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TECH Engadget Japanese Visaタッチ決済のEVERING、スマートロックの解錠に対応 https://japanese.engadget.com/evering-smart-lock-bitlock-065039881.html evering 2022-03-16 06:50:39
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フリーソフト 新着ソフトレビュー - Vector ベストセラー「億万長者ボード」シリーズの著者が独自の理論でロト6の買い目を予想「ロト6で億万長者」 https://www.vector.co.jp/magazine/softnews/210122/n2101221.html?ref=rss 億万長者 2022-03-16 17:00:00
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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] KADOKAWA、従業員の資格取得に最大100万円の報奨金 情報処理や語学などが対象 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2203/16/news120.html itmedianewskadokawa 2022-03-16 15:04:00
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders NEC、分析用データをAIで補完・拡張してリッチ化するSaaS「NEC Data Enrichment Portal」 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/22850 NEC、分析用データをAIで補完・拡張してリッチ化するSaaS「NECDataEnrichmentPortal」ITLeadersNECは年月日、SaaS型データ統合サービス「NECDataEnrichmentPortal」を提供開始した。 2022-03-16 15:03:00
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS LambdaでBoxSDKを使おうとしてハマった件(備忘録) https://qiita.com/ranmatsu/items/e313327c80681409a221 最初のErrorの始まりWindowsのローカル環境で動作確認済みのコードをLambdaに移し、Windowsの環境でpipインストールしたboxsdkをsitepackagesから抜き取りLambdaにレイヤー追加、コードをテストしたところ、AttributeErrorが発生JWTAuthにはfromsettingsfileのfromsettingfileなんてAttributeは持ってないよとえなんでローカル環境では動いてまっせ・・・ネットで手当たり次第検索してみるpipinstall時はboxsdkjwtだけにするんだぜみたいな記事を見て再度pipインストールをしてアップロード、結果変わらず・・・色々調べてるとそもそも、boxsdkパッケージの配下にJWTAuthってないじゃんえなんでローカルでは動いてんの・・・パッケージ内のモジュールを手当たり次第探索するとboxsdkauthjwtauthpy内にJWTAuthのClassを発見え公式のモジュールの呼び出し方おかしくない調べてみるとboxsdkのinitpyに原因があるっぽいfromauthimportJWTAuthOAuthCCGAuth相対パスでauthからJWTAuthをインポートしようとしててエラーになってたみたいこの件は、ネット検索してたら誰かがフォーラムに上げてたので気づいてたらもっと早く分かってた・・・インポートのコードの記述を変更して解決さて本当の問題はここから依存関係先に書くと、依存関係についてまったく無知だったのが問題でした細かく書くと長くなるので簡潔にまず、Windows環境でpipインストールしたパッケージはLambdaでは動かないことがあるLambdaの実行環境がLinuxだからOS毎に依存関係が変わるAWSクラウドシェルでpipインストールしたパッケージがImportModuleErrorとなるのは、Lambdaのアーキテクチャをarmでは動かないと思われるこの辺りは本当にそうなのかインプットできていないので間違ってたらすみませんAWSクラウドシェルAWSLinuxがxアーキテクチャだからたぶんAWSクラウドシェルでインストール時、おそらくPythonの環境でインストールしたのでLambdaのランタイムもPythonに合わせないといけないたぶん下記の記事の通り、Lambdaにレイヤーを追加する際はDockerを使った方がよさそうですちゃんと読み込んで間違っていれば後から記事を訂正します。 2022-03-16 15:59:29
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS LambdaでBoxSDKを使おうとしてハマった件(備忘録) https://qiita.com/ranmatsu/items/e313327c80681409a221 最初のErrorの始まりWindowsのローカル環境で動作確認済みのコードをLambdaに移し、Windowsの環境でpipインストールしたboxsdkをsitepackagesから抜き取りLambdaにレイヤー追加、コードをテストしたところ、AttributeErrorが発生JWTAuthにはfromsettingsfileのfromsettingfileなんてAttributeは持ってないよとえなんでローカル環境では動いてまっせ・・・ネットで手当たり次第検索してみるpipinstall時はboxsdkjwtだけにするんだぜみたいな記事を見て再度pipインストールをしてアップロード、結果変わらず・・・色々調べてるとそもそも、boxsdkパッケージの配下にJWTAuthってないじゃんえなんでローカルでは動いてんの・・・パッケージ内のモジュールを手当たり次第探索するとboxsdkauthjwtauthpy内にJWTAuthのClassを発見え公式のモジュールの呼び出し方おかしくない調べてみるとboxsdkのinitpyに原因があるっぽいfromauthimportJWTAuthOAuthCCGAuth相対パスでauthからJWTAuthをインポートしようとしててエラーになってたみたいこの件は、ネット検索してたら誰かがフォーラムに上げてたので気づいてたらもっと早く分かってた・・・インポートのコードの記述を変更して解決さて本当の問題はここから依存関係先に書くと、依存関係についてまったく無知だったのが問題でした細かく書くと長くなるので簡潔にまず、Windows環境でpipインストールしたパッケージはLambdaでは動かないことがあるLambdaの実行環境がLinuxだからOS毎に依存関係が変わるAWSクラウドシェルでpipインストールしたパッケージがImportModuleErrorとなるのは、Lambdaのアーキテクチャをarmでは動かないと思われるこの辺りは本当にそうなのかインプットできていないので間違ってたらすみませんAWSクラウドシェルAWSLinuxがxアーキテクチャだからたぶんAWSクラウドシェルでインストール時、おそらくPythonの環境でインストールしたのでLambdaのランタイムもPythonに合わせないといけないたぶん下記の記事の通り、Lambdaにレイヤーを追加する際はDockerを使った方がよさそうですちゃんと読み込んで間違っていれば後から記事を訂正します。 2022-03-16 15:59:29
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 重回帰分析をpythonでやってみる https://qiita.com/uttiy/items/4d9357dc03320f27264c 回帰分析は分析方法の一つでしかなく、それも正しい説明要素が選択できなければ、結果に信頼性はまるでありません。 2022-03-16 15:53:42
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 楽天ラッキーくじをPythonとSeleniumで自動化する https://qiita.com/StStu/items/c436fc899a527045fdd3 楽天ラッキーくじを自動化する【ポイント不労所得】リンク先ではコードについての解説より、どのように動くのかをメインに解説していたので、本記事ではソースコードの解説を詳細にしようと思いますソースコードソースコードは以下の通りです。 2022-03-16 15:03:22
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Node-REDのテンプレートノードでスケープしたくないメモ https://qiita.com/n0bisuke/items/442582a5d636984b4128 amppath 2022-03-16 15:02:19
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】ラジオボタンのラベルにクリック判定をつける https://qiita.com/RouxRhett/items/7c2bd566c4f3ee0d6281 【Rails】ラジオボタンのラベルにクリック判定をつけるはじめにRails学習のアウトプット記事です。 2022-03-16 15:19:39
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS LambdaでBoxSDKを使おうとしてハマった件(備忘録) https://qiita.com/ranmatsu/items/e313327c80681409a221 最初のErrorの始まりWindowsのローカル環境で動作確認済みのコードをLambdaに移し、Windowsの環境でpipインストールしたboxsdkをsitepackagesから抜き取りLambdaにレイヤー追加、コードをテストしたところ、AttributeErrorが発生JWTAuthにはfromsettingsfileのfromsettingfileなんてAttributeは持ってないよとえなんでローカル環境では動いてまっせ・・・ネットで手当たり次第検索してみるpipinstall時はboxsdkjwtだけにするんだぜみたいな記事を見て再度pipインストールをしてアップロード、結果変わらず・・・色々調べてるとそもそも、boxsdkパッケージの配下にJWTAuthってないじゃんえなんでローカルでは動いてんの・・・パッケージ内のモジュールを手当たり次第探索するとboxsdkauthjwtauthpy内にJWTAuthのClassを発見え公式のモジュールの呼び出し方おかしくない調べてみるとboxsdkのinitpyに原因があるっぽいfromauthimportJWTAuthOAuthCCGAuth相対パスでauthからJWTAuthをインポートしようとしててエラーになってたみたいこの件は、ネット検索してたら誰かがフォーラムに上げてたので気づいてたらもっと早く分かってた・・・インポートのコードの記述を変更して解決さて本当の問題はここから依存関係先に書くと、依存関係についてまったく無知だったのが問題でした細かく書くと長くなるので簡潔にまず、Windows環境でpipインストールしたパッケージはLambdaでは動かないことがあるLambdaの実行環境がLinuxだからOS毎に依存関係が変わるAWSクラウドシェルでpipインストールしたパッケージがImportModuleErrorとなるのは、Lambdaのアーキテクチャをarmでは動かないと思われるこの辺りは本当にそうなのかインプットできていないので間違ってたらすみませんAWSクラウドシェルAWSLinuxがxアーキテクチャだからたぶんAWSクラウドシェルでインストール時、おそらくPythonの環境でインストールしたのでLambdaのランタイムもPythonに合わせないといけないたぶん下記の記事の通り、Lambdaにレイヤーを追加する際はDockerを使った方がよさそうですちゃんと読み込んで間違っていれば後から記事を訂正します。 2022-03-16 15:59:29
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amazon Linux 2 のカーネルアップデート - CVE-2022-0847(Dirty Pipe) https://qiita.com/kooohei/items/180bea934f1774bb0066 次にインストールしているkernelパッケージを確認します。 2022-03-16 15:31:41
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Go1.18がリリースされたので、早速Goのバージョンアップ https://qiita.com/ryuken/items/c25e5942b03e7b5d9fad Goがリリースされたので、早速Goのバージョンアップ年月日、Goがリリースされました。 2022-03-16 15:09:08
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】ラジオボタンのラベルにクリック判定をつける https://qiita.com/RouxRhett/items/7c2bd566c4f3ee0d6281 【Rails】ラジオボタンのラベルにクリック判定をつけるはじめにRails学習のアウトプット記事です。 2022-03-16 15:19:39
海外TECH DEV Community Weekly web development resources #113 https://dev.to/vincenius/weekly-web-development-resources-113-4ida Weekly web development resources Fresh Links on PerformanceA handful of good links to articles about performance on CSS Tricks nextjs componentsA collection of React components transcribed from Vercel pppaletteA great color palette generator that creates various different palettes based on a primary color CSS CheckerA CLI that checks your CSS styles for duplications and find the diff among CSS classes CSS GeneratorsTwo CSS Generators where you can add your setting and get your CSS code PhotolandA stock photo website that focuses on connecting customers and photographers kod soAn online tool to generate beautiful code screenshots react typicalA React typing animation in bytes of JavaScript MarkdownSiteA tool to create a website from a git repository in one click Build a business not an audienceA good read by Jakob Greenfeld about the pitfall of procrastinating by focusing only on building an audience fflipA Node js library for flexible feature flipping flagging Next js Blog TemplateA simple blog template which has a clean design and provides a lot of flexibility To see all the weeklies check wweb dev weekly 2022-03-16 06:41:48
海外TECH DEV Community Database Partitioning https://dev.to/mohan023/database-partitioning-2393 Database PartitioningA database can be partitioned horizontally vertically or functionally In horizontal partitioning also called sharding each partition holds data for a subset of the total data set The partitions share the same data schema For example customers whose names start with A M go into one partition N Z into another partition In vertical partitioning each partition holds a subset of the fields for the items in the data store For example put frequently accessed fields in one partition and less frequently accessed fields in another In functional partitioning data is partitioned according to how it is used by each bounded context in the system For example store invoice data in one partition and product inventory data in another The schemas are independent 2022-03-16 06:38:43
海外TECH DEV Community C++ basics: Pointers vs iterators https://dev.to/sandordargo/c-basics-pointers-vs-iterators-6lh C basics Pointers vs iteratorsDo you sometimes feel that you cannot explain the most basic things of a language you work with You re asked a simple question and suddenly you can only say eeeeeeeh I have to check sorry Don t worry Often we take things for granted and until a less experienced person asks such a question we don t even think about them But sometimes it s worth going back to the basics and deepening or simply refreshing our knowledge Today let s discuss pointers and iterators PointersLet s start with the dreaded pointers which can make C and C difficult to learn compared to other languages What is a pointer First of all a pointer is a type of variable that is meant to store a memory address I say meant to because if it s correctly initialized it either stores nullptr or the address of another variable it can even store the address of another pointer but if it s not correctly initialized it will contain random data which is quite dangerous it can lead to undefined behaviour How can you initialize a pointer You have three different ways Take the address of another variable include lt iostream gt int main int v int p amp v Point it to a variable on the heap include lt iostream gt int main int p new int Or just take the value of another pointer include lt iostream gt int main int p new int int p p Pointer values and pointed valuesIn any case if you print the value of a pointer it will be a memory address If you want to get the pointed value you have to dereference the pointer with operator include lt iostream gt int main int p new int int p p std cout lt lt p lt lt lt lt p lt lt n std cout lt lt p lt lt lt lt p lt lt n std cout lt lt amp p lt lt lt lt amp p lt lt n xdc xdc xfffcb xfffcb In this example we can see that both p and p stores the same memory address and therefore they locate the same value too At the same time the addresses of the pointers themselves are different taken by operator amp Memory deallocationIf an allocation happens with the new operator in other words if an allocation is on the heap someone has to deallocate the allocated memory which happens with delete Should you forget to do it when the pointer goes out of scope and you will have a memory leak You ll have no more access to that place of memory and as it s not deallocated nobody else can use it Should your code run long enough and create enough memory leaks it might crash as it won t have access to enough memory anymore So make sure you deallocate all allocated memory include lt iostream gt int main int p new int std cout lt lt p lt lt lt lt p lt lt n delete p If you try to access the pointer after the deletion or if you try to delete it a second time that s undefined behaviour and you ll most probably face a core dump Such errors often happen in legacy code for example in such scenarios include lt iostream gt int main int p new int std cout lt lt p lt lt lt lt p lt lt n bool error true if error delete p delete p error obviously is assigned from a more complex computation and usually the deletions are not added to the code at the same time The poor man s defence technique is to assign nullptr to p after deletion If you try to delete the pointer again it won t have any effect as deleting a nullptr is a no op include lt iostream gt int main int p new int std cout lt lt p lt lt lt lt p lt lt n bool error true if error delete p p nullptr delete p p nullptr The other thing to do is to always check for ptr validity before you access one But even if we ignore the problems of thread safety we cannot feel safe What if a pointer was deleted already and not set to nullptr Undefined behaviour potentially a crash Or even worse include lt iostream gt int main int p new int if p nullptr std cout lt lt p lt lt lt lt p lt lt n delete p we forget to set it to nullptr if p nullptr we pass the condition std cout lt lt p lt lt lt lt p lt lt n xfc xfc Or what if you made a copy of the pointer You delete one pointer and set it to nullptr The copied sibling will not know that the other was deleted include lt iostream gt int main int p new int int p p if p nullptr std cout lt lt p lt lt lt lt p lt lt n delete p we forget to set it to nullptr p nullptr if p nullptr p is nullptr we skip this block std cout lt lt p lt lt lt lt p lt lt n if p nullptr we pass the condition and anything can happen std cout lt lt p lt lt lt lt p lt lt n xc xc This case can easily happen when you have classes managing resources via raw pointers and their copy move operations are not correctly implemented Iterate over arraysOne more thing to mention about pointers is the operations you can perform on them We often refer to them as pointer arithmetics Meaning that you can increment or decrement them perform addition and subtraction But in fact you can add or subtract any integer Using the increment decrement feature pointers can be used to iterate over arrays or to access any element of them include lt iostream gt int main int numbers int p numbers for size t i i lt i std cout lt lt p lt lt n for size t i i lt i std cout lt lt p lt lt n std cout lt lt n std cout lt lt p lt lt n Nice but in should we use pointers to iterate over arrays The answer is clearly no It s not safe a pointer can just point anywhere and it doesn t work with all the container types You might have noticed in the previous example that in the first loop we use post fix increment and in the second loop a pre fix decrement After counting up the pointer already points to an invalid location so we have to decrement it before dereferencing otherwise we risk undefined behaviour Do not use raw pointersIn fact nowadays there is not much reason to use raw pointers at all Especially not raw pointers that are allocated with new raw pointers that are owning their resources Passing around resources via a raw pointer is still okay but owning those resources or using pointers as iterators or expressing that a value might or might not be there is something you shouldn t tolerate in your codebase anymore We have different better options First of all we can use smart pointers to replace owning raw pointers When we use non owning pointers we might use references if something cannot be nullptr or if we want to express that something might or might not be present we could try std optional But more on this another day Let s focus on iterating over an array now and let s see some other options what can we do with iterators What is an iterator Iterators are an essential part of the Standard Template Library The STL has main building blocks algorithms std rotate std find if etc containers std vector lt T gt std list lt T gt etc function objects std greater lt T gt std logical and lt T gt etc iterators std iterator std back inserter etc Iterators are the result of the generalization of the concept of a pointer They can be used to iterate over the elements of an STL container and provide access to the individual elements The mention of the STL containers also means that they cannot be used with C style arrays It s fine we should not use C style arrays at all in The categories of iteratorsThere are essentially categories of iterators input iteratorsoutput iteratorsforward iteratorsbidirectional iteratorsrandom access iteratorsInput iterators are the simplest form of iterators They are supporting read operations and can only move forward You can use input iterators for in equality comparisons and they can be incremented An example would be the iterator of a std list Output iterators are also forward iterators but they are used to assign values in a container they are write only iterators You cannot use them to read values Such an iterator is the std back inserter iterator Forward iterators are the combination of input and output iterators They let us both access and modify values std replace uses forward iterators for example Forward iterators are default constructible and they can access dereference the same positions multiple times Bidirectional iterators are like forward iterators but they can be also decremented so they can move both forward and backward std reverse copy uses such iterators as it both has to reverse values of a container decrement and put results in a new container one after the other increment Random access iterators are capable of anything that bidirectional iterators can do In addition they cannot only be incremented or decremented but their position can be modified by any value In other words they support operator and operator Different random access iterators can also be compared with the different comparison operators not just with equality inequality Random access means that containers accepting random access iterators can be simply accessed with the offset operator An algorithm that needs random access iterators is std random shuffle Usage of iteratorsIterators can be obtained from containers essentially two different ways through member functions such as std vector lt T gt begin or std vector lt T gt end or via free functions such as std begin or std end There are different variations of iterators from a practical point of view they can be const or reversed direction as well Just like pointers iterators can be incremented or decremented which makes them suitable for loops Though before C they were a bit verbose to use include lt iostream gt include lt vector gt int main std vector lt int gt v for std vector lt int gt const iterator it v begin it v end it std cout lt lt it lt lt With C and the introduction of the keyword auto the usage of iterators was simplified quite a bit include lt iostream gt include lt vector gt int main std vector lt int gt v for auto it v begin it v end it std cout lt lt it lt lt Of course you might argue that range based for loops are easier to use and you are right It s worth mentioning though that range based for loops are also implemented with the help of iterators How an iterator differs from a pointerNow that we discussed both pointers and iterators separately let s collect the differences between the two categories While we are using pointers to hold a memory address whatever memory address an iterator is always used with containers An iterator is used to go through the elements of a container and the items of the container don t need to be stored on a contagious memory area Even if the items are scattered in the memory such as for a linked list an iterator would still work Given that the pointer is always storing a memory address it can be always be converted to an integer which is the address Most iterators cannot be converted into integers As we saw there are different categories of iterators and not all of them support all the different pointer arithmetic operations At the same time pointers don t have any such distinction A pointer is a pointer and you can do all the operations with them which is often quite dangerous If you declare a pointer to a type it can point to any object of the same type Luckily iterators are more restricted and they work only inside a certain type of container If you ever used raw pointers you know that they can be deleted moreover the owning ones must be deleted in order to avoid memory leaks Iterators on the other hand cannot be should not be deleted An iterator is not responsible for memory management its sole responsibility is to provide a handle to the elements in the container When to use one and when the other Whenever you need to iterate over a standard container use an iterator over a pointer As it was designed exactly for that it s safer and that s what you d get anyway if you d call begin or end on the container Moreover it s iterators that STL algorithms are taking as inputs not pointers and also that s what they often return There are two reasons not to use iterators using a range based for loop that you should indeed prefer but under the hood in most cases they use iterators anywayusing a C style array But in don t use a C style array you can use std array or another STL container Don t use pointers for iterations Use pointers only when you need to pass the address of a variable to another function and when it might be null so you cannot use a reference instead Pointers also come in handy when you have to deal with polymorphism and you need dynamic dispatching you need to determine which version of a virtual function should be called only during runtime For memory handling don t use raw pointers If you need to use dynamic memory allocations if you need the heap use a smart pointer instead of a raw pointer so that you can avoid memory leaks or double frees ConclusionI wish I understood the basics of C at the beginning of my developer career I wish I understood them today With this piece I m a bit closer to understanding the basics of pointers and iterators I hope you do too ReferencesApache C Standard Library User s Guide Varieties of IteratorsUniversity of Helsinki STL IteratorsGeeksForGeeks Difference between Iterators and Pointers in C C with ExamplesMicrosoft Raw pointers C Stackoverflow Why should I use a pointer rather than the object itself Connect deeperIf you liked this article please hit on the like button subscribe to my newsletter and let s connect on Twitter 2022-03-16 06:36:02
海外TECH DEV Community Financial Data APIs are to Banks as LinkedIn is to Recruitment Agencies https://dev.to/omigosh17/financial-data-apis-are-to-banks-as-linkedin-is-to-recruitment-agencies-49i7 Financial Data APIs are to Banks as LinkedIn is to Recruitment AgenciesAs the modes of growing business in all sectors are revolutionizing we can see improvements in the banking industry where financial data APIs are playing an important role A company information API when involved with banking processes provides a distinct hype of security and transparency so that customers reaching out to a specific bank for some services such as transactions and loan plans can directly land on to the techniques the bank is using This is the finest way to trust building and the bank earns more visual recognition through satisfied reviews If you still think that Linkedin and other similar apps are the only solution left for promoting a business think again Now beyond taking ordinary steps banks are exhibiting advanced solutions Financial data APIs are paving the ways banks execute their functions Here in this article we will take you to the evidence of how these software offerings are beneficial for improving bank reputation What is a Financial Data API Financial data API is used for the fetching of financial data including financial reports liability assets debts loan history and revenue generated by a company It can work for a number of companies at the same time and gives banks accurate information to feed and make records accordingly The banks today are more inclined towards these APIs They let the banks investigate companies by showing regular movements of businesses in the market This way banks can monitor the monthly revenue and loss made by its clients according to which they proceed with their loan plans and earn through it Advantages of Financial Data API for Banks Risk ManagementFraud spottingAPI analytics can be helpful to determine and rate each customer who is at risk of a scam and then use several forms of monitoring and validation to those subscribers Interpreting the risk of the accounts enables banks and financial organizations to recognize what to see first in their scam reduction strategies Risk management for investment banksRisk management is the method of simulating how a set of assets commodities bonds fates opportunities etc or an individual asset e g an interest rate drives in reaction to various systems When risk management is accomplished accurately and invariably across all investments you can lessen your portfolio s overall risk and enhance its version Credit risk investigationBanks and financial organizations employ analytics to control the risk linked with the loans they drive This is accomplished by screening details they gather on individual clients This information can possess but is not restricted to Client credit scoreCredit card use how much you be in debt Charges owed on other credit cards total debt Charges debited on multiple credit cards total debt total credit Authentic SupplySales performance analysisAPI anchors to a company with the purpose of financial data collection gathers thorough information in which sales performance analysis is most known This information says growth in the market and earnings generated over a specific duration of time Banks use this information to renovate their strategies by understanding with which speed the company is moving in the market Sales channel analysisIn a route banks and financial organizations minister their units and online channel sales as a supply chain that they ought to handle Banks have to understand how much liquidated amount they have what s arriving in through the channel and what s moving out from the channel When you re doing some data analysis and opt to understand the contrast between your department and online channels you might be shocked at how much it influences your industry Virtual Window for Bank ProgressionAI driven virtual assistanceAI driven chatbots and virtual assistants can assist you to overcome the duration of the process you or your colleagues spend on your everyday duties These chatbots and virtual assistants can be utilized in multiple conditions To help in customer service and proficiency control To replace manual methods including emailing or phoning rooms To improve customer arrangement through personalized relations Recommendations for improvementBanks and financial organizations are not only focusing on how their present clients utilize the services they present they are also concentrating on how to draw further subscribers When it comes to handling the market flank of the equation banks and financial organizations are utilizing analytics to create predictive standards that take into account personal consumer features Like a credit score revenue status etc and specialties like a place which can be utilized to assess customer behavior ways The measures supply sense into how diverse parts of the population act which permits for more personalization of outcomes and assistance Difference between Finance API and Linkedin Strategies Final Thoughts It is thought that banks have failed in some areas due to using manual ways while fetching financial data when dealing with companies or business tacons This may decrease the value of the services being presented by financial organizations Therefore tools were needed to sort out some general to specific queries faced by banking staff Financial data APIs are used for this purpose and helping out banks getting closer to customers by solving their concerns and becoming more professional We should say Linkedin is for recruiters and financial data API is for banks 2022-03-16 06:32:15
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