投稿時間:2022-05-31 17:30:45 RSSフィード2022-05-31 17:00 分まとめ(38件)

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IT 気になる、記になる… ソニー、ワイヤレスイヤホン「LinkBuds」向けにアップデートを配信開始 − 「Auto Play」アプリ対応など https://taisy0.com/2022/05/31/157518.html autoplay 2022-05-31 07:56:34
IT 気になる、記になる… 「WWDC22」でのAR/VRヘッドセットの発表はやっぱり無さそう − 著名アナリストが予測 https://taisy0.com/2022/05/31/157516.html apple 2022-05-31 07:50:54
IT 気になる、記になる… SteelSeries、明日からマウスやキーボードなどを値上げ https://taisy0.com/2022/05/31/157513.html steelseries 2022-05-31 07:42:48
IT 気になる、記になる… mineo、「マイそく」に660円/月の「ライト」コースを追加へ − 平日昼間以外最大300kbpsでデータ使い放題 https://taisy0.com/2022/05/31/157511.html mineo 2022-05-31 07:20:04
ROBOT ロボスタ ユニバーサルロボットが「FOOMA JAPAN 2022」で展示するロボット陣を発表 高荷重ロボットリフトや不定形物の把持ハンドなど https://robotstart.info/2022/05/31/ur-fooma2022.html 2022-05-31 07:38:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia PC USER] ビット・トレード・ワン、2台のPCを同時操作できる業務用USB接続キーパッド https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/2205/31/news160.html itmediapcuser 2022-05-31 16:32:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 小学館、3Dアバターベンチャーと資本業務提携 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2205/31/news159.html 業務提携 2022-05-31 16:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 最も利用しているポイントとクレカは? “経済圏”ユーザーとの関係 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2205/31/news156.html itmedia 2022-05-31 16:22:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] ライカとパナソニック、協業拡大 投資・開発・マーケティングの共同展開で提携 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2205/31/news157.html 業務提携 2022-05-31 16:20:00
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita SpringBoot(+MyBatis)を用いてLambda + APIGatewayのAPIを製造する https://qiita.com/syoichi_kitasaka/items/a08077fb523d33425bda gateway 2022-05-31 16:55:17
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita scipy.stats: 関連2標本の平均値の差の検定 ttest_rel, ttest_1samp https://qiita.com/WolfMoon/items/9f22d2962ca06b929049 importnumpyasnpxnparray 2022-05-31 16:19:58
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【js】Intersection ObserverAPIを使用してみたメモ https://qiita.com/96kanma/items/a91f7cb71fa7d569ad62 intersection 2022-05-31 16:49:54
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【jQuery】フォームの二重送信の防止 https://qiita.com/teshimaaaaa1101/items/e0811634febc31133614 functioninpu 2022-05-31 16:08:18
技術ブログ KAYAC engineers' blog ステージング環境における検証用データベースの立ち上げを自動化する取り組み https://techblog.kayac.com/automate-initializing-databases-for-staging これに対し、Tonamelではステージング環境へのアクセス権が、本番環境を操作可能な開発者に限られている等の複数の理由から、センシティブな情報に対する懸念点を解消できたため、本番環境にあるデータの複製を選択しました。 2022-05-31 17:00:00
海外TECH DEV Community How Django Works https://dev.to/kibetamos/how-django-works-2afn How Django WorksBefore we create our first Django web app let s take a little look into how Django works underneath the hood The Django project describes itself as an MTV framework using Models Templates and Views Let s break down these components The model portion deals with data and databases it can retrieve store and change data in a database The template determines how the data looks on a web page The view describes the data to be presented and passes this information to the template With the basics of the components explained let s understand how they work together when we visit a Django website When a request comes to a web server it s passed to Django to figure out what is requested A client requests a URL let s use codecademy com as an example Django will take the web address and pass it to its urlresolver Django will try to match the URL to a list of patterns and if there is a match then pass the request to the associated view function Imagine a mail carrier delivering a letter They walk down the street checking each house number until they find the exact one on the letter Once they find the house they deliver the letter That s how the urlresolver works When we land on the right page Django uses data from the model and feeds it into the view function to determine what data is shown That data is given to the template and presented to us via the web page This is a bit of a simplified version of what Django is doing underneath the hood but a key takeaway is that Django follows this MTV pattern 2022-05-31 07:29:25
海外TECH DEV Community Authorization and Authentication https://dev.to/kibetamos/authorization-and-authentication-38eg Authorization and AuthenticationTwo other concepts we ll want our server side logic to handle are authentication and authorization Authentication is the process of validating the identity of a user One technique for authentication is to use logins with usernames and passwords These credentials need to be securely stored in the back end on a database and checked upon each visit Web applications can also use external resources for authentication You ve likely logged into a website or application using your Facebook Google or Github credentials that s also an authentication process Authorization controls which users have access to which resources and actions Certain application views like the page to edit a social media personal profile are only accessible to that user Other activities like deleting a post are often similarly restricted When building a robust web application back end we need to incorporate both authentication Who is this user Are they who they claim to be and authorization Who is allowed to do and see what into our server side logic to make sure we re creating secure personalized and dynamic content 2022-05-31 07:22:47
海外TECH DEV Community What is an API? https://dev.to/kibetamos/what-is-an-api-3jao What is an API When a user navigates to a specific item for sale on an e commerce site the price listed for that item is stored in a database and when they purchase it the database will need to be updated with the correct inventory for that item type In fact much of what the back end entails is reading updating or deleting information stored in a database In order to have consistent ways of interacting with data a back end will often include a web API API stands for Application Program Interface and can mean a lot of different things but a web API is a collection of predefined ways of or rules for interacting with a web application s data often through an HTTP request response cycle Unlike the HTTP requests a client makes when a user navigates to a website s URL this type of request indicates how it would like to interact with a web application s data create new data read existing data update existing data or delete existing data and it receives some data back as a response Let s walk through the example of making an online purchase again but this time we ll imagine how the application s web API might be used When a user presses the button to submit an order that will trigger a request to send them to a different view of the website an order confirmation page but an additional request will be triggered from the front end unseen by the user to the web API so that the database can be updated with the information from the order Some web APIs are open to the public Instagram for example has an API that other developers can use to access some of the data Instagram stores Others are only used by the web application internallyーCodecademy for example has a web API that employees use to accomplish internal tasks 2022-05-31 07:16:52
海外TECH DEV Community A11Y 101: How to alt tags https://dev.to/dailydevtips1/a11y-101-how-to-alt-tags-2431 AY How to alt tagsAlt tags have been along since the dawn of HTML and creating websites However for some people including me they were never a top priority Let s change that behavior And I ll tell you why What about visually impaired people who cannot see what we are looking at Or assume you are on a road trip and have terrible internet for a second You might disable images or read via an RSS reader that turns those off for you Now some writers including my past self would have these super fun images of graphs and below that As seen in the graph above Uhm yes Chris but what exactly should we see in this graph if we don t know what it s about And that s precisely why alt tags are so important to help people that can t see your images understand what they are supposed to be looking at Note Remember it s not just visually impaired people What should an alt tag look likeFirst it s important to note that we can omit the use of picture of or image of as screen readers will already announce this to the user So for example Picture of a race car race carSo what should an optimal alt tag describe The answer is simple look at the picture as if you couldn t see it What words would describe the picture best to you Sometimes you might want to be super specific if the context allows it But in some cases you might want to address the emotion in the photo over anything Let s take the following example image For the non visual viewers we see an image of Chris holding a massive church door However depending on the context this image could have different meanings Scenario This is the movie poster for the new game of thrones season In that case it could say The main character Hodor is holding the doors to keep white walkers out Scenario The image is used as a promotion for the newly renovated church doorWhich could have an alt like The contractor holding the newly renovated church door The examples show that each scenario could have very different alt attributes But while we think about this this makes total sense Our images should enhance what the user is already reading and enrich their experience For visual readers the image s context is often more apparent so when addressing non visual users we should help them as much as possible Don t write for SEOA common mistake is that your alt tags should focus on your keywords Don t be the guy that does that Optimize for readers Google values readers way way more than your SEO optimizations It will show that if they find good relevant content on your website To optimize for the user not for SEO What if the image is purely decorative Glad you asked this question Some images have pure decorative use cases For instance simple background images or images we add for the styling of our website First it s good to note we should always add alt tags There is never a good situation to not have them But with that being said we can have empty alt tags lt img src bg jpg alt gt This is fine if the image doesn t add anything Screen readers will not read the image A quick pro tip though it s a good idea to add role presentation to these images This makes it easier for you to understand that empty alt tags exist for a reason And you can even leverage CSS to showcase missing alt tags and omit those with this tag on them And what about complex graphsIf your graph is super important like for instance browser support the best case is to add it as a visually hidden element table This way screen readers will still be able to read out your table which is essential for the context This however is of course a big commitment and perhaps you can opt to only showcase the most important take aways from the graphic In other cases you could have a more descriptive text explaining the graphic Thank you for reading and let s connect Thank you for reading my blog Feel free to subscribe to my email newsletter and connect on Facebook or Twitter 2022-05-31 07:01:42
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Microsoft Office for Mac lifetime license is still on sale for $49.99 (85% off) https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/26/microsoft-office-for-mac-lifetime-license-is-still-on-sale-for-4999-85-off?utm_medium=rss Microsoft Office for Mac lifetime license is still on sale for off The best Microsoft Office for Mac deal we ve seen is still going strong this Memorial Day with a lifetime Home Business license discounted to under while supplies last Save on a lifetime Microsoft Office for Mac Home Business licenseMicrosoft Office for Mac just Read more 2022-05-31 07:52:06
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 「特定行為研修」関連の申請、7月から電子化-メールで提出を、厚労省 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20220531143015 医療機関 2022-05-31 16:45:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 選択権付債券売買取引状況 https://www.jsda.or.jp/shiryoshitsu/toukei/sentaku/index.html 選択 2022-05-31 09:00:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 インターネット取引に係る株式売買等データ(月次) https://www.jsda.or.jp/shiryoshitsu/toukei/datakaiji.html 株式 2022-05-31 09:00:00
金融 日本銀行:RSS 長期国債買入れ(利回り・価格入札方式)の四半期予定(2022年4~6月)[一部変更] http://www.boj.or.jp/announcements/release_2022/rel220531c.pdf 長期 2022-05-31 17:00:00
金融 日本銀行:RSS 米ドル資金供給オペレーションのオファー日程(2022年6月~8月) http://www.boj.or.jp/announcements/release_2022/rel220531b.pdf 資金供給オペレーション 2022-05-31 17:00:00
金融 日本銀行:RSS CP・社債等買入のオファー日程(2022年6月~7月) http://www.boj.or.jp/announcements/release_2022/rel220531a.pdf 買入 2022-05-31 17:00:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Sapporo District Court rules against reactor restart at Hokkaido nuclear power plant https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/05/31/national/hokkaido-tomari-nuclear-power-reactor-court-sapporo/ Sapporo District Court rules against reactor restart at Hokkaido nuclear power plantThe ruling was made in response to a request by over plaintiffs concerned about safety at the Tomari Nuclear Power Plant 2022-05-31 16:23:36
ニュース BBC News - Home Russian oil: EU agrees compromise deal on banning imports https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-61638860?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA total 2022-05-31 07:10:30
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 予定の「ドタキャン」 コロナ時代の新常態に - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/304087 時代 2022-05-31 16:11:00
ビジネス 不景気.com 愛知銀行が取立不能のおそれ、「高尾」の民事再生で - 不景気com https://www.fukeiki.com/2022/05/aichi-bank-debt-collection5.html 愛知銀行 2022-05-31 07:35:13
ビジネス 不景気.com マレリの事業再生ADRで取引金融機関が取立不能のおそれ - 不景気com https://www.fukeiki.com/2022/05/marelli-debt-waiver.html 事業再生adr 2022-05-31 07:28:16
北海道 北海道新聞 北海道内903人感染 2日連続で千人下回る 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/687729/ 北海道内 2022-05-31 16:12:19
北海道 北海道新聞 女性死体の遺棄容疑で男女再逮捕 愛知県警、死亡経緯も捜査 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/687741/ 女性の遺体 2022-05-31 16:07:00
IT 週刊アスキー 身長制限アリ!?『ヘブンバーンズレッド』でストーリーイベント「進めちびっ子大作戦U140」が配信開始 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/093/4093117/ wrightflyerstudios 2022-05-31 16:45:00
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IT 週刊アスキー タレがうまい! 「タレ弁 油淋鶏」ミニストップから https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/093/4093074/ 鶏もも肉 2022-05-31 16:30:00
マーケティング AdverTimes なぜ、TBWA\HAKUHODOの若手は販促コンペに挑戦するのか? https://www.advertimes.com/20220531/article385633/ tbwahakuhodo 2022-05-31 07:58:38
マーケティング AdverTimes Wunderman Thompsonによるグローバルトレンド予測レポート「The Future 100」最新版をリリース https://www.advertimes.com/20220531/article385662/ future 2022-05-31 07:35:05
マーケティング AdverTimes 東北新社、新社長に小坂取締役 中島氏、伊藤氏は退任 https://www.advertimes.com/20220531/article385635/ 取締役会 2022-05-31 07:07:35



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