ロボスタ |
【速報】ソニーが新しいAI会話ロボット「poiq」(ポイック)を公開 雨宮天と研究員が1年かけてバディに育成 研究員には実機をレンタル |
【速報】ソニーが新しいAI会話ロボット「poiq」ポイックを公開雨宮天と研究員が年かけてバディに育成研究員には実機をレンタルシェアツイートはてブかねてよりソニーが「新プロジェクト」として月日に発表を予告していた謎の「poiq」ポイックは、新しいエンタテインメントロボットだということがわかった。 |
2022-04-04 03:47:10 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia エンタープライズ] Spring Frameworkにリモートコード実行の脆弱性 即時アップデートの適用を |
framework |
2022-04-04 12:31:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 山手線内で「家賃5万円」のマンションに住める? 供給過剰気味のワンルーム |
itmedia |
2022-04-04 12:16:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] MINISFORUM、Ryzen 7搭載ミニデスクトップPC「EliteMini B550」の予約受付を開始 |
eliteminib |
2022-04-04 12:13:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] アニメ「進撃の巨人」、完結編を23年放送 「GYAO!」は5期全話を無料配信 |
itmedia |
2022-04-04 12:10:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 学生に聞く、SDGs観点で選ぶ「働きたい企業」 パナソニックが総合2位 上位だったIT関連企業は? |
itmedia |
2022-04-04 12:07:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
NTTドコモ、顧客情報管理システムの開発環境をOracle Cloudに移行、約300人の開発者が使用 | IT Leaders |
NTTドコモ、顧客情報管理システムの開発環境をOracleCloudに移行、約人の開発者が使用ITLeadersNTTドコモは、新たな顧客情報管理システム「ALADIN」アラジンの開発環境を年月に稼働させた。 |
2022-04-04 12:47:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
クラウド利用には成熟しています。次は何を? |
クラウドリソースのタグ付け戦略により、ビジネスの経済性と顧客とのデジタルなやり取りに関する洞察を得ることができます。 |
2022-04-04 03:10:02 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
逆行列法による線形回帰をPyTorchで解く |
PyTorchによる逆行列法必要なライブラリのインポートimportmatplotlibpyplotaspltimportnumpyasnpimporttorchPyTorchの基礎は、たとえばこちら。 |
2022-04-04 12:49:03 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
論文の勉強15 Transformer(Encoderのみ) |
kerasではMultiHeadAttentionが実装されています。 |
2022-04-04 12:35:34 |
Program |
CodeZine |
LAPRASがユーザーの個人情報・プライバシー保護に関する特許を取得 |
lapras |
2022-04-04 12:30:00 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Javascript 脱初級メモ |
Javascript脱初級メモはじめにこの記事は開発メモです。 |
2022-04-04 12:46:25 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
rails app 取得したデータを並び替えるには orderメソッド |
railsapp取得したデータを並び替えるにはorderメソッド結論orderメソッドを使う。 |
2022-04-04 12:29:54 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
EC2にログインする |
ECにログインするはじめに環境構築ため、ECへSSH接続しようとするも、忘れていたため記事にしておきます。 |
2022-04-04 12:20:15 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
terraform import: ECS / Application Auto Scaling |
terraformimportECSApplicationAutoScalingTerraformでECSのApplicationAutoScalingターゲット追跡スケーリングポリシーのimportに苦戦したのでメモ以前試みたときに格闘の末あきらめたのだが、さっき再挑戦してみたら分でできたできてみるとこんなもんかという感じTerraformは既存のリソースからimportコマンドで簡単に定義を抽出できるが、リソースによってimportで指定する文字列がやたらと長いものがあって難儀別にimportでやらなくてもいいのだが、できそうなのにできないのが気持ち悪いので解決したかった。 |
2022-04-04 12:13:56 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
rails app 取得したデータを並び替えるには orderメソッド |
railsapp取得したデータを並び替えるにはorderメソッド結論orderメソッドを使う。 |
2022-04-04 12:29:54 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Project showcase: Learnfluent |
Project showcase LearnfluentThis was the first real web project I ever built I thought it would be cool to show it off This is a Chrome extension I created a few years ago It is designed to help people learn a new language Each day you are given a new word from the language of your choice Currently French Spanish German and Russian are the language options There are words total and one is shown each day More info on how to get started on Chrome extension development Link to source code Link to download |
2022-04-04 03:28:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
SQL Injection Attacks |
SQL Injection AttacksInjection attacks are one of the top three most common security breaches according to OWASP Top Injection attacks pass a string of code as an input to a web app which alters the operation of the application by executing certain commands One of the most common injection attacks is SQL injection Why is SQL Injection Used SQL Injection can be used by attackers to Bypass Authentication Attackers can pass a piece of code to the database that allows them to bypass the authentication process SELECT FROM users WHERE username OR AND password foo What will happen here is will return true and everything after will not be executed because is used to comment out code in SQL so the rest of the query will be ignored Exfiltrate Data There are many areas that can be targeted to steal data from a targeted source A common HTTP Server request could look like this SELECT FROM users INTO OUTFILE var www html output txt This will select all from users table and export that data as a text file Execute OS commands Beyond databases attackers can gain access to an entire operating system and run system commands SQL injection attacks are often used as a vector for gaining command of the shell If an attacker has enough information about their target they can pass something like this union select lt php system GET cmd gt into outfile var www dvwa cmd php This piece of PHP code will allow the attacker to execute os commands They will have access to the shell via their browser lt php system GET cmd gt Vandalism DoS Attackers can drop tables from a database and otherwise break things with SQL injection Here is one of my favorite comics Prevent SQL InjectionHere are some steps can be taken to prevent SQL injection attacks Sanitize all inputs Basically the client input cannot be trusted Use whitelists and when possible do not let user directly communicate with the database Perform server side validation Do not expose native database errors Attackers can use database errors to learn more about your database and find vulnerabilities Use Object Relational Mapping ORM ORM creates a layer between the language and the database In Rails ActiveRecord translates between Ruby and SQL This is mostly secure but some things can still be exploited |
2022-04-04 03:28:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
no-framework, front-end moderno sem framework |
no framework front end moderno sem framework no frameworkNeste post faremos um exercício e uma proposta de arquitetura sem frameworks ou libs na stack javascript para montar uma aplicação front end chamaremos de no framework O código fonte utilizado pode ser visualizado e baixado no repositório do Github na url Com a ajuda de algumas ferramentas tooling que iremos montar uma página simples no modelo single page application SPA CuidadosAo abrirmos mão de algumas implementações estamos assumindo ocontrole e abandonando uma base de código muito bem validada e mantida com constantes evoluções pelas comunidades no github Por que Quando iniciamos um projeto escolhemos ferramentas que abstraem a parte mais complicada para focar no que realmente importa que éo desenvolvimento das funcionalidades Éimportante também conhecer um pouco mais como funcionam essas abstrações por baixo dos panos para conseguir extrair o melhor do que os frameworks e bibliotecas oferecem Tendo isso em mente faremos um exercício de explorar algumas abstrações em um nível mais baixo trocando a utilização do React e toda a stack de dependências do ecossistema que estamos acostumados por um código manual sem abrir mão da simplicidade Vamos re visitar alguns tópicos antes Ferramentas tooling Tooling são os empacotadores linters code style validadores de tipagens transpiladores etc que irão auxiliar tanto no ambiente de desenvolvimento quanto na transformação do código fonte para versão de produção Single page application SPA SPA éo acrônimo de single page application que carrega o conteúdo pesado da página apenas uma vez na primeira requisição e que quando abrimos links que pertencem a rota dessa aplicação a página não serátotalmente recarregada possibilitando uma transição de página mais rápida Para que o SPA funcione dessa maneira temos que direcionarmos todo o trafego de todas as rotas do servidor HTTP para um único HTML por exemplo gt index html E todo o fluxo de requisição caindo no mesmo HTML a aplicação SPA fica responsável por lidar com a rota e abrir a página correta e também por erros de página soft Outro problema conhecido de utilizar a estratégia SPA éque o SEO search engine optimization se torna mais complicado pois todas as tags SEO também são incluídas uma única vez no HTML Server side rendering SSR SSR éo acrônimo de server side rendering que entrega um HTML dinamicamente renderizado para rota em que o servidor érequisitado fazendo o papel do primeiro render no lado do servidor e entregando tudo pronto para exibição no browser o CSR client side rendering Essa estratégia soluciona o problema do SEO citado anteriormente pois quando o indexador visita uma rota específica ele recebe o conteúdo HTML renderizado RehydrateQuando utilizamos o SSR podemos usar uma estratégia de reidratação que irásincronizar o estado do HTML previamente renderizado no lado do servidor com a renderização da aplicação no lado do client CSR Ao aplicar a reidratação o resultado do DOM deve ser o mesmo do que vem prérenderizado caso contrário o virtual DOM VDOM teráuma diferença detectada invalidando essa prérenderização no SSR e forçando atualizações desnecessárias no DOM DOM e VDOMDOM éo acrônimo de document object model éa representação da estrutura do HTML que o javascript utiliza em forma de API para acessar e manipular essa estrutura O VDOM éuma representação virtual do DOM utilizado para capturar diferenças e calcular as atualizações que devem ser aplicadas diretamente no DOM WebpackO webpack éum dos empacotadores mais utilizados e usaremos ele em conjunto com babel para transpilar e empacotar O plugin webpack dev server faráo papel do servidor SPA ele estáconfigurado para redirecionar o trafego de todas as rotas para o index html do jeito que precisamos para o desenvolvimento Lint e code styleO eslint em conjunto com o prettier evitaráerros de sintaxe e também foi preparado uma configuração para o vscode que ao salvar o arquivo jádeixa de acordo com as regras definidas no eslintrc json SetupO setup do projeto éuma configuração bem simples e pode ser visto no repositório git comentarei aqui apenas alguns pontos relevantes Crie uma pasta e inicie o projeto com o yarn mkdir no frameworkcd no frameworkyarn init yInstale as dependências yarn add D babel core babel plugin transform react jsx babel preset env babel preset react babel preset typescript types webpack env typescript eslint eslint plugin typescript eslint parser babel loader css loader eslint eslint config airbnb base eslint config prettier eslint import resolver typescript eslint plugin import eslint plugin jsx ay eslint plugin prettier fork ts checker webpack plugin html webpack plugin prettier style loader tsconfig paths webpack plugin typescript webpack webpack cli webpack dev serverAdicione scripts no package json scripts dev webpack dev server mode development build webpack mode production O babelrc com os presets typescript e env com plugin de JSX customizado possibilitaráa escrita das tags JSX com as funções globais que serão descritas depois createElement e Fragment na seguinte configuração presets babel preset typescript babel preset env targets node true plugins babel plugin transform react jsx pragma createElement pragmaFrag Fragment O tsconfig json deve conter em compilerOptions preserve não altera os arquivos JSX usaremos um custom jsx preserve createElement função global usada no lugar do React jsxFactory createElement Fragment funçãco global usada no lugar do React Fragment jsxFragmentFactory Fragment Veja a configuração inteira no repositório Na configuração do webpack config js usaremos plugin html webpack plugin para gerar o arquivo html com o carregamento dos scripts necessários tsconfig paths webpack plugin para resolver caminhos com aliases nos imports partindo de arquivo ficará src fork ts checker webpack plugin para validação de tipagem de forma assíncrona Tendo regras de loaders JS TS babel loader CSS style loader com css loaderVeja o arquivo completo em Para quem utiliza o vscode existe a configuração que formata o código ao salvar em vscode settings jsonNa pasta src lib ficam os arquivos de criação de elementos no DOM navegação SPA entre outras libs Na pasta src pages ficam os componentes de páginas Na paste src design system ficam os estilos do design system que em um monorepo poderia conter esses arquivos css e os componentes basicos do design system Na pasta src components ficam os componentes da aplicação que nesse exemplo não estão separados dos componentes básicos do design system O index tsx escuta o evento DOMContentLoadede monta a aplicação com o tema do sistema dark light A tipagem dos componentes JSX não estáfuncionando propriamente ainda Alguns prósUm bundle bem compactoInicialização rápidaProximidade maior com o javascript e css Alguns contrasMaior cuidado com elementos desvinculados do DOM e eventos que o GC garbage collector não conseguira liberarExige maior conhecimentoGerenciamento de estado pode se tornar uma dor |
2022-04-04 03:21:07 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to add unit test cases to your project using Jest |
How to add unit test cases to your project using JestA without test cases is just a text Textcases are important for any application they makes the web app more efficieny and most importantly all the edge cases will be covesred in these test cases Now that we are talking about testing lets talk about a testing framework called JEST for Javascript There are some other really great frameworks out there and choosing one comes down to flavor and needs For this article I ll use a simple JavaScript project as our basis It will have a determination script to determine if certain statements are true or false Check any functionYou can see the determine js function in the main folder This is basically our app It s used to determine if a variable is a number In the most basic case it should perform the following tests isNumber Should be trueisNumber abc Should be falseWe first have to add Jest to our project to make this testable npm install D jestThis will install the Jest package in our dev dependenies Now we should modify our package json to include a testing command scripts test jest The cool thing about Jest is that it can fire automatically on any files it deems testable By default it can run on the following files js files inside tests folders test js files inside your project spec js files inside your projectFor now let s add a determine test js file This makes sense as we have our determine js file as our basis To start the file we have to import our function first const isNumber require determine Then we can define tests Each test is an isolated scope that can pass or fail Let s start by adding a test made to expect the right answer test Validate a number gt expect isNumber toBeTruthy We start by defining the test which holds a string the name of the test and executes a function The actual test states Expect gt function variables gt to be trueI really love how Jest made these super human readable and understandable We ask for the function isNumber to be true when we pass the number one to it We can now run the test by invoking the following command npm run testWow the test is succeeding Now lets add a failing test case test Invalidate a string gt expect isNumber ABC toBeTruthy We use the same test but pass a wrong number so the test should fail And it does fail which is expected So let s modify the test case to evaluate a false value ConclusionAlthough this is a very straight forward test it can be super important for example in any given number form field you need a numerical value and not any string You can use this test case there Moreover its in your hand how to make test cases more complicated Thank You |
2022-04-04 03:07:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
An easy way to group objects in java |
An easy way to group objects in javaIn this example we will be making grouping easy to use on Maps objects that contain collections as values For instance we hava a Map of Integers that has its values as an ArrayList of Strings Grouper lt Integer String gt grouper new ArrayListGrouper lt gt grouper put a grouper put b grouper put c grouper put c grouper put c The output will be a b c c c All we have to do is to define a grouping strategy for example the already defined ArrayListGrouper class uses an ArrayList as its strategy We can always define a new Grouper that will use another GroupingStrateg Let s change the ArrayList to a HashSet so that the elements become unique public class HashSetGrouper lt K V gt extends Grouper lt K V gt public HashSetGrouper super HashSet new Testing it like Test public void testHashSetGrouper Grouper lt Integer String gt grouper new HashSetGrouper lt gt grouper put a grouper put b grouper put c grouper put c grouper put c System out println grouper The output will become a b c c The key has now a set in which the c value is not repeated the code is hosted on Github Your feedback is welcomed |
2022-04-04 03:06:51 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to deploy a smart contract to the same address across different blockchains? |
How to deploy a smart contract to the same address across different blockchains Have you ever deployed a smart contract and noticed the deployed address It seems to be a bunch of random characters and while it is that address is deterministic A quick primer on account and address in Ethereum There are two types of accounts in Ethereum Externally Owned Account EOA and Contract Account Both types of accounts have an address associated with them An address in Ethereum is a character hexadecimal address E g Uniswap s UniswapVFactory smart contract address is xFcaDAEafeaF and is the same in Ethereum mainnet Polygon Optimism Arbitrum and Avalanche The same is the case for Uniswap s all smart contracts How is the smart contract address generated The smart contract s address is derived from two values the EOA user s address and the number of transactions the user has sent That is the user s wallet address and nonce Primer on Nonce Nonce simply put is the number of transactions a user has done in a given blockchain Every time a user has an outgoing transaction the nonce increases by one The nonce is unique for each blockchain meaning that sending a transaction in Ethereum will increase the account s nonce in Ethereum but not in Polygon Please note that we refer to the account nonce which pertains to the user and not to the block nonce As I mentioned at the start of the article the smart contract address is deterministic We can determine the address before the smart contract is actually deployed using the wallet s address from which the user will deploy the contract and their most recent nonce Below is the example code using ether js to compute the address pre deployment Verify the output Finally to answer the question How to deploy a smart contract to the same address across blockchains In our wallet I use Metamask we should keep an account and let s call it the deployment account only to deploy the smart contracts We should not do any transactions in it other than smart contract creation Sending smart contract creation transactions in all the blockchains with the same nonce will result in the same smart contract address everywhere Having the same address makes the smart contract much more developer friendly It reduces the friction of maintaining addresses for different env mainnet vs testnet and blockchains Ethereum Polygon etc It makes it easier to socialize the launch as well I hope you found this useful If you have any questions or feedback please let me know in the comments and I will be happy to answer |
2022-04-04 03:04:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Integrate Razorpay Payment Gateway in Laravel |
How to Integrate Razorpay Payment Gateway in LaravelIn this tutorial We will see how to integrate razorpay payment gateway in laravel Razorpay is the only payments solution in India that allows businesses to accept process and disburse payments with its product suite Razorpay payment gateway accepts all payment modes with domestic and international credit amp debit cards EMIs Credit Debit Cards amp Cardless PayLater Netbanking from banks UPI and mobile wallets Razorpay provides the most extensive set of payment methods Razorpay payment gateway integration is very easy to use like another payment gateway In laravel we can demonstrate razorpay payment gateway integration Read more Developer Docs of razorpay payment gateway So let s see razorpay payment gateway integration in laravel and laravel how to integrate razorpay payment gateway in laravel razorpay payment gateway integration in laravel Step Create Razorpay Account in RazorpayStep Install Razorpay PackageStep Add API Key and Secret KeyStep Create RouteStep Create ControllerStep Create View FileRead More How to Integrate Razorpay Payment Gateway in Laravel |
2022-04-04 03:03:31 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam says she won’t seek second term |
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2022-04-04 12:44:25 |
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BBC News - Home |
Grammys 2022: Ukraine president delivers powerful speech |
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2022-04-04 03:01:28 |
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BBC News - Home |
Sri Lanka: Cabinet resigns as crisis protesters defy curfew |
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2022-04-04 03:03:57 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
アジアのLNG需要冷え込み、25年まで続く可能性 - WSJ発 |
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2022-04-04 12:08:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
アップル配信事業、オスカー受賞作を生かせるか - WSJ発 |
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2022-04-04 12:04:00 |
北海道 |
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建物室内に30代女性遺体、大阪 府警が捜査 |
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IT |
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2022-04-04 12:30:00 |
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内閣府、牛乳消費促すCM 巣ごもり需要消失…円高も冷水 |
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2022-04-04 03:18:45 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
Fire Emblem Heroes - Lonely Puppeteer (Spring Remix) |
Fire Emblem Heroes Lonely Puppeteer Spring Remix submitted by u BlazeBloom to r FireEmblemHeroes link comments |
2022-04-04 03:01:05 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
Post WWE WrestleMania 38 Match Discussion Thread: Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns (c) - Biggest WrestleMania Match In History - Championship Unification Match |
Post WWE WrestleMania Match Discussion Thread Brock Lesnar c vs Roman Reigns c Biggest WrestleMania Match In History Championship Unification MatchRoman Reigns wins via a lot of Spears submitted by u Coldcoffees to r SquaredCircle link comments |
2022-04-04 03:45:38 |