowd as he entered the code into the finest gold lined keyboard that money can buy We all had a wonderful celebration and the whole party marched down the street to the caféwhere the entire town of Kolkata waved Bon Voyage to the article as it was posted online Have a wonderful time reading it Shuffle ArrayWhile using algorithms that require some degree of randomization you will often find shuffling arrays quite a necessary skill The following snippet shuffles an array in place with O n log n complexity const shuffleArray arr gt arr sort gt Math random Testingconst arr console log shuffleArray arr Copy to ClipboardIn web apps copy to clipboard is rapidly rising in popularity due to its convenience for the user const copyToClipboard text gt navigator clipboard writeText amp amp navigator clipboard writeText text TestingcopyToClipboard Hello World NOTE The approach works for global users as per caniuse So the check is necessary that the user s browser supports the API To support all users you can use an input and copy its contents Unique ElementsEvery language has its own implementation of Hash List in JavaScript it is called Set You can easily get the unique elements from an array using the Set Data Structure const getUnique arr gt new Set arr Testingconst arr console log getUnique arr Detect Dark ModeWith the rising popularity of dark mode it is ideal to switch your app to dark mode if the user has it enabled in their device Luckily media queries can be utilized for making the task a walk in the park const isDarkMode gt window matchMedia amp amp window matchMedia prefers color scheme dark matches Testingconsole log isDarkMode As per caniuse the support of matchMedia is Scroll To TopBeginners very often find themselves struggling with scrolling elements into view properly The easiest way to scroll elements is to use the scrollIntoView method Add behavior smooth for a smooth scrolling animation const scrollToTop element gt element scrollIntoView behavior smooth block start Scroll To BottomJust like the scrollToTop method the scrollToBottom method can easily be implemented using the scrollIntoView method only by switching the block value to endconst scrollToBottom element gt element scrollIntoView behavior smooth block end Generate Random ColorDoes your application rely on random color generation Look no further the following snippet got you covered const generateRandomHexColor gt Math floor Math random xffffff toString Thanks for readingNeed a Top Rated Front End Development Freelancer to chop away your development woes Contact me on UpworkWant to see what I am working on Check out my Personal Website and GitHubWant to connect Reach out to me on LinkedInI am a freelancer who will start off as a Digital Nomad in mid Want to catch the journey Follow me on InstagramFollow my blogs for Weekly new Tidbits on DevFAQThese are a few commonly asked questions I get So I hope this FAQ section solves your issues I am a beginner how should I learn Front End Web Dev Look into the following articles Front End Development RoadmapFront End Project Ideas 2022-02-13 05:49:32
海外TECH DEV Community Roadmap to become a web3 developer https://dev.to/darshancodes/roadmap-to-become-a-web3-developer-412j Roadmap to become a web developerHello there everyone I m Darshan and i m here today to explain you a complete fresh roadmap about web So lot of you guys have heard about web as it is in the trend right now and each and everyone is trying the space of web So Let s start with this complete roadmap Let s goo Learn the fundamentalsSo first of all you need to understand the basics of web like what technologies it has what is it and this basic things once the fundamentals are clear you can start observing some latest technologies it has to work with like Blockchain Solidity Solana and etc You also need to learn about backend for next generation decentralised applications DApps Learn decentralised webAfter learning about the blockchain the nodes the consensus and all the major components of this technology you will start to ask yourself What kind of applications can I develop using blockchain The applications built on top of Blockchain are called Decentralized applications or DApps Learn more hereLearn about Smart ContractsSmart contract is simply a program that runs on the Ethereum blockchain It s a collection of code its functions and data its state that resides at a specific address on the Ethereum blockchain It means they have a balance amp they can send transactions over the network However if they re not controlled by a user then they are deployed to the network Learn Frontend amp Backend web developmentAlright so as for the development of your web app we d need to work on the frontend with technologies like ReactJS or NextJS and you should be able to work on them Also decentralized application backends are very different from “standard application backends starting with the fact that blockchain technology is used as the main source of decentralized data storage while standard backends often use databases or data storage Learn SoliditySolidity is an object oriented high level programming language used to create smart contracts that automate transactions on the blockchain Solidity is statically typed supports inheritance libraries and complex user defined types among other featuresWith Solidity you can create contracts for uses such as voting crowdfunding blind auctions and multi signature wallets Here you go with the better understanding of itLearn how you can connect decentralised app ether js or web jsThe ethers js library aims to be a complete and compact library for interacting with the Ethereum Blockchain and its ecosystem It keeps your private keys in your client safe and sound While web js is a collection of libraries that allow you to interact with a local or remote ethereum node using HTTP IPC or WebSocket To do so you can choose between the two JavaScript Libraries Introduction to web jsIntroduction to ether jsAlso one more last thing that you never want to forgot is that Practice Practice and PracticeIf you find this article helpful make sure to like this and send this with you friends whom this article would be helpful And if you want to read even more content feel free to visit me on twitterThank You Darshan 2022-02-13 05:13:52
海外TECH DEV Community Make a beating heart using CSS: beginner-friendly tutorial https://dev.to/larainnepasion/make-a-beating-heart-using-css-beginner-friendly-tutorial-25ff Make a beating heart using CSS beginner friendly tutorialDid Valentine s Day slip your mind this year You re probably not the only one You could go the ol procrastinator s route and buy your significant other some last minute chocolate or flowers Or you could build them something quick and simple but still makes them think “Dang I m in love with a thoughtful genius Enter a beating heart animation made with CSS CSS art can be complex and daunting but the foundation of this easy tutorial is just a couple of shapes a square and two circles We start by creating a div in our HTML I gave mine a class of heart just to really solidify that s what we re making and what we risk breaking if we don t give our loved ones anything for Valentine s lt div class heart gt lt div gt Let s make sure this heart is centered on the page In your CSS set the body the container of the heart to display flex and center the content inside it using the justify content and align items properties body display flex justify content center align items center height vh Next let s give the div some color and dimensions I chose a classic red and set the height and width to pixels each Regardless of how big you make your heart the height and width should be equal so you end up with a square Rotate this square degrees to get the pointed end on the bottom of the heart heart height px width px background color red transform rotate deg position relative To create the circles that form the top of the heart we use the before and after pseudo elements to generate two new shapes Set them to the same height width and color as the original element and give them a border radius of to turn them into circles Set their position to absolute heart before heart after content height px width px background color red border radius position absolute Now that we have these circles we need to move them into place to create a heart Bring the heart before pseudo element halfway up from its starting position by offsetting it pixels or half of however tall your heart before is from the top Notice that it moves diagonally toward the top left of the screen because of how the original heart element was rotated degrees To complete the heart bring the heart after pseudo element halfway to the right of its starting position by offsetting it px from the left heart before top px left px heart after left px top px Time for the fun part let s make this baby beat We ll use the keyframes and name the animation heartbeat Let s transform the heart to grow x its original size when the animation is through its duration and then grow even bigger when the animation is of the way through This change in size should give us that beating effect Make sure you keep the degrees rotation in your transform property so your heart doesn t tilt during the animation keyframes heartbeat transform scale rotate deg transform scale rotate deg transform scale rotate deg The last thing we need to do now is define the duration and iteration count for our animation Let s go back to our heart element and set the animation property to specify our heartbeat animation Then let s set the duration to second and give it an infinite loop heart height px width px background color red transform rotate deg position relative animation heartbeat s infinite And there you have it a CSS heart animation that will beat as infinitely as your love will hopefully last Happy Valentine s Day 2022-02-13 05:11:13
ニュース BBC News - Home Winter Olympics: Kamila Valieva's entourage under scrutiny as IOC asks Wada to investigate https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/winter-olympics/60364731?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Winter Olympics Kamila Valieva x s entourage under scrutiny as IOC asks Wada to investigateScrutiny of those around Kamila Valieva increases with the International Olympic Committee formally asking the World Anti Doping Agency to investigate the teen s entourage 2022-02-13 05:53:05
ニュース BBC News - Home The Papers: Russia's 'false flag' plot, and a 'whiff of Munich' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-60364361?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA ukraine 2022-02-13 05:19:54
北海道 北海道新聞 札幌・モエレ沼公園の雪山に亀裂 雪崩の恐れ、当面立ち入り禁止 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/645154/ 札幌市東区 2022-02-13 14:19:21
海外TECH reddit How to be successful in Japan after recovering from depression? https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/sraptp/how_to_be_successful_in_japan_after_recovering/ How to be successful in Japan after recovering from depression I m a m hafu living in Tokyo I suffer from depression and anxiety since I was a little kid because of bullying My dad s from Spain and my mom is Japanese My mom loves me but I feel she s ashamed of me being a neet something that make my dad really mad I prefer Spanish culture and people over the Japanese but I can t go to Spain because there are low opportunities for young people I didn t go to college here because my depression didn t let me study so I couldn t pass an university test I ve been a neet for years inside my home wanting to died every single day until last year I started recovering My parents tried to help me and found me some jobs but there was a lot of power harassment and made my depression worse and had to quit that s why I m so afraid of working in Japan Last year and this year I started to push hardly on my self improvement journey and started to become more and more motivated to live I m motivated to do stuff and now I have the habit of exercising and study English I want to get into cinematography but I m lost and don t know how to start Do I need a college degree I m so lost and I have the feeling that people will not employ me for my age and background Should I get a job What would you guys do in my situation Is it better to go to Spain and try there Everything that happened in my life is all my fault but I ve been recovering and want to make things right My process of self improvement is going slow but it has helped me more than medication Now that I want to live and do the things I love I feel like I can start from zero at But sometimes I feel I m too old to be successful specially here in Japan Sorry if I made weird English mistakes I know there is a lot of info I haven t wrote so few free to ask if you are interested submitted by u spacetitor to r japanlife link comments 2022-02-13 05:05:45



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