Engadget Japanese |
地味なのに中毒性がエグい……突如ブームになった「Vampire Survivors」をプレイ |
vampiresurvivors |
2022-02-24 10:30:37 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] テレワーク普及で配線器具の発火事故が増加 未然に防ぐ5つのポイントは |
itmedia |
2022-02-24 19:25:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] So-net 光で7時間越えの通信障害、復旧めど立たず 神奈川県でのみ発生 |
itmedianewssonet |
2022-02-24 19:25:00 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Nature Remo Cloud API + Lambdaで温度を記録して折れ線グラフを表示する自分ち専用のAndroidアプリを作った |
経緯我が家ではNatureRemoというスマートリモコンを使っており、Alexaやスマホアプリ経由でいろんな家電を操作できるようにしているそのNatureRemoではNatureRemoCloudAPIというものが提供されており、HTTPで簡単に情報が取れるらしい最近エアコン暖房がついててもたいしてあったかくない気がするNatureRemoに搭載されている温度センサーの値と、エアコンの稼働状況をAPIから定期的に取得し、保存して見える化すればエアコンが本当に調子が悪いのかわかるのでは単純に室温の変化が見えたら面白そう気象庁ホームページのリニューアルでアメダスのデータも簡単に取れるようになったらしいのでついでに外気温も取得してみようつくったものAWSLambdaで動くバッチRemoBatchCloudWatchEventsで分おきに動作させるNatureRemoから室内気温、エアコンがついているorいない、動作モード冷房か暖房か、エアコンの設定温度を取得同時に気象庁HPのアメダスデータから外気温を取得それらをDynamoDBに保存AWSLambdaAPIGatewayによるデータ取得APIGetRemoInfoDynamoDBに保存したデータを取得するためのAPIリクエストでいつからいつまでのデータを取得したいか指定し、JSONでその期間内のデータを返す折れ線グラフを表示するAndroidアプリRemoTemperatureViewer上記GetRemoInfoAPIを叩き、取得したJSONから折れ線グラフを表示するRemoBatchコード年末年始に作成。 |
2022-02-24 19:09:08 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptの小技集 |
JavaScriptの小技集テンプレート文字列constnamehogeconstageconstmessage私はnameです。 |
2022-02-24 19:27:04 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Powershell】ALBのリスナールールのプライオリティ値を変更しSorryページへ切り替えるps1を作成 |
settingconf設定ファイル実行ログの保管先パスを指定OutputPass対象ALBのTagNameを指定ALBNameリスナーポートを取得LISTENERPortリスナールールの現在のプライオリティ値を指定PriorityBeforeリスナールールの変更後のプライオリティ値を指定PriorityAfterAWSクレデンシャル生成EnvAWSACCESSKEYIDEnvAWSSECRETACCESSKEYEnvAWSDEFAULTREGION手順メインスクリプトの設定ファイルのパスを指定するSwitchListenerRulePriorityps略設定ファイルsettinginiパスSettingFile略手順メインスクリプトを実行するSwitchListenerRulePriorityps手順実行ログを確認し、スクリプトが正常に終了していることを確認する。 |
2022-02-24 19:54:32 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GKE上にhelmを使ってOpenVPNサーバーを構築する方法 |
作成をクリック標準モードの構成をクリック作成をクリックkubernetesクラスターが作成されますksovpnで作成しましたクラスター名をクリックCLOUDSHELLに接続します。 |
2022-02-24 19:22:30 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Azure】Key Vaultのシークレット情報をAKSで取得する |
MS公式ドキュメントである「AKSクラスターでシークレットストアCSIドライバーのためにAzureKeyVaultプロバイダーを使用する」を参考にして構築したのですが、複数の記事を読んだり、一部コマンドが修正されていないなど苦戦した部分もありました。 |
2022-02-24 19:48:42 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
YouTubeDataAPIを用いた複数チャンネルのライブ配信ステータス取得において、リクエストの上限制限を回避する |
YouTubeDataAPIを用いた複数チャンネルのライブ配信ステータス取得において、リクエストの上限制限を回避する概要YouTubeDataAPIでは一日の上限Queries呼び出し回数×Costが制限されているため、「任意の配信者の動画一覧を取得し、その配信者が現在配信中の動画のリアルタイム情報視聴者数などを毎分APIを通して監視しよう」と考えるとすぐにAPI上限に達してしまうYouTubeが公開しているRSSフィード用のURL経由で最新動画件のvideoidを調べ、そのidの動画情報のみをAPIを用いて取得することで、Queries上限に達しないよう節約している使用環境RailsYouTubeDataAPIvMariaDbVerデータベース配信者テーブルstreamersidtitlechannelcodedescriptionYouTubeアカウント名チャンネルIDチャンネル概要歳高学歴ニートさのUCmFqwZGLfjtXdUINyOZhQ毎日たのしく生きてたら大卒歳職歴なしになってしまいました。 |
2022-02-24 19:36:49 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
Kubernetes HPA External Metrics の事例紹介 |
hellip |
2022-02-24 10:30:49 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[Auth0] メールアドレスからユーザ情報を取得する(Management API) |
management |
2022-02-24 10:12:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Take your automation to next level with 2captcha |
Take your automation to next level with captchaCaptcha is used in websites to avoid spam Now there are lots of services and tools you can use to crack the Captcha But why Why does someone want to crack the Captchas Let s take an example You want to build automation software to publish a post on some website that requires you to solve a Captcha in order to post there and you want to bypass that Captcha Don t ask why someone want to automate this because there may be many reasons maybe you want to repost that same post on different sites to reach more audience Some Captchas like text captchas can be easily cracked with some machine learning and image recognition stuff But with reCaptcha it s not possible to crack with code we have to solve it manually So how can we overcome this And the only solution is to actually solve it manually But what about our automation software Don t worry here comes Captcha into rescue Captcha is a Captcha solving software to bypass any type of captcha Wait wait wait the only solution is to manually solve the Captcha then how Captcha is able to solve these Captchas Because these Captchas are solved by real humans How does it work How this works depends on different types of Captchas But here is the overview You send the puzzle Workers at Captcha solves the puzzle and send back the answer You use that response to automatically solve the puzzle Let s see how to implement thisCaptcha supports many different Captchas in this blog we will solve reCAPTCHA V PrerequisitesSignup for a Captcha account Choose I m a developer Get the API key Try outOpen any website that uses reCaptcha v Inspect the element and find data sitekey Now we have to make HTTP get request to The get request we have to make method userrecaptcha amp googlekey DATA SITEKEY amp pageurl WEBSITE URL CONTAINING CAPTCHA Paramskey Your API keymethod userrecaptchagooglekey reCaptcha data sitekey which we got in previous steppageurl URL of the page that contains reCaptchaHere is an example method userrecaptcha amp googlekey Le wvkSVVABCPBMRTvwQMuexqbiDJwx mJ amp pageurl If you did everything correctly you will get a response like this status request Wait for seconds and make a get request to The get request we have to make action get amp id REQUEST ID Parameterskey Your API keyaction getid request id which we got from previous stepHere is an example action get amp id Captcha solves the reCaptcha and send back a token which will look like this AHJ VuveAsakoKKSMyUkCqvUFCRImCwBPzOdCxIoiepEraq uBOmVmXRikLiKOWraGsCuejbXxqcviUGSmiKNC QflavWhaTXShVxoihBwBjXxwXuJZ WGNSydtUlwbpMqAjZwupvyCaQJWFvRjYGWJ TQBKTXNBCCOgncqLetmJBCosqoQyaBZzBOTGfKSPe KniYsfOofaJeSUDNjiKGgNFTrdwKwdnAwEYX FsI vLBZsNQoPObHYybsfWSLkzzcIgWGRFwcCCmPlB GQHPEBJUHNnhJyDzwRoRAkVzrfUkVwKCdTwrrWqiYDgbrzURfHcESspMicJTasSiXmNRgryt gfqBMkiRHosmDoUgsjc XyQiEmQmxlsqZPaKsaE EMxXsPzDmYISRCFRUevSyumBdKmXEVuzIOlgnnbka eZynZavbBcOQjLHxSG egcplDuLGhwCRFUieHwuaSXHpHYBegXzz mv o fxrOuphwfrtwvviFGfpTexWvxhqWICMFTTjFBCEGEgj IFWEKirXWRTZCVFGidEtIsoEeZkPbrcUISGmgtiJkJ KojuKwImFGCsTlxYTOUsPsdoJDtwGniQRIZufnPbbKYh KIDYcUxMfcbfAXcFMcdcpHgfwBXhUtFYTupiLhhGuhpkiGcvvWYNxMrpWJW pVqmPilwkAP zwMJxkgijlwDMpM UUQ kFVtf ndbQAIPGSdoZMmbIZYgvcBojqCWVzQNow we have to insert that token into our reCAPTCHA textarea To do this While you are in dev tools go to console type this in console and press enter document getElementById g recaptcha response innerHTML TOKEN FROM CAPTCHA And then submit the form That s it We solved the captcha without actually solving the captcha All this makes sense when we use this somewhere As you are building automation software try to automate this Few things to note We are not hacking anything As these captchas are solved by real humans the results are accurate Hope you found this useful Follow for more |
2022-02-24 10:49:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
I have made a chrome extension for unwavering focus and deep flow |
I have made a chrome extension for unwavering focus and deep flowAn important part of my morning ritual is reading my affirmations everyday They have helped me stay focused on my long term goals and not fall for mediocrity But on somedays I forget to repeat my affirmations and then tend to lose the momentum So I have made a chrome extension called Affirmations Flow It replaces new tab with your custom affiramtions You can add as many affirmations as you want and it shuffle plays them on the new tab one affirmation at a time Here is a quick demo take a look and let me know how you find it |
2022-02-24 10:27:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What I learned working on Nebula Graph, an open source and distributed graph database |
What I learned working on Nebula Graph an open source and distributed graph databaseThis article is based on a talk given by Dr Min Wu a senior expert at vesoft Dr Wu talked about the status quo of the global graph database market the design and features of Nebula Graph as a distributed graph database as well as Nebula Graph s open source community The Global Graph Database MarketLet s start with some numbers Markets and Markets anticipates the graph database market will reach billion by from million in Graph database is still in a rising trend and it is one of Gartner s top data and analytics trends in This is because graph databases can be used in many more areas than traditional databases including computing processing deep learning and machine models Graph databases gained the most in popularity in the past years according to data compiled by DB Engines The data is based on social media mentions Stack Overflow questions and search trends Advantages of Graph DatabasesOne of the most significant advantages of graph databases is that they are intuitive If you want to express the character relationships of Game of Thrones you can use both traditional tabular databases and graph databases But as it is shown below using graph data is much more intuitive though they both express the same data model Tabular data Graph data In another example we can compare how to search in SQL databases and graph databases For example here is how to find out how many posts and comments were created in a given time frame and rank the results in SQL databases and graph databases SQL PostgreSQL WITH RECURSIVE post all psa threadid psa thread creatorid psa messageid psa creationdate psa messagetype AS SELECT m messageid AS psa threadid m creatorid AS psa thread creatorid m messageid AS psa messageid m creationdate Post FROM message WHERE AND m c replyof IS NULL post not comment AND m creationdate BETWEEN startDate AND endDate UNION ALL SELECT psa psa threadid AS psa threadid psa psa thread creatorid AS psa thread creatorid m messageid m creationdate Comment FROM message p post all psa WHERE AND p m c replyof psa psa messageid AND m creationdate BETWEEN startDate AND endDate SELECT p p personid AS person id p p firstname AS person firstName p p lastname AS person lastName count DISTINCT psa psa threadid AS threadCountEND AS messageCount count DISTINCT psa psa messageid AS messageCount FROM person p left join post all psa on AND p p personid psa psa thread creatorid AND psa creationdate BETWEEN startDate AND endDate GROUP BY p p personid p p firstname p p lastname ORDER BY messageCount DESC p p personid LIMIT Here is how to realize the same query using the Cypher graph query language CypherMATCH person Person lt HAS CREATOR post Post lt REPLY OF reply Message WHERE post creationDate gt startDate AND post creationDate lt endDate AND reply creationDate gt startDate AND reply creationDate lt endDateperson RETURNid person firstName person lastName count DISTINCT post AS threadCount count DISTINCT reply AS messageCountORDER BY messageCount DESC person id ASCLIMIT In addition the graph ecosystem is diversified The following is the graph technology landscape in and we can expect more graph related technologies coming along in Nebula GraphNow let s take Nebula Graph a distributed graph database as an example to talk about the evolution of graph technology I will also share the challenges the team had faced when developing Nebula Graph and how we had solved them When we started designing the blueprint of Nebula Graph in late the team had set four goals for the database They are scalability production ready OLTP Online Transaction Processing and open source The four goals are still influencing the roadmapping of Nebula Graph until today ScalabilityScalability is the No design principle of Nebula Graph This is because we believe the data that businesses will process in the future must be massive and there will be no way that single machines can handle them That s why we designed Nebula Graph in a way that it is capable of handling graph data with trillions of vertices and edges Production readyNebula Graph is also designed to be production ready on the first day including the design of its query language visualization programmability and DevOps OLTPOLTP online transactional processing enables the real time execution of large numbers of database transactions by large numbers of users typically over the internet One of the priorities of Nebula Graph s design is OLTP This makes Nebula Graph an online high concurrency and low latency graph database Open sourceNebula Graph is also devoted to building an open source community and integrating with the big data world supporting graph computing and training frameworks like Tencent Plato and Spark GraphX The Nebula CoreThe above figure shows the ecosystem built around Nebula Graph The section with red background is the Nebula Graph Core which consists of three parts called Meta Graph and Storage Nebula Graph s query language is our in house nGQL which is also compatible with openCypher We have also developed clients in languages including Java C Python and Go Then on the top we have a number of SDKs that can work with frameworks like Spark Flink GraphX Tencent Plato Let s dive into the Nebula core which as I mentioned above consists of the meta graph and storage services The meta service deals with metadata while the storage service stores the data and the graph service is in charge of querying The three modules run on their independent processes ensuring the separation of compute and storage The meta service manages the schema Nebula Graph is not a schema free database and it requires the properties of vertices and edges to be pre configured The meta service also manages storage spaces long duration tasks and data cleaning Nebula Graph can handle data with trillions of vertices and edges This means the system must segment the data in storage and handling Nebula Graph uses the segmentation of edges and stores vertices in partitions Each partition may have a few replicas and run on different machines The query engine is stateless meaning that all query data should either be retrieved from the meta service or the storage service and there is no communication between query services The above is about Nebula Graph s separation of compute and storage Now let s talk about data characteristics We have mentioned that Nebula Graph is not a schema free database and that all the data stored is pre defined by Data Definition Languages DDLs We call types of vertices Tag and types of edges EdgeType Vertices are defined using a tuple consisting of the vid and the tag Edges are defined using a tuple consisting of the endpoints EdgeType and rank Nebula Graph supports primitive data types like boolean int and double as well as composite types like list set or graph data types like path and subgraph If there is long string data stored in the database it is usually indexed by Elasticsearch Here is some additional information about the storage engine For the query engine graphd the external interface exposed by the storage engine is a distributed graph service but it can also be used as a distributed key value KV service if necessary In the storage engine partitions adopt the Raft consensus protocol Nebula Graph stores vertices and edges in separated partitions The following figure is about how KV is implemented using the storage partitioning In Nebula Graph each edge is stored as two pieces of data As mentioned above the storage layer relies on VID and guarantees strong consistency using the Raft protocol Nebula Graph uses ElasticSearch for full text index From Nebula Graph v x our R amp D team has optimized the write performance of Nebula s indexing capability Since v Nebula Graph has started to support the combination of data expiration TTL and indexing And from v Nebula Graph started to support the TOSS Transaction on storage side function to achieve the eventual consistency of edges That is to say edges are either successfully written or failed at the same time when they are inserted or modified Nebula Graph uses its in house nGQL as its query language In June the International Organization for Standardization has drafted the standard for the syntax and semantics of GQL and there is a consensus between major graph database vendors From Nebula Graph v nGQL started to be compatible with openCypher which was an open source version of Neoj s Cypher query language Now nGQL supports the Doctrine Query Language DQL of openCypher and has developed its own vanilla nGQL syntax style in Data Manipulation Language DML and Data Definition Language DDL We also mentioned that Nebula Graph is born to be production ready So it supports a wide range of operation features like data isolation user permission and authentication and replica configuration Also Nebula Graph supports clustering Nebula Operator which was released in April started to support Kubernetes As for the performance of Nebula Graph most performance tests are carried out by users in the community such as engineers from tech companies like Meituan WeChat DigiTech and WeBank etc The figures below are performance reports compiled by users As for the performance of Nebula Graph most performance tests are carried out by users in the community such as Meituan WeChat DigiTech WeBank The figures below are performance reports compiled by users We have mentioned that one of the priorities of Nebula Graph s design is OLTP But that doesn t mean it neglects analytical processing AP Nebula Graph has integrated AP frameworks like Apache Spark s GraphX and Plato developed by Tencent Generally speaking Nebula Graph performance has improved significantly when the deep traversal is conducted Nebula Graph meets users AP Access Point requirements of OLTP Online Transactional Processing by docking with Spark s Graph X and supports Plato the graph computing engine of Tencent s WeChat team Plato docking is actually the data connection between the two engines which needs to change the internal data format of Nebula Graph to be that of Plato and then Partition to map them one by one The Nebula Graph CommunityNebula Graph became open source in May Its v GA was released in June even though some companies had applied Nebula Graph in production before that Nebula Graph first entered DB Engines graph database management system ranking two years ago and now it ranks th on the list NOTE The screenshot is the DB Engine ranking in Apr when this talk was given Nebula Graph is also one of the top open source players in China This following report which was published by the X Lab of East China Normal University ranks the companies according to the community popularity of their open source products Vesoft Inc the maker of Nebula Graph ranks the eighth before TikTok parent Bytedance and just one position after Huawei Here are some of my thoughts about open source graph databases Open source is very common in the graph database industry because it is a relatively new area and only got traction in recent years This is why Nebula Graph chose to be open source from day one Open source software can also attract more developers to use and gain valuable feedback from adopters If you encounter any problems in the process of using Nebula Graph please refer to Nebula Graph Database Manual to troubleshoot the problem It records in detail the knowledge points and specific usage of the graph database and the graph database Nebula Graph |
2022-02-24 10:27:05 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Here's how the five-hour Amsterdam Apple Store standoff played out |
Here x s how the five hour Amsterdam Apple Store standoff played outA hostage situation that led to an hours long standoff took place at Apple s flagship retail location in Amsterdam on Tuesday Here s how the incident went down Apple sign outside the Amsterdam location Credit Medhat Dawoud UnsplashApple s brick and mortar location was the site of a hostage situation and standoff on Tuesday Feb The hostage taker reportedly had disarmed explosives as well as an automatic weapon He fired multiple times at police officers during the situation Read more |
2022-02-24 10:21:50 |
海外TECH |
Network World |
Using pipes on Linux to get a lot more done |
Using pipes on Linux to get a lot more done One of the things that I have always loved about Unix and then Linux is how it allows me to connect a series of commands together with pipes and get a lot of work done without a lot of effort I can generate the output that I need in the form that I need it It s not just the existence of the pipes themselves but the flexibility of the Linux commands You can run commands select portions of the output sort the results or match on specific strings and you can pare the results down to just what you want to see In this post we re going to look at a couple commands that demonstrate the power of the pipe and how easily you can get commands to work together To read this article in full please click here |
2022-02-24 10:45:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
避難確保計画の手引き改定版、年度内に公表-国交省・厚労省 |
厚生労働省 |
2022-02-24 19:10:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
会員の主要勘定及び顧客口座数等 |
顧客 |
2022-02-24 10:36:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
入札公告等を更新しました。 |
公告 |
2022-02-24 11:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine conflict: Russian forces invade after Putin TV declaration |
attack |
2022-02-24 10:40:54 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Russia attack on Ukraine catastrophe for Europe, say Boris Johnson |
boris |
2022-02-24 10:48:22 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Oil soars past $100 after Russia orders troops into Ukraine |
crude |
2022-02-24 10:40:26 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine conflict: What we know about the invasion |
neighbour |
2022-02-24 10:33:14 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine invasion: Kyiv residents seek shelter as blasts hit |
world |
2022-02-24 10:39:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine: Explosions and gunfire heard after Russia launches invasion |
cities |
2022-02-24 10:31:54 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
What are the UK's 'Living with Covid' plans? |
legal |
2022-02-24 10:20:36 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【日本株急落】ウクライナ侵攻による本当の“セリング クライマックス”に備えよ! ロシアと西側諸国の交渉 の見通しが確認できたら「好業績バリュー株」を狙え! - 成り上がり投資術 |
【日本株急落】ウクライナ侵攻による本当の“セリングクライマックスに備えよロシアと西側諸国の交渉の見通しが確認できたら「好業績バリュー株」を狙え成り上がり投資術現在の日経平均株価や株式市場の状況と今後の見通しについて、アナリストの藤井英敏さんが鋭く分析日本時間で月日の昼頃、ロシアのプーチン大統領がウクライナ東部で特別軍事作戦を行うことを決定したことが報じられ、東京株式市場ではリスクオフの売りが加速しました。 |
2022-02-24 20:00:00 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
中小企業HDの22年3月期は4億円の最終赤字へ、再建途上 - 不景気.com |
中小企業 |
2022-02-24 10:33:59 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
レアル中井、25年まで契約更新 来季はBチーム |
契約更新 |
2022-02-24 19:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
2児殺害、母親に心神喪失で無罪 那覇地裁「病的な衝動性に支配」 |
心神喪失 |
2022-02-24 19:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
伊藤、将棋の女流名人に 挑戦9度目、初のタイトル |
女流名人 |
2022-02-24 19:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
赤潮被害で200万円寄付 日本空港ビルデングなど |
日本空港ビルデング |
2022-02-24 19:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
生乳の供給過剰「6月ごろまで」 JA道中央会 |
北海道中央 |
2022-02-24 19:07:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
100万円だまし取られる 函館の60代女性 |
函館市内 |
2022-02-24 19:03:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
金価格はウクライナ次第で天国も地獄もありうる さらなる上昇か、急落する可能性はないのか | 市場観測 | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2022-02-24 19:10:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
阪急三番街×ANAコラボイベント「阪急三番街×ANA SPRING JOURNEY 2022」3月11日~3月28日開催 |
anaspringjourney |
2022-02-24 19:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
「UR [M0126] クシャトリヤ」や「UR[C0007] マリーダ・クルス」が登場!スマホアプリ『機動戦士ガンダムUCE』で本日より「極限定ガシャ」を開催 |
ucengage |
2022-02-24 19:25:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『ウマ娘』が山手線へ出走!?3月13日までウマ娘の「ラッピングトレイン」が運行開始 |
cygames |
2022-02-24 19:05:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
バロックジャパンリミテッド、EC事業本部を設置(22年3月1日付) |
設置 |
2022-02-24 10:40:48 |