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IT 気になる、記になる… 「iMac 24インチ」の143W電源アダプタの分解レポート https://taisy0.com/2022/02/13/151980.html apple 2022-02-13 09:08:04
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScriptのメソッド(forEach,map,filter)の違い https://qiita.com/yasu2450_tech/items/884faf1064dec163aa52 今回の記事は、私がUdemyでReactjsの講座を受講しており、JavaScriptのメソッドforEachmapfilterについて復習したため、学習のアウトプットとして記載させて頂きます。 2022-02-13 18:15:38
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS Cloud9 に PHP 開発環境構築 (moodle) https://qiita.com/Kakimoty_Field/items/c65a7bd5f9cbf3a5d8fb awscloudcreateenvironmentecnameMoodleDevinstancetypetsmallimageidamazonlinuxxsubnetidsubnetxxxxxxxxxxxxx環境設定以下の作業はCloudのTerminalで行うタイムゾーン設定タイムゾーンを日本に変更しますsudotimedatectlsettimezoneAsiaTokyo設定を確認しますdateSunFebJSTPHP環境設定インストールされているPHPはなので、をインストールします。 2022-02-13 18:28:19
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 有名なコンテナレジストリの認証コマンドとイメージ名規則まとめ https://qiita.com/hankehly/items/662460dcae3b9689e371 イメージをプッシュするために、PATにwritepackagesのスコープを追加する必要があります。 2022-02-13 18:09:20
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Apple シリコン搭載の Mac で Docker が起動と停止を繰り返す時の解消方法 https://qiita.com/hankehly/items/c4010592581224741f00 settingsjsonファイルでCPUをに戻してみてください、起動するようになるはずです。 2022-02-13 18:10:51
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 有名なコンテナレジストリの認証コマンドとイメージ名規則まとめ https://qiita.com/hankehly/items/662460dcae3b9689e371 イメージをプッシュするために、PATにwritepackagesのスコープを追加する必要があります。 2022-02-13 18:09:20
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 有名なコンテナレジストリの認証コマンドとイメージ名規則まとめ https://qiita.com/hankehly/items/662460dcae3b9689e371 イメージをプッシュするために、PATにwritepackagesのスコープを追加する必要があります。 2022-02-13 18:09:20
技術ブログ Developers.IO OktaとAWS SSOを使った属性値によるアクセスコントロールを試してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aws-okta-attributes/ awssso 2022-02-13 09:18:38
海外TECH DEV Community How do React Fragments work under the hood? https://dev.to/fromaline/how-do-react-fragments-work-under-the-hood-36n5 How do React Fragments work under the hood React aims to stay neat and clean that s why fragments are out there They allow getting rid of excess wrappers while rendering multiple elements That s pretty cool but how do they work under the hood React Fragment is just a React Element of a special type JSX is a syntax sugar for calling React createElementThis function expects only three possible groups of types tag name for basic HTML elementsclass function for user defined componentsReact fragment type what you writeconst Items gt return lt gt lt li gt First element lt li gt lt li gt Second element lt li gt lt li gt Third element lt li gt lt gt what React gets after babel transpilationconst Items gt return React createElement React Fragment null React createElement li null First element React createElement li null Second element React createElement li null Third element How does React work with fragments After all there are no corresponding DOM elements React doesn t need real DOM elements to deal with fragments It forms a virtual DOM instead Items return this type Symbol react fragment key null ref null props children type li key null ref null props children First element ReactDOM in turn ignores fragments and renders all children without any wrappers Verify that it works yourself Go to reactjs org and paste the Items component If DOM looks the same as here you ve done a great job lt div id gatsby gt lt li gt First element lt li gt lt li gt Second element lt li gt lt li gt Third element lt li gt lt div gt P S Follow me on Twitter for more content like this Nick React tinkerer ️ fromaline I ve just finished my first side project thanks to the tips from founders on Twitter Focused on solving micro problemKept things simpleResisted the urge of adding more features straight awayDidn t buy a custom domain firstemojify bullet list netlify app AM Feb 2022-02-13 09:33:09
海外TECH DEV Community Python dictionary and dictionary methods https://dev.to/baransel/python-dictionary-and-dictionary-methods-320a Python dictionary and dictionary methodsSign up to my newsletter What is Dictionary We have said that there are mutable modifiable data types that contain different data types such as Tuple and List data types in dictionaries and are shown with curly braces Dictionaries are a little different because Dictionaries consist of two parts keys and values value part can contain all data type but keys part can only be of string and int type How to Use Dictionaries Before I show its usage Lets explain why dictionary Imagine that you are making an English dictionary how would it be without a database You have to write an if condition for each word Each word is a conditional cycle which makes the program tiring Let me show you with an example Romanian Dictionary Application word input Enter the english word if word Computer print Calculator elif word School print Şcoală elif word Memory print Memorie elif word House print Casa elif word Bus print Autobuz elif word Car print Mașină You will probably have written code like this Let s write the same application with Dictionaries Romanian Dictionary Application word input Enter the english word dictionary Computer Calculator School Şcoală Memory Memorie House Casa Bus Autobuz Car Mașină In this way you will have written more neat and readable code and since Dictionaries are mutable modifiable data types they can be easily added deleted changed etc we can do the work Accessing Dictionary ItemsDictionaries are based on key value relationships and every value has a key value Then we can reach the value with the key we know Let s give an example right away dictionary Computer Calculator School Şcoală Memory Memorie House Casa Bus Autobuz Car Mașină print dictionary Computer Calculator Dictionary MethodsLet s list the dictionary methods immediately class contains delattr delitem dir doc eq format ge getattribute getitem gt hash init iter le len lt ne new reduce reduce ex repr setattr setitem sizeof str subclasshook clear copy fromkeys get items keys pop popitem setdefault update values If we omit X private methods clear copy fromkeys get items keys pop popitem setdefault update values We will cover their methods keys MethodContinue this post on my blog Python dictionary and dictionary methods Sign up to my newsletter 2022-02-13 09:27:40
海外TECH DEV Community Higher Order Functions https://dev.to/aninarafath6/higher-order-functions-3b8b Higher Order FunctionsWhat Is Higher order function In dart programming language can accept a function as an argument this type of functions is called higher order functions for example void printUser String Function getUser getting user maybe it s from api like etc String user getUser and print the user print user Here the PrintUser is a higher order function because printUser function is accept a function named getUser as an argument that void printUser String Function getUser The functions are first class citizens in dart programming language because They can be assigned to a variable passed as an argument to another function returned from a function stored in other Data collections and created in any scope What is callback function this function called higher order function void higherOrderFunction String Function callbackFunction this function called callback function generally callbackFunction A function passed as the argument of another function this kind of function is called callback functions and which function is accepted the callback function that function is called higher order function 2022-02-13 09:24:05
ニュース BBC News - Home Sadiq Khan: New Met boss must have robust plan on culture problems https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-60365947?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA cultural 2022-02-13 09:56:11



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