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[ITmedia Mobile] Spigen Korea、Amazonの63時間限定「タイムセール祭り」に参加 各種アクセサリーが最大50% |
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[ITmedia News] 電動キックボード開発者が“免許不要”のリスクを指摘 「後で大きなしっぺ返しが来る」 |
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2022-04-22 16:04:00 |
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AWS Systems ManagerとAmazon AthenaでSAPランドスケープのインベントリを保守する |
最後に、AWSSystemsManagerインベントリは、AmazonSバケットに保存されたインベントリデータを準備し、AmazonAthenaより標準SQLでクエリできるようにします。 |
2022-04-22 07:57:47 |
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2022-04-22 09:00:37 |
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2022-04-22 07:45:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Laravel 8 SMS Notification with Vonage API Example |
Laravel SMS Notification with Vonage API ExampleOriginally posted visit and download the sample code In this post I will show you how to implement Laravel SMS notification using Vonage API formerly known as Nexmo Sometimes we need to implement a notification that will directly send an SMS to your user transaction In my previous post I shared about Laravel Email Notification and now let s dig about SMS notification that we can implement along with Email notification Laravel is smoothly working with Vonage API so we will use it as our SMS provider So if you don t have an account just register here Now let s start Step Laravel InstallationIf you don t have a Laravel install in your local just run the following command below composer create project prefer dist laravel laravel laravel sms notification Step Database ConfigurationIf your Laravel project is fresh then you need to update your database credentials Just open the env file in your Laravel project envDB CONNECTION mysqlDB HOST DB PORT DB DATABASE your database name hereDB USERNAME your database username hereDB PASSWORD your database password here Step Migration SetupHere we need to generate first the notifications table before running the migrations Kindly run the following command php artisan notifications tableBecause we are using phone number from user table we need to add this field from your user migration See below example code lt phpuse Illuminate Database Migrations Migration use Illuminate Database Schema Blueprint use Illuminate Support Facades Schema class CreateUsersTable extends Migration Run the migrations return void public function up Schema create users function Blueprint table table gt id table gt string name gt nullable table gt string email gt unique table gt string phone number gt unique table gt timestamp email verified at gt nullable table gt string password table gt softDeletes table gt rememberToken table gt timestamps Reverse the migrations return void public function down Schema dropIfExists users If you user already exists then you must add your phone number column using migration Then once done Kindly run the following command php artisan migrateThen once done let s create a seeder for our user Run the following command php artisan make seeder CreateUsersSeederOnce our seeder is generated kindly to the database seeders directory Open the CreateUsersSeeder php and you will see the following code lt phpnamespace Database Seeders use App Models User use Illuminate Database Seeder class CreateUsersSeeder extends Seeder Run the database seeds return void public function run User create name gt Juan email gt email gmail com phone number gt password gt bcrypt password Then run the following command php artisan db seed class CreateUsersSeederLearn more about Laravel seeder here Step Install Package amp Connect Vonage APITo work with SMS notification using Vonage we need to install vonage channel notification via composer composer require laravel nexmo notification channelOnce installed let s connect Vonage API to our Laravel App Login to your Vonage account and click Getting started Then add the credentials to your ENV file NEXMO KEY key hereNEXMO SECRET secret hereNext we will add sms from to our config services php file The sms from is the phone number to use for sending message and will be sent from nexmo gt sms from gt Vonage SMS API HERE Note You can also use a custom phone number or Sender ID via Vonage dashboard and then set the value here Step Create Laravel SMS NotificationNow let s generate our Laravel sms notification class example we will name this as SMSNotification Run the following command to do this php artisan make notification SMSNotificationOnce done navigate App Notifications and open EmailNotification php then edit it See below example lt phpnamespace App Notifications use Illuminate Bus Queueable use Illuminate Contracts Queue ShouldQueue use Illuminate Notifications Messages MailMessage use Illuminate Notifications Notification use Illuminate Notifications Messages NexmoMessage class SMSNotification extends Notification use Queueable var array project protected project Create a new notification instance return void public function construct project this gt project project Get the notification s delivery channels param mixed notifiable return array public function via notifiable return mail database nexmo Get the mail representation of the notification param mixed notifiable return Illuminate Notifications Messages MailMessage public function toMail notifiable return new MailMessage gt greeting this gt project greeting gt line this gt project body gt action this gt project actionText this gt project actionURL gt line this gt project thanks Get the array representation of the notification param mixed notifiable return array public function toDatabase notifiable return project id gt this gt project id Get the Nexmo SMS representation of the notification param mixed notifiable return NexmoMessage public function toNexmo notifiable return new NexmoMessage gt content this gt project greeting this gt project body Get the array representation of the notification param mixed notifiable return array public function toArray notifiable return Step Setting up RoutesNext we will create a route for our SMS notification sending Just open the routes web php file and add the following routes lt phpuse Illuminate Support Facades Route Web Routes Here is where you can register web routes for your application These routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which contains the web middleware group Now create something great Route get function return view welcome Route get send App Http Controllers HomeController send gt name home send Step Setting Up ControllerIn this section we will add our SMS notification in our HomeController as we set in our routes See below complete code of our controller lt phpnamespace App Http Controllers use Notification use App Models User use Illuminate Http Request use App Notifications SMSNotification class HomeController extends Controller public function send user User first project greeting gt Hi user gt name body gt This is the project assigned to you thanks gt Thank you this is from codeanddeploy com actionText gt View Project actionURL gt url id gt Notification send user new SMSNotification project dd Notification sent Next we need to add a method for our SMS notification in our model so that the Vonage package will know what column we are using for sending SMS Add this in your User php model public function routeNotificationForNexmo notification return this gt phone number Here is the complete model code lt phpnamespace App Models use Illuminate Contracts Auth MustVerifyEmail use Illuminate Database Eloquent Factories HasFactory use Illuminate Foundation Auth User as Authenticatable use Illuminate Notifications Notifiable use Laravel Sanctum HasApiTokens class User extends Authenticatable use HasApiTokens HasFactory Notifiable The attributes that are mass assignable var string protected fillable name email password phone number The attributes that should be hidden for serialization var array protected hidden password remember token The attributes that should be cast var array protected casts email verified at gt datetime public function routeNotificationForNexmo notification return this gt phone number Now are good to go and test our SMS notification using Laravel You can test it now by running the serve command php artisan serveThen run the url below to your browser to send SMS notification to your user http sendNow you will see this output in your phone Issue for Trial account Solution To prevent the above error you need to register your mobile number you will sending for test Visit here for more details I hope this tutorial can help you Kindly visit here if you want to download this code Happy coding |
2022-04-22 07:22:10 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Salesforce VS AWS |
awswhhich |
2022-04-22 07:21:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What is a JWT? Understanding JSON Web Tokens |
What is a JWT Understanding JSON Web TokensJWTs or JSON Web Tokens are most commonly used to identify an authenticated user They are issued by an authentication server and are consumed by the client server to secure its APIs Looking for a breakdown for JSON Web Tokens JWTs You re in the right place We will cover What is a JWT Structure of a JWTJWT claim conventionsHow do they work using an example Pros and Cons of JWTsCommon issues during developmentFurther reading material What is a JWT JSON Web Token is an open industry standard used to share information between two entities usually a client like your app s frontend and a server your app s backend They contain JSON objects which have the information that needs to be shared Each JWT is also signed using cryptography hashing to ensure that the JSON contents also known as JWT claims cannot be altered by the client or a malicious party For example when you sign in with Google Google issues a JWT which contains the following claims JSON payload iss azp apps googleusercontent com aud apps googleusercontent com sub at hash HKE PDhYmRNtsDBQ email jsmith example com email verified true iat exp nonce hd example com Using the above information a client application that uses sign in with Google knows exactly who the end user is What are Tokens and why is it needed You may be wondering why the auth server can t just send the information as a plain JSON object and why it needs to convert it into a token If the auth server sends it as a plain JSON the client application s APIs would have no way to verify that the content they are receiving is correct A malicious attacker could for example change the user ID sub claim in the above example JSON and the application s APIs would have no way to know that that has happened Due to this security issue the auth server needs to transmit this information in a way that can be verified by the client application and this is where the concept of a token comes into the picture To put it simply a token is a string that contains some information that can be verified securely It could be a random set of alphanumeric characters which point to an ID in the database or it could be an encoded JSON that can be self verified by the client known as JWTs Structure of a JWTA JWT contains three parts Header Consists of two parts The signing algorithm that s being used The type of token which in this case is mostly JWT Payload The payload contains the claims or the JSON object Signature A string that is generated via a cryptographic algorithm that can be used to verify the integrity of the JSON payload We will make our own JWT from scratch later on in this post JWT claim conventionYou may have noticed that in the JWT that is issued by Google example above the JSON payload has non obvious field names They use sub iat aud and so on iss The issuer of the token in this case Google azp and aud Client IDs issued by Google for your application This way Google knows which website is trying to use its sign in service and the website knows that the JWT was issued specifically for them sub The end user s Google user ID at hash The hash of the access token The OAuth access token is different from the JWT in the sense that it s an opaque token The access token s purpose is so that the client application can query Google to ask for more information about the signed in user email The end user s email IDemail verified Whether or not the user has verified their email iat The time in milliseconds since epoch the JWT was created exp The time in milliseconds since epoch the JWT was created nonce Can be used by the client application to prevent replay attacks hd The hosted G Suite domain of the userThe reason for using these special keys is to follow an industry convention for the names of important fields in a JWT Following this convention enables client libraries in different languages to be able to check the validity of JWTs issued by any auth servers For example if the client library needs to check if a JWT is expired or not it would simply look for the iat field How do they work using an example The easiest way to explain how a JWT works is via an example We will start by creating a JWT for a specific JSON payload and then go about verifying it Create a JSONLet s take the following minimal JSON payload userId abcd expiry Create a JWT signing key and decide the signing algorithmFirst we need a signing key and an algorithm to use We can generate a signing key using any secure random source For the purpose of this post let s use Signing key NTNvjTuYARvmNMmWXofKvMonv aUiryXZH LbkrnDObOQJAUmHCBqIyotZcyAagBLHVKvvYaIpmMuxmARQjUVGJkpkpwXOPsrFzwewTpczyHkHgXEuLgMeBuiT qJACsJapruOOJCg gOtkjBc Signing algorithm HMAC SHA also known as HS Creating the Header This contains the information about which signing algorithm is used Like the payload this is also a JSON and will be appended to the start of the JWT hence the name header typ JWT alg HS Create a signatureFirst we remove all the spaces from the payload JSON and then base encode it to give us eyJcVySWQiOiJhYmNkMTIzIiwiZXhwaXJIjoxNjQNjMNjExMzAxfQ You can try pasting this string in an online base decoder to retrieve our JSON Similarly we remove the spaces from the header JSON and base encode it to give us eyJeXAiOiJKVQiLCJhbGciOiJIUzINiJ We concatenate both the base strings with a in the middle like lt header gt lt payload gt giving us eyJeXAiOiJKVQiLCJhbGciOiJIUzINiJ eyJcVySWQiOiJhYmNkMTIzIiwiZXhwaXJIjoxNjQNjMNjExMzAxfQ There is no special reason to do it this way other than to set a convention that the industry can follow Now we run the Base HMACSHA function on the above concatenated string and the secret to give us the signature BaseURLSafe HMACSHA eyJeXAiOiJKVQiLCJhbGciOiJIUzINiJ eyJcVySWQiOiJhYmNkMTIzIiwiZXhwaXJIjoxNjQNjMNjExMzAxfQ NTNvjTuYARvmNMmWXofKvMonv aUiryXZH LbkrnDObOQJAUmHCBqIyotZcyAagBLHVKvvYaIpmMuxmARQjUVGJkpkpwXOPsrFzwewTpczyHkHgXEuLgMeBuiT qJACsJapruOOJCg gOtkjBc Results in ThprDFrKXrWrYMyMnNKkKoZBXlg JwFznR MWe base encode it only as an industry convention Creating the JWTFinally we append the generated secret like lt header gt lt body gt lt secret gt to create our JWT eyJeXAiOiJKVQiLCJhbGciOiJIUzINiJ eyJcVySWQiOiJhYmNkMTIzIiwiZXhwaXJIjoxNjQNjMNjExMzAxfQ ThprDFrKXrWrYMyMnNKkKoZBXlg JwFznR M Verifying the JWTOnce the client sends the JWT back to the server the server does the following steps Fetches the header part of the JWT eyJeXAiOiJKVQiLCJhbGciOiJIUzINiJ Does base decoding on it to get the plain text JSON typ JWT alg HS Verifies that the typ field s value is JWT and the alg is HS If not it would reject the JWT Fetches signing secret key and runs the same BaseURLSafe HMACSHA operation as step number on the header and body of the incoming JWT Note that if the incoming JWT s body is different this step will generate a different signature than in step Checks that the generated signature is the same as the signature from the incoming JWT If it s not then the JWT is rejected We base decode the body of the JWT eyJcVySWQiOiJhYmNkMTIzIiwiZXhwaXJIjoxNjQNjMNjExMzAxfQ to give us userId abcd expiry We reject the JWT if the current time in milliseconds is greater than the JSON s expiry time since the JWT is expired We can trust the incoming JWT only if it passes all of the checks above Pros and Cons of JWTsThere are quite a few advantages to using a JWT Secure JWTs are digitally signed using either a secret HMAC or a public private key pair RSA or ECDSA which safeguards them from being modified by the client or an attacker Stored only on the client You generate JWTs on the server and send them to the client The client then submits the JWT with every request This saves database space Efficient Stateless It s quick to verify a JWT since it doesn t require a database lookup This is especially useful in large distributed systems However some of the drawbacks are Non revocable Due to their self contained nature and stateless verification process it can be difficult to revoke a JWT before it expires naturally Therefore actions like banning a user immediately cannot be implemented easily That being said there is a way to maintain JWT deny black list and through that we can revoke them immediately Dependent on one secret key The creation of a JWT depends on one secret key If that key is compromised the attacker can fabricate their own JWT which the API layer will accept This in turn implies that if the secret key is compromised the attacker can spoof any user s identity We can reduce this risk by changing the secret key from time to time To summarize a JWT is most useful for large scale apps that don t require actions like immediately banning of a user Common issues during development JWT RejectedThis error implies that the verification process of a JWT failed This could happen because The JWT has expired alreadyThe signature didn t match this implies that either the signing keys have changed or that the JSON body has been manipulated Other claims do not check out For example in the case of the Google JWT example above if the JWT was generated for App but was sent to App App would reject it since the aud claim would point to App s ID JWT token doesn t support the required scopeThe claims in a JWT can represent the scopes or permissions that a user has granted For example the end user may only have agreed that the application can read their data but not modify it However the application may be expecting that the user agrees to modify the data as well In this case the scope required by the app is not what s in the JWT JWT Decode failedThis error can arise if the JWT is malformed For example the client may be expecting the JWT is base encoded but the auth server did not bas encode it Further reading materialOverall the topic of JWTs is vast If you would like to learn more about them do explore these topics Different types of JWTsRevoking a JWTUsing JWTs in OAuth Open ID At SuperTokens we provide an open source auth solution that aims to abstract away all the complexities of using a JWT We take care of creating verifying and updating them Furthermore we automatically mitigate some of the cons mentioned above In case you have any questions please join our discord server |
2022-04-22 07:14:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
VR Mock Coding Interview - Nearly Sorted Array - Fail |
array |
2022-04-22 07:14:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The Importance Of CI In Your Project |
The Importance Of CI In Your ProjectIn our ever changing world we live in today when you take on a new project a new hobby or just even when you enjoy something you would want to get the most out of it It s the same with automation testing If you do have an automation suite in your project and you don t have continuous integration CI on it then you not getting the most value out of your automation testing LEARN WHY IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS TO IMPLEMENT CI IN YOUR PROJECT A lot of businesses these days are embracing automation testing and with good reason I might add Automation testing help developers and testers to be more effective during the software development process With automation teams don t have to spend their days going through testcases manually this can lead to quicker turn around times and also help catching issues quickly before the project reach the customers However some companies does have access to an automated test suite but don t run them as frequently as they should They only use the automation test suite on occasions then on the other occasions they still execute tests manually These companies are missing out on a big opportunity to get the most value out of their automation test suite Automation can be a very valuable tool that can validate the state of your application at any given time But if these tests don t run continuously their value diminishes rapidly especially at companies where automation engineers needs to proof the value of automation In order to get the most value our of your automation test suite you will need run them regularly Ideally you want to use your automated test suite to ensure that your application still behaves as expected when changes were made to it And like mentioned above in the ever changing world we live in today applications changes occurs frequently To get the most value your team can get this automation up and running with a continuous integration system in place WHAT IS CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Continuous Integration is a development practice to help manage and automate workflows when changes occur in a project Typical uses for continuous integration environments is building software application deploying new change and of course running automated tests Continuous integration system plays an important part of a healthy software development pipeline saving teams a lot of time and effort through the development cycle Like most things today there are plenty of CI services available from environments you can host on your own to cloud systems Most of them are easy to start up and do not require a full time devops team Most testing tools today can integrate fairly easy with most CI systems helping you go from local testing to continuous integration testing seamlessly If for some reason your company are still unsure about continuous integration here are some reasons why may want to consider implementing a CI pipeline in your project YOU WILL GET FASTER FEEDBACK LOOPSDoesn t matter the size of your project you will inevitable get bugs As a project gets bigger you will add more complexity to it ever changing requirements and many other issues that increases the probability of errors It s impossible to avoid mistakes all the time As good software developers and testers know that the key isn t preventing errors but the time you take to recover from them quickly and efficiently as possible When bugs are discovered it s cheaper to fix to them right away rather than waiting to fix them months down the line No matter where you are in a project fixing bugs quickly makes a huge difference in time and money wasted The reason being why it s cheaper to fix bug straight away is that the more time passes between code changes and discovering a bug the more difficult it is for the developer to go back and find the root cause of it The work wont be fresh in their mind so they will have to spend time remembering what they did before Also adding to this other developers might have worked on the same section in the codebase at a later stage so on top of the above the developer will also have to figure out additional changes to the code in an attempt to fix the bug This might seem like a small thing but I have seen companies ignore bugs until a later stage than months down the line business justifies the bugs in the project By using continuous integration with a well built automated test suite this will eliminate most of these issues because the team will quickly see how a recent change in the project has cause a defect and investigate to fix it quickly If an issue has been found using an automated test suite with continuous integration an alert can be send to the developer and they can take much more quicker to fix the bug rather than the bug being discovered later down the line Early detection can help reduce how much effort your developer and tester spend on issues YOU LL INCREASE ACCOUNTABILITY WITH YOUR TEAMLet s be honest I m sure all automated testers would love to have an automation test suite that just works that doesn t have failing tests but realistically at some point you will get tests that fail The failure can be due to recent changes in the code base or it can be a intermittent failure that no one can track down regardless of the reason its good to notify the team immediately and in a prominent place if you don t have reporting in place so that the whole team can see it Unfortunately a lot testers prefer to take the easy way out and push failing tests one side to silent the failure alerts They either mark the failing tests as pending delete the result or even silence the notifications It begins with what seems to be a justifiable moment like we need to get this build out to the client or management want to see visibility on tests These decisions usually goes with I will fix that next week when I have time Then the inevitable happens you never get time to fix it and before you know your whole automation test suite losses value I hear a lot and have experienced where the health of a project is the sole responsibility of the QA team in order to have a successfull project all stakeholder within the team has a responsibility to the health of a project It might be easier for developers and testers to check the state of an application because they are hands on with the project but for designers and project managers it might be more difficult for them If you don t have a way to make the projects health visible to these team members you missing out on a good opportunity to have other contribute with a fresh set of eyes You can avoid this problem my using continuous integration to run your test automatically for you Most continuous integration systems allows you to send alerts when an issue arises Your continuous integration can send a messages to Slack when a test fails You can also add additional service to generate reports on a test run this will help the non technical people in the team to understand the status of the project This can allow everybody in the team to contribute to the project YOU LL GIVE TESTERS MORE TIME FOR HIGH VALUE TASKS For many testers they re consist of doing a lot of repetitive tasks daily Everyday they open up the application they are responsible to test doing the same steps clicking buttons filling in the same forms and checking validations the same did the day before This can become a dull routine Automated tests can free them up form this cycle letting continuous integration take care of the repetition The main benefit of having automated tests and setting up a CI service isn t to liberate testers from tedious work its to free them up to spend more of there work day to do more higher value testing tasks like more exploratory testing which can pick up bugs that automated testing wont find and also documentation of testing procedures test cases and test plans Automated tests are very good tool to handle regression testing ensuring new changes don t break the application but this will only be able to cover the areas you have planned or wrote scripts for If there is new features that was done by the developer and no automation tests for the new feature there will be a gap that is not checked Continuous integration wont cover for those scenarios therefor testers time is best spend on the new features that has not automation tests and not the old features No continuous integration system can go beyond what s defined in the test suite A common mistake a lot of companies make is they want to automate everything They switch all they focus onto automation and ignore all types of other testing Automation testing wont solve all testing problems teams have As a project gets bigger and bigger automation coverage wont cover everything Freeing up the team to go beyond what continuous integration does will undoubtedly improve the health of your project YOU CAN AUTOMATE MORE THE JUST TESTSYes this article is mainly focussed on implementing continuous integration to handle the repetitive testing work that most companies are facing with todays software development The most common use case for a continuous integration service is to set up automation testing However with that said if you only using continuous integration for your automation tests you are only touching the surface In modern software development projects teams have plenty of workflows that can take advantage of continuous integration These are a few tasks that continuous integration can handle automatically for teams Building binaries for mobile applications on different platforms like iOS and Android and send it to beta testers Package web application to docker images ready to distribute internally or in a public container registry Run a complete set of tests and on success automatically deploy the latest code changes to production Continuous integration can help your company perform repetitive tasks that computers can handle better and quicker CONCLUSIONA well set up continuous integration environment plays an important part of the modern testing teams It can help eliminate the repetitive aspects of manual testing and ensure you get the most value out of your automation testing Continuous integration can also help the whole teams including the business to get better insight of the project health status and valuable metrics like graphs and statistics We all know business people like graphs Developers can also get much more quicker feedback on their new commits and thus reducing tons of effort and time in the development process Tester will have more time to work on more high value testing scenarios With a continuous integration process in place your entire team will benefit This will go onto and benefit your customers as well with faster updates fewer bugs At the end of the day continuous integration wil result in a beter product for everyone |
2022-04-22 07:13:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Laravel 8 Email Notification Example |
Laravel Email Notification ExampleOriginally posted visit and download the sample code In this post I will show you an example how to implement Laravel email notifications We know that email notifications is one of the most important functionality to implement in our web application as well as in Laravel framework Laravel provide an easy way of sending email using Notification class that easily send to any delivery channels such as email SMS and Slack The advantage of using Notification on Laravel is that this is already associated with the specified user we just put a parameter of User object value then the class will handle the sending In Laravel notification we can also save it to our database so that easily display in our web interface In this Laravel notification example we are using email to notify the User with the project assigned Kindly follow the following below to learn about Laravel email notification Step Laravel InstallationIf you don t have a Laravel install in your local just run the following command below composer create project prefer dist laravel laravel laravel email notification Step Database ConfigurationIf your Laravel project is fresh then you need to update your database credentials Just open the env file in your Laravel project envDB CONNECTION mysqlDB HOST DB PORT DB DATABASE your database name hereDB USERNAME your database username hereDB PASSWORD your database password here Step Migration SetupHere we need to generate first the notifications table before running the migrations Kindly run the following command php artisan notifications tablephp artisan migrateThen once done let s create a seeder for our user Run the following command php artisan make seeder CreateUsersSeederOnce our seeder is generated kindly to the database seeders directory Open the CreateUsersSeeder php and you will see the following code lt phpnamespace Database Seeders use App Models User use Illuminate Database Seeder class CreateUsersSeeder extends Seeder Run the database seeds return void public function run User create name gt Juan email gt email gmail com password gt bcrypt password Then run the following command php artisan db seed class CreateUsersSeederLearn more about Laravel seeder here Step Making Laravel Email NotificationNow let s generate our Laravel email notification example we will name this as EmailNotification Run the following command to do this php artisan make notification EmailNotificationOnce done navigate App Notifications and open EmailNotification php then edit it See below example lt phpnamespace App Notifications use Illuminate Bus Queueable use Illuminate Contracts Queue ShouldQueue use Illuminate Notifications Messages MailMessage use Illuminate Notifications Notification class EmailNotification extends Notification use Queueable var array project protected project Create a new notification instance return void public function construct project this gt project project Get the notification s delivery channels param mixed notifiable return array public function via notifiable return mail database Get the mail representation of the notification param mixed notifiable return Illuminate Notifications Messages MailMessage public function toMail notifiable return new MailMessage gt greeting this gt project greeting gt line this gt project body gt action this gt project actionText this gt project actionURL gt line this gt project thanks Get the array representation of the notification param mixed notifiable return array public function toDatabase notifiable return project id gt this gt project id Get the array representation of the notification param mixed notifiable return array public function toArray notifiable return Step Setting up RoutesIn my example I will create manually my crud routes Just open the routes web php file and add the following routes lt phpuse Illuminate Support Facades Route Web Routes Here is where you can register web routes for your application These routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which contains the web middleware group Now create something great Route get function return view welcome Route get send App Http Controllers HomeController send gt name home send Step Setting Up ControllerIn this section we will add our email notification in our HomeController as we set in our routes See below complete code of our controller lt phpnamespace App Http Controllers use Notification use App Models User use Illuminate Http Request use App Notifications EmailNotification class HomeController extends Controller public function send user User first project greeting gt Hi user gt name body gt This is the project assigned to you thanks gt Thank you this is from codeanddeploy com actionText gt View Project actionURL gt url id gt Notification send user new EmailNotification project dd Notification sent Now our code is ready for sending notification to our user You can test it now by running the serve command php artisan serveThen run the url below to your browser to send email notification to your user sendNow Laravel sent email notification See below output Laravel also provide a way of sending option user gt notify new EmailNotification project And you can get the user notifications by using the following code dd user gt notifications I hope this tutorial can help you Kindly visit here if you want to download this code Happy coding |
2022-04-22 07:09:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
HOW TO GET A JOB IN DIGITAL MARKETING How to Get a Job in Digital Marketing A career in digital marketing is an attractive option Get paid to sit on Facebook all day long live the dream right While digital marketing involves a lot of time on social media some blogs and a few GIFs here and there there are many reasons why this profession is so popular For one it s a relatively new industry that is constantly growing and developing It s also one of the very few jobs that require a true marriage of creative and analytical skills so you re always on your shoulders and you never have the chance to say “my job is too boring First to become an expert in digital marketingWithout experience in digital marketing you will not get a good job in digital marketing Therefore the first degree of work is to become an expert in digital marketing by any means available to you now Also note that once you become an expert you cannot expect companies to knock on the door to give you job offers Nobody knows you are an expert yet So there is a lot of work to be done to get the right job even if you are an expert This we will discuss in the second part of this article First to become an expert in digital marketing Where do you lack Digital marketing is so new and puzzling that most candidates don t trust their levels and skills Fortunately for these people at least those able to take my lessons in Minneapolis St Paul area you have created a program that builds your confidence as a digital marketer through war stories case studies and hands on training How to Get a Job in Digital MarketingHow to get the job Now that you have become a digital marketing expert the next job is to get a good offer from a company But by the time you become a digital marketing expert it is very likely that you would have discovered how to make money from the web and you may not need a job at all There are many ways to make money online with blogging affiliate marketing information product sales and so on If you can start and expand your own business with digital marketing this is the ultimate dream But not every person can become a successful businessman there are many challenges involved You may want to get a good job and nothing wrong with that What Skills are Required Digital marketing is a multifaceted job that requires country thinking the ability to be creative and think simultaneously commercially Some of the basic skills attributed to this role include Strong writing ability Good communication skills Awareness of consumer behaviour and buyer psychology Analytical and numerical capabilities Knowledge and experience with social media blogging platforms PPC Graphic design capabilities Web design knowledge development Top tipsThe most important advice on how to get a job in digital marketing Of course a degree in marketing may give the candidate an edge on paper but when hiring for digital marketing roles employers tend to focus more on proven skills and expertise How to Get a Job in Digital MarketingSo if you don t get a degree in Marketing there are some things you can do to enhance your chances of getting a digital marketing job How to Get a Job in Digital MarketingGet experience Digital marketing exercises are great if you can secure one if not you can still gain a wealth of experience on your own There is no reason why you should not try and start your own blog website or social media channels You can also make an offer to help any of your friends or family members who have a small business need an elevated web The more you can demonstrate the motivation passion and genuine concern of your employer the better your chances of getting a digital marketing job Network Communication with local professionals in the digital marketing sector can be very helpful to enhance your career It will keep you being known in those circles when updating jobs and forming strong relationships can also help you find a mentor who can guide you in the right direction Surrounding yourself with passionate experts will also motivate you to work harder and inspire you to keep current trends If you can t connect to the network in events or gatherings connect digitally by adding people on LinkedIn following them on Twitter and participating in conversations Be a fan In most job interviews of digital marketing you will be asked about influencers you like or follow online as this is a great indication of how passionate and involved you are in the industry If you like digital marketing then you should be familiar with the big names Mostly Sane mumbiker Nikhil from Digital Marketing if you will Follow them on social media listen to their audio files and watch their videos This is one of the most effective ways to stay ahead of the game How to Get a Job in Digital MarketingA Giving Mind SetYou need to think in terms of “What value can I give to other companies with my experience With this mindset companies will not hesitate to pay you But if you have a situation “What can I get in exchange for knowing a lot about Topic X then employers will be able to smell it from a mile away This is not only for digital marketing Most candidates are rejected in interviews because they are in need and focus only on what they can get rather than on what they can offer How to Get a Job in Digital MarketingFirst it proves your position of adding value to others if you work for free and provide value even before your appointment I have spent many weekends in cafes with top CEOs of startups who cannot hire full time digital marketers Some startups have grown in the past few years and raised millions of dollars in financing I can contract in their company via WhatsApp message to the CEO if you wish This is the good karma feature that I have built over the years How to Get a Job in Digital MarketingHow is Digital Marketing Different from other SubjectsMany materials cannot be self learned In case if you want to learn medicine then you need to join the medical school which also runs a hospital in order to be able to do legal experiments with humans If you want to become a mechanical engineer you need to enrol in a college that has sufficient infrastructure to teach you or train a manufacturing company You cannot purchase a lathe and learn mechanical engineering from your home through trial and error How to Get a Job in Digital MarketingOnly You can start your own website and compete on flat ground with the biggest internet giants You do not need to push anyone to come to your website instead of a big competitor s website Even if you have better content on your site than your competition your traffic will increase as long as your net neutrality is maintained And you can learn digital marketing through practice How to Get a Job in Digital Marketing |
2022-04-22 07:06:37 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What's new on Microsoft Partner Center for Edge Add-on Developers? |
What x s new on Microsoft Partner Center for Edge Add on Developers Hello Edge Add on developers Microsoft is happy to announce updates to Partner Center based on your feedback These changes streamline the process of submitting a Microsoft Edge extension for review at the Microsoft Edge Add ons store Microsoft Edge Add ons Publish API The Microsoft Edge Add ons Publish API is now in beta With this addition you can integrate APIs directly into your build pipeline and deploy packages and publish updated versions without visiting the Partner Center To learn more you can check the below documentations Using the Microsoft Edge Add ons APIMicrosoft Edge Add ons API Reference Microsoft Partner Center breadcrumbs The breadcrumbs feature has been added to the Microsoft Partner Center interface Developers can now follow their exact path while navigating Partner Center This allows developers to Maintain awareness of their location within Microsoft Partner CenterClick on any breadcrumb to navigate back to the selected page Task Menu The Task Menu on Microsoft Partner Center has been revamped The Overview section of the Microsoft Edge segment lists all your extensions which are either In the Store or In draft Clicking on an extension from this list takes you to the Extension overview page This page includes task menu on the left showing all the sections of the selected extension Package Availability Properties Store listings and Analytics This enables easy navigation between the extension package upload page and other pages It also provides a transparent view of all the sections that developers need to complete when creating a new extension Save amp Continue Publish The Save amp Continue option has been added to the top right corner of the extension submission workflow panel This enables developers to add the necessary details then save and continue to the next step with one click The Publish button is blurred to indicate that the option is not yet available Once you have completed all the details necessary to submit your add on for review the Publish option becomes active This change is also helpful when updating extensions as you may directly publish your updates from any page Extension overview The Extension overview panel remains the same and the status changes from grey to green next to each section that is updated Go to Partner Center and upload update your extension package to try out the new changes Share your feedback and questions on the newly available updates with us in the comments below or through the Contact Microsoft Edge Extensions support documentation |
2022-04-22 07:03:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Số Điện Thoại Gái - Tổng hợp số điện thoại gái toàn quốc |
SốĐiện Thoại Gái Tổng hợp sốđiện thoại gái toàn quốcWelcome to Chúng tôi làwebsite hẹn hòkết bạn online cung cấp thông tin danh sách zalo sốđiện thoại gái máy bay bàgià bạn trai bạn gái bạn tình bạn les bạn boy gay giúp bạn kết nối vàtìm được một nửa yêu thương của mình Thông tin liên hệchúng tôi Địa chỉ Nguyễn Văn Đậu phường quận PhúNhuận Thành phốHồChíMinhHotline Website Email hiển thị info sodienthoaigai com sodienthoaigai maybaybagia timbantrai timbangai timbanles timbanboygay timbanbonphuong timbantinh |
2022-04-22 07:03:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Complete Laravel 8 Soft Delete & Restore Deleted Records Tutorial |
Complete Laravel Soft Delete amp Restore Deleted Records TutorialOriginally posted visit and download the sample code In this post I will share with you a complete Laravel soft delete and restore deleted records tutorial When developing CRUD operations in Laravel sometimes we need to implement soft deletes So that if we incorrectly deleted the specific record we can easily restore them That s why this is important and must exist in our Laravel application In this article You will learn a complete implement with Laravel soft delete and how to restore the deleted records with example Step Laravel InstallationIf you don t have a Laravel install in your local just run the following command below composer create project prefer dist laravel laravel laravel soft deleteOnce done above we need to install the Laravel Collective Package run the following command below composer require laravelcollective html Step Database ConfigurationIf your Laravel project is fresh then you need to update your database credentials Just open the env file in your Laravel project envDB CONNECTION mysqlDB HOST DB PORT DB DATABASE your database name hereDB USERNAME your database username hereDB PASSWORD your database password here Step Migration SetupLet s create a migration for our laravel soft delete example project In this example we are using the user s table which the migration is already exists in Laravel installation So we just need to edit that migration See below update code lt phpuse Illuminate Database Migrations Migration use Illuminate Database Schema Blueprint use Illuminate Support Facades Schema class CreateUsersTable extends Migration Run the migrations return void public function up Schema create users function Blueprint table table gt id table gt string name gt nullable table gt string email gt unique table gt string username gt unique table gt timestamp email verified at gt nullable table gt string password table gt softDeletes table gt rememberToken table gt timestamps Reverse the migrations return void public function down Schema dropIfExists users As you can see we added the table gt softDeletes method to implement the laravel soft delete Now let s run the following command below php artisan migrate Step Setting up RoutesIn my example I will create manually my crud routes Just open the routes web php file and add the following routes lt phpuse Illuminate Support Facades Route Web Routes Here is where you can register web routes for your application These routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which contains the web middleware group Now create something great Route group namespace gt App Http Controllers function Home Routes Route get HomeController index gt name home index Route group prefix gt users function Route get UsersController index gt name users index Route get create UsersController create gt name users create Route post create UsersController store gt name users store Route get user show UsersController show gt name users show Route get user edit UsersController edit gt name users edit Route patch user update UsersController update gt name users update Route delete user delete UsersController destroy gt name users destroy Route post user restore UsersController restore gt name users restore Route delete user force delete UsersController forceDelete gt name users force delete Route post restore all UsersController restoreAll gt name users restore all As you can see we added restore force delete and restore all routes You will see our controller code for these routes Step Setting up Model for our Soft deleteAs you can see below we imported the use Illuminate Database Eloquent SoftDeletes class and use it in our User model lt phpnamespace App Models use Illuminate Contracts Auth MustVerifyEmail use Illuminate Database Eloquent Factories HasFactory use Illuminate Foundation Auth User as Authenticatable use Illuminate Notifications Notifiable use Laravel Sanctum HasApiTokens use Illuminate Database Eloquent SoftDeletes class User extends Authenticatable use HasApiTokens HasFactory Notifiable SoftDeletes The database table used by the model var string protected table users The attributes that are mass assignable var array protected fillable name email username password The attributes that should be hidden for arrays var array protected hidden password remember token The attributes that should be cast to native types var array protected casts email verified at gt datetime The attributes that should be mutated to dates var array protected dates deleted at Always encrypt password when it is updated param value return string public function setPasswordAttribute value this gt attributes password bcrypt value Step Laravel Soft Delete amp Restore Deleted Records Controller MethodsIndex method inside UserController php as you can see I checked if there is a status with the archived value from the request and call the method users gt onlyTrashed so that only soft deleted will be shown on the lists Display all users return Illuminate Http Response public function index Request request users User latest if request gt get status archived users users gt onlyTrashed users users gt paginate return view users index compact users In this method inside UserController php I called the withTrashed and restore methods this will allow us to restore the deleted record Restore user data param User user return Illuminate Http Response public function restore id User where id id gt withTrashed gt restore return redirect gt route users index status gt archived gt withSuccess User restored successfully This is the implementation of forced to delete the trashed record using forceDelete method Force delete user data param User user return Illuminate Http Response public function forceDelete id User where id id gt withTrashed gt forceDelete return redirect gt route users index status gt archived gt withSuccess User force deleted successfully In this action we called the onlyTrashed and restore methods so that we will all restore the records that are trashed Restore all archived users param User user return Illuminate Http Response public function restoreAll User onlyTrashed gt restore return redirect gt route users index gt withSuccess All users restored successfully Step Laravel Soft Delete User ControllerBelow are the complete code for our UserController php with implementations of Laravel soft delete and restore deleted records lt phpnamespace App Http Controllers use App Models User use Illuminate Http Request use App Http Requests StoreUserRequest use App Http Requests UpdateUserRequest class UsersController extends Controller Display all users return Illuminate Http Response public function index Request request users User latest if request gt get status archived users users gt onlyTrashed users users gt paginate return view users index compact users Show form for creating user return Illuminate Http Response public function create return view users create Store a newly created user param User user param StoreUserRequest request return Illuminate Http Response public function store User user StoreUserRequest request For demo purposes only When creating user or inviting a user you should create a generated random password and email it to the user user gt create array merge request gt validated password gt test return redirect gt route users index gt withSuccess User created successfully Show user data param User user return Illuminate Http Response public function show User user return view users show user gt user Edit user data param User user return Illuminate Http Response public function edit User user return view users edit user gt user Update user data param User user param UpdateUserRequest request return Illuminate Http Response public function update User user UpdateUserRequest request user gt update request gt validated return redirect gt route users index gt withSuccess User updated successfully Delete user data param User user return Illuminate Http Response public function destroy User user user gt delete return redirect gt route users index gt withSuccess User deleted successfully Restore user data param User user return Illuminate Http Response public function restore id User where id id gt withTrashed gt restore return redirect gt route users index status gt archived gt withSuccess User restored successfully Force delete user data param User user return Illuminate Http Response public function forceDelete id User where id id gt withTrashed gt forceDelete return redirect gt route users index status gt archived gt withSuccess User force deleted successfully Restore all archived users param User user return Illuminate Http Response public function restoreAll User onlyTrashed gt restore return redirect gt route users index gt withSuccess All users restored successfully Step Index Blade ViewCode below about our index blade php which we code the Laravel soft delete implementations extends layouts app master section content lt h class mb gt Laravel Soft Delete Example codeanddeploy com lt h gt lt div class bg light p rounded gt lt h gt Users lt h gt lt div class lead gt Manage your users here lt a href route users create class btn btn primary btn sm float right gt Add new user lt a gt lt div gt lt div class mt gt include layouts partials messages lt br gt lt a href users gt All users lt a gt lt a href users status archived gt Archived users lt a gt lt br gt lt br gt if request gt get status archived Form open method gt POST route gt users restore all style gt display inline Form submit Restore All class gt btn btn primary btn sm Form close endif lt div gt lt table class table table striped gt lt thead gt lt tr gt lt th scope col width gt lt th gt lt th scope col width gt Name lt th gt lt th scope col gt Email lt th gt lt th scope col width gt Username lt th gt lt th scope col width colspan gt lt th gt lt tr gt lt thead gt lt tbody gt foreach users as user lt tr gt lt th scope row gt user gt id lt th gt lt td gt user gt name lt td gt lt td gt user gt email lt td gt lt td gt user gt username lt td gt lt td gt lt a href route users show user gt id class btn btn warning btn sm gt Show lt a gt lt td gt lt td gt lt a href route users edit user gt id class btn btn info btn sm gt Edit lt a gt lt td gt lt td gt if request gt get status archived Form open method gt POST route gt users restore user gt id style gt display inline Form submit Restore class gt btn btn primary btn sm Form close else Form open method gt DELETE route gt users destroy user gt id style gt display inline Form submit Delete class gt btn btn danger btn sm Form close endif lt td gt lt td gt if request gt get status archived Form open method gt DELETE route gt users force delete user gt id style gt display inline Form submit Force Delete class gt btn btn danger btn sm Form close endif lt td gt lt tr gt endforeach lt tbody gt lt table gt lt div class d flex gt users gt links lt div gt lt div gt endsectionNow you have the complete implementations for Laravel soft delete including restoring deleted records I hope this tutorial can help you Kindly visit here if you want to download this code Happy coding |
2022-04-22 07:02:24 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
HBO and HBO Max gained 3 million subscribers before splitting from AT&T |
HBO and HBO Max gained million subscribers before splitting from AT amp THBO Max and HBO picked up million subscribers in the same quarter that Netflix lost of them for the first time in years Variety reported The streaming cable service reported earnings under former parent AT amp T for the last time as it s set to become part of the new Warner Bros Discovery media conglomerate The lion s share of new HBO HBO Max subs were in the US mllion and the services now count million subscribers domestically and million worldwide That s up million over last year showing solid growth HBO Max costs per month ad free or with ads and HBO on cable is per month However it was still a drag on parent AT amp T for the last time WarnerMedia revenue was down percent over last year to billion due to investments in HBO Max and the failed launch of CNN That s essentially why AT amp T decided to divest WarnerMedia and focus strictly on its core telecom business To wit the company announced its largest gain in post paid phone net additions in more than a decade Excluding WarnerMedia and other divested businesses AT amp T revenue was billion up percent over the same quarter last year With WarnerMedia and Discovery divested AT amp T plans to invest any free cash in G and fiber deployments it still has billion in debt despite the billion dollar deal to sell WarnerMedia quot AT amp T has entered a new era quot said CEO John Stankey in a prepared statement during the company s earnings call |
2022-04-22 07:43:19 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
23年度予算教書-今後10年間で現行政策から1兆ドルの財政赤字削減方針を提示も、増税などの歳入増加策の実現可能性は低い |
nbsp目次はじめに財政状況の振り返り財政収支、債務残高新型コロナ対策に伴い財政状況は大幅に悪化予算教書の概要財政収支見通し年度にGDP比に低下後、年度にまで赤字拡大OMBベースラインとの比較主に歳入増加で兆ドルの財政赤字削減を目指す裁量的経費年度の統合歳出法からの増加を見込むビルドバックベター法案の影響法案成立なら財政赤字拡大要因に経済前提の評価楽観的な経済前提の見直しで財政赤字、債務残高は増加へ今後の見通し・予算教書で示された歳入増加策が実現する可能性は低いバイデン大統領は年度年月年月予算の審議が遅れていたこともあって、通常よりヵ月近く遅れて月日に年度の予算教書を発表した。 |
2022-04-22 16:20:41 |
金融 |
金融資本市場分析 | 大和総研グループ |
支配株主を有する会社の特別委員会設置状況 |
2022-04-22 16:40:00 |
金融 |
金融資本市場分析 | 大和総研グループ |
内外経済とマーケットの注目点(2022/4/22) |
東京株式市場 |
2022-04-22 16:15:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
日本銀行が保有する国債の銘柄別残高 |
日本銀行 |
2022-04-22 17:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
日本銀行による国庫短期証券の銘柄別買入額 |
国庫短期証券 |
2022-04-22 17:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
FSBがG20財務大臣・中央銀行総裁へのレターを公表 |
中央銀行 |
2022-04-22 17:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
日本銀行政策委員会月報(令和4年3月号) |
日本銀行政策委員会 |
2022-04-22 16:30:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
中国の全人代常務委、「強制労働廃止条約」の批准を承認 |
強制労働 |
2022-04-22 07:40:00 |
ニュース |
ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) |
世界の2022年インフレ率は7.4%、供給混乱は2023年も、IMF経済見通し |
経済 |
2022-04-22 07:30:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan eases quarantine rules for pets of Ukrainian evacuees |
Japan eases quarantine rules for pets of Ukrainian evacueesThe decision has drawn backlash from the public especially on social media with some people expressing concerns that a shortened quarantine period will pose a |
2022-04-22 16:38:52 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Bad behavior drove a referee shortage. COVID made it worse. |
total |
2022-04-22 16:15:33 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Retail sales fall as rising cost of living bites |
finances |
2022-04-22 07:48:46 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Christian Eriksen: Brentford midfielder's best Premier League moments |
Christian Eriksen Brentford midfielder x s best Premier League momentsWatch some of Brentford midfielder Christian Eriksen s best Premier League moments as he prepares to face his former club Tottenham Hotspur |
2022-04-22 07:40:26 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
ANAの22年3月期は1750億円の営業赤字へ、旅客低迷続く - 不景気com |
航空会社 |
2022-04-22 07:41:57 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
18歳男を逆送、強盗致死疑い 起訴で氏名公表も、大阪・寝屋川 |
大阪府寝屋川市 |
2022-04-22 16:20:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
豊昇龍が意欲的に合同稽古17番 高安は9勝3敗 |
両国国技館 |
2022-04-22 16:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
クラフトビール普及へ協力 3団体、イベントも |
風味 |
2022-04-22 16:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
河辺愛菜が樋口コーチに師事へ フィギュア北京五輪代表 |
北京五輪 |
2022-04-22 16:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
中国、習近平氏の功績宣伝を開始 3期目続投へ機運を醸成 |
中国共産党 |
2022-04-22 16:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東京・羽田の技術拠点でイベント ロボットやARに人気 |
先端技術 |
2022-04-22 16:03:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
「起業は若いほど成功する」という俗説にモノ申す 年配の創業者はメディアに取り上げられないだけ | 企業経営・会計・制度 | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2022-04-22 17:00:00 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
2014年には良かったロシア軍の情報収集・通信が今回ひどい理由 |
ウクライナ軍に撃墜されるのを怖がっているのだろうかさらにはロシア軍の通信体制が後れていて、どういう軍がどこにいて、何をやっているかわからなくなっているという説もある。 |
2022-04-22 16:30:00 |
ビジネス |
プレジデントオンライン |
家ではまったく勉強しなかった…それでも東大合格した僕が浪人時代に受けた「親からの声掛け」 - うちの親は「勉強しろ」とは一度たりとも言わなかった |
経験 |
2022-04-22 17:00:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
マーケティングDXに取り組む企業は約9割、成果が出ている企業は6割へと伸長【電通調査】 |
電通 |
2022-04-22 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ソフトバンクと東京海洋大学、水中の2台の遠隔操作ロボットに光無線通信経由で別々の指示を同時に与えてそれぞれをリアルタイムに制御する実証実験に成功 |
光無線通信 |
2022-04-22 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
懐かしの菓子パンの進化系が登場! ヒルトン東京でパンづくしのアフタヌーンティー、5月27日から |
菓子パン |
2022-04-22 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ロボットクリエーター×Niantic×京都大学研究者、人間とロボットの関係性の未来をセミナーで議論(4月28日・参加無料) |
niantic |
2022-04-22 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
iOS/Android版『Apex Legends Mobile』の新たな事前登録目標として1500万/2500万人の報酬が追加! |
android |
2022-04-22 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
松のや、人気企画「海老×2」セール! エビフライ2尾+カツの定食がGWオトク |
食感 |
2022-04-22 16:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『World of Tanks』にストラテジーゲームモード「Art of Strategy」が実装! |
artofstrategy |
2022-04-22 16:05:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
狙いたい態度変容に応じて顧客獲得フェーズの3段階を考える |
東急エージェンシー |
2022-04-22 08:00:29 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
電通、富士通と製造業DX支援へ 3年後めど年商50億円に |
電通 |
2022-04-22 07:52:16 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
特有の質感で人の心を惹きつける 街を照らしたネオンサインのいま |
質感 |
2022-04-22 07:45:08 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
これからの活用のヒントにしたい! SNSで話題になったOOH事例 |
話題 |
2022-04-22 07:30:42 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
土地・空間・体験を巻き込む OOHは最も自由度の高いメディアへ |
高い |
2022-04-22 07:15:18 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
危険物取扱者 合格しました |危険物取扱者_合格しました/
ewsokunomorallinkcomments |
2022-04-22 07:26:57 |