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AWS AWS Big Data Blog Audit AWS service events with Amazon EventBridge and Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/audit-aws-service-events-with-amazon-eventbridge-and-amazon-kinesis-data-firehose/ Audit AWS service events with Amazon EventBridge and Amazon Kinesis Data FirehoseAmazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus that makes it easy to build event driven applications at scale using events generated from your applications integrated software as a service SaaS applications and AWS services Many AWS services generate EventBridge events When an AWS service in your account emits an event it goes to your account s default … 2022-03-01 17:39:56
AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog ML inferencing at the edge with Amazon SageMaker Edge and Ambarella CV25 https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/ml-inferencing-at-the-edge-with-amazon-sagemaker-edge-and-ambarella-cv25/ ML inferencing at the edge with Amazon SageMaker Edge and Ambarella CVAmbarella builds computer vision SoCs system on chips based on a very efficient AI chip architecture and CVflow that provides the Deep Neural Network DNN processing required for edge inferencing use cases like intelligent home monitoring and smart surveillance cameras Developers convert models trained with frameworks such as TensorFlow or MXNET to Ambarella CVflow format … 2022-03-01 17:34:46
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Windows10でGitHubを始める~⑥-1.Git操作時のGitHub認証HTTPS(Git Credential Manager) https://qiita.com/emiki/items/3f2ebda7280374fb3bb7 前回の記事⇒WindowsでGitHubを始める⑥GitGitHub間の認証についてWindowsでGitHubを始める⑤GithubにプッシュするGitCredentialManagerGCMとはGitの資格情報を安全に保存し、HTTPS経由でGitHubに接続するツールのこと。 2022-03-02 02:10:54
海外TECH Ars Technica Review: Bigbug is a sparkling comedy that lifts the spirits and dazzles the eyes https://arstechnica.com/?p=1835522 gilliam 2022-03-01 17:26:54
海外TECH MakeUseOf The 6 Best Gmail Add-Ons for Increasing Productivity https://www.makeuseof.com/best-gmail-add-ons-for-productivity/ basic 2022-03-01 17:30:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf Everything You Need to Know About Jump Lists in Windows 10 https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-10-jump-lists-guide/ windows 2022-03-01 17:15:14
海外TECH DEV Community CodeLand 2022 is coming in June! Submit Your Talk Today🌈 https://dev.to/codenewbieteam/codeland-2022-is-coming-in-june-submit-your-talk-today-4h4 CodeLand is coming in June Submit Your Talk TodayCross Posted From CodeNewbie CommunityThe CodeNewbie team is thrilled to share that the tech industry s friendliest conference for early career programmers and their mentors is coming back for as a virtual conference for the third year in a row We can t wait to see you all at CodeLand on June amp Read on for the information you ll need to join us at CodeLand as an attendee ーincluding details on submitting a talk to our call for proposals CFP which is now OPEN Jump to CodeLand OverviewTalk Submission CFP InstructionsImportant CFP DatesCodeLand CFP FAQCodeLand Sponsorship Info CodeLand OverviewLocation CodeLand will be held virtually on CodeNewbie CommunityDates Thursday June and Friday June Time Six hours per day PM UTC check out World Time Buddy to convert to your local time zone Format A mix of pre recorded talks keynotes interactive activities and live speaker panels on both days Structure Just like last year the conference will be split between two days You ll be able to view featured talks on your own time or watch alongside the global community on the livestream with emcee commentary Keynotes and live panels will be played on the community stream and distributed afterward for self paced viewing Cost Free access to all keynotes talks and panels note registration will be required to be eligible to prizes and giveaways and experience CodeLand in its entirety Registration Opens on April Changes to CodeLand in More Breaks You spoke we listened CodeLand will feature more frequent and lengthier breaks allowing you to stretch your legs grab snacks and reset without missing a moment of our livestream As an emcee I know firsthand how important breaks are Activities This year we ll be featuring more opportunities to collaborate and engage in some healthy competition with your peers in real time We ll be eliminating our hands on workshops in favor of a more public and open activity format Streamlined Chat Experience In we re planning to polish up the places and ways in which you can chat with speakers organizers and other attendees The goal A virtual conference that s full of human connection ーin real time This overview is just the beginning Stay tuned for more updates on what the event will look like as June approaches Talk Submission CFP InstructionsThe CodeLand Call For Proposals CFP is now OPEN This means that you can submit a talk proposal for CodeLand as of today Our CFP closes on March at PM UTC For instructions full details and to submit a CodeLand talk proposal through March PM UTC visit gt gt cfp codelandconf com CodeLand CFP FAQ What does CFP mean CFP stands for Call For Proposals It s a fancy event academic term used to indicate an open submission period for event talks Who should submit a talk to the CodeLand CFP CodeLand s primary audience is early career programmers and their mentors If you feel you have something valuable to present to this group and you d like to speak virtually we encourage you to submit a talk proposal How can I tell if my talk is the right fit As described above we re looking for software and career related talks from people all over the world ーand from all different communities This year we also have some particular themes that we feel would be especially valuable for the CodeNewbie Community to learn about at CodeLand If you are curious about submitting a talk you can learn all about our suggested themes on our CFP site That said we believe that the best events for CodeNewbies are diverse in all senses including subject matter If you have an idea for a tech related talk that does not fit into one of our themes we d still love to see your proposal Who will be reviewing my talk When it comes to CodeLand creating a welcoming and inclusive environment is a non negotiable That s why we have carefully designed the CodeLand Program Committee i e the folks reviewing talks to be balanced in terms of gender race ethnicity and level of coding experience Our Program Committee includes members of the CodeNewbie Community the Forem team and beyond The first round of proposal reviews is anonymous meaning that your name and biographical information will be hidden from reviewers This is to eliminate bias as we select talks to appear on the CodeLand agenda What if I have a question about the CodeLand CFP If you have any questions about the CodeLand CFP feel free to drop them below or email us privately at hello forem com Important CFP DatesMarch CFP opens March CFP closes amp reviewing beginsApril ー CodeLand talks and program announced Where to Find CodeLand UpdatesHere s where to get all the latest information about CodeLand CodeNewbie CommunityWe will publish all important updates about CodeLand right here on CodeNewbie Community in dedicated posts These individual update posts will be shared under a “CodeLand Updates series which you ll be able to find via this post so give this article a save DEVBecause DEV and CodeNewbie are so closely related and have many members in common we will be sharing CodeLand related updates in a series of brief roundup posts on DEV as well Depending on the week these update posts might be full of info or they might only have one or two reminders codelandconf com amp codelandconf on TwitterIf you attended CodeLand in previous years you ll recognize our conference site and Twitter handle We ll be publishing basic information about CodeLand on both platforms in the months leading up to the event like the schedule speaker announcements and more Reminder that live CodeLand programming will be taking place right here on CodeNewbie Community not on codelandconf com CodeLand Sponsorship InfoIf your company is interested in sponsoring CodeLand please fill out the form located here Once we receive your information you will receive a copy of our sponsorship brochure via email Next steps…Register for accounts on DEV and CodeNewbie Community Follow codenewbies thepracticaldev and codelandconf on TwitterIf you have attended CodeLand in the past and would like to share a testimonial about your experience simply comment below We might reference your quote in future CodeLand promotion Don t forget to submit your CodeLand talk by March PM UTC Registration for CodeLand opens on April Stay tuned Cheers to CodeLand a motivating community gathering for early career software developers and their champions 2022-03-01 17:34:03
海外TECH DEV Community Some of web dev resources for beginners https://dev.to/pranish07/some-of-web-dev-resources-for-beginners-3o20 Some of web dev resources for beginners days of jsCss tricksReact resourcescodewarscsEnjoyy 2022-03-01 17:20:36
海外TECH DEV Community Local Storage and Session Storage (JavaScript) https://dev.to/therajatg/local-storage-and-session-storage-javascript-i10 Local Storage and Session Storage JavaScript No I won t tell you any definition Just get on the train and by the end of this blog you ll have a clear understanding of local storage and session storage Inspect whatever page you are on Click on Application Click on storage and you ll see local storage and session storage right there Both local storage and session storage store key value pairs The major difference between local storage and session storage is that after closing the browser the key value pairs stored in session storage get lost Now let s understand how to operate on local storage with some examples Example give key value pair to the local storage localStorage setItem Name Rajat Let s see typeof of the local storage In the above example we saw how to set key value pairs in the local storage Now let s understand how to get items from the local storage Example let name localStorage getItem Name console log name Result RajatNow let s try to get some value that did not exist Example let name localStorage getItem Name console log name Result nullThe result is null if you try to fetch something from local storage that did not exist Many times we want to store arrays in local storage since arrays are easy to work with we have so many inbuilt methods for arrays However one limitation of local storage is that it stores the array as a string let s see what I mean localStorage setItem Name Rajat let fruitsArray Apple Banana Orange Grapes Mango localStorage setItem impArray fruitsArray In order to overcome this issue ️ we use JSON stringify See it in action below Example storing array in local storage localStorage setItem Name Rajat let fruitsArray Apple Banana Orange Grapes Mango localStorage setItem impArray JSON stringify fruitsArray Example getting array from local storage console log localStorage getItem impArray The above result may look like an array but we are getting string from local storage instead of array let me prove it console log typeof localStorage getItem impArray Therefore in order to get an array from local storage we use JSON parse See below Example get an array from the local storage console log JSON parse localStorage getItem impArray Hence we use JSON stringify To set array as the value in local storage JSON parse To get an array from local storage Example Clear local storage localStorage setItem Name Rajat let fruitsArray Apple Banana Orange Grapes Mango localStorage setItem impArray JSON stringify fruitsArray localStorage clear Hence we can clear localStorage using lt br gt Example Remove only the name key value pair from local storage javascript localStorage setItem Name Rajat let fruitsArray Apple Banana Orange Grapes Mango localStorage setItem impArray JSON stringify fruitsArray localStorage removeItem Name As you can see above In order to remove a particular key value pair we use That s all about local storage lt br gt We run similar operations in session storage the only difference being we use session storage in place of local storage sessionStorage setItem Name Rajat sessionStorage getItem Name Rajat sessionStorage setItem impArray JSON stringify fruitsArray console log JSON parse sessionStorage getItem impArray sessionStorage clear sessionStorage removeItem Name Let me reiterate The only major difference between local storage and session storage is as soon as we close the browser we lose whatever is saved in session storage However this is not the case with local storage and finally let s see what MDN has to say The localStorage read only property of the window interface allows you to access a Storage object for the Document s origin the stored data is saved across browser sessions The read only sessionStorage property accesses a session Storage object for the current origin sessionStorage is similar to localStorage the difference is that while data in localStorage doesn t expire data in sessionStorage is cleared when the page session ends That s all folks If you have any doubt ask me in the comments section and I ll try to answer as soon as possible I write one article every day related to web development yes every single day Follow me here if you are learning the same If you love the article follow me on Twitter therajatgIf you are the Linkedin type let s connect Have an awesome day ahead 2022-03-01 17:20:09
海外TECH DEV Community How do we measure performance of a website https://dev.to/hshoja/how-do-we-measure-performance-of-a-website-23d1 How do we measure performance of a website What s web performance Web performance is a term describing how fast a website is Why does performance matters Google ranks the websites based on their performance but the most important reason is the real users whereas it lets them to have a good experience when they work with our websites Imagine if they like to ride a Bugatti Veyron EB or an slow old car How do we measure performance There are different tools that can be categorized in these two list browsers toolsLighthouseIt gives you the results and matrices to make the improvements It gives you opportunities and diagnosis Network TabRun network and disable cache and check times and waterfall for all requests Perfomance Tab start profiling and check all things in detail Hosted third party toolsPageSpeed insights Google it s like lighthouse but it doesn t run on your local machine so it will check the matrices from google serversWebpagetest orgGTMetrics actually lighthouse Standard performance measurementsThere are couple of important measurements that you can find or different tools to check the performance of your website First paintThe time it takes before the user sees changes happening in the browser LCP Largest Contentful Paint The time takes before the user sees the contentFMP First Meaningful Paint The time takes before the user sees content that is actually meaningful TTI Time to Interactive The time it takes before the content has finished loading and the UI can be interacted with Thanks for reading I will complete this post graduallyref 2022-03-01 17:16:03
海外TECH DEV Community LeetCode WalkThru: 'Reverse Integer' https://dev.to/am20dipi/leetcode-walkthru-reverse-integer-1fjm LeetCode WalkThru x Reverse Integer x Hi programmers Today we will be walking through how to solve LeetCode s Reverse Integer challenge Click here to pull up the challenge on your end After going over the instructions and the examples provided by LeetCode we will go through two different methods to come to a solution including a brute force attempt and a optimized attempt It is important to see how a single challenge can be solved in multiple ways to understand how different methodologies achieve efficiency speed and optimization Itinerary Instructions Examples Brute Force Solution Optimized Solution Summary Recap Instructions Examples Given an integer x return x with its digits reversed If reversing x causes the value to go outside the signed bit integer range then return In my opinion LeetCode does not do a great job with these instructions Ahem super vague So in addition to returning the reversed version of the given integer we have to consider a few more things Let s look at the examples to examine what else we should consider when solving this challenge Example Input x Output Example is pretty straight forward We see that the output is the reversed integer of the input Simple enough Example Input x Output Now Example introduces the possible hiccup or edge case of negative integers We need to consider that the reversal of the integer results in the appropriate placing of the sign Example Input x Output In Example the is completely popped off from the output While the presence of the zero does not affect the actual value of the output semantically we do not present numbers usually with a zero at the beginning So we need to also consider removing the zero when necessary After looking at both the instructions and the examples we get a pretty good idea of what we need to accomplish Reverse the integer and return it Maintain the positive or negative value of the integer Remove any zeroes at the beginning of the reversed integer Return if the given input is larger than If the number is too large just return Let s get started Brute Force AttemptThanks to JavaScript s built in methods the easiest way to reverse data is to use the reverse method However the reverse method is dedicated only to arrays So in order to use reverse let s convert our integer x to an array function reverseInt x Convert integer to string const intToString x toString Convert string to array const stringToArray intToString split return stringToArray reverseInt In the above snippet I broke down the conversion of x from an integer to a string to an array toString converts a data value to a string split converts a data value to an array split takes an optional parameter called a separator The separator sits between each array item separating the array item from both its preceding item and succeeding item In this code challenge we need the separator If we run the above code snippet in our console or sandbox our output should look like this Now we have a nice array with each digit of our integer as its own array item Cool Let s keep moving and reverse the array using the reverse method function reverseInt x Convert integer to string const intToString x toString Convert string to array const stringToArray intToString split Reverse array using reverse const reversedArray stringToArray reverse return reversedArray reverseInt output gt Our output would now be With an integer like without a negative sign or any zeroes in the beginning of the array we could now potentially convert the array back to an integer and we would have the solution However we need to consider those edge cases we saw in the examples provided by LeetCode because in reality integers include negative numbers and zeroes First let s consider if the integer ends with a When we reverse the array the would then be in the first position of the array For example reverseInt output gt We can use shift to remove the first element function reverseInt x Convert integer to string const intToString x toString Convert string to array const stringToArray intToString split Reverse array using reverse const reversedArray stringToArray reverse If is in the first position of the array use shift to remove it if reversedArray reversedArray shift gt gt reverseInt reverseInt Simple enough right Our next edge case we have to consider is the positive or negative value of the integer we pass to our function We want to maintain this value but when we reverse our array the negative sign will end up in the last position or index which semantically does not work According to our current code this would be the output reverseInt gt But we want this reverseInt gt Just like reverse JavaScript has great built in functionality to compensate for this edge case Math sign returns either a positive or negative value based on the sign of the number passed into it Here are some examples console log Math sign output gt console log Math sign output gt console log Math sign output gt console log Math sign output gt Math sign will return either or So how can we apply this to our code to return the reversed integer We can multiply our reversed integer by Math sign passing in our original integer First let s convert our reversed array back to an integer function reverseInt x Convert integer to string const intToString x toString Convert string to array const stringToArray intToString split Reverse array using reverse const reversedArray stringToArray reverse If is in the first position of the array use shift to remove it if reversedArray reversedArray shift gt Convert array back into string const backToString reversedArray join console log typeof backToString Convert string back into integer const backToInteger parseInt backToString console log typeof backToInteger reverseInt output gt I use typeof to check the data type of a given variable It is a great tool to get in the habit of using Now we can apply Math sign function reverseInt x Convert integer to string const intToString x toString Convert string to array const stringToArray intToString split Reverse array using reverse const reversedArray stringToArray reverse If is in the first position of the array use shift to remove it if reversedArray reversedArray shift gt Convert array back into string const backToString reversedArray join Convert string back into integer and check to see if the integer is larger than const backToInteger parseInt backToString if backToInteger gt return Using Math sign multiply the value of the original integer by our reversed integer return backToInteger Math sign x reverseInt output gt Paste all this code into your console or sandbox Our output should be Yes it worked Try it with a few different integers as well Input Input Input Input Input Optimized SolutionIn our brute force attempt we have a completely valid solution However it is messy because it is not DRY We repeat ourselves quite a bit and overuse variable declarations Let s optimize our code and reduce it from lines of code down to a few First we can convert our original integer to a string then to an array reverse it back to a string and then finally back into an integer in one line function optimizedReverse x const reversed parseInt x toString split reverse join return reversed optimizedReverse output gt That cleans up a lot of code Down to two lines already Now we can borrow some code from our brute force attempt to correctly apply the positive or negative value to our reversed integer as well as check to see if the reversed value is greater than function optimizedReverse x const reversed parseInt x toString split reverse join if reverse gt return return reversed Math sign x optimizedReverse output gt Done We achieved a more optimized solution With less variable declarations we save memory during compilation of the code because in JavaScript each variable receives its own space in memory So less variables means more free space in memory We also save time because the JavaScript engine only has to compile over a few lines of code instead of This is major in the grand scheme of things If we can save a few lines of code in each file of a project we ultimately save a whole lot of time and memory We want to be efficient and optimized everywhere possible Summary RecapThank you for coding along with me Before you leave let s look back on what this challenge signified Use console log often in your code to check the value of things Use typeof before a variable to figure out what data type you are working with Clean up your code where you can Too many variable declarations gt slower code Too many variable declarations gt more memory space is being used up JavaScript has a plethora of great built in methods use them Optimized means your code uses up less space in memory and takes less time to run Remember code in the way that is best for you If the optimized solution is confusing and not clear then don t use it Keep practicing coding by breaking down your code like we did in the brute force attempt As you learn the optimized solution will begin to make sense Take your time Have any questions Comments Or suggestions Leave a comment below Feel free to follow me connect with me on LinkedIn 2022-03-01 17:15:50
海外TECH DEV Community Constantes de WordPress https://dev.to/jmau111/constantes-de-wordpress-5346 Constantes de WordPressUna constante PHP es un identificador nombre para un valor simple Por convención los identificadores de constantes siempre se declaran en mayúsculas define IDENTIFICADOR valor Según PHP netSu finalidad no es ofrecer la lista completa de constantes nativas de WordPress Algunas de categorías generales de uso FAVOR DE UTILIZARLA CON PRECAUCIÓN Mostrar todas las constantes PHPprint r get defined constants true No modificar URLs pathprint r WP INC wp includes print r ABSPATH root tiempoprint r MINUTE IN SECONDS print r HOUR IN SECONDS print r DAY IN SECONDS print r WEEK IN SECONDS print r MONTH IN SECONDS print r YEAR IN SECONDS tamañoprint r KB IN BYTES print r MB IN BYTES print r GB IN BYTES print r TB IN BYTES En curso my script phpprint r DOING AJAX print r WP IMPORTING print r WP LOAD IMPORTERS print r WP INSTALLING print r IFRAME REQUEST print r WP UNINSTALL PLUGIN archivo DB wp config phpdefine DB NAME database define DB USER username define DB PASSWORD password define DB HOST localhost define DB CHARSET utf define DB COLLATE define WP ALLOW REPAIR false por defecto falsedefine CUSTOM USER TABLE usr por defecto wp users define CUSTOM USER META TABLE usr metadata por defecto wp usermeta Bootstrap bootstrap phpdefine SHORTINIT true define WP USE THEMES false require once SERVER DOCUMENT ROOT wp load php URLs Archivos wp config phpdefine WP SITEURL define WP HOME define WP CONTENT DIR wp content define WPMU PLUGIN DIR WP CONTENT DIR mu plugins define WP PLUGIN DIR WP CONTENT DIR plugins define WP CONTENT URL Sitio URL wp content define WPMU PLUGIN URL WP CONTENT URL mu plugins define WP TEMP DIR path to tmp no públicodefine WP LANG DIR WP CONTENT DIR languages define UPLOADS WP CONTENT DIR uploads define WP DEFAULT THEME mi tema wp content themes thema functions phpif defined TEMPLATEPATH define TEMPLATEPATH get template directory wp content themes thema child functions phpif defined STYLESHEETPATH define STYLESHEETPATH get stylesheet directory Debug ENV DEV wp config phpdefine WP DEBUG true define SCRIPT DEBUG true define WP DEBUG DISPLAY false ini set display errors define WP DEBUG LOG path to error log define SAVEQUERIES true wpdb gt queries Sistema de archivos wp config phpdefine FS CHMOD DIR define FS CHMOD FILE define FS METHOD true define FS CONNECT TIMEOUT segundosdefine FS TIMEOUT segundosdefine FTP BASE ABSPATH define FTP CONTENT DIR WP CONTENT DIR define FTP LANG DIR WP LANG DIR define FTP HOST define FTP USER xxxxxxx define FTP PASS yyyyyyy define FTP PRIKEY privkey define FTP PUBKEY pubkey define FTP SSH true define FTP SSL true Rendimiento Cache memory wp config phpdefine WP CACHE true define WP CACHE KEY SALT object cache phpdefine WP MAX MEMORY LIMIT M define WP MEMORY LIMIT M define WP POST REVISIONS false define AUTOSAVE INTERVAL define EMPTY TRASH DAYS define MEDIA TRASH true archivo phpdefine DONOTCACHEPAGE true cache CSS JS GZIPdefine CONCATENATE SCRIPTS true define COMPRESS CSS true define COMPRESS SCRIPTS true define ENFORCE GZIP true CRONdefine DISABLE WP CRON true utilizar el CRON del servidor Seguridad Fortalecimiento de la seguridad wp config phpdefine DISALLOW FILE EDIT true define DISALLOW FILE MODS true define DISALLOW UNFILTERED HTML true define FORCE SSL ADMIN true define ALLOW UNFILTERED UPLOADS false wp config php salt keys define AUTH KEY JA Be Up amp yVF rWt Y St gt Toq lt amp FTVpWOTr vqMKd OBb define SECURE AUTH KEY KUj L qh amp qcUfHy G KySt m fkg B lt E O TG t XL B M H define LOGGED IN KEY GM qgyK lt je W DZ gt sNA zuKksP b hCpfSddkymPTj define NONCE KEY vpZYdG QPm cwkXNyMX mqc AC gLkH Vk S y U amp vn S eeeWV define AUTH SALT Qs U X PLY AaA xeIw un c n VFKuKH Xh jAh define SECURE AUTH SALT zcKS J E Njl e pSvdD rU OW lt j C gt ulz M hB nh RT A p define LOGGED IN SALT jc rkYkNuknhyVzPD J y X S amp E Y lt A nc Dd qGGFJtxR define NONCE SALT nqDhw AL ViY YX Smy K f lt O MI gqKyt fPX gg x pdgWuS Actualización wp config phpdefine AUTOMATIC UPDATER DISABLED false true falsedefine WP AUTO UPDATE CORE false true false minordefine CORE UPGRADE SKIP NEW BUNDLED true twenty themes hello dollydefine DO NOT UPGRADE GLOBAL TABLES true Bloqueo amp amp Proxy para los iniciados wp config phpdefine WP HTTP BLOCK EXTERNAL true solicitudes salientesdefine WP ACCESSIBLE HOSTS localhost www example com wordpress org proxydefine WP PROXY HOST define WP PROXY PORT define WP PROXY USERNAME xxxxxxx define WP PROXY PASSWORD yyyyyyy define WP PROXY BYPASS HOSTS localhost www example com wordpress org Cookies wp config phpdefine COOKIEHASH define USER COOKIE wordpressuser COOKIEHASH define PASS COOKIE wordpresspass COOKIEHASH define AUTH COOKIE wordpress COOKIEHASH define SECURE AUTH COOKIE wordpress sec COOKIEHASH define LOGGED IN COOKIE wordpress logged in COOKIEHASH define TEST COOKIE wordpress test cookie define COOKIEPATH preg replace https i get option home define SITECOOKIEPATH preg replace https i get option siteurl define ADMIN COOKIE PATH SITECOOKIEPATH wp admin define PLUGINS COOKIE PATH preg replace https i WP PLUGIN URL define COOKIE DOMAIN false define RECOVERY MODE COOKIE wordpress rec COOKIEHASH Multisite wp config php No se trata de una lista completadefine WP ALLOW MULTISITE true define SUBDOMAIN INSTALL false sitio es site sitio es site sitio es sitedefine DOMAIN CURRENT SITE sitio es define PATH CURRENT SITE define SITE ID CURRENT SITE define BLOG ID CURRENT SITE Pruebas wp tests config phpdefine WP TESTS DOMAIN example org define WP TESTS EMAIL admin example org define WP TESTS TITLE Test Blog define WP PHP BINARY php define WP TESTS FORCE KNOWN BUGS true define REST TESTS IMPOSSIBLY HIGH NUMBER Foto del autor Kazuo ota 2022-03-01 17:10:32
海外TECH DEV Community CSSBattle | #8 Forking Crazy https://dev.to/npranto/cssbattle-8-forking-crazy-52ea CSSBattle Forking CrazyWelcome to CSSBattle Challenges In this short article I go through my solution for CSSBattle Forking Crazy challenge Please refer to the code snippet below to get a better insight into my thought processes and the implementation detail Challenge Solution lt div class container gt lt div class fork gt lt div class springs gt lt div class spring fill gt lt div gt lt div class spring transparent gt lt div gt lt div class spring fill gt lt div gt lt div class spring transparent gt lt div gt lt div class spring fill gt lt div gt lt div class spring transparent gt lt div gt lt div class spring fill gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class circular depth gt lt div gt lt div class bottom handle gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt style gt box sizing border box padding margin container width height background cf display flex justify content center align items end fork display flex flex direction column align items center bottom handle width px height px background f z index circular depth width px height px background f border bottom left radius px border bottom right radius px transform translateY px z index springs width px height px display flex transform translateY px z index spring flex grow fill background f border radius calc px transparent background cf border radius calc px lt style gt Key Takeaway s tinkering with border radius properties to create semi circlesusing z index to control element overlapsAs always I welcome any feedback or questions regarding the implementation detail of the challenge Otherwise I hope this was useful 2022-03-01 17:02:01
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Nomad Base One review: The most premium MagSafe charger around https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/03/01/nomad-base-one-review-the-most-premium-magsafe-charger-around?utm_medium=rss Nomad Base One review The most premium MagSafe charger aroundNomad s first MFi certified MagSafe charger ーBase One ーhas landed With an all glass and metal design it s the most luxurious MagSafe charger to hit the market yet The all new Nomad Base OneThe accessory maker is trying to make a statement with its first ever MagSafe charger It goes beyond just putting magnets into one of their existing chargers as they ve done to date Read more 2022-03-01 17:27:03
海外TECH Engadget Jeep's first all-electric SUV arrives in 2023 https://www.engadget.com/jeep-electric-suv-ram-1500-bev-release-date-174859863.html?src=rss Jeep x s first all electric SUV arrives in Stellantis isn t just leaning on a Chrysler concept to define its EV future As part of a new quot Dare Forward quot strategic plan the automaker has unveiled the first all electric Jeep SUV The company didn t provide specifications or even a name but the Jeep EV launches in early and appears to be relatively compact like the Compass Autoblognotes Jeep might be using the STLA Small platform that supports up to an kWh battery and miles of range More is coming in You ll find a more off road oriented model and a quot lifestyle family quot SUV in Jeep won t be alone either as Ram will release an electric ProMaster van in and pickup truck shown at middle the following year StellantisThe cautious rollout leaves Stellantis behind Ford GM and other incumbent brands that already have multiple EVs either on the road or coming this year That s not including electric only badges like Tesla or Rivian To date the company has focused on either converted cars like the Fiat e or its xe plug in hybrids The new machines and Stellantis new plan might help with that though Under Dare Forward the brand hopes to sell five million EVs in That s enough to completely replace its European passenger car sales and half of all passenger cars and trucks in the US There will be over EVs aimed at American buyers It s just a matter of whether or not the brand can make up for lost time particularly with rivals like GM already planning to eliminate combustion passenger vehicle sales 2022-03-01 17:48:59
海外TECH Engadget Facebook will demote Russian state media across its entire platform https://www.engadget.com/facebook-will-demote-russian-state-media-across-its-entire-platform-173210363.html?src=rss Facebook will demote Russian state media across its entire platformFacebook is taking new steps to curb the influence of Russian state media outlets on its platform The company which has already blocked access to RT and Sputnik within the European Union and Ukraine now says it will demote all Russian state media across Facebook and Instagram around the world Calling the move “unprecedented Meta s president of Global Affairs Nick Clegg said the company was making Russian state media “harder to find on Facebook and Instagram “We are demoting content from Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts for Russian state controlled media outlets Clegg said during a call with reporters “We have also begun to demote posts that contain links to Russian state controlled media websites on Facebook over the past few days While Facebook has in the past down ranked certain types of content like vaccine misinformation it s unusual for the company to demote a wide swath of content entirely RT in particular is prolific on social media and has millions of followers on Facebook alone On the call Clegg called the move “unprecedented and noted that Meta has received requests from a number of governments to suppress Russian state media So far the company has only blocked the pages entirely in the European Union ーfollowing a ban from lawmakers ーand inside of Ukraine FacebookIn addition to demoting content Clegg said Facebook will also add labels to all links to Russian state media websites that are shared on its platforms in order to “provide more information to people before they share them or to let them know that they lead to state controlled media websites Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts controlled by state media will also have labels The labels which are expected to roll out in the coming days will appear on any link to Russian state media and will warn that Facebook believes the publisher is quot partially or wholly under the editorial control of the Russian government quot Facebook s head os Security Policy Nathaniel Gleicher added that the company will be on the lookout for new websites or links created to evade the policy nbsp Facebook s latest update comes after several days ofcrackdowns on Russian state media from major tech companies Twitter has also added new labels to state media outlets and taken steps to reduce their visibility on its platform TikTok has also blocked access to the content within the EU and Microsoft has removed Russian state media from many of its platforms as well Clegg also confirmed that the company s services are being “throttled within Russia a move the country s regulators announced after Facebook declined to stop fact checking state media accounts “We see the effect most particularly on video and other multimedia content …the degradation of the service is definitely discernible he said Developing… 2022-03-01 17:32:10
海外TECH Engadget Instagram brings automatic captions to videos in your feed https://www.engadget.com/instagram-automatic-captions-feed-video-172336059.html?src=rss Instagram brings automatic captions to videos in your feedInstagram s fierce competition with TikTok is bearing more fruit The social network is matching its rival by introducing automatic captions which TikTok has had since last April to videos in your feed They ll be enabled by default for creators too Auto generated captions will initially be available in quot select quot languages but Instagram hopes to expand them to more languages and countries The AI behind the captions won t be flawless Instagram expects the quality to quot continue to improve quot as the AI learns however The addition should improve accessibility for deaf and hard of hearing users who ll have more choices for spoken word video Producers won t have to manually add captions themselves However Instagram also noted that this should help people who simply prefer to watch video with the sound off You won t have to toggle the volume and startle others in the process just to understand what someone is saying In that regard automatic captions might change your Instagram habits You might be more likely to watch a video right away instead of scrolling past or saving it for later That s good news for Instagram s viewing stats of course but it could also help aspiring social media stars build their audiences 2022-03-01 17:23:36
海外TECH Engadget NVIDIA confirms hackers obtained company data in last week's cyberattack https://www.engadget.com/nvidia-confirms-data-stolen-cyberattack-171259243.html?src=rss NVIDIA confirms hackers obtained company data in last week x s cyberattackNVIDIA confirmed Tuesday some of its data was stolen as part of a cyberattack that occurred last week “We are aware that the threat actor took employee credentials and some NVIDIA proprietary information from our systems and has begun leaking it online a company spokesman told Engadget NVIDIA didn t specify exactly what was stolen from its computer systems But according to PCMag a group called LAPSUS is claiming responsibility for the attack It says it obtained TB of data including schematics and driver source code The collective is demanding a ransom paid in cryptocurrency to prevent NVIDIA s files from becoming public It says the company has yet to contact it It s unlikely NVIDIA will get in touch Following last year s Colonial Pipeline cyberattack the Biden administration has strongly discouraged businesses from cooperating with hackers quot We do not anticipate any disruption to our business or our ability to serve our customers as a result of the incident quot the company said After becoming aware of the attack on February rd NVIDIA says it notified law enforcement and began working with cybersecurity experts to respond to the incident “We have no evidence of ransomware being deployed on the NVIDIA environment or that this is related to the Russia Ukraine conflict the company said LAPSUS also claims its actions weren t politically motivated “We are not in politics AT ALL the group states in a post seen by PCMag 2022-03-01 17:12:59
海外TECH Network World FCC announces new 5G spectrum auction in 2.5GHz band https://www.networkworld.com/article/3651512/fcc-announces-new-5g-spectrum-auction-in-25ghz-band.html#tk.rss_all FCC announces new G spectrum auction in GHz band FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel announced Tuesday at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona that the US government agency will auction off spectrum in the GHz band in July for use in G networks paving the way for telecom companies to further expand their midband holdings The GHz auction represents the pending sale of what Rosenworcel called “the biggest swath of contiguous midband spectrum we have available below GHz and will be followed by a further auction of midband spectrum in the GHz GHz range The FCC has had plans for this auction in the works for more than a year having first sought public comment in January of The auction will cover roughly MHz of spectrum and will be sold on a per county basis according to the earlier request for comment To read this article in full please click here 2022-03-01 17:17:00
海外TECH WIRED Six-Word Sci-Fi: Stories Written by You https://www.wired.com/story/six-word-sci-fi favorites 2022-03-01 17:30:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「銀行の引当開示の充実に向けて」について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/singi/20220301.html 開示 2022-03-01 18:50:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 金融庁職員の新型コロナウイルス感染について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/sonota/20220301.html 新型コロナウイルス 2022-03-01 18:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 第208回国会における金融庁関連法律案について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/diet/index.html#diet208 関連 2022-03-01 17:30:00
ニュース ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) 2021年にサプライチェーン関連のスタートアップ投資が急増、過去最高の336億ドルに、米調査会社発表 https://www.jetro.go.jp/biznews/2022/03/745795d1116c7a4b.html 調査会社 2022-03-01 17:10:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Ukraine: Vladimir Putin using barbaric tactics, Boris Johnson says https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60565392?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA allies 2022-03-01 17:25:40
ニュース BBC News - Home Ukraine conflict: Russia bombs Kharkiv's Freedom Square and opera house https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60567162?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA concert 2022-03-01 17:07:36
ニュース BBC News - Home Ukraine conflict: Shares fall and oil rises as Russian attacks continue https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60557077?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA capital 2022-03-01 17:04:58
ニュース BBC News - Home MPs to get £2,200 pay rise next month https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60576639?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA insurance 2022-03-01 17:08:56
ニュース BBC News - Home Simpson: Putin's miscalculations mean he could strike harder https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-60574277?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA simpson 2022-03-01 17:08:27
ニュース BBC News - Home Ukraine maps: Tracking Russia's invasion https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60506682?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA invasionrussia 2022-03-01 17:19:49
ニュース BBC News - Home Musk's Starlink arrives in Ukraine - but what next? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-60561162?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA ukraine 2022-03-01 17:26:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Ukraine crisis: Is the UK doing enough to help refugees? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/60555166?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA ukraine 2022-03-01 17:51:58
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 ひろゆきが教える「あれこれ考える『悩みグセ』をなくす方法」ベスト1 - 1%の努力 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/297628 youtube 2022-03-02 02:55:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【精神科医が教える】 他人に振り回されない シンプルだけど大切な「たった1つ」の考え方 - 精神科医Tomyが教える 心の荷物の手放し方 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/297200 voicy 2022-03-02 02:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 現地を視察した日本人全員が呆れ果てた「ミャンマーのロヒンギャ問題」 - ビジネスエリートの必須教養 「世界の民族」超入門 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/297346 現地を視察した日本人全員が呆れ果てた「ミャンマーのロヒンギャ問題」ビジネスエリートの必須教養「世界の民族」超入門「人種・民族に関する問題は根深い…」。 2022-03-02 02:45:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「読解力」が身につく脳トレ - 1分間瞬読ドリル https://diamond.jp/articles/-/297862 2022-03-02 02:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「優秀なのに結果が出ない人」と「突き抜けた結果を出せる人」の決定的な差 - 起業家の思考法 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/297796 問題解決 2022-03-02 02:35:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 頭のいい人、頭の悪い人を分ける「ちょっとした言い方の違い」 - 数値化の鬼 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/297192 頭のいい人、頭の悪い人を分ける「ちょっとした言い方の違い」数値化の鬼全国社が導入し、話題沸騰のマネジメント法「識学」の代表・安藤広大氏の最新刊『数値化の鬼』。 2022-03-02 02:30:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【ブラック企業対策】 入社を決める前に、 必ず確認すべき5つのこと - 真の「安定」を手に入れるシン・サラリーマン https://diamond.jp/articles/-/295819 【ブラック企業対策】入社を決める前に、必ず確認すべきつのこと真の「安定」を手に入れるシン・サラリーマン異例の発売前重版刷仕事がデキない、忙しすぎる、上司のパワハラ、転職したい、夢がない、貯金がない、老後が不安…サラリーマンの悩み、この一冊ですべて解決これからのリーマンに必要なもの、結論、出世より「つの武器」リーマン力副業力マネー力。 2022-03-02 02:25:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 試験当日に「エナジードリンク」を飲んではいけない理由 - 大量に覚えて絶対忘れない「紙1枚」勉強法 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/297424 試験 2022-03-02 02:20:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【最速で経済的自立を果たす! FIRE2.0】 あなたのお金で手に入れるべきものとは? - 投資をしながら自由に生きる https://diamond.jp/articles/-/296100 2022-03-02 02:15:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【現役サラリーマンが株式投資で2.5億円】 「良い株価の下がり方」と「悪い株価の下がり方」の見分け方と対策とは? - 割安成長株で2億円 実践テクニック100 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/296123 【現役サラリーマンが株式投資で億円】「良い株価の下がり方」と「悪い株価の下がり方」の見分け方と対策とは割安成長株で億円実践テクニック定年まで働くなんて無理……生涯賃金億円を株式投資で稼いでしまおうそう決意した入社年目、知識ゼロの状態から株式投資を始めた『割安成長株で億円実践テクニック』の著者・現役サラリーマン投資家の弐億貯男氏。 2022-03-02 02:10:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【9割の人が知らない】 ついポチする「CTA」と素通りされる「CTA」の決定的な差 - コピーライティング技術大全 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/296672 【割の人が知らない】ついポチする「CTA」と素通りされる「CTA」の決定的な差コピーライティング技術大全発売たちまち大重版Amazonランキング第位広告・宣伝。 2022-03-02 02:05:00



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