IT |
気になる、記になる… |
ビックカメラ、最大全額がポイント還元される「ゴールデン・ビックジャンボ」のキャンペーンを開始 |
期間限定 |
2022-04-22 01:17:31 |
ロボスタ |
NEC みちびきとMADOCA補正を活用した高精度衛星測位ソフトウェアを販売開始 測位精度の信頼性を判定アルゴリズム対応 |
2022-04-22 01:55:58 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 火星から撮影した日食の動画、NASAが公開 高フレームレート、望遠での撮影に成功 |
itmedia |
2022-04-22 10:45:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] GWに出かけたい都道府県ランキング、1位は「北海道」、2位は? |
akippa |
2022-04-22 10:22:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] AOKI、パジャマスーツ“アンバサダー”に岡副麻希らを起用 認知度向上でカジュアル領域3倍に |
itmedia |
2022-04-22 10:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] コーエーテクモ、新卒初任給29万円に引き上げ 競合ゲーム会社の初任給は? |
itmedia |
2022-04-22 10:01:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
会場のアスリートと病院の子どもを“振動”でつなぐ。NTT東岩手ら、「モバイルハイタッチ」実証 |
beingalivejapan |
2022-04-22 01:00:19 |
AWS Japan Blog |
AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator – カスタマイズ可能なワークフローテンプレートを使用した新しい移行オーケストレーション |
このサービスでは、あらかじめ定義されたカスタマイズ可能なワークフローテンプレートが用意され、移行タスク、移行ツール、自動化の機会がもたらされ、進捗状況を一元的に追跡できます。 |
2022-04-22 01:51:05 |
AWS Japan Blog |
Amazon SageMaker による動画内のスポーツハイライトの自動検出 |
ワークフローの次のステップでは、特徴ベクトルのシーケンスに基づいて、動画セグメントが取り立てて関心を引くものであるかどうかを推論するために機械学習モデルを呼び出します。 |
2022-04-22 01:10:33 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
画像1枚からのポイントクラウド生成 |
集まり |
2022-04-22 10:59:12 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
React Class Component vs Function Component |
class |
2022-04-22 10:44:22 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS をインストールした後やること11選 |
linux |
2022-04-22 10:53:39 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSでVPCを構築する |
amazon |
2022-04-22 10:05:38 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Windows11 に Docker を簡単に導入する |
docker |
2022-04-22 10:41:04 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
2022年1~3月のMAD事業部メンバーのOSSコントリビューションについてご紹介します |
紹介 |
2022-04-22 01:00:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
OSD600 + 700, i love you |
OSD i love youThoughts about OSD and OSD OSD and OSD are AMAZING Out of all the courses that I have taken I think that the ones that taught me the most about real life developer work experience were OSD and OSD MeaningFULLYES some days I really felt like giving up because I couldn t land a PR on time I was not in a mood to write a blog I didn t know what I was doing with git I had no idea how to implement something or debug something It was frustrating But honestly everything I was doing was a contribution to a real open source project It felt like each PR had a meaning It wasn t just a stupid meaningless assignment The features and the bug fixes were all useful to the project It was not just a zip file of a visual studio solution IT IS THE ACTUAL FEATURE IMPLEMENTATION AND BUG FIX Respect How to Be a True DeveloperWhat s also good about this course is that everyone respects your hard work We all know how hard we all work and we don t judge or neglect anyone s effort We review we help implement we discuss we sheriff we encourage Even the people that aren t close to you they still help you I didn t know people at college can be like that Because from my experience no one wants to help Everyone is just busy with their business Feels like we live in a cold world sometimes But OSD and OSD are making me feel like this world has still some hope hahaha Really It makes me think that people at work and school can be like a family a supportive community in a way too This alone is what makes these two courses feel like a coop like experience it teaches you how to be a developer and help other developers Freedom not SlaveryYou get to decide what to work on what feature technology development area etc And no one expects you to know how to implement something from scratch You can start with knowledge and make a draft PR And people are going to support you from day If you get stuck they gonna unstuck you You can freely break stuff and try stuff Just fix it afterwards or someone can jump on a call with you and work on it together Also there are other contributors like Seneca College alumni PROFESSOR and other experienced developers that you can work together with This is the only course that has this cool side to it DDDD Feels like you are in the same team as your professor and many other talented people It is not just a school stuff kinda vibe Furthermore I believe that everything comes from a family or people that surround you And I think that it is so true when it comes to this course Everyone is super passionate about what they are doing Everyone cares It makes you wanna care too It is amazing And the professor is like a father in a way He knows your struggles and he tries his best to help you in any way he can He can be flexible strict understanding encouraging supportive and easily approachable I only know two professors like that including him And I have had experience studying in different countries and to find these kind of people that care about their students or just in general about other people is super hard They are rare ConclusionIt is super hard but the whole vibe is really nice It makes you feel passionate and caring and encouraged Taking this course makes you wanna improve yourself weaken your weaknesses even the most fearful ones |
2022-04-22 01:44:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The Past, Present, and Future of Virtual DOM |
The Past Present and Future of Virtual DOMPlug I help develop ✦Million js Virtual DOM into the future IntroductionThe Virtual DOM was initially pioneered by the React authors to make declarative UI faster to render To understand why declarative UI was originally so slow we first need to understand how declarative UI was done in the past Declarative UI in the past The traditional way of writing declarative UI is to change the innerHTML property on an element For example if I want to add a lt div gt element to the UI I would write the following document body innerHTML lt div gt Hello World lt div gt lt body gt now has a lt div gt Hello World lt div gt child We can recognize that innerHTML allows us to declaratively define the UI but it is not very efficient The inefficiency stems from the parsing destruction and reconstruction of the UI every time we change the innerHTML When we change the innerHTML it follows a four step process Parse the innerHTML string into a tree of DOM nodes Remove all the content in the lt body gt element Insert the tree of DOM nodes into the lt body gt element Perform layout calculation and repaint the screen This process is extremely computationally expensive and can cause render speeds to slow down signifcantly Imperative UISo how is this issue fixed Well the other option is to use the DOM this approach is over x faster than the innerHTML method const div document createElement div div textContent Hello World document body appendChild div However we can recognize this can be cumbersome to write manually especially when there is a lot of interativity in the UI as we need to specify every step imperatively Declarative UI is a much more elegant and simple way to write UI TL DR The React authors created Virtual DOM to allow us to write UI in a way that is faster than innerHTML and just as declarative Understanding Virtual DOM part To best understand how Virtual DOM works let s overview how Virtual DOM works and then build our own The Virtual DOM is an method of rendering UI The method utilizes a tree of JavaScript objects virtual nodes that mimics the DOM tree lt div gt Hello World lt div gt const div document createElement div div style color red div textContent Hello World The lt div gt above is mimicked as a virtual node in the following JavaScript object const divVNode type div props style color red children Hello World We can notice that the virtual node has three properties tag stores the tag name of the element as a string props stores the properties and attributes of the element as an object children stores virtual node children of the element as an array Using virtual nodes we can model what the current UI looks like and what we want it to change to when we update the UI Let s say I want to change the text inside the lt div gt from Hello World to Hello Universe Using the DOM we can imperatively make the change lt div gt Hello World lt div gt const div document createElement div div style color red div textContent Hello World Change from Hello World to Hello Universe div textContent Hello Universe But with Virtual DOM I can just specify what the current UI looks like old virtual node and what I want it to look like new virtual node const oldVNode type div props style color red children Hello World const newVNode type div props style color red children Hello Universe However to make the Virtual DOM actually apply the change to the UI we need to calculate the difference between the old virtual node and the new virtual node type div props style color red children Hello World children Hello Universe Once we know the difference the Virtual DOM can change the Virtual DOM div replaceChild newChild oldChild With Virtual DOM instead of replacing the whole UI it only makes necessary changes Build Your Own Virtual DOM part In this exercise we will mimic the ✦Million js Virtual DOM API Our API will consist of three main functions m createElement and patch m tag props children The m function is a helper function that creates virtual nodes A virtual node contains three properties tag which stores the tag name of the element as a string props which stores the properties attributes of the element as an object children which stores virtual node children of the element as an array An example implementation of the m helper function is below const m tag props children gt tag props children This way it is less cumbersome to create virtual nodes m div style color red Hello World createElement vnode The createElement function turns a virtual node into a real DOM element This is important because we ll be using this in our patch function The implementation is as follows Return text node if the virtual node is text Create a new DOM node with the tag property of the virtual node Iterate over the virtual node props and add them to the DOM node Iterate over the children recursively call createElement on each child and add them to the DOM node const createElement vnode gt if typeof vnode string return document createTextNode vnode const el document createElement vnode tag for const prop in vnode props el prop vnode props prop for const child of vnode children el appendChild createElement child return el This way we can convert virtual nodes to DOM nodes easily lt div style color red gt Hello World lt div gt createElement m div style color red Hello World patch el newVNode oldVNode The patch function takes an existing DOM node old virtual node and new virtual node The implementation is as follows Calculate the difference between the two virtual nodesIf virtual node is a string replace the text content of the DOM node with the new node If virtual node is an object update node if tag props or children are different const patch el newVNode oldVNode gt if newVNode amp amp newVNode return el remove if typeof oldVNode string typeof newVNode string if oldVNode newVNode return el replaceWith createElement newVNode else if oldVNode tag newVNode tag return el replaceWith createElement newVNode patch props for const prop in oldVNode props newVNode props if newVNode props prop undefined delete el prop else if oldVNode props prop undefined oldVNode props prop newVNode props prop el prop newVNode props prop patch children for let i oldVNode children length i gt i patch el childNodes i newVNode children i oldVNode children i for let i oldVNode children length i lt newVNode children length i el appendChild createElement newVNode children i This way we can update UI with the patch function const oldVNode m div style color red Hello World const newVNode m div style color red Hello Universe const el createElement oldVNode lt div style color red gt Hello World lt div gt patch el oldVNode newVNode lt div style color red gt Hello Universe lt div gt And we ve finished our Virtual DOM Check out the live example here Virtual DOM is Pure Overhead right now Virtual DOM is pure overhead Rich Harris In the present Virtual DOM implementations incur computation cost when calculating the differences between old and new virtual nodes Even with extremely efficient diffing algorithms like list diff when virtual node trees become greater than double digits of virtual nodes the cost of diffing becomes significant Future of Virtual DOM Compilers are the New Frameworks Tom Dale Tom Dale the creator of Ember was one of the first JavaScript UI library zealots to advocate for the use of compilers for JavaScript UI libraries Turns out Tom Dale s bet was right The JavaScript ecosystem has seen the rise in no Virtual DOM compiled libraries like Solid and Svelte These libraries skip unnecessary computation by using a compiler to perform work beforehand reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed The output of these compilers are progressively enhanced meaning code is only generated if it s needed Virtual DOM on the other hand lags behind on this trend Current Virtual DOM libraries inherently aren t designed for the use of compilers and as a result Virtual DOM render speeds are often slower than modern JavaScript UI libraries If we want Virtual DOM to be competitive in the future we need to redesign Virtual DOM to allow for compiler augmentation Check out the current effort at ✦Million js We re already x faster than the current non compiled Virtual DOM libraries |
2022-04-22 01:24:40 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Spring x Spring Boot |
Spring x Spring BootQuando se fala de frameworks Java Spring certamente éo mais popular entre eles Ao adentrar nesse universo vocêvai encontrar vários nomes como Spring Cloud Spring Data mas principalmente Spring Boot Muitas vezes se fala na ferramenta Spring Boot ao invés de somente Spring Mas afinal de contas o que significa cada um deles e quais suas diferenças Spring FrameworkO Spring éum framework open source para desenvolvimento de aplicações Java atualmente se estendendo para Groovy e Kotlin Sua primeira versão foi lançada em como uma alternativa para facilitar a construção de projetos JEE plataforma da Sun para rodar aplicações corporativas complexas e robustas Entre as principais vantagens trazidas pelo Spring estão a Inversão de Controle IoC e Injeção de Dependência DI através do Spring Container uma alternativa muito mais simples e leve do que o velho EJB Enterprise Java Bean Através dessa tecnologia nós podemos delegar ao Spring a criação e manutenção de componentes sem explicitar novos objetos através do new Outra facilidade implementada pelo framework éa possibilidade de usar módulos comuns no desenvolvimento de aplicações corporativas Com algumas configurações épossível utilizar o Hibernate JUnit e outras ferramentas para controle de sessão mensageria e etc Spring BootO Spring Framework facilitou muito o desenvolvimento de aplicações Java porém ainda não tinha atingido o seu potencial máximo devido a complexa configuração necessária para rodar uma aplicação Com isso em mente no ano de élançado o projeto Spring Boot com o objetivo de facilitar o setup do Spring Através dessa nova ferramenta não émais necessário utilizar arquivos xml para configurações da aplicação apenas anotações A adotação de novas dependências no projeto também se tornou muito mais simples bastando praticamente sóimporta las através do maven ou gradle Ao puxar o Spring MVC por exemplo jávem embutido um server Apache Tomcat pronto para uso Em resumo o Spring Boot éuma extensão do Spring Framework que traz diversos recursos préconfigurados facilitando e acelerando o processo de manutenção e setup Quando usar cada um Como o Spring Boot busca facilitar a utilização do Spring dificilmente um projeto atual não usaráele A utilização do Spring Framework puro seria aconselhável somente em casos de necessidade técnica muito especifica em que as configurações embutidas do Boot atrapalhariam o projeto |
2022-04-22 01:19:52 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Create an online course for developers: idea to launch |
Create an online course for developers idea to launchCover image by JESHOOTS COM on UnsplashCreating and launching a successful course isn t easy but it can be very rewarding It s a great feeling when other developers tell you they learned a difficult concept thanks to what you taught them It can also be financially rewarding Josh Comeau said he generated over K in revenue for his course CSS for JavaScript Developers This is the first post in a series exploring how to successfully create and launch an online course for developers About meI ve launched my first course on Udemy way back in The Ultimate Vue js Course I launched with a couple of hours of video and then gradually expanded it to around hours Since then I ve released a number of other courses with a few successes and a few flops and have several thousand people have taken my courses In this series I ll share some of the things I ve learned along the way About this seriesHere are some of the topics I ll be covering in future posts Who can create a course Are you expert enough How do you choose a good topic How do you create the content How do you market your course Let me know what other questions you have or topics you d like to learn about |
2022-04-22 01:12:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
April 21st, 2022: What did you learn this week? |
April st What did you learn this week It s that time of the week again So wonderful devs what did you learn this week It could be programming tips career advice etc Feel free to comment with what you learnt and or reference your TIL post to give it some more exposure ltag tag id follow action button background color ffedc important color important border color ffedc important todayilearned Follow Summarize a concept that is new to you |
2022-04-22 01:06:26 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
Batch Downloading With Python |
Batch Downloading With PythonScripting is a crucial skill for any admin to learn This post walks through the process to develop a batch file download script in Python demonstrating how to use the interactive Python shell to troubleshoot while writing code |
2022-04-22 01:19:00 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
Internal SSL Certs with Let's Encrypt |
Internal SSL Certs with Let x s EncryptI was reading a great article recently about subdomain enumeration services and it got me thinking about Let s Encrypt and internal domains It s common to run a split domain setup where there s a single domain for both Internet available services and Active Directory with either |
2022-04-22 01:16:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
中国経済の現状と当面の注目点-財政・金融・ゼロコロナの3つの政策運営に注目! |
しかし、中国政府含む中国人民銀行がコロナ対策のために財政金融をフル稼働させたため年月期には同増とプラス成長に転じ、その後も順調に持ち直して年月期には同増の高成長となった。 |
2022-04-22 10:20:26 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
消費者物価(全国22年3月)-コアCPIは22年4月以降、2%前後の伸びが続く見通し |
その後、エネルギー価格の上昇ペースは鈍化傾向が続くものの、円安による物価上昇圧力が高まる中で、食料品に加え、日用品や衣料品などでも価格転嫁の動きが広がることから、年中は前後の推移が続くことが予想される。 |
2022-04-22 10:19:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Longest Covid infection lasted more than 16 months, tests show |
infections |
2022-04-22 01:03:41 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Kardashians deny faking Roblox sex tape scene |
roblox |
2022-04-22 01:07:09 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Africa's week in pictures: 15-21 April 2022 |
africa |
2022-04-22 01:11:29 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
自民、物価高対策を了承 5万円給付や燃油補助金 |
高騰 |
2022-04-22 10:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
仏俳優、ジャック・ペラン氏死去 「ニュー・シネマ」主人公 |
死去 |
2022-04-22 10:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
WHO、ファイザー飲み薬を推奨 重症化の危険性高い患者に |
世界保健機関 |
2022-04-22 10:02:56 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
畑岡が好発進、渋野はイーブン 米女子ゴルフ第1日 |
女子ゴルフ |
2022-04-22 10:03:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
結果を出すには戦略と戦術を持ち、顧客目線の施策を展開するべし。ブレインパッドが語るツール導入の鍵 |
結果を出すには戦略と戦術を持ち、顧客目線の施策を展開するべし。 |
2022-04-22 10:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
スカイコム、最新PDF/A-4規格に対応した「SkyPDF 7シリーズ」6製品を販売開始 |
skypdf |
2022-04-22 10:30:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
「北欧、暮らしの道具店」、新作ドラマを2夜連続YouTubeプレミア公開 主演は美村里江 |
youtube |
2022-04-22 01:56:00 |