Engadget Japanese |
サムスンがロシア向け製品出荷を停止 スマホも家電も |
家電製品 |
2022-03-07 08:59:19 |
Engadget Japanese |
「三界宙」のブランドン・サンダースン新作プロジェクト、Kickstarter最高出資額を更新 |
kickstarter |
2022-03-07 08:30:58 |
ロボスタ |
日本でいちばん宇宙に近い観覧車で月世界へ! 「宇宙万博2022 inオオサカホイール」3月26日開幕!乗車チケット予約受付中 |
2022-03-07 08:52:44 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] VAIOがUSB Type-CのACアダプターを無料交換へ プラグが抜けやすく感電の恐れ |
itmedianewsvaio |
2022-03-07 17:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 日産、スープをこぼさずにラーメンを運ぶ4輪駆動トレイ 店で使ってみた動画も公開 |
eorce |
2022-03-07 17:34:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
業務のデジタル化を阻むIT清書機の謎─『鎌倉殿の13人』と「働かないおじさん」の深い関係 | IT Leaders |
業務のデジタル化を阻むIT清書機の謎ー『鎌倉殿の人』と「働かないおじさん」の深い関係ITLeaders今回のテーマは企業情報システムのメインストリームからやや外れるが、ビジネスシステムイニシアティブ協会BSIA主催のデジタル座談会年月日開催を契機に、「IT清書機」の問題を考えてみた。 |
2022-03-07 17:30:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【bottle】Pandasで生成したExcelをダウンロードさせるサンプル |
2022-03-07 17:40:44 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ACDLを提唱します。その3 |
ACDLを提唱します。 |
2022-03-07 17:41:02 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
NCMBとFramework7を使った情報リスト画面コンポーネントの紹介と使い方 |
必要なSDKの読み込み必要なキーの取得NCMBの初期化情報リスト画面の設置用意されている画面機能は次の通りです。 |
2022-03-07 17:23:56 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails を CakePHP4 に置き換えた時のメモ |
RailsをCakePHPに置き換えた時のメモ目的CakePHPの勉強がてら、Railsのプロジェクトを置き換える作業を実施した。 |
2022-03-07 17:00:48 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
「AWSエンジニア入門講座」を読んで |
コスト最適化リソースは必要最低限にする。 |
2022-03-07 17:28:16 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Amazon Linux2にアプリケーションインストールする時どれをインストールすればいいの? |
結論に至った経緯結論の記載がふわっとしているのはどこにも「RHELCentOS系なら絶対大丈夫ですAmazonLinuxは互換があります」とは記載されていない。 |
2022-03-07 17:27:45 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【docker】dockerコマンドが効かずエラーが出た時の対処法 |
【docker】dockerコマンドが効かずエラーが出た時の対処法ubuntuWSLでdockerコマンドを実行したらエラーが発生したので対処法についてメモしておく。 |
2022-03-07 17:15:06 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Git Github プルリクしてみよう!! |
GitGithubプルリクしてみようチーム開発に必須なGitgithubに関する備忘録を残そうと思います。 |
2022-03-07 17:09:02 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails を CakePHP4 に置き換えた時のメモ |
RailsをCakePHPに置き換えた時のメモ目的CakePHPの勉強がてら、Railsのプロジェクトを置き換える作業を実施した。 |
2022-03-07 17:00:48 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
異動後のキャッチアップを支えた環境と仕組み |
androidenginhellip |
2022-03-07 10:00:09 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS WAF v2 で特定の国からのアクセスをブロックしてみた |
awswaf |
2022-03-07 08:56:10 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Cloudflare の DNS の基本:プロキシ化って何? |
cloudflar |
2022-03-07 08:51:47 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Google ストリートビューマップで現れるものをぼかし化する方法 |
英文 |
2022-03-07 08:36:44 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
How to Pixelate Objects in Google Street View |
How to Pixelate Objects in Google Street View Click here for Japanese Introduction Google Maps is best known for its navigating and user friendly feature |
2022-03-07 08:36:42 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
QuickSightテーブル計算関数に日時比較計算・累積計算が追加されたので使ってみた |
quicksight |
2022-03-07 08:34:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
5 String methods every JavaScript developer should know |
String methods every JavaScript developer should knowDealing with Strings is inevitable in all programming languages so it s great to know that JavaScript provides some amazing String manipulation functions right out of the box Today we are going to see five such string methods to make your life easy as a developer includesOne of the most common problems is to check if a string contains certain words or symbols For example checking if the user s email is from Gmail or Hotmail The includes method checks if the string contains the occurrence of provided sub string It returns a boolean value let email hi theanshuman dev email includes gmail falseemail sundar gmail com email includes gmail trueTip We can use the endsWith method for the above use case to make it more efficient matchThe match method returns the occurrences of the sub strings matching the Regex pattern provided It is useful when we don t know the exact string but know the pattern of the string we are looking for For example we don t know the user s email but know that there will be one email mentioned in the string Another good case is to use it for matching groups from a Regex For example we have an unsubscribe URL that contains the type of newsletter and user auth token The match method makes it super easy to extract the matching groups from the string as named values const unsubscribeUrlPattern unsubscribe lt type gt lt token gt const type token url match unsubscribeUrlPattern groups replaceAllYou must have come across a use case where you want to update the text before rendering it to the user s view For example you got some Jira ticket numbers in this release notes and you want to make the links so users can click on it to check them out Well that s exactly what replaceAll can help you with It replaces all the instances of the given sub string regex with the second argument let notes Please checkout TS for more details Also TS will have test instructions notes notes replaceAll TS g lt a href amp gt amp is used to insert the matched substring i e TS trimThe trim method is super handy when you re validating form inputs user s tend to leave unnecessary white spaces in text inputs The trim method removes white space from both ends of a string and returns a new string without modifying the original string toLowerCaseYou might already know this but string comparison can be painful when you don t know whether the values coming from the other side are case neutral or not The best way to go about this is by making the values lowercase so both values adhere to the same case It comes very handy when comparing values on the server or client side like user inputs with database values const userEmail value from inputvalidateSignIn userEmail toLowerCase to avoid case sensitive mis matchfunction validateSignIn email check if email is available on back end In the above example if we always send lowercase emails to the back end on both sign up and sign in then we can avoid case sensitive value bugs from the user s end That s it for today I hope you find this article helpful These are my top five picks if you feel I missed some important methods please feel free to comment below For more such content please follow me on TwitterUntil next time ResourcesMDN docs |
2022-03-07 08:31:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
User-Defined Data Structures in Python[Linear] |
User Defined Data Structures in Python Linear IntroductionHello welcome back to this exciting data structures series This is a continuation of Built in Data Structures in python If you are new to python I would highly recommend you to read my previous post As the name suggest User defined data structures are data structures created by user primitively while keeping in mind the built in data structure Additionally they can be classified into Linear a Stack b Queue c Linked List Non linear a Tree b Graph c HashMap Demo and Explanationa StackStacks Store items on the basis of First In Last Out FILO or Last In First Out LIFO To add and remove item from a stack you will use push and pop respectively Other functions related to Stack are empty size and top Stacks can be implemented using modules and data structures from the Python library list collections deque and queue LifoQueue ImplementationAs stated earlier stacks can be implemented in ways namelyList collections dequequeue LifoQueueAnd We shall cover them in the simplest formImplementing Stack Using listcar stack car stack append Audi car stack append Subaru car stack append BMW car stack append Chevrolet car stackOutput Audi Subaru BMW Chevrolet note the order of appending car stack pop Chevrolet NoteCreating stacks using List might be easier due to it s familiarity however list has some drawbacks You will realize as a list grow speed will become a challenge Additionally Inserting item to your stack at a position other than the end it can take much longer This is not normally something you would do to a stack however Implementing stacks Using collections dequedeque is pronounced “deck and stands for “double ended queue You can use the same methods on deque as you saw above for list append and pop from collections import dequetown stack deque town stack append kilifi town stack append mumbai town stack append kansas town stackOutput deque kilifi mumbai kansas town stack pop Output kansasNOTEFrom the brief explanation on deque you will realize deque and list serve the same operations However you will realize deque and list have a difference in the why they store data List store elements in blocks of adjacent memory which might take time to append a stack especially when the stack is full Deque store elements in its own memory block and has a reference to the next entry in the list This facilitate easy update of nodesImplementing stacks Using queue LifoQueueThere are various functions available in this module MethodDescriptionmaxsizeNumber of items allowed in the queue empty Return True if the queue is empty False otherwise full Return True if there are maxsize items in the queue If the queue was initialized with maxsize the default then full never returns True get Remove and return an item from the queue If the queue is empty wait until an item is available get nowait Return an item if one is immediately available else raise QueueEmpty put item Put an item into the queue If the queue is full wait until a free slot is available before adding the item put nowait item Put an item into the queue without blocking qsize Return the number of items in the queue If no free slot is immediately available raise QueueFull from queue import LifoQueue Initializing a stackmystack LifoQueue maxsize qsize show the number of elements in the stackprint mystack qsize put function to push element in the stackmystack put ub mystack put Lucky dube mystack put Charlie Chaplin mystack put Sinach mystack put Davido mystack put Hillsong print Full mystack full print Size mystack qsize get fucntion to pop element from stack in LIFO orderprint nElements poped from the stack print mystack get print mystack get print mystack get print nEmpty mystack empty Output Full TrueSize Elements popped from the stackHillsongDavidoSinachEmpty Falseb QueueA queue is a useful data structure in programming so far we have discussed the LIFO operation in stack For queue it follows FIFO operation First In First Out or in simple term first come first Served Therefore the item that goes in first goes out first In programming terms putting items in the queue is called enqueue and removing items from the queue is called dequeue Basic Queue OperationsOperationDescriptionEnqueueAdd an element to the end of the queueDequeueRemove an element from the front of the queueIsEmptyCheck if the queue is emptyIsFullCheck if the queue is fullPeekGet the value of the front of the queue without removing it implementing queueclass Queue def init self self queue list adding elements def enqueue self item self queue append item remove item from queue def dequeue self item if len self queue lt return None return self queue pop Display queue def display self print self queue queue size def size self return len self queue q Queue q enqueue q enqueue q enqueue q enqueue q enqueue q enqueue q dequeue q display c Linked listA linked list is a sequence of data elements which are connected together via links This is implemented using the concept of nodes Each data element contains a connection to another data element in form of a pointer Each node contains a value and a pointer to the next node in the chain Linked list can be implemented in various form Singly Linked listCircularly Linked ListsDoubly Linked ListsHowever in this post we will majorly look into singly linked list Which is the simplest and a building block for the rest of the lists Terminologies Head This is the first node of a linked listTail This is the last node of a linked list and can be identified as having a None value as its next reference link or pointer It is simply the identifier to the next nodeTraversing link hopping or pointer hopping It is the process of moving from the head through each node following each node s next reference and finally to the tail of the linked listBasic Implementation of Linked Listclass Node Creating a node def init self item self item item self next Noneclass LinkedList def init self self head Noneif name main linked list LinkedList linked list head Node second Node third Node linked list head next second second next third while linked list head None print linked list head item end linked list head linked list head nextIn this post I have basically define the structure and definition of linear data structures In my upcoming posts I will be going into details especially for linked List Follow me for more post |
2022-03-07 08:16:33 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
地域包括ケア入院料「減算ルール」大幅増-「療養病床」は5%減が原則 |
診療報酬 |
2022-03-07 17:31:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
協会員の異動状況等 |
異動 |
2022-03-07 09:00:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
経済・金融制裁とSWIFT |
制裁を課されてない銀行についてはSWIFTを利用した国際決済は継続でき、したがって国際取引が維持される。 |
2022-03-07 17:46:03 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan discussing Russian oil import ban with U.S. and Europe |
Japan discussing Russian oil import ban with U S and EuropePrime Minister Fumio Kishida underscored the need for Japan to act with Western countries in dealing with Russia s aggression against Ukraine |
2022-03-07 17:10:18 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
COVID-19 tracker: Tokyo cases fall to 5,374, down by more than 4,000 from a week before |
previous |
2022-03-07 17:31:27 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine: Angry Zelensky vows to punish Russian atrocities |
ukrainian |
2022-03-07 08:01:56 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine conflict: Oil price soars to highest level since 2008 |
bills |
2022-03-07 08:15:53 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine war: PM to hold talks with world leaders on further sanctions |
dutch |
2022-03-07 08:33:29 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine war: UK grants 50 Ukrainian refugee visas so far |
farthe |
2022-03-07 08:09:21 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
GB ski pairings win two more Paralympic bronzes |
beijing |
2022-03-07 08:34:59 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ノザワ(5237)、3期連続となる「増配」を発表し、 配当利回り5.4%に! 年間配当額は3年で4倍に増加、 2022年3月期は前期比10円増の「1株あたり40円」に! - 配当【増配・減配】最新ニュース! |
ノザワ、期連続となる「増配」を発表し、配当利回りに年間配当額は年で倍に増加、年月期は前期比円増の「株あたり円」に配当【増配・減配】最新ニュースノザワが、年月期の配当予想の修正増配を発表し、配当利回りがにノザワは、年月期の年間配当を前回予想比で「円」の増配、前期比でも「円」の増配となる「株あたり円」に修正すると発表した。 |
2022-03-07 17:35:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東証、一時1000円近く急落 ロシア禁輸、景気後退警戒 |
日経平均株価 |
2022-03-07 17:04:07 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
楽天の田中将「いい投球見せる」 土石流の復興支援した静岡で登板 |
静岡県草薙総合運動場 |
2022-03-07 17:04:07 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
渡辺のラプターズ34勝30敗 NBA第20週 |
渡辺 |
2022-03-07 17:12:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道南67人コロナ感染 |
道南 |
2022-03-07 17:05:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
TikTokが金融業界のクリエイティブを分析 「質問あり」動画の6秒視聴率は「質問なし」の1.3倍 |
tiktok |
2022-03-07 17:30:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
高島屋とトランスコスモス、ショールーミングストア事業を開始 第1号店は4月下旬に髙島屋新宿店2階 |
髙島屋 |
2022-03-07 17:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ピザ2枚目タダ! Lサイズが半額(デリバリー)! ピザハット大奮発な「パンピザフェス」開催中 |
期間 |
2022-03-07 17:40:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
宮城県大崎市とソフトバンク、ICTを活用して業務効率化や市民サービスの向上に向けた取り組みを行なう事業連携協定を締結 |
取り組み |
2022-03-07 17:20:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
DMM GAMES、本格シナリオRPG「グリザイア 戦場のバルカローレ」の事前登録を開始 |
dmmgames |
2022-03-07 17:10:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
ハナマルキが「ずっと真夜中でいいのに。」とニラの味噌汁開発、ライブで配布 |
音楽ユニット |
2022-03-07 08:30:54 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
スパイクスアジア2022受賞作発表、4部門で日本関連作品がグランプリ |
sasiafestivalofcreativity |
2022-03-07 08:20:00 |