Engadget Japanese |
『Ghostwire: Tokyo』の前日譚が無料配信。ビジュアルノベルゲーム『Ghostwire Tokyo - Prelude』 |
ghostwiretokyo |
2022-03-02 03:30:29 |
Engadget Japanese |
Instagram、動画の自動字幕生成に対応 |
instagram |
2022-03-02 03:10:11 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 阪神梅田本店、4月6日に全館グランドオープン 「日本一の王道デパ地下」目指す |
itmedia |
2022-03-02 12:25:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 食品ロスを減らそうとしたら宿泊客から「料理がないぞ!」 朝食ブッフェの“深刻”なジレンマ |
itmedia |
2022-03-02 12:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 成城石井、Amazonにネットスーパー開設 プライム会員向け、最短2時間で配達 |
amazon |
2022-03-02 12:11:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Amazonのクラウドゲーム「Luna」、米国で正式に始動 ストIIもできるレトロチャンネルもあり |
amazon |
2022-03-02 12:07:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
「Wolt」が5月より名古屋でサービス開始! 日用品などリテールデリバリーも展開予定 |
woltjapan |
2022-03-02 03:00:08 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AttributeError: module 'optuna' has no attribute 'create_study'にはまった話 |
AttributeErrormodulexoptunaxhasnoattributexcreatestudyxにはまった話はじめにXGBRegressorのハイパーパラメータをチューニングしようとoptunaを使おうとしたときに、あまり見たことがないエラーを吐いたので、今後同じミスをしないように、記事を残しておきます。 |
2022-03-02 12:07:08 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
uninitialized constant FactoryBotのエラーが出た時の話 |
uninitializedconstantFactoryBotのエラーが出た時の話出たエラーは下記Userユーザー新規登録内容に問題ない場合すべての値が正しく入力されていれば保存できることFailureErroruserFactoryBotbuilduserNameErroruninitializedconstantFactoryBotspecmodelsuserspecrbinblocklevelsinlttoprequiredgt確認箇所・FactoryBotの記述内容・userspecrbの記述内容上記確認しても誤字は見当たらないuninitializedconstant⇨翻訳すると未初期化の定数ということは、、、Gemfileを見ると下記のように記述していました。 |
2022-03-02 12:04:41 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
uninitialized constant FactoryBotのエラーが出た時の話 |
uninitializedconstantFactoryBotのエラーが出た時の話出たエラーは下記Userユーザー新規登録内容に問題ない場合すべての値が正しく入力されていれば保存できることFailureErroruserFactoryBotbuilduserNameErroruninitializedconstantFactoryBotspecmodelsuserspecrbinblocklevelsinlttoprequiredgt確認箇所・FactoryBotの記述内容・userspecrbの記述内容上記確認しても誤字は見当たらないuninitializedconstant⇨翻訳すると未初期化の定数ということは、、、Gemfileを見ると下記のように記述していました。 |
2022-03-02 12:04:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to improve your vim/nvim coding experience with vim-easycomplete? |
How to improve your vim nvim coding experience with vim easycomplete WhyThere are many excellent vim auto completion plugins such as nvim cmp vim lsp YouCompleteMe and coc nvim etc I used coc nvim for a long time It s experience is good But there are a few things I don t like These plugins tend to have too much dependencies and do not have minimal configuration For example I don t want to install Node when programming c or golang In my opinion vim is more lightweight than vscode so I don t need the fully integrated features of it Besides other completion plugins neither have good experiences enough nor compatible with vim and nvim at the same time Therefor I created vim easycomplete according to my personal habits WhatVim easycomplete is a fast and minimalism style completion plugin for vim nvim The goal is to work everywhere out of the box with high speed performance It requires pure vim script You don t need to configure anything Especially You don t have to install Node and a bunch of Node modules unless you re a javascript typescript programmer It is easy to install and use It contains these features Buffer Keywords Directory supportLSP language server protocol supportTabNine support Highly Recommend Easy to install LSP Server with one commandWritten in pure vim script for vim and neovimSnippet support with ultisnips Fast performanceThe reason I decided to use pure vim script instead of lua or python is that I want a wider range of compatibility And I made a lot of async handling with vim script to avoid the block of vim InstallationEasycomplete requires Vim and higher version with MacOS Linux FreeBSD For neovim users and higher is required For vim plug Plug jayli vim easycomplete Run PlugInstall For dein vimcall dein add jayli vim easycomplete ConfigurationThe plugin is out of box and config noghting UseageBy default it use Tab to trigger the completion suggestions Alse use Tab and Shift Tab to select matched items Use Ctrl for definition jumping Ctrl t for jumping back Same as tags jumping Or you can map EasyCompleteGotoDefinition by yourself If you don t want use Tab to trigger completion suggestions You can change this setting by let g easycomplete tab trigger lt c space gt Use EasyCompleteNextDiagnostic and EasyCompletePreviousDiagnostic for diagnostics jumping The plugin has already map diagnostic jumping to lt C j gt and lt C k gt You can change these mapping via nnoremap lt silent gt lt C n gt EasyCompleteNextDiagnostic lt CR gt nnoremap lt silent gt lt C p gt EasyCompletePreviousDiagnostic lt CR gt You only have to set custom diagnostic HOTKEYs manually in case of there was a conflict By default press lt C j gt or lt C k gt for diagnostics jumping like this Set let g easycomplete diagnostics enable to disable lsp diagnostics Set let g easycomplete lsp checking to disable lsp checking for installation Checking if LSP server is installed via EasyCompleteCheck If current LSP Server is not ready Use EasyCompleteInstallServer to install Typing or to trigger directory completion suggestion Dictionary suggestion support via set dictionary Your Dictionary File if you need Vim Easycomplete also support signature popup Use let g easycomplete signature enable to disable Typing h easycomplete for help All commands CommandDescription EasyCompleteInstallServerInstall LSP server for current fileytpe InstallLspServerSame as EasyCompleteInstallServer EasyCompleteDisableDisable EasyComplete EasyCompleteEnableEnable EasyComplete EasyCompleteGotoDefinitionGoto definition position EasyCompleteCheckChecking LSP server EasyCompletePreviousDiagnosticGoto Previous diagnostic EasyCompleteNextDiagnosticGoto Next diagnostic EasyCompleteProfileStartStart record diagnostics message EasyCompleteProfileStopStop record diagnostics message EasyCompleteLintDo diagnostic LintEasyCompleteDo diagnostic DenoCacheDo Deno Cache for downloading modules Language SupportEasyComplete support keywords dictionary directory completion by default Semantic Completion for Other LanguagesMost Language require LSP Server Install missing LSP Server with InstallLspServer for current filetype recommended LSP Server will be installed in config vim easycomplete servers InstallLspServerOr you can install a lsp server with specified plugin name not recommended Take typescript javascript for example InstallLspServer tsAll supported languages Plugin NameLanguagesLanguage ServerInstallerEnv requirementsdirectorydirectory suggestionNo NeedIntegratedNonebufkeywords amp dictionaryNo NeedIntegratedNonesnipsSnippets SupportultisnipsManuallypythontsJavaScript TypeScripttsserverYesnode npmdenoJavaScript TypeScriptdenoYesdenotnTabNineTabNineYesNonevimVimvim language serverYesnode npmcppC C cclsYesruby brewcssCSScss languageserverYesnode npmhtmlHTMLhtml languageserverYesnode npmymlYAMLyaml language serverYesnode npmxmlXmllemminxYesjava jdkshBashbash language serverYesnode npmjsonJSONjson languageserverYesnode npmphpphpintelephenseYesnode npmdartdartanalysis server dart snapshotYesNonepyPythonpylsYespython pipjavaJavaeclipse jdt lsYesjava jdkgoGogoplsYesgorRr languageserverYesRrbRubysolargraphYesruby bundleluaLuaemmylua lsYesjava jdknimNimnimlspYesnim nimblerustRustrust analyzerYesNonektKotlinkotlin language serverYesjava jdkgrvyGroovygroovy language serverYesjava jdkcmakecmakecmake language serverYespython pipcsC omnisharp lspYesNoneMore info about semantic completion for each supported language JavaScript amp TypeScript tsserver required Python pyls required pip install python language server Go gopls required go get golang org x tools gopls Vim Script vim language server required C C Install ccls with brew install ccls If you want to install latest version Please install it manually following this guide CSS vscode css languageserver bin required css languageserver Css languageserver dose not support CompletionProvider by default as it requires Snippets You must install it manually JSON json languageserver required PHP intelephenseDart analysis server dart snapshotHTML html languageserver required html languageserver dose not support CompletionProvider by default You must install Snippets manually Shell bash language server required Java eclipse jdt ls java and upper version required Cmake cmake language server required Kotlin kotlin language server required Rust rust analyzer required Lua emmylua ls required Xml lemminx required Groovy groovy language server required Yaml yaml language server required Ruby solargraph required Nim nimlsp required packages json downloading is very slow You d better intall minlsp manually via choosenim follow this guide Deno Deno required Use DenoCache command for deno cache current ts js file C omnisharp required R r languageserver required TabNine TabNine Snippet SupportVim EasyComplete does not support snippets by default If you want snippet integration you will first have to install ultisnips UltiSnips is compatible with Vim EasyComplete out of the box UltiSnips required python installed Install with vim plug Plug SirVer ultisnips Solution of E No python provider found Error in neovim with ultisnips TabNine SupportInstall TabNine InstallLspServer tabnine Then restart your vim nvim Set let g easycomplete tabnine enable to disable TabNine You can config TabNine by g easycomplete tabnine config witch contains two properties line limit The number of lines before and after the cursor to send to TabNine If the option is smaller the performance may be improved default max num result Max results from TabNine default let g easycomplete tabnine config line limit max num result By default an API key is not required to use TabNine in vim easycomplete If you have a Tabnine s Pro API key or purchased a subscription license To configure you ll need to use the TabNine magic string Type Tabnine config in insert mode to open the configuration panel Add custom completion pluginTake snip as an example source file without lsp server au User easycomplete custom plugin call easycomplete RegisterSource name snips whitelist completor easycomplete sources snips completor constructor easycomplete sources snips constructor Another example with lsp server support is easier source file By the way you don t have to writing an omnifunc for Vim s omnicomplete You can redefine a completion plugin via easycomplete custom plugin event with the same name of default lsp plugin For example We replace ts plugin s lsp server tsserver by typescript language server Copy this code in your vimrc au User easycomplete custom plugin call easycomplete RegisterSource name ts whitelist javascript typescript javascript jsx typescript tsx javascriptreact typescriptreact completor function g Tss Completor constructor function g Tss Constructor gotodefinition function g Tss GotoDefinition command typescript language server function g Tss Constructor opt ctx if executable typescript language server call easycomplete lsp register server name typescript language server cmd server info gt typescript language server stdio root uri server info gt file fnamemodify expand p h initialization options diagnostics true whitelist javascript typescript javascript jsx typescript tsx workspace config semantic highlight else call easycomplete util log printf typescript language server is not avilable Please install s npm g install typescript language server endifendfunctionfunction g Tss Completor opt ctx abort return easycomplete DoLspComplete a opt a ctx endfunctionfunction g Tss GotoDefinition return easycomplete DoLspDefinition js ts jsx tsx endfunctionSo you should redefine at least three functions completor constructor gotodefinition Beautify the vim completion menuThere are four build in popup menu themes in cterm blue light rider and sharp let g easycomplete scheme sharp Customise vim completion menu via these configurations Set let g easycomplete menuflag buf B for keywords menu flag Set let g easycomplete kindflag buf for keywords kind flag Set let g easycomplete menuflag dict D for dictionary menu flag Set let g easycomplete kindflag dict for dictionary kind flag Set let g easycomplete menuflag snip S for snippets menu flag Set let g easycomplete kindflag snip s for snippets kind flag Set let g easycomplete kindflag tabnine for TabNine kind flag Set let g easycomplete lsp type font for custom fonts Example configuration with let g easycomplete menuflag buf let g easycomplete kindflag buf ⚯ let g easycomplete menuflag snip let g easycomplete kindflag snip ട let g easycomplete kindflag dict ≡ let g easycomplete menuflag dict let g easycomplete kindflag tabnine let g easycomplete lsp type font text ⚯ method m function f constructor ≡ field f default d variable 𝘤 class c interface i module m property p unit u value 𝘧 enum e keyword k snippet 𝘧 color c file f reference r folder f enummember e constant c struct s event e typeparameter t var v const c operator o t 𝘵 f 𝘧 c 𝘤 m 𝘮 u 𝘶 e 𝘦 s 𝘴 v 𝘷 i 𝘪 p 𝘱 k 𝘬 r 𝘳 o 𝘰 l 𝘭 a 𝘢 d 𝘥 You can define icon alias via giving fullnames and shortname screenshots Issues WIP If you have bug reports or feature suggestions please use the issue tracker In the meantime feel free to read some of my thoughts at lijing vim easycomplete More Examples Update Deno Cache via DenoCacheDirectory selecting Handle backsapce typingTabNine supporting |
2022-03-02 03:44:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Diifference Between Web2 and Web3 |
Diifference Between Web and WebThere is been a lot of content about is web and web the differences the similarities and their future implications Let dive straight into it What is Web The internet as we know it today can be said to be Web Web gives users better interaction with applications better user experience ease of use and so on Web allowed anyone to be a creator users can easily upload a picture a video publish a post article comment on a post it changed the traditional way of doing business even education was transformed at this generation of the internet An application like Facebook Twitter Google Amazon Apple was born out of it Web is cool but it has one big problem Data this big tech application has access to users data without the consent of the user user s had no access to how their data was being used or stored In simple terms web operated on a centralized server This is where web comes into play web is the next generation internet that can do what web can do but more in a decentralized way Web is built on blockchain technology Blockchain is built to be Open It will be an open source software built by an open and accessible community of developers and executed in the full view of the world Trustless Web is trustless and permissionless which means participants can interact without permission from a trusted intermediary or governing body Permissionless users do not need any authorization from a governing body for participating Applications in Web run on decentralized peer to peer networks That s why they re called decentralized applications or dApps rather than “apps ConclusionAs in web programming languages like TypeScript are used to build them In web one of the commonly used languages is solidity Thanks to Blockgames Nestcoin Zuri for the platform to learn about web |
2022-03-02 03:42:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Web 2 vs Web 3: Highlighting their Differences |
Web vs Web Highlighting their DifferencesHopefully as at the time you will be reading this article this won t be the first time you will be hearing the word Web or Web Probably you have stumbled on this article out of curiosity for what those two words mean well you have come to the right place In this article I will be tabling the differences between Web and Web but before that I will be defining and introducing what Web and Web is for us to get a quick understanding of what the two terms are So sit tight because you are in for a smooth ride What is Web The term was coined by Darcy DiNucci in and later published by Tim O Reilly and Dale Dougherty at the first O Reilly Media Web Conference in late Web is simply the version of the st century internet we all know and use today including social media sites An internet dominated by data hungry firms who provide services in exchange for your data Web relies on content interactivity social engagement and information exchange rather than static content consumption Take Facebook as an example a tiny fraction of the overall content has been created by Facebook Users are now allowed to create their content and interact with other users on the platform One of the goals of Web is to unite people around the data that was interested in Let s take a look at Web What is Web Web is simply a decentralized ecosystem or application that is based and runs on the blockchain Web applications either run on blockchains decentralized networks of many peer to peer nodes servers or a combination of the two that forms a crypto economic protocol Difference between Web and Web Having done justice to the definitions of the two terms let us dive into the differences between the two terms Here we will see what makes Web tick and what has got people going crazy about Web WEB WEB Widely Read WritePortable and PersonalCommunity FocusIndividual FocusServers for gig economy apps could go down and affect worker incomeWeb servers can t go down they use Ethereum a decentralized network of s of computers as their backendWeb ApplicationsSmart ApplicationsInteractive AdvertisingBehavioral AdvertisingPayment service may decide to not allow payments for certain types of workWeb payment apps require no personal data and can t prevent paymentsSharing ContentConsolidating ContentParticipation in the network is controlled by the central authority Anyone can participate in the network there are no “gatekeepers Ideally the cost of participation is very low ConclusionBig things have started to be done using Web yet the world hasn t scratched the surface yet Are you interested in diving into the world of Web and taking full advantage of a promising future then visit the sites to know more and also get free training on Web Blockgames Nestcoin Zuri teamWill the world see the complete emergence and usurp of Web by Web Well that is yet to be known Till then let s stay safe stay alive and keep our fingers crossed Happy Reading |
2022-03-02 03:42:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
AWS Deployment and Provisioning |
instance |
2022-03-02 03:40:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How To Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway In Laravel 8 |
How To Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway In Laravel In this tutorial we will see how to integrate stripe payment gateway in laravel Stripe is online payment processing for internet businesses Stripe is a suite of payment APIs that powers commerce for online businesses of all sizes including fraud prevention and subscription management Stripe s payment platform to accept and process payments online for easy to use commerce solutions Stripe payment gateway is integrated into many websites for payment collection from clients In this time many e commerce websites and other shopping websites are use stripe payment gateway So here we will learn stripe payment gateway integration in laravel or laravel stripe payment gateway integration and payment gateway integration in laravel And In this stripe payment gateway example we are use stripe stripe php package So let s see how to integrate stripe payment gateway in laravel step by step Step Create Laravel ApplicationStep Install Stripe Payment Gateway Package In LaravelStep Configure Stripe Payment GatewayStep Create RouteStep Add ControllerStep Create a Blade File for ViewStep Run ExampleRead More How To Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway In Laravel |
2022-03-02 03:32:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Two Sum Problem |
Two Sum ProblemYou want to find numbers that add up to the target and return their indices This is considered an easy interview problem if you get it god is watching over you Now there are few ways to approach this the brute force way it l work but it aint impressive and then the optimal way We will cover both The brute force wayNote This will work but make sure you can optimize it too The logic is as follows We will use two for loops The first will look through all the elements starting at the first element Then next loop will go through all the elements starting at second element If the two add up to the target return the indicies of them Relatively straightforward but it takes up a lot of memory to run two for loops so it l become more inefficient as the array grows Nevertheless here s the answer var twoSum function nums target let result for let i i lt nums length i for let j i j lt nums length j if nums i nums j target result push i j return result The efficient wayWe don t want to use for loops Let s just use one What we ll do is create an empty object and then we ll use forEach on the nums array The forEach method can take in an element and its index so we can set each set the element s index as the key and the element as its value var twoSum function nums target let obj nums forEach num index gt obj num index Now we are going to loop through the nums array and use our one shot at a for loop var twoSum function nums target let obj nums forEach num index gt obj num index for let i i lt nums length i let secondElement target element if obj secondElement undefined amp amp obj secondElement index return index secondElement If ewe example whats happening above we re looping through the numbers in the nums array and were saying does the result of the target number minus the current element exist as a number here That is if the target is and our nums array is does exist or does exist And is it not an existing element we can use the same number twice If so return the element and then the secondElement i e the result of the target element minus the current element |
2022-03-02 03:19:21 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Ruby on Rails Abstraction Helpers |
Ruby on Rails Abstraction HelpersWhile Building Ruby on Rails Application there might a situation where you need to evaluate or use a block of code or methods in multiples places of the application for examples we need to find the id of the user that is currently login before updating data to the database or for that user to be able to access a different page and data Class Scoped Private Helper methodsPrivates helpers methods are Define after the private reserved keyword in ruby and are only available to the scope or the class that it s define within Here an example from a SessionController that it purpose it to make sure the user trying to log into the application is a valid user and redirect the user to the appropriate view page class SessionsController lt ApplicationController def home end def new end def create if params provider github user User find or create from github omniauth auth if user persisted log in user redirect to user path user else flash message There was an error while trying to authenticate you redirect to root path end else user User find by email params email if user amp amp user authenticate params password log in user redirect to user path user else flash message Invalid Login Information Please try again redirect to login path end end end def destroy log out if logged in flash message You have successfully logged out redirect to root path end private def auth request env omniauth auth endendIn the rd line of the create method of this Session class we call the auth private helper method that is defined at the end of the class block user User find or create from github omniauth auth These methods are a block of code accessible only to this class scope not to another class on another file Global Scoped HelpersTo my understanding global helper method are the next level of abstraction where we have a single file for in app helpers directory these helpers have module that are similar to class but more compartmentalized so in the application controller we need to include these helpers methods so we can use them in the controller and views example below class ApplicationController lt ActionController Base Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception protect from forgery with exceptio For APIs you may want to use null session instead Give access to helper methods in the view include SessionsHelper BookmarksHelper TagsHelperendAbove we are using the include method to give access to all any controller than inherit from the Application controller so the Helpers module methods are available to use within the controller s scope Example of The Session Helper module that we are including in the above controller module SessionsHelper Logs In The given user def log in user session user id user id end Returns the current logged in user if any def current user current user User find by id session user id end Returns true if the user is logged in false otherwise def logged in current user nil end Log Out the current user def log out session delete user id current user nil end Redirect to Root if not logged in def redirect if not logged in redirect to root path if logged in endendIn the above block of code we have a few methods define that we are using to log in the user logout current user amp redirect if not logged in These methods are a block of code or a piece of code that perform a single or multiples action that would be repeated many times in the controller This is How We keep our applications DRY At first this might have seen a little mundane or lot to take in but once you use the helper module and test them out it would clean up an abstract your code massively A Little way that helped me understand this easily is looking at every method and objects as a block or cube of code or small blocks that call upon each other and perform a function or and outcome Hope this was helpful to someone NOTE This is one of blogs that I would be attempting to write over the next days to improve my writing skills |
2022-03-02 03:08:37 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Tim Cook emails employees, encourages donating to relief efforts in Ukraine |
Tim Cook emails employees encourages donating to relief efforts in UkraineIn an email sent to employees on Tuesday morning Apple CEO Tim Cook states that the tech giant will match employee donations two to one Apple has joined in the global effort to help end violence in Ukraine primarily through halting all online sales in Russia Now Tim Cook has reached out to employees and has said that Apple would match workers donations to humanitarian relief funds two to one The email also notes that Cupertino company will retroactively match donations made since February Read more |
2022-03-02 03:41:24 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Biden announces second round of free COVID tests |
Biden announces second round of free COVID testsDuring his first State of the Union address President Biden announced that the same website where Americans could order free at home covid tests will open up for a second round of distribution next week nbsp The effort to mail out free tests began in mid January from an initial stockpile of While the initiative was a welcome change ーespecially as an agreement between the White House and several retail chains to keep costs of these tests down had just expired ーit was also criticized as being inadequate Its major shortcoming was limiting each recipient address to four tests an insufficient number for some households nbsp Presumably this limitation was to prevent the nation s cache of tests from becoming depleted But according to reports late last week around half of that initial half billion are yet to be claimed Unfortunately this next round of distributions will be much like the first While Biden was not specific in his speech to the nation the covidtests gov site states that quot Starting next week every home in the U S will be able to order an additional set of tests quot nbsp Covid testing in clinics around the country remain free even to those without insurance coverage The number of new cases continues to fall after the winter Omicron spike and the CDC recently updated its guidance to suggest that the majority of Americans no longer need to wear masks in most circumstances nbsp |
2022-03-02 03:07:55 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場日の初値決定前の気配運用について:(株)イメージ・マジック |
新規上場 |
2022-03-02 13:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Kishida says Japan to impose sanctions on Belarus, possibly this week |
alexander |
2022-03-02 12:25:03 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
バイデン氏、NATOはウクライナ侵攻に対する「防波堤」 - WSJ発 |
防波堤 |
2022-03-02 12:17:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
バイデン氏、ロシア協調制裁で同盟国の貢献を称賛 - WSJ発 |
貢献 |
2022-03-02 12:03:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
トヨタのサイバー攻撃対応、慎重な企業文化を反映 - WSJ発 |
企業文化 |
2022-03-02 12:02:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
週内にもベラルーシ制裁 首相表明、ロシア侵攻巡り |
岸田文雄 |
2022-03-02 12:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道、「まん延防止」延長要請の方針固める 全道対象に21日まで |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-03-02 12:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
北京パラ聖火リレーで採火式 万里の長城や障害者学校で |
万里の長城 |
2022-03-02 12:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
“斉明天皇陵”の整備完了 牽牛子塚、白い八角墳に |
斉明天皇 |
2022-03-02 12:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ロシアに空爆停止を要求 ウクライナ大統領 |
要求 |
2022-03-02 12:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ウクライナパラ選手団が参加表明 国外合宿先で、インスタに動画 |
選手団 |
2022-03-02 12:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
米大統領「独裁者に代償」 プーチン氏の戦争非難 |
日本時間 |
2022-03-02 12:06:04 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
米高官「キエフ進軍は停滞」 ロシア、ミサイルは400発以上 |
国防総省 |
2022-03-02 12:02:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
MICIN、外科手術を受ける患者の周術期ケアアプリ 「MedBridge(メドブリッジ)」を全国提供で開始 |
medbridge |
2022-03-02 12:10:00 |