python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
練馬区の区内感染者数累計データ詳細のPDFをCSV変換 |
2022-02-24 22:43:20 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
javascript_const、letの変数宣言とテンプレート文字列、アロー関数 |
let変数上書き可能、再宣言は不可能const変数上書きも再宣言も不可能JavaScriptのオブジェクトや配列については値を変えることができます。 |
2022-02-24 22:01:43 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rspecのallow_any_instance_ofを書き換える |
書き換えの方法もこればっかりではないと思うので、このあたりについてはまた記事にしたいですね。 |
2022-02-24 22:34:09 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
アプリを作る パスワード再設定のメール送信 |
アプリを作るパスワード再設定のメール送信appmailersusermailerrbclassUserMailerltApplicationMailerdefaccountactivationuseruserusermailtouseremailsubjectアカウントを有効化enddefpasswordresetuseruseruserインスタンス変数に代入するmailtouseremailsubjectパスワードをリセットendendappviewsusermailerpasswordresettexterbパスワードをリセットするには、以下のリンクをクリックしてくださいlteditpasswordreseturluserresettokenemailuseremailgtこのリンクは時間で期限切れになりますパスワードのリセットをリクエストしなかった場合は、このメールを無視して、パスワードはそのままです。 |
2022-02-24 22:47:18 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rspecのallow_any_instance_ofを書き換える |
書き換えの方法もこればっかりではないと思うので、このあたりについてはまた記事にしたいですね。 |
2022-02-24 22:34:09 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Microsoft Edge Can't Download Files? Here's How to Fix It |
Microsoft Edge Can x t Download Files Here x s How to Fix ItDownload errors are common among web browsers but if you re facing this issue on Microsoft Edge here are a few ways to troubleshoot it |
2022-02-24 13:30:12 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Bethesda Is Killing Its Launcher in Favor of Steam: What Users Need to Know |
bethesda |
2022-02-24 13:25:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to become a better programmer |
How to become a better programmerNow after a few years of entering the world of programmingI discovered and saw what is important to becoming a better programmerBefore deciding which field you would like to learn and work inYou should learn general topics and these topics will help you become more successful and make you a developer who can make the right decisionsuch as data structures algorithms object oriented programming problems solving these main topics every developer has to learn it and keep practicing solving problems and knowing what is the difference between types of data structures and algorithmsmore practicing is more improving your skills as a programmer |
2022-02-24 13:37:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Algorithmes |
AlgorithmesQu est ce qu un algorithme Pourquoi est ce si vital pour vous en tant que développeur ou quelqu un qui cherche àentrer dans la technologie Avant mon premier cours àl université j avais déjàachetémes manuels et étudié et pour être honnête rien n avait de sens pour moi Après l introduction habituelle de mon professeur il a demandési quelqu un savait ce qu étaient les algorithmes Nous avions des gens brillants qui ont déjàbourréle mot et l ont juste recraché Il a ri et a fait une déclaration que je ne pourrai jamais oublier Il a dit Une chose que vous devez tous garder àl esprit est que les algorithmes sont différents pour différentes personnes et différents cas tout ce qui compte c est que vous résolviez le problème correctement et efficacement Vous n avez peut être pas de formation en technologie Vous avez peut être étudiél informatique mais le terme Algorithme n avait pas tellement de sens pour vous et c est pourquoi vous êtes ici pour apprendre le mot le plus simplement Je sais que tu as des questions allons droit au but Définir un algorithmeDe manière informelle un algorithme est une procédure de calcul bien définie qui prend une valeur ou un ensemble de valeurs en entrée et produit une valeur ou un ensemble de valeurs en sortie Par Introduction àl algorithme du MITCependant les algorithmes ne se limitent pas aux seuls ordinateurs Chaque jour en tant qu humains et même robots vous utilisez des algorithmes Les algorithmes sont des étapes bien définies nécessaires pour accomplir une tâche Vous pouvez y penser de cette façon si vous avez déjàpréparéune tasse de café de thé de chocolat chaud suivi les instructions de Google Maps ou même une nouvelle recette de crêpes alors vous avez utiliséun algorithme Un algorithme est juste un nom fantaisiste et ringard pour une recette ou un guide étape par étape pour accomplir une tâche Essayons un exemple comment allez vous préparer une tasse de café J irai en premier Étape Prenez une tasse àcafé Étape Lavez la tasse Étape Procurez vous une bouilloire Étape Mettez de l eau dans la bouilloire Étape Branchez la bouilloire et portez l eau àébullition Étape Éteignez la prise et débranchez la bouilloire Étape Mettez deux cuillerées de cafédans une tasse Étape Versez de l eau pour remplir ⅔de la tasse Étape Servez votre café Notez que vous devez également garder àl esprit si la personne a une cafetière si la personne a besoin d utiliser des grains de caféou si elle a juste dûverser de la poudre dans une tasse et faire une tasse Dans ce cas votre algorithme peut avoir des boucles car toute personne l utilisant peut avoir besoin de répéter certaines étapes ou de revenir en arrière pour vérifier certaines étapes avant de continuer Cependant comme mentionnéprécédemment de nombreux éléments doivent être pris en compte avant d écrire un algorithme Les algorithmes sont plus efficaces lorsqu ils sont choisis spécifiquement pour un problème spécifique Ok c est assez de grands mots décomposons le Algorithmes comme si j avais ansLors de l écriture d algorithmes il est essentiel de savoir que vous pourriez avoir besoin d outils de systèmes et d autres approches supplémentaires pour atteindre votre objectif pour différents problèmes Par exemple vous aurez besoin de farine pour faire un gâteau mais que se passe t il si vous utilisez de la farine àgâteau et que vous ne spécifiez pas le type de farine àutiliser dans votre recette et qu un débutant prend cette recette et utilise de la farine de haricots Ce qui est bien mais cela a t il résolu le problème de la personne préparer un délicieux gâteau d anniversaire Non Oui ils peuvent se retrouver avec quelque chose de comestible mais ce n est pas le gâteau qu ils voulaient Un algorithme est comme un plan esquissé Un plan détaillévous donne une idée de ce que devrait être votre appartement de rêve Cela facilite la tâche de dessiner le plan réel Algorithmes en technologieImaginez un monde oùles ordinateurs seraient infiniment rapides et vous pourriez utiliser autant d espace et cela n aurait pas d importance Maintenant si nous avions un tel luxe de temps de vitesse et d espace peut être que les algorithmes n auraient pas autant d importance Vous pouvez choisir l algorithme le plus pratique que vous pouvez implémenter et exécuter avec lui Parce qu après tout peu importe l algorithme que vous utilisiez et la mémoire n était pas un problème Mais nous vivons dans un monde oùles ordinateurs sont rapides mais pas infiniment rapides la mémoire peut être peu coûteuse mais elle n est pas exactement gratuite Par conséquent le temps de calcul et l espace en mémoire sont des ressources que vous devez utiliser àbon escient et des algorithmes efficaces en termes d espace et de vitesse de temps vous aideront ày parvenir Pourquoi les algorithmes sont ils si importants Oui presque toutes les entreprises veulent que vous passiez des tests sophistiqués d algorithmes et de structure de données sur Turing hacker midi ou Leetcode avant de vous embaucher Parler àcertains recruteurs m a aidéàcomprendre pourquoi c est essentiel pour eux Comprendre les algorithmes et les structures de données aide le développeur àformer une excellente base de bonnes pratiques d ingénierie logicielle et un aperçu de l approche des problèmes techniques Prenons un exemple considérons un produit numérique comme Bolt qui détermine comment se déplacer d un endroit àun autre Oui la carte montre les itinéraires disponibles et met parfois en évidence certains défis Cependant un algorithme est requis pour certaines opérations telles que trouver l itinéraire le plus court vers votre destination probablement en utilisant un algorithme de chemin le plus court et le rendu des cartes en fonction de facteurs tels que le trafic etc Un autre exemple peut être lorsque vous décidez de conduire de l île de Lagos au continent vous voudrez peut être trouver des itinéraires àpartir d un site Web ou même utiliser un GPS ou Google Maps pour trouver votre itinéraire le plus court et éviter le trafic de Lagos La mesure de l efficacitéd un algorithme est la vitesse c est à dire le temps qu il faut àun algorithme pour produire son résultat Il est également essentiel de savoir qu il existe certains problèmes pour lesquels aucune solution efficace n est connue et dans ce cas vous voudrez peut être essayer et être le prochain grand nom de la technologie lorsque vous trouverez un moyen efficace Une liste de mes ressources préférées pour apprendre les algorithmes Il existe quelques ressources sur Internet pour vous aider àdémarrer avec les algorithmes Cependant je recommande les ressources suivantes que j ai utilisées Algorithme pour les nuls de John Paul Mueller et Luca MassaronCours CS sur l algorithme etSubstack de Richards et newsletter hebdomadaire Richard est un ingénieur chevronnéde l ingénierie logicielle chez SEND Freight Dans ces newsletter hebdomadaire Richard prend le temps d expliquer les algorithmes et les structures de données àses lecteurs comme s ils avaient ans En résumé un algorithme peut être défini comme un processus étape par étape de réalisation d une tâche Les développeurs utilisent des algorithmes et des structures de données tous les jours de leur vie professionnelle Et si comme moi vous avez étéassez curieux pour ouvrir cet article et essayer de comprendre le terme j espère que cela vous a facilitéla compréhension Avoir une bonne compréhension des algorithmes de ce qu ils sont et savoir quand les appliquer et comment les appliquer est essentiel pour produire un logiciel qui fonctionne avec précision et efficacité |
2022-02-24 13:31:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
006/100 Days of Code: Strapi CMS |
Days of Code Strapi CMSOntem foi dia de explorar mais a fundo a versão atualizada do Strapi e tudo o que encontrei me deixou bastante empolgado CMSUm CMS Content Management System é como o próprio nome jádiz um Sistema de Gestão de Conteúdo para nós desenvolvedores écomo a implementação de um CRUD dinâmico onde vocêdefine os tipos de conteúdos e os relacionamentos entre eles e o próprio sistema se responsabiliza por implementá los com a capacidade de Criação Leitura Atualização e Deleção StrapiO Strapi éum CMS e do tipo headless ou seja ele fornece apenas o backend que pode ser consumido por diferentes front ends agilizando a configuração de produtos que requerem apenas as clássicas tarefas de um CRUD ao mesmo tempo que mantém a liberdade para o desenvolvedor caprichar no design Apesar de játer utilizado essa ferramenta algumas vezes no passado as últimas atualizações conseguiram me surpreender além da mudança visual que agora apresenta um conceito mais clean temos um suporte muito melhor ao desenvolvido com GraphQL e uma capacidade de extensão de componentes também melhoradas Entendo que a explicação completa de cada uma dessas melhorias e como elas podem ser utilizadas sópode ser compreendida em sua totalidade quando aplicada em um projeto por isso jáestou preparando um material que com certeza incluiráesse CMS no seu próximo projeto HojeA meta éexplorar um pouco mais essa ferramenta para entender melhor como se dão os relacionamentos entre os componentes criados na aplicação e atéonde chega o poder do GraphQL para gerenciamento desses dados Outros CanaisFique àvontade para entrar em contato comigo por essas outras mídias sociais também LinkedInInstagramTwitter |
2022-02-24 13:18:32 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Is The Customer Always Right? Trading Strategies for Difficult Customers |
Is The Customer Always Right Trading Strategies for Difficult CustomersNo matter what business you are in you will likely encounter difficult customers at some point These are the customers who are never happy always demanding and seem to think that they can treat your staff and business however they please While it can be frustrating to deal with these types of customers it is important to remember that they are still your customers and should be treated with respect Here are a few trading strategies for dealing with difficult customers Never lose your cool It can be easy to get angry when dealing with a difficult customer but this is only going to make things worse Stay calm and professional at all times no matter how unreasonable the customer may be being Listen more than you talk One of the best ways to defuse a difficult situation is to simply listen to what the customer has to say Do not interrupt and let them finish speaking before you respond Avoid confrontation It is important to remember that you do not have to agree with everything a difficult customer says or does However it is best to avoid any kind of conflict or argument This will only make things worse and could potentially damage your relationship with the customer Be patient Sometimes it takes time for a difficult customer to calm down and see reason Be patient and continue trying to work through the issue until they are ready to compromise If all else fails politely end the conversation There may come a time when you realize that there is no way to resolve the issue with a difficult customer In this case it is best to end the conversation politely and move on Remember that you do not need to put up with abuse from any customer no matter how valuable they may be As a wiki page maker I suggest you to Follow these tips and you should be able to successfully navigate any situation involving a difficult customer |
2022-02-24 13:17:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Creating your first Svelte App with SvelteKit |
Creating your first Svelte App with SvelteKitSvelte is a lightweight framework for building web applications When you use it it looks and feels a lot like other frontend frameworks like React and Vue but leaves the virtual DOM behind That along with other optimisations means it does far less work in the browser optimising user experience and load time In this guide we ll be going over how to setup your first Svelte application using SvelteKit Svelte has a number of different ways to make applications and SvelteKit is one of the official packages from Svelte for doing that If you re interested in other frameworks you might enjoy a similar guide we have on making your first Vue application Creating your first Svelte ApplicationTo get started open up a new terminal window and initiate your svelte application using the command below Note if you don t have npm installed you ll need to get it You can install npm by installing Node JS via the link here Once you have Node JS and NPM installed run the command below Before you do that though make sure you use cd to move into the folder you want to create your new Svelte application in npm init svelte next my svelte appWhen you run this command you ll auto generate a Svelte template in a folder called my svelte app Svelte will guide you through a number of options Select your preferences The image below shows the one s I have selected For the purposes of this guide I will be using the Skeleton project Finally run the following command to cd into your svelte directory cd my svelte appAnd then install all of your dependencies using the following line npm i Svelte File StructureIf you are familiar with other frameworks then Svelte will feel familiar Here is an overview of the file structure in Svelte for the project we have just made static lt where we store all of our public assets like favicons images and fonts favicon png lt our favicontests lt a folder to store our tests test js lt an example test using playwrightsrc lt our main Svelte app files routes lt a folder to store all of our routes in index svelte lt our index route file This will be the file displayed at the route of the site app d ts lt our core Svelte app file app html lt our main index file where the app will appear gitignore lt files we wish to ignore for git npmrc lt config file for npm prettierrc lt config file for prettier eslintrc cjs lt config file for eslintpackage json lt our NPM installed packagesplaywright config js lt config file for playwrightsvelte config js lt config file for svelte itselftsconfig json lt config file for typescriptOur basic Svelte application is ready to go If you want to see how it looks you can serve it on your local computer on the URL http localhost by running the following command in your Svelte application folder npm run devIf you visit http localhost in your browser you should see something like this Creating new pages or routes in SvelteTo make a new route in Sveltekit simply make a new file within the routes folder For example if you make a file called about svelte then it will show up at http localhost about Another way you can do this is to make a new folder called about and put index svelte in that folder http localhost about will work Try it yourselfCreate a new page within your src routes folder called about svelte Now when you go to http localhost you will be able to access that page Similarly you can try making a folder called about with a file placed inside called index svelte How to run your SvelteKit App on Node JSTo run your Svelte application on a server or locally on a Node JS server you need to use an adapter If you want to run your Svelte application on a Node Server install sveltejs adapter node next via the following line npm i sveltejs adapter node next Now we have to change our svelte config js file We need to use the new adapter and change our kit adapter object within the config file You can replace the contents of your svelte config js with the code below but we re only changing two lines our adapter import and then adding the build directory in your config We have changed the adapter line to use adapter node nextimport adapter from sveltejs adapter node next import preprocess from svelte preprocess type import sveltejs kit Config const config Consult for more information about preprocessors preprocess preprocess kit We have changed this to point to a build directory adapter adapter out build export default config Other SvelteKit adaptersIf you want to run your Svelte application on Cloudflare Netlify or Vercel then you need to use one of these adapters you don t need to do anything These are all included by default in adapter auto so only change your svelte config js file if you aren t planning on using a Node JS server How to build your SvelteKit App for ProductionNow that we ve configured our adapter let s build our application In SvelteKit it s easy to make your app ready to run in a production environment Simply run the following command which will create a new folder called svelte kit with all your production ready files in npm run buildNow if you want to preview your production build simply run the following command npm run previewIf you are running your application on a Node JS server and have updated your adapter as shown in the previous section then you can run your new Svelte application locally by running the following command in your Svelte directory node build index jsNow when you navigate to http localhost your Svelte application should show only this time it will be ready for production ConclusionIn this guide we ve looked at how to use SvelteKit to create your first Svelte application with routes Let s look at what we ve learned How to set up SvelteKit and create the basic structure of your Svelte application How to use routes in SvelteKit so you can have multiple pages on your application How to update your config file to use the right adapter based on where you want to deploy your application How to build and run your application locally on a Node JS server Next you can try playing around with Svelte to start customizing your application For more web content don t forget to follow me on Twitter |
2022-02-24 13:16:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Typescript and tailwind css |
Typescript and tailwind cssWhat is Typescript Typescript is a programming language and it is a superset of javascript It adds optional static typig to hte language Actually it is designed for the development of large applications na transcompiles to javascript |
2022-02-24 13:10:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
qr code menu for restaurants |
qr code menu for restaurantsCustomers can scan QR codes on contactless menus with their smartphone camera which will take them to an online digital menu where they can peruse food and drink selections These are usually little table top postcards at restaurants This eliminates the need for tangible menus making the experience safer for all parties involved Pre ordering before guests arrive at a restaurant ordering from a digital menu at their table and payment processing are all capabilities that some digital menu systems offer Attracts clients Help with Record of customer Estimate wait timesFeel free to get in touch with us for further discussions and pricing details Here are our contact details Website To schedule a direct meeting Email sales onlineemenu com Call WhatsApp |
2022-02-24 13:08:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Restaurant crm software |
Restaurant crm softwareTraditional menus are frequently touched and handled by numerous diners in the same party are reused by multiple groups of diners and are handled by restaurant employees There is no need to hold a menu with contactless menus because they are digital and diners simply scan the QR code to access the menu If necessary restaurant workers can even switch out the QR code flier between parties All of this adds up to a secure dining experience with a reduced risk of COVID transmission Restaurant crm software aids restaurant managers and owners in maintaining a centralized database of information on clients who have visited or ordered online This information can be used by restaurants of all types and sizes for marketing and sales promotions email or social media campaigns and loyalty program support Standardized communication templates workflows and automated procedures are provided by this sort of software making it easier for users to communicate with clients on a daily basis and deliver personalized offers and updates Feel free to get in touch with us for further discussions and pricing details Here are our contact details Website To schedule a direct meeting Email sales onlineemenu com Call WhatsApp |
2022-02-24 13:06:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Python Embedded Functions |
Python Embedded FunctionsSign up to my newsletter What is an embedded function Embedded functions are functions that come ready with the Python installation unlike the functions we have created Since these functions were previously developed by Python developers we do not need to define these functions E g These functions that we have used before such as print len type input are embedded functions We can directly call and use these functions without defining them In this lesson we will cover some important embedded functions that will be useful to us Some Embedded FunctionsIn this lesson I will cover the most used embedded functions if you wish you can find other functions here map This function provides convenience in the operations you want to do with functions on variables let me show you with an example before you get too confused then you will understand very well Before that let s see the general outline of the map function first map function iter iter What we call an iterator can be a list a tuple or any other data type Let s have a list and we square all the elements of this list list def getSquare number return number map map getSquare list As you can see we have assigned the map function to the variable named map and let s print it out immediately print map lt map object at xDFDA gt As you can see we got a map object so we can see it so let s convert the variable to a list type or another data type Let s convert it to list type map list map print map As you can see we have squared all the elements of the list We said that we can apply embedded functions much more easily with the lambda function that we have processed in our previous lesson Let s do the same example with the lambda function then you will understand much better list map map lambda number number list print list map As you can see we can do it much more easily with the lambda function If we make a concise explanation the map function takes multiple parameters the first being a function and applies the function to other parameters So it s not limited to applying to just one data type Let s show it with an example list list list map map lambda x y z x y z list list list print list map As you can see we can apply the map function on more than one data at the same time reduce Continue this post on my blog Python Embedded Functions Sign up to my newsletter |
2022-02-24 13:05:22 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
11-Inch white Magic Keyboard long-term review: the perfect writing tool? |
Inch white Magic Keyboard long term review the perfect writing tool The white Magic Keyboard for iPad has been around for a while now but how has it fared for serious writing duties for six months The white Magic Keyboard for iPad has held up over six months of useThe Magic Keyboard for iPad was something of a surprise when it launched in March Read more |
2022-02-24 13:57:04 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple looking to the past, working on how to put a Mac in a keyboard |
Apple looking to the past working on how to put a Mac in a keyboardApple s Magic Keyboard may one day become more magical and possibly a little thicker as the company is working on ways to include an entire Mac within a keyboard Steve Jobs made a big of thing of how the little Mac mini was a BYODKM or Bring Your Own Display Keyboard and Mouse device Now it seems Apple is looking at cutting that down even further to when all you need to bring is your own display Computer in an input device is a newly revealed patent application that proposes an entire Mac that s the size of a keyboard And would also be a keyboard Read more |
2022-02-24 13:06:15 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Australian man alleges all of his iOS and macOS devices have been persistently hacked |
Australian man alleges all of his iOS and macOS devices have been persistently hackedAn Australian man claims to be the victim of an incredibly wide and persistent hack of all of his Apple devices ーbut his claims that a dating app did it don t quite add up Credit Malcolm Owen AppleInsiderTowards the tail end of Simon Edwards noticed that legitimate websites began being populated by pop up ads He also encountered trouble sending emails even if the email service had confirmed a successful delivery and his screens would constantly jump and shake Read more |
2022-02-24 13:49:07 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Amazon union organizer arrested for allegedly trespassing at warehouse |
Amazon union organizer arrested for allegedly trespassing at warehouseWith Amazon s Staten Island warehouse facing a vote to unionize next month police have arrested labor organizer Christian Smalls at the facility for allegedly trespassing Reuters has reported Two other individuals that reportedly worked at the facility were also arrested and Smalls was charged with resisting arrest and trespassing nbsp A former employee Smalls said that he was quot literally a visitor quot delivering food to other employees and that Amazon was trying to quot increase the intimidation factor quot via his arrest Amazon spokesperson Kelly Nantel told Reuters that Smalls quot has repeatedly trespassed despite multiple warnings quot nbsp The three arrests were captured on video by Motherboard which reported that the NYPD handcuffed the organizers who wore bright red shirts with the slogans quot Amazon Labor Union quot Smalls was fired in March after he led a protest outside the warehouse demanding better safety and health protections nbsp A vote to unionize the Staten Island facility is set to start on March th and a successful one would make it the first union Amazon warehouse Another vote is set to be counted next month from the same Alabama warehouse that voted against unionizing nbsp After the first Alabama vote the Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union RWDSU organizing it accused Amazon of violating the National Labor Relations Act The National Labor Relations Board NLRB agreed and ordered a second vote in early February with counting to start on March th nbsp |
2022-02-24 13:52:01 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
原油100ドル ウクライナ侵攻でインフレ拍車 |
原油 |
2022-02-24 13:13:39 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine conflict: Russian forces invade after Putin TV declaration |
attack |
2022-02-24 13:01:18 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
UK will not look away from Russia invasion in Ukraine - PM |
ukraine |
2022-02-24 13:50:43 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Oil tops $100 and shares sink as Russia invades Ukraine |
crude |
2022-02-24 13:49:11 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Students to pay off loans into their 60s, plans say |
england |
2022-02-24 13:55:33 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine conflict: What we know about the invasion |
neighbour |
2022-02-24 13:06:12 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
In pictures: Destruction and fear as war hits Ukraine |
cities |
2022-02-24 13:23:36 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
What does Putin want? |
ukraine |
2022-02-24 13:25:25 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine conflict: How reliant is Europe on Russia for gas? |
europe |
2022-02-24 13:37:23 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine crisis: Uefa to move Champions League final after Russian invasion |
emergency |
2022-02-24 13:28:28 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
When will free Covid tests end in England? |
england |
2022-02-24 13:06:04 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【米国株】ウクライナ侵攻により「買い」のチャンスが 到来! 「売り物が出尽くす」「FRBが利上げを見送る」 など、今が絶好の買いチャンスと判断する理由を解説 - 世界投資へのパスポート |
2022-02-24 22:25:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
デジタル技術で除排雪を効率化 岩見沢市が検証作業 車両にタブレット 注意箇所を表示 |
人手不足 |
2022-02-24 22:04:15 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
感染者減は緩慢 再増加の可能性も 専門家組織 |
厚生労働省 |
2022-02-24 22:02:00 |