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[ITmedia News] 「その警告画面は偽物です」 国民生活センターが「サポート詐欺」に注意喚起 |
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2022-02-24 21:42:00 |
IT |
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[ITmedia News] 講談社「紛争でしたら八田まで」のウクライナ編を無料公開 リスク管理の専門家が監修する地政学まんが |
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2022-02-24 21:40:00 |
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[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 第二新卒が選ぶ「待遇と成長を両立する」企業ランキング 2位「アマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン」、1位は? |
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2022-02-24 21:37:00 |
IT |
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[ITmedia News] Twitter、ウクライナ語で「紛争地域での安全なTwitterの使い方」を連投ツイート |
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2022-02-24 21:18:00 |
IT |
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[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 職場における意識調査 働き方に満足している7割に共通したのは? |
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2022-02-24 21:11:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Python] Elasticsearchを用いた位置情報検索 |
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2022-02-24 21:56:48 |
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JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
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2022-02-24 21:01:03 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【個人開発】面倒くさがり屋のための糖質収支ジャッジアプリ「Sugarjudge」をリリースしました |
サービス概要アプリURLGitHub痩せたいけど食事を管理、制限することが面倒で難しいという悩みを持った人に、簡単でざっくりと楽しく糖質を管理、制限できる環境を提供する、糖質収支ジャッジアプリです。 |
2022-02-24 21:09:28 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Route53にサブドメインを登録する手順 |
前提条件AWSのアカウントを所持しているGoogleDomain等のドメインサービスにて独自ドメインを所持しているサブドメインを登録するこちらRouteにアクセスし右上のホストゾーンの作成をクリックドメイン名は登録したいサブドメイン名取得しているドメイン名を入力してください他の部分は変更せずにホストゾーンの作成をクリックホストゾーンの詳細画面に移動したら、NSSOAの二つのレコードが存在していると思います今回は既存の物をスクショしているので他のレコードもありますが・・・今回はNSと書かれた部分の一番右側にあるつの文を自身が所持しているドメインに適応させる形になります。 |
2022-02-24 21:37:06 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS IAM Access Analyzerによる継続的ポリシーチェックを自動化する方法 |
このIAMポリシーの検査を継続的に実施可能な環境を作るために、自動化されたメカニズムの導入を検討します。 |
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golang |
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2022-02-24 21:58:17 |
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[Golang] [GCP] grpc-gatewayがbackend serverにX-Cloud-Trace-Contextヘッダーを渡す方法 |
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2022-02-24 21:58:17 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Google Cloud アップデート (2/17-2/23/2022) |
GoogleCloudアップデートVPCServiceControlsFebSpeakerIDの統合がGAにCloudNATFebVMの使われ方に合わせて動的にポート数を確保するDynamicportallocationがGAになったよDataprocFebサポート外のDataprocイメージをプロジェクトやorgで使ってるか確認するスクリプトが公開されたよCloudKMSFebEKMとしてVirtuがサポートされるようになったよCloudSQLFebMySQLPostgreSQLSQLServerインスタンスにタグをつけて権限管理等ができるようになったよChannelServicesFebvListCustomersでフィルタが使えるようになったよBigQueryFebCloudFunctionsを外部関数としてSQLから呼べるRemoteFunctionsがプレビューになったよOperationsSuiteFebCloudMonitoringalertingpolicyでデータがない場合の挙動を制御できるようになったよAppEngineFebJavaSDKがにアップデートされたよGKEFebNetworkPolicyAPIでポートのレンジをGKE以降で指定できるけど、endPortはDataplaneVで動かないことがあるよCalicoなら動くAnthosclustersonVMwareFebgkeが使えるようになったよkubernetesgkeCVEとCVEの修正CloudComposerFebDAGUIがプレビューになったよComposerで分以内に終わるタスクはメンテナンスオペレーションの影響を受けないよタスクが終わってからメンテナンスしてくれるCloudShellFebEditorにTheia統合NETサポート追加Debianベースに変わったよPythonがデフォルトになるよCloudBuildFebOrgpolicyで外部のリポジトリとの連携を制御できるのがGAになったよVPCServiceControls対応がGAになったよConfigConnectorFebリリースリソース追加とバグフィックスDataprocFebRockyLinuxベースのイメージrockyrockyがGAになったよServerlessforSparkがを利用するようになったよGCSconnectorをにアップデート新しいサブマイナバージョンdebianubunturockydebianubunturockyリリースでCloudStorageConnectorをに、でにアップグレードCentOSがEOLにcentosとcentosが最後のイメージApigeeXFebにロールアウト開始GraphQLpolicyがJSONペイロードにも対応KeyValueMapKVMpagenationサポートが追加バグフィックスCloudDomainsFeb新しいTLDの追加と費用見直しEventarcFebパスのパターンでフィルタできる機能がプレビューになったよCloudDNSFebゾーンのみにスコープを絞られたZonalCloudDNSがプレビューになったよCloudLoadBalancingFebNetworkLoadBalancingでTCPUDPESPICMPに対応したモニタリングのリソースが追加されたよGKEFebからGatewaytrafficmanagementがプレビューになったよトラフィックをベースにpodをオートスケールしたり、クラスタ間でトラフィックを動的に変えたりできるよAnthosServiceMeshFebxxxGCP複数のCVEの対応IstioonGKEFebxxGCP複数のCVEの対応OperationsSuiteFebCloudLoggingMonitoringHadoopHBaseのログとメトリクスがOpsAgentでサポートされるようになったよCloudLoggingCounchDBZooKeeperWildFlyがOpsAgentに対応CloudMonitoringMetricsExplorerのUIが新しくなったよActiveMQMongoDBRabbitMQにOpsAgentが対応ディスクレーマアップデートの内容はあくまでも個人の理解していることを書いています。 |
2022-02-24 21:15:56 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【個人開発】面倒くさがり屋のための糖質収支ジャッジアプリ「Sugarjudge」をリリースしました |
サービス概要アプリURLGitHub痩せたいけど食事を管理、制限することが面倒で難しいという悩みを持った人に、簡単でざっくりと楽しく糖質を管理、制限できる環境を提供する、糖質収支ジャッジアプリです。 |
2022-02-24 21:09:28 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Use Your Old Smartphone as a Dashcam |
smartphone |
2022-02-24 12:30:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Vision Transformer : An image is worth 16*16 words |
Vision Transformer An image is worth wordsIn computer vision however convolutional architectures remain dominant Inspired by NLP successes multiple works try combining CNN like architectures with self attention some replacing the convolutions entirely The latter models while theoretically efficient have not yet been scaled effectively on modern hardware accelerators due to the use of specialized attention patterns Inspired by the Transformer scaling successes in NLP in this research paper a standard Transformer was applied directly to images with the fewest possible modifications An Image is worth x Words When pre trained on large amounts of data and transferred to multiple mid sized or small image recognition benchmarks ImageNet CIFAR VTAB etc Vision Transformer ViT attains excellent results compared to state of the art convolutional networks while requiring substantially fewer computational resources to train In particular the best model reaches the accuracy of on ImageNet on ImageNet ReaL on CIFAR and on the VTAB suite of tasks Problem with CNN CNNs use kernels to aggregate very local information in each layer which than is passed to next layer which again use kernels to aggregate the local information Hence CNN starts to look very locally But Vision transformer resolved this problem How Transformers resolves it It considers a very large field of view from the very beginning It overcomes the limitation of CNNs that looked very narrowly at first Also there is no decoder layer instead there is an extra linear layer for the final classification called the MLP head The Transformer look at the data by taking an input image and splitting it into patches of pixels All the patches are treated as simple tokensand are than flattened and lower dimensional linear embeddings are produced Than we add positional embeddings to the vector Now this sequence is feeded into standard transformer encoder Model is pretrained with image labels fully supervised huge dataset Finally network is finetuned on the downstream dataset While resolving a NLP problem input like incomplete sentences are first converted into numeric indices by creating a vocabulary dictionary from the words present in training data and then are fed into Transformers Positional Embedding Positional encoding is a re representation of the values of a word and its position in a sentence given that is not the same to be at the beginning that at the end or middle But you have to take into account that sentences could be of any length so saying X word is the third in the sentence does not make sense if there are different length sentences rd in a word sentence is completely different to rd in a word sentence What a positional encoder does is to get help of the cyclic nature of sin x and cos x functions to return information of the position of a word in a sentence Source stackexchange comIn all total variants were proposed Hidden size D is the embedding size which is kept fixed throughout the layers Transformers are better in general because they can be scaled up Problems which still need to be resolvedTransformers are unfocused in the initial epochs but later become focused to make write predictions after some training and therefore are more data hungry than CNNs Transformers find out very original and unexpected ways to look into data input images as there is no element in the architecture to tell the model how to do that exactly However CNNs are focussed on local view from the beginning by the convolutions Transformers lack the inductive biases of Convolutional Neural Networks CNNs such as translation invariance and a locally restricted receptive field Invariance means that you can recognize an entity i e object in an image even when its appearance or position varies Translation in computer vision implies that each image pixel has been moved by a fixed amount in a particular directionConclusionThe key takeaway of this work is the formulation of an image classification problem as a sequential problem by using image patches as tokens and processing it by a Transformer That sounds good and simple but it needs massive data and very high computational power If ViT is trained on datasets with more than M images it can approach or beat state of the art CNNs Further Reading Official PaperThat s all folks If you have any doubt ask me in the comments section and I ll try to answer as soon as possible If you love the article follow me on Twitter If you are the Linkedin type let s connect www linkedin com in rohitguptaHave an awesome day ahead |
2022-02-24 12:34:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Disaster Recovery of On-Premises Applications to AWS | AWS White Paper Summary |
Disaster Recovery of On Premises Applications to AWS AWS White Paper SummaryThis whitepaper outlines the best practices for planning implementing and maintaining disaster recovery for on premises applications using AWS It lays out the differences between disaster recovery and other resilience strategies and describes the steps of building a disaster recovery plan It also offers different approaches for mitigating risks and meeting recovery time objectives RTO and meeting recovery point objectives RPO by using AWS as the disaster recovery site IntroductionWhat is disaster recovery Disaster recovery is the process of preparing for and recovering from a disruptive event What is a disaster In the context of a company s IT environment a disaster is an event that partially or completely disrupts the operations of one or more applications A disaster normally requires human intervention to fail over to secondary copies of applications in order to maintain their functionality The four main categories of a disaster Human errors Unintentional actions leading to a security breach such as inadvertent misconfiguration of the software or a databaseMalicious attacks Unauthorized actions that affect a victim s system such as a denial of service DoS or ransomware attackNatural disasters Environmental factors that cause a system failure such as earthquakes or floodsTechnical failures A malfunction of software hardware or a facility such as a power failure or a network connectivity failureThere are several factors that need to be considered when planning your response to a specific disaster Expected duration of the disaster How soon will the application recover and how likely is the disaster to resolve on its own Size of impact also known as blast radius Which applications are affected and to what extent is their functionality impaired Geographic impact May be regional national continental or global Tolerance of downtime How significant is the impact of the application not functioning Why disaster recovery A properly planned and implemented disaster recovery solution helps mitigate the following issues that can be caused by a disaster Direct and indirect financial loss The impact of direct financial loss is mostly relevant for applications that are critical for any revenue generating processes For example external facing IT systems that are provided to customers for a fee or internal IT systems that process data relevant for revenue generation Indirect financial loss includes for example customers switching to a competing product and the cost of work needed to resume normal operation after the disaster is over Reputational damage In addition to financial loss as described previously downtime caused by unexpected incidents can significantly harm a company s reputation A short recovery period aided by a disaster recovery solution can help avoid irreversible damage to the corporate image Failure to abide by compliance standards Multiple compliance standards including System and Organization Controls SOC the Payment Card Industry PCI Data Security Standard and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA require a disaster recovery plan Some standards even add very specific requirements such as minimal physical distance between the source site and the disaster recovery site How does disaster recovery help business continuity Disaster recovery is a component of the overall business continuity strategy of an organization Business continuity is the ability of the organization and all the supporting applications to run critical business functions at all times including during emergency events To achieve business continuity you must implement various types of resilience mechanisms Resilience is the ability of an application to recover from an outage either automatically or with human intervention Disaster recovery sometimes called business continuity disaster recovery BC DR or DR is an important part of your resilience strategy and determines how you respond when a disaster strikes This response varies between applications and should be based on your organization s business objectives for each application These objectives should specify among other things the strategy for minimizing loss of data and reducing downtime when your applications are not available for use This approach helps your organization maintain operations as part of business continuity planning BCP Recovery objectivesAs part of disaster recovery planning you need to define a recovery time objective RTO and recovery point objective RPO for each application based on impact analysis and risk assessment Recovery time objective RTO is the maximum acceptable delay between the interruption of an application and the restoration of its service This objective determines what is considered an acceptable time window for an application to be unavailable Recovery point objective RPO is the maximum acceptable gap between the data in the disaster recovery site and the latest data stored in the application when the disaster strikes This objective determines what is considered the maximum amount of time acceptable for interruption loss of data that can be caused by a disaster Recovery objectivesRTO and RPO for each application depend on many factors such as service level agreements SLA and external compliance requirements but there are some common standards Common figures for mission critical applications tier applications include an RTO of minutes and a near zero RPO For important applications that are not mission critical tier applications the RTO is typically hours and the RPO is hours For all other applications tier applications a typical RTO is to hours and RPO is hours Using AWS for disaster recovery of on premises applications AWS services related to disaster recoveryAWS can be used as the infrastructure running your disaster recovery site Additionally AWS offers a number of services that can help you replicate your source applications into the AWS infrastructure and recover them in the case of a disaster Shared responsibilityDisaster recovery is a shared responsibility between AWS and you the customer It is important that you understand how disaster recovery and availability as part of resiliency operate under this shared model Business impact analysis and risk assessmentOne of the first steps to perform when planning the implementation of a disaster recovery solution is a business impact analysis for all relevant applications A business impact analysis should quantify the business impact of a disruption to each application It should identify the impact your internal and external customers will face from not being able to use your applications and the effect that will have on your business with regards to cost reputation and compliance The analysis should help you determine how quickly the application needs to be made available RTO and how much data loss can be tolerated RPO However recovery objectives should not be defined without also considering the likelihood of disruption and the cost of recovery when calculating the business value of providing disaster recovery for an application The business impact of a disaster may not be constant For example the impact might be dependent on the timing of the disaster ーdisruption to your payroll system is likely to have a very high impact to the business just before employees are supposed to be paid but it may have a low impact just after employees have been paid With all of this information you can document the threat risk and impact of different disaster scenarios and the associated recovery options This information should be used to choose the best disaster recovery strategy and tools for each application and to match the risk and impact financial among other types of a disaster for each application The following table is a sample risk analysis for disaster recovery planning for determining maximum TCO Table Sample risk analysis for disaster recovery planningRisk analysis for application Disaster typeLikelihood per year ConsequencesRisk likelihood x consequences Weather based on past statistics Power outage based on past statistics includes equipment that would need to be replaced After you have determined your maximum TCO identify whether there is a disaster recovery solution that has a lower TCO than the cost estimated in the risk analysis taking the probability of a disaster into account If such a solution exists then it makes sense financially to use that solution for that application In addition to the financial calculations the RTO and RPO for each application need to be considered during this process The more critical the application is the more aggressive its RTO and RPO requirements resulting in a higher TCO of an overall disaster recovery solution Therefore solutions that don t offer the needed RTO and RPO should not be considered even if they make sense based on the raw financial calculation How to match a disaster recovery solution to an applicationThere are a variety of disaster recovery solutions on the market Currently available disaster recovery solutions have the following main differences Source application support limitations Different disaster recovery products and services support a different subset of operating systems central processing unit CPU architectures applications and hypervisors For applications that are not supported by a disaster recovery solution the solution will either not be able to correctly if at all copy the data to the disaster recovery site or run a working copy of that application in the disaster recovery site when needed the latter sometimes can only be discovered during a disaster recovery drill Target infrastructure support limitations Different disaster recovery solutions have different requirements for the disaster recovery site infrastructure For example not all target infrastructures support all of the operating systems of the source nor can they run with the required performance RPO Choose a solution that provides the RPO required for the application RTO Choose a solution that offers your target RTO TCO Usually the more features and capabilities a disaster recovery service has the higher its TCO will be For example more aggressive RTOs and RPOs would increase the TCO Compliance Applications that are covered by compliance certifications normally require their disaster recovery solutions to be covered by the requirements of the certifications Ease of operation Choose a solution that does not require significant effort or uncommon skills to operate and manage during normal operation outside of drills and disasters Ease of disaster recovery drills Choose a solution that reduces the cost and simplifies the process for disaster recovery drills This will encourage you to conduct the drills more frequently and improve your readiness for disasters Level of automation Disaster recovery solutions that offer a higher level of automation for example they have application programming interfaces APIs for integration with other solutions can be used to extend their capabilities and meet more of your disaster recovery needs This list of technical criteria should be used when evaluating which disaster recovery solution best meets your needs Keep in mind that different applications or groups of applications are likely to have different requirements It s also important to pay attention to the small print and to confirm that the product will work as expected in real life scenarios Lastly as a general best practice narrow down your disaster recovery solutions to the ones you actually need Operationally each new solution will have separate overhead an added learning curve and additional implementation and maintenance efforts such as monitoring the solution upgrading versions and applying security patches Therefore AWS recommends selecting a small number of disaster recovery solutions to cover all the required applications After you select the disaster recovery solution for each application you need to plan the implementation project Implementing disaster recovery for a large number of applications may be a lengthy and complex project To simplify and accelerate the project include the following in your planning process Mapping Map the applications the resources within the applications and what needs to be recovered for the application to run AWS recommends preparing a complete list of such resources grouped by applications These resources include servers appliances such as NAS network attached storage appliances and firewalls and networks As a part of this mapping dependencies within and between applications need to be established and documented For each application go through the risk analysis define the disaster recovery tier and determine the RTO and RPO Timeline For both the planning and the implementation stages a realistic timeline needs to be defined based on the number of applications and their complexity and also the skillset and experience of the people involved in the project People The number of people that will be allocated for each stage of the project including planning and implementation who these people are and the skillsets roles and responsibilities of each person Budget How much the entire project is estimated to cost The budget should take into account the cost of the licenses of the AWS services used as well as other costs such as data transfer from the source site to AWS Solution Choose solutions for each disaster recovery tier Since this paper focuses on using AWS for disaster recovery the prescribed suggestions are as follows For servers use CloudEndure Disaster Recovery Edge cases for which CloudEndure Disaster Recovery cannot be used include unsupported operating systems non ACID applications such as MyISAM backed MySQL databases applications using shared storage that multiple nodes write to in parallel such as Oracle RAC systems that have distributed databases with multiple nodes that need to be in sync with each other such as a Hadoop Cluster and servers that the CloudEndure Agent can t be installed on for example third party appliances For NAS appliances such as NetApp use DataSync whenever possible For components of source applications that are not supported by either CloudEndure Disaster Recovery or DataSync an application level solution needs to be used For example Oracle has application level solutions for replicating Oracle RAC databases NAS appliances can be replicated by periodically copying all the changed files to AWS and Hadoop clusters may require duplicating each node with another one running in AWS Application level disaster recovery solutions have multiple disadvantages including scope only relevant for specific applications or application components cost and ability to replicate over long distances Therefore we recommend trying other disaster recovery solution options prior to opting for an application level solution Success criteria For a disaster recovery implementation project success is normally signified by a disaster recovery drill that achieves a failover according to the requirements of the disaster recovery plan Team resources Assign team members who are skilled in the resources you mapped for replication For example if you have a mix of Linux and Windows operating systems then you need people who understand both operating systems Timelines Assign timelines to the implementation phase and to at least a single successful drill per application that will conclude the implementation The disaster recovery implementation is done when all of the applications have had at least one successful drill How to respond in the event of a disaster Performing a failoverAn actual failover is very similar to a drill The two main differences are that during an actual failover users will be redirected to the disaster recovery site and that a failback may be needed when the disaster is over In the event of planned or unplanned downtime begin the failover process by using the CloudEndure User Console to launch recovery machines in your disaster recovery target infrastructure Launch machine in recovery mode to note in the event log that it was an actual failover launch Perform the actual failover directing traffic to your target instances using the tool or the means you use for directing traffic For a Domain Name System DNS redirect AWS recommends using Amazon Route Application Recovery Controller After a successful failover and after the downtime is over you can prepare for failback Performing a failback and returning to normal operationsAfter performing a successful failover data from changes that occurred while the disaster recovery site was active may need to merged back into the source applications or all the data may need to be copied back in case the data of the source site cannot be recovered after the disaster is over To failback to the source servers or to new servers if the source ones are no longer available after the disaster is over follow these steps Start by replicating the data from the disaster recovery site back to the source site when using CloudEndure Disaster Recovery utilize the user console to open the Project Actions menu and choose the Prepare for Failback option Continue using the disaster recovery site while the data is being replicated Choose a failback window that minimizes the impact on users because during failback a short amount of downtime may occur During the failback window go to the disaster recovery site and stop the application Make sure that all the data finishes replicating to the source site Start the application in the source site Make sure the application launches correctly Once you have verified that the application is running properly redirect users back to the application in the source site ConclusionA properly planned and implemented disaster recovery solution is an important part of your resilience strategy and is crucial to mitigating the financial loss and reputational damage that a disaster can cause This whitepaper outlined the various considerations of how to choose a disaster recovery solution and how AWS can be utilized in such scenarios Customers with on premises workloads have a variety of options when it comes to using AWS for disaster recovery This whitepaper covered the various services that can help customers replicate their source applications into AWS and recover them in the case of a disaster including CloudEndure Disaster Recovery AWS DataSync and AWS Route This whitepaper also outlined how to best match a disaster recovery solution to an application and guided customers through the entire disaster recovery implementation process from mapping applications to performing drills and finally to performing a disaster recovery failover and failback ReferenceOriginal paper |
2022-02-24 12:06:47 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Remembering Steve Jobs on his 67th birthday |
Remembering Steve Jobs on his th birthdayHow the circumstances of Steve Jobs s birth and his decisions over education would shape both his entire life ーand then the entire world through the creation of Apple and the Macintosh Steve JobsThe Apple co founder Steve Jobs was born on February and brought up by his adoptive parents Paul and Clara Jobs While he would later dismiss the idea that the circumstances of his adoption had any influence on him he was born straight into a dispute over a deal and startling signs of his later strengths and weaknesses were there from his early years Read more |
2022-02-24 12:54:42 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Ukrainian Setapp developer says its software will still work during Russian invasion |
Ukrainian Setapp developer says its software will still work during Russian invasionIn the face of the Russian invasion Ukrainian developer MacPaw is telling customers that the company s products will be undisrupted and it has an emergency plan to ensure the safety of team members and ensure continued operation Setapp logoIn a post on its site MacPaw says that the company has been preparing for these circumstances from an operational standpoint for some time Read more |
2022-02-24 12:31:07 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Google relaxes COVID-19 rules for its US employees |
Google relaxes COVID rules for its US employeesGoogle delayed its employees return to office a few times over the past year but it looks like the tech giant is truly gearing up to welcome workers back this time According to CNBC the company is easing some of its COVID related mandates as part of those efforts including relaxing its vaccine requirements for employees nbsp CNBCreported back in December that Google will place employees who don t comply with its vaccine mandate by January th on leave unless they secure a valid medical or religious exemption The report also said that those employees will eventually be fired if they continue refusing to be inoculated against the virus Google spokesperson Lora Lee Erickson told the news organization that the company dropped the requirement last month though they refused to discuss the reason behind the decision nbsp Based on an email from Google Real Estate and Workplace Services VP David Radcliffe that CNBC has obtained the company is also dropping its testing requirements that also applied to vaccinated employees It s lifting its mask and social distancing requirements for vaccinated employees with the exception of its offices in Santa Clara County where its Mountain View headquarters are located as well That said unvaccinated employees must still be approved to work in offices and they ll still have to wear masks and get regularly tested if they re coming in nbsp On top of easing up its COVID mandates Google is also reopening its amenities for employees including its fitness centers with massages full shuttle service more places to eat as well as lounges and music rooms Erickson told CNBC quot We re giving employees who welcome the chance to come into the office the option to do that wherever we safely can while allowing those who aren t ready to keep working from home Based on current conditions in the Bay Area we re pleased that our employees who choose to come in now have the ability to access more onsite spaces and services to work and connect with colleagues quot Google still doesn t have an exact date for its return to office but Radcliffe s note reportedly said that the company will begin its day transition to its hybrid work week plan if conditions continue to improve Under the plan employees will be required to physically come into the company s offices at least thrice a week |
2022-02-24 12:40:08 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Morning After: Marvel's Netflix shows will reappear on Disney+, but only in Canada |
The Morning After Marvel x s Netflix shows will reappear on Disney but only in CanadaMarvel s first run of TV shows set in its cinematic universe including Daredevil and Jessica Jones have found a new home beyond Netflix if you live north of the border The shows set to disappear from Netflix on March st will appear on Disney Plus in Canada starting March th nbsp NetflixThere s no official news of a similar revival in the US at least not yet However without spoiling any surprises some characters have managed to make notable reappearances in recent Marvel movies and shows Hopefully Disney can figure out exactly where to take these shows and hey give The Defenders the do over it deserves I won t be taking any questions on this matter Mat SmithThe biggest stories you might have missedHow to incinerate the International Space Station Apex Legends Mobile launches in countries next weekTrump s free speech app Truth Social is censoring content and kicking off usersFacebook failed to spot climate misinformation from some of its worst denialist offendersSpotify debuts its first bookcast from Dolly Parton and James PattersonApple s iPad mini drops to at AmazonMeta wants to build a universal language translatorZuckerberg recently recapped the company s natural language processing efforts During a Metaverse and AI livestream event on Wednesday Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed that Meta s research division is working on a universal speech translation system that could streamline users interactions with AI Zuckerberg said quot Now we have the chance to improve the internet and set a new standard where we can all communicate with one another no matter what language we speak or where we come from And if we get this right this is just one example of how AI can help bring people together on a global scale quot Continue reading Apple AirTags gain additional anti stalking messaging in new iOS betaThose include warnings to would be stalkers EngadgetApple s latest anti stalking features for AirTags announced earlier this month have started to appear in iOS beta The beta update includes a warning when users first set up an AirTag quot Using this item to track people without their consent is a crime in many regions around the world quot it reads quot This item is designed to be detected by victims and to enable law enforcement to request identifying information about the owner quot Continue reading Intel claims its th gen ultraportable chips are a huge step forwardThey re up to percent faster for multithreaded performance Intel is finally ready to reveal more details of its new U and P series CPUs for ultraportables And much like AMD s upcoming Ryzen chips it looks like Intel is aiming to deliver a huge performance boost while consuming less power than last year s hardware With the Core i P Intel s fastest watt P series CPU the company claims you ll see up to percent faster multithreaded performance than last year s i G Like the rest of its th gen lineup Intel s U and P series chips are a new hybrid design that combines Performance cores P cores and Efficient cores E cores on a single die Continue reading USPS won t be buying more electric mail trucks despite EPA pleasOnly percent of its next gen fleet will be electric The USPS is moving forward with plans to spend billion on a fleet of next generation mail trucks that mostly run on gas despite requests from the EPA and Biden administration to electrify its new vehicles instead quot Our commitment to an electric fleet remains ambitious given the pressing vehicle and safety needs of our aging fleet as well as our fragile financial condition quot Postmaster General Louis DeJoy said in a statement He went on to say that the agency would try to buy more EVs as additional funding became available Continue reading |
2022-02-24 12:15:43 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
NDBと死亡情報の連結へ、22年度に検討開始-第三者提供の範囲など論点、厚労省 |
厚生労働省 |
2022-02-24 21:40:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine conflict: Russian forces invade after Putin TV declaration |
attack |
2022-02-24 12:39:00 |
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BBC News - Home |
UK will not look away from Russia invasion in Ukraine - PM |
invasion |
2022-02-24 12:34:19 |
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BBC News - Home |
Ukraine conflict world reaction: Sanctions, refugees and fears of war |
ukraine |
2022-02-24 12:02:10 |
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BBC News - Home |
Queen postpones more engagements after Covid test |
covid |
2022-02-24 12:48:23 |
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BBC News - Home |
Oil tops $100 and shares sink as Russia invades Ukraine |
crude |
2022-02-24 12:25:42 |
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BBC News - Home |
BBC Ukraine editor: There is no safe place any more |
place |
2022-02-24 12:16:31 |
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BBC News - Home |
In pictures: Destruction and fear as war hits Ukraine |
cities |
2022-02-24 12:26:17 |
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BBC News - Home |
Ukraine: What sanctions are being imposed on Russia? |
russia |
2022-02-24 12:50:17 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Cyber-attacks bring down Ukrainian websites |
attack |
2022-02-24 12:41:59 |
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BBC News - Home |
Uefa to discuss moving Champions League final from Russia |
Uefa to discuss moving Champions League final from RussiaUefa will hold an emergency meeting on Friday to discuss whether it should move the Champions League final away from Russian city St Petersburg |
2022-02-24 12:33:24 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
England's Randall to start against Wales with Lawes captain |
England x s Randall to start against Wales with Lawes captainHarry Randall will start at scrum half in England s Six Nations match against Wales at Twickenham with the returning Courtney Lawes named as captain |
2022-02-24 12:05:13 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Darge to make first Scotland start against France |
france |
2022-02-24 12:37:03 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
新型コロナ感染 釧路管内64人、根室管内12人 |
根室管内 |
2022-02-24 21:17:09 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道「市町村から自衛隊派遣要望なかった」 札幌大雪で答弁 |
自衛隊派遣 |
2022-02-24 21:14:48 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
配布マスク包装に静岡市長似顔絵 弁護士ら住民監査請求 |
住民監査請求 |
2022-02-24 21:12:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
上川管内113人感染 旭川は55人 新型コロナ |
上川管内 |
2022-02-24 21:10:59 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
従業員ら4人の告発状提出 岡山ベトナム人実習生暴行で機構 |
建設会社 |
2022-02-24 21:01:00 |