IT |
InfoQ |
TSS(Team-set salaries)によるアジャイルチームの公平な個人報酬 |
TSSTeamsetsalariesによるアジャイルチームの公平な個人報酬TSSteamsetsalaries、チーム一体給与は、マルチスキルで協調的、かつ自律的なチームの各メンバに対して、公平な報酬を設定することのできる手法である。 |
2022-03-07 09:54:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
パフォーマンス向上のためにGitHub Codespacesがテンプレート化 |
codespaces |
2022-03-07 09:52:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
AWSが世界中の32の都市を公開するローカルゾーンの拡張について詳述 |
AWSが世界中のの都市を公開するローカルゾーンの拡張について詳述昨年月、AWSは世界中の重要な都市でを超える新たなAWSローカルゾーンの立ち上げを発表した。 |
2022-03-07 09:42:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
アーティクル: Dockerのセキュリティは十分ですか?セキュアなコンテナイメージとランタイムを構成するためのアドバイス |
アーティクルDockerのセキュリティは十分ですかセキュアなコンテナイメージとランタイムを構成するためのアドバイス自身のユースケースに合わせてセキュリティアプローチを詳細に調整することで、Dockerの十分な安全性を確保することが可能になります。 |
2022-03-07 09:40:00 |
Engadget Japanese |
Alexa機器に不正コマンドをしゃべらせて自分をハッキングさせる攻撃「AVA」が報告 |
alexa |
2022-03-07 09:30:45 |
ロボスタ |
横浜市 金沢区総合庁舎でAIロボットの実証実験 「AYUDA」と「MíraMe」が案内業務を担う |
2022-03-07 09:33:50 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] サウナとアートを融合 写真展「時をかけるサウナちゃん」の第2弾が原宿で開催 |
itmedia |
2022-03-07 18:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ”離職率高い”コールセンター 転職理由ランキング1位は? |
itmedia |
2022-03-07 18:35:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] IBMもロシアでの製品販売を停止 軍事組織と取引しない方針も表明 |
itmedianewsibm |
2022-03-07 18:28:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] iPhoneSE3 「買う」が6割 小ぶりなサイズや指紋認証で人気? |
iphone |
2022-03-07 18:23:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ショベルカーだってきれいに使いたい 1人で脱着できる座席カバー開発 |
ITmediaビジネスオンラインショベルカーだってきれいに使いたい人で脱着できる座席カバー開発土木作業や農業などで土砂と格闘する小型ショベルカーの座席を雨露からしのぐカバーを、長野県富士見町の土木・建設会社が開発した。 |
2022-03-07 18:16:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] メルカリ、クール便で全国一律送料 |
ITmediaビジネスオンラインメルカリ、クール便で全国一律送料新型コロナウイルス禍で個人事業者向けのネット通販EC支援サービスが広がっている。 |
2022-03-07 18:14:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 2021年第4四半期の国内携帯シェア、iPhone 13が低調もAppleが51.5%でトップ堅守 |
apple |
2022-03-07 18:05:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
WSH/JScript は Underscore.js で関数プログラミングの夢を見るか? |
普段の自分ならここで一応完成なんだが、アンスコの「関数に引数を固定する」partialってのを使ってみることにする。 |
2022-03-07 18:56:31 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
運用中のAWS ParallelClusterのSlurm Partition (SlurmQueue)を変更する方法 |
UpdatepolicyThecomputefleetmustbestoppedforthissettingtobechangedforanupdate設定変更の概要UpdatePolicyの内容から、以下のステップでSlurmQueuesつまりSlurmのPartitionを更新することができる。 |
2022-03-07 19:00:09 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Gitリポジトリをミラーリングする |
ミラーリング元リポジトリをローカルに取得gitclonemirrorawesomemirrorwikicdawesomemirrorwikipush先だけミラーリング先リポジトリに差し替えて確認gitremoteseturlpushorigingitremotevoriginfetchoriginpushミラーリング元リポジトリの変更をローカルに取得初回は不要gitremoteupdateローカルをミラーリング先リポジトリにpushgitpushmirrorWikiリンクの注意Wikiページ間のリンクにWiki記法を使わず、絶対URLで記載していると、ミラーリング先リポジトリ内でのリンクにならず、ミラーリング元と同じURLへのリンクになってしまいます。 |
2022-03-07 18:48:47 |
技術ブログ |
Mercari Engineering Blog |
異動後のキャッチアップを支えた環境と仕組み |
androidenginhellip |
2022-03-07 10:00:09 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
TrivyでCloudFormationやTerraformのテンプレートを静的セキュリティスキャン可能になっていたので試してみた |
cloudformation |
2022-03-07 09:34:06 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Why YouTube Has Blocked RT and Sputnik Across Europe |
youtube |
2022-03-07 09:45:33 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
JPA Repository query example in Spring Boot | Derived Query |
JPA Repository query example in Spring Boot Derived QueryIn previous posts you ve known how to use JPQL and native Query to retrieve data from the database using Query annotation Today I will show you way to implement Spring Data JPA Repository query in Spring Boot with Derived Query methods Structure of Derived Query methods Configure Spring Boot application to work with different database JPA find by field column name multiple columns JPA query methods for pagination and sortingFull article JPA Repository Query exampleStructure of Derived Query methodsTypically a Derived Query method has elements subject the action and predicate the conditions Subject is the introducing clause find…By exists…By count…By for example it may contain further expressions between find exists count and By for result limiting keywords such as Distinct or Top First Predicate is placed after the subject It can be entity properties concatenating with And Or followed by one or more keywords StartingWith EndingWith Containing IgnoreCase For example List amp lt Tutorial amp gt findByTitleContainingIgnoreCase String title List amp lt Tutorial amp gt findTopByTitleContainingAndPublished String title boolean isPublished You can find the full list at query method subject keywords and query method predicate keywords JPA Repository Query example with Spring BootTechnology Java Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA MySQL PostgreSQL H embedded database Maven Project Structure Let me explain it briefly Tutorial data model class correspond to entity and table tutorials TutorialRepository is an interface that extends JpaRepository for derived query methods It will be autowired in SpringBootQueryExampleApplication SpringBootQueryExampleApplication is SpringBootApplication which implements CommandLineRunner We will use TutorialRepository to run Query methods here Configuration for Spring Datasource JPA amp Hibernate in application properties pom xml contains dependencies for Spring Boot and MySQL PostgreSQL H database Create EntityIn model package we define Tutorial class Tutorial has four fields id title level description published createdAt model Tutorial javapackage com bezkoder spring jpa query model import javax persistence import java util Date Entity Table name tutorials public class Tutorial Id GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType AUTO private long id private String title private String description private int level private boolean published Temporal TemporalType TIMESTAMP private Date createdAt public Tutorial public Tutorial String title String description int level boolean published Date createdAt this title title this description description this level level this published published this createdAt createdAt getters and setters Entity annotation indicates that the class is a persistent Java class Table annotation provides the table that maps this entity Id annotation is for the primary key GeneratedValue annotation is used to define generation strategy for the primary key Temporal annotation converts back and forth between timestamp and java util Date or time stamp into time For example Temporal TemporalType DATE drops the time value and only preserves the date Temporal TemporalType DATE private Date createdAt Define JPA Repository Query methodsLet s create a repository to interact with database In repository package create TutorialRepository interface that extend JpaRepository repository TutorialRepository javapackage com bezkoder spring jpa query repository import com bezkoder spring jpa query model Tutorial public interface TutorialRepository extends JpaRepository amp lt Tutorial Long gt In this interface we will write JPA Derived Queries to fetch data from database with tutorials table like this For step by step and Github please visit JPA Repository Query example Further ReadingUsing Native Query instead Spring JPA Native Query example with Spring BootOr JPQL Spring JPA Query example with JPQLAssociations JPA One To Many example with Hibernate and Spring BootJPA Many to Many example with Hibernate in Spring BootYou can apply this implementation in following tutorials Spring JPA H exampleSpring JPA MySQL exampleSpring JPA PostgreSQL exampleSpring JPA Oracle exampleSpring JPA SQL Server exampleYou can continue to write CRUD Rest APIs with Spring Boot Spring Data JPA Rest CRUD API exampleIf you want to write Unit Test for the JPA Repository Spring Boot Unit Test for JPA Repository with DataJpaTestYou can also know how to deploy this Spring Boot App on AWS for free with this tutorial dockerize with Docker Compose Spring Boot and MySQL exampleway to upload an Excel file and store the data in MySQL database with this postupload CSV file and store the data in MySQL with this post |
2022-03-07 09:56:45 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What's my local internet address? |
What x s my local internet address Sometimes I want to find out my internet address So I typeifconfig grep inet w exactly like you would have done right No What do we actually mean when we talk about internet addresses anyway What s my internet address It depends So my computer has more than one internet address Most computers are not directly connected to the world wide web shown as wide area network or WAN on the right side of my sketch Connecting to a wi fi hotspot makes my computer part of a local area network LAN sketched on the left accessing the web via a router Global vs local internet addressesSo my public external internet address IP address is actually the same for all devices accessing the internet via the same router It can change at any time and usually that does not matter As part of the local network my computer has another IP address which is unique to that computer but only unique inside this very local network Historically complicatedWhy the complication When people started to build the internet as a decentralized world wide network there were only few places that used computers like universities finance and military It was beyond their imagination how we use computers today Here is a famous quote from nearly years ago I think there is a world market for maybe five computers Thomas Watson president of IBM source In a world based on similar assumptions scientists started to conceive and build the foundations of the internet that we use today Classic internet address notation also known as IPv can only provide unique public addresses Some of those numbers are reserved for use in local networks Local IP address blocks localhost always means localhost your machine This means if you see an address starting with or in the list of your current IP addresses that s not the external one used by your router Why not simply use one unique IP address for every device This is what IPv tries to do And don t bet on IPv to give you privacy and anonymity on the internet Apart from your IPv address your computer has a mostly unique MAC address and there are super cookies and browser fingerprinting So you can be tracked and receive personal information meant only for you otherwise it wouldn t be possible to use online banking or any other service where you are logged in as a user How to find out my IP and why would I care There are a lot of websites that show your current public IP v address To find out one of the local addresses type ifonconfig grep inet into your console If your shell does not have an ifconfig command there might by ipconfig or other ways to find out In this screenshot you can see two devices that I want to connect There is a computer where I am running a web server on localhost to test the website that I am currently working on Using http localhost only works on the same computer but to test on another device like a mobile phone or on a browser inside a virtual box I need to replace localhost with the local IP address to make it work As ifonfig has a lot of options and output I restrict the results to all lines showing internet inet addresses using grep There is still more than I need to know and enough to get confused ifconfig grep inetinet netmask broadcast inet netmask broadcast inet netmask inet prefixlen scopeid x lt host gt inet netmask broadcast inet a c dd e e db b bc prefixlen scopeid x lt global gt inet a c dd e dcb d prefixlen scopeid x lt global gt inet fe b ccf prefixlen scopeid x lt link gt As I m not interested in IPv addresses inet I can restrict the results matching only inet as a single word using w ifconfig grep inet winet netmask broadcast inet netmask broadcast inet netmask inet netmask broadcast As I learned that is always localhost and experience tells me that is a very common sub network used by wifi routers I m going to assume and test the last one which actually works Mission accomplished But what about the networks You can tell me in the comments as I did not find any useful information apart from the fact that all of those are local addresses and that the ones starting with are most commonly used by modern routers Privacy concernsAnd there is another aspect of the interconnection When I m able to access my localhost from any other device in the same network so can anybody else sitting next to me in the same caféor a train How many other users are there in a long distance train all logged in to the same network In their info graphic rolling hotspots Deutsche Bahn railway states that the on board wi fi services will be shared between up to users on a single train Even if everyone had one phone plus one laptop each that would still mean I m exposing my local webserver to up to other people Which might be okay for a simple website without write access but I better use password protection if my local server allows users to write anything into a database ConclusionNow that you know how to find out your internet addresses and access your computer from another device be careful what software you run on your local computer Apart from the obvious web servers started using npm or docker there are a lot of other servers and services possibly listening for incoming connections all of the time like WhatsApp messenger Learning about the basics of internet networking might help you stay safe and use computers in a more conscious way in the future |
2022-03-07 09:34:48 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
First 6 months: Dreams vs Reality |
First months Dreams vs RealitySo six months have passed commits have been made and daily meetings attended here is a short recap of what I have expected versus what that looked like in reality Well dreams they feel real while we re in them right Its only when we wake up that we realize that something was actually strange Cobb The CodeLike every one of us I have learned my craft mostly on online tutorials And there you touch on really wide subjects In my case as a react developer that would be react router storybook animation libraries testing internalization and concepts like spa ssg and ssr to name a few And here is me walking into my first job thinking I will use all those tools daily Well that didn t work as planned In reality the best way to describe how it actually is you dive in and work much deeper but with much less tools And these tools depend on the project that you get assigned Sometimes it sucks not working with the stuff that you find interesting and engaging but that is the reality of having a job On the bright side there s plenty of interesting things to learn in the depth of every tool Musn t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling Eames Scrum is like your mother in law it points out ALL your faultsI imagined my everyday working flow to look something like this senior developer on the project gives me one detailed task for a week or two and my communication is solely with him or in rare cases with the backend team and that s it Ken Schwaber had other ideas Because of this guy things called organization communication time and task management planning etc came into my life Daily meetings story points estimations whole new world To this day it is a work in progress and also scrum development isn t particularly student friendly But as I wrote in the title of this section it points out all your flaws and gives you something to work on really important characteristics for your future successful career Look if you want my help you re gonna have to be completely open with me I need to know my way around your thoughts better than your wife better than your therapist better than anyone Cobb The SquadTotally expected to work with Richards Gilfoyles Jian Yangs characters of the world sometimes with a bit of Mark Zuckerberg ego on the side Very hard to engage with even harder to learn something from them I still remember my first few days where I was actually shocked how incredibly brilliant but also so down to earth and approachable everyone were From giving me advice to playing Fifa on lunch breaks and having great time on our spontaneous parties Impressed I got someone better Miles The ConclusionIn retrospect it s incredible how much you can be in the wrong with expectations estimations Also our developer community is incredible in real life too even better because you have that human touch too And for my fellow students I recommend you start exploring jobs because you learn so so much not only about the technical stuff but more importantly the processes of developing a product organizational skills and the mindset behind successful programmers and companies |
2022-03-07 09:17:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
I'm 16. Made $1k+ online, 200k+ views. Launching a startup today. Here is my story… |
I x m Made k online k views Launching a startup today Here is my story… Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom AristotleFollowing Aristotle Socrates or Lao Tzu all the stories start from people and from self mastery In my opinion the best way to achieve self mastery is to give Sharing and giving are the most fundamental things a mandatory part of what makes us human don t you think If you agree with me I would love to take minutes of your time to share my story and I hope to give you something I ve always been a dreamer I was an avid reader during the whole elementary school sometimes up to pages a day I read especially fantasy because it allows us to escape from reality to build our own world to create our own stories My biggest dream always has been to make be able to make true what I dreamed May sound funny but that is what makes childhood so great In this first part of my life I learned the importance of having big ideas and being proud of them I learned to stand out for what I think Thanks to my family and short yet diverse life experience I decided that I wanted to make direct steps forward helping others and making my impact on society I started with what I know the most what always made me proud of building stories connections Starting from nothing an idea maybe a dream and turning it into a complete thing a solution that makes people feel better As a born the Internet was my kindergarten my safe place so that s where I started My first idea was to create communities around the videogames I played and loved Gaming clubs can be really personal competitive and full of coup bas and arrivism I wanted to create a community to show people that video games are also able to create connections to make people meet even at a higher level So I started contacting top level players asking them to share my vision and to join my club The first I asked laughed at me The second one also The third well also So I changed my strategy I started contacting people that resonate with my idea Yes still active and really good players but younger less competitive more inclusive I didn t have to wait long before having hundred of applicants We eventually reached the top boards in Italy and worldwide in several games organizing weekly events with tens of participants Not competitions events More than years after I still received messages from people thanking me for the experience and asking me to do it again I learned the importance of having a strong vision of finding the right people to work with and of perseverance I also learned the pleasure of creating and I decided that it would be the goal of my life I was by the way New year new goals I wanted to make something more focused on people more direct Less focused on gaming more on people I found in Discord a way to do so As always I started by studying the market and adding my personal view and vision to it Discord is a great place to be a great community builder but it can also be based on spam and extreme competitiveness across servers Caring stats not real connections This time I wanted to create my own game It was a roleplaying game based on writing users were able to make decisions via chat forming teams The differentiation factor was in the fact that the game was based across collaboration in and between teams A team leader was charged to write a two page text with the why s and how s of the team trying to be as engaging as possible New people were able to choose a team and by doing so form a group spirit inside teams which I really enjoyed We eventually reached several thousand users with players talking and connecting every day We reached more than k monthly messages I learned that people can be amazing as well as completely disruptive online I learned to engage others even when it s hard I learned the power of gamification But above all I learned the importance of communication and exchange between people I was by the way Then I wanted to do something more but I was really limited by my lack of online knowledge Yes I was working on some other projects including a blog with some thousand readers but I was limited to a limited view I needed more to achieve my goals and have an actual impact I needed coding Then quarantine arrived year on I finally felt ready to create an actual project But what I did sincerely really surprised me I always felt a kind of predestination in my life things that go too well to be only attributed to chance I found an error while programming and I wrote a two page article about it I always enjoyed writing that s why I m here now but I wasn t expecting things to go that way I used a new approach compared to existing online knowledge rather than being technical and sorry sometimes boring I added a young and original approach to problems Building a direct connection with the reader adding jokes that resonate with developers references resources fun facts…I tried to turn what appeared boring fun I eventually published more than articles having more than readers in months I also managed a weekly newsletter that I founded delivering weekly content to more than developers I created amazing connections with people from all around the world I learned to write for computers I learned to write for humans I learned to solve problems in a new and original way and be able to show others so I learned to bring value to people with my work and knowledge I was by the way I m now After taking months to learn entrepreneurship and business management I decided to start making apps and services with a direct impact on society and people with my newly acquired knowledge Phitnest We are creating with a Harvard student an app to make people meet and create connections through sport Swipe Connect Get fit Especially after the pandemic health as well as social connections are in danger In the U S alone in will die from a heart attack totaling deaths each year I m managing a team of developers to help solve these problems And there is Einote which I m launching today That s where I need to ask for your help Einote is a project I ve been building in the past months With more than lines of code and thousands of hours of working and improving each day It started from a problem a pain point that I felt as a student blogger developer founder and internet user Nowadays we face a lot of knowledge and notes are really useful to store it The problem is that there isn t a viable way to take notes directly on web pages and there isn t a way to save and manage all the knowledge we face and save online Einote solves these problems It s a note taking app built on top of your browser With the click of a button you can link to any part of any page you can add screenshots drawings videos You can use speech to text in languages including dialects access advanced note metrics or share your note by downloading printing or sending it via email or socials Before it was tedious you needed to switch tabs or pages each time or buy a new monitor and keep losing focus Now you can just open an Einote on any webpage and save your thoughts in seconds But now I need your help I realized I cannot do it alone I need your help to turn my dreams into reality to actually help people If you would like such a project to grow and continue if you would like this story to have to follow up even more amazing I need your help I m launching today on Product Hunt I would love you to try the product and leave your feedback If you want create an account here and add it to your browser here Thank you for your time Have a great day Lorenzo |
2022-03-07 09:08:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
AWS open source news and updates, #103 |
AWS open source news and updates March th Instalment Newsletter Welcome to edition of the AWS open source news and updates This weeks featured new open source projects include botocove a decorator that helps you run your functions across your AWS accounts easily functionless a TypeScript plugin that transforms TypeScript code into Service to Service integrations replibyte a tool to replicate your PostgreSQL data aws security bulletin alert notifies you of new AWS Security Bulletins and sends out E Mail notifications via Amazon SES and many more This weeks round up of articles and blogs across the AWS and Community include another broad variety of topics including Apache Spark Apache Kakfa OpenZFS PostgreSQL Kubeflow Apache Airflow ROS Kubernetes Grafana Prometheus Karpenter Apache Flink Apache Hudi Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL AutoGluon and more This week we feature a new white paper Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes so don t miss that To finish this weeks edition we have a number of great videos on Open D engine XEN and Terraform as well as a list of open source related events you should check out As always if you are working on anything interesting you would like me to include in this weekly round up please drop me a line at ricsue amazon com Celebrating open source contributorsThe articles posted in this series are only possible thanks to contributors and project maintainers and so I would like to shout out and thank those folks who really do power open source and enable us all to build on top of what they have created So thank you to the following open source heroes Dave Connell Sam Goodwin Mattia Berlusconi Paola Lorusso Jose Alfredo de Castro Nunes Krithivasan Balasubramaniyan Rumeshkrishnan Mohan Naseer Ahmed Igor Alekseev Ramesh Mathikumar Gabriel Soto Vara Bonthu Raja Ganesan Aldred Halim Ryan Shevchik Neil Ashton Ali Alemi Jenna Pederson J Cole Morrison Ivan Cui Jonas Mueller and Wenming Ye Make sure you find and follow these builders and keep up to date with their open source projects and contributions Latest open source projects Communitybotocovebotocove this project from Dave Connell provides a simple decorator for functions to run them against all AWS accounts in an organisation You can run a function against a selection of AWS accounts Organisational Units OUs or all AWS accounts in an organisation concurrently with thread safety Run in one or multiple regions functionlessfunctionless this new project from Sam Goodwin is a TypeScript plugin that transforms TypeScript code into Service to Service aka functionless integrations such as AWS AppSync Resolvers and Velocity Templates or coming soon Amazon States Language for AWS Step Functions To find out more with plenty of examples dive into this repo replibytereplibyte current in alpha state this new open source tool from the lovely folks at Qovery is a standalone application to replicate your cloud databases from one place to the other The repo provides some background as to the motivation for the tool and gives some example of how you can use this to synchronise PostgreSQL databases on AWS One to watch Toolseks anywhere packageseks anywhere packages EKS Anywhere curated packages is a framework to manage installation configuration and maintenance of components that provide general operational capabilities for Kubernetes applications api gateway dynamic publishapi gateway dynamic publish this is a nice open sourced resources that uses AWS CDK and leverages an OpenAPI definition to define document and create an Amazon API Gateway deployment At deploy time a CloudFormation Custom Resource is leveraged to dynamically substitute the Lambda integration function ARNs into the OpenAPI definition file as well as publishing the updated file to an S bucket for documentation viewing This is a must check out project this week aws security bulletin alertaws security bulletin alertIf you are looking for a way to be proactively notified of new security bulletins then this project will be of interest This CDK project deploys an AWS Lambda Function which is scheduled for every full hour It checks the for new AWS Security Bulletins and sends out E Mail notifications via Amazon SES Demos and Samplesaws proton tutorialaws proton tutorial Proton is a fully managed AWS service that helps engineering platform teams build developer portals to streamline the SDLC software development lifecycle Proton has two main goals increase developers productivity and agility while allowing organisations to maintain the right level of control and governance This workshop tutorial from Massimo Re Ferrèis for those of a curious nature that want to understand more eks multi environment cdk pipelineeks multi environment cdk pipeline This project shows how AWS CDK can be used to provision and manage EKS cluster deployed in multiple environments This project uses cdk pipelines construct to create pipeline between the different Amazon EKS clusters that deployed in multiple environments This project follows EKS Best practices guide and deploy relevant add ons like Cluster Autoscaler AWS Load Balancer Controller and SSM Agent It also deploys Weave Flux V for GitOps delivery The reason that the Cluster add ons are deployed using CDK and not using Flux is because these add ons require configurations both on the AWS and on the EKS Ks IAM roles and policies on AWS and add on deployment on Ks All other application deployments will be deployed using Weave Flux V serverless java frameworks samplesserverless java frameworks samples this repo provides a simple serverless application built in Java using popular frameworks Micronaut Quarkus and Spring Bootmediatailor vod uploadmediatailor vod upload this is a sample project and demo workflow that automates adding video on demand VOD sources to AWS MediaTailor Channel Assembly To learn about AWS MediaTailor Channel Assembly this workshop walks through defining sources creating a channel and programs along with test source content AWS and Community blog postsApache Kafka Apache Flink and Apache HudiAli Alemi is a Streaming Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS and shares some of his wisdom in this post Create a low latency source to data lake pipeline using Amazon MSK Connect Apache Flink and Apache Hudi The post helps you understand the different ways of working with streaming data with minimum coding and demonstrate how to build fully scalable pipelines using SQL language without prior knowledge of Flink or Hudi hands on Apache AirflowIn my continuing quest for more knowledge on Apache Airflow I came across this post Orchestrating Databricks Workloads on AWS With Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow from the lovely Naseer Ahmed and Igor Alekseev of Databricks The posts dives into how to leverage Databricks jobs API with Amazon Managed Apache Airflow MWAA integrating with AWS Cloudwatch to monitor Directed Acyclic Graphs DAG with Databricks based tasks hands on KarpenterKarpenter is a dynamic high performance cluster auto scaling solution for the Kubernetes platform introduced at re Invent In the post Using Amazon EC Spot Instances with Karpenter Raja Ganesan and Aldred Halim look at how to use Karpenter with EC Spot Instances and handle Spot Instance interruptions hands on KubeflowI hope you enjoy this post Building a multi tenant Kubeflow environment on Amazon EKS using Amazon Cognito and ADFS from Jose Alfredo de Castro Nunes Krithivasan Balasubramaniyan and Rumeshkrishnan Mohan which I enjoyed testing This detailed walk through will help you understand the key components of how to deploy Kubeflow on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Amazon EKS and how to achieve multi user isolation using Amazon Cognito and ADFS One up and running you will be able to log in via your federated identity and access your own tenant Kubeflow environment hands on ObservabilityRamesh Mathikumar Gabriel Soto and Vara Bonthu have collaborated on this post Monitoring Amazon EMR on EKS with Amazon Managed Prometheus and Amazon Managed Grafana where you will build via Terraform an end to end observability solution for EMR on EKS Spark workloads by leveraging Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus to collect and store the metrics generated by Spark Applications You will then use Amazon Managed Grafana to build dashboards for monitoring use cases Source code provided hands on PostgreSQLFinancial services industry FSI customers and other highly regulated industries often need to audit every action made by each database user and administrator as well as identify each person logged in to their databases usually using their identity provider IdP Mattia Berlusconi and Paola Lorusso have written Auditing for highly regulated industries using Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL to share how a proactive solution to a common security challenge for highly regulated industries and describe how to incorporate security best practices for auditing and monitoring users actions on data stored in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Compatible Edition hands on OpenFOAMOpenFOAM is a widely used open source Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD suite of software tools In the post Getting the best OpenFOAM Performance on AWS Neil Ashton helps you explore six practical things you can do as an OpenFOAM user to run your simulations faster and more cost effectively on AWS AutoGluonAutoGluon is an open source library for AutoML for text image and tabular data allowing you to produce highly accurate models from raw data with just one line of code In the post Build a cold start time series forecasting engine using AutoGluon Ivan Cui Jonas Mueller and Wenming Ye collaborate on how to build a cold start forecasting engine Cold start forecasting is where you build forecasts for a time series that has little or no existing historical data such as a new product that just entered the market in the retail industry hands on Other posts worth checking outPreparing ROS application and simulation containers for AWS RoboMaker shows you how to use containers to build and package Robot Operating System ROS applications to run in AWS RoboMaker Three things to consider when implementing Mutual TLS with AWS App Mesh helps you understand which questions you should ask before implementing mutual TLS with AWS App Mesh for containerised workloads Migrate On Premises Multi Tenant Systems to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service explores how you can use Amazon EKS to enable multi tenant systems using containers to simplify their operation optimise cost improve segmentation security and increase availability scalabilityNew Amazon RDS for MySQL amp PostgreSQL Multi AZ Deployment Option Improved Write Performance amp Faster Failover looks at the new Amazon RDS Multi AZ deployment option with up to x faster transaction commit latency that can automate fail overs typically to under secondsAutomate PostgreSQL log exports to Amazon S using extensions provides examples of how you can use the PostgreSQL extensions and automate the export of PostgreSQL logs directly to Amazon SMigrate from Amazon RDS for Oracle to Aurora PostgreSQL or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL using this self service guide should be on your reading list if you are looking to migrate onto PostgreSQLMigrate from SQL Server to Aurora PostgreSQL using SSIS and Babelfish shares how to migrate a large SQL Server database to Aurora PostgreSQL using SSIS and BabelfishHow Panasonic Avionics used Amazon Aurora MySQL to modernize their environment is a good case study and technical overview of how this customer were able to improve the scalability and resiliency of their applications WhitepapersPatterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes is a new white paper that outlines different patterns using Amazon Web Services AWS services to ingest SaaS data into a data lake on AWS It covers a number of different patterns including how you can use Apache Spark Apache Kakfa and Amazon Athena Federated Queries Quick updatesMySQLThe AWS JDBC Driver for MySQL is an open source project that uses the General Public License v and is now generally available for use with your Amazon RDS or Amazon Aurora MySQL compatible edition database clusters This database driver minimises failover time by monitoring database cluster status and caching the cluster s topology The cache is then used to improve DNS name resolution speed if a node fails reducing failover time from minutes to seconds The MySQL JDBC driver is based on the MySQL Connector J and supports MySQL deployments It is drop in compatible with the community MySQL driver and is installed with Maven Gradle or by jar file After installing the required file your client requires simple changes to the connection string to use the new driver You can dive deeper in the blog post Improve application availability with the AWS JDBC Driver for Amazon Aurora MySQL where Ryan Shevchik demonstrate how to use the AWS JDBC Driver for MySQL and how your application can take advantage of the features of clustered MySQL databases PostgreSQLFollowing the announcement of updates to the PostgreSQL database by the open source community AWS has updated Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Compatible Edition to support PostgreSQL versions and in commercial and AWS GovCloud US Regions These releases contain bug fixes and improvements by the PostgreSQL community Apache CassandraAmazon Keyspaces for Apache Cassandra is a fully managed Apache Cassandra compatible database service now helps you automate resource management by using the AWS SDK Amazon Keyspaces helps you to run Apache Cassandra workloads more easily at scale by using a fully managed and serverless database service Amazon Keyspaces works with your existing Cassandra drivers and Cassandra Query Language CQL API code In addition Amazon Keyspaces is integrated with AWS CloudFormation to help you automate provisioning and management of Amazon Keyspaces resources such as keyspaces and tables You also can use CloudFormation to manage encryption and point in time recovery PITR settings Now you also can create and manage Amazon Keyspaces resources by using the AWS SDK AWS SDK support also allows you to use third party automation tools that depend on the AWS SDK to manage your AWS resources Apache KafkaYou can now use AWS CloudFormation to manage Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka MSK cluster configurations and SASL SCRAM secrets OpenZFSWith the introduction of LZ data compression you can now choose from two different compression options on Amazon FSx for OpenZFS file systems LZ provides another highly popular performance optimised compression option in addition to Z Standard to help you optimise storage efficiency and performance based on the needs of your individual workloads Amazon FSx for OpenZFS provides fully managed cost effective shared file storage powered by the popular OpenZFS file system It offers powerful storage efficiency capabilities like data compression enabling you to reduce storage consumption of the data in both your file system and your file system backups Until today FSx for OpenZFS file systems only supported Z Standard compression which is optimised for the highest levels of storage efficiency and is well suited for a broad set of general purpose workloads Now you can also choose LZ data compression which is optimised for delivering higher levels of write throughput for your performance intensive write heavy workloads Starting today you can enable data compression and choose LZ as the compression algorithm using the AWS Console AWS CLI or FSx API Videos of the weekTerraformCheck out the second of a series of Learning Live with AWS amp HashiCorp videos featuring our own Jenna Pederson and J Cole Morrison from HashiCorp In this episode they ll create their first micro service I highly recommend this series you get to learn more than just how to use Terraform to build AWS infrastructure this week I learned about ClickOps ODEOpen D Engine ODE is a modular open source cross platform D engine built to power anything from AAA games to cinema quality D worlds to high fidelity simulations Join Amar Mehta who provides an overview of ODE and explores more about why this project matters to our developers customers and partners Amazon EC Nitro System Support for Previous Generation InstancesPrincipal Hypervisor Engineer speaker Paul Durrant dives into the Nitro System reviewing it s design amp architecture exploring new innovations to the platform and demonstrating how it s implementation has made the seemingly impossible possible and how we are enabling workloads that depend on Xen interfaces to run on the Nitro system Events for your diaryIf you have an event you want me to publish here please contact me and I will include it in this listing FIPS Enabled Ubuntu Pro on AWSMarch th PM GMTThis webinar looks at Ubuntu Pro with FIPS and additional security controls to provide at a higher level for agencies or missions to help you meet your security and compliance requirements The session will also include a demo that shows how easy it is to start securing the Ubuntu Operating System within the AWS cloud Review the full details and sign up here Unifying data pipelines and ML with Delta Lake and Amazon SageMakerMarch th am PTJoin this live workshop event to learn about the best practices for enterprises to use with powerful open source technologies to simplify and scale your data and ML efforts We ll discuss how to leverage Apache Sparkーthe de facto data processing and analytics engine for data preparation that unifies data at a massive scale across various sources ーand Delta Lake so you can make your data lake ML ready Find out more and register here Building an Open Data Lakehouse with Presto Hudi and AWS SMarch th am PTIn this minute hands on virtual lab that will walk you through how to build an Open Data Lakehouse stack with Presto Apache Hudi and AWS S If you want to learn more about these open source projects this looks like the perfect opportunity Check it out and register on their registration page OpenSearchEvery Tuesday pm GMTThis regular meet up is for anyone interested in OpenSearch amp Open Distro All skill levels are welcome and they cover and welcome talks on topics including search logging log analytics and data visualisation Sign up to the next session OpenSearch Community Meeting FebGitOpsCon EuropeMay th Valencia SpainGitOpsCon Europe is designed to foster collaboration discussion and knowledge sharing on GitOps This event is aimed at audiences that are new to GitOps as well as those currently using GitOps within their organisation Get connected with others that are passionate about GitOps Learn from practitioners about pitfalls to avoid hurdles to jump and how to adopt GitOps in your cloud native environment The event is vendor neutral and is being organised by the CNCF GitOps Working Group Topics include getting started with GitOps scaling and managing GitOps lessons learned from production deployments technical sessions and thought leadership Read more about this from the official page here CFPApache AirflowCFP closes March thA heads up to folks who are interested in all things Apache Airflow Apache Airflow Summit has been announced and the call for papers cfp is now open The bar for sessions is always very high so looking forward to this event already If you have an idea for a talk why not submit one via the cfp process Check out the event Apache Airflow Summit If you maybe have wanted to do a session then I am very happy to help with feedback or coaching to help you feel more comfortable in creating and or delivering your session If this something that has been on your mind but you just needed a little support PLEASE get in touch Stay in touch with open source at AWSI hope this summary has been useful Remember to check out the Open Source homepage to keep up to date with all our activity in open source by following us on AWSOpen |
2022-03-07 09:02:56 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Sony's best ANC headphones are up to 46 percent off right now |
Sony x s best ANC headphones are up to percent off right nowWith both immersive sound and powerful active noise cancellation ANC Sony s WH XM are some of the most desirable wireless headphones out there ーbut at they re pretty expensive If you ve been looking for a deal you can now pick up a pair at Amazon for or a solid percent off the regular price And if that s still too much Sony s mid range and budget ANC wireless headphones are also on sale nbsp Buy Sony WH XM at Amazon The WH XM attained an exceptional score in our Engadget review for good reason They offer great sound quality with punchy bass plus ANC that blocks out noise better than other wireless headphones we ve tested They also offer multi device connectivity and Speak to Chat which automatically pauses audio when you talk along with Sony s Reality Audio that offers a similar surround sound experience to Dolby Atmos You ll get around hours on a charge and you can eke another five hours from a quick minute charge SonySony s mid range WH XBN headphones above are also on sale at Amazon for near their all time low price They re obviously not quite up to the level of the much more expensive WH XM particularly with the ANC but they still deliver excellent sound quality and look great You get clear mids and highs powerful bass and Sony s Reality Audio surround sound Other features include quot Precise Voice Pickup quot that amplifies your voice on calls on board controls an ambient sound mode and hour battery life Buy Sony WH XBN at Amazon Finally if you re looking for a budget ANC model Amazon has another good deal on Sony s WH CHN model They re now available for or a solid percent off the regular price They earned a best alternative spot in our buyer s guide last year thanks to the very good sound quality with decent range and clarity They also feature ANC that can automatically adjust cancellation based on the level of ambient noise an ambient sound mode and hours of battery life Buy Sony WH CHN at Amazon Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2022-03-07 09:07:15 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
コロナ病床確保補助金、申請期限を24日に延長-厚労省 |
医療機関 |
2022-03-07 18:30:00 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
#日経イブニングスクープ |
2022-03-07 09:30:06 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
#日経ビジュアルデータ |
状況 |
2022-03-07 09:20:06 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
3月7日はサウナの日。水温1桁台の沢の天然水で冷水浴、後部座席が本格サウナになっているバンのシェアリングービスも――。いまや観光や地域振興に一役買う存在に。各地の変わり種のサウナをまとめました。 |
月日はサウナの日。 |
2022-03-07 09:15:05 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
ポーランド・駐米ウクライナ大使・反戦デモ |
大使 |
2022-03-07 09:03:42 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
航空機リース、相次ぎロシア撤退 民間半数が運航不能に
【日経イブニングスクープ】 |
運航 |
2022-03-07 09:03:41 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Can a new South Korean president rebuild Seoul’s shattered ties with Tokyo? |
Can a new South Korean president rebuild Seoul s shattered ties with Tokyo While Yoon Seok youl has pledged not to exploit historical tensions with Japan for domestic political gain Tokyo is likely to be skeptical no matter who |
2022-03-07 18:32:50 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Pandemic worsens all-too-familiar challenges for women in Japan |
equality |
2022-03-07 18:35:20 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
COVID-19 tracker: Tokyo cases fall to 5,374, down by more than 4,000 from a week before |
previous |
2022-03-07 18:15:52 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ukraine war: PM to hold talks with world leaders on further sanctions |
policy |
2022-03-07 09:56:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
One dead after Scottish trawler capsizes off Norway |
njord |
2022-03-07 09:50:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Shane Warne: Australian cricket legend died from natural causes - police |
samui |
2022-03-07 09:23:35 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Maps SDK for Android 用 Compose を提供開始 |
Composeを初めて使用する場合、コンポーズ可能な関数は基本的に、Composeで構築されたアプリケーションのUIビルディングブロックとなります。 |
2022-03-07 11:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
新関脇・阿炎「いい感じ」 2場所連続12勝、好調実感 |
東京都江東区 |
2022-03-07 18:20:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
サウナ後に飲むサイダーを開発、4月発売へ 十勝の協議会 |
開発 |
2022-03-07 18:14:02 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
休園5週連続700カ所超 保育所、新型コロナ |
厚生労働省 |
2022-03-07 18:04:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
岸田首相、在留邦人保護に全力 「細心の注意払い、機敏に対応」 |
参院予算委員会 |
2022-03-07 18:01:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
「FFキャラ占い」を遊んでプレゼントを当てよう!“FF ピクセルリマスター”シリーズ期間限定キャンペーンサイトでミニゲーム第3弾を追加 |
twitter |
2022-03-07 18:15:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 12, Part 2 (Thread #118) |
r WorldNews Live Thread Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day Part Thread submitted by u WorldNewsMods to r worldnews link comments |
2022-03-07 09:30:18 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Maps SDK for Android 用 Compose を提供開始 |
Composeを初めて使用する場合、コンポーズ可能な関数は基本的に、Composeで構築されたアプリケーションのUIビルディングブロックとなります。 |
2022-03-07 11:00:00 |